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specific check
201 Pravna redakcija
A requested Contracting Party may add to the alert in the data file of its national section of the Schengen Information System a flag prohibiting, until the flag is deleted, performance of the action to be taken on the basis of the alert for the purposes of discreet surveillance or specific checks.
Zaprošena pogodbenica lahko razpis ukrepa v podatkovni zbirki svojega nacionalnega dela schengenskega informacijskega sistema označi tako, da se do izbrisa označitve ne izvaja noben ukrep na podlagi razpisa za prikrito registracijo ali za namensko kontrolo.
202 Pravna redakcija
In order to achieve uniform application of the rules in this area, a minimum compulsory rate of physical checks on products placed under the prefinancing arrangements should be introduced, to be carried out when the payment declaration is accepted; it should be specified also that these checks must be carried out in accordance with the system laid down in Council Regulation (EEC) No 386/90(5), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 163/94(6), and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2090/2002(7).
Da bi dosegli enotno uporabo pravil na tem področju, je treba uvesti minimalno obvezno stopnjo fizičnih pregledov na proizvode, dane v postopke predfinanciranja, ki se izvedejo ob sprejemu plačilne deklaracije; navede se tudi, da je te preglede treba opraviti v skladu s sistemom iz Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 386/90 fn, kakor je bila spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 163/94 fn in Uredbo Komisije (ES) 2090/2002 fn.
203 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to the specific provisions of this Directive, the competent authority shall, where it is suspected that this Directive is not being complied with or there is doubt as to whether the products referred to in Article 1 are fit for consumption, carry out any checks it deems appropriate.
Brez poseganja v posebne določbe te direktive, mora pristojni organ, če domneva, da se ta direktiva ne upošteva, ali če dvomi, ali so izdelki iz člena 1 primerni za prehrano, opraviti vse preglede, ki se mu zdijo ustrezni.
204 Pravna redakcija
If the checks reveal significant irregularities in a region or part of a region or for a specific producer organisation, the competent authority shall carry out additional checks during the year in question and shall increase the percentage of corresponding applications to be checked the following year.
Če kontrolni pregledi razkrijejo precejšnje nepravilnosti v regiji ali delu regije ali v določeni organizaciji proizvajalcev, pristojni organ opravi dodatne kontrolne preglede med zadevnim letom in poveča odstotek ustreznih zahtevkov, ki jih je treba pregledati v naslednjem letu.
205 Pravna redakcija
The Member State shall check that the application is justified and shall forward the application, including the product specification referred to in Article 4 and other documents on which it has based its decision, to the Commission, if it considers that it satisfies the requirements of this Regulation.
Država članica preveri, ali je vloga utemeljena in jo, skupaj s specifikacijo proizvoda iz člena 4 in drugimi dokumenti, na osnovi katerih je podala svojo odločitev pošlje Komisiji, če meni, da izpolnjuje zahteve iz te uredbe.
206 Pravna redakcija
Should the checks reveal significant irregularities in a region or part of a region or a specific producer organisation, the competent authorities shall carry out additional checks during the year in question and shall increase the percentage of corresponding applications to be checked the following year.
Če se med pregledom odkrijejo večje nepravilnosti v določeni regiji oziroma njenem delu ali v določeni organizaciji proizvajalcev, pristojni organi v spornem letu opravijo dodatne preglede in povečajo odstotek zahtevkov za pregled v naslednjem letu.
207 Pravna redakcija
The check must take the form of a measurement of pressure loss under the conditions specified in item 5. 3. 4. 1 or 5. 3. 4. 2. The value measured with the replacement exhaust system must not exceed the value measured with the original equipment system by more than 25 % under the conditions mentioned below.
5.3.3 Preskus mora biti izveden v obliki meritve izgube tlaka pod pogoji iz točke ali Vrednost, izmerjena z nadomestnim izpušnim sistemom, ne sme za več kot 25 % preseči vrednosti, izmerjene z originalnim sistemom, pod spodaj navedenimi pogoji.
208 Pravna redakcija
Where a manufacturer has not applied, or has only partly applied, the harmonized standards or where there are no such standards, the body of which notification has been given must check the suitability of the technical specifications used by the manufacturer with respect to the basic requirements before examining the manufacturer's technical file to establish its suitability with respect to these technical specifications.
