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single market
151 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0006
(3) The Commission Communication of 11 May 1999 entitled "Implementing the framework for financial markets: action plan" identifies a series of actions that are needed in order to complete the single market for financial services.
(3) Sporočilo Komisije z dne 11. maja 1999 z naslovom "Izvajanje okvirne strukture za finančne trge: akcijski načrt" opredeljuje vrsto ukrepov, ki so potrebni za dovršitev enotnega trga za finančne storitve.
152 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the establishment of a single market would be jeopardized by the granting of certain aids; whereas, therefore, the provisions of the Treaty which allow the assessment of aids granted by Member States and the prohibition of those which are incompatible with the common market should be made to apply to poultrymeat;
ker bi se z odobritvijo nekaterih pomoči ogrozila vzpostavitev enotnega trga; ker je zato treba predvideti, da določbe Pogodbe, ki omogočajo presojo pomoči, ki jih dodeljujejo države članice in prepoved tistih pomoči, ki so nezdružjive s skupnim trgom, veljajo za perutninsko meso;
153 Pravna redakcija
the European Commission shall be responsible for overall coordination, inspections/audits of inspection systems and the necessary legislative action to ensure uniform application of standards and requirements within the Single Market.
Evropska komisija je odgovorna za vsesplošno koordinacijo, inšpekcije/revizije inšpekcijskih sistemov in za zakonodajne ukrepe, ki so potrebni, da se zagotovi enotna uporaba standardov in zahtev v okviru enotnega trga.
154 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Though not third countries, the OCTs do not form part of the single market and must comply with the obligations imposed on third countries in respect of trade, notably rules of origin, health and plant health standards and safeguard measures.
Čeprav ČDO niso tretje države, niso del enotnega trga in morajo upoštevati obveznosti, ki jih imajo tretje države v zvezi s trgovino, predvsem pravila o poreklu, standarde za zdravje in zdravstveno varstvo rastlin ter zaščitne ukrepe.
155 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
A single-animal test should be considered if marked effects are anticipated.
Če se pričakujejo izraziti učinki, je treba razmisliti o preskusu na eni sami živali.
156 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1228
7. In order not to risk creating or aggravating problems related to any dominant position of market participant(s), capping of the amount of capacity that can be bought/possessed/used by any single market participant in an auction shall be seriously considered by the competent regulatory authorities in the design of any auction mechanisms.
7. Pristojni regulativni organi pri oblikovanju dražbenih mehanizmov resno upoštevajo zamejitev količine zmogljivosti, ki jo posamezni udeleženec na trgu lahko kupi/poseduje/uporablja na dražbi, da ne tvegajo pojava ali slabšanja težav, povezanih s katerim koli prevladujočim položajem udeleženca(-ev) na trgu.
157 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in the interests of verification and in order to take full advantage of the Single Market for inward processing operations using a single authorization provided for in Article 556 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93, provision should be made for a document to be used for operations in which the import goods are imported before export of the compensating products obtained from the equivalent goods;
ker bi bilo treba v interesu preverjanja in zaradi upoštevanja vseh prednosti enotnega trga za postopke aktivnega oplemenitenja z uporabo enega samega dovoljenja, predvidenega v členu 556(2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93, izdelati določbo, da se uporabi dokument za postopke, pri katerih je uvozno blago uvoženo pred izvozom pridobljenih proizvodov, dobljenih iz enakovrednega blaga;
158 Pravna redakcija
In order to establish uniform rules applicable within the Community and to simplify administrative formalities for businesses and individuals, the Community rules should be reviewed in the light of experience and of the requirements of the single market.
Za oblikovanje enotnih pravil, ki se uporabljajo v Skupnosti, in poenostavitev upravnih formalnosti za podjetja in posameznike je treba pregledati predpise Skupnosti glede na izkušnje in potrebe enotnega trga.
