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151 Pravna redakcija
izvedba postopkov preverjanja, s katerimi bi zagotovili usklajenost s predpisi, ki urejajo natovarjanje in raztovarjanje.
the implementation of verification procedures to ensure compliance with the rules governing loading and unloading.
152 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0010
(b) preveriti, ali načrt študije vsebuje informacije, potrebne za usklajenost s temi načeli dobre laboratorijske prakse.
(b) verify that the study plan contains the information required for compliance with these principles of good laboratory practice.
153 Pravna redakcija
154 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0109
(17) Usklajenost pogojev za pridobitev statusa rezidenta za daljši čas pospešuje vzajemno zaupanje med državami članicami.
(17) Harmonisation of the terms for acquisition of long-term resident status promotes mutual confidence between Member States.
155 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0491
Komisija zagotovi celovito usklajenost in dopolnjevanje z drugimi ustreznimi politikami, instrumenti, ukrepi in programi Skupnosti.
The Commission shall ensure overall consistency and complementarity with other relevant Community policies, instruments, actions and programmes.
156 Pravna redakcija
Takšen položaj zahteva večjo usklajenost postopkov nadzora in tesnejše sodelovanje med raznimi službami, odgovornimi za nadzor.
Such a situation calls for a greater harmonisation of control methods and closer collaboration between the various bodies responsible for controls.
157 Pravna redakcija
ker je naloga Komisije zagotoviti usklajenost med skladi za razrez plovil, da bi zagotovila enotno uporabo Uredbe (EGS) št. 1101/89,
Whereas it is the Commission's responsibility to ensure coordination between the scrapping funds to make for uniform application of Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89,
158 Pravna redakcija
zagotoviti usklajenost z mednarodnimi metodami, standardi in klasifikacijami, zlasti z metodami, standardi in klasifikacijami Skupnosti,
to bring about harmonization with international, and in particular, Community methods, standards and classifications,
159 Pravna redakcija
Vlagatelj predloži izjavo o usklajenosti.
The applicant shall provide a declaration of compliance.
160 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0706
Komisija v predlog projekta vključi ustrezne pogoje in po potrebi po Prilogi II Uredbe MEDA zagotovi usklajenost z merili iz Bretton Woodsa.
The Commission should include appropriate conditionality in the project proposal and ensure coherence with Bretton Woods' criteria when necessary, in conformity with Annex II to the MEDA Regulation.
161 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0344
Razvijanje usklajenosti politike trga dela 0
Developing coherence of labour market policy 0
162 Pravna redakcija
Norveška uveljavi ukrepe, potrebne za uskladitev z določbami Direktive, s 1. januarjem 1995, pri čemer se usklajenost pregleda pred tem datumom.
Norway shall put into effect the measures necessary for it to comply with the provisions of this Directive as from 1 January 1995, subject to a review before that date.
163 Pravna redakcija
Eurostat si bo še naprej in še močneje prizadeval za boljšo usklajenost v skupnosti donatorjev (t.j. dvostranskih in večstranskih donatorjev).
Eurostat will continue and strengthen its efforts to improve coordination amongst the donor community (i.e. bilateral and multilateral donors).
164 Pravna redakcija
V zvezi s Kamerunom je treba spremeniti oddelek GA Priloge A k Uredbi (ES) št. 1420/1999, da bi zagotovili usklajenost z Uredbo (ES) št. 1547/1999.
Concerning Cameroon it is necessary to amend section GA of Annexe A to Regulation (EC) No 1420/1999 to ensure consistency with Regulation (EC) No 1547/1999.
165 Pravna redakcija
za vse kmetijske okoljske obveznosti skupaj je treba prikazati možne načine kombiniranja obveznosti in zagotoviti medsebojno usklajenost obveznosti.
for all the agri-environment commitments together, the possible ways of combining commitments should be shown and the mutual consistency of commitments should be ensured.
166 Pravna redakcija
To ni samo izjava proizvajalca, saj usklajenost z merili potrdi, preveri in spremlja neodvisna tretja stranka (eden od pristojnih organov za znak za okolje).
This is not a self-claim of the manufacturer, as compliance with the criteria is certified, verified and monitored by an independent third party (one of the eco-label competent bodies).