Kjer proizvajalec ni uporabil usklajenih standardov, ali jih je uporabil le delno, ali kjer takšnih standardov ni, mora priglašeni organ preveriti ustreznost tehničnih specifikacij, ki jih je uporabil proizvajalec ob upoštevanju osnovnih zahtev, preden pregleda proizvajalčevo tehnično dokumentacijo, da bi ugotovil, ali je ustrezna glede na te tehnične specifikacije.
209 Pravna redakcija
of the fresh meat in Switzerland the responsible veterinary authorities of Switzerland carried out the appropriate checks having the same effect as the checks required by the European Communities in similar circumstances to ensure that the fresh meat satisfied the requirements of Directive 72/462/EEC including public health conditions laid down in Article 4 and specific animal health conditions laid down pursuant to Article 16, or of Directive 64/433/EEC and of Article 3 and 4 of Directive 72/461/EEC.
Po uvozu tega svežega mesa v Švico so pristojni veterinarski organi Švice opravili ustrezne preglede z istim učinkom kot pregledom, ki jih zahteva Evropska skupnost v podobnih okoliščinah. S tem je potrjeno, da je sveže meso izpolnjevalo zahteve Direktive 72/462/EGS, vključno s javnozdravstvenimi pogoji iz člena 4 ter posebnimi pogoji zdravstvenega varstva živali iz člena 16, pa tudi zahteve Direktive 64/433/EGS ter členov 3 in 4 Direktive 72/461/EGS.
210 Pravna redakcija
For the purpose of the examination to check whether the abovementioned conditions have been satisfied, samples shall be taken officially in accordance with the ISTA rules, and their weights shall conform to the weight stipulated under such methods, taking into account those specified in the following Directives:
Da se preveri upoštevanje zgoraj navedenih pogojev, se uradno odvzamejo vzorci v skladu s pravili ISTA, pri čemer mora njihova masa ustrezati masi, predpisani v skladu s temi metodami ob upoštevanju mase, navedene v naslednjih Direktivah:
211 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to the specific provisions of this Directive, the competent authority shall, where it is suspected that the provisions of this Directive have not been complied with or there is doubt as to whether the products referred to in Article 1 are fit for consumption, carry out any checks it deems appropriate.
Brez vpliva na posamezne določbe te direktive lahko pristojni organ, če sumi, da se določb te direktive ne upošteva, ali dvomi, da so izdelki iz člena 1 primerni za prehrano, opravi vse preglede, za katere meni, da so potrebni.
212 Pravna redakcija
In this context, one solution would be to provide checkpoints specifically for persons covered by Community law, so that these travellers, who are generally subject only to minimal checks, are not delayed on account of having to go to the same counter as third-country nationals who must undergo thorough and lengthy checks.
Z doseganjem tega namena bi bila ena od možnih rešitev uvedba posebnih kontrolnih mest za osebe, za katere velja pravo Skupnosti. Tem potnikom, pri katerih se običajno opravljajo minimalne kontrole, ne bi bilo treba zgubljati časa zaradi prestopa meje na istem kontrolnem mestu kakor državljanom tretjihdržav, pri katerih je izvajanje mejne kontrole temeljitejše in zamudnejše.
213 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1440
A statement by the tenderer waiving all claims in respect of the quality and characteristics of any alcohol awarded, agreeing to submit to any checks made on the destination and use of the alcohol and accepting responsibility for providing evidence that the alcohol is used as specified in this notice of invitation to tender.
Izjava ponudnika, da se odpoveduje vsem zahtevam glede kakovosti in značilnosti dodeljenega alkohola, da se strinja, da bo dovolil preglede namembnega kraja in uporabe alkohola in da bo sprejel odgovornost za predložitev dokazil, da se je alkohol uporabil kakor je navedeno v tem obvestilu o razpisu.
214 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
After completion of the veterinary checks specified in Article 4 of Directive 91/496/EEC, part 2 of the CVED shall be completed under the responsibility of the official veterinarian responsible for the border inspection post and shall be signed by him/her or by another official veterinarian operating under his/her authority.
Po dokončanih veterinarskih pregledih iz člena 4 Direktive 91/496/EGS, del 2, uradni veterinar, odgovoren za mejno kontrolno točko, do konca izpolni CVED in ga podpiše; enako lahko stori drug uradni veterinar, ki naloge izvaja po pooblastilu veterinarja, odgovornega za mejno kontrolno točko.
