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fishery inspection
201 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0263
(1) Commission Decision 2000/333/EC of 25 April 2000 laying down special conditions for the import of bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods originating in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam(2), states that the "National Fisheries Inspection and Quality Assurance Centre (NAFIQACEN) of the Ministry of Fisheries" is to be the competent authority in Vietnam for verifying and certifying compliance of bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods with the requirements of Directive 91/492/EEC.
(1) Odločba Komisije 2000/333/ES z dne 25. aprila 2000 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz školjk, iglokožcev, plaščarjev in morskih polžev s poreklom iz Socialistične republike Vietnam fn navaja, da je " National Fisheries Inspection and Quality Assurance Centre " (NAFIQACEN) Ministrstva za ribištvo pristojni organ Vietnama za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti školjk, iglokožcev, plaščarjev in morskih polžev z zahtevami Direktive 91/492/EGS.
202 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2348
The licence must be kept on board at all times; however, on receipt of notification of payment of the advance sent to the Săo Tomé and Príncipe authorities by the Commission, the vessel shall be entered on a list of vessels authorised to fish, which shall be sent to the Săo Tomé and Príncipe authorities responsibilities for fisheries inspection.
Dovoljenje je treba vedno hraniti na krovu, plovilo pa se po prejemu obvestila o plačilu predujma, ki ga Komisija pošlje organom republike Sao Tome in Principe, vpiše na seznam plovil s pooblastilom za ribolov, ki se pošlje organom republike Sao Tome in Principe, odgovornim za ribiško inšpekcijo.
203 Pravna redakcija
whereas it is necessary to intensify the inspection and surveillance of landings by vessels flying the flag of a third country and particularly, following the steps taken by certain regional (fisheries organisations to increase the effectiveness of measures for the conservation of fishery resources on the high seas, catches taken in the zones concerned;
ker je treba poostriti inšpekcijo in nadzorovanje iztovarjanja plovil, ki plujejo pod zastavo tretje države, in še zlasti, ob upoštevanju ukrepov določenih regionalnih ribiških organizacij, sprejetih za povečanje učinkovitosti ukrepov za ohranjanje ribolovnih virov na odprtem morju, ulova na zadevnih območjih;
204 Pravna redakcija
The licence must be kept on board at all times; however, on receipt of notification of payment of the advance sent to the Săo Tomé and Príncipe authorities by the Commission, the vessel shall be entered on a list of vessels authorised to fish, which shall be sent to the Săo Tomé and Príncipe authorities responsibilities for fisheries inspection.
Dovoljenje je treba vedno hraniti na krovu, plovilo pa se po prejemu obvestila o plačilu predujma, ki ga Komisija pošlje organom republike Sao Tome in Principe, vpiše na seznam plovil s pooblastilom za ribolov, ki se pošlje organom republike Sao Tome in Principe, odgovornim za ribiško inšpekcijo.
205 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to the derogations provided for by Council Regulation (EEC) No 103/76 of 19 January 1976 laying down common marketing standards for certain fresh or chilled fish (1), each batch of fishery products must be submitted for inspection by the competent authority at the time of landing or before first sale to check whether they are fit for human consumption.
Brez poseganja v odstopanja iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 103/76 z dne 19. januarja 1976 o skupnih tržnih standardih za nekatere sveže ali ohlajene ribe fn, mora vsako serijo ribiških proizvodov pregledati pristojni organ ob iztovarjanju ali pred prvo prodajo in preveriti, ali so primerni za prehrano ljudi.
206 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1262
(6) The said Scheme provides, inter alia, for the mandatory inspection of non-contracting party vessels when such vessels are voluntarily in the ports of Contracting Parties and, with due regard to the multispecies fisheries in the regulatory area of NAFO, a prohibition of landings and transhipments if, in the course of such inspection, it is established that the catch has been taken in contravention of conservation and enforcement measures established by NAFO as well as certain other collateral measures to be taken by Contracting Parties.
