Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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151 Pravna redakcija
to review the methods of supervising and checking the critical points so as to identify the contamination source, and to carry out analyses more frequently,
ponovno je treba preveriti metode nadzora in preverjanja kritičnih točk zaradi ugotavljanja vira kontaminacije ter opravljati analize bolj pogosto,
152 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R1798
Each competent authority of the Member States concerned shall appoint a representative to be responsible for supervising and coordinating the control operation.
Vsak pristojni organ zadevnih držav članic imenuje zastopnika, ki je odgovoren za nadzor in koordinacijo postopka kontrol.
153 Pravna redakcija
The import goods may be entered for the procedure at a customs office of entry other than that originally specified, where the change is allowed by the supervising customs office or by the customs office where the entry formalities are actually carried out, which in that event shall notify the change to the supervising customs office.
Za uvozno blago se lahko začne postopek pri carinskem uradu vnosa v postopek, ki ni prvotno naveden, če spremembo dovoli nadzorni carinski urad ali carinski urad, na katerem se dejansko opravljajo carinske formalnosti vnosa in ki v tem primeru o spremembi obvesti nadzorni carinski urad.
154 Pravna redakcija
Responsibility for supervising the financial soundness of a credit institution, and in particular its solvency, rests with the competent authorities of its home Member State.
Za nadzor finančne stabilnosti kreditne institucije in zlasti njene solventnosti so odgovorni pristojni organi njene matične države članice.
155 Pravna redakcija
However, the supervising office may allow the declaration referred to in paragraph 1 to be presented at a customs office other than the ones referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.
Vendar nadzorni carinski urad lahko dovoli vložitev deklaracije iz odstavka 1 pri drugem carinskem uradu, ki ni naveden v odstavkih 1 in 2.
156 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3690
The flag Member State shall adopt the necessary measures to enable the information mentioned in paragraph 1 to be checked at any time by the competent supervising authorities.
Država članica sprejme potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi omogoči, da pristojni nadzorni organi kadarkoli preverijo podatke iz odstavka 1.
157 Pravna redakcija
authorities entrusted with the public duty of supervising other financial organisations and insurance companies and the authorities responsible for the supervision of financial markets,
organi, ki jim je zaupana javna naloga nadzora drugih finančnih institucij in zavarovalnic, ter organi, ki so odgovorni za nadzor finančnih trgov,
158 Pravna redakcija
However, the supervising customs office may allow the declaration referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 to be presented at a customs office other than those referred to in the said paragraphs.
Vendar nadzorni carinski urad lahko dovoli vložitev deklaracije iz odstavkov 1 in 2 pri drugem carinskem uradu kakor tistih v navedenih odstavkih.
159 Pravna redakcija
To that effect, the supervising office shall provide the information referred to in Boxes 11, 12 and 13, endorse Box 15 and return the original of the Information Sheet INF 8 to the declarant.
V ta namen nadzorni urad zagotovi informacije, navedene v poljih 11, 12 in 13, vnese zaznamek v polje 15 in vrne izvirnik informativnega lista INF 8 deklarantu."
160 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0040
In such a case, the Commission has the task of supervising the proper application of the measures taken by the third country concerned, as provided for in Article 11 (2) (b) of that Regulation.
V takem primeru je naloga Komisije nadzirati pravilno uporabo ukrepov, ki jih je sprejela zadevna tretja država, kot je določeno v členu 11(2)(b) te uredbe.
161 Pravna redakcija
To that effect, the supervising office, shall provide the information referred to in Boxes 11, 12, and 13 endorse Box 15 and return the original of the Information Sheet INF 8 sheet to the declarant.
V ta namen nadzorni urad zagotovi informacije, navedene v poljih 11, 12 in 13, potrdi polje 15 ter vrne izvirnik informativnega lista INF 8 deklarantu."
162 Pravna redakcija
The person concerned shall inform the supervising office of the re-exportation of the goods entered under the temporary importation procedure by sending the copy of the export declaration given to him.
Udeleženec obvesti nadzorni urad o ponovnem izvozu blaga, danega v postopek začasnega uvoza, tako da pošlje kopijo dobljene izvozne deklaracije.
