Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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151 Končna redakcija
Če je konveksno dno izdelano s kovanjem iz cevi, mora biti debelina stene, merjena na sredini oblikovanega dna, najmanj 1,5a.
If a convex end is obtained by forging from tube, the wall thickness measured at the centre of the shaped end shall be at least 1,5a.
152 Končna redakcija
shranjevanje posod za meso na način, ki zagotavlja, da niti meso niti posode ne pridejo v neposredni stik s tlemi ali stenami;
storing meat containers, in such a way that neither the meat nor the containers come into direct contact with the floor or walls;
153 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
biti dovolj (radialno) oddaljena od ostalih sond in od stene tunela, da nanjo ne morejo vplivati nikakršni valovi ali vrtinci;
be sufficiently distant (radially) from other probes and the tunnel wall so as to be free from the influence of any wakes or eddies;
154 Končna redakcija
Pri turbulentnem modelu k-e tok ob stenah najpogosteje modeliramo s standardnimi stenskimi funkcijami z logaritmičnim profilom.
When the k-e turbulence model is used, the flow in the near-wall region can be modeled by standard log-law wall functions.
155 Končna redakcija
S tem je bila zaprta špranja med cevmi in izvrtino cevne stene, kjer bi se lahko kopičili radioaktivni in korozijski produkti.
Thus the gap between the tube and the tube-sheet borehole, in which radioactive and corrosive products could pile up, was closed.
156 Končna redakcija
večina dnevnikov postaja vse bolj podobna mestnim stenčasom, z najmanj 60 odstotki reklam in kupom gradiv iz tiskovnih agencij.
Most dailies are like municipal bulletin boards with advertisements accounting for 60% of the content and the mass of material bought from the press agencies.
157 Končna redakcija
Ko se dodajajo prvi mililitri reagenta, se ročno močno stresa, da bi se preprečilo nastajanje kep in lepljenje snovi na steno.
When adding the first millilitres of the reagent shake vigorously by hand to stop the formation of lumps and to prevent the substance sticking to the sides.
158 Končna redakcija
Tubuse ima kratke, votle in tanjše stene kot njena sorodna vrsta večjih dimenzij Aeolisaccus kotori Radoiči† iz zgornje krede.
The species is characterized by thinner wall tubes and smaller sizes than its Cretaceous relative A. kotori Radoiči†.
159 Končna redakcija
Analiza testnega odrezka je pokazala, da je cevno steno najprimerneje navariti z inconelom brez vmesne plasti iz nerjavnega jekla.
An analysis of the test coupon showed that it was best to surface the tube sheet with Inconel without the intermediate layer of stainless steel.
160 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Tla, palubna površina, talne obloge skladišč, stene in stropi morajo biti oblikovani tako, da je omogočeno njihovo čiščenje.
Floors, deck surfaces, hold floorings, walls and ceilings must be designed so that they can be cleaned.
161 Končna redakcija
Osnovno načelo ekspanzije cevi je, da z veliko pritisno silo med orodjem in steno cevi presežemo mejo elastičnosti materiala cevi.
A basic principle of tube expansion is to exceed the elastic limit of the material concerned by applying a strong force, with a tool, to the tube wall.
162 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Stene, stropi in vrata strojnice, kotlovnice in prostorov za gorivo morajo biti narejeni iz jekla ali podobnih negorljivih materialov.
The walls, ceilings and doors of engine and boiler rooms and bunkers must be of steel or equally fire-resistant material.
163 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
če se vključi gibanje zapiranja stekla, pomične strehe ali pregradne stene na električni pogon pri odprtini, ki ni večja od 4 mm;
when the closing movement of a power-operated window, roof panel or partition starts at an opening not exceeding 4 mm;
164 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
Navodila za uporabo vozila morajo vključevati jasna navodila v zvezi z okenskimi stekli/pomično streho/pregradno steno, vključno z:
The owner's manual of the vehicle shall contain clear instructions relating to the power-operated window/roof panel/partition, including:
165 Končna redakcija
Ta preskus obsega preverjanje, da se nobeni dve mesti na kovini na zunanji steni jeklenke ne razlikujeta po trdoti za več kakor 25 HB.