215 Pravna redakcija
With prejudice to the specific provisions of this Directive, the official veterinarian or the competent authority shall, where it is suspected that veterinary legislation has not been complied with or there is doubt as to whether wild game meat is fit for consumption, carry out any veterinary checks he or it deems appropriate.
Ob upoštevanju posebnih predpisov te direktive, uradni veterinar ali pristojni organ, kadar obstaja sum, da se veterinarska zakonodaja ne izpolnjuje, ali dvom, da je meso divjadi primerno za prehrano, opravi ustrezne veterinarske preglede.
216 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), certain cases or circumstances may be specified in which "identity checks" and "plant health checks" may be carried out at the place of destination, such as a place of production, approved by the official body and customs authorities responsible for the area where that place of destination is located, instead of the aforesaid other places, provided that specific guarantees and documents as regards the transport of plants, plant products and other objects are complied with.
V skladu s postopkom iz člena 18(2) se lahko opredelijo nekateri primeri ali okoliščine, v katerih lahko "preverjanje istovetnosti" ali "zdravstvene preglede rastlin" opravijo na namembnem kraju, kot je kraj proizvodnje, ki ga odobrijo uradni organ in carinski organi, odgovorni za območje, na katerem je namembni kraj, namesto na prej omenjenih drugih krajih, pod pogojem da so izpolnjena posebna jamstva in upoštevani dokumenti v zvezi s prevozom rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov.
217 Pravna redakcija
in its entirety or on one or more representative samples, including the packaging and, where appropriate, the transport vehicles, the consignment or lot or their wood packing material comply with the requirements laid down in this Directive, as specified in Article 13(l)(i) (plant health checks), and whether Article 16(2) applies.
pošiljka ali partija v celoti ali eden ali več njenih reprezentativnih vzorcev, vključno z embalažo in, če je primerno, transportnim vozilom, ali njihov leseni pakirni material ustrezajo zahtevam, predpisanim v tej direktivi, kot je določeno v členu 13(1)(i) (zdravstveni pregled rastlin), in ali se uporablja člen 16(2).
218 Pravna redakcija
or the assessment/judgement by a notified body or bodies of the suitability for use of an interoperability constituent, considered within its railway environment and, in particular in cases where the interfaces are involved, in relation to the technical specifications, particularly those of a functional nature, which are to be checked.
bodisi oceno/presojo o primernosti komponente interoperatibilnosti za uporabo, ki jo opravi(-jo) priglašeni organ(-i) v železniškem okolju in posebno, kadar gre za vmesnike, glede na tehnične specifikacije, zlasti funkcionalne, ki jih je treba preveriti.
219 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Without prejudice to specific Community rules relating to certain products, the products referred to in Article 16(1)(a), (b), and (d) of Directive 97/78/EC shall not be subject to the systematic veterinary checks set out in Chapter 1 of that Directive if they are less than 1 kg in weight only and destined for personal human consumption.
Brez poseganja v posebne predpise Skupnosti za nekatere proizvode, se sistematični veterinarski pregledi iz poglavja 1 Direktive 97/78/ES ne opravljajo na proizvodih iz člena 16(1)(a), (b), in (d) navedene direktive, če so ti lažji od 1 kg in namenjeni za osebno prehrano.
220 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
The technical specifications and methods of testing, checking, acceptance and calculation in each contract, may be defined in order of precedence, by reference to the common standards accepted by the EEC and the OCT concerned, or the standards of the OCT concerned, or of a Member State, or any other standard, including international standards.
Tehnične specifikacije in metode preizkušanja, preverjanja, prevzema in izračuna vsake naročila se lahko opredelijo v prednostnem vrstnem redu s sklicevanjem na skupne standarde, sprejete s strani EGS in zadevne ČDO ali države članice, ali katere koli druge standarde, vključujoč mednarodne standarde.
221 Pravna redakcija
"Identity checks" and "plant health checks" must be made, without prejudice to (c) and (d) below, by the official body of point of entry in connection with the customs formalities required for placing under a customs procedure as referred to in Article 13(1) or Article 13(4), and either at the same place as these formalities, on the premises of the official body of point of entry or at any other place close by and designated or approved by the customs authorities and by the responsible official body, other than the place of destination as specified under (d).
