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inspection service
201 Pravna redakcija
Roadside roadworthiness inspections should be carried out without discrimination on grounds of the nationality of the driver or of the country of registration or entry into service of the commercial vehicle.
Cestni pregledi tehnične brezhibnosti bi se morali opravljati ne glede na državljanstvo voznika ali na državo, v kateri je bilo gospodarsko vozilo registrirano oziroma se je začelo uporabljati.
202 Pravna redakcija
Whereas certain work of the inspection services, and in particular that relating to the examination of documents which must be carried, would be facilitated if the authorities responsible for them could delegate powers to one of the other services represented to effect such inspections;
ker bi se nekatera opravila nadzornih služb, zlasti tista, ki se nanašajo na preverjanje potrebnih dokumentov, olajšala, če bi lahko organi, ki so za to odgovorni, prenesli pooblastila za izvajanje takšnih kontrol na eno od ostalih zastopanih služb;
203 Pravna redakcija
In order that a health inspection programme might be recognised by the official services for documentation of freedom with regards to VHS and/or IHN, it must fulfil the criteria and guidelines set out in Part III.
Da program zdravstvenega nadzora lahko priznajo uradne službe za dokazovanje odsotnosti VHS in/ali IHN, mora izpolnjevati merila in smernice iz dela III.
204 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0397
Develop adequate national standards for all child protection services, including the re-evaluation of sanitary standards, and improve the capacity of the National Authority to perform inspections at the local level.
Pripraviti ustrezne nacionalne standarde za vse storitve varstva otrok, vključno s ponovnim ovrednotenjem sanitarnih standardov, in izboljšati usposobljenost državnih organov za izvajanje inšpekcijskih pregledov na lokalni ravni.
205 Pravna redakcija
An inspection carried out by the Commission in Botswana in May 2001 has shown that sufficiently well-structured and organised veterinary services are in place in Botswana regarding the animal health status for ratites.
Inšpekcijski pregled, ki ga je Komisija opravila v Bocvani maja 2001, je pokazal, da so za ugotavljanje zdravstvenega stanja ratitov v tej državi na razpolago zadovoljivo strukturirani in organizirane veterinarske službe.
206 Pravna redakcija
which, in view of their legislation and the organization of their veterinary services and of their inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, have been recognized, in accordance with Article 3 (2) of Directive 72/462/EEC or Article 9 (2) of Directive 91/494/EEC, as capable of guaranteeing the implementation of their legislation in force;
ki so bile, glede na svojo zakonodajo in organizacijo svojih veterinarskih služb ter njihovih inšpekcijskih služb, pristojnosti teh služb in nadzor, ki se nad njimi izvaja v skladu s členom 3(2) Direktive 72/462/EGS ali členom 9(2) Direktive 91/494/EGS, spoznane za sposobne jamčiti izvajanje svoje veljavne zakonodaje;
207 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31988R1956
(i) Control shall be carried out by inspectors of the fishery control services of the contracting parties following their assignment to the scheme of joint international inspection, hereinafter referred to as 'the scheme'.
(i) Nadzor izvajajo inšpektorji ribiških nadzornih služb pogodbenih strank, ki upoštevajo svoje naloge iz programa skupnega mednarodnega inšpekcijskega nadzora, v nadaljnjem besedilu "program".
208 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0573
(3) An inspection carried out by the Commission in Botswana in May 2001 has shown that sufficiently well structured and organised veterinary services are in place in Botswana regarding the animal health status for ratites.
(3) Pregledi, ki jih je opravila Komisija v Bocvani maja 2001 so pokazali, da ima ta država dovolj dobro strukturirano in organizirano veterinarsko službo glede zdravstvenega stanja ratitov.