This test involves checking that any two points on the metal of the external surface of the cylinder do not differ in hardness by more than 25 HB.
166 Končna redakcija
gladke stene s svetlimi in pralnimi oblogami ali barvo, ki segajo najmanj 3 metra visoko ali do stropa, z zaobljenimi robovi in vogali;
smooth walls with light, coloured, washable coating or paint up to a height of at least 3 metres, or to ceiling height with rounded angles and corners;
167 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
vzdrževati temperaturo sten večjo od 453 K (180 °C), če je temperatura izpušnih plinov na sondi za vzorčenje nad 463 K (190 °C);
maintain a wall temperature greater than 453 K (180 °C), if the temperature of the exhaust gas at the sampling probe is above 463 K (190 °C);
168 Končna redakcija
dela površine armaturne plošče med robom območja, opredeljenega v točki 2.3.1 zgoraj, in najbližjo notranjo stransko steno vozila;
the part of the surface of the instrument panel comprised between the edge of the area specified in point 2.3.1 above and the nearest inner side-wall of the vehicle;
169 Končna redakcija
obodni zvar razen zvara, ki pritrjuje vsadnik ventila na vrat jeklenke: ta zvar je izveden kot soležni na steno po celotnem delu kovine.
circumferential weld other than those fixing the valve flange collar to the upper end: this weld is executed in the form of a butt weld on the full section of the metal to the wall.
170 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31974L0297
največji sprejemljiv bočni odmik med navpično srednjo linijo prednjega dela vozila in navpično srednjo linijo stene trka je ± 30 cm.
the maximum lateral disalignment tolerated between the vertical median line of the front of the vehicle and the vertical median line of the collision wall is ± 30 cm.
171 Končna redakcija
Zvarni spoj se izvede med naslednjima dvema osnovnima materialoma:-toplotno obdelano zlitino inconel 690, iz katere so izdelane cevi U z debelino stene 1,09 mm, in-6 mm debelo plastjo inconela, ki je navarjena na osnovni material cevne stene SA-508 razred 3a debeline 590 mm.
The welded joint was formed between the following two materials:-heat-treated alloy Inconel 690, of which the U tubes with a wall thickness of 1.09 mm were made, -6 mm thick Inconel layer which was surfaced on the parent metal of the tube sheet SA-508 Class 3a with 590 mm thickness.
172 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
Lega preskusnih palic (ki so ponavadi nameščene pravokotno na steklo/pomično streho/pregradno steno) je prikazana v Dodatku 3, slika 1.
The position of the test rods (normally located perpendicular to the window/roof panel/-partition) are illustrated in Appendix 3, Figure 1.
173 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
»OPOZORILI« o možnih nevarnostih, zlasti za otroke, pri nepravilni uporabi/aktiviranju okenskih stekel/pomične strehe/pregradne stene.
a 'WARNING' message indicating the dangers, particularly to children in the case of improper use/activation of the power-operated windows/roof-panel systems/partition systems.
174 Končna redakcija
Jordden Hollander je ustvaril čaroben svet v svoji hiši brez vrat in brez sten - preprosta kocka sredi prostora, zgrajenega kot zabojnik.
Jordden Hollander had created a magical world in his house without doors and without walls - a simple cube in the middle of the space, built like a container.
175 Končna redakcija
največji sprejemljiv bočni odmik med navpično srednjo linijo prednjega dela vozila in navpično srednjo linijo stene trka je ± 30 cm.
the maximum lateral disalignment tolerated between the vertical median line of the front of the vehicle and the vertical median line of the collision wall is ± 30 cm.
176 Končna redakcija
Prav zaradi čim večje varnosti in kakovosti spoja je bila izbrana kombinirana metoda varjenja in ekspanzije cevi v izvrtini v cevni steni.
It is for the sake of safety and joint quality that the combined procedure of welding and tube expansion in the borehole of the tube sheet was selected.
177 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
Zahteve iz točke 5.8.2 se ne uporabljajo, če so stekla/pomične strehe/pregradne stene opremljene s sistemom za samodejno spremembo smeri.