Brez poseganja v (c) in (d) spodaj, mora "preverjanje istovetnosti" in "zdravstvene preglede rastlin"opraviti uradni organ vstopnega mejnega prehoda v povezavi s carinskimi formalnostmi, zahtevanimi za uvedbo carinskega postopka, kot je navedeno v členu 13(1) ali členu 13(4), in sicer na istem mestu kot te formalnosti, v prostorih uradnega organa vstopnega mejnega prehoda ali na katerem koli bližnjem kraju, ki ga določijo ali odobrijo carinski organi in odgovorni uradni organ in ki ni namembni kraj, kot je določeno pod (d).
222 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0009
For motor vehicles equipped with on-board diagnostic systems in accordance with Directive 98/69/EC, Member States may as an alternative to the test specified in item (a) establish the correct functioning of the emission system through the appropriate reading of the OBD device and simultaneous checking of the proper functioning of the OBD system.'
Pri motornih vozilih, ki so v skladu z Direktivo 98/69/ES opremljena z vgrajenimi sistemi za diagnostiko, lahko države članice alternativno preskusu, navedenemu v točki (a), ugotavljajo pravilno delovanje sistema za emisije z ustreznim razbiranjem naprave OBD in hkratnim preverjanjem pravilnega delovanja sistema OBD."
223 Pravna redakcija
in addition to the testing standards specifically mentioned, a number of provisions, which must be checked during type-examination (type approval) as referred to in the modules for conformity assessment in Annex B, are to be found in the applicable requirements of the international conventions and the relevant resolutions and circulars of the IMO.
Poleg posebej navedenih standardov preskušanja obstajajo v veljavnih zahtevah mednarodnih konvencij in ustreznih resolucij ter okrožnic IMO številne določbe, ki se morajo preveriti med tipskim pregledom (homologacijo), kakor je navedeno v modulih ugotavljanja skladnosti v Prilogi B.
224 Pravna redakcija
From the time of their removal from intervention stock until the use and/or destination specified has been verified, the products referred to in Article 1 shall be subject to control, comprising physical checks, scrutiny of documents and audit of accounts, by the designated control bodies, hereafter referred to as 'the competent control authority'.
Od trenutka odstranitve proizvodov iz intervencijskih zalog in dokler ni ugotovljeno, da so pridobili predvideno uporabo in/ali namen, so proizvodi, navedeni v členu 1, predmet kontrole, ki vključuje fizične preglede, pregled dokumentov in revizijo poslovnih knjig določenega kontrolnega organa, v nadaljevanju imenovanega “pristojni kontrolni organ”.
225 Pravna redakcija
Reimports not covered by the Annex to this Protocol may be made subject to specific quantitative limits following consultations in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 15 of the Agreement, provided the products concerned are subject to quantitative limits pursuant to the Agreement, to a double-checking system or to surveillance measures.
Za ponovni uvoz, ki ga Priloga k temu protokolu ne zajema, se lahko po posvetovanjih uvedejo posebne količinske omejitve v skladu s postopki, določenimi v členu 15 Sporazuma, pod pogojem, da za zadevne izdelke veljajo količinske omejitve na podlagi Sporazuma, sistem dvojne kontrole ali nadzorni ukrepi.
226 Pravna redakcija
The notified body must carry out the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the subsystem with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and with the requirements of Directive 96/48/EC and the TSI by examination and testing of every subsystem, manufactured as a serial product, as specified under Point 4.
Priglašeni organ mora opraviti ustrezne preglede in preskuse, da preveri skladnost podsistema s tipom, opisanim v ES-certifikatu o pregledu tipa, in zahtevami Direktive 96/48/ES in TSI s pregledi in preskušanjem vsakega podsistema, proizvedenega kot serijski proizvod, kot je določeno pod točko 4.
227 Pravna redakcija
In order to be able to check the real effectiveness of these methods and, if necessary, to fix specific maximum limits for the unprocessed cereals, it is foreseen for a limited period to apply the maximum limits as laid down in Annex I only for cereals and processed products thereof intended for direct human consumption or as an ingredient in foodstuffs.