(6) Navedeni program med drugim predvideva obvezne inšpekcijske preglede plovil nepogodbenic, kadar takšna plovila prostovoljno vstopijo v pristanišča pogodbenic, in ob ustreznem upoštevanju ribolova na več vrst na upravnem območju NAFO, prepoved iztovarjanja in pretovarjanja, če se v času takšnega inšpekcijskega pregleda ugotovi, da so bili pri ulovu kršeni ohranjevalni in izvršilni ukrepi, ki jih je sprejela NAFO, ter nekatere druge dodatne ukrepe, ki jih morajo sprejeti pogodbenice.
207 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to strengthen and facilitate cooperation between all the authorities in the Community involved in the monitoring, inspection and surveillance of activities in the fisheries sector, a general framework should be set up under which all the authorities concerned can request mutual assistance and the exchange of relevant information, and specific monitoring programmes should be introduced;
ker je treba zato, da bi okrepili in olajšali sodelovanje med vsemi organi v Skupnosti, ki so vključene v spremljanje, inšpekcijo in nadzorovanje aktivnosti v sektorju za ribištvo, vzpostaviti splošni okvir, v katerem lahko vse zadevne oblasti zaprosijo za medsebojno pomoč in izmenjavo zadevnih informacij, kot tudi uvesti posebne programe spremljanja;
208 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1461
(5) A financial contribution by the Community may be granted in respect of the pilot projects carried out by the Member States, under the conditions set out in Council Decision 2001/431/EC of 28 May 2001 on a financial contribution by the Community to certain expenditure incurred by the Member States in implementing the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the common fisheries policy(2).
(5) V zvezi s pilotnimi projekti, ki jih izvedejo države članice, se lahko odobri finančni prispevek Skupnosti v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v Odločbi Sveta 2001/431/ES z dne 28. maja 2001 o finančnem prispevku Skupnosti pri določenih stroških, ki jih imajo države članice pri izvajanju kontrolnih, inšpekcijskih in nadzornih sistemov, ki se uporabljajo pri skupni ribiški politiki fn.
209 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
Whereas the NAFO Fisheries Commission adopted on 13 September 1991 a proposal for a modified scheme, henceforward to be entitled 'scheme of joint international inspection and surveillance'; whereas pursuant to Article XI of the NAFO Convention, the proposal will, in the absence of objections, become a measure binding upon Contracting Parties with effect from 6 January 1992; whereas the modified scheme is acceptable to the Community;
ker je Komisija za ribištvo NAFO 13. septembra 1991 sprejela predlog za spremenjeni program, v nadaljnjem besedilu: "program skupne mednarodne inšpekcije in nadzora"; ker bo v skladu s členom XI Konvencije NAFO ta predlog postal za države pogodbenice zavezujoč ukrep z začetkom veljavnosti 6. januarja 1992, če ne bo podanih pripomb; ker je spremenjeni program sprejemljiv za Skupnost;
210 Pravna redakcija
A meeting shall be held within 24 hours of receipt of the abovementioned information between the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities in Cape Verde, the Ministry responsible for fisheries in Cape Verde and the inspection authorities, possibly attended by a representative of the Member State concerned, at which the parties shall exchange any relevant documentation and information helping to clarify the circumstances of the established facts.
V 24 urah od prejema zgoraj navedenih podatkov se skliče srečanje med delegacijo Komisije Evropskih skupnosti na Zelenortskih otokih, ministrstvom Zelenortskih otokov, pristojnim za ribištvo, in inšpekcijskimi organi, ki se ga po možnosti udeleži predstavnik zadevne države članice, na katerem si udeleženci izmenjajo vso ustrezno dokumentacijo ali podatke, ki pomagajo razjasniti okoliščine ugotovljenih dejstev.
