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postopek pred Sodiščem
151 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Države članice morajo v tem primeru zagotoviti, da bodo pogoji, določeni v takšnih postopkih, pregledni, objektivni in nediskriminacijski ter da bo v primeru vsake zavrnitve obstajal učinkovit postopek za pritožbe na sodišče.
Member States should, in that event, ensure that the conditions set out in those procedures are transparent, objective, and without discriminatory effect, and that there is an efficient procedure of appealing to the courts against any refusal.
152 Pravna redakcija
Pravna pomoč bi morala kriti predpravdne nasvete z namenom doseči poravnavo, preden se sproži sodni postopek, pravno pomoč pri vložitvi primera na sodišče ter zastopanje na sodišču in pomoč pri kritju ali oprostitvi plačila stroškov postopka.
Legal aid should cover pre-litigation advice with a view to reaching a settlement prior to bringing legal proceedings, legal assistance in bringing a case before a court and representation in court and assistance with or exemption from the cost of proceedings.
153 Pravna redakcija
Sodišče, pri katerem je uveden sekundarni postopek, prekine postopek likvidacije delno ali v celoti po prejemu zahtevka stečajnega upravitelja v glavnem postopku pod pogojem, da v tem primeru lahko od stečajnega upravitelja v glavnem postopku zahteva sprejem kakršnihkoli primernih ukrepov za zavarovanje interesov upnikov v sekundarnem postopku in posameznih kategorij upnikov.
The court, which opened the secondary proceedings, shall stay the process of liquidation in whole or in part on receipt of a request from the liquidator in the main proceedings, provided that in that event it may require the liquidator in the main proceedings to take any suitable measure to guarantee the interests of the creditors in the secondary proceedings and of individual classes of creditors.
154 Pravna redakcija
Kadar toženec ne sodeluje v postopku, pristojno sodišče prekine postopek, dokler ni dokazano, da je toženec pravočasno prejel listino o začetku postopkov oziroma enakovredno listino, da je lahko pripravil svojo obrambo, ali da so bili v ta namen sprejeti vsi potrebni ukrepi.
Where a respondent does not enter an appearance, the court with jurisdiction shall stay the proceedings so long as it is not shown that the respondent has been able to receive the document instituting the proceedings or an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence, or that all necessary steps have been taken to this end.
155 Pravna redakcija
Če toženec nima niti stalnega prebivališča niti podjetja v nobeni državi članici, se takšen postopek začne pred sodiščem v državi članici, v kateri ima stalno prebivališče tožnik, oziroma v primeru, da nima stalnega prebivališča v nobeni državi članici, tam, kjer ima podjetje.
If the defendant is neither domiciled nor has an establishment in any of the Member States, such proceedings shall be brought in the courts of the Member State in which the plaintiff is domiciled or, if he is not domiciled in any of the Member States, in which he has an establishment.
156 Pravna redakcija
Če se postopek ne more razrešiti po poti poravnave in če se mora kapitan zaradi tega zagovarjati pred pristojnim sodiščem Slonokoščene obale, določi pristojni organ ustrezno bančno varščino v dveh delovnih dneh po zaključku postopka poravnave, dokler se ne izda sodna odločba.
Should the case not be settled by means of compromise, and the master therefore be brought before a competent Côte d'Ivoire judicial body, a reasonable bank security shall be fixed by the competent authority within two working days, following the conclusion of the compromise procedure, pending the judicial decision.
157 Pravna redakcija
Kadar se postopki v zvezi z istim zahtevkom in med istimi strankami sprožijo pred sodišči različnih držav članic, sodišče, na katerega se je stranka obrnila pozneje, po uradni dolžnosti prekine postopek, dokler se ne razjasni pristojnost sodišča, na katerega se je stranka obrnila najprej.
Where proceedings involving the same cause of action and between the same parties are brought before courts of different Member States, the court second seised shall of its own motion stay its proceedings until such time as the jurisdiction of the court first seised is established.
158 Pravna redakcija
Postopek v zvezi s tožbami in zahtevki iz člena 92, z izjemo tožb za ugotovitev nekršitve znamke Skupnosti, se lahko začne tudi pred sodiščem države članice, v kateri je bilo izvršeno ali zagroženo dejanje kršitve ali v kateri je bilo izvršeno dejanje v smislu člena 9 (3), drugi stavek.