163 Pravna redakcija
Efforts to limit the sulphur emissions to the levels set out in the national framework legislation have to be controlled by a permanent monitoring and reporting system and reported to the supervising authorities.
Napore za zmanjšanje emisij žvepla do vrednosti, ki jih določa okvirna nacionalna zakonodaja, je treba nadzorovati s stalnim sistemom spremljanja in poročanja ter o tem poročati nadzornim oblastem.
164 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0038
(5) To prevent any misuse of the production quota system, arrangements should be introduced for supervising both enterprises allocated sugar production quotas and those processing sugar into alcohol, rum or yeast.
(5) Da bi preprečili zlorabe sistema proizvodnih kvot, je treba uvesti ureditve za nadzor nad podjetji z dodeljenimi proizvodnimi kvotami sladkorja in nad tistimi, ki predelujejo sladkor v alkohol, rum ali kvas.
165 Pravna redakcija
The President shall consult the Vice-President responsible for supervising the handling of applications for access to documents, the Secretary-General or, where appropriate, the chairman of the committee concerned.
Predsednik se posvetuje s podpredsednikom, pristojnim za nadzor nad obravnavanjem vlog za dostop do dokumentov, Generalnim sekretarjem ali, kjer je to primerno, z vodjo zadevnega odbora.
166 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0671
(b) The supervising office of the warehouse of storage shall keep the T5 control copy and shall enter under the heading Remarks in the section headed Control of use and/or destination on the back the following entries:
(b) Nadzorni urad skladišča, v katerem se blago skladišči, shrani kontrolni izvod T5 in pod ` Pripombe` v rubriki z naslovom ` Nadzor uporabe in/ali destinacije` na zadnji strani vpiše:
167 Pravna redakcija
cleansing and disinfection required in the framework of this Directive is to be documented in the holding or vehicle register and, where official approval is required, be certified by the supervising official veterinarian.
čiščenje in razkuževanje, ki se zahtevata v okviru te direktive, se zabeležita v registru gospodarstva ali vozila in ju, če je potrebna uradna odobritev, potrdi nadzorni uradni veterinar.
168 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
In accordance with a general remark preceding the list set out in Annex 75, the supervising office may allow Article 548(1) to be applied also to waste, scrap, residues, offcuts and remainders other than those in that list.
V skladu s splošno opombo, navedeno pred seznamom v Prilogi 75, lahko nadzorni urad dovoli uporabo člena 548(1) tudi za odpadke, ostanke, odrezke in preostanke poleg navedenih v seznamu.
169 Pravna redakcija
In such cases, the President shall consult the Vice-President responsible for supervising the handling of applications for access to documents, the Secretary-General or, where appropriate, the chairman of the committee concerned.
V takšnih primerih se predsednik posvetuje s podpredsednikom, pristojnim za nadzor nad obravnavanjem vlog za dostop dokumentov, generalnim sekretarjem ali, kjer je to primerno, z vodjo zadevnega odbora.
170 Pravna redakcija
In order to fulfil the responsibilities mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2, the Secretary-General/High Representative shall have the GSC Security Office at his disposal for coordinating, supervising and implementing security measures.
Za izpolnjevanje nalog iz odstavkov 1 in 2, ima generalni sekretar/visoki predstavnik za usklajevanje, nadzor in izvajanje ukrepov varovanja tajnosti na voljo Varnostni urad GSS.
171 Pravna redakcija
The International Natural Rubber Organization, established by the International Natural Rubber Agreement, 1979, shall continue in being for the purpose of administering the provisions and supervising the operation of this Agreement.
Mednarodna organizacija za naravni kavčuk, ustanovljena na podlagi Mednarodnega sporazuma o naravnem kavčuku 1979, še naprej obstaja za namen izvrševanja določb in nadziranja postopkov po tem sporazumu.