None of the requirements in Item 5.8.2 shall apply if a power-operated window/roof panel system/partition is fitted with an auto-reversing device.
178 Končna redakcija
v zamrzovalnih prostorih nerjavečo opremo, ki preprečuje, da bi meso prišlo v stik s tlemi ali s stenami med prevozom ali skladiščenjem;
in the refrigerating rooms, rust resistant fittings designed to avoid the fresh meat coming into contact with the ground or the walls, when it is being transported or stored;
179 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Če je temperatura okolice v bližini PSP, PTT, SDT in FH pod 293 K (20 °C), je treba preprečiti izgube delcev na hladnih stenah teh delov.
If the ambient temperature in the vicinity of PSP, PTT, SDT, and FH is below 293K (20 °C), precautions should be taken to avoid particle losses onto the cool wall of these parts.
180 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Prostori s sanitarno opremo morajo izpolnjevati naslednje zahteve: (a) tla in stene morajo biti iz trajnih in proti vodi obstojnih materialov;
The areas containing sanitary installations must comply with the following requirements: (a) the floors and walls must be of durable and waterproof materials;
181 Končna redakcija
Za laminarni tok nenewtonske tekočine, ki jo lahko opišemo s potenčnim zakonom, je deformacijska hitrost na steni podana z naslednjo enačbo:
For laminar flow of a non-Newtonian fluid, which can be described by the Power Law, the wall shear rate is given by the following equation:
182 Končna redakcija
Tako smo iz izmerjenih vrednosti Dp in izračunali strižno napetost:in psevdo (navidezno) deformacijsko hitrost (8/D) na steni cevi (pregl. 1).
On the basis of measured values of Dp and the wall shear stress:(38)and pseudo (apparent) wall shear rate (8/D) were determined (Table 1).
183 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
naprava za daljinsko upravljanje stekel ne sme zapreti stekel/pomične strehe/pregradne stene na električni pogon z oddaljenosti, večje od 11 m;
the remote actuation device shall be incapable of closing the power-operated window/roof panel/partition from a distance of more than 11 metres from the vehicle;
184 Končna redakcija
Varilni avtomat je napravil zvar v enem prehodu z dodajanjem varilne žice, ki se je talila v obloku in skupaj s cevno steno in cevjo tvorila zvar.
An automatic welder made a single-run weld with the addition of a welding wire which melted in the arc and constituted the weld jointly with the tube sheet and the tube.
185 Končna redakcija
V cevno steno je bilo skozi podporne rešetke na sekundarni strani uparjalnika montiranih 5428 cevi U s premerom 19,05 mm in z debelino stene 1,09 mm.
5428 U tubes with a diameter of 19.05 mm and a wall thickness of 1.09 mm were mounted into the tube sheet through supporting grids on the secondary side of the steam generator.
186 Končna redakcija
Doda se malo Petermannove raztopine pri 20 0C, se zelo močno strese, da ne bi nastajale kepe in da bi se preprečilo lepljenje snovi na stene bučke.
Add a little of Petermann's solution at 20 ĹźC, shake very hard in order to stop the formation of lumps and to prevent any of the substance adhering to the side of the flask.
187 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0535
Doda se malo Petermannove raztopine pri 20 0C, se zelo močno strese, da ne bi nastajale kepe in da bi se preprečilo lepljenje snovi na stene bučke.
A dd a little of Petermann's solution at 20 şC, shake very hard in order to stop the formation of lumps and to prevent any of the substance adhering to the side of the flask.
188 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
Tla in stene vozil morajo biti konstruirani in zgrajeni tako, da so v vseh okoliščinah vzdržijo pritisk in obremenitve, ki jih izvajajo uporabniki.
The vehicle floor and walls must be designed and constructed so as to withstand pressure and loads exerted by users under any circumstances.
189 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Napis "naprava, ki deluje na utekočinjeni plin" in oznaka "prepovedano kaditi" morata biti pritrjena na zunanji steni omare, kakor je opisano v 6.05.9.
The inscription "liquefied gas installation" and the "no smoking" symbol as described in 6.05.9 must be affixed to the outer wall of the cupboard.
