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151 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-84
Razen v primerih iz tretjega odstavka 10. člena ugoditev zaprosilu za medsebojno pravno pomoč nima za posledico povračila stroškov, razen stroškov, nastalih z udeležbo izvedencev na ozemlju zaprošene pogodbenice ali predajo osebe, ki ji je odvzeta prostost, opravljeno na podlagi 11. člena.
Subject to the provisions of Article 10, paragraph 3, execution of requests for mutual assistance shall not entail refunding of expenses except those incurred by the attendance of experts in the territory of the requested Party or the transfer of a person in custody carried out under Article 11.
152 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Pogodbenice se zavezujejo, da bodo v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma in da bi zagotovile sistem izročitve med državami članicami na eni strani ter Kraljevino Norveško in Republiko Islandijo na drugi, tega zasnovale na mehanizmu predaje na podlagi naloga za prijetje v skladu s pogoji tega sporazuma.
The Contracting Parties undertake, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, to ensure that the extradition system between, on the one hand, the Member States and, on the other hand, the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Iceland shall be based on a mechanism of surrender pursuant to an arrest warrant in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
153 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Države lahko tudi potem, ko bo ta sporazum sprejet, uporabljajo veljavne dvostranske in večstranske sporazume ali dogovore, če ti sporazumi in dogovori omogočajo širitev ciljev tega sporazuma ter pomagajo dodatno poenostaviti ali pospešiti postopke predaje oseb, na katere se nalogi za prijetje nanašajo.
States may continue to apply bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements in force when this Agreement is concluded in so far as such agreements or arrangements allow the objectives of this Agreement to be extended or enlarged and help to simplify or facilitate further the procedures for surrender of persons who are the subject of an arrest warrant.
154 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Ta domneva velja tudi, če je za prevozno pogodbo, veljavno pred ponovno predajo, veljala kaka druga konvencija o direktnem mednarodnem železniškem prevozu blaga, primerljiva s temi enotnimi pravili, in če taka konvencija vsebuje enako pravno domnevo v korist pošiljk, ki so bile predane v skladu s temi pravili.
3 This presumption shall also apply when the contract of carriage prior to the reconsignment was subject to a convention concerning international through carriage of goods by rail comparable with these Uniform Rules, and when this convention contains the same presumption of law in favour of consignments consigned in accordance with these Uniform Rules.
155 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Da bi dosegle cilj kolikor je mogoče enotne uporabe in tolmačenja določb tega sporazuma, pogodbenice stalno spremljajo razvoj sodne prakse Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti, pa tudi razvoj sodne prakse pristojnih sodišč Islandije in Norveške v zvezi s temi določbami in določbami podobnih pravnih aktov o predaji.
The Contracting Parties, in order to achieve the objective of arriving at as uniform an application and interpretation as possible of the provisions of this Agreement, shall keep under constant review the development of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, as well as the development of the case law of the competent courts of Iceland and Norway relating to these provisions and to those of similar surrender instruments.
156 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
V vsakem primeru se lahko oseba, ki je bila predana odreditveni državi na podlagi naloga za prijetje, brez soglasja izvršitvene države preda državi, ki ni izvršitvena država, na podlagi naloga za prijetje, odrejenega za katero koli dejanje, ki je bilo storjeno pred njeno predajo, in sicer v naslednjih primerih:
In any case, a person who has been surrendered to the issuing State pursuant to an arrest warrant may, without the consent of the executing State, be surrendered to a State other than the executing State pursuant to an arrest warrant issued for any offence committed prior to his or her surrender in the following cases:
157 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
Kadar je država, pod katere zastavo pluje plovilo, obvestila državo, ki ukrepa, da namerava izvajati svojo preferenčno jurisdikcijo, in če država, pod katere zastavo pluje plovilo, tako zahteva, se prijete osebe ter plovilo, tovor in dokazi, ki so bili zaseženi, predajo tej državi v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma.
Where the flag State has notified the intervening State of its intention to exercise its preferential jurisdiction, and if the flag State so requests, the persons arrested, the vessel, the cargo and the evidence seized shall be surrendered to that State in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
158 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-121
Če zaprošena država prejme zaprosilo za izročitev iz Združenih držav Amerike in zaprosilo za predajo na podlagi evropskega pripornega naloga za isto osebo, zaradi istega ali različnih kaznivih dejanj, pristojni organ zaprošene države članice odloči, ali bo osebo izročil, in določi, kateri državi jo bo izročil.
