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examine the accounts
201 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1873
(2) Maximum residue limits should be established after examination, within the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products (CVMP), of all the relevant information provided by applicants in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 and taking into account all publicly available relevant scientific information concerning the safety of residues of the substance concerned for the consumer of foodstuffs of animal origin and in particular opinions of the Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures related to Public Health (SCVPH) and the evaluations of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives.
(2) Najvišje dovoljene količine zaostankov je treba določiti potem, ko odbor za zdravila za uporabo v veterinarski medicini (CVMP) pregleda vse s tem povezane podatke, ki jih predložijo vlagatelji v skladu z določbami Uredbe (EGS) št. 2377/90, in ob upoštevanju vseh javno dostopnih zadevnih znanstvenih podatkov o varnosti zaostankov zadevne snovi za potrošnika živil živalskega izvora ter zlasti ob upoštevanju mnenj Znanstvenega odbora za veterinarske javnozdravstvene ukrepe (SCVPH) in ocen skupnega strokovnega odbora FAO/WHO za živilske dodatke.
202 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0313
(9) The Commission, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 2040/2000 and Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 296/96, reduced or suspended a number of monthly advances on entry into the accounts of expenditure for the 2002 financial year and proceeds in this Decision to the reductions laid down in Article 4(3) of Regulation (EC) No 296/96. In the light of the above, to avoid any premature or even only temporary reimbursement of the amounts in question, they should not be recognised in this Decision, without prejudice to further examination according to Article 7(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1258/1999.
(9) Komisija je, skladno s členom 14 Uredbe (ES) št. 2040/2000 in členom 4(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 296/96, zmanjšala ali začasno ustavila število mesečnih predplačil pri vknjižbi izdatkov za proračunsko leto 2002 in v tej odločbi nadaljuje z zmanjšanji, določenimi v členu 4(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 296/96. Glede na zgoraj navedeno in da se izogne kakršnemu koli prezgodnjemu ali celo samo začasnemu povračilu zadevnih zneskov, jih v tej odločbi ne bi smeli priznati, brez poseganja v nadaljnji pregled skladno s členom 7(4) Uredbe (ES) št. 1258/1999.
203 Pravna redakcija
Taking account of the volume of trade in agricultural and fishery products between the Parties, of their particular sensitivities, of the rules of the Community common policies and of the Croatian policies for agriculture and fisheries, of the role of agriculture and fisheries in Croatia's economy and of the consequences of the multilateral trade negotiations under the WTO, the Community and Croatia shall examine in the Interim Committee, no later than 1 July 2006, product by product and on an orderly and appropriate reciprocal basis, the opportunities for granting each other further concessions with a view to implementing greater liberalisation of the trade in agricultural and fishery products.
Ob upoštevanju obsega trgovinske menjave kmetijskih in ribiških proizvodov med pogodbenicama, njihove posebne občutljivosti, pravil skupne politike Skupnosti in hrvaške politike glede kmetijstva in ribištva, vloge kmetijstva in ribištva v hrvaškem gospodarstvu in posledic večstranskih trgovinskih pogajanj v okviru STO, Skupnost in Hrvaška najkasneje do 1. julija 2006 znotraj Začasnega odbora za vsak izdelek posebej ter skladno in vzajemno preučita možnosti za medsebojno podeljevanje nadaljnjih koncesijz namenom povečanja liberalizacije trgovine s kmetijskimi in ribiškimi proizvodi.
204 Pravna redakcija
Maximum residue limits should be established after examination, within the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products (CVMP), of all the relevant information provided by applicants in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) 2377/90 and taking into account all publicly available relevant scientific information concerning the safety of residues of the substance concerned for the consumer of foodstuffs of animal origin, including for example opinions of the Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures related to Public Health, Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives reports, or reports form internationally renowned research organisations.
Najvišje dovoljene količine zaostankov je treba določiti potem, ko se v okviru Odbora za zdravila za uporabo v veterinarski medicini (CVMP) preučijo vsi ustrezni podatki vlagateljev v skladu z določbami Uredbe (EGS) 2377/90 in ob upoštevanju vseh javno dostopnih ustreznih znanstvenih podatkov o varnosti zaostankov zadevne snovi za potrošnike živil živalskega izvora, na primer vključno z mnenji Znanstvenega odbora o veterinarskih ukrepih, povezanih z javnim zdravjem, poročili Skupnega strokovnega odbora FAO/WHO za dodatke živilom ali poročili mednarodno priznanih raziskovalnih organizacij.
