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benefit payment
201 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982R0510
Izplačila in pravice, predvidene v členih 41b do 41e, mirujejo, če se začasno prekinejo denarni učinki pogodbe o zaposlitvi na podlagi pogojev za zaposlitev uslužbencev fundacije.
202 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
Payments effected by final beneficiaries within the meaning of the third subparagraph of Article 32(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 (hereinafter the general Regulation) shall be in the form of cash subject to the exceptions indicated in point 1.5.
Plačila, ki jih opravijo končni upravičenci v smislu tretjega pododstavka člena 32(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 1260/1999 (v nadaljnjem besedilu "splošna uredba"), so v obliki gotovine ob upoštevanju izjem, navedenih v točki 1.5.
203 Končna redakcija
Notification to the paying body of the detailed schedule of payments to be made The institution responsible for payment of benefits shall send to the liaison body of the Member State in whose territory the person entitled to benefits is residing, or to the institution of the place of residence (both hereinafter called 'paying body') a detailed schedule of payments to be made which should reach the paying body not later than twenty days before the date on which those benefits become due.
Obvestilo organu za izplačilo o podrobnem razporedu izplačil Nosilec, pristojen za izplačilo dajatev, pošlje organu za zvezo države članice, na ozemlju katere ima oseba, upravičena do dajatev, stalno prebivališče, ali nosilcu v kraju stalnega prebivališča (oba v nadaljevanju "organ za izplačilo") v dveh izvodih podroben razpored izplačil, katere je treba opraviti, ki ju mora organ za izplačilo prejeti najmanj 20 dni pred datumom zapadlosti navedenih dajatev.
204 Končna redakcija
In the settlement of accounts between institutions of the Member States, claims for refunds relating to benefits provided during a calendar year three years or more previous to the date of submission of such claims, whether they are submitted to a liaison body or to the institution responsible for payment of the competent State, may be disregarded by the institution responsible for payment.
Pri poravnavi računov med nosilci držav članic nosilcu, odgovornemu za izplačilo, ni treba upoštevati zahtevkov za povračilo dajatev, zagotovljenih v koledarskem lketu pred tremi letaiali več pred datumom vloge takšnih zahtevkov, ne glede na to, ali so vloženi pri organu za zvezo ali nosilcu, odgovornem za plačilo v pristojni državi.
205 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Beneficiaries of investment support measures under Chapters I, VII, VIII and IX of Title II of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 may request the payment of an advance from the competent paying agencies if this option is included in the programming document.
Upravičenci do ukrepov podpore za naložbe iz poglavij I, VII, VIII in IX Naslova II Uredbe (ES) št. 1257/1999 lahko zahtevajo izplačilo predplačila od pristojnih plačilnih agencij, če je ta možnost vključena v programski dokument.
206 Končna redakcija
If, when awarding or reviewing benefits in respect of invalidity, old age or death (pensions) pursuant to Chapter 3 of Title III of the Regulation, the institution of a Member State has paid to a recipient of benefits a sum in excess of that to which he is entitled, that institution may request the institution of any other Member State responsible for the payment of corresponding benefits to that person to deduct the amount overpaid out of ally arrears payable by the latter to the said recipient.
Če je nosilec države članice pri dodelitvi ali ponovni ugotovitvi dajatev za invalidnost, starost ali smrt (pokojnin) v skladu s Poglavjem 3 naslova III uredbe prejemniku dajatev izplačal znesek, ki presega znesek, do katerega je upravičen, ta nosilec lahko zaprosi nosilca katere koli druge države članice, pristojnega za izplačilo ustreznih dajatev temu prejemniki preplačani znesek odtegne od poznejših izplačil, ki mu jih izplača.
207 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
payments for relevant measures shall be granted to the beneficiaries provided that the protective and ecological values of these forests are ensured in a sustainable manner and the measures to be carried out are laid down by contract and their cost specified therein.
se podpora za ustrezne ukrepe izplača upravičencem, če je varovalna in ekološka vloga teh gozdov zagotovljena trajnostno in če so ukrepi, ki se bodo izvedli, določeni v pogodbi in so v njej navedeni njihovi stroški.
