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151 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0891
In order to determine whether the metrological properties of the meters manufactured and presented for initial verification conform to the requirements of this Directive, an examination for conformity to the approved type may be carried out at intervals determined by the competent metrological authority, on three meters chosen at random after the acceptance tests.
Z namenom da bi ugotovili, ali so meroslovne lastnosti števcev, izdelanih in posredovanih v prvo overitev, skladne z zahtevami te direktive, se na treh naključno izbranih števcih po prevzemnih preskusih in v presledkih, ki jih določi pristojni organ, izvede postopek ugotavljanja skladnosti s homologiranim tipom.
152 Pravna redakcija
MODULE SB (EC Type-examination)
MODUL SB (ES-pregled tipa)
153 Pravna redakcija
the type-examination certificate and its additions.
certifikat o pregledu tipa in njegovi dodatki.
154 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0396
documentation relating to the approved type and a copy of the EC type-examination certificate.
dokumentacijo, ki se nanaša na odobreni tip, in izvod certifikata ES-pregleda tipa.
155 Pravna redakcija
the EC type-examination as referred to in section 1 of Annex II, and
ES-pregled tipa, kakor je navedeno v oddelku 1 Priloge II, in
156 Pravna redakcija
the documentation relating to the approved type and a copy of the EC type-examination certificate.
dokumentacijo, ki se nanaša na odobreni tip, in izvod certifikata ES-pregleda tipa.
157 Pravna redakcija
the technical documentation of the approved type and a copy of the type-examination certificate, issued after the completion of the type-examination procedure of module SB.
tehnično dokumentacijo o odobrenem tipu in izvod certifikata o pregledu tipa, izdanega ob zaključku postopka o pregledu tipa modula SB.
158 Pravna redakcija
the technical documents pertaining to the approved type and a copy of the EC type-examination certificate.
tehnično dokumentacijo odobrenega tipa in kopijo certifikata tipskega preskusa ES.
159 Pravna redakcija
where appropriate, the type-examination certificate referred to in Annex III.
kjer to pride v poštev, potrdilo o tipskem preskusu, kot je omenjeno v Prilogi III.
160 Pravna redakcija
follow the procedure relating to the EC type-examination set out in Annex III, coupled with:
ravna po postopku v zvezi z ES tipskim preskusom, iz Priloge III, skupaj s:
161 Pravna redakcija
where appropriate, reference to the EC type-examination certificate issued by a notified body,
če je ustrezno, napotitev k ES-certifikatu o skladnosti tipa, ki ga izda priglašeni organ,
162 Pravna redakcija
Application of the quality system must ensure that the products conform to the type described in the EC type-examination certificate.
Uveljavljanje sistema kakovosti mora zagotavljati skladnost izdelkov s tipom, ki je opisan v potrdilu o ES tipskem preskusu.
163 Pravna redakcija
where appropriate, the technical documentation of the approved type (see Annex XIII) and a copy of the EC type-examination certificate.
kadar je ustrezno, tehnično dokumentacijo odobrenega tipa (glej Prilogo XIII) in kopijo ES-certifikata o skladnosti tipa.
164 Pravna redakcija
Where the type meets the provisions of the Directive, the notified body shall issue an EC type-examination certificate to the applicant.
Kadar tip izpolnjuje določbe direktive, izda priglašeni organ vlagatelju ES-certifikat o skladnosti tipa.
165 Pravna redakcija
If the type conforms to the provisions of this Directive, the notified body issues the applicant with an EC type-examination certificate.
Če tip izpolnjuje določbe te direktive, priglašeni organ vlagatelju prošnje izda potrdilo o ES tipskem preskusu.
166 Pravna redakcija
Where the type satisfies the provisions of this Directive, the notified body must issue an EC type-examination certificate to the applicant.
Če tip zadošča določbam te direktive, mora priglašeni organ vlagatelju izdati certifikat ES-pregleda tipa.
167 Pravna redakcija
Where the type meets the relevant provisions of this Directive, the notified body issues an EC type-examination certificate to the applicant.
Kadar tip izpolnjuje ustrezne določbe te direktive, organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti izda prosilcu certifikat tipskega preskusa ES.
168 Pravna redakcija
Other notified bodies may obtain a copy of the EC type-examination certificates and/or the addenda to them.
Drugi priglašeni organi lahko dobijo izvod potrdil o tipskem pregledu ES in/ali njihova dopolnila.
169 Pravna redakcija
EC type examination (Module B) referred to in Annex II (1), and, at the choice of the manufacturer, either:
tipski preskus ES (modul B), naveden v odstavku 1 Priloge II, in po izbiri proizvajalca:
170 Pravna redakcija
Where the type meets the provisions of Directive 96/48/EC and of the TSI, the notified body must issue a type-examination certificate to the applicant.
Kadar tip ustreza določbam Direktive 96/48/ES in TSI, mora priglašeni organ vlagatelju izdati certifikat o pregledu tipa.
