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višina carin
151 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0593
izraz "uvozne dajatve in davki" pomeni carine in vse druge dajatve, davke, takse ali druge bremenitve, ki se pobirajo ob uvozu blaga ali so povezani z njim, vendar ne vključuje taks in bremenitev, katerih znesek je omejen na višino približnih stroškov za opravljene storitve;
(b)the term 'import duties and taxes' means the customs duties and all other duties, taxes, fees or other charges which are collected on or in connection with the importation of goods, but not including fees and charges which are limited in amount to the approximate cost of services rendered;
152 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0594
izraz "uvozne dajatve in davki" pomeni carine in vse druge dajatve, davke, takse ali druge bremenitve, ki se pobirajo ob uvozu blaga ali so povezani z njim, vendar ne vključuje taks in bremenitev, katerih znesek je omejen na višino približnih stroškov za opravljene storitve;
the term 'import duties and taxes' means customs duties and all other duties, taxes, fees or other charges which are collected on or in connexion with the importation of goods, but not including fees and charges which are limited in amount to the approximate costs of services rendered;
153 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2449
Vendar ne glede na odstavek 1, kjer raztovorjene količine ne presegajo za več kot 2 % količin iz uvoznih dovoljenjih, izdanih glede na dodeljena izvozna dovoljenja za zadevno plovilo, pristojni organi države članice, kjer se bo blago sprostilo v prost promet, na zahtevo uvoznika odobrijo sprostitev presežnih količin v prost promet, pod pogojem, da uvoznik plača carino omejeno na 6 % ad valorem in položi varščino v višini, ki je enaka razliki med polno carino in plačano carino.
However, notwithstanding paragraph 1, where the quantities unloaded are not more than 2 % in excess of the quantities covered by the import licences issued corresponding to the export licences granted for the vessel concerned, the competent authorities in the Member State where release for free circulation is to take place shall, at the request of the importer, authorize the release for free circulation of the excess quantities provided that the importer pays a customs duty limited to 6 % ad valorem and lodges a security for an amount equal to the difference between the full duty and that paid.
154 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R2723
ker člen 4(7) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3035/80 [6] z dne 11. novembra 1980, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 2223/86 [7], določa, da se višina nadomestila za blago, ki sodi v tarifno št. 19.03 skupne carinske tarife, lahko razlikuje glede na namembni kraj;
Whereas Article 4 (7) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3035/80 (6) of 11 November 1980, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2223/86 (7), provides that the refund on goods falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff may be differentiated according to their destination;
155 Prevajalska redakcija
Odločitev, ali se oziroma se ne uvede protidumpinška carina, če so izpolnjene vse zahteve za uvedbe take carine, ter odločitev, ali naj bo višina protidumpinške carine v polnem ali manjšem znesku od stopnje dumpinga, sta odločitvi, ki ju sprejmejo oblasti članice uvoznice.
The decision whether or not to impose an anti-dumping duty in cases where all requirements for the imposition have been fulfilled, and the decision whether the amount of the anti-dumping duty to be imposed shall be the full margin of dumping or less, are decisions to be made by the authorities of the importing Member.
156 Prevajalska redakcija
Če se izravnalna carina uvede za določen proizvod, se taka carina uporablja v vsakem primeru v ustrezni višini, na nediskriminacijski podlagi za uvoz takega proizvoda iz vseh virov, za katere se ugotovi, da so subvencionirani in da povzročajo škodo, z izjemo uvoza iz drugih virov, za katere so preklicane sporne subvencije ali v zvezi s katerimi so bile sprejete zaveze na podlagi tega sporazuma.
When a countervailing duty is imposed in respect of any product, such countervailing duty shall be levied, in the appropriate amounts in each case, on a non-discriminatory basis on imports of such product from all sources found to be subsidized and causing injury, except as to imports from those sources which have renounced any subsidies in question or from which undertakings under the terms of this Agreement have been accepted.