If a requested Member State receives an extradition request from the United States of America and a request for surrender pursuant to the European arrest warrant for the same person, either for the same offence or for different offences, the competent authority of the requested Member State shall determine to which State, if any, it will surrender the person.
159 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Naslednja kazniva dejanja, če se v odreditveni državi kaznujejo s kaznijo zapora ali ukrepom, vezanim na odvzem prostosti, do najmanj treh let in kakor jih opredeljuje pravo odreditvene države, so po tem sporazumu in brez ugotavljanja dvojne kaznivosti storjenega dejanja razlog za predajo osebe na podlagi naloga za prijetje:
The following offences, if they are punishable in the issuing State by a custodial sentence or a detention order for a maximum period of at least three years and as they are defined by the law of the issuing State, shall, under the terms of this Agreement and without verification of the double criminality of the act, give rise to surrender pursuant to an arrest warrant:
160 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-79
Potem ko se je odločila o prošnji za izročitev, lahko zaprošena pogodbenica odloži predajo zahtevane osebe, zato da lahko sama proti njej uvede postopek ali če je ta oseba že bila obsojena, tako da lahko prestaja zaporno kazen na ozemlju te pogodbenice, a za drugo kaznivo dejanje kot tisto, za katero se izročitev zahteva.
The requested Party may, after making its decision on the request for extradition, postpone the surrender of the person claimed in order that he may be proceeded against by that Party or, if he has already been convicted, in order that he may serve his sentence in the territory of that Party for an offence other than for which extradition is requested.
161 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Izvršitveni pravosodni organ lahko potem, ko se odloči za izvršitev naloga za prijetje, preloži predajo zahtevane osebe, da bi ji lahko sodili v izvršitveni državi ali, če je oseba že obsojena, da bi lahko na ozemlju te države prestala kazen, ki ji je bila izrečena za kako drugo dejanje, kot je tisto v nalogu za prijetje.
The executing judicial authority may, after deciding to execute the arrest warrant, postpone the surrender of the requested person so that he or she may be prosecuted in the executing State or, if he or she has already been sentenced, so that he or she may serve, in its territory, a sentence passed for an act other than that referred to in the arrest warrant.
162 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Po predaji osebe Sodišču ali njenem prostovoljnem prihodu na Sodišče ali po njenem odzivu na sodni poziv se predobravnavni senat prepriča, da je bila oseba obveščena o kaznivih dejanjih, ki jih je domnevno storila, in o svojih pravicah v skladu s tem statutom, vključno s pravico do prošnje za začasno izpustitev do sojenja.
Upon the surrender of the person to the Court, or the person's appearance before the Court voluntarily or pursuant to a summons, the Pre-Trial Chamber shall satisfy itself that the person has been informed of the crimes which he or she is alleged to have committed, and of his or her rights under this Statute, including the right to apply for interim release pending trial.
163 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Če izvršitveni pravosodni organ ugotovi, da podatki, ki mu jih je poslala odreditvena država, ne zadostujejo za odločitev o predaji, zahteva, da se mu nujno pošljejo potrebne dodatne informacije, zlasti v zvezi s členi 4 do 6, 8 in 11, ter lahko določi rok za njihovo prejetje, pri tem pa mora upoštevati časovne roke iz člena 20.
If the executing judicial authority finds the information communicated by the issuing State to be insufficient to allow it to decide on surrender, it shall request that the necessary supplementary information, in particular with respect to Articles 4 to 6, 8 and 11, be furnished as a matter of urgency and may fix a time limit for the receipt thereof, taking into account the need to observe the time limits set in Article 20.
164 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(a) (i) Če država pogodbenica od Sodišča in druge države v skladu z mednarodno obveznostjo prejme hkratne zahteve, ki ne pomenijo zahteve za predajo ali izročitev, si država pogodbenica ob posvetovanju s Sodiščem in drugo državo prizadeva izpolniti obe zahtevi po potrebi z odložitvijo ali z dodajanjem pogojev eni ali drugi zahtevi.
(a) (i) In the event that a State Party receives competing requests, other than for surrender or extradition, from the Court and from another State pursuant to an international obligation, the State Party shall endeavour, in consultation with the Court and the other State, to meet both requests, if necessary by postponing or attaching conditions to one or the other request.
165 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-66
Država zastave zagotovi, da je poveljnik njene ladje dolžan, če je to izvedljivo in če je mogoče pred vplutjem v teritorialno morje države sprejemnice, ki ima na krovu osebo, ki jo poveljnik namerava predati v skladu s prvim odstavkom, uradno obvestiti organe države sprejemnice o svoji nameri, da preda tako osebo, in razlogih za predajo.