211 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Committee of Fisheries of the Russian Federation has the responsibility to draw up the list of establishments, factory vessels and freezer vessels approved for the export of fishery products to the European Union, and has delegated to the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (Goskomsanepidnadzor) the responsibility for the health inspections and for monitoring the conditions of hygiene and cleanliness pertaining to production;
ker je Odbor za ribištvo Ruske federacije zadolžen, da sestavi seznam podjetij, predelovalnih plovil in zamrzovalnih plovil, odobrenih za izvoz ribiških proizvodov v Evropsko unijo, in je Državnemu odboru za sanitarni in epidemiološki nadzor ( Goskomsanepidnadzor ) poveril odgovornost za zdravstveni inšpekcijski nadzor in spremljanje pogojev higiene in čistoče proizvodnje;
212 Pravna redakcija
A meeting shall be held, within 24 hours of receipt of the abovementioned information, between the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities in Cape/Verde, the Office of the Secretary of State for Fisheries of Cape Verde and the inspection authorities, possibly attended by a representative of the Member State concerned, at which the parties shall exchange any relevant documentation or information helping to clarify the circumstances of the established facts.
V 24 urah od prejema zgoraj navedenih podatkov se skliče srečanje med delegacijo Komisije Evropskih skupnosti na Zelenortskih otokih, državnim sekretariatom za ribištvo Zelenortskih otokov in inšpekcijskimi organi, ki se ga po možnosti udeleži predstavnik zadevne države članice, na katerem si udeleženci izmenjajo vso ustrezno dokumentacijo ali podatke, ki pomagajo razjasniti okoliščine ugotovljenih dejstev.
213 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 1 of Commission Decision 97/427/EC of 25 June 1997 laying down special conditions for the import of live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods originating in Australia(3), states that the Department of Primary Industries and Energy - Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) shall be the competent authority in Australia for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of Directive 91/492/EEC;
ker člen 1 Odločbe Komisije 97/427/ES z dne 25. junija 1997 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz živih školjk, iglokožcev, plaščarjev in morskih polžev s poreklom iz Avstralije fn, določa, da je "Department of Primary Industries and Energy - Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service - (AQIS)" (Ministrstvo za primarne dejavnosti in energijo - Avstralska služba za karanteno in inšpekcijo) pristojni organ v Avstraliji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/492/EGS;
214 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Article 1 of the Commission Decision 95/454/EC of 23 October 1995 laying down special conditions governing imports of fishery and aquaculture products originating in the Republic of Korea(3), which states that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - National Fishery Products Inspection Station (NFPIS) shall be the competent authority in the Republic of Korea for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of the Directive 91/493/EEC;
ker člen 1 Odločbe Komisije 95/454/ES z dne 23. oktobra 1995 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz ribiških in ribogojnih proizvodov s poreklom iz Republike Koreje fn določa, da je "Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - National Fishery Products Inspection Station (NFPIS)" (Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in ribištvo - Nacionalna inšpekcijska postaja za ribiške proizvode) pristojni organ v Republiki Koreji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/493/EGS;
215 Pravna redakcija
Article 1 of Commission Decision 94/324/EC of 19 May 1994 laying down special conditions governing imports of fishery and aquaculture products originating in Indonesia(3), as last amended by Decision 97/401/EC(4), states that the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate-General of Fisheries (Provincial Laboratory for Fish Inspection and Quality Control) shall be the competent authority in Indonesia for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of Directive 91/493/EEC.
dločbe Komisije 94/324/EGS z dne 19. maja 1994 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz ribiških in ribogojnih proizvodov, ki izvirajo iz Indonezije fn, nazadnje spremenjene z Odločbo 97/401/ES fn, določa, da je "Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate-General of Fisheries (Provincial Laboratory for Fish Inspection and Quality Control)" pristojni organ v Indoneziji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških in ribogojnih proizvodov z zahtevami Direktive 91/493/EGS.