171 Pravna redakcija
The other notified bodies may receive copies of the EC type-examination certificates and/or their additions.
Drugi organ za ugotavljanje skladnosti lahko prejmejo izvode certifikatov tipskih preskusov ES in/ali njihovih dodatkov.
172 Pravna redakcija
Holders of EC design-examination certificates or EC type-examination certificates issued before 1 April 2004 for medical devices referred to in Article 1(1) shall apply for a complementary EC design-examination certificate or EC type-examination certificate attesting to compliance with the specifications laid down in the Annex to this Directive.
Imetniki ES-certifikatov o pregledu načrtovanja ali ES-certifikatov o tipskem pregledu, izdanih za medicinske pripomočke iz člena 1(1) pred 1. aprilom 2004, zaprosijo za dodatni ES-certifikat o pregledu načrtovanja ali ES-certifikat o tipskem pregledu, ki dokazuje skladnost s tehničnimi zahtevami iz Priloge k tej direktivi.
173 Pravna redakcija
This additional approval is given in the form of an addition to the original EC type-examination certificate.
Dodatna odobritev je v obliki dodatka izvirnemu certifikatu tipskega preskusa ES.
174 Pravna redakcija
Other notified bodies may obtain a copy of the EC type-examination certificates and/or the supplements thereto.
Drugi priglašeni organi lahko dobivajo kopije potrdil o ES tipskem preskusu in/ali njihovih dodatkov.
175 Pravna redakcija
It is necessary to provide for an adequate transitional period for medical devices already covered by an EC design-examination certificate or by an EC type examination certificate.
Treba je zagotoviti ustrezno prehodno obdobje za medicinske pripomočke, ki so že predmet ES-certifikata o pregledu načrtovanja ali ES-certifikata o tipskem pregledu.
176 Pravna redakcija
the EC type-examination (module B) referred to in Annex VII followed by module C (type conformity) referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the following modules:
ES-tipsko ocenjevanje (modul B) iz Priloge VII, ki mu sledi modul C (tipska skladnost) iz Priloge VIII, ali kateri koli naslednjih modulov:
177 Pravna redakcija
This additional approval is to be given in the form of an addition to the original EC type-examination certificate.
Ta dodatna odobritev mora biti izdana v obliki dodatka k originalnemu certifikatu ES-pregleda tipa.
178 Pravna redakcija
the EC type-examination (module B) referred to in Annex VII supplemented by module C (type conformity) referred to in Annex VIII, or any of the following modules:
ES-tipsko ocenjevanje (modul B) iz Priloge VII, dopolnjen z modulom C (skladnost tipa) iz Priloge VIII, ali katerim koli od naslednjih modulov:
179 Pravna redakcija
This new approval must, where appropriate, take the form of a supplement to the initial EC type-examination certificate.
Ta nova odobritev mora imeti, kjer je to primerno, obliko dodatka k prvotnemu potrdilu o ES tipskem preskusu.
180 Pravna redakcija
where appropriate, the technical documentation on the types approved and a copy of the EC type-examination certificates,
kjer to pride v poštev, tehnično dokumentacijo o odobrenih tipih in izvod potrdil o ES tipskem preskusu,
181 Pravna redakcija
The other notified bodies may receive copies of the type-examination certificates issued and/or their additions on request.
Drugi priglašeni organi bodo na zahtevo prejeli izvode izdanih certifikatov o pregledu tipa in/ali njihovih prilog.
182 Pravna redakcija
the appliances or the fittings do not conform to the appliance or fitting as referred to in the EG type-examination certificate,
naprave ali oprema ne ustrezajo napravi ali opremi, kakor je navedena v certifikatu ES-pregleda tipa,
183 Pravna redakcija
An inspection body withdrawing an EC type-examination certificate shall inform the Member State which approved it, to this effect.
Nadzorni organ, ki umakne certifikat ES-tipskega preskusa, o tem obvesti državo članico, ki ga je odobrila.
184 Pravna redakcija
The notified body must inform the other notified bodies forthwith of the issuing of the EC type-examination certificate and any additions to the said type as referred to in point 1.7.
Priglašeni organ mora takoj obvestiti druge priglašene organe o izdaji certifikata ES-pregleda tipa in o kakršnih koli dodatkih k omenjenemu tipu, kakor je navedeno v točki 1.7.
185 Pravna redakcija
The quality system must ensure conformity of explosives with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and with the requirements of this Directive that apply to them.
Sistem kakovosti mora zagotoviti skladnost eksplozivov s tipom, ki je opisan v certifikatu tipskega preskusa ES, in z zahtevami te direktive, ki veljajo zanje.
186 Pravna redakcija
The quality system shall ensure compliance of the products with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and with the requirements of the Directive that apply to them.
Sistem kakovosti mora zagotoviti tipsko skladnost izdelkov, skladno z ES-certifikatom o skladnosti tipa, in njihovo izpolnjevanje zahtev direktive, ki zanje veljajo.