2 The flag State shall ensure that the master of its ship is obliged, whenever practicable, and if possible before entering the territorial sea of the receiving State carrying on board any person whom the master intends to deliver in accordance with paragraph 1, to give notification to the authorities of the receiving State of his intention to deliver such person and the reasons therefor.
166 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Sodišče ne sme nadaljevati z zahtevo za predajo ali zahtevo za pomoč, ki bi od zaprošene države zahtevala, da ravna neskladno s svojimi obveznostmi po mednarodnem pravu glede imunitete države ali diplomatske imunitete osebe ali premoženja tretje države, razen če lahko Sodišče najprej zagotovi sodelovanje te tretje države za odrek imuniteti.
The Court may not proceed with a request for surrender or assistance which would require the requested State to act inconsistently with its obligations under international law with respect to the State or diplomatic immunity of a person or property of a third State, unless the Court can first obtain the cooperation of that third State for the waiver of the immunity.
167 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
V zvezi s projektom po tem sporazumu preide pravica do opreme in materiala, ki ju je vladi zagotovila agencija ali sta se zagotovila prek nje, na vlado ob predaji opreme in materiala iz carinskega urada uvoznega pristanišča v Republiki Sloveniji naslovniku ali predstavniku vlade, ki je pravilno pooblaščen, da prevzame opremo ali material za projekt.
Title to the equipment and materials provided to the Government by or through the Agency in relation to a project subject to this Agreement shall vest in the Government upon the release of the equipment and materials from the customs office at the port of entry in the Republic of Slovenia to the consignee or the representative of the Government duly authorized to claim the equipment/materials on behalf of the project.
168 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(c) take dokumente, izjave ali podatke, kot so potrebni za zadostitev postopkovnim zahtevam za predajo v zaprošeni državi, pri čemer te zahteve ne smejo biti večje od zahtev, ki veljajo za izročitev po mednarodnih pogodbah ali dogovorih med zaprošeno državo in drugimi državami, in so, če je to mogoče, manjše, ob upoštevanju posebne narave Sodišča.
(c) Such documents, statements or information as may be necessary to meet the requirements for the surrender process in the requested State, except that those requirements should not be more burdensome than those applicable to requests for extradition pursuant to treaties or arrangements between the requested State and other States and should, if possible, be less burdensome, taking into account the distinct nature of the Court.
169 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Pogodbenice se zavezujejo, da bodo v skladu z določili tega sporazuma izboljšale postopek predaje zaradi uvedbe kazenskega postopka ali izvršitve kazni med državami članicami na eni strani ter Kraljevino Norveško in Republiko Islandijo na drugi strani z upoštevanjem določil Konvencije z dne 27. septembra 1996 o izročitvi med državami članicami Evropske unije kot minimalnih standardov.
The Contracting Parties undertake to improve, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the surrender for the purpose of prosecution or execution of sentence between, on the one hand, the Member States and, on the other hand, the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Iceland, by taking account of, as minimum standards, the terms of the Convention of 27 September 1996 relating to extradition between the Member States of the European Union.
170 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
Če pride med pogodbenicami do spora glede razlage ali uporabe sporazuma, poskušajo pogodbenice rešiti spor s pogajanji ali na drug miren način po lastni izbiri, vključno s predajo zadeve Evropskemu odboru za problematiko kriminalitete, razsodišču, katerega odločitve so za pogodbenice zavezujoče, pa tudi s posredovanjem, spravo ali sodnim postopkom, kot se prizadete pogodbenice dogovorijo.
In case of a dispute between Parties as to the interpretation or application of this Agreement, the Parties shall seek a settlement of the dispute through negotiation or any other peaceful means of their choice, including submission of the dispute to the European Committee on Crime Problems, to an arbitral tribunal whose decisions shall be binding upon the Parties, mediation, conciliation or judicial process, as agreed upon by the Parties concerned.
171 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Če se pošiljka, ki je bila predana v prevoz v skladu s temi enotnimi pravili, znova preda v skladu z njimi in se po tej ponovni predaji ugotovi delna izguba ali poškodba, se domneva, da je ta delna izguba ali poškodba nastala med veljavnostjo zadnje prevozne pogodbe, če je pošiljka ostala v hrambi prevoznika in je bila ponovno predana v istem stanju, v katerem je prispela v kraj ponovne predaje.
