Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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organ pregleda
151 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
Vlagatelj, katerega naložbe so razlaščene, ima po pravu pogodbenice, ki je naložbo razlastila, pravico zahtevati, da sodni ali drug pristojni in neodvisni organ te pogodbenice nemudoma pregleda njegov primer in vrednotenje njegovih naložb v skladu z načeli tega člena.
The investor whose investments are expropriated, shall have the right under the law of expropriating Contracting Party to prompt review by a judicial or other competent and independent authority of that Contracting Party of its case and of valuation of its investments in accordance with the principles set out in this Article.
152 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-40
Vlagatelj, katerega naložbe so razlaščene, ima po pravu pogodbenice, ki je naložbo razlastila, pravico zahtevati, da sodni ali drug pristojni organ te pogodbenice nemudoma pregleda njegov primer in vrednotenje njegovih naložb v skladu z načeli, določenimi v tem členu.
The investor whose investments are expropriated, shall have the right under the law of expropriating Contracting Party the prompt review by a judicial or other competent authority of that Contracting Party of its case and of valuation of its investments in accordance with the principles set out in this Article.
153 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
Če se med navedenimi pregledi ugotovijo pomanjkljivosti, ki lahko povzročijo onesnaženje med običajnimi pristaniškimi dejavnostmi, center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja od ustreznih pristaniških organov zahteva, da izvedejo ustrezne preprečevalne ukrepe.
Should any deficiencies, that may cause pollution during normal port operations, be found during inspections mentioned above the PPCC shall require the appropriate port authorities to put in place adequate preventive measures.
154 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da lahko za vse zrakoplove, ki jih upravlja letalski prevoznik ene pogodbenice ali so upravljani v njegovem imenu, medtem ko so na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, letalski organi druge pogodbenice izvedejo pregled na ploščadi, da se preveri veljavnost zadevnih dokumentov zrakoplova in članov posadke zrakoplova ter vidno stanje zrakoplova in njegove opreme, če takšen pregled ne povzroči neupravičene zamude pri upravljanju zrakoplova.
Each Party accepts that any aircraft operated by or, on behalf of, an airline of one Party, may, while within the territory of the other Party, be the subject of a ramp inspection by the aeronautical authorities of the other Party, to verify the validity of the relevant aircraft documents, and those of its crew members and the apparent condition of the aircraft and its equipment, provided that such examination does not cause an unreasonable delay in operation of the aircraft.
155 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
Skupine izvedencev za pregledovanje usklajuje sekretariat, sestavljajo pa jih izvedenci, izbrani izmed kandidatov, ki jih imenujejo pogodbenice konvencije, in če je to ustrezno, tudi medvladne organizacije v skladu z navodilom, ki ga v ta namen pripravi Konferenca pogodbenic.
Expert review teams shall be coordinated by the secretariat and shall be composed of experts selected from those nominated by Parties to the Convention and, as appropriate, by intergovernmental organizations, in accordance with guidance provided for this purpose by the Conference of the Parties.
156 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
Pogodbenici priznavata, da sodelovanje med njunimi organi za konkurenco koristi spodbujanju konkurence na trgih in ima možnost spodbujati primerljive zakonske ureditve ter čim bolj zmanjšati razlike pri pregledovanja konkurenčnih določb sporazumov med letalskimi družbami.
The Parties recognize that cooperation between their respective competition authorities serves to promote competition in markets and has the potential to promote compatible regulatory results and to minimise differences in approach with respect to their respective competition reviews of inter-carrier agreements.
157 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(c) povzetkov izdelanih ocen tveganja ali okoljskih pregledov živih spremenjenih organizmov na podlagi pravne ureditve, ki so bil izvedeni skladno s 15. členom, če je primerno, pa tudi z ustreznimi informacijami, ki se nanašajo na izdelke iz teh organizmov (predelan material, ki izvira iz živih spremenjenih organizmov), ki vsebujejo zaznavne nove kombinacije genskega materiala, ki se lahko podvaja in je bil pridobljen z uporabo sodobne biotehnologije;
(c) Summaries of its risk assessments or environmental reviews of living modified organisms generated by its regulatory process, and carried out in accordance with Article 15, including, where appropriate, relevant information regarding products thereof, namely, processed materials that are of living modified organism origin, containing detectable novel combinations of replicable genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology;
158 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-110
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitev, in opravi preverjanja, preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami iz tega sporazuma.
