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151 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
According to the Judgment, this method, which is set out in the second sentence of Article 2(11) of the basic Regulation, can only be used if, in addition to a finding of an export pattern which differs significantly among different purchasers, regions or time periods, it is explained why the two first methods specified in the first sentence of Article 2(11) (which are also called "symmetrical methods") do not allow for these differences in the pattern of export prices to be taken appropriately into account and thus to reflect the full degree of dumping being practised.
V skladu s Sodbo se ta metoda, ki je določena v drugem stavku člena 2(11) osnovne uredbe, lahko uporablja le, če je ob ugotovitvi, da se izvozni vzorec po posameznih kupcih, regijah ali časovnih obdobjih močno razlikuje, dana razlaga, zakaj prvi dve metodi, navedeni v prvem stavku člena 2(11) (ki se imenujeta tudi "simetrični metodi"), ne dovoljujeta, da bi se te razlike v vzorcu izvoznih cen ustrezno upoštevale in tako izrazile popoln obseg izvajanega dampinga.
152 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
DRUGO: 025-12-0192-2009-1
By an agreement (hereinafter called the " Finance Contract ") signed on 2 March 2009 in Ljubljana between the Bank and Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Regional Development and Development of Rural Areas, hereinafter called the ` Borrower ` ), the Bank has agreed to establish in favour of the Borrower a credit in an amount equivalent to EUR 30,000,000.00 (thirty million euros) to be used to co-finance a number of investments carried out in Slovenia by local municipalities and companies, notably SMEs (hereinafter called the " Projects " or individually the ` Project ` ).
da s pogodbo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: » finančna pogodba «), podpisano 2. marca 2009 v Ljubljani med banko in Javnim skladom Republike Slovenije za regionalni razvoj in razvoj podeželja (v nadaljnjem besedilu: » kreditojemalec «), banka soglaša, da bo kreditojemalcu dala kredit v vrednosti 30.000.000,00 EUR (trideset milijonov evrov) za sofinanciranje več naložb občin in podjetij, zlasti MSP (v nadaljnjem besedilu: » projekti « ali posamezno » projekt «).
153 Končna redakcija
(1) Related persons under this Act shall mean legally independent persons related in terms of management, capital or otherwise in such a way that they, due to the said relations, either jointly develop their business policy and carry out concerted actions so as to attain joint business objectives, or that one of the persons can direct the other or exert significant influence upon its decision-making as regards financing and business, or in such a way that the operations of one person or its business results significantly influence the operations or business results of another person.
(1) Povezane osebe po tem zakonu so pravno samostojne osebe, ki so med seboj upravljalsko, kapitalsko ali kako drugače povezane tako, da zaradi navedenih povezav skupno oblikujejo poslovno politiko in delujejo usklajeno z namenom doseganja skupnih poslovnih ciljev, oziroma tako, da ima ena oseba možnost usmerjati drugo ali bistveno vplivati nanjo pri odločanju o financiranju in poslovanju, oziroma tako, da poslovanje ene osebe oziroma njeni rezultati poslovanja lahko pomembno vplivajo na poslovanje oziroma rezultate poslovanja druge osebe.
154 Končna redakcija
The Community and the Member States, having in mind fundamental social rights such as those set out in the European Social Charter signed at Turin on 18 October 1961 and in the 1989 Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers, shall have as their objectives the promotion of employment, improved living and working conditions, so as to make possible their harmonisation while the improvement is being maintained, proper social protection, dialogue between management and labour, the development of human resources with a view to lasting high employment and the combating of exclusion.
Skupnost in države članice si ob upoštevanju temeljnih socialnih pravic, kakor so določene v Evropski socialni listini, podpisani v Torinu 18. oktobra 1961, in v Listini Skupnosti o temeljnih socialnih pravicah delavcev iz leta 1989, prizadevajo za naslednje cilje: spodbujanje zaposlovanja, izboljšanje življenjskih razmer in delovnih pogojev, tako da se ob ohranjanju izboljšav omogoči njihova uskladitev, ustrezno socialno zaščito, dialog med socialnimi partnerji, razvoj človeških virov za trajno visoko zaposlenost in boj proti izključenosti.