157 Prevajalska redakcija
Priporočljivo je, da bi bila uvedba dovoljena na ozemljih vseh članic, da bi bila carina nižja od celotne višine subvencije, če bi taka nižja carina zadoščala za odpravo škode domači industriji, in da bi bili postopki taki, da omogočajo oblastem, da lahko upoštevajo predstavitve domačih zainteresiranih subjektov [50], katerih interesi utegnejo biti v nasprotju z uvedbo izravnalne carine.
It is desirable that the imposition should be permissive in the territory of all Members, that the duty should be less than the total amount of the subsidy if such lesser duty would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry, and that procedures should be established which would allow the authorities concerned to take due account of representations made by domestic interested parties (49) whose interests might be adversely affected by the imposition of a countervailing duty.
158 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Če naknadna predložitev manjkajoče navedbe iz deklaracije ali dokumenta ob njenem prejemu ne more vplivati na višino dajatev, ki se zaračunajo za blago, na katero se nanaša ta deklaracija, carinski organi takoj vknjižijo znesek teh dajatev, ki se določi na podlagi običajnih pogojev.
Where the late production of particulars or of a supporting document missing at the time when a declaration is accepted cannot affect the amount of duties to which the goods covered by the said declaration are liable, the customs authorities shall immediately enter in the accounts the sum payable, calculated in the usual manner.
159 Prevajalska redakcija
Portugalska republika v skladu s časovnim razporedom iz člena 9 postopno odpravi fiskalni del carine v višini 5 Esc na kilogram za ekstrakt sladkega korena, ki vsebuje več kot 10 mas.% saharoze, vendar nima dodanih nobenih drugih snovi, iz tarifne podštevilke 17.04 A skupne carinske tarife.
The Portuguese Republic shall progressively abolish for liquorice extract containing more than 10 % by weight of sucrose but not containing other added substances, falling within subheading 17.04 A of the Common Customs Tariff, the fiscal element of Esc 5 per in accordance with the timetable laid down in Article 9.
160 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Kadar carinski dolg za blago, dano v omenjeni postopek, nastane zaradi drugih razlogov kot vnos v postopek začasnega uvoza z delno oprostitvijo uvoznih dajatev, je višina dolga enaka razliki med višino dajatev, obračunanih na podlagi odstavka 1, in dajatev, plačljivih na podlagi člena 143.
Where, for a reason other than the placing of goods under the temporary importation procedure with partial relief from import duties, a customs debt is incurred in respect of goods placed under the said procedure, the amount of that debt shall be equal to the difference between the amount of duties calculated pursuant to paragraph 1 and that payable pursuant to Article 143.
161 Prevajalska redakcija
Če po razumnih prizadevanjih za uspešen konec posvetovanja članica dokončno ugotovi obstoj in višino subvencije in da z učinki subvencije subvencionirani uvoz povzroča škodo, lahko uvede izravnalno carino v skladu z določbami tega člena, razen če se ukine subvencija oziroma subvencije.
If, after reasonable efforts have been made to complete consultations, a Member makes a final determination of the existence and amount of the subsidy and that, through the effects of the subsidy, the subsidized imports are causing injury, it may impose a countervailing duty in accordance with the provisions of this Article unless the subsidy or subsidies are withdrawn.
162 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3254
Kjer se zaradi okoliščin, značilnih za prevoz, tveganje poveča in zato zavarovanje v višini 7000 ECU brez dvoma ne zadošča, urad odhoda zahteva zavarovanje v višjem znesku v mnogokratnikih 7000 ECU, da bi zavaroval carine in druge dajatve, ki se nanašajo na skupno količino blaga za odpremo.
Where, because of circumstances peculiar to it, a transport operation involves increased risks and for that reason the guarantee of ECU 7 000 is clearly insufficient, the office of departure shall require a guarantee of a greater amount in multiples of ECU 7 000 inorder to guarantee the duties and other charges relating to the total quantity of goods to be dispatched.
163 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Kadar je omenjeno blago predmet običajnih ravnanj v smislu člena 109, so na zahtevo deklaranta narava blaga, carinska vrednost in količina, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri določanju višine uvoznih dajatev, take kot bi jih upoštevali za blago v trenutku iz člena 214, če ne bi bilo predmet teh ravnanj .