159 Pravna redakcija
support measures to increase the attractiveness of the region to investors, particularly through the creation of a larger market, encouraging the alignment of policies relating to the EU single market, improving the regulatory framework, ensuring fair and equitable treatment of investors and raising awareness in the EU of investment opportunities in the region,
podpirala ukrepe za povečanje privlačnosti območja za investitorje, zlasti z ustvarjanjem večjega tržišča, spodbujanjem uskladitve politik, ki se nanašajo na notranji trg EU, izboljšanjem normativne ureditve, zagotavljanjem poštenega in enakega obravnavanja investitorjev in z boljšim ozaveščanjem znotraj EU o priložnostih za investiranje na območju,
160 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0068
Whereas in order to encourage such trade it is advisable to remove those disparities and introduce Community-wide rules on the marketing of ovine and caprine animals in such trade; whereas that objective will also contribute to the completion of the single market;
ker je za spodbujanje takšnega trgovanja priporočljivo, da se te neskladnosti odpravi in da se uvede pravila, ki bi veljala po vsej Skupnosti za trženje ovc in koz v okviru tega trgovanja; ker bo ta cilj prispeval tudi k dokončni vzpostavitvi enotnega trga;
161 Pravna redakcija
Whereas on 15 May 1991 the said Policy Coordination Group mandated experts from each of the Member States at that time who, as the Single Market 1992 Experts' Group, submitted reports containing a set of proposals on 27 March 1992, 11 June 1993 and 9 February 1994;
ker je navedena Skupina za usklajevanje politike 15. maja 1991 imenovala strokovnjake iz vsake države članice v tistem času, ki so kot Skupina strokovnjakov enotnega trga 1992 predložili poročila z vrsto predlogov z dne 27. marca 1992, 11. junija 1993 in 9. februarja 1994;
162 Pravna redakcija
as regards the territory where the transformation must have occurred, the situation in the European Community as a whole must be considered, given the Community-wide scope of the Regulation and the consideration of the European Community as comprising a single market.
glede ozemlja, kjer je moralo priti do predelave, je treba upoštevati položaj v Evropski skupnosti kot celoti, ker Uredba velja za vso Skupnost in velja Evropska skupnost kot enotni trg.
163 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the achievement of the Single Market requires the removal of all barriers to trade not only between the Member States of the Community as constituted on 31 December 1985 but also, to the greatest possible extent, between those Member States and Spain and Portugal;
ker vzpostavitev enotnega trga zahteva odstranitev vseh trgovinskih ovir, ne le med državami članicami, ki so bile vključene v Skupnost 31. decembra 1985, temveč v največji možni meri med temi državami članicami ter med Španijo in Portugalsko;
164 Pravna redakcija
whereas to bring about this single market and to increase its unity a legal framework which facilitates the adaptation of their activities to the economic conditions of the Community should be created for natural persons, companies, firms and other legal bodies in particular;
ker bi bilo treba za uresničitev enotnega trga in povečanje njegove enotnosti, zlasti za fizične osebe, družbe in druge pravne osebe oblikovati pravni okvir, ki bi ugodno vplival na prilagoditev njihovih dejavnosti gospodarskim razmeram v Skupnosti;
165 Pravna redakcija
The purpose of the programme is to facilitate the economic and social development of the region and enable it to benefit from the advantages of the single market of which it is an integral part despite the objective factors leaving it geographically and economically isolated.
Namen programa je pospešiti gospodarski in družbeni razvoj regije in ji omogočiti, da izkoristi prednosti enotnega trga, katerega sestavni del je, kljub objektivnim dejavnikom, zaradi katerih je geografsko in gospodarsko osamljena.
166 Pravna redakcija
The purpose of the programme is to facilitate the economic and social development of those regions and enable them to benefit from the advantages of the single market of which they are an integral part despite the objective factors leaving them geographically and economically isolated.