209 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0536
Whereas following a Commission veterinary inspection mission to Egypt the animal health situation as regards diseases in equidae appears to be under satisfactory control by well structured and organized veterinary services;
ker se je po veterinarskem inšpekcijskem obisku Komisije v Egiptu izkazalo, da je zdravstveno stanje živali v zvezi z boleznimi pri kopitarjih pod zadovoljivim nadzorom dobro strukturiranih in organiziranih veterinarskih služb;
210 Pravna redakcija
which, in view of their legislation and the organization of their veterinary services and of their inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, have been recognized, in accordance with Article 3 (2) of Directive 72/462/EEC (1) or Article 9(2) of Directive 91/494/EEC, as capable of guaranteeing the implementation of their legislation in force;
ki so bile, glede na svojo zakonodajo in organizacijo svojih veterinarskih služb ter njihovih inšpekcijskih služb, pristojnosti teh služb in nadzor, ki se nad njimi izvaja, v skladu s členom 3(2) Direktive 72/462/EGS fn ali členom 9(2) Direktive 91/494/EGS, spoznane za sposobne jamčiti izvajanje svoje veljavne zakonodaje;
211 Pravna redakcija
On-the-spot inspections shall be carried out at abattoirs, meat markets, intervention centres, price quotation centres and regional and central services engaged in the implementation of the provisions referred to in Article 1. '
Inšpekcijski pregledi na kraju samem se izvajajo v klavnicah, na mesnih tržnicah, v intervencijskih centrih, v centrih za določanje cen ter v regionalnih in osrednjih službah, ki izvajajo predpise iz člena 1."
212 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it is now possible, in accordance with information received from Brazil and with the results of an inspection carried out by the Commission services in that country to review the regionalisation for Brazil; whereas a certain delay should be provided for this change to enable the Brazilian authorities to take into account the conclusions of the said inspection;
ker se zdaj lahko skladno s prejetimi informacijami iz Brazilije in rezultati pregleda, ki so ga opravile službe Komisije v navedeni državi, ponovno preveri regionalizacija za Brazilijo; ker je za to spremembo treba predvideti določeno zamudo, da bodo lahko brazilske oblasti upoštevale zaključke navedenega pregleda;
213 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall entrust to a central service or body the tasks of collecting and making use of the results of the post-mortem inspection carried out by the official veterinarian as regards the diagnosis of diseases communicable to man.
Države članice osrednji službi ali organu poverijo naloge zbiranja in uporabe izidov veterinarskih pregledov po odstrelu, ki jih izvaja uradni veterinar, v zvezi z diagnosticiranjem bolezni, prenosljivih na ljudi.
214 Pravna redakcija
No Member State may, on grounds relating to the construction or inspection of a cylinder within the meaning of Directive 76/767/EEC and this Directive, refuse, prohibit or restrict the marketing and placing in service of an EEC-type cylinder.
Zaradi konstrukcije ali pregleda jeklenke v smislu Direktive 76/767/EGS in te direktive nobena država članica ne sme zavrniti, prepovedati ali omejiti prodaje in uporabe jeklenke tipa EGS.
215 Pravna redakcija
In October 2000 a mission was carried out to Brazil by the Commission services in order to assess the animal health situation for four new regions and it appears that the results of this inspection allow the further regionalisation of Brazil.
Oktobra 2000 so službe Komisije v Brazilijo poslale svojo delegacijo, da bi ocenila zdravstveno stanje živali za štiri nove regije, in kot kaže, rezultati tega pregleda dopuščajo nadaljnjo regionalizacijo Brazilije.
216 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it is now possible, in accordance with information received from the third countries concerned and with the results of inspections carried out by the Commission services in some of these countries, to lay down two categories of certification;
ker je glede na informacije, prejete iz zadevnih tretjih držav, in rezultate pregledov, ki so jih opravile službe Komisije v nekaterih od teh držav, mogoče določiti dve kategoriji spričeval;
217 Pravna redakcija
which, in view of their legislation and the organization of their competent authority and of their inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, have been recognized, in accordance with Article 3 (2) of Directive 72/462/EEC, as capable of guaranteeing the implementation of their legislation in force;
ki so bile glede na svojo zakonodajo in organizacijo pristojnih organov ter inšpekcijskih služb, pooblastila teh služb in nadzor, ki se v njih opravlja, priznane v skladu s členom 3(2) Direktive 72/462/EGS za sposobne jamčiti izvajanje veljavne zakonodaje;
218 Pravna redakcija
An inspection carried out by the Commission services in Thailand in December 1999 to review the Newcastle disease situation and additional information received recently from that country show that the Newcastle disease situation in Thailand has improved.