167 Pravna redakcija
ker bi moral biti cilj Skupnosti, da se do konca obdobja 2000- 2006 z ustreznim prizadevanjem držav članic poveča usklajenost v primerjavi s sedanjim stanjem;
whereas the objective of the Community should be to increase consistency at the end of the period 2000 to 2006 by an appropriate effort by Member States with regard to their current situation;
168 Pravna redakcija
Države članice EFTE uveljavijo ukrepe, potrebne za uskladitev z določbami Direktive, s 1. januarjem 1995, pri čemer se usklajenost pregleda pred tem datumom.
The EFTA States shall put into effect the measures necessary for them to comply with the provisions of this Directive as from 1 January 1995, subject to a review before that date.
169 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0522
(9) Potrebna je boljša usklajenost vodenja in plačevanja pravic za vse osebje Komisije, čeprav naj se v Bruslju, Luksemburgu in Ispri ohranijo lokalne službe.
(9) Consistency in the administration and payment of entitlements for all staff of the Commission should be improved, although a locally based service should be maintained in Brussels, Luxembourg and Ispra.
170 Pravna redakcija
Države članice EFTE uveljavijo ukrepe, potrebne za uskladitev z določbami te direktive, s 1. januarjem 1995, pri čemer se usklajenost pregleda pred tem datumom.
the EFTA States shall put into effect the measures necessary for them to comply with the provisions of this Directive as from 1 January 1995, subject to a review before that date.
171 Pravna redakcija
To sodelovanje zajema pogostejša posvetovanja in večjo usklajenost pogodbenic na regionalni ravni in med ustreznimi regionalnimi institucijami, kjer je to primerno.
Such cooperation shall include the promotion of consultation and greater coordination between the Parties at regional level and, where appropriate, between the relevant regional institutions.
172 Pravna redakcija
173 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba v ta namen v okviru smiselnega časovnega načrta uvesti skupna pravila, ki bi dopolnila sedanja pravila, in tako zagotoviti usklajenost po vsej Skupnosti;
Whereas common rules for this purpose should be introduced on a reasonable time-scale to ensure a harmonized approach throughout the Community supplementing existing rules;
174 Pravna redakcija
V isti tabeli združujejo račune za vse institucionalne sektorje, celotno gospodarstvo in tujino ter prikažejo usklajenost vseh tokov ter vseh sredstev in obveznosti.
They bring together in the same table the accounts of all the institutional sectors, the total economy and the rest of the world, and balance all the flows and all the assets and liabilities.
175 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0008
(c) celovito spremljanje in ocenjevanje dejavnosti EURES ter uvedbo ukrepov, s katerimi se zagotovi usklajenost dejavnosti z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1612/68 in s to odločbo.
(c) overall monitoring and evaluation of EURES activity, and action to check that it is carried out in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68 and with this Decision.
176 Pravna redakcija
ker bo ta vključenost imela za posledico usklajenost pravnih aktov, imenovanih "pravilniki", sprejetih po Revidiranem sporazumu in zakonodaji Skupnosti na tem področju;
whereas that involvement must result in the establishment of consistency between the instruments referred to as 'Regulations', adopted under the Revised Agreement, and Community legislation in this area;
177 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba v ta namen v okviru smiselnega časovnega načrta uvesti skupna pravila, ki bi dopolnila sedanja pravila, in tako zagotoviti usklajenost po celotni Skupnosti;
Whereas common rules for this purpose should be introduced on a reasonable time-scale to ensure a harmonized approach throughout the Community, supplementing existing rules;
178 Pravna redakcija
Predhodno vrednotenje preveri ustreznost predvidenega načina izvajanja in spremljanja, usklajenost s politikami Skupnosti in upoštevanje okvirnih smernic iz člena 10(3).
The ex-ante evaluation shall verify the relevance of the proposed implementing and monitoring arrangements, consistency with Community policies and how far the indicative guidance referred to in Article 10(3) has been taken into account.
179 Pravna redakcija
Zahtevani so bili dodatni podatki za ime, ki ga je prijavila Nemčija po členu 17 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2081/92, da se zagotovi njegovo usklajenost s členoma 2 in 4 navedene uredbe.
Additional information was requested for a name notified by Germany under Article 17 of Regulation (EEC) No 2081/92 in order to ensure that it complied with Articles 2 and 4 of that Regulation.
180 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0372
Pristojni organi opravljajo redne revizije, da zagotovijo usklajenost števila pošiljk in količin proizvodov, ki zapuščajo ozemlje Skupnosti, z vstopnim številom in količinami."
