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material injury
201 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1601
In view of the above, the provisional findings as described in recitals 158 to 161 of the provisional Regulation, i.e. that the Community industry has suffered material injury within the meaning of Article 3 of the basic Regulation, are confirmed.
Zaradi zgoraj navedenega se potrdijo začasne ugotovitve, kot so opisane v uvodnih izjavah 158 do 161 začasne uredbe, to je, da je industrija Skupnosti utrpela materialno škodo v smislu člena 3 osnovne uredbe.
202 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2094
The effect of these factors worsened the significant negative effect on the situation of the Community industry caused by the surge of imports originating in India, which, taken in isolation, have also caused a material injury to the Community industry.
Učinki teh dejavnikov so še povečali zelo negativne učinke nenadnega povečanja uvoza s poreklom iz Indije na položaj industrije Skupnosti, ki je že sam po sebi industriji Skupnosti povzročil znatno škodo.
203 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
The effect of these factors was worsened the significant negative effect on the situation of the Community industry caused by the surge of imports originating in India, which, taken in isolation, have also caused a material injury to the Community industry.
Učinki teh dejavnikov so še povečali zelo negativne učinke nenadnega povečanja uvoza s poreklom iz Indije na položaj industrije Skupnosti, ki je že sam po sebi industriji Skupnosti povzročil znatno škodo.
204 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0645
The complaint contained prima facie evidence of the existence of dumping and of material injury resulting therefrom, which was considered sufficient to justify the initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding in accordance with Article 5 of the basic Regulation.
Pritožba je vsebovala prima facie dokaz o obstoju dampinga in bistvene škode, ki je posledica te uredbe, kar je zadostovalo, da se upraviči začetek protidampinških postopkov v skladu s členom 5 osnovne uredbe.
205 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0215
In view of the above it is confirmed that the imports concerned taken in isolation have caused material injury to the Community industry within the meaning of Article 3(6) of the Basic Regulation as described in recitals 117 to 118 of the Provisional Regulation.
Na podlagi zgoraj navedenega se potrdijo ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 117 do 118 začasne uredbe, po katerih je zadevni uvoz sam po sebi vzrok bistvene škode, povzročene industriji Skupnosti v smislu člena 3(6) osnovne uredbe.
206 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
Consequently, taking into account all the factors, the conclusions reached in recitals 139 to 141 of the provisional Regulation that the Community industry has suffered material injury within the meaning of Article 8 of the basic Regulation are hereby confirmed.
Zaradi tega se ob upoštevanju vseh dejavnikov, potrdijo zaključki, doseženi v uvodnih izjavah 139 do 141 začasne uredbe, da je industrija Skupnosti utrpela znatno škodo v smislu člena 8 osnovne uredbe.
207 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
However, given the volume and market share of the dumped imports from the countries concerned and the margin of undercutting established, it is clear that the dumped imports in isolation played a significant role in the material injury suffered by the Community industry.
Vendar je glede na količino in tržni delež dampinškega uvoza iz zadevnih držav ter glede na določeno stopnjo nelojalnega nižanja cen jasno, da je dampinški izvoz sam igral pomembno vlogo pri znatni škodi, povzročeni industriji Skupnosti.
208 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
No one of the factors listed above by itself can necessarily give decisive guidance but the totality of the factors considered must lead to the conclusion that further subsidized exports are imminent and that, unless protective action is taken, material injury will occur.
Nobeden od zgoraj navedenih dejavnikov sam po sebi ni nujno odločilnega pomena, vendar pa mora iz celote preučenih dejavnikov izhajati, da je nadaljevanje subvencioniranega izvoza neizogibno in da se bo pojavila znatna škoda, če se ne sprejmejo zaščitni ukrepi.
209 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
In view of the above it is concluded that the material injury of the Community industry, which is characterised by a decrease of sales prices, investments, return on investments and cash flow as well as by significant losses was caused by the subsidised imports concerned.
Glede na navedeno se sklene, da je znatno škodo industriji Skupnosti, za katero so značilni upadanje prodajnih cen, naložb, donosnosti naložb in denarnega toka, kot tudi precejšnje izgube, povzročil zadevni subvencionirani uvoz.
210 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2313
The above facts and considerations demonstrate that low-priced dumped imports had a significant negative impact on the economic situation of the Community industry, in particular on market share, sales volume, sales prices and profitability and have caused material injury.