190 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0074
Gredi ne smejo biti nameščene nad nastiljem in vodoravna razdalja med njimi mora biti vsaj 30 cm, vodoravna razdalja med gredjo in steno pa vsaj 20 cm;
Perches must not be mounted above the litter and the horizontal distance between perches must be at least 30 cm and the horizontal distance between the perch and the wall must be at least 20 cm;
191 Končna redakcija
2.3 Ekspanzija cevi v cevni steniEkspanzija cevi v cevni steni je deformacijski proces, pri katerem se material utrjuje, kristalna zrna pa se deformirajo.
2.3 Tube expansion in the tube sheetTube expansion in the tube sheet is a process of deformation in which a material will harden and crystal line grains will deform.
192 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0008
Dolžina in širina okvirja morata biti 2 cm do 4 cm manjši od notranjih mer ponve, da med okvirjem in bočno steno ponve nastane reža za prezračevanje.
The length and width of the frame must be 2 cm to 4 cm smaller than the interior dimensions of the pan so that a gap of 1 cm to 2 cm exists between the frame and the wall of the pan to allow ventilation.
193 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
Stikala za okna/pomične strehe/pregradne stene morajo biti nameščena in upravljana tako, da je nevarnost naključnega (nenamernega) zapiranja čim manjša.
Switches of power-operated windows/roof panels/partitions shall be located or operated in such a way to minimise the risk of accidental closing.
194 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
"zaprta nadgradnja" pomeni strukturo, ki je narejena iz neprekinjenih za vodo neprepustnih sten nad krovom ter je nanj trajno in za vodo neprepustno pritrjena;
"enclosed superstructure" means a structure made up of solid watertight walls above the deck and joined to it in a permanent and watertight manner;
195 Končna redakcija
Da bi bile rumenkaste do rjave barve vzorcev sladkorja dobro vidne, notranje stene škatle pobarvamo z nesvetlečo rjavo barvo (na primer z barvo temnega oreha).
In order that the yellowish to brown colours of the sugar samples stand out appropriately, the walls of the case are painted inside a matt brown colour (for instance with dark walnut stain).
196 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
Ta sistem mora spremeniti smer gibanja iz zapiranja v odpiranje stekla/pomične strehe/pregradne stene, preden se doseže sila stiskanja, ki je večja od 100 N na območju 200 mm do 4 mm nad zgornjim robom stekla/pregradne stene na električni pogon oziroma pred prednjim robom pomične strehe in na zadnjem robu strehe z nagibom.
This device shall reverse the window/roof panel/partition before it exerts a pinch force of more than 100 N within the opening of 200 mm to 4 mm above the top edge of a power-operated window/partition or in front of the leading edge of a sliding roof panel and at the trailing edge of a tilting roof panel.
197 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
Ta direktiva velja za merilne sisteme za tekočine razen vode, ki imajo vgrajena pretočna merila, v katerih tekočina povzroči gibanje gibljivih sten merilnih komor.
This Directive shall apply to measuring systems for liquids other than water incorporating volumetric meters in which the liquid causes the movement of mobile walls of measuring chambers.
198 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0004
Razen po določbah iz točke 5.8.3 mora biti mogoče stekla/pomične strehe/pregradne stene na električni pogon zapreti le pod enim ali več izmed naslednjih pogojev:
Normal operating requirements Except as provided in Item 5.8.3, power-operated windows/roof-panel systems/partition systems may be closed under one or more of the following conditions:
199 Končna redakcija
Anevrizmo abdominalne aorte operiramo po klasični metodi skozi veliki rez na trebušni steni, dolg od 25 do 30 centimetrov in pomeni za bolnika veliko kirurško poškodbo.
Operations on abdominal aneurysms, when performed using the standard method, require an incision through the abdominal wall of 25-30 cm and represent a significant surgical injury to the patient.
200 Končna redakcija
Slika priljubljenega igralca in reklamni plakat za ženske obleke po modi, ki so vse divje onkraj možnosti uboge Elize, oboje iztrgano iz časopisov, sta pritrjena na steni.
A portrait of a popular actor and a fashion plate of ladies' dresses, all wildly beyond the poor flower girl's means, both torn from newspapers, are pinned up on the wall.
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