172 Pravna redakcija
The owner of the plant or his agent shall facilitate operations for supervising the plant, in particular any handling which is considered necessary, and shall place the necessary facilities at the disposal of the supervisory service;
Nosilec dejavnost obrata ali njegov namestnik poskrbi, da nadzor obrata poteka brez težav, zlasti pa izvajanje katerih koli ukrepov, za katere se meni, da so potrebni, ter nadzorni službi nudi vse potrebno na razpolago;
173 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0006
A single competent authority should be designated in each Member State to assume at least final responsibility for supervising compliance with the provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive, as well as international collaboration.
V vsaki državi članici bi moral biti določen samo en pristojni organ, ki bi prevzel vsaj končno odgovornost za nadzor nad spoštovanjem določb, sprejetih na podlagi te direktive, pa tudi mednarodno sodelovanje.
174 Pravna redakcija
The above procedure shall not apply where an activity falling within this Directive is not subject, in the Member State of the commitment, to supervision by the administrative authorities responsible for supervising private insurance.
Zgornji postopek se ne uporablja, če za dejavnost, ki spada v to direktivo, v državi članici, v kateri je obveznost, ne velja nadzor upravnih organov, odgovornih za nadzor zasebnega zavarovanja.
175 Pravna redakcija
The International Jute Organization, established under the International Agreement on Jute and Jute Products, 1982, shall continue in being for the purpose of administering the provisions and supervising the operation of this Agreement.
Mednarodna organizacija za juto, ustanovljena na podlagi Mednarodnega sporazuma o juti in proizvodih iz jute 1982, še naprej obstaja za namen upravljanja določb in nadzorovanja izvajanja tega sporazuma.
176 Pravna redakcija
Whereas measures concerning the supplementary supervision of insurance undertakings in an insurance group should enable the authorities supervising an insurance undertaking to form a more soundly based judgment of its financial situation;
Ker bi morali ukrepi v zvezi z dopolnilnim nadzorom zavarovalnic v zavarovalniški skupini omogočiti organom, ki nadzirajo zavarovalnico, da oblikujejo boljšo presojo njenega finančnega stanja;
177 Pravna redakcija
cleansing, disinfection and disinsectisation required in the framework of this Directive must be documented in the holding or vehicle register and where official approval is required, be certified by the supervising official veterinarian.
Čiščenje, dezinfekcijo in dezinsekcijo, ki so predpisani v tej direktivi, je treba zabeležiti v registru gospodarstva oziroma dokumentaciji vozila; v primerih, ko se za te postopke zahteva uradna potrditev, jih potrdi uradni veterinar, ki nadzoruje njihovo izvedbo.
178 Pravna redakcija
Where the office of entry for the procedure accepts the declaration entering the goods, it shall endorse box 9 of the INF 9 sheet, send copy 1 to the supervising customs office and return the original and the other copies to the declarant.
Če carinski urad začetka postopka sprejme deklaracijo za vstop blaga, potrdi polje 9 lista INF 9, pošlje izvod 1 nadzornemu carinskemu uradu, izvirnik in druge izvode pa vrne deklarantu.
179 Pravna redakcija
The operator or manager of the establishment must facilitate operations for supervising the plant, in particular any handling which is considered necessary, and must place the necessary facilities at the disposal of the supervisory service.
Nosilec dejavnosti ali vodja obrata mora omogočiti dejavnosti nadzora nad obratom, predvsem vsako ravnanje, ki se šteje za potrebno, in mora nadzorni službi dati na voljo vse, kar je potrebno.
180 Pravna redakcija
By way of derogation from Article 735 (2), where the supervising customs office considers that paragraph 1 applies and that the payment of the customs debt which may be incurred is not certain, the provision of a security shall be required.
Z odstopanjem od člena 735(2) je treba predložiti zavarovanje, kadar nadzorni carinski urad meni, da gre za primer iz odstavka 1, in da plačilo carinskega dolga, ki lahko nastane, ni gotovo.