Proceedings in respect of the actions and claims referred to in Article 92, with the exception of actions for a declaration of non-infringement of a Community trade mark, may also be brought in the courts of the Member State in which the act of infringement has been committed or threatened, or in which an act within the meaning of Article 9 (3), second sentence, has been committed.
159 Pravna redakcija
je treba zaradi učinkovitega vodenja postopkov na Sodišču prve stopnje (v nadaljevanju 'Sodišče') in pospešene obravnave sodnih spisov praktična navodila, ki obravnavajo način predložitve vlog in drugih dokumentov, ki se nanašajo na pisni postopek, dati na voljo odvetnikom in zastopnikom strank.
It is in the interests of the efficient conduct of proceedings before the Court of First Instance (hereinafter `the Court` ) and the expeditious processing of cases that practice directions should be issued to the lawyers and agents of parties, dealing with the manner in which pleadings and other procedural documents relating to the written procedure are to be submitted.
160 Pravna redakcija
Če toženec nima niti stalnega prebivališča niti poslovalnice v nobeni državi članici, se takšen postopek začne pred sodiščem v državi članici, v kateri ima stalno prebivališče tožnik, oziroma v primeru, da nima stalnega prebivališča v nobeni državi članici, v državi članici, kjer ima poslovalnico.
If the defendant is neither domiciled nor has an establishment in any of the Member States, such proceedings shall be brought in the courts of the Member State in which the plaintiff is domiciled or, if he is not domiciled in any of the Member States, in any Member State in which he has an establishment.
161 Pravna redakcija
Če se tožbe zaradi kršitev ali zaradi zagroženih kršitev, ki imajo enako pravno podlago in se odvijajo med istimi strankami, vložijo pred sodišči različnih držav članic, pri čemer je eno začelo postopek na podlagi modela Skupnosti, drugo pa na podlagi nacionalnega modela, ki nudi hkratno varstvo, sodišče, ki ni prvo začelo postopka, po uradni dolžnosti zavrne pristojnost v prid sodišča, ki je prvo začelo postopek.
Where actions for infringement or for threatened infringement involving the same cause of action and between the same parties are brought before the courts of different Member States, one seized on the basis of a Community design and the other seized on the basis of a national design right providing simultaneous protection, the court other than the court first seized shall of its own motion decline jurisdiction in favour of that court.
162 Pravna redakcija
Država članica, ki zahteva vračilo, sme pred pristojnim sodiščem v državi članici, od katere se zahteva vračilo, sprožiti postopek proti lastniku, ali v primeru, če tega ni, proti imetniku, z namenom, da bi zagotovili vračilo predmeta kulturne dediščine, ki je bil protipravno odstranjen iz njenega ozemlja.
The requesting Member State may initiate, before the competent court in the requested Member State, proceedings against the possessor or, failing him, the holder, with the aim of securing the return of a cultural object which has been unlawfully removed from its territory.
163 Pravna redakcija
Sodišče za znamke Skupnosti, ki obravnava nasprotno tožbo za razveljavitev ali za ugotovitev ničnosti, lahko ustavi postopek na zahtevo imetnika znamke Skupnosti in po zaslišanju drugih strank, ter lahko zahteva, da toženec Uradu predloži zahtevo za razveljavitev ali ugotovitev ničnosti v časovnem roku, ki ga določi.
The Community trade mark court hearing a counterclaim for revocation or for a declaration of invalidity may stay the proceedings on application by the proprietor of the Community trade mark and after hearing the other parties and may request the defendant to submit an application for revocation or for a declaration of invalidity to the Office within a time limit which it shall determine.
164 Pravna redakcija
Razen če obstajajo posebni razlogi za nadaljevanje obravnave, Urad, ko obravnava zahtevo za razveljavitev ali za ugotovitev ničnosti, po uradni dolžnosti po zaslišanju strank ali na zahtevo ene od strank in po zaslišanju drugih strank ustavi postopek, če se znamka Skupnosti izpodbija na podlagi nasprotne tožbe pred sodiščem za znamke Skupnosti.
The Office, when hearing an application for revocation or for a declaration of invalidity shall, unless there are special grounds for continuing the hearing, of its own motion after hearing the parties or at the request of one of the parties and after hearing the other parties, stay the proceedings where the validity of the Community trade mark is already in issue on account of a counterclaim before a Community trade mark court.