Navedena dejstva in razmisleki kažejo, da je poceni dampinški uvoz precej negativno vplival na gospodarski položaj industrije Skupnosti, zlasti na tržni delež, obseg prodaje, prodajne cene in dobičkonosnost ter povzročil znatno škodo.
211 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2263
In view of the above, it is concluded that in the IP the Community industry suffered material injury within the meaning of Article 3(1) of the basic Regulation in the form of decreased production and sales, loss of market share and decreasing prices leading to severe losses.
Glede na navedeno se ugotovi, da je v obdobju OP industrija Skupnosti utrpela materialno škodo v smislu člena 3(1) osnovne uredbe v obliki zmanjšanja proizvodnje in prodaje, izgube tržnega deleža in zniževanja cen, kar je privedlo do velikih izgub.
212 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
It is therefore concluded that during the period under consideration, the Community industry has suffered material injury within the meaning of Article 3 of the basic Regulation, in the form of decreased sales and loss of market share, reduced employment and financial losses.
Sprejme se torej sklep, da je v obravnavanem obdobju industrija Skupnosti utrpela znatno škodo v smislu člena 3 osnovne uredbe, v obliki zmanjšane prodaje in izgube tržnega deleža, zmanjšanega števila delovnih mest ter finančnih izgub.
213 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1676
A Korean exporting producer questioned that the Community industry suffered material injury on the grounds that it is viable and competitive, as set in recital 159 of the provisional Regulation and that it still held an important position on the Community market during the IP.
Korejski proizvajalec izvoznik je ugovarjal, da je bila industriji Skupnosti povzročena znatna škoda in to utemeljeval s tem, da je ta trdna in konkurenčna, kot je navedeno v uvodni izjavi 159 začasne uredbe, in je med PO še vedno imela pomembno mesto na trgu Skupnosti.
214 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1599
On the basis of the above findings, it is concluded that imports from third countries may have contributed to the injury suffered by the Community industry but this alone was not found to be sufficient to break the causal link established between the subsidised imports from India and the material injury suffered by the Community industry, particularly in view of the development of the market share of these third countries over the period considered.
N a podlagi zgornjih ugotovitev se sprejme sklep, da je uvoz iz tretjih držav sicer lahko prispeval k škodi, povzročeni gospodarski panogi Skupnosti, da pa se sam zase, še zlasti zaradi gibanja tržnega deleža teh tretjih držav v zadevnem obdobju, ne more šteti kot zadosten za prekinitev ugotovljene vzročne povezave med subvencioniranim uvozom iz Indije in bistveno škodo, povzročeno gospodarski panogi Skupnosti.
215 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0132
One Polish producer submitted that one cause of the material injury suffered by the Community industry was the fact that prices for cereals had been declining since 1996 and that this had resulted in price pressure exerted from farmers on the ammonium nitrate producers' selling prices.
En poljski proizvajalec je trdil, da je bil eden od razlogov bistvene škode, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, padanje cen žitaric od leta 1996, kar je povzročilo cenovni pritisk kmetov na prodajne cene proizvajalcev amonijevega nitrata.
216 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
In this respect as stated in recitals 115 to 125 of the provisional duty Regulation, the investigation has shown that the overall trends for the Community industry are negative, notably in relation to market share and prices as well as profitability, giving a clear indication of material injury.
V zvezi s tem, kot je navedeno v uvodnih izjavah 115 do 125 uredbe o začasnih dajatvah, je preiskava pokazala, da so splošna gibanja za industrijo Skupnosti negativna, zlasti v zvezi s tržnim deležem, cenami in donosnostjo, kar je očiten kazalec znatne škode.
217 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2229
(48) For these reasons, and in the absence of any new information that would necessitate a revision of the finding that the Community industry suffered material injury during the IP, in particular for prices and profitability, the arguments raised by the Russian exporting producers are rejected.
(48) Zaradi teh razlogov in ker niso bile predložene nobene nove informacije, zaradi katerih bi bila potrebna revizija ugotovitve, da je industrija Skupnosti utrpela znatno škodo v OP, zlasti glede cen in donosnosti, se argumenti ruskih proizvajalcev izvoznikov zavrnejo.
218 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
The same interested parties also pointed to the fact that some of the parent companies of the entities forming the Community industry recorded substantial profits in the IP and that as such the Community industry did not suffer material injury within the meaning of Article 3 of the basic Regulation.