Where the said goods have undergone the usual forms of handling within the meaning of Article 109, the nature of the goods, the customs value and the quantity to be taken into account in determining the amount of import duties shall, at the request of the declarant, be those which would be taken into account for the goods, at the time referred to in Article 214, if they had not undergone such handling.
164 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1147
V takšnih primerih carinski organi upoštevajo obseg uvoza in višino sporne dajatve, zato da bi preprečili izničenje koristi za uvoznika zaradi izničenja začasne opustitve dajatve s stroškom pridobitve izvedenskega mnenja, če preiskava pokaže, da pravila za izdajo navedenih potrdil niso bila kršena.
In such cases, customs authorities shall take into account the import volume and the amount of duty at risk, in order to prevent the importer from benefiting from the fact that the duty suspension is being nullified by the cost of procuring the expert opinion, if the investigation shows that the rules for the issuing of those certificates have not been infringed.
165 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1147
Pred ukrepanjem bi morali carinski organi primerjati stroške, ki zaradi tega nastanejo, z obsegom uvoza in višino sporne dajatve, da bi se izognili situaciji, v kateri bi se izkazalo, da kršitve ni bilo, korist za uvoznika zaradi opustitve dajatve pa je bila izničena s stroškom pridobitve izvedenskega mnenja.
However, before taking such action, customs authorities should weigh the costs entailed against the import volume and the amount of duty at risk, so as to avoid a situation where it transpires that no infringement has been committed, but the benefit to the importer of the duty suspension has been nullified by the cost of procuring the expert opinion.
166 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31980R3448
Pri proizvodih, za katere določa skupna carinska tarifa maksimalno dajatev, uporablja Helenska republika za tretje države maksimalno dajatev, ki jo sestavlja: a) v nespremenljivem delu maksimalne dajatve stopnja iz stolpca 2 Priloge I, usklajena z višino skupne najvišje dajatve v skladu s pogoji iz člena 31 Akta;
For products in respect of which the Common Customs Tariff provides for a maximum charge the Hellenic Republic shall apply to third countries a maximum charge composed of: (a) in so far as the fixed part of the maximum charge is concerned the rate indicated in column 2 of Annex I aligned to the level of the common maximum in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 31 of the Act.
167 Prevajalska redakcija
Vsaka podpisnica te pogodbe in vsaka država ali regionalna organizacija za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki pristopi k tej pogodbi, predloži na dan svojega podpisa ali deponiranja svoje listine o pristopu Sekretriatu seznam vseh carinskih stopenj in drugih dajatev za energetske materiale in izdelke ob uvozu ali izvozu in obvesti o višini takih carinskih stopenj in dajatev, ki se uporabljajo na dan podpisa ali deponiranja listine o pristopu.
Each signatory to this Treaty, and each State or Regional Economic Integration Organization acceding to this Treaty, shall on the date of its signature or of its deposit of its instrument of accession provide to the Secretariat a list of all tariff rates and other charges levied on energy materials and products at the time of importation or exportation, notifying the level of such rates and charges applied on such date of signature or deposit.
168 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0192
Ker sodelujoče stranke niso predložile drugih informacij, so bile uporabljene povprečne vrednosti na enoto na podlagi številk Statističnega urada Evropskih skupnosti, s katerimi se je za uvoz iz Tajvana med obdobjem preiskave določila povprečna uvozna cena, prilagojena na raven po plačani carini, v višini 0,098 ekujev.
In the absence of information from cooperating parties, average unit values based on Eurostat figures were used, yielding an average import price, adjusted to a duty paid basis of ECU 0,098 from Taiwan for the investigation period.
169 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0955
ker sistemi zavarovanja za skupnostne tranzitne postopke hkrati pokrivajo carinski dolg in druge dajatve, ki lahko nastanejo v zvezi z blagom in predstavljajo poseben primer; ker so postopki po naravi mednarodni in je treba višino zahtevane vsote do neke mere uskladiti s tveganji in upoštevati zanesljivost glavnega zavezanca;
Whereas security systems for Community transit procedures cover both customs debt and other charges which may be incurred in respect of the goods, and constitute a special case since the procedures are international in nature and the sum required needs to be tailored to an extent to the risks and to the principal's reliability;
170 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1824
Leta 1991 je Svet z Uredbo (EGS) št. 3433/91 [2] med drugim uvedel dokončno protidampinško carino v višini 16,9 % pri uvozu žepnih plinskih vžigalnikov na kresilni kamen, ki jih ni mogoče ponovno napolniti ("vžigalniki, ki jih ni mogoče ponovno napolniti"), s poreklom iz Ljudske republike Kitajske (v nadaljevanju "Kitajska").