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in this Agreement.
159 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Ko pristojni upravni organ za gradbene zadeve ugotovi, da je zahteva za izdajo uporabnega dovoljenja v skladu s pogoji iz četrtega odstavka prejšnjega člena, s sklepom, zoper katerega ni pritožbe, imenuje komisijo za tehnični pregled in določi datum tehničnega pregleda.
When the relevant administrative body for construction matters determines that the request for the issue of a permit of use is in accordance with the conditions specified in the fourth paragraph of the previous article, it shall via a resolution appoint a technical inspection commission and set a date for the technical inspection; no appeal shall be allowed against the resolution.
160 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
Prizadete države pogodbenice v razvoju opravijo v sodelovanju z drugimi pogodbenicami in pristojnimi medvladnimi in nevladnimi organizacijami, kadar je ustrezno, interdisciplinarni pregled razpoložljivih zmogljivosti na lokalni in državni ravni ter možnosti za njihovo krepitev.
Affected developing country Parties shall conduct, in cooperation with other Parties and competent intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, as appropriate, an interdisciplinary review of available capacity and facilities at the local and national levels, and the potential for strengthening them.
161 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Ob upoštevanju potrebe po boju proti korupciji vsaka država pogodbenica v skladu s temeljnimi načeli svojega notranjega prava sprejme potrebne ukrepe, da se poveča preglednost v javni upravi, vključno z njeno organizacijo, delovanjem in postopki odločanja, kadar je to primerno.
Taking into account the need to combat corruption, each State Party shall, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its domestic law, take such measures as may be necessary to enhance transparency in its public administration, including with regard to its organization, functioning and decision-making processes, where appropriate.
162 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
e) Inšpekcijski pregled ali drug fitosanitarni postopek, ki ga zahteva državna organizacija za varstvo rastlin pogodbenice za pošiljke rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih nadzorovanih predmetov, namenjenih uvozu, bo ob upoštevanju njihove pokvarljivosti opravljen čim prej.
e) Any inspection or other phytosanitary procedure required by the plant protection organization of a contracting party for a consignment of plants, plant products or other regulated articles offered for importation, shall take place as promptly as possible with due regard to their perishability.
163 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
Uspešno zaključena leta šolanja v šoli, diplome in spričevala v zvezi s tem se priznavajo na ozemlju držav članic v skladu s preglednico o enakovrednosti šolanja, pod pogoji, ki jih v skladu s členom 11 določi svet guvernerjev, in v soglasju s pristojnimi nacionalnimi organi.
Years of study seccessfully completed at the School and diplomas and certificates in respect thereof shall be recognized in the territory of the Member States, in accordance with a table of equivalence, under conditions determined by the Board of Governors as laid down in Article 11 and subject to the agreement of the competent national authorities.
164 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
Pogodbenice na zasedanjih izvršnega organa v skladu s pododstavkom (a) drugega odstavka 10. člena konvencije pregledajo informacije, ki jih predložijo pogodbenice, EMEP in pomožna telesa izvršnega organa, podatke o učinkih koncentracij in usedlin žvepla in dušikovih spojin ter o posledicah fotokemičnega onesnaževanja in tudi poročila izvedbenega odbora iz 9. člena.
The Parties shall, at sessions of the Executive Body, pursuant to article 10, paragraph 2 (a), of the Convention, review the information supplied by the Parties, EMEP and subsidiary bodies of the Executive Body, the data on the effects of concentrations and depositions of sulphur and nitrogen compounds and of photochemical pollution as well as the reports of the Implementation Committee referred to in article 9 above.
