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review period
151 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
The provisions of this Directive should be reviewed periodically, in particular with a view to determining the need for modification in the light of changing technological or market conditions.
Doloèbe te direktive je treba obèasno pregledati, zlasti da se ugotovi, ali jih je treba spremeniti glede na spreminjajoèe se tehnološke ali tržne razmere.
152 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
The periodic review of such agreements provided for in paragraph 4 of regulation 11 of the special measures to enhance maritime security must take place at intervals of no more than five years.
Redni pregled teh sporazumov, predviden v odstavku 4 pravila 11 posebnih ukrepov za povečanje pomorske zaščite, je treba opraviti v časovnih presledkih, ki niso daljši od petih let.
153 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
7 ensuring that deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance are promptly addressed and dealt with;.
.7 zagotavljanje, da se pomanjkljivosti in neskladja, odkrita med notranjimi revizijami, rednimi pregledi, varnostnimi pregledi in preverjanjem skladnosti, ustrezno obravnavajo in razrešijo;
154 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0836
The measures granted to Cyprus for adapting the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 for a transitional period should be reviewed as soon as possible and should in any case and in accordance with the Act of Accession be limited to a maximum period of three years.
Ukrepe, odobrene Cipru zaradi prilagoditve izvajanja Uredbe (ES) št. 999/2001 v prehodnem obdobju, bi bilo treba čim prej preveriti, in bi morali biti v vsakem primeru in v skladu z Aktom o pristopu omejeni na obdobje največ treh let.
155 Končna redakcija
The parties' home pages (with the exception of the pages of the SNS and the Greens of Slovenia) meet the traditional criteria that reviewers of the web sites most often refer to in specialized periodicals.
Stranke se predstavljajo (izjemi sta SNS in Zeleni Slovenije) na spletnih straneh, ki zadostijo klasičnim kriterijem, na katere se navadno sklicujejo recenzenti spletnih strani v specializirani periodiki.
156 Končna redakcija
Within the period specified for the mid-term and end-of-term reviews, the EDF Committee shall deliver its opinion in accordance with Article 27 on the basis of a document to be provided by the Commission, on:
V obdobju, določenem za revizije sredi in ob koncu obdobja, Odbor ERS v skladu s členom 27 na podlagi dokumenta, ki ga zagotovi Komisija, poda svoje mnenje o:
157 Končna redakcija
(2) In awarding public contracts the value of which exceeds SIT 1,000,000,000, tenderers shall submit their tenders and a copy of tender in two separate envelopes. The tender shall be opened in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and the copy shall remain unopened and shall be submitted simultaneously and directly to the National Review Committee. Authenticity of both copies shall be guaranteed by the tenderer. If the review request was not submitted, the deposited copy shall be returned to the tenderer immediately after the expiration of the period for submission of the review request. If, however, tenderers submit a request for a review, the deposited copy shall be returned to the tenderers immediately after the finished review procedure.
(2) Pri oddaji javnih naročil v vrednosti nad tolarjev mora ponudnik predložiti naročniku ponudbo in kopijo ponudbe v dveh ločenih kuvertah. Ponudba se odpre skladno z določbami tega zakona, kopija pa ostane neodprta in se izroči istočasno in neposredno Državni revizijski komisiji. Za identičnost obeh izvodov ponudbe jamči ponudnik. Če zahtevek za revizijo ni bil vložen, se deponirana kopija vrne ponudniku takoj po poteku roka za vložitev zahtevka za revizijo. Če ponudnik vloži zahtevek za revizijo, se deponirana kopija vrne ponudniku takoj po končanem revizijskem postopku.
158 Končna redakcija
Before the end of the two year period following the date of accession the Council shall review the functioning of the transitional provisions laid down in paragraph 2, on the basis of a report from the Commission.
Pred koncem dveletnega obdobja od dne pristopa Svet na podlagi poročila Komisije ponovno preuči delovanje prehodnih določb iz odstavka 2.
159 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: PP-aa00032
Before the end of the two year period following the date of accession, the Council shall review the functioning of the transitional provisions laid down in paragraph 2, on the basis of a report from the Commission.
Pred koncem dveletnega obdobja od dne pristopa Svet na podlagi poročila Komisije ponovno preuči delovanje prehodnih določb iz odstavka 2.
160 Končna redakcija
The mid-term and end-of-term reviews may lead the Commission to propose a revision of the resource allocation for the next five-year period in the light of the current needs and performance of the ACP State concerned.
Na podlagi revizij sredi in ob koncu obdobja lahko Komisija predlaga revidiranje dodeljenih sredstev za naslednje petletno obdobje z vidika tekočih potreb in uspešnosti države AKP.
161 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
In this context, provision should also be made for periodic reviews of the thresholds expressed in euro so as to adjust them, where necessary, in line with possible variations in the value of the euro in relation to the SDR.
V tem smislu je treba sprejeti tudi določbo o rednih revizijah pragov, izraženih v eurih, in po potrebi njihove prilagoditve morebitnim spremembam vrednosti eura glede na posebne pravice črpanja.
162 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
During the period from 1 July to 15 September 1994, a review of the situation is to be made and a list drawn up of the steps to be taken at each internal border crossing point with a view to implementing the adjustment measures.
V obdobju med 1. julijem in 15. septembrom 1994 je treba opraviti popis obstoječega stanja in sestaviti seznam korakov, ki so na vsakem mejnem prehodu na notranjih mejah potrebni za izpolnitev prilagoditvenih ukrepov.