1 When a consignment consigned in accordance with these Uniform Rules has been reconsigned subject to these same Rules and partial loss or damage has been ascertained after that reconsignment, it shall be presumed that it occurred under the latest contract of carriage if the consignment remained in the charge of the carrier and was reconsigned in the same condition as when it arrived at the place from which it was reconsigned.
172 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Če obsojenec pobegne iz zapora ter zbeži iz države izvrševanja, lahko ta država po posvetovanju s Sodiščem zahteva od države, v kateri je oseba, da jo preda v skladu z veljavnimi dvostranskimi ali mnogostranskimi dogovori, ali pa zaprosi Sodišče, da zahteva predajo osebe v skladu z 9. delom. Sodišče lahko odredi, da se oseba vrne državi, v kateri je prestajala kazen, ali pošlje drugi državi, ki jo določi Sodišče.
If a convicted person escapes from custody and flees the State of enforcement, that State may, after consultation with the Court, request the person's surrender from the State in which the person is located pursuant to existing bilateral or multilateral arrangements, or may request that the Court seek the person's surrender, in accordance with Part 9. It may direct that the person be delivered to the State in which he or she was serving the sentence or to another State designated by the Court.
173 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Če pride do spora med dvema ali več državami pogodbenicami ali med eno ali več državami pogodbenicami in Organizacijo glede uporabe ali razlage pogodbe, se stranke v sporu med seboj posvetujejo, kako bi hitro rešile spor s pogajanji ali drugimi miroljubnimi sredstvi po svojem izboru, vključno z iskanjem pomoči pri ustreznih organih pogodbe, in če se vsi strinjajo, s predajo spora Meddržavnemu sodišču v skladu s statutom sodišča.
When a dispute arises between two or more States Parties, or between one or more States Parties and the Organization, relating to the application or interpretation of this Treaty, the parties concerned shall consult together with a view to the expeditious settlement of the dispute by negotiation or by other peaceful means of the parties' choice, including recourse to appropriate organs of this Treaty and, by mutual consent, referral to the International Court of Justice in conformity with the Statute of the Court.
174 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Ničesar v tem sporazumu se ne sme razlagati kot prepoved zavrnitve predaje osebe, za katero je bil izdan nalog za prijetje, kakor ga opredeljuje ta sporazum, kadar na podlagi objektivnih pokazateljev obstajajo razlogi za domnevo, da je bil omenjeni nalog za prijetje izdan z namenom pregona ali kaznovanja osebe na podlagi njenega spola, rase, vere, etničnega izvora, državljanstva, jezika, političnega prepričanja ali spolne usmerjenosti ali da bo oseba zaradi katerega od teh razlogov v slabšem položaju.
Nothing in this Agreement should be interpreted as prohibiting refusal to surrender a person in respect of whom an arrest warrant as defined by this Agreement has been issued when there are reasons to believe, on the basis of objective elements, that the said arrest warrant has been issued for the purpose of prosecuting or punishing a person on the grounds of his or her sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, language, political opinions or sexual orientation, or that that person's position may be prejudiced for any of these reasons.
175 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Norveška in Islandija na eni strani ter Evropska unija, v imenu katere koli izmed svojih držav članic, na drugi strani, se lahko uradno medsebojno obvestijo, da v odnosih z drugimi državami, za katere se uporablja isto obvestilo, velja domneva o soglasju s predajo osebe državi, ki ni odreditvena država, na podlagi naloga za prijetje, odrejenega za dejanje, ki je bilo storjeno pred predajo osebe, razen če v posameznem primeru izvršitveni pravosodni organ v svoji odločitvi o predaji osebe ne navede drugače.
Norway and Iceland, on the one hand, and the European Union, on behalf of any of its Member States, on the other hand, may notify each other that, for relations of States with other States to which the same notification applies, the consent for the surrender of a person to a State other than the executing State pursuant to an arrest warrant issued for an offence committed prior to his or her surrender is presumed to have been given, unless in a particular case the executing judicial authority states otherwise in its decision on surrender.
176 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Države lahko sklenejo dvostranske in večstranske sporazume in dogovore tudi po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma, če ti sporazumi ali dogovori omogočajo razširitev predpisov tega sporazuma ter pomagajo še bolj poenostaviti in pospešiti postopke predaje oseb, na katere se nalogi za prijetje nanašajo, zlasti z določitvijo krajših časovnih rokov, kot so tisti iz člena 20, z razširitvijo seznama kaznivih dejanj iz člena 3(4), z dodatnim krčenjem razlogov za zavrnitev iz členov 4 in 5 ali z nižanjem praga, predvidenega v členu 3(1) ali (4).