181 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
Whereas the rules for the administration of financial cooperation should be determined, the procedure for programming, examining and approving aid should be decided and the detailed rules for supervising the use of the aid should be laid down;
ker je treba določiti pravila za upravljanje finančnega sodelovanja, predpisati postopek za načrtovanje, preverjanje in odobritev pomoči ter predpisati podrobna pravila za nadzorovanje uporabe pomoči;
182 Pravna redakcija
the said draft shall include, at least, the rate of yield, the approved methods of identification, the customs offices referred to at point 11 of the model authorization in Annex 68/E, if appropriate the customs office responsible for the arrangements ('supervising office`) and any simplified procedures used for entry for the arrangements or release for free circulation under the arrangements as well as the rules to be observed inter alia as regards notification to the supervising office;
navedeni osnutek mora vsebovati vsaj normativ porabe, sprejete metode za zagotovitev istovetnosti, carinske urade iz točke 11 vzorca dovoljenja iz Priloge 68/E, po potrebi pa tudi carinski urad, pristojen za postopke (“nadzorni urad”), in uporabljene poenostavljene postopke za vnos v postopkeali za sprostitev v prosti promet po teh postopkih, pa tudi pravila, ki jih je med drugim treba upoštevati pri obveščanju nadzornega urada;
183 Pravna redakcija
Cultivation techniques, harvesting and transport to the packing stations are all under the control of the regulatory body, the latter also being responsible for supervising the packaging of fresh asparagus and the processing of processed asparagus.
Načini gojenja, pobiranja in transporta do pakirnih postaj so pod nadzorom regulativnega organa, ki je odgovoren tudi za nadzor pakiranja svežih špargljev in predelavo predelanih špargljev.
184 Pravna redakcija
In carrying out ante mortem and post mortem inspections and supervising the hygiene conditions laid down in Chapters II and IV of Annex I, to be satisfied by slaughterhouses, the official veterinarian may be helped by assistants working under his supervision and responsibility.
Pri opravljanju pregledov pred in po zakolu ter pri nadzoru higienskih pogojev iz Poglavja II in IV v Prilogi I, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati klavnice, lahko uradnemu veterinarju pomagajo pomočniki, ki delajo pod njegovim nadzorom in za katere je odgovoren.
185 Pravna redakcija
in addition to the particulars provided for in Annex C, Chapter IV, bear some indication by which the nature of the heat treatment and the competent authority responsible for supervising the establishment of origin can be identified, if this is not clear from the approval number,
mora poleg podrobnosti, predvidenih v Prilogi C, poglavje IV vsebovati podatek, po katerem se lahko ugotovi vrsta toplotne obdelave in pristojni organ, odgovoren za nadzor posestva, s katerega izhaja, če to ni jasno iz številke soglasja;
186 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it should be stipulated that the Monitoring Committees are bodies appointed by the Member State supervising assistance, checking on how it is being managed by the managing authority, ensuring compliance with its own guidelines and implementing rules and reviewing evaluations;
ker bi bilo treba določiti, da je nadzorni odbor organ, ki ga imenuje država članica, in da nadzoruje pomoč, preverja, kako jo organ upravljanja upravlja, zagotavlja spoštovanje lastnih smernic in izvedbenih pravil ter preučuje ovrednotenja;
187 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
Where the contract is for management of the execution of the project, the consultant shall assume, in accordance with the laws of the State of the contracting authority and, subject to the supervisor's authority, all the duties of management inherent in supervising the execution of a project.
Če se naročilo nanaša na vodenje izvedbe projekta, strokovnjak prevzame, v skladu z zakonodajo države naročnika in ob upoštevanju nadzornikovih pooblastil, vse naloge vodenja, ki so povezane z nadzorovanjem izvedbe projekta.
188 Pravna redakcija
When it is necessary for maintenance or cleaning staff to enter or work in a room which houses such security containers, they shall be escorted at all times by a member of the State's or organisation's security service or by the official more specifically responsible for supervising the security of the room.
Kadar mora v prostor, v katerem so varnostni vsebniki, vstopiti in tam delati vzdrževalno ali čistilno osebje, tega ves čas spremlja član varnostne službe države ali mednarodne organizacije ali uradnik s posebej določeno odgovornostjo za nadzor varnosti prostora.
189 Pravna redakcija
Exchanges of information between, on the one hand, the competent authorities and, on the other, central banks and other bodies with a similar function in their capacity as monetary authorities and, where appropriate, other public authorities responsible for supervising payment systems should also be authorised.
