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151 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0530
ker člen 1 Odločbe Komisije 95/453/ES z dne 23. oktobra 1995 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz živih školjk, iglokožcev, plaščarjev in morskih polžev, ki izvirajo iz Republike Koreje fn, določa, da je Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in ribištvo - Nacionalna postaja za inšpekcijo ribiških proizvodov (NFPIS) pristojen organ v Republiki Koreji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/492/EGS;
Whereas Article 1 of Commission Decision 95/453/EC of 23 October 1995 laying down special conditions for the import of live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods originating in the Republic of Korea (3), states that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Đ National Fishery Products Inspection Station (NFPIS) shall be the competent authority in the Republic of Korea for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of Directive 91/492/EEC;
152 Pravna redakcija
ker člen 1 Odločbe Komisije 97/427/ES z dne 25. junija 1997 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz živih školjk, iglokožcev, plaščarjev in morskih polžev s poreklom iz Avstralije fn, določa, da je "Department of Primary Industries and Energy - Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service - (AQIS)" (Ministrstvo za primarne dejavnosti in energijo - Avstralska služba za karanteno in inšpekcijo) pristojni organ v Avstraliji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/492/EGS;
Whereas Article 1 of Commission Decision 97/427/EC of 25 June 1997 laying down special conditions for the import of live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods originating in Australia(3), states that the Department of Primary Industries and Energy - Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) shall be the competent authority in Australia for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of Directive 91/492/EEC;
153 Pravna redakcija
ker člen 1 Odločbe Komisije 95/454/ES z dne 23. oktobra 1995 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz ribiških in ribogojnih proizvodov s poreklom iz Republike Koreje fn določa, da je "Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - National Fishery Products Inspection Station (NFPIS)" (Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in ribištvo - Nacionalna inšpekcijska postaja za ribiške proizvode) pristojni organ v Republiki Koreji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/493/EGS;
Whereas the Article 1 of the Commission Decision 95/454/EC of 23 October 1995 laying down special conditions governing imports of fishery and aquaculture products originating in the Republic of Korea(3), which states that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - National Fishery Products Inspection Station (NFPIS) shall be the competent authority in the Republic of Korea for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of the Directive 91/493/EEC;
154 Pravna redakcija
dločbe Komisije 95/454/ES z dne 23. oktobra 1995 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva s poreklom iz Republike Koreje, fn kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Odločbo 1999/401/ES fn, določa, da je "Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries - National Fisheries Products Inspection Station (NFPIS)" (Ministrstvo za pomorstvo in ribištvo - Nacionalna inšpekcijska postaja za ribiške proizvode) pristojni organ v Republiki Koreji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/493/EGS.
Article 1 of Commission Decision 95/454/EC of 23 October 1995 laying down special conditions governing imports of fishery and aquaculture products originating in the Republic of Korea(3), as last amended by Decision 1999/401/EC(4), states that the "Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries - National Fisheries Products Inspection Station (NFPIS)" shall be the competent authority in the Republic of Korea for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of Directive 91/493/EEC.
155 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 1999/471/ES z dne 29. junija 1999 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z grelnimi telesi fn,
Decision 1999/471/EC of 29 June 1999 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards space heating appliances (1),
156 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 96/580/ES z dne 24. junija 1996 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s predelnimi stenami fn,
Decision 96/580/EC of 24 June 1996 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards curtain walling (7),
157 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 97/462/ES z dne 27. junija 1997 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z lesnimi ploščami fn,
Decision 97/462/EC of 27 June 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards wood-based panels (9),
158 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 1999/470/ES z dne 29. junija 1999 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z gradbenimi lepili fn,
Decision 1999/470/EC of 29 June 1999 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards construction adhesives (17),
159 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 96/578/ES z dne 24. junija 1996 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s sanitarnimi napravami fn,
Decision 96/578/EC of 24 June 1996 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards sanitary appliances (6),
160 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 97/740/ES z dne 14. oktobra 1997 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov po členu 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS glede zidarskih in sorodnih proizvodov fn,
Decision 97/740/EC of 14 October 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards masonry and related products (1),
161 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 98/213/ES z dne 9. marca 1998 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s sklopi za predelne stene fn,
Decision 98/213/EC of 9 March 1998 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards internal partition kits (4),
162 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
izmenjava informacij in možna tehnična pomoč pri urejanju, standardizaciji, preverjanju skladnosti ter potrjevanju informacij in komunikacijske tehnologije, pa tudi uporabe frekvenc;
information exchanges and possible technical assistance on regulation, standardisation, conformity testing and certification of information and communications technologies and the use of frequencies;
163 Pravna redakcija
o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EEC v zvezi s proizvodi za gašenje in dušenje požara ter protipožarno zaščito
on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protective products
164 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 1999/90/ES z dne 25. januarja 1999 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s strešnimi membranami fn,
Decision 1999/90/EC of 25 January 1999 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards membranes (13),
165 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 98/601/ES z dne 13. oktobra 1998 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s proizvodi za gradnjo cest fn,
Decision 98/601/EC of 13 October 1998 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards road construction products (11),
166 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 1999/91/ES z dne 25. januarja 1999 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s proizvodi za toplotno izolacijo fn,
