Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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201 Prevajalska redakcija
The CT operator shall determine according to his dispositions when his CT capacity is exhausted and further customers have to be refused and to wait.
Prevoznik v KP v skladu s svojim razporedom določi, kdaj so njegove zmogljivosti KP izčrpane, in nadaljnje stranke mora zavrniti in morajo počakati.
202 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0573
the doctor shall have access to any relevant medical records of the returnees and shall be informed before departure about returnees with particular medical dispositions.
zdravnik ima dostop do vseh zadevnih zdravstvenih kartotek povratnikov, pred odhodom pa se ga obvesti o povratnikih s posebnimi zdravstvenimi stanji.
203 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0573
Previously unknown medical dispositions, which are discovered immediately before departure and which may affect the enforcement of the removal, should be assessed with the responsible authorities;
Predhodno neugotovljena zdravstvena stanja, ki se jih odkrije neposredno pred odhodom in ki lahko vplivajo na izvršitev odstranitve, je treba presoditi z odgovornimi organi;
204 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R2381
Products authorized exceptionally for use in soil conditioning and fertilization, in accordance with the dispositions of Annex I (2) Compound products or products containing only materials listed hereunder:
Proizvodi, izjemoma odobreni za izboljšanje prsti in gnojenje, v skladu s Prilogo I (2) Ime Opis, zahteve glede sestave, pogoji uporabe
205 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0404
Subject to further institutional dispositions within the two organisations, the most suitable groups at present would appear to be the Politico-Military Group in WEU and the relevant regional groups and/or the Security Working Group in the EU.
Ob upoštevanju novih institucionalnih določb v obeh organizacijah se utegnejo kot trenutno najbolj primerne skupine izkazati Politično-vojaška skupina ZEU in ustrezne regionalne skupine in/ali Delovna skupina za varnost pri EU.
206 Prevod
Code des communes L 322- 1 ŕ L 322- 6, R 322- 1 ŕ R 322- 4 (dispositions communes aux régies, concessions et affermages)
Code des communes L 322- 1 ŕ L 322- 6, R 322- 1 ŕ R 322-4 (gestion déléguée, concession et affermage)
207 Prevod
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, property and assets of the Fund, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, any form of taking, foreclosure, seizure, all forms of attachment, injunction, or other judicial process impeding disbursement of funds or covering or impeding disposition of any commodity stocks or stock warrants, and any other interlocutory measures before the delivery of a final judgment against the Fund by a court having jurisdiction in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.
Ne glede na določbe odstavka 1 tega člena, uživajo premoženje in sredstva Sklada, kjer koli so in kdor koli jih ima, imuniteto pred preiskavami, vsako obliko jemanja, rubeža, zasega, vseh oblik zaplembe, sodne prepovedi ali drugega sodnega procesa, ki ovira izplačilo sredstev ali pokriva ali ovira razpolaganje s katerimi koli blagovnimi rezervami ali lastniškimi certifikati, in drugimi začasnimi ukrepi pred sprejetjem končne sodbe proti Skladu s strani sodišča, ki je pristojno v skladu z odstavkom 1 tega člena.
208 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
(b) gratuitous dispositions made within the last three years, with the exception of small occasional gifts, prizes and gifts given out of gratitude and proportionate to the debtor's pecuniary circumstances.
b) neodplačna razpolaganja, razen običajnih priložnostnih daril, nagradnih daril in daril iz hvaležnosti, če so sorazmerna premoženjskim možnostim dolžnika, storjena v zadnjih treh letih.
209 Prevod
During the course of the 12 months preceding the expiration of the first stage, the Association Council shall meet to decide the transition to the second stage as well as on any possible changes to be brought about as regards measures concerning the implementation of the dispositions governing the second stage.
V 12 mesecih pred iztekom prve faze se Pridružitveni svet sestane, da bi odločil o prehodu v drugo fazo ter o vseh možnih spremembah ukrepov za izvajanje določb, ki urejajo drugo fazo.
210 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
(a) lucrative dispositions by means of which the debtor, in the last year, disposed of any part of his property or omitted to perform any act owing to which he lost any tangible right or assumed any material obligation in favour of his spouse, of any of his blood relatives in a direct or fateral line separated from him by fewer than four generations, or of any of his relatives by marriage separated from him by fewer than four generations;
a) odplačna razpolaganja, s katerimi je dolžnik v zadnjem letu razpolagal s svojim premoženjem oziroma opustil dejanja, zaradi katerih je izgubil kakšno materialno pravico ali s katerim je nastala zanj kakšna materialna obveznost v korist zakonca, krvnega sorodnika v ravni črti ali stranski črti do četrtega kolena, sorodnika v svaštvu do četrtega kolena;
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