165 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Sporazum mora zagotoviti dostop pravilno pooblaščenih zastopnikov in predstavnikov Skupnosti do podatkov, ki jih hranijo organi in inštitucije, na katere so prenesene naloge, tako da ti uradniki lahko pregledajo vloge, kar vključuje tudi preverjanje projektov in prejemnikov pomoči.
The agreement shall provide for access by duly authorised agents or representatives of the Community to information held by these delegated bodies and for the investigation by such officials of applications including the carrying out of checks on projects and recipients of aid.
166 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
Če se pri cestni kontroli voznika vozila, registriranega na območju druge pogodbenice, ugotovijo razlogi za sum kršitve, ki je ni mogoče odkriti med kontrolnim pregledom zaradi pomanjkanja potrebnih podatkov, pristojni organi te pogodbenice drug drugemu pomagajo razjasniti okoliščine.
If the findings of a roadside check on the driver of a vehicle registered in the territory of another Contracting Party provide grounds to believe that infringements have been committed which cannot be detected during the check due to lack of necessary data, the competent authorities of the Contracting Party concerned shall assist each other to clarify the situation.
167 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
Informacije v zvezi z izvajanjem in stroški nadzora nad emisijami temeljijo na uradni dokumentaciji izvršnega organa in njegovih pomožnih teles, posebnih dokumentih, ki jih prejema in pregleduje delovna skupina za emisije težkih kovin in ad hoc pripravljalna delovna skupina za težke kovine.
The information regarding emission control performance and costs is based on official documentation of the Executive Body and its subsidiary bodies, in particular documents received and reviewed by the Task Force on Heavy Metal Emissions and the Ad Hoc Preparatory Working Group on Heavy Metals.
168 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice po zaprosilu carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitev, in opravi preverjanja, preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention of customs legislation, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
169 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Za olajšanje pregledovanja dejavnosti v sektorju za standardizacijo telekomunikacij je treba sprejeti ukrepe za spodbujanje sodelovanja in usklajevanja z drugimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo s standardizacijo telekomunikacij, in s sektorjema za radiokomunikacije in za razvoj telekomunikacij.
For the purpose of facilitating the review of activities in the Telecommunication Standardization Sector, measures should be taken to foster cooperation and coordination with other organizations concerned with telecommunication standardization and with the Radiocommunication Sector and the Telecommunication Development Sector.
170 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
41. pravilnik o zdravstvenih pogojih za opravljanje del letalskega in drugega strokovnega osebja in o posebnih pogojih za opravljanje zdravniških pregledov letalskega in drugega strokovnega osebja, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati zdravstvene organizacije združenega dela (Uradni list SFRJ, št. 81/89).
41. Rules on health conditions for performing work of aviation and other professional personnel and concerning special conditions for performing health examinations of aviation and other professional personnel that a health organisation of associated labour must meet (Ur.l. SFRY, no. 81/89).
171 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(5) Podatke iz evidenc lahko obdelujejo v času pet let po pravnomočnosti odločbe prekrškovni organi, sodišča, državna tožilstva, policija, drugi državni organi v okviru svojih pooblastil, stranke oziroma drugi udeleženci, ki so na podlagi procesnih zakonov upravičeni pregledovati in prepisovati spis v posamezni zadevi, ostali uporabniki pa le, če so za uporabo podatkov pooblaščeni z zakonom.
(5) Data from records may be processed for a period of five years of the day decisions become final by misdemeanour authorities, courts, state prosecutor's offices, the police, other state authorities within the limits of their jurisdiction, parties and other participants, who on the basis of procedural acts are entitled to examine and copy court records applying to individual cases; other users may use this data only if they are legally authorised for using it.
172 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-97
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitve, in opravi preverjanja, inšpekcijske preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
The Customs Authority of either Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
173 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-33
Vsaka izvozna rastlinska pošiljka, za katero se zahteva fitosanitarni pregled, mora biti opremljena s fitosanitarnim spričevalom, ki ga izda organ službe za karanteno in varstvo rastlin, in potrjuje, da ta pošiljka ne vsebuje škodljivih organizmov, ki so karantenski škodljivi organizmi v državi uvoznici.