In 1991, the Council, by Regulation (EEC) No 3433/91(2), imposed, inter alia, a definitive anti-dumping duty of 16,9 % on imports of gas-fuelled, non-refillable pocket flint lighters ("non-refillable lighters") originating in the People's Republic of China ("China").
171 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2007
Za nekatere ribiške proizvode s poreklom iz Albanije, Bosne in Hercegovine ter Hrvaške in za vino s poreklom iz držav in ozemelj iz člena 1(1) in (2), ki so navedeni v Prilogi I, se carine, ki veljajo pri uvozu v Skupnost, opustijo za obdobja, v višini in v mejah tarifnih kvot Skupnosti, ki so za vsak proizvod navedene v tej prilogi.
For certain fishery products originating in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia and wine originating in the countries and territories referred to in Article 1(1) and (2), both listed in Annex I, the customs duties applicable to imports into the Community shall be suspended during the periods, at the levels and within the limits of the Community tariff quotas indicated for each product in that Annex.
172 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1143
ker člen 7(2) Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1012/98 z dne 14. maja 1998 o odprtju in upravljanju tarifnih kvot za uvoz bikov, krav in telic določenih alpskih in gorskih pasem, ki niso namenjeni za zakol [11], določa, da je zaradi upoštevanja prepovedi zakola uvoženih živali pred določenim rokom, treba položiti varščino enako višini carin skupne carinske tarife;
Whereas Article 7(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1012/98 of 14 May 1998 opening and providing for the management of tariff quotas for the import of bulls, cows and heifers, other than for slaughter, of certain alpine and mountain breeds (11) states that, in order to comply with the ban on slaughter of the imported animals within a certain period, a security equivalent to the specific amount of the CCT customs duties should be provided;
173 Prevajalska redakcija
Za vino iz svežega grozdja iz tarifne številke ex 22.05 skupne carinske tarife, pakirano ter etiketirano v posodah z vsebino dva litra ali manj in s poreklom iz Tunizije, se stalni znesek, ki se doda ceni iz člena 53 Uredbe (EGS) št. 822/87 o skupni ureditvi trga za vino, postopno odpravi po spodaj navedeni stopnji in v mejah letnega obsega v višini 10000 hektolitrov:
For wine of fresh grapes falling within heading N° ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff presented in containers of two litres or less and originating in Tunisia, the fixed amount added to the price referred to in Article 53 of Regulation (EEC) N° 822/87 on the common organization of the market in wine shall be phased out at the rate indicated below within the limit of an annual volume of 10 000 hectolitres:
174 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0152
V primerih, ko se blago poškoduje pred vstopom v prosti promet, ko se dejansko plačana ali plačljiva cena za določitev carinske vrednosti porazdeli v skladu s členom 145 Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2454/93, se višina protidampinške dajatve, izračunana na podlagi prej navedenih zneskov, zniža za odstotek, ki ustreza porazdelitvi dejansko plačane ali plačljive cene.
In cases where goods have been damaged before entry into free circulation and, therefore, the price actually paid or payable is apportioned for the determination of the customs value pursuant to Article 145 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93, the amount of the anti-dumping duty, calculated on the basis of the amounts set above, shall be reduced by a percentage which corresponds to the apportioning of the price actually paid or payable."
175 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2603
Pri poškodbah blaga pred vstopom v prost promet, ko se dejansko plačana cena ali cena, ki se plača, za določitev carinske vrednosti porazdeli v skladu s členom 145 Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2454/93 [9], se višina izravnalnih dajatev, izračunanih na podlagi prej navedenih zneskov, zniža za odstotek, ki ustreza porazdelitvi dejansko plačane cene ali cene, ki se plača.