Namen tega programa je pospešiti gospodarski in socialni razvoj teh regij in jim omogočiti, da izkoristijo prednosti enotnega trga, katerega sestavni del so, kljub objektivnim dejavnikom, zaradi katerih so geografsko in gospodarsko osamljene.
167 Pravna redakcija
ISO 105 C06 (single wash, at temperature as marked on the product, with perborate powder).
ISO 105 C06 (enojno pranje, pri temperaturi, kot je označena na proizvodu, s praški s perboratom).
168 Pravna redakcija
The fact that the designation "Feta" is used in the common customs nomenclature or in Community legislation on export refunds has no influence on the perception, knowledge and protection in the single market of the designation concerned, since that legislation is not relevant in this context.
Dejstvo, da se označba "Feta" uporablja v skupni carinski nomenklaturi ali v pravilih Skupnosti o izvoznih nadomestilih, ne vpliva na razumevanje, poznavanje in zaščito zadevne označbe na skupnem trgu, kajti zakonodaja Skupnosti v tem smislu ni ustrezna.'
169 Pravna redakcija
The entry into force of the Single Market in 1993 led to the introduction of a system for the statistical measurement of trade in goods between Member States (Intrastat), a lessening of the burden on information providers and thus a more appropriate response to the needs of economic and monetary union.
Začetek veljavnosti enotnega trga leta 1993 je povzročil nastanek sistema za statistično merjenje blagovne menjave med državami članicami (Intrastat), kar je omogočilo razbremenitev posredovalcev podatkov in s tem primernejše reagiranje na potrebe ekonomske in monetarne unije.
170 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the creation of a single Community market for pigmeat involves the introduction of a single trading system at the external frontiers of the Community;
ker vzpostavitev enotnega trga Skupnosti za prašičje meso vključuje uvedbo enotnega trgovinskega sistema na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti;
171 Pravna redakcija
CONSIDERING the need for a lasting solution to the problems caused by trans-Alpine transit in a way that safeguards the quality of life of local residents, protects the environment and helps, by more efficient traffic management, complete the European Community's single market and the European Economic Area;
upoštevajoč potrebo po trajni rešitvi težav, ki jih povzroča čezalpski tranzitni promet, na način, ki varuje kakovost življenja lokalnih prebivalcev, ščiti okolje in z učinkovitejšim upravljanjem prometa pomaga pri vzpostavljanju enotnega trga Evropske skupnosti in Evropskega gospodarskega prostora;
172 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the creation of a single Community market for beef and veal involves the introduction of a single trading system at the external frontiers of the Community;
ker vzpostavitev enotnega trga za goveje in telečje meso v Skupnosti zajema tudi uvedbo enotnega sistema trgovanja na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti;
173 Pravna redakcija
The Commission report on the second phase of the SLIM exercise (Simpler Legislation for the Single Market) recommended that a study be carried out to determine what details should be required for VAT purposes when drawing up an invoice and what the legal and technical requirements are as regards electronic invoicing.
Poročilo Komisije o drugi fazi izvajanja SLIM (Enostavnejša zakonodaja za enotni trg) je priporočalo, da se izvede študija, da se določi kateri podatki so potrebni za namene DDV pri sestavljanju računa in kakšne so zakonske in tehnične zahteve glede elektronskega izdajanja računov.
174 Pravna redakcija
This development will cover the adaptation of existing regulations, as well as the support for the major European policies, in particular, the single market, enlargement, economic and monetary policy, the information society, employment, as well as support for the structural indicators underlying the Union's annual report.
Poleg prilagajanja obstoječih uredb bo zajel podporo glavnim evropskim politikam, zlasti enotnemu trgu, širitvi, ekonomski in monetarni politiki, informacijski družbi, zaposlovanju, pa tudi podporo strukturnim kazalnikom, na katerih sloni letno poročilo Unije.