Pregled, ki so ga opravile službe Komisije na Tajskem decembra 1999, da bi preučile razmere glede atipične kokošje kuge, ter dodatni podatki, pred kratkim prejeti od navedene države, kažejo, da so se razmere na Tajskem glede atipične kokošje kuge izboljšale.
219 Pravna redakcija
No Member State may, on grounds relating to the construction or inspection of a cylinder within the meaning of Directive 76/767/EEC and this Directive refuse, prohibit or restrict the placing on the market and putting into service of an EEC-type cylinder.
Nobena država članica ne sme zaradi razlogov, ki so povezani z izdelavo ali pregledovanjem jeklenke v smislu Direktive 76/767/EGS in te direktive zavrniti, prepovedati ali omejiti dajanja v promet in začetka uporabe jeklenk tipa EGS.
220 Pravna redakcija
No Member State may, on grounds relating to the construction or inspection of a cylinder within the meaning of Directive 76/767/EEC and this Directive, refuse, prohibit or restrict the placing on the market and putting into service of an EEC-type cylinder.
Zaradi konstrukcije ali pregleda jeklenke v smislu Direktive 76/767/EGS in te direktive nobena država članica ne sme zavrniti, prepovedati ali omejiti prodaje in uporabe jeklenk tipa EGS.
221 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
(i) Control and surveillance shall be carried out by inspectors of the fishery control services of the Contracting Parties following their assignment to the scheme of joint international inspection and surveillance, hereinafter referred to as 'the scheme'.
(i) Preverjanje in nadzor opravljajo inšpektorji nadzornih služb za ribištvo držav pogodbenic, potem ko so dodeljeni za program skupne mednarodne inšpekcije in nadzora, v nadaljnjem besedilu: "program".
222 Pravna redakcija
during transportation to the slaughterhouse the slaughtered animals are accompanied by a certificate issued by the veterinary service attesting to the favourable outcome of the ante-mortem inspection, the correct conduct of bleeding and the time of slaughter;
med prevozom v klavnico spremlja zaklane živali spričevalo, ki ga izda veterinarska služba in ki potrjuje pozitiven izid pregleda po zakolu, pravilnost izkrvavitve in čas zakola;
223 Pravna redakcija
which, in view of their legislation and the organization of their veterinary services and of their inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, have been recognized, in accordance with Article 3 (2) of Directive 72/462(EEC) of Article 9 (2) of Directive 91/494/EEC, as capable of guaranteeing and supervising the implementation of their legislation in force, or the veterinary services of which are able to guarantee that health requirements at least equivalent to those laid down in Articles 3 and 5 are being complied with.
za katero se z ozirom na njeno zakonodajo in organizacijo vetrinarske in inšpekcijske službe, pooblastila teh služb in način nadzorovanja teh služb v skladu s členom 3(2)člena Direktive 72/462/EGS ali členom 9(2) Direktive 91/494/EGS prizna, da je sposobna zagotoviti in nadzorovati izvajanje svoje zakonodaje, ali katere veterinarska služba lahko zagotovi izpolnjevanje zdravstvenih zahtev, ki so najmanj enakovredne zahtevam iz člena 3 in 5.
224 Pravna redakcija
An inspection mission was carried out in October 1999 by the Commission in China and has shown that significant improvement has been achieved by the Chinese veterinary services and written assurances have been given so that the above mentioned suspension can be repealed.
Komisija je oktobra 1999 opravila inšpekcijski pregled na Kitajskem, ki je pokazal, da so kitajske veterinarske službe dosegle vidni napredek, in podana so bila pisna zagotovila, da se lahko navedena začasna ustavitev razveljavi.