Iste zainteresirane stranke so tudi izpostavile dejstvo, da so nekatere matične družbe podjetij, ki tvorijo industrijo Skupnosti, v obdobju preiskave beležile znatne dobičke, in da zato tej industriji Skupnosti ni bila povzročena bistvena škoda v smislu člena 3 osnovne uredbe.
219 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0976
In view of the material injury suffered by the Community industry, it is concluded that, should the Community industry not recover from the unfair dumping practices, it is likely that the production in the Community will cease completely and that the users will be significantly dependant on imports.
V zvezi z bistveno škodo, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, se ugotavlja, da je verjetno, da bo proizvodnja v Skupnosti popolnoma prenehala obstajati in da bodo uporabniki popolnoma odvisni od uvoza, če si industrija Skupnosti ne bo opomogla od nepoštenega izvajanja dampinga.
220 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0151
It is recalled that in the original investigation, it was found that between 1990 and the end of the investigation period (end of April 1994), the Community industry suffered material injury which consisted mainly of a decline in sales with a resulting loss of market share as well as price depression.
Upoštevaje, da je bilo pri prvotni preiskavi ugotovljeno, da je med letom 1990 in koncem obdobja preiskave (konec aprila 1994) industrija Skupnosti utrpela znatno škodo, ki jo je v glavnem sestavljalo zmanjšanje prodaje in s tem izguba tržnega deleža ter padec cen.
221 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1995
In the same Regulation, it was provisionally concluded that no anti-dumping duty should be imposed on imports of the product concerned originating in the Slovak Republic, also subject to the same investigation, since these imports were not found to have caused material injury to the Community industry.
V isti uredbi je bilo začasno sklenjeno, da se ne uvede nobena protidampinška dajatev na uvoz zadevnega proizvoda s poreklom iz Slovaške republike, ki je bila tudi predmet iste preiskave, ker je bilo ugotovljeno, da ta uvoz ni povzročil resne škode industriji Skupnosti.
222 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
Due note was taken of the comments made by these Governments in regard to the allegations contained in the complaint regarding subsidised imports and material injury being suffered by the Community industry, and a certain number of the alleged schemes were subsequently not included in the investigation.
Pripombe teh vlad v zvezi s trditvami iz pritožbe o subvencioniranemu uvozu in znatni škodi, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, so se ustrezno upoštevale, zato v preiskavo niso bile vključene nekatere od domnevnih shem.
223 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
In view of the material injury suffered by the Community industry, it is concluded that, should the Community industry not recover from the unfair subsidisation practices, it is likely that the production in the Community will cease completely and that the users will be significantly dependant on imports.
V zvezi z bistveno škodo, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, se ugotavlja, da je verjetno, da bo proizvodnja v Skupnosti popolnoma prenehala obstajati in da bodo uporabniki popolnoma odvisni od uvoza, če si industrija Skupnosti ne bo opomogla od nepoštenega izvajanja subvencioniranja.
224 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
Certain exporting producers have alleged that the Community industry had not suffered material injury in the sense of Article 3 of the basic Regulation, on the basis that the Community industry's production, capacity, prices, investments and productivity remained stable or improved between 1994 and the IP.
Določeni proizvajalci izvozniki so trdili, da industrija Skupnosti ni utrpela znatne škode v smislu člena 3 osnovne uredbe, saj so proizvodnja, zmogljivost, cene, naložbe in storilnost industrije Skupnosti med letom 1994 in obdobjem preiskave ostale stabilne ali so se izboljšale.
225 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1676
Several interested parties questioned the conclusion reached in the provisional Regulation that the Community industry suffered material injury on the grounds that some factors have developed positively between 1996 and the IP (i.e. production capacity, production, sales volume, productivity, stocks and wages).
Več zainteresiranih strank je ugovarjalo zaključku iz začasne uredbe, da je industriji Skupnosti povzročena znatna škoda, kar so utemeljevale s tem, da so se nekateri dejavniki (npr. proizvodne zmogljivosti, proizvodnja, obseg prodaje, produktivnost, zaloge in plače) v času od leta 1996 do PO gibali pozitivno.