Da bi lahko preverili dejansko učinkovitost teh postopkov, in če je treba, določili posebne zgornje mejne vrednosti za nepredelana žita, je za omejeno časovno obdobje predvidena uporaba zgornjih mejnih vrednosti, kot so predpisane v Prilogi I samo za žita in predelane žitne izdelke, namenjene neposredni prehrani ljudi ali kot sestavino živil.
228 Pravna redakcija
Reimports not covered by the Annex to this Protocol may be made subject to specific quantitative limits following consultations in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 15 of the Agreement, provided the products concerned are subject to quantitative limits under Annex II to the Agreement, to a double-checking system or to surveillance measures.
Za ponovni uvoz, ki ga Priloga k temu protokolu ne zajema, se lahko po posvetovanjih uvedejo posebne količinske omejitve v skladu s postopki, določenimi v členu 15 Sporazuma, pod pogojem, da za zadevne izdelke veljajo količinske omejitve na podlagi Priloge II k Sporazumu, sistem dvojne kontrole ali nadzorni ukrepi.
229 Pravna redakcija
The guarantees which must be furnished by the consignees referred to in points (iii) and (iv) of the first subparagraph shall be specified in an agreement with the competent authority to be signed at the time of the prior registration provided for in Article 12. The competent authority shall carry out random checks to verify compliance with those guarantees.
Jamstva, ki jih morajo predložiti prejemniki iz točk (iii) in (iv) prvega pododstavka, se določijo po dogovoru s pristojnim organom, ki ga je treba podpisati ob predhodni registraciji v smislu člena 12. Pristojni organ izvaja naključne preglede, na podlagi katerih preverja skladnost s temi jamstvi.
230 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1429
Where the customs office of exit or the office to which the T5 control copy is sent finds that the seals affixed on departure have been removed other than under customs supervision or have been broken or that the dispensation from sealing under Article 357(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 has not been granted, a specific substitution check shall be carried out.
Ko carinski urad izstopa ali urad, ki mu je poslan kontrolni izvod T5 ugotovi, da so bile oznake, pritrjene ob odhodu, odstranjene brez carinskega nadzora ali so bile zlomljene ali ni bila odobrena oprostitev od označevanja v skladu s členom 357(4) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93, se opravi poseben pregled zamenjave.
231 Pravna redakcija
The Schengen Information System shall enable the authorities designated by the Contracting Parties, by means of an automated search procedure, to have access to alerts on persons and property for the purposes of border checks and other police and customs checks carried out within the country in accordance with national law and, in the case of the specific category of alerts referred to in Article 96, for the purposes of issuing visas, residence permits and the administration of legislation on aliens in the context of the application of the provisions of this Convention relating to the movement of persons.
Schengenski informacijski sistem omogoča organom, ki jih imenujejo pogodbenice, dostop do razpisov ukrepov za osebe in premoženje s postopkom avtomatskega preiskovanja za namene mejnih kontrol in drugih policijskih in carinskih kontrol, ki se izvajajo v notranjosti države v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo in, pri posebnih vrstah razpisov ukrepa iz člena 96, za namene izdaje vizumov, dovoljenj za prebivanje in izvajanja zakonodaje o tujcih v smislu uporabe določb te konvencije v zvezi s pretokom oseb.
232 Pravna redakcija
Reimports into the Community within the meaning of Article 4 of this Agreement may be made subject to specific quantitative limits following consultations in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 14 of this Agreement, provided the products concerned are subject to quantitative limits pursuant to this Agreement, to a double-checking system or to surveillance measures.
Za ponovni uvoz v Skupnost v smislu člena 4 tega sporazuma se lahko po posvetovanjih uvedejo posebne količinske omejitve v skladu s postopki, določenimi v členu 14 tega sporazuma, pod pogojem, da za zadevne izdelke veljajo količinske omejitve na podlagi tega sporazuma, sistem dvojnega preverjanja ali nadzorni ukrepi.
233 Pravna redakcija
Where the fisheries products landed are intended for sale at a later date, and where such products are to be placed on the market at a price provided for in a contract or at a fixed price set for a specified period, Member States shall carry out appropriate verifications to check the accuracy of the information in the take-over declarations and sales notes referred to in paragraph 2.