165 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0407
Tretji odstavek člena 54 Protokola o Statutu Sodišča se nadomesti z naslednjim: 'Če na Sodišču in Sodišču prve stopnje tečejo postopki, pri katerih se uveljavljajo iste zahteve, za katere se zahteva ista razlaga, ali je vprašljiva veljavnost istega akta, lahko Sodišče prve stopnje po zaslišanju strank prekine postopek do izreka sodbe Sodišča.
the third paragraph of Article 54 of the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice shall be replaced by the following:"Where the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance are seised of cases in which the same relief is sought, the same issue of interpretation is raised or the validity of the same act is called in question, the Court of First Instance may, after hearing the parties, stay the proceedings before it until such time as the Court of Justice has delivered judgment.
166 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju določb te uredbe, pa tudi vseh določb Konvencije o in izvrševanju, ki se uporabljajo na podlagi člena 90, se postopek v zvezi s tožbami in zahtevki iz člena 92 začne pred sodiščem države članice, v kateri ima toženec stalno prebivališče, oziroma, če nima stalnega prebivališča v nobeni državi članici, v državi, kjer ima podjetje.
Subject to the provisions of this Regulation as well as to any provisions of the Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement applicable by virtue of Article 90, proceedings in respect of the actions and claims referred to in Article 92 shall be brought in the courts of the Member State in which the defendant is domiciled or, if he is not domiciled in any of the Member States, in which he has an establishment.
167 Pravna redakcija
Razen če obstajajo posebni razlogi za nadaljevanje obravnave, Urad, ko obravnava zahtevo za ugotovitev ničnosti registriranega modela Skupnosti, po uradni dolžnosti po zaslišanju strank ali na zahtevo ene od strank in po zaslišanju drugih strank prekine postopek, če se model Skupnosti izpodbija na podlagi nasprotne tožbe pred sodiščem za modele Skupnosti.
The Office, when hearing an application for a declaration of invalidity of a registered Community design, shall, unless there are special grounds for continuing the hearing, of its own motion after hearing the parties, or at the request of one of the parties and after hearing the other parties, stay the proceedings where the validity of the registered Community design is already in issue on account of a counterclaim before a Community design court.
168 Pravna redakcija
Stečajni upravitelj, ki ga je imenovalo sodišče, ki je za to pristojno v skladu s členom 3(2), lahko v katerikoli drugi državi članici prek sodišča ali v izvensodnih postopkih uveljavlja tožbeni zahtevek, ker so bile premičnine z ozemlja države, v kateri je bil uveden stečajni postopek, po uvedbi stečajnega postopka premeščene na ozemlje te druge države članice.
The liquidator appointed by a court which has jurisdiction pursuant to Article 3(2) may in any other Member State claim through the courts or out of court that moveable property was removed from the territory of the State of the opening of proceedings to the territory of that other Member State after the opening of the insolvency proceedings.
169 Pravna redakcija
Kadar postopki v zvezi z razvezo zakonske zveze ali ločitivjo ali razveljavitvijo zakonske zveze niso povezani z istim zahtevkom in z istimi strankami in se sprožijo pri sodiščih različnih držav članic, sodišče, na katerega se je stranka obrnila pozneje, po uradni dolžnosti prekine postopek, dokler se ne razjasni pristojnost sodišča, na katerega se je stranka obrnila najprej.
Where proceedings for divorce, legal separation or marriage annulment not involving the same cause of action and between the same parties are brought before courts of different Member States, the court second seised shall of its own motion stay its proceedings until such time as the jurisdiction of the court first seised is established.
170 Pravna redakcija
Po predložitvi pisnih vlog kot je predvideno v členu 115 (1) in, v kolikor obstaja, v členu 117 (1) in (2) tega Poslovnika, se lahko Sodišče na podlagi poročila sodnika poročevalca in po zaslišanju generalnega pravobranilca ter strank odloči odpraviti ustni del postopka, razen če ena od strank ugovarja na podlagi tega, da ji pisni postopek ni v celoti omogočil braniti njenega stališča.
After the submission of pleadings as provided for in Articles 115 (1) and, if any, Article 117(1) and (2) of these Rules, the Court may, acting on a report from the Judge-Rapporteur and after hearing the Advocate-General and the parties, decide to dispense with the oral part of the procedure unless one of the parties objects on the ground that the written procedure did not enable him fully to defend his point of view.