Each exported plant consignment which is subject to phytosanitary inspection must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate, issued by a body of the plant quarantine and protection service, confirming that this consignment does not contain pests which are quarantine pests in the importing state.
174 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
a) opredeli in pregleda ukrepe, začenši s posvetovalnimi postopki na lokalni ravni, ob vključitvi lokalnega prebivalstva in skupnosti, ob sodelovanju lokalnih upravnih organov, razvitih držav pogodbenic ter medvladnih in nevladnih organizacij na podlagi uvodnih posvetovanj zainteresiranih na državni ravni;
(a) undertake an identification and review of actions, beginning with a locally driven consultation process, involving local populations and communities and with the cooperation of local administrative authorities, developed country Parties and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, on the basis of initial consultations of those concerned at the national level;
175 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
(a) Ob prejemu športnikove prošnje v pregled, kot je določeno v četrtem odstavku 4. člena kodeksa, lahko Odbor za priznanje terapevtske izjeme pri WADA, kot je določeno v četrtem odstavku 4. člena kodeksa, razveljavi odločitev o priznanju terapevtske izjeme, ki jo je priznala protidopinška organizacija.
7.11 (a) Upon receiving a request by an Athlete for review, as specified in Article 4.4 of the Code, the WADA TUEC will, as specified in Article 4.4 of the Code, be able to reverse a decision on a TUE granted by an Anti-Doping Organization.
176 Objavljeno
Osredotočiti se je potrebno na to, da bo država kot lastnica imela na voljo taka sredstva in instrumente, kot jih imajo na voljo privatni lastniki Usklajevanje bi se zato moralo v prvi vrsti nanašati na vlogo in pooblastila upravljavskih organov družbe in na obveznosti v zvezi s preglednostjo in objavo podatkov.
It should focus on making those means and instruments usually available to private owners, also available to the state as an owner. Streamlining should therefore primarily concern the role and authority of the company's governance organs as well as transparency and disclosure obligations.
177 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
Predvsem imajo carinski organi države gostiteljice pravico v skladu s splošnimi pogoji iz zakonov in predpisov države gostiteljice preiskati pripadnike sile ali civilnega dela in njihove vzdrževane družinske člane, pregledati njihovo prtljago in vozila ter zaseči stvari v skladu s takšnimi zakoni in predpisi.
In particular the customs authorities of the receiving State shall have the right, under the general conditions laid down by the laws and regulations of the receiving State, to search members of a force or civilian component and their dependents and to examine their luggage and vehicles, and to seize articles pursuant to such laws and regulations.
178 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(3) Uporabnik letališča lahko za lastne potrebe zagotavlja zemeljsko oskrbo v pogojih samooskrbe, če izpolnjuje predpisane organizacijske, tehnične, tehnološke in prostorske pogoje za izvajanje posamezne kategorije storitev iz prejšnjega odstavka, kar s kontrolnim pregledom ugotovi Uprava in o tem izda odločbo.
(3) The airport user may provide ground care for his own needs under conditions of /self-care/ if he meets prescribed organisational, technical, technological and spatial conditions for carrying out individual categories of services under the previous paragraph which the Administration shall ascertain by a control inspection, and issue a decision on this.
179 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-33
Če pri fitosanitarnem pregledu odkrijejo karantenske škodljive organizme ali ugotovijo kakšne druge kršitve predpisov države uvoznice o karanteni rastlin, imata pristojna organa pogodbenic pravico zavrniti uvoz takšnega blaga rastlinskega izvora ali ga uničiti ali izvesti kakšen drug nujen fitosanitarni ukrep.
If during a phytosanitary inspection a quarantine pest is found, or some other violations of the plant quarantine regulations of the importing country are ascertained, then competent bodies of the Contracting Parties are entitled to refuse the import of such commodity of plant origin, or to destroy it or to perform other urgent phytosanitary measure.