Treba bi bilo dovoliti tudi izmenjavo informacij med pristojnimi organi na eni strani ter centralnimi bankami in drugimi organi s podobno funkcijo v vlogi monetarnih oblasti, in če je ustrezno, tudi drugimi javnimi organi, odgovornimi za nadzor nad plačilnimi sistemi, na drugi strani.
190 Pravna redakcija
By way of derogation from Article 735 (1), where the supervising customs office considers at the time of entry for the procedure or when carrying out controls that there is a serious risk of non-compliance with the obligation to re-export a means of transport, the temporary importation procedure shall apply subject to:
Z odstopanjem od člena 73 (1) se v primeru, ko nadzorni carinski urad, ki v trenutku vnosa v postopek ali pri izvajanju kontrol meni, da obstaja velika nevarnost, da obveznosti glede ponovnega izvoza prevoznega sredstva ne bodo izpolnjene, uporabi postopek začasnega uvoza, s tem da:
191 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities responsible for authorising and supervising a parent undertaking which is a credit institution may also require the calculation of a subconsolidated or unconsolidated ratio in respect of that parent undertaking and of any of its subsidiaries which are subject to authorisation and supervision by them.
Pristojni organi, odgovorni za izdajo dovoljenj in za nadzor matičnega podjetja, ki je kreditna institucija, lahko zahtevajo tudi izračun delno konsolidirane ali nekonsolidirane stopnje tega matičnega podjetja in katerega koli njegovega hčerinskega podjetja, katerim pristojni organi izdajo dovoljenje in ga nadzorujejo.
192 Pravna redakcija
In view of the establishment of the single market in the Community, which entails the abolition of boundaries between Member States, the authorities responsible for supervising the stocking and marketing of wine products must have the necessary means to carry out effective checks in accordance with uniform rules laid down at Community level.
Glede na uvedbo enotnega trga v Skupnosti, ki vključuje odpravo meja med državami članicami, morajo imeti organi, pristojni za nadzor zalog in trženja proizvodov iz grozdja in vina, potrebna sredstva za izvajanje učinkovitih preverjanj v skladu z enotnimi pravili, določenimi na ravni Skupnosti.
193 Pravna redakcija
When carrying out ante mortem and post mortem inspections, health control of cut meat as provided for in Chapter IX of Annex I, and supervising the hygiene conditions to be satisfied by establishment pursuant to Chapters III and V of Annex I, the official veterinarian may be helped by assistants working under his supervision and responsibility.
Pri opravljanju pregledov pred zakolom in po zakolu, zdravstvenih kontrolnih pregledov razkosanega mesa, predvidenih v poglavju IX Priloge I, ter nadzorovanju higienskih pogojev, ki jih morajo v skladu s poglavjema III in V Priloge izpolnjevati obrati, lahko uradnemu veterinarju pomagajo pomočniki, ki delajo pod njegovim nadzorom in za katere je odgovoren.
194 Pravna redakcija
'The supervising customs office shall allow the inward processing procedure to be discharged once goods or products in the civil aviation sector have been used for the first time in the prescribed manner, on condition that the inward processing records of the holder are such as to make it possible to verify reliably that the procedure is being correctly applied and operated.
»Nadzorni carinski urad dovoli, da se postopek aktivnega oplemenitenja konča, potem ko so bili blago ali proizvodi iz sektorja civilnega letalstva prvič uporabljeni na predpisani način, pod pogojem, da so imetnikove evidence o aktivnem oplemenitenju takšne, da omogočijo zanesljivo preverjanje pravilne uporabe in pravilnega delovanja postopka.«
195 Pravna redakcija
If the supervising accreditation body is not satisfied with the quality of the work done by the environmental verifier, the supervision report shall be transmitted to the environmental verifier concerned, the accreditation body which granted the accreditation, to the competent body where the organisation being verified is located and, in case of any further dispute, to the forum of accreditation body.