Regular audits shall be made by the competent authority to ensure that the number of consignments and the quantities of products leaving the Community territory matches the number and quantities entering."
181 Pravna redakcija
Poleg tega osnutek direktive o vplivu električne in elektronske opreme na okolje predlaga, da bi bilo na osnovi znaka za okolje mogoče predpostaviti usklajenost z zahtevami direktive.
Moreover, in the draft directive on the environmental impact of electrical and electronic equipment, the eco-label is proposed as giving a presumption of conformity with the requirements of the directive.
182 Pravna redakcija
pripravlja predloge Svetu za sodelovanje, da bi spodbujal priprave na liberalizacijo trgovine in krepil sodelovanje, pri tem pa upošteva potrebno usklajenost predlaganih dejavnosti; ter
make proposals to the Cooperation Council, with the aim of stimulating preparations for the liberalization of trade and of intensifying cooperation, while taking due account of the need for coordination between the activities proposed; and
183 Pravna redakcija
Vlagatelj mora priglašeni organ, ki je izdal certifikat ES-pregleda tipa, stalno obveščati o vseh spremembah odobrenega tipa, ki bi lahko vplivale na usklajenost z osnovnimi zahtevami.
The applicant must keep the notified body that has issued the EC type-examination certificate informed of all modifications to the approved type which might affect conformity with the essential requirements.
184 Pravna redakcija
uvedba postopkov preverjanja, s katerimi bi zagotovili, da so v vozilu dokumenti in varnostna oprema, ki mora spremljati prevoz, ter usklajenost omenjenih dokumentov in opreme s predpisi,
the implementation of verification procedures to ensure the presence on board means of transport of the documents and safety equipment which must accompany transport and the compliance of such documents and equipment with the regulations,
185 Pravna redakcija
Iskana usklajenost bi torej zagotavljala, da so lahko regije v vsaki državi članici, ki so upravičene do sredstev strukturnih skladov, zajete tudi v program državne regionalne pomoči.
In essence, the consistency being sought would ensure that the regions in each Member State which are eligible under the Structural Funds could also be covered by a regional State- aid scheme.
186 Pravna redakcija
Proizvajalec mora uporabiti sistem kakovosti, ki zagotavlja usklajenost naprav s tipom, kakor je opisano v certifikatu ES-pregleda tipa, in z osnovnimi zahtevami v direktivi, ki jih zadevajo.
The manufacturer shall apply a quality system that ensures conformity of the appliances with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and with the essential requirements of this Directive which apply to them.
187 Pravna redakcija
vsako spremembo splošnih pogojev, ki je pomembna za izvajanje pomoči, zlasti glavna socialno-ekonomska gibanja, spremembe v nacionalni, regionalni ali sektorski politiki ali referenčnem okviru iz člena 9(c) in, kjer je to primer, njihove vplive na medsebojno usklajenost pomoči posameznih skladov ter usklajenost med pomočjo Skladov in pomočjo drugih finančnih instrumentov;
any change in general conditions which is of relevance to the implementation of the assistance, in particular the main socio-economic trends, changes in national, regional or sectoral policies or in the frame of reference referred to in Article 9(c) and, where applicable, their implications for the mutual consistency of assistance from the different Funds and consistency between Fund assistance and that from other financial instruments;
188 Pravna redakcija
V skladu s postopkom, določenim v členu 8, se lahko odloči, da bi bilo treba te ukrepe spremeniti, pretežno da bi zagotovili usklajenost z ukrepi drugih držav članic, ali jih odpraviti.
It may be decided, according to the procedure laid down in Article 8, that these measures should be amended, mainly to ensure coordination with those adopted by the other Member States, or abolished.
189 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1488
ker je treba določiti pravila za upravljanje takega partnerstva, hkrati pa zagotoviti preglednost in splošno usklajenost ukrepov, ki se bodo financirali iz odobrenih proračunskih sredstev;
Whereas rules for the administration of such partnership have to be determined, while ensuring the transparency and overall consistency of action undertaken using budget appropriations;
190 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0578
Na nacionalni in evropski ravni bi bilo treba spodbujati preglednost možnosti zaposlitve in usposabljanja in s tem podpirati učinkovito usklajenost med ponudbo in povpraševanjem na trgu dela.
The transparency of employment and training opportunities at national and European level should be promoted in order to support effective job matching.