Če so ribiški proizvodi namenjeni za prodajo ob kasnejšem datumu in če naj bi bili ti proizvodi dani v promet po ceni, določeni v pogodbi, ali po fiksni ceni, postavljeni za določeno obdobje, države članice opravijo ustrezne kontrole, s katerimi preverijo točnost podatkov v prevzemnih deklaracijah in potrdilih o prodaji iz odstavka 2.
234 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, to guarantee that agricultural products and foodstuffs consistently possess the certified specific characteristics, groups of producers must themselves define the said characteristics in a product specification but whereas the rules for approving inspection bodies responsible for checking that the product specification is complied with must be uniform throughout the Community;
ker morajo zaradi zagotavljanja doslednost certificiranega posebnega značaja kmetijskih proizvodov in živil, same skupine proizvajalcev določiti navedeni značaj v specifikaciji proizvoda, pri čemer morajo bili določbe za odobritev nadzornih služb, pristojnih za preverjanje izpolnjevanja zahtev specifikacije proizvoda, usklajene na ravni Skupnosti;
235 Pravna redakcija
Where the check referred to in Article 4 (2) indicates that the quantities sold by a producer or producers' organization exceed the eligible quantity allocated to the producer or producers' organization for the marketing year concerned or where the producers' organization fails to provide a satisfactory reply within the period specified in Article 4 (4), the allowance shall not be paid.
Če pregled iz člena 4(2) pokaže, da količine, ki jih je prodal proizvajalec ali organizacija proizvajalcev, presegajo upravičeno količino, dodeljeno proizvajalcu ali organizaciji proizvajalcev za zadevno tržno leto, ali če organizacija proizvajalcev ne zagotovi zadovoljivega odgovora v roku, določenem v členu 4(4), se nadomestilo ne izplača.
236 Pravna redakcija
Article 912c of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code fn, as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 444/2002 fn, specifies the office of destination where the T5 control copy should be presented for the check on the use and/or destination of the goods.
Člen 912c Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2454/93 z dne 2. julija 1993 o izvedbenih določbah k Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) No 444/2002 fn, opredeljuje namembni urad, ki mu je treba predložiti kontrolni izvod T5 za pregled uporabe in/ali destinacije blaga.
237 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2698
Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities () applies to all areas of the Communities' activity without prejudice to the provisions of Community rules specific to the different policy areas.
Uredba Sveta (Euratom, ES) št. 2185/96 z dne 11. novembra 1996 o preverjanju in inšpekciji s strani Komisije na kraju samem, da bi zaščitila finančne interese Evropskih skupnosti pred prevarami in drugimi nepravilnostmi fn, se uporablja za vsa področja dejavnosti Skupnosti, brez poseganja v določbe pravil Skupnosti, specifičnih za različna področja politike.
238 Pravna redakcija
CONSIDERING that the Customs Information System created by virtue of the Convention on the use of information technology for customs purposes fn permits the entry of personal data exclusively for the purpose of sighting and reporting, discreet surveillance or specific checks (Article 5 of the Convention), and that for any additional purposes a supplementary legal basis must be established,
GLEDE NA TO, da Carinski informacijski sistem, vzpostavljen na podlagi Konvencije o uporabi informacijske tehnologije v carinske namene fn, dovoljuje vpis osebnih podatkov izključno v namen opazovanja in poročanja, tajnega nadzora ali posebnih pregledov (člen 55 Konvencije), in da je treba za vse dodatne namene dopolniti pravno podlago.
239 Pravna redakcija
The notified body shall carry out the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the product to the requirements of this Directive by examination and testing of products on a statistical basis, as specified in section 6. The manufacturer must authorize the notified body to evaluate the efficiency of the measures taken pursuant to section 3, by audit where appropriate.
Priglašeni organ preveri skladnost izdelka z zahtevami te direktive s pregledovanjem in preskušanjem izdelkov na statistični podlagi, kakor je določeno v oddelku 6. Proizvajalec mora pooblastiti priglašeni organ, da z revizijo, kadar je primerno, ovrednoti uspešnost sprejetih ukrepov, določenih v oddelku 3.