States may conclude bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements after this Agreement has come into force in so far as such agreements or arrangements allow the prescriptions of this Agreement to be extended or enlarged and help to simplify or facilitate further the procedures for surrender of persons who are the subject of an arrest warrant, in particular by fixing time limits shorter than those fixed in Article 20, by extending the list of offences laid down in Article 3(4), by further limiting the grounds for refusal set out in Articles 4 and 5, or by lowering the threshold provided for in Article 3(1) or (4).
177 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Norveška in Islandija na eni strani ter Evropska unija, v imenu katere koli izmed svojih držav članic, na drugi strani, se lahko uradno medsebojno obvestijo, da v odnosih z drugimi državami, za katere se uporablja isto obvestilo, velja domneva o soglasju s kazenskim pregonom, sojenjem ali priporom z namenom izvršitve kazni zapora ali ukrepa, vezanega na odvzem prostosti, za dejanje, ki je bilo storjeno pred predajo osebe in se razlikuje od dejanja, zaradi katerega je bila oseba predana, razen če v posameznem primeru izvršitveni pravosodni organ v svoji odločitvi o predaji ne navede drugače.
Norway and Iceland, on the one hand, and the European Union, on behalf of any of its Member States, on the other hand, may notify each other that, for relations of States with other States to which the same notification applies, consent is presumed to have been given for the prosecution, sentencing or detention with a view to the carrying out of a custodial sentence or detention order for an offence committed prior to his or her surrender, other than that for which he or she was surrendered, unless in a particular case the executing judicial authority states otherwise in its decision on surrender.
178 Končna redakcija
Pravico mam predajat rože, če se le ne kurbam.
Ive a right to sell flowers ifI keep off the kerb.
179 Končna redakcija
Črnci so tako pretirano potentni, Orient se predaja spolnim orgijam, homoseksualci iz spolnosti iztiskajo večje užitke, saj je njihova spolnost en sam užitek, medtem ko je heteroseksualna obremenjena s funkcijo reprodukcije in tako naprej.
In line with this logic, Black people are excessively potent, the Orient indulges in sexual orgies, and homosexuals extract more pleasure from sex because their sex is nothing but pleasure, while heterosexual sex is burdened with the task of reproduction.
180 Končna redakcija
Upanje za slovensko družino, ki, kot pravi v portretu kandidatka za predsednico Republike Slovenije, ki je v prej.njem sistemu, ki je ženske silil v delo in hkrati izničeval njihovo biološko funkcijo, skorajda zgubila svoje mesto v sistemu (tradicionalnih) vrednot;ali slaba vest materi, ki v vsakdanjem življenju ne ve več, kako biti »ljubeča vzgojiteljica«, medtem ko se predaja svojemu delu.
According to a presidential candidate interviewed for one issue, that is where the hope for the Slovenian family lies. Under the previous system, which pressured women to work while simultaneously devaluing woman's biological function, the family almost lost its place within the system of (traditional) values, she argues. Or is it a source of guilty conscience for a mother who in everyday life no longer knows how to remain a 'loving educator' while devoting herself to her career?
181 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1255
Države članice Komisiji pred 1. aprilom 2007 predajo podrobna poročila o izvajanju členov 17 do 19.
Before 1 April 2007, Member States shall submit to the Commission detailed reports on the implementation of Articles 17 to 19.
182 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Potni listi za živali se predajo pristojnemu organu v skladu s členom 6(5) Uredbe (ES) št. 1760/2000.
2.The animal passports shall be surrendered to the competent authority in accordance with Article 6(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000.
183 Končna redakcija
Odločbe, ki jih sprejme Komisija v zvezi z izvajanjem odstavka 1 in ki zahtevajo predajo snovi, so izvršilni naslov.
Decisions taken by the Commission in implementation of paragraph 1 and requiring the surrender of materials shall be enforceable.
184 Končna redakcija
PRODAJALKA ROŽ. Rada b bva prudajauka u kašn fajn cvetličarn, namest d morm predajat rože na vugau Tottnhamske ceste.
THE FLOWER GIRL. I want to be a lady in a flower shop stead of sellin at the corner of Tottenham Court Road.
185 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R0101
Po posvetovanju z odborom iz člena 11 Komisija določi obliko in datum predaje dokumentov, ki jih morajo predložiti države članice.
After consulting the committee referred to in Article 11, the Commission shall decide the form and date of submission of the documents to be supplied by Member States.