205 Pravna redakcija
Taking account of the volume of trade in agricultural and fishery products between the Parties, of their particular sensitivities, of the rules of the Community common policies for agriculture and fisheries, of the rules of the agricultural policies of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the role of agriculture in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's economy, of the production and export potential of its traditional branches and markets and of the consequences of the multilateral trade negotiations under the WTO, the Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia shall examine in the Stabilisation and Association Council, no later than 1 January 2003, product by product and on an orderly and appropriate reciprocal basis, the opportunities for granting each other further concessions with a view to implementing greater liberalisation of the trade in agricultural and fishery products.
Ob upoštevanju obsega trgovine s kmetijskimi in ribiškimi proizvodi med pogodbenicama, njihove posebne občutljivosti, pravil skupne politike Skupnosti na področju kmetijstva in ribištva, pravil kmetijske politike Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije, vloge kmetijstva v gospodarstvu Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije, proizvodnih in izvoznih zmožnosti njenih tradicionalnih panog in trgov ter posledic večstranskih trgovinskih pogajanj v okviru WTO, Skupnost in Nekdanja jugoslovanska republika Makedonija najkasneje do 1. januarja 2003 v okviru Stabilizacijsko-pridružitvenega sveta, za vsak proizvod posebej ter skladno in na podlagi vzajemnosti, preučita možnosti za medsebojno odobritev nadaljnjih koncesij s ciljem večje liberalizacije trgovine s kmetijskimi in ribiškimi proizvodi.
206 Pravna redakcija
Commission Decision 90/515/EEC of 26 September 1990 laying down the reference methods for detecting residues of heavy metals and arsenic (1), Commission Decision 93/256/EEC of 14 May 1993 laying down the methods to be used for detecting residues of substances having a hormonal or a thyrostatic action (2), and of Commission Decision 93/257/EEC of 15 April 1993 laying down the reference methods and the list of the national reference laboratories for detecting residues (3), as last amended by Decision 98/536/EC (4) have been re-examined before in order to take account of developments in scientific and technical knowledge, have been found outdated in their scope and provisions and should accordingly be repealed with this Decision.
Zaradi upoštevanja razvoja v znanstvenem in tehnološkem znanju so se prej ponovno pregledale Odločba Komisije 90/515/EGS z dne 26. septembra 1990 o določitvi referenčnih metod za odkrivanje ostankov težkih kovin in arzena fn, Odločba Komisije 93/256/EGS z dne 14. maja 1993 o določitvi metod, ki se uporabljajo za odkrivanje ostankov snovi s hormonalnim ali tirostatičnim delovanjem fn in Odločba Komisije 93/257/EGS z dne 15. aprila 1993 o določanju referenčnih metod in seznama referenčnih laboratorijev za odkrivanje ostankov fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Odločbo 98/536/ ES fn, in ugotovljeno je bilo, da so zastarele glede njihovega področja in določb ter jih je torej treba ustrezno razveljaviti s to odločbo.
207 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
With a view to granting the discharge, the European Parliament shall, after the Council has done so, examine the accounts and financial statements of the Community body.
Za sprejetje sklepa o razrešitvi Evropski parlament, potem ko je to storil tudi Svet, pregleda poročila in finančne izkaze organa Skupnosti.
208 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0077
The accounts will be approved by the Commission and examined by the Court of Auditors.
Zaključne račune potrdi Komisija, preveri pa jih Računsko sodišče.
209 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0439
particular account will be taken in medical examinations of the scope for compensation.
Pri zdravstvenih pregledih bo posebna pozornost posvečena obsegu za kompenzacijo.
210 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1406
The Court of Auditors shall examine these accounts in accordance with Article 248 of the Treaty.
Računsko sodišče preuči te račune v skladu s členom 248 Pogodbe.
211 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
The Court of Auditors shall examine those accounts in accordance with Article 248 of the Treaty.
Računsko sodišče pregleda prihodke in odhodke v skladu s členom 248 Pogodbe.