155 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0050
Pursuant to Article 136 of the Treaty, the Community and the Member States, taking note of fundamental political principles, such as those set out in the European Social Charter signed at Turin on 18 October 1961, the revised Social Charter of the Council of Europe (1996), in particular in Article 30 thereof on the right to protection against poverty and social exclusion, and in the 1989 Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers, and bearing in mind also the rights and principles recognised by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union(5) proclaimed jointly by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on 7 December 2000, shall have as an objective the combating of exclusion.
V skladu s členom 136 Pogodbe je cilj Skupnosti in držav članic ob upoštevanju temeljnih političnih načel, kakršna določajo Evropska socialna listina, podpisana v Torinu 18. oktobra 1961, revidirana Socialna listina Sveta Evrope (1996), zlasti člen 30 o pravici do zaščite pred revščino in socialno izključenostjo, in Listina Skupnosti o temeljnih pravicah delavcev iz leta 1989, ob upoštevanju pravic in načel, ki jih priznava Listina temeljnih pravic Evropske unije(), ki so jo 7. decembra 2000 skupno razglasili Evropski parlament, Svet in Komisija, boj proti izključitvi.
156 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0870
The wide range of activities carried out in the Member States (by a public sector body or natural or legal persons) and by various international organisations and programmes such as FAO, the European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), the Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) regional and subregional organisations supported by the Community, the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) of National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources, the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) and the related commitments of the ongoing Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE) to which the Community is signatory call for an effective information exchange and close coordination between the Community main actors and with the relevant organisations throughout the world with regard to the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture so as to enhance their positive impact on agriculture.
Široka paleta dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo države članice (organi v javnem sektorju ali fizične ali pravne osebe) in različne mednarodne organizacije in programi, kot so FAO, Evropski skupni program za omrežja rastlinskih genskih virov (European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), Posvetovalna skupina za mednarodne kmetijske raziskave (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), Svetovni forum za kmetijske raziskave (Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), regionalne in podregionalne organizacije Kmetijske raziskave za razvoj (Agricultural Research for Development (ARD), ki jih podpira Skupnost, Evropska regionalna središčna točka (European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) nacionalnih koordinatorjev za upravljanje genskih virov domačih živali (National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources), Evropski program gozdnih genskih virov (European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) in s tem povezane obveze stalne Ministrske konference o zaščiti gozdov v Evropi (Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE), katere podpisnica je Skupnost, zahteva učinkovito izmenjavo informacij in tesno sodelovanje med glavnimi akterji v Skupnosti in z zadevnimi organizacijami po vsem svetu glede ohranjanja, karakterizacije, zbiranja in uporabe genskih virov v kmetijstvu, da se poveča njihov pozitiven učinek na kmetijstvo.
157 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R1590
The wide range of activities carried out in the Member States (by a public-sector body or natural or legal persons) and by various international organisations and programmes such as FAO, the European Cooperative Programme for Crop Genetic Resources Networks (ECP/GR), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), the Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) regional and subregional organisations supported by the Community, the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) of National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources, the European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (Euforgen) and the related commitments of the ongoing Ministerial Conference on the protection of forests in Europe (MCPFE), to which the Community is signatory, call for an effective information exchange and close coordination between the Community main actors and with the relevant organisations throughout the world with regard to the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture so as to enhance their positive impact on agriculture.
Širok razpon dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo države članice (prek organov javnega sektorja ali fizičnih ali pravnih oseb) in različne mednarodne organizacije, in programi, kot je FAO, Evropski program sodelovanja za omrežja na področju genskih virov poljščin (ECP/GR), Posvetovalna skupina za mednarodne raziskave v kmetijstvu (CGIAR), Svetovni forum za raziskave v kmetijstvu (GFAR), Regionalne in subregionalne organizacije za kmetijske raziskave za razvoj (ARD), ki jih podpira Skupnost, Evropska regionalna kontaktna točka (ERFP) za nacionalne koordinatorje na področju upravljanja genskih virov rejnih živali, Program genskih virov evropskih gozdov (Euforgen) in s tem povezane zaveze, sprejete na tekoči ministrski konferenci o zaščiti gozdov v Evropi (MCPFE), katerega podpisnica je Skupnost, pozivajo k učinkoviti izmenjavi informacij in tesnemu sodelovanju med glavnimi akterji Skupnosti in ustreznimi organizacijami po vsem svetu glede ohranjanja, opisovanja, zbiranja in uporabe genskih virov v kmetijstvu, da bi povečali njihov pozitivni vpliv na kmetijstvo.