175 Pravna redakcija
whereas in order to create a market of this kind and make it increasingly a single market, not only must be barriers to free movement of goods and services be removed and arrangements be instituted which ensure that competition is not distorted, but, in addition, legal conditions must be created which enable undertakings to adapt their activities to the scale of the Community, whether in manufacturing and distributing goods or in providing services;
ker za to, da bi ustvarili tovrsten trg in ga v čedalje večji meri spreminjali v enotni trg, ni nujno le odstraniti ovir prostemu gibanju blaga in storitev in vzpostaviti ureditev, ki zagotavlja, da se konkurenca ne izkrivlja, temveč ustvariti tudi pravne pogoje, ki omogočajo, da podjetja prilagodijo svoje dejavnosti obsegu Skupnosti, pa naj bo to pri distribuciji blaga ali izvajanju storitev;
176 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Each operator referred to in point 4.2 uses a single postal network to compete in a variety of markets.
Vsak operater iz točke 4.2 uporablja eno samo poštno omrežje za konkuriranje na različnih trgih.
177 Pravna redakcija
In view of the establishment of the single market in the Community, which entails the abolition of boundaries between Member States, the authorities responsible for supervising the stocking and marketing of wine products must have the necessary means to carry out effective checks in accordance with uniform rules laid down at Community level.
Glede na uvedbo enotnega trga v Skupnosti, ki vključuje odpravo meja med državami članicami, morajo imeti organi, pristojni za nadzor zalog in trženja proizvodov iz grozdja in vina, potrebna sredstva za izvajanje učinkovitih preverjanj v skladu z enotnimi pravili, določenimi na ravni Skupnosti.
178 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0273
(3) At the same time as a result of accession the single market will expand to cover much of central Europe, and certain Member States, notably Austria, Germany, and Italy will cease to be the Eastern border of the Community with third countries, and certain of the existing land border inspection posts in these Member States will cease to function as such.
(3) Hkrati se bo zaradi pristopa enotni trg razširil in zajel večji del Srednje Evrope, nekatere države članice, predvsem Avstrija, Nemčija in Italija, ne bodo več predstavljale vzhodne meje Skupnosti s tretjimi državami in nekatere obstoječe mejne kontrolne točke v teh državah članicah bodo prenehale delovati v takšnem smislu.
179 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1697
In this respect it should be noted that the Community is considered as one single market for the purpose of anti-dumping investigations and it is normal practice that, in order fully to reflect the undercutting level, the undercutting calculation is made comparing the prices of each exporting producer to the average prices of the Community industry as a whole.
V zvezi s tem je treba omeniti, da se pri protidampinških preiskavah Skupnost obravnava kot enoten trg in običajna praksa je takšna, da se zaradi celovite ponazoritve ravni nelojalnega nižanja cen opravi izračun s primerjavo cen vsakega proizvajalca izvoznika s povprečnimi cenami industrije Skupnosti kot celote.
180 Pravna redakcija
The Committee noted incidentally that 'a significant proportion of production outside Greece is exported to non-member countries and has no influence on the situation of the designation "Feta" in the single market' and that 'the absence of production and consumption in a number of Member States does not affect the generic or non-generic nature of the designation'.
Odbor je sicer ugotovil, da se "znatni delež proizvodnje zunaj Grčije izvaža v države nečlanice, kar ne vpliva na položaj označbe "Feta" na skupnem trgu" in da "odsotnost proizvodnje in porabe v številnih državah članicah ne vpliva na generično ali negenerično naravo označbe".