216 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0530
Whereas Article 1 of Commission Decision 95/453/EC of 23 October 1995 laying down special conditions for the import of live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods originating in the Republic of Korea (3), states that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Đ National Fishery Products Inspection Station (NFPIS) shall be the competent authority in the Republic of Korea for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of Directive 91/492/EEC;
ker člen 1 Odločbe Komisije 95/453/ES z dne 23. oktobra 1995 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz živih školjk, iglokožcev, plaščarjev in morskih polžev, ki izvirajo iz Republike Koreje fn, določa, da je Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in ribištvo - Nacionalna postaja za inšpekcijo ribiških proizvodov (NFPIS) pristojen organ v Republiki Koreji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/492/EGS;
217 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 1 of Commission Decision 95/453/EC of 23 October 1995 laying down special conditions for the import of live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods originating in the Republic of Korea (3), states that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Đ National Fishery Products Inspection Station (NFPIS) shall be the competent authority in the Republic of Korea for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of Directive 91/492/EEC;
ker člen 1 Odločbe Komisije 95/453/ES z dne 23. oktobra 1995 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz živih školjk, iglokožcev, plaščarjev in morskih polžev, ki izvirajo iz Republike Koreje fn, določa, da je Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in ribištvo - Nacionalna postaja za inšpekcijo ribiških proizvodov (NFPIS) pristojen organ v Republiki Koreji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/492/EGS;
218 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Community inspections in Madagascar have shown that there are serious deficiencies with regard to infrastructure and hygiene in meat establishments and that there are not enough guarantees of the efficiency of the controls carried out by the competent authorities; whereas animal health management in Madagascar shows severe deficiencies and non-application of Community rules; whereas there is a potential risk for public health with regard to the production and processing of animal products, excluding fishery products, in this country;
ker so pregledi Skupnosti na Madagskarju pokazali, da obstajajo resne pomanjkljivosti v zvezi z infrastrukturo in higieno v mesnopredelovalnih obratih ter da ni zadostnih jamstev glede učinkovitosti kontrol, ki jih opravljajo pristojni organi; ker nadzor nad zdravstvenim varstvom živali na Madagaskarju kaže hude pomanjkljivosti in neizpolnjevanje predpisov Skupnosti; ker obstaja nevarnost za javno zdravje, kar zadeva proizvodnjo in predelavo živalskih proizvodov, razen ribiških proizvodov, v tej državi;
219 Pravna redakcija
Before any measures regarding the master or the crew of the vessel or any action regarding the cargo and equipment of the vessel are considered, other than those to safeguard evidence relating to the presumed infringement, a consultation meeting shall be held, within one working day from the receipt of the abovementioned information, between the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities in Côte d'Ivoire, the fisheries authorities and the inspection authorities, possibly attended by a representative of the Member State concerned.
Preden se sprejmejo morebitni ukrepi proti kapitanu ali posadki plovila ali v zvezi s tovorom in opremo plovila, razen tistih za varovanje dokazil za domnevno kršitev, se v roku enega delovnega dne od prejema zgoraj omenjenih podatkov skliče posvetovalni sestanek med Delegacijo Komisije Evropskih skupnosti v Slonokoščeni obali, organi za ribištvo in nadzornimi organi, ki se ga po možnosti udeleži še predstavnik zadevne države članice.
220 Pravna redakcija
In the case of vessels authorised to fish in Guinean waters, before any measures regarding the skipper or the crew of the vessel or any action regarding the cargo and equipment of the vessel are considered, other than those to safeguard evidence relating to the presumed infringement, a consultation meeting shall be held, within 48 hours of receipt of the abovementioned information, between the European Commission Delegation, the Fisheries Ministry and the inspection authorities, possibly attended by a representative of the Member State concerned.
Pri plovilih, pooblaščenih za ribolov v gvinejskih vodah, se pred sprejemom katerihkoli ukrepov glede kapitana ali posadke plovila ali kateregakoli ukrepa glede tovora in opreme plovila, razen ukrepov za zavarovanje dokazov v zvezi z domnevno kršitvijo, v roku 48 ur po prejemu omenjenih podatkov organizira posvetovalni sestanek med Delegacijo Evropske komisije, Ministrstvom za ribištvo in inšpekcijskimi organi, na katerem je lahko prisoten tudi predstavnik zadevne države članice.