Decision 1999/91/EC of 25 January 1999 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards thermal insulating products (14),
167 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 1999/89/ES z dne 25. januarja 1999 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z montažnimi stopniščnimi sklopi fn,
Decision 1999/89/EC of 25 January 1999 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards prefabricated stair kits (12),
168 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 1999/469/ES z dne 25. junija 1999 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z betonom, malto in injekcijsko malto fn,
Decision 1999/469/EC of 25 June 1999 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards products related to concrete, mortar and grout (16),
169 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 20. novembra 1997 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s tlaki (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/808/ES)
Commission Decision of 20 November 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards floorings (Text with EEA relevance)
170 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 24. junija 1996 o postopku potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z geotekstilom (Besedilo velja za EGP) (96/581/ES)
Commission Decision of 24 June 1996 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards geotextiles (Text with EEA relevance)
171 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 98/600/ES z dne 12. oktobra 1998 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s svetlobniki (razen opreme na osnovi stekla) fn,
Decision 98/600/EC of 12 October 1998 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards self-supporting translucent roof kits (except glass-based kits) (10),
172 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 98/599/ES z dne 12. oktobra 1998 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s sistemi za zatesnitev streh s tekočimi snovmi fn,
Decision 98/599/EC of 12 October 1998 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards liquid applied roof waterproofing kits (9),
173 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 24. junija 1996 o postopku potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s predelnimi stenami (Besedilo velja za EGP) (96/580/ES)
Commission Decision of 24 June 1996 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards curtain walling (Text with EEA relevance)
174 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 27. junija 1997 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z lesnimi ploščami (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/462/ES)
Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards wood-based panels (Text with EEA relevance)
175 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 3. julija 1996 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s sanitarnimi napravami (Besedilo velja za EGP) (96/578/ES)
Commission Decision of 24 June 1996 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards sanitary appliances (Text with EEA relevance)
176 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 14. oktobra 1997 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov po členu 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS glede zidarskih in sorodnih proizvodov (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/740/ES)
Commission Decision of 14 October 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards masonry and related products (Text with EEA relevance)
177 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 9. marca 1998 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s sklopi za predelne stene (Besedilo velja za EGP) (98/213/ES)
Commission Decision of 9 March 1998 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards internal partition kits (Text with EEA relevance)
178 Pravna redakcija
oblikovanje razredov zahtev, če ti niso vključeni v razlagalne dokumente, in določitev postopkov potrjevanja skladnosti v mandatih za standarde na podlagi člena 7(1) in smernic za soglasja na podlagi člena 11(1);
the establishment of classes of requirements in so far as they are not included in the interpretative documents and the establishment of the procedure for attesting conformity in mandates for standards pursuant to Article 7 (1) and guidelines for approvals pursuant to Article 11(1);
179 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 98/437/ES z dne 30. junija 1998 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z notranjimi in zunanjimi stenskimi in stropnimi oblogami fn,
Decision 98/437/EC of 30 June 1998 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards internal and external wall and ceiling finishes (8),
180 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 98/214/ES z dne 9. marca 1998 o postopku potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s konstrukcijskimi kovinskimi elementi in pomožnimi proizvodi fn,
Decision 98/214/EC of 9 March 1998 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards structural metallic products and ancillaries (5),
181 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 97/176/ES z dne 17. februarja 1997 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladnou s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z lesenimi nosilnimi in veznimi konstrukcijskimi elementi fn,
Decision 97/176/EC of 17 February 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards structural timber products and ancillaries (8),
182 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 24. junija 1996 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s proizvodi za prometno ureditev (Besedilo velja za EGP) (96/579/ES)
Commission Decision of 24 June 1996 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards circulation fixtures (Text with EEA relevance)
183 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 2000/273/ES z dne 27. marca 2000 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s sedmimi proizvodi za evropska tehnična soglasja brez smernic fn,
Decision 2000/273/EC of 27 March 2000 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards seven products for European Technical Approvals without Guideline (4),
184 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 19. septembra 1997 o postopku potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z veznimi sredstvi za stavbni les (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/638/ES)
Commission Decision of 19 September 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards fasteners for structural timber (Text with EEA relevance)
185 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 24. junija 1996 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z vgrajenimi protipožarnimi sistemi (Besedilo velja za EGP) (96/577/ES)
Commission Decision of 24 June 1996 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards fixed fire-fighting systems (Text with EEA relevance)
186 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 1999/454/ES z dne 22. junija 1999 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s proizvodi za gašenje in dušenje požara ter protipožarno zaščito fn,
Decision 1999/454/EC of 22 June 1999 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protective products (15),
187 Pravna redakcija
VJ in ES priznavata, da je Sporazum pomemben zaradi spodbujanja trgovine in olajševanja učinkovitega dostopa do trga med Japonsko in ES, kar zadeva ugotavljanje skladnosti proizvodov in potrjevanje ustanov, ki jih pokriva Sporazum.
