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carinski nadzor
201 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0638
(b) blago, dano v državi članici odpreme v postopek aktivnega oplemenitenja carinskega postopka ali postopek predelave pod carinskim nadzorom.
(b) goods placed in the Member State of dispatch under the inward processing customs procedure or the processing under customs control procedure.
202 Pravna redakcija
"6. Rok, v katerem osnovni proizvodi lahko ostanejo pod carinskim nadzorom z namenom predelave, je enak ostanku veljavnosti izvoznega dovoljenja.
"6. The period during which basic products may remain under customs control with a view to processing shall be equal to the remainder of the term of validity of the export licence.
203 Pravna redakcija
Vendar nadzorni carinski urad lahko dovoli vložitev deklaracije iz odstavkov 1 in 2 pri drugem carinskem uradu kakor tistih v navedenih odstavkih.
However, the supervising customs office may allow the declaration referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 to be presented at a customs office other than those referred to in the said paragraphs.
204 Pravna redakcija
ker upravljanje tarifnih kvot in uporaba preferencialnega nadzora zahteva visoko raven sodelovanja med Komisijo in carinskimi organi držav članic;
Whereas the management of tariff quotas and preferential surveillance requires a high degree of administrative cooperation between the Commission and the customs authorities of the Member States;
205 Pravna redakcija
premeščanje v namembni kraj izven Skupnosti pod uradnim nadzorom skladno z ustreznim carinskim postopkom med njihovim premeščanjem po Skupnosti,
movement, under official supervision, in accordance with the appropriate customs procedure, during their movement within the Community, to a destination outside the Community,
206 Pravna redakcija
Carinski urad izstopa nadzoruje fizični izstop blaga in v skladu s členom 19(4) Direktive Sveta 92/12/EGS( * ) pošlje nazaj izvod spremne listine.
The customs office of exit shall supervise the physical exit of the goods and send back the copy of the accompanying document in accordance with Article 19 (4) of Council Directive 92/12/EEC (*).
207 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0500
Koruza in sirek lahko zaradi predelave ostaneta pod carinskim nadzorom do 30. novembra pri izvoznih dovoljenjih, ki jim veljavnost poteče v oktobru.
Maize and sorghum may remain under customs control with a view to being processed up to 30 November in the case of export licences whose validity expires in October.
208 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0253
Žive živali je treba pod carinskim nadzorom in v spremstvu osebja pristojnega organa takoj prepeljati z mejnega prehoda na ustrezna mesta pregleda.
Live animals shall be moved immediately from the crossing point to the corresponding inspection sites under customs supervision and accompanied by personnel from the competent authority.
209 Pravna redakcija
Carina lahko zahteva, da se blago, za katero se bo zahtevalo povračilo, loči od drugega blaga ali pa se predeluje ali izdeluje pod carinskim nadzorom.
The customs may require that goods on which drawback is to be claimed be segregated from other goods or be processed or manufactured under customs supervision.
210 Pravna redakcija
zakone in druge predpise glede uvoza, izvoza in tranzita blaga ter dajanja blaga v kateri koli carinski postopek, vključno z ukrepi o prepovedi, omejitvah in nadzoru, za katerih izvajanje in uveljavljanje je posebej zadolžen carinski organ, ter katere koli predpise, ki jih izda carinski organ v okviru svojih pristojnosti;
the statutory and regulatory provisions concerning the importation, exportation, transit of goods, and their placing under any customs procedure, including measures of prohibition, restriction and control, the administration and enforcement of which are specifically charged to the customs authority, and any regulations made by the customs authority under its statutory powers;
211 Pravna redakcija
Nadomestno potrdilo ali nadomestna potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 izda carinski urad prvega vnosa v Skupnost ali v Čile, pod katerega nadzor so bili dani izdelki.
The replacement movement certificate(s) EUR.l shall be issued by the customs office of first entry in the Community or in Chile under whose control the products are placed.
212 Pravna redakcija
ker je za zagotovitev učinkovitejšega nadzora torej treba določiti omejeno število carinskih uradov, kjer so lahko določeni proizvodi označeni za prost promet;
Whereas in order to allow more efficient controls, it is, as a consequence, necessary to identify a restricted number of customs offices where certain products may be declared for free circulation in the European Union;
213 Pravna redakcija
Eno ali več potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 je kadar koli mogoče nadomestiti z enim ali več drugimi potrdili, če to stori carinski urad, odgovoren za nadzor blaga.
It shall at any time be possible to replace one or more EUR.1 movement certificates by one or more other certificates provided that this is done by the customs office responsible for controlling the goods.
214 Pravna redakcija
Eno ali več potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 je kadar koli mogoče nadomestiti z enim ali več drugimi potrdili, če to stori carinski urad, pristojen za nadzor blaga.