221 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0408
Whereas Community arrangement have been defined in respect of imports from third countries; whereas these arrangements require the drawing up of lists of third country establishments from which imports of certain products are permitted in accordance with Article 14.B (2) (a) of Council Directive 71/118/EEC of 15 February 1971 on health problems affecting the production and placing on the market of fresh poultrymeat fn, Article 4 (1) of Council Directive 72/462/EEC of 12 December 1972 on health and veterinary inspection problems upon importation of bovine, ovine and caprine animals and swine, fresh meat or meat products from third countries fn, Article 9 (3) (c) of Council Directive 91/492/EEC of 15 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and placing on the market of live bivalve molluscs fn, Article 11 (4) (c) of Council Directive 91/493/EEC of 22 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and placing on the market of fishery products fn, Article 16 (3) (a) of Council Directive 92/45/EEC of 16 June 1992 on public health and animal health problems relating to the killing of wild game and the placing on the market of wild game meat fn, Article 23 (3) (a) of Council Directive 92/46/EEC of 16 June 1992 laying down the health rules for the production and placing on the market of raw milk, heat-treated milk and milk-based products fn and Article 10 (3) (b) of Council Directive 92/118/EEC of 17 December 1992 laying down animal health and public health requirements governing trade in and imports into the Community of products not subject to the said requirements laid down in specific Community rules referred to in Annex A (I) to Directive 89/662/EEC, and, as regards pathogens, to Directive 90/425/EEC fn;
ker so bili na ravni Skupnosti določeni predpisi glede uvoza iz tretjih držav; ker ti predpisi zahtevajo sestavljanje seznamov obratov tretjih držav, iz katerih so dovoljeni uvozi nekaterih proizvodov v skladu s členom 14.B(2) (a) Direktive Sveta 71/118/EGS z dne 15. februarja 1971 o zdravstvenih problemih, ki vplivajo na proizvodnjo in trgovino s svežim perutninskim mesom fn, s členom 4 (1) Direktive Sveta 72/462/EGS z dne 12. decembra 1972 o problemih v zvezi z zdravstvenimi in veterinarskimi pregledi ob uvozu goveda, ovac, koz in prašičev ter svežega mesa ali mesnih izdelkov iz tretjih držav fn, s členom 9 (3) (c) Direktive Sveta 91/492/EGS z dne 15. julija 1991, o zdravstvenih pogojih za proizvodnjo in dajanje na trg živih školjk fn, s členom 11 (4) (c) Direktive Sveta 91/493/EGS z dne 22. julija 1991 o zdravstvenih pogojih za proizvodnjo in dajanje na trg ribiških proizvodov fn, s členom 16 (3) (a) Direktive Sveta 92/45/EGS z dne 16. junija 1992 o problemih javnega zdravstva in zdravstvenega varstva živali v zvezi z uplenom divjadi in dajanjem na trg mesa divjadi fn, s členom 23 (3) (a) Direktive Sveta 92/46/EGS z dne 16. junija 1992 o zdravstvenih predpisih za proizvodnjo in dajanje na trg surovega mleka, toplotno obdelanega mleka in izdelkov na osnovi mleka fn in s členom 10 (3) (b) Direktive Sveta 92/118/EGS z dne 17. decembra 1992 o zahtevah zdravstvenega varstva živali in javnozdravstvenega varstva, ki urejajo trgovino in uvoz v Skupnost za izdelke, ki niso predmet navedenih zahtev, določenih v posebnih pravilih Skupnosti iz Priloge A (I) Direktive 89/662/EGS, glede povzročiteljev bolezni pa v Direktivi 90/425/EGS;
222 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0431
in connection with the purchase and modernisation of vessels and aircraft, an estimate of the period of time for which these will be used for fishery inspection and surveillance work;
v zvezi z nabavo in posodabljanjem plovil ter zračnih plovil glede ocene obdobja njihove uporabe za nadzor ribištva in nadzorno delo,
223 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
224 Prevajalska redakcija
EUR 53025 to strengthen capacity for health inspection and quality control of fishery products.