225 Pravna redakcija
Whereas inspections carried out by the Commission services in Northern Ireland from 20 to 22 April 1998, in particular to assess the system of veterinary checks pursuant to Articles 6 and 7 of Decision 98/256/EC, have shown that the conditions are complied with satisfactorily,
ker so pregledi, ki so jih opravile službe Komisije v Severni Irski od 20. do 22. aprila 1998, zlasti da bi ocenile sistem veterinarskih pregledov v skladu s členoma 6 in 7 Odločbe 98/256/ES, pokazali, da so pogoji zadovoljivi izpolnjeni;
226 Pravna redakcija
the site of origin must at the time of the year when SVC is expected to manifest itself, have been submitted, for at least two years, to an annual inspection by the official services at the place of origin and laboratory tests for the isolation of the virus must have been carried out;
na ribah so se morali na kraju izvora in v času, ko je manifestacija SVC najbolj verjetna, in najmanj dve leti zapored, opraviti letni pregled uradnih služb in laboratorijske preiskave za izolacijo virusa;
227 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2304
the technical specifications and financial plan of the operation, progress reports, the documents concerning the grant approval and tendering and contracting procedures, and reports on inspections of the products and services financed are also kept at the appropriate management level;
se tudi tehnične specifikacije in finančni načrt dejavnosti, poročila o poteku, dokumentacija v zvezi z odobritvijo pomoči, postopki za razpis in sklenitev pogodb ter poročila o preverjanjih financiranih proizvodov in storitev vzdržujejo na ustrezni upravni ravni;
228 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall see to it that, by express delegation by the competent authorities and on their behalf, one of the other services represented, and preferably the customs service, may carry out inspections for which those authorities are responsible and, in so far as such inspections relate to the requirement to produce the necessary documents, checks on the validity and authenticity thereof and on the identity of the goods declared in such documents.
Pogodbenici poskrbita, da ena od služb, po možnosti carinska služba, s posebnim pooblastilom pristojnih organov in v njihovem imenu, opravlja preglede, za katere so ti organi odgovorni, ter, kadar so ti pregledi povezani z zahtevo po predložitvi potrebnih dokumentov, preverja njihovo veljavnost in pristnost ter istovetnost blaga, prijavljenega v teh dokumentih.
229 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
To ensure that all animals entering the Community are subjected to veterinary checks, the competent authority and the official veterinarians of each Member State shall work in coordination with the other inspection services to gather together all information relevant to imports of animals.
Da se zagotovi, da so vse živali, ki vstopajo v Skupnost, veterinarsko pregledane, pristojni organ in uradni veterinarji vsake države članice sodelujejo z drugi inšpekcijskimi službami pri zbiranju vseh informacij v zvezi z uvozom živali.
230 Pravna redakcija
For medicinal products covered by this Chapter, each party shall recognise the conclusions of inspections of manufacturers carried out by the relevant inspection services of the other Party and the relevant manufacturing authorisations granted by the competent authorities of the other Party.
Za zdravila, zajeta v tem poglavju, vsaka pogodbenica priznava sklepe pregledov proizvajalcev, ki jih izvajajo ustrezne inšpekcijske službe druge pogodbenice in ustrezni organi proizvajalcev, ki jih potrdijo pristojni organi druge pogodbenice.
231 Pravna redakcija
Where the vehicle is fitted with recording equipment in conformity with Annex IB, the employer and the driver shall ensure that, taking into account the length of the period of service, the printing on request referred to in Annex IB can be carried out correctly in the event of an inspection.';
Če je vozilo opremljeno s tahografom v skladu s Prilogo IB, morata delodajalec in voznik zagotoviti, da se ob upoštevanju trajanja prevoza zahtevani izpis iz Priloge IB ob inšpekciji lahko pravilno izvede.";
232 Pravna redakcija
Every technical roadside inspection shall be carried out without discrimination on grounds of the nationality of the driver or of the country of registration or entry into service of the commercial vehicle, bearing in mind the need to minimise the costs and delays entailed for drivers and operators.