In cases where goods have been damaged before entry into free circulation and, therefore, the price actually paid or payable is apportioned for the determination of the customs value pursuant to Article 145 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93(8), the amount of countervailing duty, calculated on the basis of the amounts set above, shall be reduced by a percentage which corresponds to the apportioning of the price actually paid or payable.
176 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1581
ker zaradi dejstva, da je v zgoraj navedeni stopnji skupne carinske tarife upoštevana predhodno položena varščina za količine oljčnega olja, danega v prosti promet, upravičenost do pomoči za porabo oljčnega olja ne sme biti omejena le na olje, proizvedeno v Skupnosti, in se ne smejo ohranjati razlike v višini proizvodnih nadomestil za olje, ki se uporablja v proizvodnji konzerv,
Whereas, in view of the fact that the abovementioned rate of common customs duty takes account of the security lodged earlier for quantities of olive oil released for free circulation, entitlement to the consumption aid in respect of olive oil should not be limited to oil produced in the Community, nor should a difference in the level of production refunds for the manufacture of tinned oil be maintained,
177 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Medtem ko se v protidampinških primerih popravek odobri zgolj za izvoz zadevnih izdelkov v Skupnost, se v protisubvencijskih preiskavah v skladu s členom 7(2) Osnovne uredbe in v skladu s "Smernicami za izračun višine subvencij v preiskavah v zvezi z izravnalnimi carinami" (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Smernice za izračun") [4] preverijo koristi na podlagi skupnega izvoza vseh izdelkov v vse namembne kraje.
While in anti-dumping cases the allowance is granted in relation only to exports of the products concerned to the Community, in an anti-subsidy investigation benefits are examined in relation to total exports of all products to all destinations in line with Article 7(2) of the Basic Regulation and the "Guidelines for the calculation of the amount of subsidy in countervailing duty investigations" (hereinafter referred to as the "Calculation Guidelines")(4).
178 Prevajalska redakcija
Vino iz svežega grozdja iz tarifne številke ex 22.05 skupne carinske tarife s poreklom iz Tunizije, ki je po tunizijski zakonodaji upravičeno do označbe geografskega porekla, navedeno v izmenjavi pisem, ki je bila sklenjena med pogodbenicama, in pakirano ter etiketirano v posodah z vsebino 2 litra ali manj, je oproščeno carin pri uvozu v Skupnost v mejah letne tarifne kvote Skupnosti v višini 50000 hektolitrov.
Wine of fresh grapes falling within heading N° ex 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff and originating in Tunisia which is entitled to a designation of origin under Tunisian law, listed in an Exchange of Letters concluded between the Contracting Parties and put up in containers holding two litres or less, shall be exempt from customs duties on importation into the Community within the limit of an annual Community tariff quota of 50 000 hectolitres.
179 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977R0482
ker je treba skleniti sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem, kakor je predvideno v členu 21(2) zgoraj navedenega Sporazuma o sodelovanju in členu 14(2) zgoraj navedenega Začasnega sporazuma za uporabo ureditve, predvidene v navedenih členih, za vino, upravičeno do označbe porekla po maroški zakonodaji, ki je oproščeno plačila carin pri uvozu v Skupnost v mejah letne tarifne kvote Skupnosti v višini 50 000 hektolitrov,
Whereas an Agreement should be concluded in the form of an exchange of letters, as provided for in Article 21 (2) of the abovementioned Cooperation Agreement and Article 14 (2) of the abovementioned Interim Agreement concerning the application of the arrangements provided for in the said Articles in respect of wine entitled to a designation of origin under Moroccan law and exempt from customs duties on importation into the Community, within the limits of an annual Community tariff quota of 50 000 hectolitres,
180 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Popolna ali delna oprostitev uvoznih dajatev, predvidena v členu 145, se izvede tako, da se od višine uvoznih dajatev, ki se obračunajo za pridobljene proizvode, sproščene v prosti promet, odšteje znesek uvoznih dajatev, ki bi se obračunale na isti dan za blago na začasnem izvozu, če bi bilo uvoženo na carinsko območje Skupnosti iz države, kjer je bilo predmet operacije oplemenitenja ali zadnje operacije oplemenitenja.