191 Pravna redakcija
Komisija upošteva ukrepe drugih organizacij, ki se nanašajo na žive morske vire na območju konvencije, in si brez vpliva na cilj te konvencije prizadeva zagotoviti usklajenost s takimi ukrepi.
The Commission shall take account of measures established by other organisations which affect living marine resources in the Convention Area, and, without prejudice to the objective of this Convention, shall seek to ensure consistency with such measures.
192 Pravna redakcija
staležev staležev ki se pojavljajo znotraj obmoèij ribiškihjurisdikcije obeh pogodbenic, da bi dosegli, kolikor je to izvedljivo, usklajenost ukrepov za urejanje ribištva glede na te staleže;
stocks occurring within the areas of fisheries jurisdiction of both Parties, with a view to achieving, as far as practicable, harmonization of measures for the regulation of fisheries in respect of such stocks;
193 Pravna redakcija
Vmesno vrednotenje obravnava evalvacijska vprašanja in preuči zlasti začetne dosežke, njihovo pomembnost in usklajenost s programskim dokumentom za razvoj podeželja ter obseg izpolnitve ciljev.
Mid-term evaluation shall deal with the evaluation questions and shall examine in particular the initial achievements, their relevance to and consistency with the rural development programming document and the extent to which the targets have been attained.
194 Pravna redakcija
ker se bo usklajenost s politiko Skupnosti na področju gospodarske pomoči neodvisnim državam nekdanje Sovjetske zveze in Mongoliji povečala z razširitvijo območja delovanja Ustanove na te države;
Whereas the consistency of the Community's policy of economic assistance to the independent States of the former Soviet Union and to Mongolia will be enhanced by extending the Foundation's field of action to those States;
195 Pravna redakcija
Četrtletni podatki za čas od prvega četrtletja 1999 do četrtega četrtletja 2000 se pripravijo v skladu z viri in metodami, ki zagotavljajo usklajenost četrtletnih podatkov z ustreznimi letnimi podatki.
Quarterly data relating to the first quarter of 1999 until the fourth quarter of 2000 shall be compiled according to sources and methods ensuring consistency between the quarterly data and the corresponding annual data.
196 Pravna redakcija
Vrednost 42,7 % je višja od razpona od 35 % do 40 %, ki je v Agendi 2000 določen za delež upravičenega prebivalstva na podlagi prihodnjih Ciljev 1 in 2, kar omogoča splošno usklajenost v celotni Uniji.
The figure of 42,7 % is higher than the range from 35 % to 40 % set out in Agenda 2000 for the share of eligible population under the future Objectives 1 and 2, making overall consistency possible across the Union.
197 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba sprejeti ukrepe za odpravo nekaterih terminoloških pomanjkljivosti, zlasti kar zadeva usklajenost posameznih jezikovnih različic, kar bi utegnilo pripeljati do težav pri uporabi zadevnih določb,
Whereas, action should be taken to correct certain terminological deficiencies, especially as regards the correspondence between the various language versions, which could lead to difficulties in the application of the provisions concerned,
198 Pravna redakcija
Spremembe odobrenega tipa mora dodatno odobriti priglašeni organ, ki je izdal certifikat ES-pregleda tipa, kadar te spremembe vplivajo na usklajenost z osnovnimi zahtevami ali predpisanimi pogoji uporabe naprave.
Modifications to the approved type must receive additional approval from the notified body that issued the EC type-examination certificate where such changes affect conformity with the essential requirements or. the prescribed conditions for use of the appliance.
199 Pravna redakcija
ker mora Skupnost sprejeti nekatere ukrepe v zvezi z veljavnimi predpisi Skupnosti o varstvu pravic intelektualne lastnine, da bi zagotovila celovito usklajenost vse zadevne zakonodaje Skupnosti s Sporazumom TRIPs;
Whereas in order to ensure that all relevant Community legislation is in full compliance with the TRIPs Agreement, the Community must take certain measures in relation to current Community acts on the protection of intellectual property rights;
200 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Sodelovanje je usmerjeno zlasti v večjo komplementarnost in usklajenost komunikacijskih sistemov na lokalni, nacionalni, regionalni, medregionalni in mednarodni ravni ter v njihovo prilagoditev novim tehnologijam.
Cooperation shall, in particular, be directed towards greater complementarity and harmonisation of communication systems at local, national, regional, inter-regional and international level and their adaptation to new technologies.
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