Vsak cestni pregled tehnične brezhibnosti vozila se opravi ne glede na državljanstvo voznika ali državo, v kateri je bilo vozilo registrirano ali v kateri se je začelo uporabljati, ob upoštevanju potrebe po čim manjših stroških in zamudah, ki bi jih utrpeli vozniki in operaterji.
233 Pravna redakcija
To this end a central service or body shall be entrusted with the task of collecting and using the results of the health inspections carried out in accordance with this Directive, where diseases communicable to man or to animals or the presence of residues in excess of permitted levels are diagnosed.
V ta namen se osrednji službi ali organu poveri naloga zbiranja in uporabe rezultatov zdravstvenih pregledov, opravljenih v skladu s to direktivo, če so ugotovljene bolezni, ki so prenosljive na ljudi ali živali, ali prisotnost ostankov, ki presega dovoljene ravni.
234 Pravna redakcija
To this end a central service or body shall be entrusted with the task of collecting and using the results of the health inspections carried out in accordance with this Directive, where diseases transmissible to humans or animals or the presence of residues in excess of permitted levels are diagnosed.
V ta namen se poveri centralni službi ali organu naloga zbiranja in uporabe rezultatov zdravstvenih pregledov, opravljenih v skladu s to direktivo, tam kjer so bile ugotovljene bolezni, ki se prenašajo na človeka ali živali, ali prisotnost ostankov, ki presega dovoljene omejitve.
235 Pravna redakcija
For the frontier posts and customs services referred to in paragraph 1, and under the conditions laid down by Member States, the competent authorities of the Member States shall provide, if specifically requested during business hours and for sound reasons, for inspections and formalities to be carried out, as an exception, outside business hours, on condition that, where relevant, payment be made for services so rendered.
Pri mejnih prehodih in carinskih službah iz odstavka 1 in pod pogoji, ki jih določijo države članice, pristojni organi držav članic na podlagi posebne, utemeljene prošnje, ki se jim predloži v času uradnih ur, poskrbijo, da se kontrole in formalnosti izjemoma izvajajo zunaj uradnih ur, pod pogojem, da se, kjer je to ustrezno, takšne storitve plačajo."
236 Pravna redakcija
Representatives of the South African inspection services are regular participants in international efforts to agree marketing standards for fruit and vegetables in the Working Party on Standardisation of Perishable Produce and Quality Development of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE).
Predstavniki južnoafriških inšpekcijskih služb redno sodelujejo pri mednarodnih naporih za dogovor o standardih trženja za sadje in zelenjavo v Delovni skupini za standardizacijo hitro pokvarljivega blaga in izboljšanje kakovosti pri Ekonomski komisiji Združenih narodov za Evropo (ZN/EKE).
237 Pravna redakcija
Whereas following a Commission veterinary inspection mission to Morocco and after receiving a comprehensive report on the control measures taken by the competent authorities of Morocco, the equine health situation appears to be under the satisfactory control of well structured and organized veterinary services;
ker je po misiji veterinarske inšpekcije Komisije v Maroku in po prejetju celovitega poročila o nadzornih ukrepih, ki jih izvajajo pristojni organi v Maroku, videti, da je zdravstveno stanje kopitarjev pod zadovoljivim nadzorom dobro strukturiranih in organiziranih veterinarskih služb;
238 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall provide for the possibility of informal consultation at local and, if appropriate, national level between representatives of the various departments involved an inspections and formalities and of carriers, customs agents, persons engaged in services ancillary to transport and transport users.
Države članice poskrbijo za možnost neformalnih posvetovanj na lokalni in, če je to primerno, nacionalni ravni med predstavniki različnih služb, ki sodelujejo pri kontrolah in formalnostih, prevoznikov, carinskih uslužbencev, oseb, ki se ukvarjajo s pomožnimi storitvami prevoza ter naročnikov prevoza."
239 Pravna redakcija
As regards the frontier posts and customs offices and services referred to in paragraph 1, and under the conditions laid down by the Contracting Parties, the competent authorities shall, if specifically requested during business hours and for sound reasons, provide for inspections and formalities to be carried out, as an exception, outside business hours, on condition that, where relevant, payment is made for services so rendered.