163 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
5 reporting to the company security officer any deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance and implementing any corrective actions;.
.5 sporočanje varnostnemu uradniku družbe kakršnih koli pomanjkljivosti in neskladij, odkritih med notranjimi revizijami, rednimi pregledi, varnostnimi pregledi in preverjanjem skladnosti, ter uresničevanje kakršnih koli korektivnih ukrepov;
164 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
The Member State concerned shall communicate to the Commission sufficient details of such arrangements when they are adopted, and the outcome of periodic reviews thereof, at the latest five years after they were adopted or last reviewed.
Zadevna država članica sporoči Komisiji ustrezne podatke o teh ureditvah, ko so sprejete, in rezultate njihovih rednih pregledov najkasneje pet let po sprejetju ali zadnjem pregledu teh ureditev.
165 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
In this context, provision should also be made for periodic reviews of the thresholds expressed in euro so as to adjust them, where necessary, in line with possible variations in the value of the euro in relation to the special drawing right.
V tem smislu je treba sprejeti tudi določbo o rednih pregledih pragov, izraženih v eurih, zaradi prilagoditve, če je to potrebno, morebitnim spremembam vrednosti eura glede na posebno pravico črpanja.
166 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0013
The amounts shall be adapted automatically by increasing the base amount in euro by the percentage change in that index over the period between the entry into force of this Directive and the review date and rounded up to a multiple of EUR 100000.
Zneski se samodejno prilagodijo z zvišanjem osnovnega zneska v evrih za odstotek spremembe indeksa v obdobju med začetkom veljave te direktive in datumom revizije ter zaokrožijo na večkratnik 100.000 EUR.
167 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
On a proposal from the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council may renew the provisions concerned in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty and, to that end, they shall review them prior to the expiry of that period.
Na predlog Komisije lahko Evropski parlament in Svet podaljšata veljavnost zadevnih določb v skladu s postopkom iz člena 251 Pogodbe in jih za ta namen revidirata pred iztekom tega obdobja.
168 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0551
In the context of the periodical review referred to in Article 12(2) of the framework Regulation, the Commission shall finalise a prospective study on the conditions for future application of the concepts referred to in Articles 3, 5 and 6 to lower airspace.
V okviru občasnih rednih pregledov iz člena 12(2) okvirne uredbe Komisija konča pričakovano študijo o pogojih za uporabo konceptov iz členov 3, 5 in 6 za spodnji zračni prostor v prihodnje.
169 Končna redakcija
(1) In order to protect the interest of both the contracting entity and the tenderers, the procedure before the National Review Commission shall be efficient and concluded within the shortest period possible while respecting the provisions of the present Act.
(1) Zaradi zavarovanja interesov tako naročnika kot ponudnikov mora biti postopek pred Državno revizijsko komisijo učinkovit in zaključen v najkrajšem možnem času, upoštevaje določbe tega zakona.
170 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0549
The Commission shall periodically review the application of this Regulation and of the measures referred to in Article 3, and shall report to the European Parliament and to the Council, on the first occasion by 20 April 2007, and every three years thereafter.
Komisija redno pregleduje uporabo te uredbe in ukrepov iz člena 3 ter Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu predloži poročilo o tem, prvič 20. aprila 2007, nato pa vsake tri leta.
171 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
4 Such agreements shall be reviewed periodically, taking into account the experience gained as well as any changes in the particular circumstances or the assessed threats to the security of the ships, the port facilities or the routes covered by the agreement.
Ti sporazumi se redno pregledujejo ob upoštevanju pridobljenih izkušenj in kakršnih koli sprememb glede posameznih okoliščin ali ocenjenih groženj za varnost ladij, pristanišč ali poti, ki jih zajema sporazum.
172 Končna redakcija
The Commission shall periodically review the functioning of this Directive and report to the European Parliament and to the Council, on the first occasion not later than three years after the date of application referred to in Article 38(1), second subparagraph.
Komisija redno pregleduje izvajanje te direktive ter o tem prvič poroča Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu najpozneje tri leta po datumu začetka uporabe iz drugega pododstavka člena 38(1).
173 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0025
On a proposal from the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council may renew the provisions concerned in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty and, to that end, they shall review them before the end of the period referred to above.
Evropski parlament in Svet lahko na predlog Komisije v skladu s postopkom iz člena 251 Pogodbe obnovita te določbe in jih zato pregledata pred iztekom zgoraj navedenega obdobja.
174 Končna redakcija
At the end of the five-year period and without prejudice to the rights and obligations under the Agreement, the Contracting Parties will in the light of Article 115 of the Agreement review the need to address economic and social disparities within the European Economic Area.
Pogodbenice bodo ob koncu petletnega obdobja in brez poseganja v pravice in obveznosti v skladu s Sporazumom, glede na člen 115 ponovno pregledale potrebo po obravnavanju gospodarskih in socialnih razlik v Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru.
175 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
Consequently, the Commission should, before 1 November each year, review the volumes put into free circulation during the preceding period from 1 October to 31 May, and should adopt provisions to implement any necessary adjustment of the volume of the additional tariff quota.
Zato bi morala Komisija vsako leto pred 1. novembrom preučiti količine, sproščene v prosti promet med predhodnim obdobjem od 1. oktobra do 31. maja, in bi morala sprejeti določbe, da bi izvedla vse potrebne prilagoditve obsega dodatne tarifne kvote.
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review period