226 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
As indicated below in the conclusions on the economic situation of the Community industry, the conclusion of material injury was not only justified by the inadequate profitability achieved by the Community industry but also based on the negative developments observed for most of the economic indicators pertaining to that industry:
Kot je navedeno v spodnjih ugotovitvah o gospodarskem položaju industrije Skupnosti, je bila ugotovitev o znatni škodi utemeljena ne le z nezadostno dobičkonosnostjo industrije Skupnosti, temveč je temeljila tudi na opaženem negativnem razvoju večine gospodarskih kazalcev, ki se tičejo te industrije:
227 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
More importantly, while it is true that the economic situation of the Community industry improved in the period 1996 to 1998, the figures and above conclusions clearly show, in the subsequent period, a strong deterioration of the situation of the Community industry and material injury being suffered by the Community industry in the IP.
Res je sicer, da se je gospodarski položaj industrije Skupnosti med letoma 1996 in 1998 izboljšal, vendar pa je veliko bolj pomembno to, da je iz podatkov in zgornjih sklepov nedvomno razvidno, da se je po letu 1998 položaj industrije Skupnosti močno poslabšal in da je bila industriji Skupnosti v obdobju preiskave povzročena znatna škoda.
228 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
(192) With a market share of 7,2 % in the IP, the subsidised imports originating in India were substantial and have been made at low and falling prices during a period in which the Community industry suffered material injury in terms of falling market shares, capacity utilisation, investments, profitability, return on investment and cash flow.
(192) Subvencioniran uvoz iz Indije je imel v OP tržni delež 7,2 %, kar je veliko, in je bil izvajan po nizkih in padajočih cenah v obdobju, ko je industrija Skupnosti trpela škodo v obliki zmanjševanja tržnih deležev, izkoriščanja zmogljivosti, naložb, donosnosti, donosa iz naložb in denarnega toka.
229 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
As regards imports from other countries, it has already been determined by Regulation (EC) No 1050/2002, that imports of the like product from Taiwan were dumped and had caused material injury to the Community industry between 1997 and 2000. Imports from Taiwan still increased between 2000 and 2001 and slightly decreased between 2001 and the IP.
V zvezi z uvozom iz drugih držav je bilo z Uredbo (ES) št. 1050/2002 že ugotovljeno, da je bil uvoz podobnih izdelkov iz Tajvana dampinški in je povzročil znatno škodo industriji Skupnosti med leti 1997 in 2000. Uvoz iz Tajvana je med letoma 2000 in 2001 še naraščal, nato pa rahlo upadel med letom 2001 in obdobjem preiskave.
230 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0976
Given the analysis, which has properly distinguished and separated the effects of all the known factors on the situation of the Community industry from the injurious effects of the dumped imports, it is hereby concluded that these other factors as such do not reverse the fact that the material injury found must be attributed to the dumped imports.
Glede na preiskavo, ki je ustrezno razlikovala in ločila vplive vseh znanih dejavnikov na položaj industrije Skupnosti od škodljivih vplivov dampinškega uvoza, se ugotavlja, da navedeni drugi dejavniki sami ne spremenijo dejstva, da je treba bistveno škodo, ki je bila ugotovljena, pripisati dampinškemu uvozu.
231 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2861
Two Japanese producers questioned the Commission's recognition of under-utilization of capacity as an indicator of material injury at recital 57 of the provisional Regulation, while, at the same time, complainant Community producers were importing sometimes substantial quantities of the product concerned from the countries covered by the proceeding.
Dva japonska proizvajalca sta ugovarjala, ker je Komisija premajhno izkoriščenost zmogljivosti označila kot kazatelja materialne škode v uvodni izjavi 57 začasne uredbe, medtem ko so proizvajalci Skupnosti - pritožniki sočasno uvažali, pogosto znatne količine zadevnega izdelka iz držav, zajetih v postopku.
232 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
Given the analysis, which has properly distinguished and separated the effects of all the known factors on the situation of the Community industry from the injurious effects of the subsidised imports, it is hereby concluded that these other factors as such do not reverse the fact that the material injury found must be attributed to the subsidised imports.
Glede na preiskavo, ki je ustrezno razlikovala in ločila vplive vseh znanih dejavnikov na položaj industrije Skupnosti od škodljivih vplivov subvencioniranega uvoza, se ugotavlja, da navedeni drugi dejavniki sami ne spremenijo dejstva, da je treba bistveno škodo, ki je bila ugotovljena, pripisati dampinškemu uvozu.
233 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
(194) Based on the above analysis, which has properly distinguished and separated the effects of all known factors on the situation of the Community industry from the injurious effects of the subsidised imports, it is concluded that the imports from India have caused material injury to the Community within the meaning of Article 8(6) of the basic Regulation.