The GOJ and the EC recognise that the significance of the Agreement lies in promoting trade and facilitating effective market access between Japan and the EC with regard to conformity assessment of products and confirmation of facilities covered under the agreement.
188 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 98/436/ES z dne 22. junija 1998 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s strešnimi kritinami, svetlobniki, strešnimi okni in pomožnimi proizvodi fn,
Decision 98/436/EC of 22 June 1998 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards roof coverings, rooflights, roof windows and ancillary products (7),
189 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 2000/245/ES z dne 2. februarja 2000 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s proizvodi iz ravnega stekla, profiliranega stekla in steklenih zidakov fn,
Decision 2000/245/EC of 2 February 2000 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards flat glass, profiled glass and glass block products (3),
190 Pravna redakcija
- zagotavljanje tehnične pomoči za institucionalni razvoj, da bi posodobili organizacije, pristojne za standarde in potrjevanje kakovosti, kakor tudi za vzpostavitev nacionalne akreditacijske sheme za ugotavljanje skladnosti v Indiji.
- providing technical assistance for institutional development to upgrade standards and quality certification organizations as well as for the setting up of a national accreditation scheme for conformity assessment in India.
191 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 14. julija 1997 o postopku potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z jeklom za armiranje in prednapenjanje betona (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/597/ES)
Commission Decision of 14 July 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards reinforcing and prestressing steel for concrete (Text with EEA relevance)
192 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 97/556/ES z dne 14. julija 1997 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z zunanjimi toplotnoizolacijskimi sestavljenimi sistemi/sklopi z ometom (ETICS) fn,
Decision 97/556/EC of 14 July 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards external thermal insulation composite systems/kits with rendering (ETICS) (10),
193 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 97/808/ES z dne 20. novembra 1997 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s talnimi oblogami fn, kakor je bila nazadnjespremenjena z Odločbo 1999/453/ES fn,
Decision 97/808/EC of 20 November 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards floorings (2), as last amended by Decision 1999/453/EC (3),
194 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 17. februarja 1997 o postopku potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s kovinskimi injiciranimi sidri za uporabo v zidarstvu (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/177/ES)
Commission Decision of 17 February 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards metal injection anchors for use in masonry (Text with EEA relevance)
195 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22004D0026
(2) Odločbo Komisije 2003/639/ES z dne 4. septembra 2003 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z zatiči za stike nosilnih konstrukcij fn je treba vključiti v Sporazum.
(2) Commission Decision 2003/639/EC of 4 September 2003 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards pins for structural joints fn (2) is to be incorporated into the Agreement.
196 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 14. julija 1997 o postopku potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s cementom, gradbenim apnom in drugimi hidravličnimi vezivi (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/555/ES)
Commission Decision of 14 July 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards cements, building limes and other hydraulic binders (Text with EEA relevance)
197 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 27. junija 1997 o postopku potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s plastičnimi sidri za uporabo v betonu in opečnih zidovih (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/463/ES)
Commission Decision of 27 June 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards plastic anchors for use in concrete and masonry (Text with EEA relevance)
198 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 9. marca 1998 o postopku potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s konstrukcijskimi kovinskimi elementi in pomožnimi proizvodi (Besedilo velja za EGP) (98/214/ES)
Commission Decision of 9 March 1998 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards structural metallic products and ancillaries (Text with EEA relevance)
199 Pravna redakcija
Odločba 1999/472/ES z dne 1. julija 1999 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi s cevnimi instalacijami, rezervoarji in pomožnimi proizvodi, ki niso v stiku s pitno vodo fn,
Decision 1999/472/EC of 1 July 1999 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20(2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards pipes, tanks and ancillaries not in contact with water intended for human consumption (2),
200 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 17. februarja 1997 o postopkih potrjevanja skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov v skladu s členom 20(2) Direktive Sveta 89/106/EGS v zvezi z lesenimi nosilnimi in veznimi konstrukcijskimi elementi (Besedilo velja za EGP) (97/176/ES)
Commission Decision of 17 February 1997 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to Article 20 (2) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC as regards structural timber products and ancillaries (Text with EEA relevance)
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