240 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1726
Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities' financial interests against fraud and other irregularities ( 7 ) applies to all areas of the Communities' activity without prejudice to the provisions of the Community rules specific to the different policy areas,
Uredba Sveta (Euratom, ES) št. 2185/96 z dne 11. novembra 1996 o pregledih in inšpekcijah na kraju samem, ki jih opravlja Komisija za zaščito finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti pred goljufijami in drugimi nepravilnostmi ( fn ), se uporablja za vsa področja delovanja Skupnosti, brez poseganja v določbe posebnih pravil Skupnosti za različna področja politik -
241 Pravna redakcija
The applicant for EEC pattern approval shall, for each family of cylinders, submit the documentation necessary for the checks specified below and make available to the Member State a batch of 50 or two batches of 25 cylinders in accordance with, from which the number of cylinders required for the tests referred to below will be taken, together with any additional information required by the Member State.
Prosilec za odobritev EGS za vzorec mora za vsako družino jeklenk predložiti dokumentacijo, potrebno za izvedbo v nadaljevanju opisanih preverjanj, in dati državi članici na voljo serijo 50 jeklenk ali dve seriji po 25 jeklenk v skladu z, izmed katerih bodo izbrane jeklenke v številu, potrebnem za preskuse, kakor je navedeno v nadaljevanju, skupaj z morebitnimi dodatnimi informacijami na zahtevo države članice.
242 Pravna redakcija
The specific steps may include registration at a public or private employment exchange;application to employers;checking at worksites, farms, factory gates, market or other assembly places;placing or answering newspaper advertisements;seeking assistance of friends or relatives;looking for land, building, machinery or equipment to establish own enterprise;arranging for financial resources;applying for permits and licences, etc.
Določeni koraki lahko obsegajo registracijo v javnih ali zasebnih borzah dela, prošnje delodajalcem, preverjanje na deloviščih, kmetijah, tovarnah, tržnicah ali na drugih zbirališčih, objavljanje ali javljanje na časopisne oglase, iskanje pomoči pri prijateljih in sorodnikih, iskanje zemljišč, zgradb, strojev ali opreme za ustanovitev lastnega podjetja, urejanje finančnih virov, vlaganje prošenj za dovoljenja in licence itd.
243 Pravna redakcija
Each individual loss of alcohol shall be accepted only if it has been checked at the final destination and, in the case of alcohol for export, at the place where it left the customs territory of the Community, and certified by the competent inspection authority and/or international surveillance firm where such a firm has been appointed under Article 102, provided that such losses are within the limits specified in point (b) below.
Vsaka izguba alkohola je sprejemljiva le, če je v mejah, opredeljenih v spodnji točki (b), in je bila preverjena na destinaciji, v primeru alkohola za izvoz pa na kraju, kjer je zapustil carinsko območje Skupnosti, in če jo je potrdil pristojni inšpekcijski organ in/ali mednarodno podjetje za nadzor, kadar je bilo takšno podjetje imenovano na podlagi člena 102.
244 Pravna redakcija
Rules should be adopted for registering non-traditional operators and determining their annual allocations and the verifications and checks to be carried out by the competent national authorities should be specified, as should the action to be taken in the event that certain obligations are not fulfilled, in particular as regards registration and declarations made for the purpose of obtaining allocations under the import arrangements.
Treba bi bilo sprejeti pravila za registracijo netradicionalnih dobaviteljev in določiti njihovo letno dodeljeno količino, podrobno opredeliti preverjanja, ki jih izvajajo pristojni nacionalni organi, kot tudi ukrepe v primeru neizpolnitve določenih obveznosti, zlasti v zvezi z registracijo in deklaracijami za namene pridobitve dodeljenih količin v skladu z uvoznim režimom.
245 Pravna redakcija
It is for the Competent Authority of Member States to authorise the establishments carrying out the specific preparation of these bivalve molluscs and to check the satisfactory application of the 'own health checks' procedures set out in Article 6 of Council Directive 91/493/EEC of 22 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of fishery products (3), as last amended by Directive 97/79/EC.
Pristojni organi držav članic morajo pooblastiti podjetja, ki na poseben način pripravljajo te školjke, in preverjajo zadovoljivo uporabo postopkov `lastnih zdravstvenih preverjanj` , določenih v členu 6 Direktive Sveta 91/493/EGS z dne 22. julija 1991 o zdravstvenih pogojih za pripravo ribjih proizvodov in njihovo dajanje na trg fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo 97/79/ES.
246 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall lay down that the respective original, or the electronic form of the certificates or of the alternative documents other than marks, as specified in Article 13(l)(ii), which is produced to the responsible official body for "documentary checks" in accordance with the provisions of Article 13a(l)(b)(i), upon inspection shall be marked with a "visa" of that body, together with its denomination and the date of presentation of the document.