It shall at any time be possible to replace one or more movement certificates EUR.1 by one or more other certificates provided that this is done by the customs office responsible for controlling the goods.
215 Pravna redakcija
Pri uporabi ozemelj, navedenih v odstavku 1 pod točko d), mora blago ostati pod nadzorom carinskih organov tranzitne države in tam ne sme biti dano v prosti promet.
Lors de l'emprunt de territoires visés au paragraphe 1 sous d), les marchandises doivent rester sous la surveillance des autorités douaničres du pays de transit et ne doivent pas y ętre mises en libre pratique.
216 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Izvirnik SVVD spremlja pošiljko skozi enega ali več obratov ves čas, ko je pošiljka pod carinskim nadzorom, dokler oseba, odgovorna za tovor, ne zahteva carinjenja.
The original of the CVED shall accompany the consignment as long as the consignment remains under customs supervision through one or more establishments, until custom clearance is requested by the person responsible for the load.
217 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Uporabijo carinske službe, da dodajo pomembne informacije (npr. številko carinskega spričevala T1 ali T5), kadar pošiljke ostanejo nekaj časa pod carinskim nadzorom.
For use by customs services to add relevant information (e.g. for the number of the customs T1 or T5 certificate) where consignments remain under customs control for a while.
218 Pravna redakcija
kadar se živali in proizvodi uvažajo iz tretjih držav, jih je treba pod carinskim nadzorom poslati na mejne kontrolne točke, da se lahko opravijo veterinarski pregledi.
where animals and products are imported from third countries, they must be sent, under customs supervision, to inspection posts in order that veterinary checks may be carried out.
219 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1472
Za koriščenje tarifne kvote ostane to blago pod carinskim nadzorom, kot je določeno v členu 82 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2913/92 in členih 291 do 300 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93.
In order to obtain the benefit of the tariff quota, the goods concerned shall remain under customs supervision as set out in Article 82 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 and Articles 291 to 300 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.
220 Pravna redakcija
carinski urad, pod čigar nadzor je dano blago, zaključi izvirno potrdilo o poreklu Obrazec A in nanj vpiše zaporedno številko(e) ustreznega(ih) nadomestnega(ih) potrdil(a),
the customs office, under whose control the goods are placed, shall write off the corresponding amount against the original certificate of origin Form A and enter on it the serial number(s) of the corresponding replacement certificate(s),
221 Pravna redakcija
Proizvodi, ki so bili skladiščeni v drugi državi članici pred 1. januarjem 1993, se na zahtevo intervencijske agencije, pristojne za proizvode, oprostijo carinskega nadzora.
Products stored in another Member State before the 1st January 1993 shall be released from customs surveillance at the request of the intervention agency responsible for the products.
222 Pravna redakcija
- carinski urad, pod čigar nadzor je dano blago, zaključi izvirno potrdilo o poreklu Obrazec A in nanj vpiše zaporedno številko(e) ustreznega(ih) nadomestnega(ih) potrdil(a),
- the customs office, under whose control the goods are placed, shall write off the corresponding amount against the original certificate of origin Form A and enter on it the serial number(s) of the corresponding replacement certificate(s),
223 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0857
krepitev mejnega nadzora; priprava integrirane tarife; razvoj izvedbene usposobljenosti in računalniško opremljanje carinskih organov; okrepitev boja proti goljufijam in korupciji.
strengthen border control; develop an integrated tariff; develop operational capacities and computerisation of the customs administration; reinforce the fight against fraud and corruption.
224 Pravna redakcija
prenosom izvajanja administrativnih postopkov (carinski, davčni in veterinarski nadzor ter zdravstveni inšpekcijski pregledi rastlin) na terminale ali na odpremni oz. namembni kraj;
transferring the performance of administrative formalities (customs, fiscal, veterinary and plant-health controls) to the terminals or to the point of departure or the final destination;
225 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
Uvoz v okviru režima IPR nadzorujejo carinski organi držav članic, kot to predvideva Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o uvedbi Carinskega zakonika Skupnosti fn
Imports under the IPR regime are controlled by the Member States' customs authorities as provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code ( fn ).
226 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0500
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 500/2003 z dne 19. marca 2003 o rokih, v katerih lahko nekateri proizvodi iz žit in riža ostanejo pod režimom carinskega nadzora za predplačilo nadomestil
Commission Regulation (EC) No 500/2003 of 19 March 2003 on the periods for which certain cereal and rice products may remain under customs control arrangements for the advance payment of refunds
227 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
Okence 43. Uporabljajo ga carinske službe za dodajanje ustreznih informacij (npr. število T1 ali T5 carinskega potrdila), kadar pošiljke neko obdobje ostanejo pod carinskim nadzorom.