171 Pravna redakcija
Razen če obstajajo posebni razlogi za nadaljevanje obravnave, sodišče za modele Skupnosti, ki obravnava tožbo iz člena 81, razen tožbe na ugotovitev nekršitve, po uradni dolžnosti po zaslišanju strank ali na zahtevo ene od strank in po zaslišanju drugih strank prekine postopek, če se veljavnost modela Skupnosti izpodbija pri drugem sodišču za modele Skupnosti zaradi nasprotne tožbe ali, v primeru registriranega modela Skupnosti, če je bila pri Uradu že vložena zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti.
A Community design court hearing an action referred to in Article 81, other than an action for a declaration of non-infringement, shall, unless there are special grounds for continuing the hearing, of its own motion after hearing the parties, or at the request of one of the parties and after hearing the other parties, stay the proceedings where the validity of the Community design is already in issue before another Community design court on account of a counterclaim or, in the case of a registered Community design, where an application for a declaration of invalidity has already been filed at the Office.
172 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
otrok v njej pridobil običajno prebivališče, po tem ko se je začel postopek pred sodiščem iz odstavka 1, ali
has become the habitual residence of the child after the court referred to in paragraph 1 was seised; or
173 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988D0591
Člen 52 Če je zoper odločbo Sodišča prve stopnje vložena pritožba, je postopek pred Sodiščem sestavljen iz pisnega in ustnega dela.
Procedure before the Court Article 52 Where an appeal is brought against a decision of the Court of First Instance, the procedure before the Court of Justice shall consist of a written part and an oral part.
174 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1347
Če vloži pravno sredstvo vlagatelj zahteve za razglasitev izvršljivosti, se stranko, proti kateri se zahteva izvršitev, pozove, naj se spusti v postopek pred sodiščem, ki odloča o pravnem sredstvu.
If the appeal is brought by the applicant for a declaration of enforceability, the party against whom enforcement is sought shall be summoned to appear before the appellate court.
175 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
če gre za civilno tožbo za odškodnino ali za vrnitev v prejšnje stanje, ki temelji na dejanju, zaradi katerega je bil sprožen kazenski postopek, pred sodiščem, kjer je bil sprožen ta postopek, če to sodišče po lastnem pravu lahko odloča v civilnopravnih zahtevkih;
as regards a civil claim for damages or restitution which is based on an act giving rise to criminal proceedings, in the court seised of those proceedings, to the extent that that court has jurisdiction under its own law to entertain civil proceedings;
176 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
Če se dolžnik ne spusti v postopek pred sodiščem, ki odloča o pravnem sredstvu, ki ga je vložil vlagatelj, se uporablja člen 26(2) do (4), tudi če dolžnik nima stalnega prebivališča v nobeni od držav članic.
If the party against whom enforcement is sought fails to appear before the appellate court in proceedings concerning an appeal brought by the applicant, Article 26(2) to (4) shall apply even where the party against whom enforcement is sought is not domiciled in any of the Member States.
177 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0007
Sredstva, omenjena v odstavku 1, vključujejo predpise, po katerih lahko eden ali več spodaj imenovanih organov, v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo začne postopek pred sodiščem ali pred pristojnimi upravnimi organi z namenom zagotoviti, da se bodo za izpolnjevanje te direktive uporabljali nacionalni predpisi:
The means referred to in paragraph 1 shall include provisions whereby one or more of the following bodies, as determined by national law, may take action under national law before the courts or before the competent administrative bodies to ensure that the national provisions for the implementation of this Directive are applied:
178 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2330
v primeru vloge, naslovljene na institucijo Skupnosti, datum, ko tako vlogo prejme Svet ali Komisija (kateri je bil prej), pod pogojem, da je vlagatelj naknadno sprožil postopek pred Sodiščem prve stopnje v času dvomesečnega odloga, določenega v členu 43 Statuta Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti, ali da je institucija Skupnosti pisno priznala, da je taka vloga prekinila zastaranje;
in the case of an application addressed to a Community institution, the date of reception of such application by the Council or the Commission (whichever was the earlier) provided either that the applicant subsequently brought an action before the Court of First Instance within the two-month delay stipulated in Article 43 of the Statute of the Court of Justice, or that the Community institution accepted in writing that such application interrupted the time bar;
179 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0027
Vsaka država članica sprejme ukrepe, potrebne za zagotovitev, da lahko v primeru kršitev, ki izvirajo v navedeni državi članici, kvalificiran subjekt iz druge države članice, v kateri so interesi, ki jih ščiti naveden kvalificiran subjekt, zaradi kršitve prizadeti, sproži postopek pred sodiščem ali pri upravnem organu, navedenem v členu 2, s predložitvijo seznama, predvidenega v odstavku 3.