186 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
Ne glede na člen 4: (a) se od vseh računov, faktur ali izpiskov lahko odšteje naslednje, ti pa se nato predajo v izplačilo v neto znesku:
Notwithstanding Article 4: (a) the following deductions may be made from all bills, invoices or statements, which shall then be passed for payment of the net amount:
187 Končna redakcija
Zahteve za povračilo se nanašajo na izdatke, nastale tekom enega koledarskega leta, in se Komisiji predajo pred 30. junijem naslednjega leta.
Requests for reimbursement shall relate to expenditure incurred during the course of one calendar year and shall be submitted to the Commission before 30 June of the following year.
188 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(1) Člani uprave morajo izredni upravi nemudoma omogočiti dostop do vse poslovne in druge dokumentacije banke in pripraviti poročilo o predaji poslov.
(1) Members of the management board must immediately allow the special administration access to all business and other documents of the bank and prepare a report on the transfer of operations.
189 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0785
v zvezi s tovorom in oddano prtljago, čas prevoza prtljage in tovora od trenutka predaje prtljage in tovora letalskemu prevozniku do izročitve upravičenemu prejemniku,
with regard to cargo and checked baggage, the period of transport of baggage and cargo from the moment the baggage or cargo is handed to the air carrier until the moment of delivery to the entitled recipient,
190 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Če izvoženi proizvodi niso del neposredne dobave in se pred dobavo na krov za oskrbo predajo pod carinski nadzor v namembni tretji državi, dokazilo o dobavi na krov predstavljajo naslednji dokumenti:
Where the exported products do not constitute a direct delivery and are placed under customs supervision in the third country of destination before delivery on board for victualling, proof of such delivery on board shall be furnished by the following documents:
191 Končna redakcija
Gostje iz Indije in številnih drugih držav v dolgih vrstah čakajo na predajo darov. Namenili so jih dobrodelni organizacij Sivananda Math, ki deluje pod okriljem Satjananda joge oz. Biharske šole joge.
Guests from India and numerous other countries wait in long lines for the handing over of gifts destined for the charitable organisation of Sivananda Math, which functions under the auspices of Satyananda Yoga, or the Bihar School of Yoga.
192 Končna redakcija
». sodelavci vas gledajo, uredite si nohte z novim Revlonom ... urejen videz je vaše ogledalo - priskrbite si Niveo ... seveda ne boste jadrali v istih oblačilih, kot se boste predajali raziskovanju puščave - Lisca pozna rešitev ...«
'your colleagues at work observe you, trim your nails with new Revlon... trim appearance is your mirror - use Nivea ... of course you are not going on a sailing tour in the same clothes in which you will indulge in the exploration of a desert - Lisca has a solution.'
193 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
Če država članica meni, da sta bila varnostni element ali podsistem iz Priloge I konstruirana ali zgrajena z inovativnim pristopom, sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe in lahko določi posebne pogoje za konstrukcijo in/ali predajo v obratovanje naprave, pri kateri se uporabijo taki inovativni elementi ali podsistemi.
Where a Member State considers a safety component or subsystem referred to in Annex I to have been designed or constructed using an innovative approach, it shall take all appropriate measures and may make the construction and/or putting into service of an installation in which such innovative components or subsystems are to be used subject to special conditions.
194 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Dokazilo o predaji pod nadzor drugega oskrbovalnega skladišča, dokazilo o dobavi na krov ladje ali letala v Skupnosti in dokazilo o dobavi iz členov 44 in 45(3)(a) je treba predložiti, razen v primerih višje sile, v 12 mesecih od datuma odstranitve proizvodov iz oskrbovalnega skladišča, pri čemer se smiselno uporablja člen 49(3), (4) in (5)..
Proof of placing under supervision in another victualling warehouse, proof of delivery on board a craft in the Community and proof of delivery as referred to in Articles 44 and 45(3)(a) shall be furnished, except in cases of force majeure, within 12 months of the date of removal of the products from the victualling warehouse, Article 49(3), (4) and (5) applying mutatis mutandis.
195 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1560
Država članica, v katero se predaja.
Member State to which transferred.
196 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1560
Država članica, iz katere se predaja.
Member State from which transferred.
197 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1560
Sklicno številko da država, iz katere se izvaja predaja.
Reference number to be given by the country from which the transfer takes place.
198 Pravna redakcija
Predajna enota:
Transferring Unit:
199 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1560
Preložene predaje ali predaje z zamudo
Postponed and delayed transfers
200 Pravna redakcija
Pogoji predaje leta.
The transfer conditions of a flight.
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