(194) Na podlagi zgornje analize, ki je ustrezno razmejila in ločila učinke vseh znanih dejavnikov na stanje industrije Skupnosti od škodljivih učinkov subvencioniranega uvoza, je ugotovljeno, da je uvoz iz Indije povzročil znatno škodo industriji Skupnosti v smislu člena 8(6) osnovne uredbe.
234 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
The Czech exporting producer further alleged that the Community industry had not suffered material injury in the sense of Article 3 of the basic Regulation since the Commission had in several instances taken 1995 as a starting point for its analysis whereas, had 1996 been taken as a starting point, several economic indicators would actually show a positive trend.
Češki proizvajalec izvoznik je nadalje trdil, da industrija Skupnosti ni utrpela znatne škode v smislu člena 3 osnovne uredbe, saj je Komisija v več primerih kot izhodišče za svojo analizo vzela leto 1995, če pa bi kot izhodišče vzela leto 1996, bi več gospodarskih kazalcev pravzaprav kazalo pozitiven trend.
235 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0976
In view of the above, it is concluded that the material injury suffered by the Community industry, which is characterised by a negative development of production, sales volumes, prices, market share, profitability, return on investment, cash flow and employment duly adjusted to take account of the relocation to Hungary, was caused by the dumped imports concerned.
Glede na zgornje navedbe se ugotavlja, da je bistveno škodo, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, za katero je značilen negativen razvoj proizvodnje, obsega prodaje, cen, tržnega deleža, donosnosti, donosnosti naložb, denarnega toka in zaposlovanja, ustrezno prilagojenih zaradi upoštevanja premestitve na Madžarsko, povzročil zadevni dampinški uvoz.
236 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
In view of the above, it is concluded that the material injury suffered by the Community industry, which is characterised by a negative development of production, sales volumes, prices, market share, profitability, return on investment, cash flow and employment duly adjusted to take account of the relocation to Hungary, was caused by the subsidised imports concerned.
Glede na zgornje navedbe se ugotavlja, da je bistveno škodo, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti, za katero je značilen negativen razvoj proizvodnje, obsega prodaje, cen, tržnega deleža, donosnosti, donosnosti naložb, denarnega toka in zaposlovanja, ustrezno prilagojenih zaradi upoštevanja premestitve na Madžarsko, povzročil zadevni subvencionirani uvoz.
237 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2093
Given the above analysis, which has properly distinguished and separated the effects of all the known factors from each other and their effect on the situation of the Community industry from the injurious effects of the dumped imports, and after having ensured that the injury caused by other factors is not attributed to the dumped imports, it is hereby confirmed that these other factors as such do not reverse the fact that there exists a genuine and substantial causal link between the dumped imports and the material injury found.
Na podlagi zgornje analize, v kateri so bili učinki vseh znanih dejavnikov na položaj industrije Skupnosti jasno razmejeni med seboj in od škodljivih učinkov dampinškega uvoza, ter po tem, ko se je zagotovilo, da se škoda, ki so jo povzročili drugi dejavniki, ni pripisala dampinškemu uvozu, se potrdi, da ti drugi dejavniki kot taki ne spremenijo dejstva, da dejansko obstaja pomembna vzročna zveza med dampinškim uvozom in ugotovljeno znatno škodo.
238 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
(84) Based on the conclusions reached in recital (51) and taking into account that there is no clearly foreseeable threat of increasing import volumes from the Republic of Croatia (see recital (69)) and that, under these circumstances, the recurrence of material injury is not imminent, no determination of a definitive duty has been made in respect of the Republic of Croatia.
(84) Na podlagi sklepov iz uvodne izjave (51) in ob upoštevanju, da nevarnost povečanja količin uvoza iz Republike Hrvaške (glej uvodno izjavo (69)) ni jasno izražena ter da v teh okoliščinah ne kaže na ponovno pojavljanje znatne škode, se za Republiko Hrvaško ni določila dokončna dajatev.
239 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
(3) Prior to the initiation of the proceeding and in accordance with Article 10(9) of Regulation (EC) No 2026/97 (the basic Regulation), the Commission notified the Government of India (GOI) that it had received a properly documented complaint alleging that subsidised imports of cotton-type bedlinen originating in India were causing material injury to the Community industry.