Each Member State shall take the measures necessary to ensure that, in the event of an infringement originating in that Member State, any qualified entity from another Member State where the interests protected by that qualified entity are affected by the infringement, may seize the court or administrative authority referred to in Article 2, on presentation of the list provided for in paragraph 3.
180 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1206
Zaprosila v skladu s členom 1(1)(a), v nadaljevanju "zaprosila", posreduje sodišče, pred katerim se je začel ali je predviden postopek, v nadaljevanju je "sodišče, ki je zaprosilo", neposredno pristojno sodišče druge države članice, v nadaljevanju "zaprošeno sodišče zaradi izvršitve izvajanja dokazov".
Requests pursuant to Article 1(1)(a), hereinafter referred to as "requests", shall be transmitted by the court before which the proceedings are commenced or contemplated, hereinafter referred to as the "requesting court", directly to the competent court of another Member State, hereinafter referred to as the "requested court", for the performance of the taking of evidence.
181 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
Ta člen ne vpliva na pravico do vložitve nasprotne tožbe pred sodiščem, kjer je v skladu s tem oddelkom v teku prvotni postopek.
This Article shall not affect the right to bring a counter-claim in the court in which, in accordance with this Section, the original claim is pending.
182 Prevajalska redakcija
Nova izjava, obvestilo o preklicu ali iztek izjave na noben način ne posegajo v postopek, ki teče pred sodiščem ali arbitražnim sodiščem, pristojnem po tem členu, razen če se stranke sporazumejo drugače.
A new declaration, a notice of revocation or the expiry of a declaration does not in any way affect proceedings pending before a court or tribunal having jurisdiction under this Article, unless the parties otherwise agree.
183 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
Če agencija ne sprejme odločbe, je pred Sodiščem pod pogoji iz člena 232 Pogodbe mogoče sprožiti postopek zaradi opustitve ukrepanja.
Should the Agency fail to take a decision, proceedings for failure to act may be brought before the Court of Justice on the terms and conditions laid down in Article 232 of the Treaty.
184 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
Določbe tega oddelka ne vplivajo na pravico do vložitve nasprotne tožbe pred sodiščem, kjer je v skladu s tem oddelkom v teku prvotni postopek.
The provisions of this Section shall not affect the right to bring a counter-claim in the court in which, in accordance with this Section, the original claim is pending.
185 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
Poleg pristojnosti, ki izhaja iz drugih določb te uredbe, je pristojno tudi sodišče države članice, pred katerim se toženec spusti v postopek.
Apart from jurisdiction derived from other provisions of this Regulation, a court of a Member State before which a defendant enters an appearance shall have jurisdiction.
186 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
če gre za nasprotno tožbo, ki izhaja iz iste pogodbe ali dejstev, na katerem je temeljila prvotna tožba, pred sodiščem, kjer je v teku prvotni postopek;
on a counter-claim arising from the same contract or facts on which the original claim was based, in the court in which the original claim is pending;
187 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
Pri ugotavljanju, ali ima stranka stalno prebivališče v državi članici, pred sodišči katere je bil začet postopek, sodišče uporabi svoje notranje pravo.
In order to determine whether a party is domiciled in the Member State whose courts are seised of a matter, the court shall apply its internal law.
188 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
Če pred sodišči različnih držav članic tečejo postopki z istim zahtevkom v zvezi s starševsko odgovornostjo do istega otroka, sodišče, ki je drugo začelo postopek, po uradni dolžnosti prekine svoj postopek, vse dokler se ne ugotovi pristojnost sodišča, ki je prvo začelo postopek.
Where proceedings relating to parental responsibility relating to the same child and involving the same cause of action are brought before courts of different Member States, the court second seised shall of its own motion stay its proceedings until such time as the jurisdiction of the court first seised is established.
189 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
Sodišče države članice, ki je po vsebini pristojno, določi rok, v katerem je treba pred sodišči druge države članice začeti postopek v skladu z odstavkom 1.
The court of the Member State having jurisdiction as to the substance of the matter shall set a time limit by which the courts of that other Member State shall be seised in accordance with paragraph 1.
190 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
Za določitev, ali ima trust svoj sedež v državi članici, pred sodišči katere je bil začet postopek, sodišče uporabi svoja pravila mednarodnega zasebnega prava.