53025 EUR za povečanje zmogljivosti zdravstvene inšpekcije in kontrole kakovosti ribiških proizvodov.
225 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
upon inspection by a national fisheries inspection service, the vessel is found to be in contravention of the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No 850/98;
nacionalna inšpekcijska služba za ribištvo ob inšpekcijskem pregledu ugotovi, da plovilo krši določbe Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 850/98;
226 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
the vessel is observed by a national fisheries inspection service to be trans-shipping to another vessel at sea;
nacionalna inšpekcijska služba za ribištvo opazi, da plovilo pretovarja na drugo plovilo na morju;
227 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1566
"Inspection bodies: - Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) - Bio-dynamic Research Institute (BDRI)
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) - Bio-dynamic Research Institute (BDRI)
228 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1085
Format for electronic exchange of fisheries monitoring, inspection and surveillance information (The North Atlantic Format)
Obrazec za elektronsko izmenjavo podatkov o spremljanju, pregledovanju in nadzoru ribištev (Severnoatlantski obrazec)
229 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0548
In point 3 of the text referring to Australia, the name of the inspection body "Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS)" is replaced by: "Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry)"
V točki 3 besedila o Avstraliji se ime kontrolnega organa "Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS)" nadomesti z: "Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry)"
230 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3067
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1956/88 (3) implements the Scheme of Joint International Inspection adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Fisheries Commission on 10 February 1988;
ker Uredba (EGS) št. 1956/88 [3] izvaja Program skupne mednarodne inšpekcije, ki ga je sprejela Komisija za ribištvo pri Organizaciji za ribištvo severozahodnega Atlantika (NAFO) dne 10. februarja 1988;
231 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
upon inspection by the national fisheries inspection service, the vessel is found to have more than 5 % of cod on board, measured in live weight as a percentage of all fish on board the vessel;
nacionalna inšpekcijska služba za ribištvo ob inšpekcijskem pregledu ugotovi, da ima plovilo na krovu več kakor 5 % trske, merjeno kot odstotek žive mase vseh rib na krovu plovila;
232 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0208
for fishery products, all border inspection posts appearing on the list established by Commission Decision 97/778/EC(2) (as amended),
za ribiške proizvode, vse mejne kontrolne točke s seznama, uvedenega z Odločbo Komisije 97/778/ES [2] (kakor je bila spremenjena),
233 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0813
In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the "National Fisheries Inspection and Quality Assurance Center (Nafiqacen) of the Ministry of Fisheries" is capable of effectively verifying the application of the laws in force;
V Socialistični republiki Vietnam je "National Fisheries Inspection and Quality Assurance Center (Nafiqacen) of the Ministry of Fisheries" (Nacionalni center za inšpekcijo in zagotavljanje kakovosti v ribištvu na Ministrstvu za ribištvo) sposoben učinkovito preverjati uporabo veljavnih zakonov.
234 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
the vessel is observed by a national fisheries inspection service to be within the cod protection area when its gear is not lashed and stowed;
nacionalna inšpekcijska služba za ribištvo opazi, da je plovilo na območju varstva trske in njegovo orodje ni zvezano in pospravljeno;
235 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2371
spot checks and inspections on fishing vessels, the premises of businesses and other bodies with activities relating to the Common Fisheries Policy;
preverjanja po naključnem izboru in nadzor ribiških plovil, delovnih prostorov podjetij in drugih teles, katerih dejavnosti so povezane s skupno ribiško politiko;
236 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0208
for other products of animal origin not referred to in the first indent, all border inspection posts referred to in the first indent with the exception of those that are approved only for the inspection of fishery products.
za druge proizvode živalskega izvora, ki niso zajeti v prvi alinei, vse mejne kontrolne točke, zajete v prvi alinei, razen tistih, ki so odobrene samo za kontrolo ribiških proizvodov.
237 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0431
implementation of new inspection and observer schedules in the framework of Regional Fishery Organisations (RFOs) to which the Community is a contracting party;
vpeljavi novih načrtov nadzora in opazovanja v okviru regionalnih ribiških organizacij, katerih pogodbenica je Skupnost;
238 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0140
COMMISSION DECISION of 19 January 1993 laying down the detailed rules relating to the visual inspection for the purpose of detecting parasites in fishery products
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 19. januarja 1993 o podrobnih pravilih glede opravljanja vizualnih pregledov za odkrivanje parazitov v ribiških proizvodih
239 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0208
A derogation concerning the personnel carrying out checks has been put in place for border inspection posts which are approved only for checks on fishery products.