Box 43. For use by customs services to add relevant information (e.g. the number of the Tl or T5 customs certificate) where consignments remain under customs control for a period.
228 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
Naslov nesodelujočega proizvajalca izvoznika kaže, da so njegovi objekti in naprave v prosti industrijski coni Cakung, ki je območje, imenovano "cona pod carinskim nadzorom Nusantare".
The address of the non-cooperating exporting producer indicates that its facilities are located in the Cakung export processing zone, which is an area designated as 'Nusantara bonded zone'.
229 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
C: Ponovni izvoz po carinskem postopku z ekonomskim učinkom, ki ni postopek carinskega skladiščenja (aktivno oplemenitenje, začasni uvoz, postopek predelave pod carinskim nadzorom) 31
C: Re-export after a customs procedure with economic impact other than the customs warehousing procedure (inward processing, temporary importation, processing under customs control) 31
230 Pravna redakcija
se vozila pod uradnim nadzorom uničijo na stroške zadevnih oseb, za vse ohranjene dele in materiale pa se plačajo ustrezne uvozne dajatve in uvozni davki, kot zahtevajo carinski organi.
are destroyed, under official supervision, at the expense of the Parties concerned, any salvaged parts and materials being subjected to the import duties and import taxes to which they are liable as the customs authorities may require.
231 Pravna redakcija
Če carinski urad začetka postopka sprejme deklaracijo za vstop blaga, potrdi polje 9 lista INF 9, pošlje izvod 1 nadzornemu carinskemu uradu, izvirnik in druge izvode pa vrne deklarantu.
Where the office of entry for the procedure accepts the declaration entering the goods, it shall endorse box 9 of the INF 9 sheet, send copy 1 to the supervising customs office and return the original and the other copies to the declarant.
232 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Če se deklaracija za vnos blaga v postopek carinskega skladiščenja vloži pri carinskem uradu, ki ni isti kakor nadzorni urad, je treba navesti še ime in popoln naslov nadzornega urada.
Where a declaration entering goods for the customs warehousing procedure is lodged with a customs office other than the supervising office, enter the name and full address of the supervising office.
233 Pravna redakcija
določbe, ki jih sprejme Evropska skupnost in ki urejajo uvoz, izvoz in tranzit blaga ter dajanje blaga v kateri koli carinski postopek, vključno z ukrepi o prepovedi, omejitvah in nadzoru,
provisions adopted by the European Community and governing the import, export, transit of goods and their placing under any customs procedure, including measures of prohibition, restriction and control,
234 Pravna redakcija
Z odstopanjem od člena 735(2) je treba predložiti zavarovanje, kadar nadzorni carinski urad meni, da gre za primer iz odstavka 1, in da plačilo carinskega dolga, ki lahko nastane, ni gotovo.
By way of derogation from Article 735 (2), where the supervising customs office considers that paragraph 1 applies and that the payment of the customs debt which may be incurred is not certain, the provision of a security shall be required.
235 Pravna redakcija
se lahko pretovarjanja opravijo kadar koli na način, ki ustreza dejanskim potrebam, če carinske službe v okviru obstoječih predpisov dovolijo, da se ne opravijo pod njihovim neposrednim nadzorom.
transhipments which, under existing regulations, customs services allow to be carried out without their immediate supervision can be effected at any time in such a way as to meet actual needs.
236 Pravna redakcija
Blago, navedeno v dokumentu T1, je dovoljeno pretovoriti pod nadzorom carinskih organov države članice, na ozemlju katere se bo blago pretovarjalo, na drugo prevozno sredstvo brez nove deklaracije.
The goods described on a T1 document may be transferred to another means of transport under the supervision of the customs authorities of the Member State in the territory of which the transfer is made, without the need for a new declaration.
237 Pravna redakcija
Za uvozno blago se lahko začne postopek pri carinskem uradu vnosa v postopek, ki ni prvotno naveden, če spremembo dovoli nadzorni carinski urad ali carinski urad, na katerem se dejansko opravljajo carinske formalnosti vnosa in ki v tem primeru o spremembi obvesti nadzorni carinski urad.
The import goods may be entered for the procedure at a customs office of entry other than that originally specified, where the change is allowed by the supervising customs office or by the customs office where the entry formalities are actually carried out, which in that event shall notify the change to the supervising customs office.
238 Pravna redakcija
pri klavnih živalih se nadzor opravlja ne glede na carinske predpise, določene v Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 fn i Komisije (EGS) št. 2454/93 fn z poseganja v zahteve v zvezi z zdravjem živali.
For animals for slaughter, the checks shall be carried out without prejudice to the customs rules laid down in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 (1) and Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 (2) and to animal health requirements.