212 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0020
an examination of the results of all these measures, taking account of their reciprocal links;
pregled rezultatov vseh teh ukrepov, upoštevajoč njihove vzajemne povezave;
213 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0223
Account being taken from that examination, the date of 31 December 2007 may be revised if necessary.
Ob upoštevanju rezultatov te proučitve se lahko datum 31. december 2007 po potrebi spremeni.
214 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0058
The Court of Auditors shall examine the executive agency's accounts in accordance with Article 248 of the Treaty.
Računsko sodišče pregleda računovodske izkaze izvajalske agencije v skladu s členom 248 Pogodbe.
215 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0067
An independent examiner appointed by the Member State must check that this separation of accounts is carried out.
Neodvisni revizor, ki ga imenuje država članica, mora preverjati izvajanje ločenega računovodstva.
216 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2232
the order of priorities according to which the flavouring substances are to be examined, taking into account their uses,
prednostni vrstni red, ki velja za ocenjevanje aromatičnih snovi, ob upoštevanju njihove uporabe,
217 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2075
can examine accounting data and other documents relevant to the checking procedure, and make copies or take extracts from them,
proučijo računovodske podatke in druge dokumente, ki so pomembni za postopek kontrole, in da lahko napravijo njihove kopije ali izpiske,
218 Prevajalska redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall look into the problem of discards from fishing vessels and shall examine ways of turning these to account.
Pogodbenici raziščeta problematiko odmetavanja zavržkov z ribiških plovil in preiščeta načine, na katere bi jih bilo mogoče uporabiti.
219 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0056
This should reflect the overall style of driving and the driving examiner should take this into account in the overall picture of the applicant.
To naj bi izkazoval celotni slog vožnje in član izpitne komisije naj bi ga upošteval pri celotni oceni kandidata.
220 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0236
This type of claim refers to costs of production, and can only be taken into account in the context of a re-examination of normal value.
Ta trditev se nanaša na proizvodne stroške in jo je mogoče upoštevati samo v smislu ponovne preiskave normalne vrednosti.
221 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0451
It is necessary to continue and speed up the examination of the remaining active substances, taking into account experience from the first stage.
Potrebno je nadaljevati in pospešiti preučitev preostalih aktivnih snovi ob upoštevanju izkušenj iz prve faze.
222 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0049
In particular, account must be taken of the reserve for increasing age and a new medical examination may be required only for increased cover.
Zlasti je treba upoštevati rezervacijo za naraščajočo starost in nov zdravstveni pregled, ki se lahko zahteva le za povečano kritje.
223 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0282
The Commission shall examine the draft programmes in the light of the general policies of the Community and taking account of the budgetary situation of the latter.
Komisija pregleda osnutke programov v luči splošnih politik Skupnosti in ob upoštevanju proračunskega stanja Skupnosti.
224 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0079
The report by the Commission and the examination by the Council shall take into account the proper functioning of the internal market and the wider objectives of the Treaty.
V poročilu Komisije in preučitvi Sveta se upoštevajo pravilno delovanje notranjega trga in širše zastavljeni cilji Pogodbe.
225 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0197
The administrator shall submit the management accounts to the College of Auditors for examination and opinion by February following the end of the financial year.
Upravitelj finančno poročilo o poslovanju predloži revizijskemu kolegiju v pregled in mnenje do konca meseca februarja po zaključku proračunskega leta.
226 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0192
This was examined in the light of the provisions of Article 13(1) of the Basic Regulation taking into account the findings made with respect to the Macao producer.
To se je preučilo v luči določb člena 13(1) osnovne uredbe ob upoštevanju ugotovitev v zvezi s proizvajalcem v Macau.
227 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1655
Each case shall be examined individually by the Commission, with account taken where appropriate of a possible alternative financed solely with public resources.
Komisija prouči vsak primer posamezno, pri čemer po potrebi upošteva možno alternativo, financirano izključno iz javnih virov.
228 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0950
It was examined whether the effects of the imports concerned should be cumulatively assessed, taking account of the conditions set out in Article 3(4) of the basic Regulation.
Proučeno je bilo, ali je treba učinke zadevnega uvoza oceniti kumulativno upoštevaje pogoje iz člena 3(4) temeljne Uredbe.