181 Pravna redakcija
Whereas this last provision leads in some cases to continuing differences between Member States as regards the maximum permissible levels for these pesticide residues, which can help to create barriers to trade and thus hinder the free movement of goods within the Community; whereas, with a view to achieving the single market in 1992, these barriers should be removed;
ker zaradi te zadnje določbe v nekaterih primerih obstajajo nenehne razlike med državami članicami glede mejnih vrednosti za navedene ostanke pesticidov, kar lahko vodi k ustvarjanju trgovinskih ovir in tako ovira prost pretok blaga znotraj Skupnosti; ker je z namenom, da bi dosegli enotni trg v letu 1992, te ovire treba odstraniti,
182 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the creatin of a single Community market for cereals involves, apart from a system of guaranteed prices, the introduction of a single trading system at the external frontiers of the Community;
ker oblikovanje enotnega trga Skupnosti za žita, poleg sistema zajamčenih cen vključuje uvedbo enotnega trgovinskega sistema na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti;
183 Pravna redakcija
Whereas in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality referred to in Article 3b of the Treaty, the objective of creating an open competitive single market for telecommunications equipment cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore be better achieved by the Community, whereas this Directive does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve this aim;
ker po načelih subsidiarnosti in sorazmernosti iz člena 3b Pogodbe države članice ne morejo v zadostni meri doseči cilja ustvarjanja odprtega konkurenčnega enotnega trga za telekomunikacijsko opremo, ki ga zato lahko bolje doseže Skupnost; ker ta direktiva ne gre dlje od tega, kar je potrebno za dosego tega cilja;
184 Pravna redakcija
Agreements shall be concluded for a single marketing year within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 and shall specify:
se sklenejo za posamezno tržno leto v smislu Uredbe (ES) št. 2200/96, ter navajajo:
185 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
(3) Since the terms "products not put up for sale", "market withdrawals" and "products withdrawn from the market" are equivalent, they should be covered by a single definition.
(3) Ker so izrazi "proizvodi, ki se ne dajo v prodajo", "umiki s trga" in "proizvodi, umaknjeni s trga" med seboj enakovredni, jih je treba zajeti z enotno opredelitvijo.
186 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Subsequent to the submission by the Commission of a Green Paper on the development of the single market for postal services fn and of a communication to the European Parliament and the Council, setting out the results of the consultations on the Green Paper and the measures advocated by the Commission fn, a substantial discussion has taken place on the future regulatory environment for the postal sector in the Community.
Potem ko je Komisija predložila Zeleno knjigo o razvoju enotnega trga za poštne storitve fn in sporoèilo Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu, ki navaja rezultate posvetovanj o Zeleni knjigi in ukrepe, ki jih priporoèa Komisija fn, je potekala obsežna razprava o prihodnjem regulativnem okviru za poštni sektor v Skupnosti.
187 Pravna redakcija
The report by the Monetary Committee on information requirements, endorsed by the Ecofin Council on 18 January 1999, underlined that, for the proper functioning of economic and monetary union and the single market, effective surveillance and coordination of economic policies are of major importance and that this requires a comprehensive statistical information system providing policy-makers with the necessary data on which to base their decisions.
Poročilo Monetarnega odbora o informacijskih potrebah, ki ga je 18. januarja 1999 potrdil Ekonomsko-finančni svet, poudarja, da je za pravilno delovanje ekonomske in monetarne unije ter enotnega trga izredno pomemben učinkovit nadzor in koordinacija ekonomskih politik ter da to zahteva celovit statistični informacijski sitem, ki bo nosilcem političnih odločitev zagotavljal potrebne podatke za njihove odločitve.
188 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
- For each marketable asset eligible in tier one or tier two, the Eurosystem specifies a single reference market to be used as a price source.
- za vsako tržno finančno premoženje, ustrezno za listo 1 ali listo 2, Evrosistem določi en referenčni vir za določitev cene.
189 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
Given that Belarus is considered to be a non-market-economy country, a single export price for the country as a whole is normally established.
Ker se Belorusija šteje za državo brez tržnega gospodarstva, je treba običajno določiti eno samo izvozno ceno za državo kot celoto.
190 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1785
(7) The creation of a single Community market for rice involves the introduction of a trading system at the external frontiers of the Community.
(7) Oblikovanje enotnega trga Skupnosti za riž vključuje uvedbo trgovinskega sistema na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti.
191 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0796
Consistent application of the relevant rules in all Member States is essential for the successful development of a single European energy market.