239 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3287
Takšne poslovne zaupne informacije se delijo z vladami, ki s subjektom sklenejo pogodbo ali mu dajo pooblastilo samo toliko kolikor so takšne informacije običajno potrebne za akreditive ali druge oblike plačila ali za namene carinskega ali deviznega nadzora ali nadzora uvoznih dovoljenj.
Such business confidential information shall be shared with the governments contracting or mandating the entity only to the extent that such information is customarily required for letters of credit or other forms of payment or for customs, import licensing or exchange control purposes.
240 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Če se deklaracija za ponovni izvoz po zavrnitvi postopka carinskega skladiščenja vloži pri carinskem uradu, ki ni isti kot nadzorni urad, je treba navesti še ime s popolnim naslovom nadzornega urada.
Where a re-export declaration discharging the customs warehousing procedure is lodged with a customs office other than the supervising office, enter the name and full address of the supervising office.
241 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2193
Za izdelke, navedene v prilogi, se lahko carinski postopek "predelava pod carinskim nadzorom" v skladu s prvim pododstavkom člena 551(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2454/93 uvede samo, če je Odbor za Carinski zakonik pregledal gospodarske pogoje, razen če izdelki in postopki niso omenjeni v Prilogi 76, Del A navedene uredbe.
Products listed in the Annex may be placed under the customs procedure "processing under customs control" in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 551(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 only where the examination of the economic conditions has taken place in the Customs Code Committee unless the products and operations are mentioned in Annex 76, Part A of that Regulation.
242 Pravna redakcija
Možno je kadar koli nadomestiti enega ali več potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 z enim ali več drugimi potrdili, pod pogojem, da to opravi carinski urad ali drugi pristojni organi, odgovorni za nadzor blaga.
It shall at any time be possible to replace one or more movement certificates EUR.l by one or more other certificates provided that this is done by the customs office or other competent authorities responsible for controlling the goods.
243 Pravna redakcija
ker lahko v takih primerih, ko gre blago le skozi naknadni pregled, nanj gledamo, kakor da ni bilo dokončno umaknjeno iz carinskega nadzora, če je napaka popravljena brez oškodovanja finančnih interesov;
whereas in such cases, where the goods are subject only to post-clearance controls, they may be regarded, provided that the error is put right without damage to financial interests, as not having been removed definitively from customs supervision;
244 Pravna redakcija
Če je tudi več carinskim uradov odhoda ali namembnih carinskih uradov, je treba vpise za blago, ki je pod carinskim nadzorom ali je namenjeno vsaki carinski izpostavi, v manifestu povsem ločiti med seboj.
Likewise, if there are several customs offices of departure or of destination, the entries concerning the goods taken under customs control at, or intended for, each customs office shall be clearly separated from each other on the manifest.
245 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
246 Pravna redakcija
Živali, ki so prejele odobritev za uvoz in katerih namembno območje ni država članica, ki je izvedla pregled ob uvozu iz odstavka 1, je treba brez razkladanja pod carinskim nadzorom spremiti v namembno državo.
Animals which have obtained an import authorization and the destination of which is not the Member State which carried out the import inspection laid down in paragraph 1, must be forwarded to the country of destination under customs supervision without being unloaded.
247 Pravna redakcija
"carinska zakonodaja" pomeni določbe, ki sta jih sprejeli pogodbenici in urejajo uvoz, izvoz, tranzit blaga ter dajanje blaga v kateri koli carinski postopek, vključno z ukrepi o prepovedi, omejevanju in nadzoru;
'customs legislation' shall mean provisions adopted by the Parties and governing the import, export, transit of goods and their placing under any customs procedure, including measures of prohibition, restriction and control;
248 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je izvozno nadomestilo določeno vnaprej, velja dan, ko so osnovni proizvodi pod carinskim nadzorom, kot operativni datum za določanje prilagoditev, ki jih je treba narediti pri uporabljeni stopnji nadomestila.
Where the export refund is fixed in advance, the day on which the basic products are brought under customs control shall be the operative date for determining any adjustment to be made to the rate of refund applicable.
249 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2245
Mandat za pogajanja o dvostranskem sporazumu za trgovino s tekstilom se še ne more obravnavati, ker je treba najprej rešiti vprašanja v zvezi z zunanjo trgovino in carinskim nadzorom v Zvezni republiki Jugoslaviji.
A mandate for the negotiation of a bilateral agreement in trade in textiles cannot yet be considered since issues relating to foreign trade and customs control within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia have still to be resolved.
250 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Blago iz tretje države se vnese v postopek predelave pod carinskim nadzorom v Belgiji (9100). Po postopku predelave je blago odpremljeno v Nemčijo za sprostitev v prosti promet (4092) ali nadaljnjo predelavo (9192).
Goods from a third country are processed under customs control in Belgium (9100). After undergoing processing, they are dispatched to Germany for release for free circulation (4092) or further processing (9192).
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carinski nadzor