208 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
They are treated in the accounts as subsidies to the producers benefiting from them, even when the difference in the interest is, in practice, paid directly by the government to the credit institution making the loan (by way of derogation from the payment criterion),
V računih se obravnavajo kot subvencije proizvajalcem, ki imajo od njih koristi, četudi v praksi država plača razliko v obrestih neposredno kreditni instituciji, ki je odobrila posojilo (z odstopanjem od merila plačila),
209 Končna redakcija
Where cash benefits are paid by the institution of the place of residence on behalf of the competent institution, the latter shall inform the worker of his rights and shall notify the institution of the place of residence of the amount of the cash benefits, the dates for payment, and the maximum period during which they should be granted, in accordance with the legislation of the competent State.
Kadar denarne dajatve izplačuje nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča v imenu pristojnega nosilca, slednji obvesti delavca o njegovih pravicah, nosilca v kraju stalnega prebivališča pa o znesku denarnih dajatev, o datumih izplačil in o najdaljšem obdobju, v katerem je mogoče dajatve zagotavljati v skladu z zakonodajo pristojne države.
210 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982R0510
Uslužbenec, ki ni dopolnil šestdeset let in mu zaposlitev preneha iz drugih razlogov, ne zaradi smrti ali invalidnosti, nima pa pravice do starostne pokojnine in ne more izkoristiti določb člena 10(1), a ima ob prenehanju dela pravico do izplačila:
211 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
In order to facilitate the implementation of the single payment scheme, it is appropriate to allow Member States to proceed already in the year preceding the first year of application of the scheme to the identification of the potential beneficiaries of the scheme in particular, in case of modifications in the holding due to inheritance or legal changes and to the provisional establishment of payment entitlements.
Zaradi olajšanega izvajanja sheme enotnega plačila je treba državam članicam omogočiti, da začnejo določati možne upravičence za shemo že v letu pred prvim letom izvajanja sheme, zlasti ob spremembah na gospodarstvu zaradi dedovanja ali pravnih sprememb, in začasno določati pravice do plačila.
212 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0962
This Regulation shall not cover production of potato starch by undertakings which neither purchase potatoes which have benefited from the payment referred to in Article 8 of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92 nor benefit from the refund referred to in Article 7 of that Regulation."
Ta uredba ne vključuje proizvodnje krompirjevega škroba podjetij, ki ne kupujejo krompirja, za katerega so bila izplačana plačila iz člena 8 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1766/92, in ki tudi ne bodo prejela nadomestila iz člena 7 navedene uredbe."
213 Končna redakcija
When a person to whom the Regulation applies has received assistance in the territory of a Member State during a period in which he was entitled to benefits under the legislation of another Member State, the body which gave the assistance may, if it is legally entitled to reclaim the benefits due to the said person, request the institution of any other Member State responsible for the payment of benefits in favour of that person to deduct the amount of the assistance paid from the amounts which the latter pays to the said person.
Kadar je oseba, za katero se uporablja uredba, prejemala pomoč na ozemlju države članice v času, ko je imela zadevna oseba pravico do dajatev v skladu z zakonodajo druge države članice,, lahko organ, ki ji je nudil pomoč, če ima zakonsko pravico do povračila dajatev, izplačanih navedeni osebi, zaprosi nosilca katere koli druge države članice, pristojnega za izplačilo takšnih dajatev v korist navedene osebe, da odtegne znesek izplačane pomoči od zneskov, ki jih zadnja navedena plačuje navedeni osebi.
214 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Whereas, in order to ensure equal treatment for exporters in Member States, explicit provision should be made, as far as export refunds are concerned, for any amount over-paid to be reimbursed with interest by the beneficiary, and the procedure for payment should be laid down;
ker je treba zaradi zagotavljanja enake obravnave izvoznikov v državah članicah glede izvoznih nadomestil izrecno določiti, da upravičenec vsak preveč plačan znesek povrne skupaj z obrestmi, in določiti postopek za plačilo;
215 Končna redakcija
whereas, in respect of other classes, such action must be carried out as part of a process of normalisation of the accounts of railway undertakings, a feature of such normalisation being the payment of compensation in respect of the effects of such financial burdens or benefits;
ker se mora za druge kategorije tako ukrepanje izvajati kot del procesa normalizacije kontov železniških podjetij, pri čemer je značilnost takšne normalizacije plačilo nadomestila za učinke finančnih obveznosti ali ugodnosti;
216 Končna redakcija
Before 1 January 1973 the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission, re-examine the whole problem of payment of family benefits to members of families who are not residing in the territory of the competent State, in order to reach a uniform solution for all Member States.