Dosledna uporaba ustreznih pravil v vseh državah članicah je bistvenega pomena za uspešen razvoj enotnega evropskega energetskega trga.
192 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
During the investigation period, the single cooperating producer/exporter sold six product groups on both the domestic market and in the Community.
V obdobju preiskave je edini sodelujoči proizvajalec/izvoznik prodal šest skupin izdelkov tako na domačem trgu kakor v Skupnosti.
193 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R1267
(2) The report of the Monetary Committee on statistical requirements in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), endorsed by the Ecofin Council of 18 January 1999, underlined that, for the proper functioning of the EMU and the single market, effective surveillance and coordination of economic policies are of major importance and that this requires a comprehensive statistical information system providing policy makers with the necessary data on which to base their decisions.
(2) V poročilu Monetarnega odbora o statističnih zahtevah v Ekonomski in monetarni uniji (EMU), ki ga je Ekonomsko-finančni svet sprejel 18. januarja 1999, je poudarjeno, da sta za pravilno delovanje EMU in enotnega trga poglavitnega pomena učinkovit nadzor in koordinacija ekonomskih politik, kar zahteva obsežen sistem statističnih informacij, ki daje oblikovalcem politik potrebne podatke, na katerih temeljijo njihove odločitve.
194 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
Given that Belarus is considered to be a non-market-economy country, a single export price for the country as a whole has normally to be established.
Ker se Belorusija šteje za državo brez tržnega gospodarstva, je treba običajno določiti eno samo izvozno ceno za državo kot celoto.
195 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the common organisation of the market in seeds involves the introduction of a single trading system at the external frontiers of the Community;
ker skupna tržna ureditev za semena vključuje uvedbo enotnega sistema trgovanja na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti;
196 Pravna redakcija
It is also easier to coordinate on a price for a single, homogeneous product, than on hundreds of prices in a market with many differentiated products.
Prav tako je lažje usklajevanje o ceni enotnega, homogenega proizvoda kakor o stotinah cen na trgu s številnimi raznolikimi proizvodi.
197 Pravna redakcija
be made out for a single consignee or, in the case of animals for slaughter, for a consignment, provided the animals are properly marked and identified.
biti izpolnjeno za enega samega prejemnika ali, če gre za živali za zakol, za pošiljko, pod pogojem, da so živali pravilno označene in identificirane.
198 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0433
Whereas, in view of past experience and the action programme the Community has set itself to establish the single market, Decision 80/47/EEC should be amended and in particular its scope should be extended to all those cases where disparities exist in commercial policy measures taken by the Member States in compliance with the Treaty, including cases where disparities in tariff measures are still authorized, and some of the criteria and procedures it lays down should be made more specific;
ker je treba glede na pretekle izkušnje in delovni program, ki si ga je Skupnost začrtala za vzpostavitev skupnega trga, spremeniti Odločbo 80/47/EGS in zlasti razširiti njeno področje uporabe na vse primere, kjer obstajajo razlike v ukrepih skupne trgovinske politike, ki jih sprejmejo države članice v skladu s Pogodbo, vključno na primere, v katerih se še vedno dovolijo razlike pri tarifnih ukrepih, ter točneje opredeliti nekatera merila in postopke, ki jih določa;
199 Pravna redakcija
Where several type II variations are to be made to a single marketing authorisation, a separate application shall be submitted in respect of each variation sought;
Kadar je pri posameznem dovoljenju za promet z zdravilom potrebnih več sprememb tipa II, se predložijo ločene vloge za vsako posamezno zahtevano spremembo;
200 Pravna redakcija
Regulation (EC) No 2826/2000 harmonises information and promotion measures for agricultural products on the internal market and brings them together in a single text.
Uredba (ES) št. 2826/2000 usklajuje informacijske in promocijske ukrepe za kmetijske proizvode na notranjem trgu ter jih združuje v enem samem besedilu.
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