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point estimate
151 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
In the cases referred to in point (f) of paragraph 1, the option of using the negotiated procedure shall be pointed out as soon as the first contract is put out to competitive tender, and the total estimated cost of the additional contracts shall be taken into consideration in calculating the thresholds referred to in Article 158. That procedure may be used only during the three years following conclusion of the original contract.
V primerih iz točk (f) odstavka 1 mora naročnik že pri prvi objavi razpisa navesti možnost uporabe postopka s pogajanji, skupna ocenjena vrednost dodatnih naročil pa se upošteva pri računanju mejnih vrednosti iz člena 158. Ta postopek se lahko uporabi samo v treh letih od sklenitve prve pogodbe.
Prevodi: en > sl
point estimate