Pred 1. januarjem 1973 Svet, na predlog Komisije, z namenom doseči enotno rešitev za vse države članice, ponovno preuči celoten problem plačil družinskih dajatev za tiste družinske člane, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju pristojne države.
217 Končna redakcija
Whereas, taking into account the problems relating to unemployment, it is appropriate to extend entitlement to family benefits to members of the families of unemployed workers residing in a Member State other than the one which is responsible for payment of the unemployment benefit;
ker je ob upoštevanju problemov v zvezi z breposelnostjo primerno, da se pravica do družinskih dajatev razširi na družinske člane brezposelnih delavcev, ki prebivajo v državi članici, ki ni država članica, pristojna za plačevanje dajatve za brezposelnost;
218 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
The payment by an exporter of a reduced or zero rate of import duty constitutes a financial contribution by the GOI, since revenue otherwise due is foregone and a benefit is conferred on the recipient by lowering the duties payable or fully exempting him from paying the import duties.
Znižana stopnja dajatve ali stopnja nič je za izvoznika finančni prispevek indijske vlade, zaradi izpada prihodka in, ker ima prejemnik ugodnost zaradi znižanja dajatve ali popolne oprostitve plačila uvoznih dajatev.
219 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Unless they have benefited from Article 11(2) or (3) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations, officials in service on 1 May 2004 and who would, for lack of a transfer option under Article 11(1), have been entitled to payment of a severance grant in accordance with the Staff Regulations rules in force before 1 May 2004, shall retain the right to payment of a severance grant calculated in accordance with the rules in force before that date.
Če se za njih ne uporabi člen 11(2) ali (3) Priloge VIII h Kadrovskim predpisom, uradniki, zaposleni na dan 1. maja 2004, ki bi bili upravičeni do izplačila odpravnine v skladu s Kadrovskimi predpisi, veljavnimi pred 1. majem 2004, niso pa imeli možnosti prenosa po členu 11(1), ohranijo pravico do izplačila odpravnine, izračunane v skladu s pravili, veljavnimi pred tem datumom.
220 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Without prejudice to the obligation to pay the negative amount pursuant to Article 51(4), the beneficiary shall reimburse refunds unduly received, which includes any penalty applicable pursuant to Article 51(1) and interest calculated on the time elapsing between payment and reimbursement.
Brez poseganja v obveznost plačila negativnega zneska iz člena 51(4), upravičenec povrne neupravičeno prejeta nadomestila, kar vključuje tudi kazni po členu 51(1) in obresti, izračunane za čas od plačila do povračila.
221 Končna redakcija
If a worker has been subject successively to the legislation of two Member States during the period separating two dates for the payment of family benefits or family allowances as provided for by the legislation of one or both of the Member States concerned, the following rules shall apply:
Če je za delavca zaporedoma veljala zakonodaja dveh držav članic v obdobju, ki ločuje dva datuma za izplačilo družinskih dajatev ali družinskih dodatkov, kakor je to določeno v zakonodaji ene ali obeh zadevnih držav članic, se uporabljajo naslednja pravila:
222 Končna redakcija
In particular, that will be the case in those Member States which require that the beneficiary's bank report an incoming payment to the balance of payments authorities, or which require that beneficiaries receive more information from their bank than is normally given for domestic payments.
Zlasti bo tako v državah članicah, ki zahtevajo, da banka upravičenca poroča o dohodnem plačilu organom za plačilno bilanco, ali ki zahtevajo, da upravičenci od svojih bank dobijo več informacij kot je običajno za domača plačila.
223 Končna redakcija
Provided that the amount of the family benefits referred to in paragraph 1 is higher than the amount of the family allowances which would be due under Article 73 (2) of the Regulation, it shall be the responsibility of the competent French institution to ensure payment thereof to the worker, or directly to the members of his family at their place of residence, or in respect of the children giving entitlement to such benefits.