Države članice lahko predpišejo, da se ustrezni original ali spričevala ali alternativni dokumenti v elektronski obliki z izjemo žigov, kot je opredeljeno v členu 13(1)(ii), ki se ga predloži odgovornemu uradnemu organu za "preverjanje dokumentov" skladno z določbami člena 13a(1)(b)(i) ob inšpekcijskem pregledu označi z "vizo" tistega organa skupaj s poimenovanjem in datumom predložitve dokumenta.
247 Pravna redakcija
Expenditure relating to the payment of the Community withdrawal compensation and to Community financing of the operational fund, the specific measures referred to in Article 17 and Articles 53, 54 and 55 and checks by experts of the Member States made available to the Commission in application of Article 40 (1) shall be deemed to be intervention to stabilize the agricultural markets within the meaning of point (b) of Article 1 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 729/70.
Izdatki za plačilo nadomestil Skupnosti za umik s trga in za financiranje operativnega sklada s strani Skupnosti, posebni ukrepi v zvezi s členi 17, 53, 54 in 55, z nadzornimi pregledi strokovnjakov držav članic, ki so na voljo Komisiji za izvajanje člena 40(1), se štejejo za intervencijo za stabilizacijo kmetijskih trgov v smislu člena 1(2)(b) Uredbe (EGS) št. 729/70.
248 Pravna redakcija
The approval authority of a Contracting Party granting a type-approval pursuant to a Regulation annexed to this Agreement must verify the existence of adequate arrangements and documented control plans, to be agreed with the manufacturer for each approval, to carry out at specified intervals those tests or associated checks necessary to verify continued conformity with the approved type, including, specifically, where applicable, tests specified in the said Regulation.
Homologacijski organ države pogodbenice, ki podeljuje homologacijo v skladu s pravilnikom, priloženim k temu sporazumu, mora preveriti, ali obstajajo ustrezne ureditve in dokumentirani načrti za kontrolo, o katerih se dogovori s proizvajalcem za vsako homologacijo, da se v določenih časovnih presledkih opravijo preskusi ali z njimi povezana naknadna preverjanja, potrebna zaradi ugotavljanja stalne skladnosti s homologiranim tipom, vključno, kadar je primerno, s preskusi, določenimi v navedenm pravilniku.
249 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1429
(2) To ensure that customs offices of exit or the offices to which the T5 control copy is sent follow a uniform practice, and to avoid doubts as to the identity of the goods, which is a precondition for the granting of refunds, there should be provision for a specific substitution check in cases where these customs offices have found that the seals affixed on departure have been removed other than under customs supervision or have been broken or that no dispensation from sealing has been granted.
(2) Da bi carinski uradi izstopa ali uradi, ki jim je poslan kontrolni izvod T5, izvajali enotno prakso in da bi se izognili dvomom glede identitete blaga, kar je predpogoj za dodeljevanje nadomestil, bi bilo treba zagotoviti poseben pregled zamenjave v primerih, ko so ti carinski uradi ugotovili, da so bile oznake, pritrjene ob odhodu, odstranjene brez carinskega nadzora ali so bile zlomljene ali ni bila odobrena oprostitev od označevanja.
250 Pravna redakcija
In the context of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Ukraine on trade in textile products initialled on 5 May 1993, the Parties agreed that, in conformity with Article 20 (2) of the Agreement, products listed in Annex I to the Agreement originating in Ukraine but not subject to the quantitative limits referred to in Article 2 (1) of the Agreement may be subject either to the double-checking system specified in Protocol A to the Agreement or to a prior system of surveillance.
V smislu besedila Sporazuma med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Ukrajino o trgovini s tekstilnimi izdelki, parafiranega 5. maja 1993, sta se pogodbenici sporazumeli, da se, v skladu s členom 20 (2) Sporazuma, za izdelke, naštete v Prilogi I k Sporazumu s poreklom iz Ukrajine, za katere ne veljajo količinske omejitve, omenjene v členu 2 (1) Sporazuma, lahko uvede bodisi sistem dvojne kontrole, določen v Protokolu A k Sporazumu, bodisi predhodni sistem nadzora.
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specific check