Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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201 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
The hearing shall be conducted in order to enable the examination of all circumstances of significance for the repayment of creditors and other claimants.
Na naroku se razpravlja o poplačilu upnikov in drugih oseb, ki uveljavljajo poplačilne zahtevke.
202 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
in determining it, the court shall consider the remaining duration of easements and/or real encumbrances, the value of the same, and the age of the claimants.
pri tem upošteva zlasti čas, kolikor bi služnost oziroma breme še trajala, njuno vrednost ter starost upravičencev.
203 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If other persons in addition to the creditor raise claims in respect of the transferred claim, the debtor's debtor may deposit with the court the total or overdue amount of the claim to the benefit of all claimants.
Če uveljavljajo glede prenesene terjatve poleg upnika kakšno pravico še drugi, lahko položi dolžnikov dolžnik v korist vseh teh pri sodišču celoten znesek, ali samo zapadli znesek terjatve.
204 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If rightful claimants for compensation for personal easements and real encumbrances cannot reach agreement with the creditors of a lower order of precedence as to the amount of compensation, this amount of compensation shall be determined by the court;
Če se o nadomestilu za osebne služnosti ali realna bremena, ki s prodajo ugasnejo, upravičenci in upniki, ki so po vrstnem redu za poplačilo za njimi, ne morejo sporazumeti, ga določi sodišče;
205 Prevod
to approve settlements of claims against the HNS Fund, to take decisions in respect of the distribution among claimants of the available amount of compensation in accordance with Article 14 and to determine the terms and conditions according to which provisional payments in respect of claims shall be made with a view to ensuring that victims of damage are compensated as promptly as possible;
odobri poravnave zahtevkov do Sklada NZŠS, sprejema sklepe v zvezi z razdelitvijo razpoložljivega zneska za nadomestila med vlagatelje zahtevkov skladno s členom 14 ter opredeljuje pogoje za izplačilo začasnih plačil v zvezi z zahtevki, z namenom zagotavljanja čim prejšnjega plačila nadomestil oškodovancem;
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