The total or partial relief from import duties provided for in Article 145 shall be effected by deducting from the amount of the import duties applicable to the compensating products released for free circulation the amount of the import duties that would be applicable on the same date to the temporary export goods if they were imported into the customs territory of the Community from the country in which they underwent the processing operation or last processing operation.
181 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977R0482
Sporazum v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Kraljevino Maroko glede začetka veljavnosti ureditve, predvidene v členu 21(2) Sporazuma o sodelovanju in členu 14(2) Začasnega sporazuma za vino, upravičeno do označbe porekla po maroški zakonodaji, ki je oproščeno plačila carin pri uvozu v Skupnost v mejah letne tarifne kvote Skupnosti v višini 50 000 hektolitrov, je s tem odobren v imenu Skupnosti.
The Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Morocco concerning the application of the arrangements provided for in Article 21 (2) of the Cooperation Agreement and Article 14 (2) of the Interim Agreement, in respect of wine entitled to a designation of origin under Moroccan law and exempt from customs duties on importation into the Community, within the limits of an annual Community tariff quota of 50 000 hectolitres, is hereby concluded on behalf of the Community.
182 Prevajalska redakcija
Za vsako tržno leto v obdobju med datumom začetka veljavnosti tega protokola in 31. decembrom 1990, se v mejah količine v višini 46000 ton na tržno leto in z odstopanjem od člena 16(1) in (2) ter Priloge B Sporazuma, zaračuna posebna dajatev pri uvozu nepredelanega oljčnega olja iz tarifne številke 15.07 A I a) ali b) skupne carinske tarife, ki je bilo v celoti pridobljeno v Tuniziji in neposredno prepeljano iz te države v Skupnost.
For each marketing year during the period between the date of entry into force of this Protocol and 31 December 1990, within the limit of a quantity of 46 000 tonnes per marketing year, by derogation from Article 16 (1) and (2) and Annex B of the Agreement, a special levy shall be charged on imports of unprocessed olive oil falling within subheading 15.07 A I a) or b) of the Common Customs Tariff wholly obtained in Tunisia and transported direct from that country to the Community.
183 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2604
Pri poškodbah blaga pred vstopom v prost promet, ko se dejansko plačana cena ali cena, ki se plača, za določitev carinske vrednosti porazdeli v skladu s členom 145 Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2454/93 z dne 2. julija 1993 o določbah za izvajanje Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 o Carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti [8], se višina protidampinških dajatev, izračunana na podlagi prej navedenih zneskov, zniža za odstotek, ki ustreza porazdelitvi dejansko plačane cene ali cene, ki se plača.
In cases where goods have been damaged before entry into free circulation and, therefore, the price actually paid or payable is apportioned for the determination of the customs value pursuant to Article 145 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code(7), the amount of anti-dumping duty, calculated on the basis of the amounts set above, shall be reduced by a percentage which corresponds to the apportioning of the price actually paid or payable.
184 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R0401
ker Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 3035/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o splošnih pravilih za dodeljevanje izvoznih nadomestil za nekatere kmetijske proizvode, izvožene v obliki proizvodov, ki jih ne zajema Priloga II k Pogodbi o ustanovitvi EGS, in o merilih za določanje višine takšnih nadomestil3, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1982/854, določa, da se lahko za blago iz tarifne številke 19.03 skupne carinske tarife dodeljujejo različno visoka nadomestila glede na namembno državo;
Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 3035/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down general rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds (3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1982/85 (4), provides that the rate of refunds for goods falling within heading No 19.03 of the Common Customs Tariff may be differentiated according to their destination;
185 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Kadar je namen operacije oplemenitenja popravilo blaga na začasnem izvozu in se tako popravilo opravi za plačilo, se delna oprostitev uvoznih dajatev, predvidenih v členu 145, odobri tako, da se ugotovi višina dajatev, ki se obračunavajo na osnovi elementov za izračun dajatev za pridobljene proizvode na dan sprejema deklaracije za sprostitev v prosti promet teh proizvodov, in da se kot carinska vrednost upošteva znesek enak stroškom popravila, če ti stroški predstavljajo edino plačilo imetnika dovoljenja in nanje ne vpliva kakršnakoli povezava med imetnikom in izvajalcem.