Če nadzorni akreditacijski organ ni zadovoljen s kakovostjo opravljenega dela okoljskega preveritelja, pošlje poročilo o nadzoru zadevnemu okoljskemu preveritelju, akreditacijskemu organu, ki je podelil akreditacijo, pristojnemu organu v kraju, v katerem se nahaja preverjana organizacija, in v primeru nadaljnjega spora forumu akreditacijskeih organov.
196 Pravna redakcija
the said draft shall include, at least, the places of use, the trade and/or technical description of goods, the expected quantity and value, the article under which authorization is sought, the proposed methods of identification, the customs offices referred to at point 8 of the specimen authorization in Annex 68/D, and where appropriate, the rules to be observed inter alia as regards notification to the supervising office;
navedeni osnutek mora vsebovati vsaj kraje uporabe, trgovsko in/ali tehnično poimenovanje blaga, predvideno količino in vrednost, člen, po katerem se zahteva dovoljenje, predlagane načine zagotavljanja istovetnosti, carinske urade iz točke 8 vzorca za dovoljenje iz Priloge 68/D in po potrebi pravila, ki jih je med drugim treba upoštevati zaradi obveščanja nadzornega urada;
197 Pravna redakcija
Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 8, the competent authorities responsible for authorising the subsidiary of a parent undertaking which is a credit institution may, by bilateral agreement, delegate their responsibility for supervision to the competent authorities which authorised and supervise the parent undertaking so that they assume responsibility for supervising the subsidiary in accordance with this Directive.
Ne glede na zahteve odstavka 8 lahko pristojni organi, odgovorni za izdajo dovoljenja hčerinskemu podjetju, katerega matično podjetje je kreditna institucija, z dvostranskim sporazumom prenesejo svojo odgovornost nadzora na pristojne organe, ki so matičnemu podjetju izdali dovoljenje in ga nadzorujejo, tako da prevzamejo odgovornost nadzora hčerinskega podjetja v skladu s to direktivo.
198 Pravna redakcija
Where a credit institution, financial holding company or a mixed-activity holding company controls one or more subsidiaries which are insurance companies or other undertakings providing investment services which are subject to authorisation, the competent authorities and the authorities entrusted with the public task of supervising insurance undertakings or those other undertakings providing investment services shall cooperate closely.
Če kreditna institucija, finančni holding ali mešani holding upravlja eno ali več hčerinskih podjetij, ki so zavarovalnice, ali druga podjetja za investicijske storitve, ki so pridobila dovoljenje, pristojni organi in organi, odgovorni za javni nadzor zavarovalnic, ali druga podjetja za investicijske storitve vzpostavijo tesno sodelovanje.
199 Pravna redakcija
Each Member State shall take all steps necessary to ensure that the authorities responsible for supervising assurance undertakings have the powers and means necessary for supervision of the activities of assurance undertakings established within their territory, including activities engaged in outside that territory, in accordance with the Council Directives governing those activities and for the purpose of ensuring that they are implemented.
Vsaka država članica sprejme potrebne predpise, da zagotovi organom, odgovornim za nadzor zavarovalnic, pooblastila in sredstva, ki so potrebna za nadzor dejavnosti zavarovalnic, ustanovljenih na njihovem območju, vključno z dejavnostmi, ki jih izvajajo zunaj tega območja, v skladu z direktivami Sveta, ki urejajo te dejavnosti, da zagotovi njihovo izvajanje.
200 Pravna redakcija
In connection with the annual discharge governed by Article 276 of the EC Treaty, the European Parliament and the Commission agree that the Commission shall forward all information necessary for supervising the implementation of the budget for the year in question, which the chairperson of the parliamentary committee responsible for the discharge procedure pursuant to Annex VI of the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament requests from it for that purpose.
V zvezi z letnim zaključnim računom, ki ga ureja člen 276 Pogodbe ES, Evropski parlament in Komisija soglašata, da Komisija pošlje vse informacije, potrebne za nadzor nad izvrševanjem proračuna za zadevno leto, ki jih predsednik parlamentarnega odbora, pristojnega za postopek za sprejem zaključnega računa iz Priloge VI poslovnika Evropskega parlamenta, zahteva v ta namen.
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