(3) Pred začetkom postopka in v skladu s členom 10(9) Uredbe (ES) št. 2026/97 (osnovna uredba) je Komisija obvestila indijsko vlado, da je prejela pravilno dokumentirano pritožbo, da subvencioniran uvoz bombažnega posteljnega perila s poreklom iz Indije povzroča znatno škodo industriji Skupnosti.
240 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
As in the previous proceedings, it was found that the assessment of the situation of the Community industry would be distorted if Community producers related to those producers from countries involved in prior proceedings found to be dumping the product concerned, and causing material injury to the applicant, were not excluded from the definition of the `Community production` .
(41) Kot pri prejšnjih postopkih se je tudi tu ugotovilo, da bi bila ocena položaja industrije Skupnosti izkrivljena, če se iz opredelitve proizvodnje Skupnosti' ne izključi proizvajalcev Skupnosti, ki so povezani s tistimi proizvajalci iz držav iz predhodnega postopka, za katere se je ugotovilo, da se ukvarjajo z dampingom zadevnega izdelka in povzročajo materialno škodo vlagatelju.
241 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1470
It has been found that, even if such imports were to be excluded from the analysis, the conclusions as to the existence of material injury caused by dumped imports would remain unchanged, notably in view of the considerable price undercutting and the substantial increase in volume and market shares as well as the decrease in the sales prices, which would be even more significant.
Ugotovljeno je bilo, da kljub izključitvi takšnih uvozov iz analize, bi zaključki glede obstoja materialne škode, ki so jo povzročili dampinški uvozi, ostali nespremenjeni, predvsem glede precejšnjega nelojalnega znižanja cen in znatnega povečanja obsega in tržnih deležev kot tudi znižanja prodajnih cen, ki bi bili še občutnejši.
242 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
As in the previous proceedings, the Commission found that the assessment of the situation of the Community industry would be distorted if Community producers related to those producers from countries involved in prior proceedings found to be dumping the product concerned, and causing material injury to the applicant, were not excluded from the definition of the 'Community production'.
Kot v prejšnjih postopkih je Komisija tudi tu ugotovila, da bi bila ocena položaja industrije Skupnosti izkrivljena, če bi iz opredelitve 'proizvodnje Skupnosti' ne izključi proizvajalcev Skupnosti, ki so povezani s tistimi proizvajalci iz držav iz predhodnih postopkov, za katere se je ugotovilo, da po dampinških cenah izvažajo zadevni izdelek in povzročajo znatno škodo vlagatelju zahteve.
243 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0976
Koloman Handler AG (Koloman), Austria, and Krause Ringbuchtechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Krause), Germany (the complainants) representing a major proportion, in this case about 90 %, of the Community production of RBMs. The complaint contained evidence of dumping of the said product and of material injury resulting therefrom, which was considered sufficient to justify the initiation of a proceeding.
Koloman Handler AG (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Koloman") iz Avstrije in Krause Ringbuchtechnik GmbH & Co. KG (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Krause") iz Nemčije, ki predstavljata velik del proizvodnje obročkastih mehanizmov za mape v Skupnosti (približno 90 %). Pritožba je vsebovala dokaz o dampingu v zvezi z navedenim izdelkom in o znatni škodi, ki je bila posledica tega, kar je zadostovalo, da je bil začetek postopka upravičen.
244 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0978
In the light of the above and in view of the fact that the cumulation of imports from Indonesia did not give grounds such as to change the provisional findings and the conclusion that the Community industry suffered material injury during the IP, the contents of recitals 151 and 152 of the provisional duty Regulation regarding the conclusion on the situation of the Community industry are hereby confirmed.
Glede na zgornje navedbe in dejstvo, da kopičenje uvoza iz Indonezije ni predstavljala zadostne podlage za spremembo začasnih ugotovitev in ugotovitve, da je industrija Skupnosti v obdobju preiskave utrpela znatno škodo, se potrdi vsebina uvodnih izjav 151 in 152 Uredbe o začasnih dajatvah v zvezi s položajem industrije Skupnosti.
245 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
Prior to the initiation of the proceeding and in accordance with Article 10(9) of Regulation (EC) No 2026/97 (hereinafter referred to as the 'basic Regulation'), the Commission notified the Governments of India and Indonesia that it had received a properly documented complaint alleging that subsidised imports of RBMs originating in India and Indonesia are causing material injury to the Community industry.