158 Pravna redakcija
Immunity tests can then be carried out by varying the frequency of the induced signals.
Odpornost se preskuša ob spreminjanju frekvence induciranih signalov.
159 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
The procedure to be followed shall be set out in an internal memorandum signed by the Director.
Zahtevani postopek se določi z internim memorandumom, ki ga podpiše direktor.
160 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
the export prices for Hong Kong set out in the review request were significantly below this threshold.
so bile izvozne cene za Hongkong, navedene v zahtevi za pregled, bistveno pod to mejo.
161 Pravna redakcija
A check will be carried out to establish whether the ship they have signed on is berthed there or expected.
Preveri se, ali je ladja, na kateri so že zasidrana v pristanišču ali bo tja šele priplula.
162 Pravna redakcija
recalling the principles set out in the Solemn Joint Declaration signed by the Parties on 22 December 1994,
ob sklicevanju na načela, opredeljena v Slovesni skupni izjavi, ki sta jo pogodbenici podpisali 22. decembra 1994,
163 Pravna redakcija
(Stamp of the competent body which carried out vinification and signature of competent official of that body)
(Žig pristojne službe, ki je opravila vinifikacijo, in podpis pristojnega uradnika te službe)
164 Pravna redakcija
The outcome of programming discussions shall be set out in a multiannual indicative programme signed by both Parties.
Rezultat razprav o programiranju se navede v večletnem okvirnem programu, ki ga podpišeta obe pogodbenici.
165 Pravna redakcija
After the contract was signed with Atos, the actual amount turned out to be less than the estimate, i.e. FRF 38 577 191.
Po podpisu pogodbe z Atosom se je izkazalo, da je dejanski znesek nižji od predvidenega, to je 38.577.191 FRF.
166 Pravna redakcija
The experimental results shall be set out clearly and, for certain types of tests, their statistical significance quoted.
Eksperimentalne rezultate je treba jasno predstaviti ter za določene vrste preskusov navesti statistično značilnost.
167 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
In the event that the checks reveal significant irregularities, the competent authorities shall carry out additional checks.
Če se pri preverjanju odkrijejo znatne nepravilnosti, pristojni organi opravijo dodatne preglede.
168 Pravna redakcija
The Authorising Officer and another member of staff shall carry out and sign for the verification referred to in paragraph l(d).
Odredbodajalec in še en član osebja izvedeta preverjanje, omenjeno v odstavku 1(d), in se zanj podpišeta.
169 Pravna redakcija
the financial situation and the events that had a significant influence on the activities carried out during the financial year.
finančnega položaja in dogodkov, ki so bistveno vplivali na dejavnosti, opravljene v proračunskem letu.
170 Pravna redakcija
Notifications by e-mail shall be signed electronically and shall only be sent between the contact points set out in Appendix XI.A.
Obvestila po elektronski pošti so opremljena z elektronskim podpisom in se pošiljajo samo med kontaktnimi točkami iz Dodatka XI.A.
171 Pravna redakcija
involve anticompetitive activities (other than a merger or acquisition) carried out in significant part in the other Party's territory;
zajemajo protikonkurenčne dejavnosti (razen združitve ali prevzema), ki se izvajajo na precejšnjem delu ozemlja druge pogodbenice;
172 Pravna redakcija
In that event the policy-holder shall sign a statement, the text of which is set out, under item A in the Annex, expressly so requesting.
V tem primeru zavarovalec podpiše izjavo, katere besedilo je navedeno pod točko A Priloge, da to izrecno zahteva.
173 Pravna redakcija
For conformity assessment functional tests shall be carried out jointly with rolling stock and control-command and signalling subsystems.
Za ocena skladnosti se funkcionalni preskusi izvedejo skupaj s podsistemoma železniški vozni park in upravljanje-vodenje in signalizacija.
174 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2237
Every on-the-spot check shall be the subject of an inspection report signed by the inspector giving the details of the checks carried out.
Za vsak pregled na kraju samem mora biti sestavljeno inšpekcijsko poročilo, ki ga podpiše inšpektor in ki vsebuje podrobnosti o opravljenih pregledih.
175 Pravna redakcija
To this end the signatories will attach highest priority to the completion of a document setting out the strategies and policies of each of the signatories for the abatement of air pollution caused by sulphur compounds.