Pristojni organi za mejne prehode ter carinske urade in službe iz odstavka 1, pod pogoji, ki sta jih določili pogodbenici, na posebno utemeljeno željo, izraženo med uradnimi urami, izjemoma omogočijo opravljanje pregledov in formalnosti izven uradnih ur pod pogojem, da se, če je potrebno, te usluge plačajo.
240 Pravna redakcija
'Access' means the availability of all emission-related OBD data including all fault codes required for the inspection, diagnosis, servicing or repair of emissions-related parts of the vehicle, via the serial interface for the standard diagnostic connection (pursuant to Appendix 1, section of this Annex).
'Dostop` pomeni razpoložljivost vseh podatkov OBD v zvezi z emisijami, vključno s kodami okvar, potrebnimi za pregled, ugotavljanje napak, servisiranje ali popravilo delov vozila, povezanih z emisijami, prek serijskega vmesnika za standardno diagnostično povezavo (skladno z Dodatkom 1, točka, k tej prilogi).
241 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it is also necessary to review the provisions relating to China, following an on-the-spot inspection carried out by the Commission services; whereas this inspection revealed that certification provided was inaccurate and inadequate; whereas a certain delay should be provided for this suspension to come into force to enable the competent authorities in the Member States to implement this Decision and to allow importation of consignments shipped before the date of entry into force of this Decision;
ker je treba tudi pregledati določbe v zvezi s Kitajsko po inšpekcijskem pregledu na kraju samem, ki so ga opravile službe Komisije; ker je ta inšpekcijski pregled pokazal, da je izdaja veterinarskih spričeval netočno in neustrezno; ker je za začetek veljavnosti predvidene začasne opustitve treba odobriti določeno zakasnitev, da bi pristojnim organom v državah članicah omogočili uresničitev te odločbe in odobritev uvoza pošiljk, poslanih pred datumom začetka veljavnosti te odločbe;
242 Pravna redakcija
Whereas therefore the animal health conditions, the veterinary certificates and the third countries from which Crassostrea gigas can be introduced for relaying must, awaiting information on the zoosanitary situation and on the organization of the inspection services of third countries not yet listed, be a provisional one;
ker morajo biti zato pogoji v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali, veterinarska spričevala in seznam tretjih držav, iz katerih se lahko vnaša Crassostrea gigas za distribucijo, dokler niso znani podatki o zoosanitarnem stanju in o organizaciji inšpekcijskih služb tretjih držav, ki še niso na seznamu, zgolj začasni;
243 Pravna redakcija
Each Contracting Party shall issue instructions to its maritime inspection vessels and aircraft and to other appropriate services to report to its authorities any incidents or conditions in the maritime area which give rise to suspicions that a contravention of the provisions of the present Annex has occurred or is about to occur.
Vsaka pogodbenica svojim pomorskim inšpekcijskim ladjam in zrakoplovom ter drugim ustreznim službam izda navodila, da njenim organom poročajo o morebitnih izrednih dogodkih ali razmerah na morskem območju, ki zbujajo sume, da je prišlo ali bo prišlo do odmetavanja v nasprotju z določbami te Priloge.
244 Pravna redakcija
Each Party undertakes to issue instructions to its maritime inspection ships and aircraft and to other appropriate services to report to its authorities any incidents or conditions in the Mediterranean Sea area which give rise to suspicions that dumping in contravention of the provisions of this Protocol has occurred or is about to occur.
Vsaka pogodbenica se zaveže, da bo svojim ladjam in zrakoplovom za pomorsko inšpekcijo ter drugim ustreznim službam dala navodila, da poročajo svojim organom oblasti o kakršnih koli izrednih dogodkih ali okoliščinah na območju Sredozemskega morja, zaradi katerih obstaja sum, da je ali bo prišlo do odmetavanja, ki je v nasprotju z določbami tega protokola.
245 Pravna redakcija
Each Contracting Party shall issue instructions to its maritime inspection vessels and aircraft and to other appropriate services to report to its authorities any incidents or conditions in the maritime area which give rise to suspicions that dumping in contravention of the provisions of the present Annex has occurred or is about to occur.