229 Prevajalska redakcija
For the examination of regional aid the criteria allow account to be taken of other possible effects, in particular of certain effects brought to light by the code of conduct.
Kriteriji za presojanje regionalne pomoči omogočajo, da se upoštevajo drugi morebitni učinki, predvsem nekateri učinki, ki jih pokaže kodeks obnašanja.
230 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
In examining the effect of consumption on the profitability of the Community producers, account has to be taken of the reaction of all market participants to the changes in consumption.
Pri preučevanju učinka porabe na donosnost proizvajalcev Skupnosti je treba upoštevati odziv vseh tržnih udeležencev na spremembe v porabi.
231 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0269
assess, in advance if possible, the health and safety conditions of the type of work involved, and in particular examine the characteristics of loads, taking account of Annex I;
če je mogoče, vnaprej oceni zdravstvene in varnostne razmere pri tem delu in zlasti prouči značilnosti bremen, ob upoštevanju Priloge I,
232 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2174
Such checks must include, in addition to an examination of the accounts referred to in paragraph 3, a physical check of the weight and type of product and their identification.
Taki pregledi morajo poleg pregleda knjigovodskih evidenc blaga iz odstavka 3 vključevati fizični pregled teže in vrste proizvoda ter njihove označbe.
233 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0024
When Community herbal monographs within the meaning of this paragraph have been established, they shall be taken into account by the Member States when examining an application.
Ko so rastlinske monografije v smislu tega odstavka pripravljene, jih države članice upoštevajo pri pregledovanju vloge.
234 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0051
for land surveyors, accountants, accountancy experts and work consultants, by the completion of a practical traineeship lasting at least two years,followed by the State Examination.
v primeru kmetijskega tehnika, računovodje, komercialnega svetovalca in svetovalca za delo z vsaj dveletno prakso, ki se zaključi z državnim izpitom.
235 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R0650
to examine the financial situation of the beneficiary using its audited annual accounts or financial statements, so that sufficient evidence is given that the investment will be profitable;
pregledoval finančni položaj upravičenca na podlagi revidiranih letnih obračunov ali računovodskih izkazov, da bi zagotovil zadostne dokaze o donosnosti naložbe;
236 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2501
In examining whether there are serious difficulties, the Commission shall take account, inter alia, of the following factors concerning Community producers where the information is available:
Pri ugotavljanju obstoja resnih težav Komisija med drugim upošteva naslednje dejavnike, ki zadevajo proizvajalce v Skupnosti, kadar ima o njih razpoložljive informacije:
237 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2408
When the Commission, within one month of having been informed under paragraph 3, takes the action up for examination it shall at the same time indicate whether the action may be implemented, wholly or partially, during the examination taking into account in particular the possibility of irreversible effects.
Če Komisija v enem mesecu po prejemu obvestila iz odstavka 3 začne preučevati ukrep, hkrati navede, ali se sme ukrep med preučevanjem izvajati v celoti ali delno, zlasti ob upoštevanju možnosti nepopravljivih posledic.
238 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0011
When a case-by-case examination is carried out or thresholds or criteria are set for the purpose of paragraph 2, the relevant selection criteria set out in Annex III shall be taken into account.
Med preverjanjem za vsak primer posebej ali postavljanjem pragov ali meril za namen odstavka 2 se upoštevajo ustrezna izbirna merila, določena v Prilogi III.
239 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0187
ensure that Customs officials concerned with the control and examination of containers receive training which takes particular account of the specific nature of the transport and the control of containers;
zagotoviti, da se carinski uradniki, povezani z nadzorom in pregledom zabojnikov, usposobijo, pri tem pa je treba upoštevati posebno naravo prevoza in nadzora zabojnikov;
240 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2285
Account should be taken of the undertakings set out in Article 8(3) and (4) and Articles 9 and 11 of Annex V to the Cotonou Agreement when examining whether a safeguard measure should be introduced.
Pri preučitvi, ali naj se uvede zaščitni ukrep, je treba upoštevati zaveze iz člena 8(3) in (4) ter členov 9 in 11 Priloge V h Cotonoujskemu sporazumu.