180 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Če v dveh letih po sprejetju tega sporazuma katera koli organizacija ali dogovor ne določi takšnih postopkov, se vkrcanje in pregledi v skladu z odstavkom 1, kakor tudi vsi naknadni inšpekcijski ukrepi, pred sprejetjem takšnih postopkov izvedejo v skladu s tem členom in osnovnimi postopki, določenimi v členu 22.
If, within two years of the adoption of this Agreement, any organisation or arrangement has not established such procedures, boarding and inspection pursuant to paragraph 1, as well as any subsequent enforcement action, shall, pending the establishment of such procedures, be conducted in accordance with this Article and the basic procedures set out in Article 22.
181 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
C. Na zahtevo vlade pogodbenice tega sporazuma ali Natove organizacije, ki jo to zadeva, se lahko ustanovi svetovalni odbor, sestavljen izključno iz predstavnikov vpletenih vlad in Natovih organizacij, da razišče in pregleda dokaze ter poroča stranem, ki jih to zadeva, o izvoru, naravi in obsegu kakršne koli škode.
C. At the request of a Government Party to this Agreement or a NATO Organization concerned, an Advisory Committee composed solely of representatives of the Governments and NATO Organizations involved in the transaction may be created to investigate and examine evidence and report to the parties concerned on the origin, nature and scope of any damage.
182 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(b) nemudoma in popolnoma razišče vse domnevne kršitve podobmočnih ali območnih ukrepov ohranjanja in upravljanja, kar lahko vključuje fizični pregled zadevnega plovila, ter hitro poroča državi, ki je prijavila kršitev, in ustrezni podobmočni ali območni organizaciji ali dogovoru o napredku in izidu raziskave;
(b) investigate immediately and fully any alleged violation of subregional or regional conservation and management measures, which may include the physical inspection of the vessels concerned, and report promptly to the State alleging the violation and the relevant subregional or regional organisation or arrangements on the progress and outcome of the investigation;
183 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-16
Statut poleg obvezne navedbe sporazuma vsebuje pravila o članstvu, izstopu članic in prenehanju ERZS, vključno s pravnimi posledicami, delovanju, organih in njihovih nalogah, zaposlovanju, proračunu in financiranju, odgovornosti ter preglednosti ERZS, ne da bi to vplivalo na določbe tega protokola in skladno z zakonodajo.
In addition to the mandatory provisions of the agreement, the statutes shall contain rules on membership, withdrawal and dissolution of the ECG, including the legal consequences, as well as on operations, organs and their tasks, staffing, budgets and financing, liability, accountability and transparency of the ECG, without prejudice to the provisions of this Protocol and in conformity with the applicable law.
184 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
Zaprošeni organ vodi, ali če je izvedljivo in v skladu z notranjim pravom, dovoli organu prosilcu, da opravlja take preglede, preverjanja, poizvedbe za ugotavljanje dejstev ali izvaja druge preiskovalne ukrepe, vključno z zasliševanjem izvedencev, prič in oseb, osumljenih čezmejnega kriminala, ki so potrebni za rešitev zaprosila.
The requested authority shall conduct or, if feasible and in accordance with national law, permit the requesting authority to conduct such inspections, verifications, fact-finding inquiries, or other investigative steps, including the questioning of experts, witnesses, and persons suspected of having committed a trans-border crime, as are necessary to execute a request.
185 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [Vsebina uradnega obvestila o razveljavitvi] Kadar se v imenovani pogodbenici razveljavi mednarodna registracija in razveljavitve ni več mogoče dati v ponovni pregled ali se zoper njo pritožiti, urad pogodbenice, katere pristojni organ je registracijo razveljavil, o tem uradno obvesti Mednarodni urad, če za tako razveljavitev ve.
(1) [Contents of the Notification of Invalidation] Where the effects of an international registration are invalidated in a designated Contracting Party and the invalidation is no longer subject to any review or appeal, the Office of the Contracting Party whose competent authority has pronounced the invalidation shall, where it is aware of the invalidation, notify the International Bureau accordingly.