Vsaka pogodbenica svojim pomorskim inšpekcijskim ladjam in zrakoplovom. ter drugim ustreznim službam izda navodila, da njenim organom poročajo o morebitnih izrednih dogodkih ali pogojih na morskem območju, ki zbujajo sume, da je prišlo ali bo prišlo do odmetavanja v nasprotju z določbami te Priloge.
246 Pravna redakcija
As regards the frontier posts and customs offices and services referred to in paragraph 1, and under the conditions laid down by the Contracting Parties, the competent authorities shall, if.15.3.2003 - EEA AGREEMENT - PROTOCOL 10 - p. 6 specifically requested during business hours and for sound reasons, provide for inspections and formalities to be carried out, as an exception, outside business hours, on condition that, where relevant, payment is made for services so rendered.
Na mejnih točkah, v carinskih uradih in službah iz odstavka 1 ter pod pogoji, ki jih določijo pogodbenice, pristojni organi na izrecno prošnjo, vloženo med delovnim časom in iz utemeljenih razlogov, predvidijo preglede in formalnosti izjemoma zunaj delovnega časa, če, kadar je to primerno, za takšne opravljene storitve prejmejo plačilo.
247 Pravna redakcija
a check on a recent roadside technical inspection report as referred to in Article 5 or on the documentation attesting to the vehicle's technical roadworthiness and in particular, in the case of a vehicle registered or put into service in a Member State, proof that the commercial vehicle has undergone a statutory technical roadworthiness test in accordance with Directive 96/96/EC;
pregled poročila o pred kratkim opravljenem cestnem pregledu tehnične brezhibnosti vozila iz člena 5 ali pregled dokumentacije, ki potrjuje tehnično brezhibnost vozila, ter, zlasti če je bilo vozilo registrirano ali dano v uporabo v državi članici, dokazilo, da je vozilo opravilo z zakonom določeni tehnični pregled v skladu z Direktivo 96/96/ES;
248 Pravna redakcija
The period of 10 years referred to in the first subparagraph may be reduced to five years as a result of the testing carried out by the official service of the requesting Member State, provided that, in addition to the requirements referred to in the first subparagraph, the regular monitoring of all farms referred to above has included at least two health inspections per year involving at least:
Desetletno obdobje iz prvega pododstavka se lahko skrajša na pet let zaradi preiskav, ki jih opravlja uradna služba države članice prosilke, če poleg zahtev iz prvega pododstavka zgoraj navedeno redno spremljanje vseh ribogojnic vključuje vsaj dva zdravstvena inšpekcijska pregleda na leto, ki zajemata vsaj naslednje:
249 Pravna redakcija
The results of the ante-mortem and post-mortem health inspections shall be recorded by the official veterinarian and, if the presence of the diseases referred to in point 3 or the presence of residues are found, these shall be communicated to the authorities of the official service responsible for supervision of the stock from which the animals originated, as well as to the person responsible for the stock in question.
Uradni veterinar zapiše rezultate pregleda pred zakolom in pregleda po zakolu in v primeru odkritja bolezni iz točke 3 ali prisotnosti ostankov obvesti organe uradne službe, pristojne za nadzor črede, iz katere izvirajo živali, pa tudi osebo, ki odgovarja za to čredo.
250 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Article 5, the competent authorities of the Member State in which a serious deficiency has been found in a commercial vehicle belonging to a non-resident may ask the competent authorities of the Member State in which the vehicle is registered or has been put into service to take appropriate measures with regard to the offender, for example submitting the vehicle to a further roadworthiness inspection.
Brez poseganja v člen 5 lahko pristojni organi države članice, v kateri je bila ugotovljena resna pomanjkljivost na gospodarskem vozilu, ki pripada tujemu državljanu, prosijo pristojne organe države članice, v kateri je bilo vozilo registrirano ali dano v uporabo, da sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe glede kršitelja, na primer napotijo vozilo na nadaljnji pregled tehnične brezhibnosti.
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inspection service