187 Pravna redakcija
Any inspection body which refuses to issue an EC type-examination certificate shall inform the other approved inspection bodies of this fact.
Nadzorni organ, ki zavrne izdajo certifikata ES-tipskega preskusa, o tem obvesti druge odobrene nadzorne organe.
188 Pravna redakcija
If no type tests are requested within the type-examination procedure (see point 4. 4), and the type is sufficiently defined by the technical documentation, as described in point 3, the notified body may agree, that no specimens are placed at their disposal.
Če postopek pregleda tipa ne zahteva preskusov tipa (glej točko 4.4) in je tip dovolj temeljito opredeljen s tehnično dokumentacijo, kot opisuje točka 3, se priglašeni organ lahko strinja, da predložitev tipa ni potrebna.
189 Pravna redakcija
The inspection body of which notification has been given shall conduct the EC type-examination in accordance with the undermentioned procedures:
Priglašeni nadzorni organ opravi ES-tipski preskus v skladu s spodaj navedenimi postopki:
190 Pravna redakcija
the type-examination procedure (module SB) indicated in Annex III (III.2) to this TSI, for the design and development phase, in combination with:
postopkom pregleda tipa (modul SB), navedenim v Prilogi III (III.2) k tej TSI za projektno in razvojno fazo, v kombinaciji s:
191 Pravna redakcija
The applicant must keep the notified body that has issued the EC type-examination certificate informed of all modifications to the approved type which might affect conformity with the essential requirements.
Vlagatelj mora priglašeni organ, ki je izdal certifikat ES-pregleda tipa, stalno obveščati o vseh spremembah odobrenega tipa, ki bi lahko vplivale na usklajenost z osnovnimi zahtevami.
192 Pravna redakcija
The applicant must inform the notified body which issued the EC type-examination certificate of any significant change made to the approved product.
Prosilec mora obvestiti priglašeni organ, ki je izdal potrdilo o ES tipskem preskusu, o vseh pomembnih spremembah odobrenega izdelka.
193 Pravna redakcija
the technical documentation regarding the approved type, including the type-examination certificate, as issued after completion of the procedure defined in module SB, and, if not included in this documentation,
tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi z odobrenim tipom, vključno s certifikatom o pregledu tipa, kot je bil izdan po zaključku postopka iz modula SB in, če niso vključene v tej dokumentaciji,
194 Pravna redakcija
The manufacturer shall apply a quality system that ensures conformity of the appliances with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and with the essential requirements of this Directive which apply to them.
Proizvajalec mora uporabiti sistem kakovosti, ki zagotavlja usklajenost naprav s tipom, kakor je opisano v certifikatu ES-pregleda tipa, in z osnovnimi zahtevami v direktivi, ki jih zadevajo.
195 Pravna redakcija
If the model satisfies the relevant provisions, the inspection body shall draw up an EC type-examination certificate and shall notify the applicant to this effect.
Če model izpolnjuje ustrezne določbe, nadzorni organ sestavi certifikat ES-tipskega pregleda in o tem obvesti vlagatelja vloge.
196 Pravna redakcija
This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer who satisfies the obligations of Section 2 ensures and declares that the explosives are in conformity with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate.
V tem modulu je opisan postopek, s katerim proizvajalec, ki izpolnjuje zahteve 2. razdelka, zagotovi in izjavi, da so eksplozivi skladni s tipom, ki je opisan v certifikatu tipskega preskusa ES.
197 Pravna redakcija
The EC declaration of conformity to type is that part of the procedure whereby the manufacturer declares that the appliances concerned are in conformity with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and satisfy the essential requirements of this Directive which apply to them.
ES-izjava o skladnosti s tipom je tisti del postopka, v katerem proizvajalec izjavi, da so zadevne naprave usklajene s tipom, kakor je opisano v certifikatu ES-pregleda tipa, in zadoščajo osnovnim zahtevam te direktive, ki jih zadevajo.
198 Pravna redakcija
Before issuing an EC design-examination certificate or an EC type-examination certificate, the notified bodies shall give due consideration to any comments received within 12 weeks from the date on which the opinion of the national competent authorities was sought.
Preden izdajo ES-certifikat o pregledu načrtovanja ali ES-certifikat o tipskem pregledu, priglašeni organi ustrezno upoštevajo kakršne koli pripombe, prejete v 12 tednih od datuma, ko so bili nacionalni pristojni organi oblasti zaprošeni za mnenje.
199 Pravna redakcija
The application for type-examination must be lodged by the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community with a single notified body.
Vlogo za pregled tipa mora predložiti proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti pri enem samem priglašenem organu.
200 Pravna redakcija
The application for EC type-examination is lodged by the manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community with a notified body of his choice.
Vlogo za tipski preskus ES vloži proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti pri organu za ugotavljanje skladnosti, katerega sam izbere.
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