186 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Mednarodno podatkovno središče brez stroškov za države pogodbenice, če to zahteva Organizacija ali kaka država pogodbenica, izdela posebne študije, da s strokovno analizo podatkov iz Mednarodnega opazovalnega sistema priskrbi poglobljen strokovni pregled in tako izboljša ocenjene vrednosti standardnih signalov in parametrov dogodkov.
The International Data Centre shall carry out, at no cost to States Parties, special studies to provide in-depth, technical review by expert analysis of data from the International Monitoring System, if requested by the Organization or by a State Party, to improve the estimated values for the standard signal and event parameters.
187 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
3.7.2 Kadar je ladja zadržana, oblasti nemudoma pisno obvestijo upravo države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja, kar vključuje poročilo o inšpekcijskem pregledu, navedeno v Prilogi 3. Kadar je primerno, bo obveščena tudi pooblaščena organizacija, ki je izdala ustrezna spričevala v imenu uprave države, pod katere zastavo pluje ladja.
3.7.2 In the case of a detention, the Authority will immediately notify the flag State Administration* ) in writing,which includes the report of inspection specified in Annex 3. Like wise, the recognized organization which has issued the relevant certificates on behalf of the flag State Administration will be notified, where appropriate.
188 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
Pogodbenice spodbujajo posvetovanja med pristojnimi organi ali telesi na njihovem ozemlju in letalskimi prevozniki ali njihovimi predstavniškimi organi, ki uporabljajo storitve in infrastrukturo, ter spodbujajo pristojne organe ali telesa in letalske prevoznike ali njihove predstavniške organe, da izmenjujejo take informacije, kot je potrebno za omogočanje natančnega pregleda sprejemljivosti taks v skladu z načeli iz odstavkov 1 in 2 tega člena.
Each Party shall encourage consultations between the competent charging authorities or bodies in its territory and the airlines or their representative bodies using the services and facilities, and shall encourage the competent charging authorities or bodies and the airlines or their representative bodies to exchange such information as may be necessary to permit an accurate review of the reasonableness of the charges in accordance with the principles of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.
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delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
Carinski organi pogodbenic soglašajo, da se sestanejo zaradi ponovnega pregleda sporazuma ali obravnave drugih carinskih zadev, ki bi lahko izhajale iz njihovega medsebojnega odnosa, na zahtevo enega od carinskih organov ali po petih letih od datuma začetka veljavnosti sporazuma, razen če se med seboj pisno ne obvestijo, da tak pregled ni potreben.
The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties agree to meet in order to review this Agreement or to discuss any other customs matters which may arise out of the relationship between them, upon the request of one of the Customs Authorities or at the end of five years from the date of its entry into force, unless they notify one another in writing that no such review is necessary.
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DRUGO: Ch 23
Hrvaška izvaja akcijski načrt za pregled sodnih odločb, izdanih v nenavzočnosti, in nove določbe iz zakonika o kazenskem postopku v zvezi z obnovo postopkov in uporabo drugih pravnih sredstev, kot je zaščita zakonitosti, ter zagotovi, da vsi zadevni sodni organi zahteve za obnovo postopka in ponovna sojenja obravnavajo ustrezno in nepristransko.
Croatia implements its action plan for the review of in absentia cases and the new provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code on renewal of proceedings and deploying other legal remedies such as protection of legality, ensuring renewal of proceedings requests and renewed trials are properly and impartially handled by all relevant judicial authorities.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
f) na lokalni, državni in regionalni ravni zagotavljajo učinkovito sodelovanje nevladnih organizacij in lokalnega prebivalstva, tako žensk kot moških, zlasti uporabnikov virov, vključno s kmeti in pastirji in njihovimi predstavniškimi organizacijami, pri načrtovanju usmeritev, odločanju in izvajanju ter pregledovanju državnih programov ukrepov in
(f) provide for effective participation at the local, national and regional levels of non- governmental organizations and local populations, both women and men, particularly resource users, including farmers and pastoralists and their representative organizations, in policy planning, decision-making, and implementation and review of national action programmes; and
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
(5) (a) Pristojni organ vlade pogodbenice Protokola iz leta 1997 lahko dobavnice za gorivo na kateri koli ladji, za katero velja ta priloga, inšpekcijsko pregleda, ko je ladja v pristanišču ali predobalnem terminalu te države, vsako dobavnico lahko kopira in od poveljnika ladje ali osebe, odgovorne za ladjo, zahteva overitev kopije vsake take dobavnice.