Vzpostavljeno je bilo odstopanje v zvezi z osebjem, ki opravlja preglede na mejnih kontrolnih točkah, odobrenih samo za pregledovanje ribiških proizvodov.
240 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0634
However the inspection visit to Guinea has revealed certain deficiencies in the hygienic conditions of the establishments processing and preparing fishery products.
Vendar pa so bile ob inšpekcijskem obisku v Gvineji odkrite nekatere pomanjkljivosti glede higienskih razmer v obratih, kjer se predelujejo in pripravljajo ribiški proizvodi.
241 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2371
Unless otherwise provided for in Community law, Member States shall ensure effective control, inspection and enforcement of the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy.
Razen če ni drugače predvideno v zakonodaji Skupnosti, države članice zagotovijo učinkovit nadzor in izvrševanje pravil skupne ribiške politike.
242 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0027
The provisions of Turkish legislation on health inspection and monitoring of fishery products may be considered equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC.
Določbe turške zakonodaje o zdravstvenem pregledu in nadzoru ribiških proizvodov lahko veljajo za enakovredne določbam Direktive 91/493/EGS.
243 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0812
Border inspection posts shall operate under the responsibility of an official veterinarian, or in the case of fishery products either the official veterinarian or the official agent referred to in Decision 93/352/EEC, who must be present at the border inspection post and the inspection centres during checks on products.
Za delovanje mejnih kontrolnih točk je treba določiti odgovornega uradnega veterinarja, ali v primeru proizvodov ribištva bodisi uradnega veterinarja bodisi uradnega zastopnika, navedenega v Odločbi 93/352/EGS, ki mora biti prisoten na mejni kontrolni točki ter v kontrolnih centrih med kontrolnimi pregledi proizvodov.
244 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0086
the provisions of legislation of China on health inspection and monitoring of fishery products may be considered equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC;
Določbe kitajske zakonodaje o zdravstvenem inšpekcijskem nadzoru in spremljanju ribiških proizvodov se lahko opredelijo kot ustrezne tistim, ki so predpisane v Direktivi 91/493/EGS.
245 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0634
The provisions of legislation of Guinea on health inspection and monitoring of fishery products may be considered equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC.
Predpisi zakonodaje Gvineje o zdravstvenem inšpekcijskem nadzoru in spremljanju ribiških proizvodov lahko veljajo za enakovredne predpisom Direktive 91/493/EGS.
246 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2287
the vessel is observed by a national fisheries inspection service to be landing fish without having received the permission to do so referred to in paragraph 17(b)(iv);
nacionalna inšpekcijska služba za ribištvo opazi, da plovilo iztovarja ribe, ne da bi za to imelo dovoljenje iz odstavka 17(b)(iv);
247 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0036
The provisions of legislation of Jamaica on health inspection and monitoring of fishery products may be considered equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC.
Določbe zakonodaje Jamajke o zdravstvenem inšpekcijskem nadzoru in spremljanju ribiških proizvodov se lahko štejejo za enakovredne določbam Direktive 91/493/EGS.
248 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0083
the provisions of legislation of Pakistan on health inspection and monitoring of fishery products may be considered equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC;
Določbe zakonodaje Pakistana o zdravstvenem inšpekcijskem nadzoru in spremljanju ribiških proizvodov lahko veljajo za enakovredne določbam Direktive 91/493/EGS.
249 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0632
The provisions of Nicaragua's legislation on health inspection and monitoring of fishery products may be considered equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC.
Določbe zakonodaje Nikaragve o zdravstvenem inšpekcijskem nadzoru in spremljanju ribiških proizvodov lahko veljajo za enakovredne določbam Direktive 91/493/EGS.
250 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0634
A Commission expert has conducted an inspection visit to Guinea to verify the conditions under which fishery products are produced, stored and dispatched to the Community.
Strokovnjak Komisije je opravil inšpekcijski obisk v Gvineji, da bi preveril pogoje, v katerih se ribiški proizvodi proizvajajo, skladiščijo in odpošljejo v Skupnost.
Prevodi: en > sl
fishery inspection