V ta namen podpisnice pripisujejo največjo prednost dokončanju dokumentov, ki določajo strategije in politike vsake od podpisnic za zmanjševanje onesnaževanja zraka z žveplovimi spojinami.
176 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0151
As already pointed out in recital 40, Russian GOES producers have significant spare capacity available which they could use to supply export markets.
Kot je navedeno že v uvodni izjavi 40, imajo ruski proizvajalci GOES na razpolago velike neizkoriščene zmogljivosti, ki bi jih lahko uporabili za oskrbo izvoznih trgov.
177 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
The name and signature of the representative of the competent authority who has checked the register and the date on which the check was carried out.
Ime in podpis predstavnika pristojnega organa, ki je pregledal register, in datum pregleda.
178 Pravna redakcija
Projects may be carried out on an annual basis, and may be renewed, but may not however exceed five years from the date on which the contract is signed.
Projekti se izvajajo na letni podlagi in se lahko podaljšajo, vendar pa ne smejo trajati dlje kakor pet let od datuma podpisa pogodbe.
179 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Two exporting producers argued that the consumption in the Community set out in recital 65 of the provisional duty Regulation was significantly incorrect.
Dva proizvajalca - izvoznika sta ugovarjala, da je poraba Skupnosti, kot je navedena v uvodni izjavi 65 uredbe o začasni dajatvi, očitno napačna.
180 Pravna redakcija
Community transit documents made out in accordance with paragraph 1 shall contain in the box reserved for the principal's signature one of the following phrases:
Dokumenti za skupnostni tranzit, izpolnjeni v skladu z odstavkom 1, vsebujejo v polju, predvidenem za podpis glavnega zavezanca, eno od naslednjih besedil:
181 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0440
All steps of the preparation must be carried out without any significant ethanol loss through evaporation that would change the isotopic composition of the sample.
Vse faze priprave se mora izvesti brez občutne izgube etanola z izhlapevanjem, ki bi spremenila izotopsko sestavo vzorca.
182 Pravna redakcija
Control copy T5 forms made out in accordance with paragraph 1 shall contain in the box reserved for the signature of the declarant one of the following endorsements:
Obrazci kontrolnega izvoda T5, izpolnjeni v skladu z odstavkom 1, vsebujejo v polju, predvidenem za podpis deklaranta, eno od naslednjih besedil:
183 Pravna redakcija
the political objective is to carry out the structural adjustment both on land and at sea in such a way that public grants and cross-subsidies are significantly reduced.
politični cilj je izvedba strukturne prilagoditve na kopnem in na morju na takšen način, da se znatno zmanjšajo javna nepovratna sredstva in navzkrižne subvencije.
184 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
The GOA pointed out that the Community industry's profitability significantly improved over the period considered, namely from a loss of around 4 % to a profit of over 6 %.
Avstralska vlada je poudarila, da se je dobičkonosnost industrije Skupnosti v obravnavanem obdobju bistveno izboljšala, in sicer s približno 4 % izgube na več kot 6 % dobiček.
185 Pravna redakcija
Representatives acting before the Office must file with it a signed authorization for insertion on the files, the details of which are set out in the Implementing Regulation.
Zastopniki, ki delujejo pred Uradom, morajo pri njem oddati podpisano pooblastilo za vnos v spise, katerega podrobnosti določa izvršilna uredba.
186 Pravna redakcija
recalling the principles set out in the Solemn Joint Declaration signed in Paris on 2 May 1995 by the Commission and the Council, of the one part, and Mexico, of the other part,
ob sklicevanju na načela, opredeljena v Slovesni skupni deklaraciji, ki so jo v Parizu 2. maja 1995 podpisali Komisija in Svet na eni strani ter Mehika na drugi strani,
187 Pravna redakcija
The T2L documents or the commercial documents made out in accordance with paragraph 1 shall contain in place of the authorized consignor's signature one of the following phrases:
Dokumenti T2L ali komercialni dokumenti, izpolnjeni v skladu z odstavkom 1, na mestu podpisa pooblaščenega pošiljatelja vsebujejo eno od naslednjih besedil:
188 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31964L0432
If such signs are observed, clinical, bacteriological and, if necessary, serological tests must be carried out under official supervision to establish that the symptoms are non-brucellic;
Če se take znake opazi, je treba pod uradnim nadzorom opraviti klinične, bakteriološke in, če je to potrebno, serološke teste, da se ugotovi, da ne gre za simptome bruceloze;
189 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31988R1956
Any vessel or helicopter assigned to the scheme and carrying an inspector shall display the following signals to indicate that the inspector is carrying out an inspection under the scheme:
Vsako plovilo ali helikopter, ki je dodeljen programu in prevaža inšpektorja, da naslednje signale, s katerimi da vedeti, da inšpektor opravlja pregled po programu:
190 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0584
(4) On 22 June 1998 a Protocol of Amendment setting out a simplified procedure to amend the Appendices to the Convention has been opened for signature by the Signatories to the Convention.