In order to determine whether a trust is domiciled in the Member State whose courts are seised of the matter, the court shall apply its rules of private international law.
191 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
v tožbi glede garancij ali v drugih intervencijskih tožbah, pred sodiščem, kjer teče prvotni postopek, razen če je bil ta postopek začet samo z namenom, izvzeti to osebo iz pristojnosti sodišča, ki bi bilo pristojno v tej zadevi;
as a third party in an action on a warranty or guarantee or in any other third party proceedings, in the court seised of the original proceedings, unless these were instituted solely with the object of removing him from the jurisdiction of the court which would be competent in his case;
192 Prevajalska redakcija
Če ena od strank ne pride pred sodišče ali če ne zagovarja svoje zadeve, sme druga stranka od sodišča zahtevati, naj nadaljuje postopek in sprejme svojo odločitev.
When one of the parties does not appear before the Tribunal or fails to defend its case, the other party may request the Tribunal to continue the proceedings and make its decision.
193 Prevajalska redakcija
Sodišče ali arbitražno sodišče brez odlašanja vzame v postopek zahtevo za izpustitev in obravnava edinole izpustitev, ne da bi to vplivalo na meritorno reševanje katere koli zadeve zoper ladjo, njenega lastnika ali njeno posadko pred ustreznim domačim oblastvom.
The court or tribunal shall deal without delay with the application for release and shall deal only with the question of release, without prejudice to the merits of any case before the appropriate domestic forum against the vessel, its owner or its crew.
194 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R1210
Ko Računsko sodišče predloži svoje mnenje, upravni odbor sprejme interne finančne predpise, ki vsebujejo zlasti postopek za pripravo in izvrševanje proračuna Agencije.
After the Court of Auditors has delivered its opinion, the management board shall adopt the internal financial provisions specifiying, in particular, the procedure for establishing and implementing the Agency's budget.
195 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
so vse stranke v postopku pristojnost sodišč sprejele izrecno ali na drugačen nedvoumen način v trenutku, ko se je pred sodiščem začel postopek, in je to v otrokovo korist.
the jurisdiction of the courts has been accepted expressly or otherwise in an unequivocal manner by all the parties to the proceedings at the time the court is seised and is in the best interests of the child.
196 Prevajalska redakcija
Razen če se stranke v sporu sporazumejo drugače, predpiše arbitražno sodišče svoj postopek, tako da vsaki stranki v celoti omogoči, da bo zaslišana in da pojasni svojo zadevo.
Unless the parties to the dispute otherwise agree, the arbitral tribunal shall determine its own procedure, assuring to each party a full opportunity to be heard and to present its case.
197 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
Če pred sodišči različnih držav članic tečejo postopki v zvezi z razvezo, prenehanjem življenjske skupnosti ali razveljavitvijo zakonske zveze med istima strankama, sodišče, ki je drugo začelo postopek, po uradni dolžnosti prekine svoj postopek, vse dokler se ne ugotovi pristojnost sodišča, ki je prvo začelo postopek.
Where proceedings relating to divorce, legal separation or marriage annulment between the same parties are brought before courts of different Member States, the court second seised shall of its own motion stay its proceedings until such time as the jurisdiction of the court first seised is established.
198 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
Sodišča države članice so pristojna v zadevah starševske odgovornosti v zvezi z otrokom, ki običajno prebiva v tisti državi članici v trenutku, ko je sodišče začelo postopek.
The courts of a Member State shall have jurisdiction in matters of parental responsibility over a child who is habitually resident in that Member State at the time the court is seised.
199 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
so zakonca in nosilci starševske odgovornosti pristojnost sodišč sprejeli izrecno ali na drugačen nedvoumen način v trenutku, ko se je pred sodiščem začel postopek, in je to v otrokovo korist.
the jurisdiction of the courts has been accepted expressly or otherwise in an unequivocal manner by the spouses and by the holders of parental responsibility, at the time the court is seised, and is in the superior interests of the child.
200 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R2062
Upravni odbor sprejme notranje finančne določbe, ki opredeljujejo zlasti postopek oblikovanja in izvrševanja proračuna Agencije, po tem, ko Komisija in Računsko sodišče predložita svoje mnenje.
After the Commission and the Court of Auditors have delivered their opinions, the Administrative Board shall adopt the internal financial provisions, specifying in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the Agency's budget.
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postopek pred Sodiščem