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plačilni račun
151 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Določbe 143. in 145. do 150. člena se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za izvršbo na sredstva, ki jih ima zasebnik (podjetnik ali druga oseba, ki opravlja registrirano dejavnost) na računu pri banki, preko katerega zanj banka opravlja plačilni promet.
The provisions of Articles 143 and 145 to 150 shall a(so apply, mutatis mutandis, to execution upon assets which a private person (a sole trader or other person engaging in a registered activity) has deposited on the account through which the bank performs money movements on his behalf
152 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
S sodno odločbo so po tem zakonu mišljeni sodba oziroma arbitražna odločba, sklep ter plačilni oziroma drug nalog sodišča ali arbitraže ali nalog Računskega sodišča Republike Slovenije za odpravo nezakonitih dejanj, s sodno poravnavo pa poravnava, sklenjena pred sodiščem ali arbitražo.
For the purposes of the present Law, a court decision shall be a judgement, an arbitration award, a court decree, a payment order, any other court order or order issued by an arbitration tribunal, or an order issued by the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Slovenia which orders the rectification of unlawful acts. A court settlement shall be a settlement concluded before a court or an arbitration tribunal.
153 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Če imajo solidarni dolžniki račune pri različnih enotah organizacije za plačilni promet, vroči sodišče sklep o izvršbi tisti enoti, pri kateri ima račun dolžnik, ki ga je upnik v predlogu za izvršbo določil kot prvega solidarnega dolžnika, oziroma ki je v predlogu naveden na prvem mestu.
If joint debtors have their accounts with different branch offices of the agency for money transfers, the court shall serve the decree for execution on the branch office at which the debtor leading the order of precedence, or the debtor who is in first place in the application for execution, has his account.
154 Prevod
Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta dovoljevali vsa plačila na tekočem računu plačilne bilance v prosto konvertibilni valuti, če so transakcije, na podlagi katerih se plačila izvajajo, v zvezi s pretokom blaga, storitev ali oseb med pogodbenicama, ki je bil liberaliziran v skladu s tem sporazumom.
The Parties undertake to authorize, in freely convertible currency, any payments on the current account of balance of payments to the extent that the transactions underlying the payments concern movements of goods, services, or persons between the Parties which have been liberalized pursuant to this Agreement.
155 Prevod
"kompenzacije" so tisti pogoji, ki jih subjekt postavi ali o njih razmišlja pred ali med svojim procesom naročil, ki spodbujajo lokalni napredek ali izboljšajo račun plačilne bilance pogodbenice zaradi zahtev po lokalni vsebini, licenciranju tehnologije, investicijah, protitrgovinskih in podobnih zahtev;
Offsets' means those conditions imposed or considered by an entity prior to, or in the course of its procurement process, that encourage local development or improve its Party's balance of payments accounts by means of requirements of local content, licensing of technology, investment, counter-trade or similar requirements;
156 Prevod
Glede transakcij na kapitalskem računu plačilne bilance države članice oziroma Bolgarija z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma zagotovijo prost pretok kapitala v zvezi z neposrednimi naložbami v gospodarske družbe, ustanovljene v skladu z zakonodajo države gostiteljice, in naložbami v skladu z določbami poglavja II naslova IV, kakor tudi likvidacijo ali repatriacijo teh naložb in kakršnega koli dobička, ki iz njih izvira.
With regard to transactions on the capital account of balance of payments, from entry into force of the Agreement, the Member States and Bulgaria respectively shall ensure the free movement of capital relating to direct investments made in companies formed in accordance with the laws of the host country and investments made in accordance to the provisions of Chapter II of Title IV, and the liquidation or repatriation of these investments and of any profit stemming therefrom.
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plačilni račun