(4) Protokol o spremembah, ki določa poenostavljeni postopek za spremembo dodatkov Konvencije, je bil 22. junija 1998 na voljo za podpis državam podpisnicam Konvencije.
191 Pravna redakcija
The Council should therefore authorise the Member States to sign, ratify or accede to the Bunkers Convention in the interest of the Community, under the conditions set out in this Decision.
Svet zato pooblasti države članice, da v interesu Skupnosti podpišejo Konvencijo o gorivih, jo ratificirajo ali pristopijo k njej v skladu s pogoji, navedenimi v tej odločbi.
192 Pravna redakcija
the results of the assessment and measurement of the noise carried out in accordance with Article 4 of this Directive together with an explanation of their significance and potential risks;
rezultatih ocen in meritev hrupa, opravljenih v skladu s členom 4 te direktive, skupaj s obrazložitvijo njihovega pomena in potencialnih tveganj;
193 Pravna redakcija
Whereas model health certificates set out in recent Commission Decisions include a declaration by the signatory that he is aware of the Community legislative provisions referred to therein;
ker vzorci zdravstvenih spričeval, določeni v nedavni odločbi Komisije, vključujejo izjavo podpisnika, da je seznanjen z zakonskimi določbami Skupnosti, navedenimi v spričevalu;
194 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
ii(i) Any vessel or helicopter assigned to the scheme and carrying an inspector shall display the following signals to indicate that the inspector is carrying out inspections under the scheme:
ii(i) Vsako plovilo ali helikopter, ki je dodeljen za program in na katerem je inšpektor, mora dati naslednje signale, s katerimi da vedeti, da inšpektor opravlja inšpekcijske preglede v okviru programa:
195 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0037
Each consignment shall be accompanied by a numbered original health certificate in accordance with the model set out in Annex I and comprising a single sheet, duly completed, signed and dated.
Vsako pošiljk mora spremljati oštevilčeno originalno zdravstveno spričevalo v skladu z vzorcem iz Priloge I, na enem listu, pravilno izpolnjenem, podpisanem in datiranem.
196 Pravna redakcija
during ante and post-mortem inspection carried out at the designated slaughterhouse, the competent authority shall take into account any signs relating to the presence of classical swine fever,
pristojni organ med ante-in postmortalnimi pregledi, ki jih je opravila izbrana klavnica, upošteva vsak znak, ki se nanaša na prisotnost klasične prašičje kuge,
197 Pravna redakcija
Where sums paid out by way of legal aid pursuant to Article 76 (5) of the Rules of Procedure are recoverable, payment of the sums shall be demanded by registered letter, signed by the Registrar.
Kadar je treba zneske, plačane s pravno pomočjo skladno s členom 76 (5) Poslovnika, vrniti, se zahteva plačilo zneskov s priporočenim pismom, ki ga podpiše sodni tajnik.
198 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0538
each consignment must be acompanied by a numbered original health certificate, duly completed, signed, dated and comprising a single sheet in accordance with the model set out in Annex A hereto;
vsako pošiljko mora spremljati oštevilčeno izvirno zdravstveno spričevalo, pravilno izpolnjeno, podpisano, z datumom, ki obsega en sam list, v skladu z vzorcem iz Priloge A tej odločbi;
199 Pravna redakcija
each consignment must be accompanied by a numbered original health certificate, duly completed, signed, dated and comprising a single sheet in accordance with the model set out in Annex A hereto;
vsako pošiljko mora spremljati oštevilčeno originalno zdravstveno spričevalo na enem listu, ustrezno izpolnjeno, podpisano, datirano, v skladu z vzorcem, določenim v Prilogi A k tej odločbi;
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