(5) (a) The competent authority of the Government of a Party to the Protocol of 1997 may inspect the bunker delivery notes on board any ship to which this Annex applies while the ship is in its port or offshore terminal, may make a copy of each delivery note, and may require the master or person in charge of the ship to certify that each copy is a true copy of such bunker delivery note.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
Pogodbenici spodbujata posvetovanja med pristojnimi organi ali telesi na svojem ozemlju in letalskimi družbami, ki uporabljajo storitve in naprave, ter spodbujata pristojne organe ali telesa in letalske družbe, da izmenjavajo take informacije, kot so potrebne za omogočanje natančnega pregleda sprejemljivosti taks v skladu z načeli iz prvega in drugega odstavka.
Each Party shall encourage consultations between the competent charging authorities or bodies in its territory and the airlines using the services and facilities, and shall encourage the competent charging authorities or bodies and the airlines to exchange such information as may be necessary to permit an accurate review of the reasonableness of the charges in accordance with the principles of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-98
c) zagotoviti na zahtevo teh držav in po dogovoru z njimi migracijske storitve, kot so, zaposlovanje, izbira, obdelava, jezikovno izobraževanje, usmerjevalne dejavnosti, zdravstveni pregledi, namestitev dejavnosti za pospeševanje sprejema in vključevanja, svetovalne storitve pri migracijskih vprašanjih in druge vrste pomoči, ki so v skladu s cilji organizacije;
(c) to provide, at the request of and in agreement with the States concerned, migration services such as recruitment, selection, processing, language training, orientation activities, medical examination, placement, activities facilitating reception and integration, advisory services on migration questions, and other assistance as is in accord with the aims of the Organization;
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Upravni organ lahko občasno pregleda zneske plačil, da bi dosegel pravično in enakopravno delitev koristi; v petih letih od začetka veljavnosti te pogodbe lahko tudi oceni, ali se zahteva glede obveznega plačila iz sporazuma o prenosu materiala uporablja tudi, če so taki izdelki, s katerimi se trguje neomejeno, na voljo drugim osebam za raziskovanje in žlahtnjenje.
The Governing Body may, from time to time, review the levels of payment with a view to achieving fair and equitable sharing of benefits, and it may also assess, within a period of five years from the entry into force of this Treaty, whether the mandatory payment requirement in the MTA shall apply also in cases where such commercialized products are available without restriction to others for further research and breeding.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-100
Vsaka članica ob upoštevanju notranje zakonodaje, pogojev in prakse ter po posvetu z najreprezentativnejšimi organizacijami delodajalcev in delojemalcev ter drugimi zainteresiranimi stranmi, ki jih to lahko prizadene, oblikuje, izvaja in v rednih presledkih pregleduje celovito politiko države glede varovanja delavcev, prebivalstva in okolja pred tveganjem večjih nesreč.