Če je znesek družinskih dajatev iz odstavka 1 višji od zneska družinskih dodatkov, ki bi bili izplačljivi v skladu s členom 73(2) uredbe, je za njihovo izplačilo delavcu ali neposredno družinskim članom v njihovem kraju stalnega prebivališča ali v zvezi z otroki, ki dajejo pravico do takšnih dajatev, odgovoren pristojni francoski nosilec.
224 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
It is therefore appropriate to list those special situations by providing for rules in order to avoid cumulating the benefit from the different allocation of payment entitlements on the same farmer without prejudice to the possibility for the Commission to add further cases where the case may be.
Zato bi bilo treba navesti, kaj je treba razumeti kot posebne razmere, in določiti pravila, s katerimi bi se preprečilo, da bi isti kmet nabiral koristi iz različnih pravic do plačil, brez poseganja v možnost, da Komisija zadevni seznam po potrebi lahko dopolni.
225 Končna redakcija
Ten days before the date on which the benefits fall due, the institution responsible for payment shall pay, in the currency of the Member State in whose territory it is situated, the sum necessary for the payments specified in the schedule provided for in Article 54 of the Implementing Regulation.
Deset dni pred datumom zapadlosti dajatev nosilec, odgovoren za izplačilo, nakaže v valuti države članice, na ozemlju katere je, potrebni znesek za izplačila, določena v razporedu, predvidenem v členu 54 izvedbene uredbe.
226 Končna redakcija
The accounts in respect of the payments referred to in Article 56 of the Implementing Regulation shall be settled at the end of each payment period in order to determine amounts actually paid to persons entitled to benefits or to their legal or authorized representatives as well as amounts unpaid.
Računi za izplačila iz člena 56 izvedbene uredbe se poravnajo ob koncu vsakega plačilnega obdobja, da bi se določili zneski, ki so bili dejansko izplačani osebam s pravico do dajatev ali njihovim pravnim ali pooblaščenim zastopnikom, pa tudi neplačani zneski.
227 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31984L0641
It shall consist in undertaking, against the prior payment of a premium, to make aid immediately available to the beneficiary under an assistance contract where that person is in difficulties following the occurrence of a chance event, in the cases and under the conditions set out in the contract.
Pomoč je v tem, da podjetje za vnaprejšnje plačilo premije daje pomoč upravičencu iz pogodbe o zavarovanju pomoči, ko je le-ta v težavah, ki so posledica naključnega dogodka, in sicer v primerih in pod pogoji, določenimi v pogodbi.
228 Končna redakcija
the competent institution of the Member State under whose legislation cash benefits are granted pursuant to Article 57 (1) of the Regulation (hereinafter called 'Institution responsible for payment of cash benefits') shall use a form containing, in particular, a statement and summary of all insurance periods (old-age insurance) completed by the person suffering from the disease under the legislation of each one of the Member States concerned;
pristojni nosilec države članice, v skladu z zakonodajo katere so odobrene denarne dajatve v skladu s členom 57(1) uredbe (v nadaljnjem besedilu "nosilec, odgovoren za plačilo denarnih dajatev"), uporabi obrazec, vsebujoč zlasti izčrpno poročilo in pregled vseh zavarovalnih dob (starostno zavarovanje), katere je dopolnila oseba, ki trpi za boleznijo, v skladu z zakonodajo vsake zadevne države članice;
229 Končna redakcija
Normalisation of accounts within the meaning of this Regulation shall be applied to the following classes of financial burden or benefit: (a) payments which railway undertakings are obliged to make but which, for the rest of the economy, including other modes of transport, are borne by the State (Class 1);
Normalizacija kontov v smislu te uredbe se uporablja za naslednje kategorije finančnih obveznosti ali ugodnosti: (a) plačila, ki so jih železniška podjetja dolžna izvesti, vendar jih za preostalo gospodarstvo, skupaj z drugimi vrstami prometa, nosi država (I. kategorija),
230 Končna redakcija
rules on transaction times, for example stipulating that value will be received by the beneficiary bank of a credit transfer by a certain deadline if a payment order is received by a certain time (but such arrangements must, in particular, not lead to concerted value dating practices vis-à-vis customers),
pravili o transakcijskih časih, na primer določanje, da bo banka upravičenka prejela vrednost nakazila do nekega skrajnega roka, če je odredba za plačilo prejeta do nekega časa (vendar taki dogovori zlasti ne smejo povzročiti usklajenih ravnanj valutacije v zvezi s strankami),
231 Končna redakcija
If it is established that the recipient referred to in paragraph (1) is employed or has means in excess of the prescribed limit while receiving benefits, the institution of the place of stay or residence shall send a report to the institution responsible for payment which has requested the check or examination.