Komisija je pred začetkom postopka in v skladu s členom 10(9) Uredbe (ES) št. 2026/97 (v nadaljnjem besedilu "osnovna uredba") obvestila vladi Indije in Indonezije, da je prejela ustrezno dokumentirano pritožbo o tem, da naj bi subvencionirani uvoz obročkastih mehanizmov za mape s poreklom iz Indije in Indonezije povzročal znatno škodo industriji Skupnosti.
246 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
Koloman Handler AG ('Koloman'), Austria, and Krause Ringbuchtechnik GmbH & Co. KG ('Krause'), Germany, (the 'complainants'), representing a major proportion, in this case about 90 %, of the Community production of RBMs. The complaint contained evidence of subsidisation of the said product, and of material injury resulting therefrom, which was considered sufficient to justify the initiation of a proceeding.
Koloman Handler AG (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Koloman") iz Avstrije in Krause Ringbuchtechnik GmbH & Co. KG (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Krause") iz Nemčije, ki predstavljata velik del proizvodnje obročkastih mehanizmov za mape v Skupnosti (približno 90 %). Pritožba je vsebovala dokaz o subvencioniranju navedenega izdelka in o znatni škodi, ki je bila posledica tega, kar je zadostovalo, da se upraviči začetek postopka.
247 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
However, in view of the market share of the imports originating in India (which accounted for more than 11 % of the total imports volume into the Community during the investigation period) and the significant undercutting found, it is concluded that this alone was not sufficient to break the causal link established between the subsidised imports from India and the material injury suffered by the Community industry.
Vendar pa se zaradi tržnega deleža uvoza s poreklom iz Indije (ki je v obdobju preiskave znašal več kot 11 % skupnega uvoza v Skupnost) in ugotovljenega znatnega nelojalnega nižanja cen zagovarja stališče, da to samo ne zadostuje za prekinitev ugotovljene vzročne povezave med subvencioniranim uvozom iz Indije in znatno škodo, povzročeno industriji Skupnosti.
248 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
first, during the IP these imports were subject to a customs duty of 10,2 % (until December 2001) and 9,6 % (from January 2002), while imports originating in Pakistan, the largest supplier, were exempt from that duty from January 2002. Second, as to the size of the market share, the decisive question is not whether a market share is relatively small or not, but whether it is large enough to be able to cause material injury.
prvič, med OP so se za ta uvoz pobirale carinske dajatve 10,2 % (do decembra 2001) in 9,6 % (od januarja 2002), medtem ko je bil uvoz iz Pakistana, ki je največji dobavitelj, dajatev prost od januarja 2002. Drugič, glede velikosti tržnega deleža se ne pojavlja vprašanje, ali je delež relativno majhen ali ne, ampak, ali je dovolj velik, da lahko povzroči znatno škodo.
249 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2094
Given the above analysis, which has properly distinguished and separated the effects of all the known factors from each other and their effect on the situation of the Community industry from the injurious effects of the subsidised imports, and after having ensured that the injury caused by other factors is not attributed to the subsidised imports, it is hereby confirmed that the effect of these other factors was not such as to alter the fact that there exists a genuine and substantial relationship of cause and effect between the subsidised imports and the material injury suffered by the Community industry.
Na podlagi zgornje analize, v kateri so bili učinki vseh znanih dejavnikov na položaj industrije Skupnosti jasno razmejeni med seboj in od škodljivih učinkov subvencioniranega uvoza, ter po tem, ko se je zagotovilo, da se škoda, ki so jo povzročili drugi dejavniki, ni pripisala subvencioniranemu uvozu, se potrdi, da učinki teh drugih dejavnikov ne spremenijo dejstva, da dejansko obstaja pomembna vzročna zveza med subvencioniranim uvozom in znatno škodo, povzročeno industriji Skupnosti.
250 Pravna redakcija
If one of the Parties considers that a particular practice of the other Party is incompatible with the terms of this article, and if that practice causes or threatens to cause prejudice to the interests of the first Party or material injury to its domestic industry, this Party may take appropriate measures after consultation within the contact group referred to in Article 7 or after 30 working days following referral for such consultation.
Če ena od pogodbenic meni, da je neko ravnanje druge pogodbenice neskladno s pogoji tega člena, in če takšno ravnanje posega ali bi utegnilo posegati v interese prve pogodbenice ali povzročiti materialno škodo njeni domači industriji, lahko ta pogodbenica sprejme ustrezne ukrepe po posvetu s skupino za stike iz člena 7 ali po 30 delovnih dnevih po zahtevi za takšna posvetovanja.
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material injury