In the light of national laws and regulations, conditions and practices, and in consultation with the most representative organizations of employers and workers and with other interested parties who may be affected, each Member shall formulate, implement and periodically review a coherent national policy concerning the protection of workers, the public and the environment against the risk of major accidents.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Za objekte in naprave, vključene v Mednarodni opazovalni sistem in so navedene v preglednicah 1-A, 2-A, 3 in 4 Priloge 1 k Protokolu, in za njihovo delovanje, če se določena država in Organizacija dogovorita, da ti objekti in naprave dajejo podatke Mednarodnemu podatkovnemu središču v skladu s tehničnimi zahtevami Protokola in ustreznimi priročniki za delovanje, Organizacija glede na določbe v sporazumih in dogovorih, sklenjenih v skladu s 4. odstavkom I. dela Protokola, krije stroške za:
For facilities incorporated into the International Monitoring System and specified in Tables 1-A, 2-A, 3 and 4 of Annex 1 to the Protocol, and for their functioning, to the extent that such facilities are agreed by the relevant State and the Organization to provide data to the International Data Centre in accordance with the technical requirements of the Protocol and relevant operational manuals, the Organization, as specified in agreements or arrangements pursuant to Part I, paragraph 4 of the Protocol, shall meet the costs of:
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WTO: Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi
(b) je običajno trajanje vsakega postopka objavljeno ali da se pričakovano trajanje postopka sporoči prosilcu na njegovo zahtevo; ko prejme neko vlogo, pristojni organ takoj pregleda, ali je dokumentacija popolna, in prosilca natančno in v celoti obvesti o vseh pomanjkljivostih; pristojni organ, takoj ko je mogoče, natančno in v celoti obvesti prosilca o odločitvi v postopku, tako da ta po potrebi lahko ustrezno ukrepa; četudi ima vloga pomanjkljivosti, pristojni organ v možnem obsegu nadaljuje s postopkom, če prosilec to zahteva, ter na zahtevo prosilca obvesti, na kateri stopnji je postopek, vsako zamudo pa pojasni;
(b) the standard processing period of each procedure is published or that the anticipated processing period is communicated to the applicant upon request; when receiving an application, the competent body promptly examines the completeness of the documentation and informs the applicant in a precise and complete manner of all deficiencies; the competent body transmits as soon as possible the results of the procedure in a precise and complete manner to the applicant so that corrective action may be taken if necessary; even when the application has deficiencies, the competent body proceeds as far as practicable with the procedure if the applicant so requests; and that upon request, the applicant is informed of the stage of the procedure, with any delay being explained;
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
2.3.7 Če drugi organi in inštitucije zadržijo dokumente v zvezi z odobrenimi zahtevki, nastalimi izdatki in izvedenimi kontrolami kot tudi dokumente v zvezi z neizbranimi projekti, morajo ti organi in inštitucije ter agencija vzpostaviti postopke, da se zagotovi evidentiranje lokacije vseh takih dokumentov, pomembnih za posamezna plačila agencije, in da so ti dokumenti na voljo za pregled v prostorih agencije na zahtevo oseb in organov, ki imajo običajno pravico pregledati te dokumente, med katerimi so:
Where documents relating to the claims authorised, expenditure committed and controls effected as well as those relating to projects not selected are retained by other bodies, both these bodies and the Agency shall set up procedures to ensure that the location of all such documents that are relevant to specific payments made by the Agency is recorded, and that these documents shall be made available for inspection at the Agency's offices at the request of the persons and bodies who would normally have the right to inspect such documents, including:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(3) Če pristojni upravni organ za gradbene zadeve po ponovnem tehničnem pregledu ugotovi, da investitor ni odpravil vseh ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti, se investitorju znova izda odločba, da mora v določenem roku odpraviti ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti. Če pa investitor, kljub izvršljivi odločbi o odpravi ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti, teh pomanjkljivosti ne odpravi, pristojni upravni organ za gradbene zadeve z odločbo zavrne izdajo uporabnega dovoljenja in o tem seznani pristojnega gradbenega inšpektorja.
If, after the repeat technical inspection, the relevant administrative body for construction matters finds that the investor has failed to rectify all the deficiencies identified, it shall issue a new ruling ordering the investor to rectify the deficiencies identified by a specific deadline. If, despite an executable ruling on the rectification of the deficiencies identified, the investor fails to rectify the deficiencies, the relevant administrative body for construction matters shall via a ruling deny the issue of a permit of use and shall inform the relevant building inspector of such.
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