Če se ugotovi, da je prejemnik iz odstavka 1, medtem ko prejema dajatve, zaposlen ali da ima sredstva, ki presegajo določeno višino, nosilec v kraju začasnega ali stalnega prebivališča pošlje poročilo nosilcu, pristojnemu za izplačila, ki je zahtevala preveritev ali pregled.
232 Končna redakcija
Member States shall keep at the disposal of the Commission for a period of three years following payment of the final reimbursement all supporting documents or certified copies thereof on the basis of which the aids provided for in Directive 83/515/EEC were calculated, and the complete files of the beneficiaries.
Države članice tri leta po zadnjem izplačilu nadomestil hranijo vso dodatno dokumentacijo ali overjene kopije, na podlagi katerih so se izračunale pomoči iz Direktive 83/515/EGS in popolne datoteke o prejemnikih, in jih po potrebi dajo Komisiji na voljo.
233 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0307
Any benefit that has not been awarded or that has been suspended on account of the nationality or the residence of the person concerned shall, at the latter's request, be awarded or resumed from 1 May 1999, provided that the rights for which benefits were previously awarded did not give rise to a lump-sum payment.
Vsaka dajatev, ki ni bila dodeljena ali je mirovala zaradi državljanstva ali stalnega prebivanja, se na naknadno zahtevo te osebe dodeli ali ponovno dodeli od 1. maja 1999, če zaradi predhodno dodeljenih pravic ni mogoče pavšalno izplačilo.
234 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1259
Nothwithstanding any specific provisions in individual support schemes, no payment shall be made in favour of beneficiaries for whom it is established that they artificially created the conditions required for obtaining such payments with a view to obtaining an advantage contrary to the objectives of that support scheme.
Ne glede na katere koli posebne določbe v posameznih shemah podpor se upravičencem ne dodeli nobeno plačilo, kadar se ugotovi, da so umetno ustvarili pogoje, potrebne za pridobitev takih plačil, da bi dosegli korist, ki je v nasprotju s cilji te sheme podpor.
235 Končna redakcija
In the case referred to in the first sentence of Article 60 (2) (b) of the Regulation, the institution responsible for payment of cash benefits shall notify the competent institutions concerned, for their approval, of the changes made in the previous apportionment of costs, together with the appropriate supporting evidence.
V primeru iz prvega stavka člena 60(2)(b) uredbe nosilec, odgovoren za plačilo denarnih dajatev, obvesti zadevne pristojne nosilce in jih zaprosi za odobritev sprememb prejšnjih porazdelitvah stroškov skupaj z ustreznimi dokazili.
236 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
payments made to public bodies for the purpose of obtaining licences or permits to carry out commercial or professional activities, if the permits are subject to a thorough scrutiny for regulatory purposes (unless the charges are disproportionate to the benefits of the services concerned, cf. 3.048(e), and ESA 95, 4.80(d));
plačila javnim organom za pridobitev licenc ali dovoljenj za opravljanje trgovinske ali poklicne dejavnosti, če se za dovoljenja zakonsko zahtevajo natančni pregledi (razen če so stroški nesorazmerni s koristmi zadevnih storitev, prim. 3.048(e), in ESR 95, 4.80(d));
237 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2278
From 1 July of the year following the date of notification of the Commission Decision on the financing of the programme, the competent authorities shall forward six-monthly statements of the payments made to beneficiaries, in accordance with Annex II and accompanied by a statement describing the state of progress of the work.
Od 1. julija, leta po datumu uradnega obvestila o Odločbi Komisije o financiranju programa, pristojni organi, skladno s Prilogo II, pošljejo upravičencem šestmesečne izkaze o plačilih s priloženo izjavo o napredku pri delu.
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benefit payment