241 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0085
The clinical examination must take into account the transmission of foot-and-mouth disease, including the incubation period referred to in Article 2(h) and the way in which animals of susceptible species are kept.
Pri kliničnem pregledu je treba upoštevati načine prenosa povzročitelja slinavke in parkljevke, vključno z inkubacijsko dobo iz člena 2(h) in metodo reje živali dovzetnih vrst.
242 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0253
In order to ensure the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, a test of which is included in the examination, a trainee must complete a minimum of three years' practical training in inter alia the auditing of annual accounts, consolidated accounts or similar financial statements.
Da bi zagotovili sposobnost za uporabo teoretičnega znanja v praksi, mora kandidat za preskus, ki je vključen v izpit, zaključiti najmanj triletno praktično usposabljanje, med drugim tudi za revidiranje letnih računovodskih izkazov, konsolidiranih računovodskih izkazov ali podobnih finančnih dokumentov.
243 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
Taking into account the two simultaneous investigations, it was also examined whether effects of imports from Hungary, Poland and Croatia should be assessed cumulatively with those of the new investigation.
Ob upoštevanju dveh hkratnih preiskav se je preverilo tudi, ali bi bilo treba učinke uvoza z Madžarske, Poljske in Hrvaške oceniti kumulativno z učinki, ugotovljenimi z novo preiskavo.
244 Prevajalska redakcija
In the examination of requests, account shall be taken of the risk of the circumvention of the trade provisions of the Agreement on Trade, Development and Co-operation between the European Community and the Republic of South Africa.
Pri presoji predlogov se upošteva nevarnost izogibanja izpolnjevanja obvez iz trgovinskih določb Sporazuma o trgovini, razvoju in sodelovanju med Evropsko skupnostjo in Južnoafriško republiko.
245 Prevajalska redakcija
As a precaution, the patient should be examined for symptoms of digoxin overdose and, if necessary, a reduction of the glycoside-dosage should be considered, taking into account the plasma concentration of digoxin.
Kot previdnostni ukrep je treba bolnika preiskati glede simptomov prekomernega odmerjanja digoksina in po potrebi znižati odmerek glikozida, pri čemer je treba upoštevati plazemske koncentracije digoksina.
246 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1488
The Commission, taking into account the foreseeable volumes of exports of the goods concerned and the situation of the market of each basic product, shall review the balance regularly and submit it for examination to the Group of Experts.
Komisija ob upoštevanju predvidenega obsega izvozov zadevnega blaga in položaja na trgu vsakega osnovnega proizvoda redno pregleda bilanco in jo predloži v preveritev skupini strokovnjakov.
247 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
the President of the Office shall submit a proposal for such test guidelines by 27 April 1996, taking into account those examination reports which form part of the findings referred to in Article 116 (3) of the Basic Regulation.
predsednik urada bo predložil predlog za smernice za preskušanje do 27. aprila 1996 in bo pri tem upošteval tista poročila o preskušanju, ki so del ugotovitev, navedenih v členu 116(3) osnovne uredbe.
248 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0451
At the latest eight months after the receipt of the notifications, the commission will report to the Committee for further examination on the admissibility of the notifications received taking into account the criteria as referred to in Annex V, Part 2.
Najkasneje v osmih mesecih po prejemu prijav Komisija poroča odboru zaradi nadaljnjega pregleda sprejemljivosti prejetih prijav, ob upoštevanju meril iz dela 2 Priloge V.
249 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
The European Parliament and the Council (hereinafter referred to as "the budgetary authority") shall re-examine, when necessary, the level of the Community contribution on the basis of an evaluation of needs and taking account of the level of fees.
Evropski parlament in Svet (v nadaljnjem besedilu "proračunski organ") po potrebi ponovno pregleda raven prispevka Skupnosti na osnovi vrednotenja potreb in upoštevanja višine pristojbin.
250 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0584
The criteria set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 should be applied in every case whereas the criterion set out in paragraph 4 should be taken into account when examining a proposed simplified procedure and applied as appropriate.
Merila iz odstavkov 2 in 3 je treba uporabljati v vsakem primeru, medtem ko je merilo iz odstavka 4 treba upoštevati in ustrezno uporabiti, če se preučuje predlagani poenostavljeni postopek.
Prevodi: en > sl
examine the accounts