Where the purpose of the processing operation is the repair of temporary export goods and such repair is carried out in return for payment, the partial relief from import duties provided for in Article 145 shall be granted by establishing the amount of the duties applicable on the basis of the taxation elements pertaining to the compensating products on the date of acceptance of the declaration of release for free circulation of those products and taking into account as the customs value an amount equal to the repair costs, provided that those costs represent the only consideration provided by the holder of the authorization and are not influenced by any links between that holder and the operator.
186 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1149
ker je treba razširiti določbe Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1222/94 [4] z dne 30. maja 1994 o skupnih podrobnih pravilih za uporabo sistema odobravanja izvoznih nadomestil za nekatere kmetijske proizvode, izvožene v obliki blaga, ki ni zajeto v Prilogi II k Pogodbi, in o merilih za določanje višine takšnih nadomestil, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 482/95 [5], da bi se upoštevale povečane količine nekaterih mlečnih izdelkov, ki se v okviru posebnih sporazumov uvažajo iz tretjih držav z znižanimi carinskimi dajatvami, in s tem možnost odobravanja višjih nadomestil od teh znižanih carinskih dajatev;
Whereas it is necessary to extend the provisions of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1222/94 of 30 May 1994 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds (4), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 482/95 (5), to take account of the increased quantities of certain milk products imported under special arrangements from third countries at a reduced tariff and the consequent possibility of granting a refund higher than such a reduced tariff;
187 Prevod
najkasneje do januarja 1995 se bo dajatev za carinsko evidentiranje v višini 0,5 % preoblikovala tako, da bo odražala samo storitve, opravljene pri carinjenju.
by January 1995 at the latest the 0,5 % customs clearance fee will be transformed to reflect only the services rendered for customs clearing.
188 Prevod
najkasneje pet let po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma dajatev v višini 5 % pri uvozu parfumerijskih in kozmetičnih izdelkov iz naslednjih oznak bolgarske carinske tarife:
five years after the entry into force of the Agreement at the latest the 5 % import tax on imports of perfumery and cosmetics falling within the following codes of the Bulgarian Customs Tariff:
189 Prevod
najkasneje pet let po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma dajatev v višini 10 % pri uvozu avtomobilov s prostornino valja najmanj 2500 cm 3, ki so zajeti v naslednjih oznakah bolgarske carinske tarife:
five years after the entry into force of the Agreement at the latest the 10 % import tax on imports of cars of a cylinder capacity of 2 500 and more cm3 falling within the following codes of the Bulgarian Customs Tariff:
190 Prevod
CELEX: 31999R1600
Varščine, položene za začasne protidampinške carine na uvoz žice iz nerjavnega jekla premera 1 mm ali več s poreklom iz Indije v okviru Uredbe (ES) št. 617/1999 ( fn ), se dokončno poberejo v višini dokončno uvedenih carin.
The amounts secured by way of the provisional anti-dumping duties on imports of stainless steel wires with a diameter of 1 mm or more originating in India under Regulation (EC) No 617/1999 shall be definitively collected at the rate of the duties definitively imposed.
191 Prevod
CELEX: 31999R1600
Zaradi višine dampinških marž, dokončno ugotovljenih za proizvajalce - izvoznike s sedežem v Indiji, in zaradi obsega škode, povzročene gospodarski panogi Skupnosti, se šteje za potrebno, da se varščine, položene v okviru začasne uredbe, dokončno poberejo v višini dokončnih carin oziroma v višini začasnih carin, če so slednje nižje -
In view of the amount of the dumping margins definitively established for the exporting producers located in India and in the light of the seriousness of the injury caused to the Community industry, it is considered necessary that the amounts secured by way of the provisional Regulation be definitively collected to the extent of the amount of definitive duties imposed, unless the provisional duty rates are lower in which case the latter should prevail,
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višina carin