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201 Prevajalska redakcija
Iz teh sredstev se krijejo začasne dnevnice za ustrezno osebje, ki predloži dokazilo, da mora zamenjati kraj svojega stalnega prebivališča ob nastopu službe ali premestitvi v nov kraj zaposlitve.
This appropriation covers temporary daily subsistence allowances for relevant staff who furnish evidence that they must change their place of residence on taking up their duties, or transferring to a new place of employment.
202 Prevajalska redakcija
Iz teh sredstev se krijejo potni stroškI, dnevnice in dodatni stroški članov upravnega odbora, znanstvenih odborov in njihovih delovnih skupin ter strokovnjakov, povabljenih v te odbore in delovne skupine.
This appropriation is intended to cover travel, subsistence, and incidental expenses of Members of the Management Board and Scientific Committees and their working parties and of experts invited to those Committees and working parties.
203 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986D0474
Veterinarskim izvedencem iz držav članic Komisija plača potne stroške in dnevnice v skladu s predpisi za povračilo potnih stroškov in dnevnic, ki jih imajo osebe zunaj Komisije, ki jih le-ta najame kot izvedence.
Veterinary experts from the Member States shall be paid travel and subsistence expenses by the Commission, in accordance with the rules for the reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses incurred by persons outside the Commission who are called upon by the Commission to act as experts.
204 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0253
potne stroške in dnevnice, ki nastanejo pri udeležbi sodelujočih držav na primerjalnih analizah, izmenjavah uradnikov, seminarjih, delavnicah in projektnih skupinah, usposabljanjih ter spremljanjih stanja iz členov 6 do 10;
the travel and subsistence expenses incurred by participating countries relating to benchmarking activities, exchanges of officials, seminars, workshops and project groups, training and monitoring actions referred to in Articles 6 to 10;
205 Prevajalska redakcija
Pogodbenici se odpovedujeta vsem zahtevkom za povračilo stroškov, nastalih zaradi izvajanja tega sporazuma, razen stroškov in dnevnic, plačanih izvedencem in pričam ter stroškov za tolmače, ki niso državni in javni uslužbenci.
The Contracting Parties shall waive all claims for reimbursement of costs incurred in the execution of this Agreement, except for expenses and allowances paid to experts and to witnesses as well as costs of interpreters other than Government and public service employees.
206 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0139
ker se sodelovanje nadaljuje med pregledi na kraju samem in obstaja dodatna možnost, da strokovnjake Komisije spremljajo strokovnjaki, imenovani s strani Komisije, ki so vezani na nekatere obveznosti in dobijo povrnjene potne stroške in dnevnice;
Whereas that collaboration should continue during the on-the-spot checks and in addition it should be possible for Commission experts to be accompanied by experts appointed by the Commission who are subject to certain obligations and have their travel and subsistence costs reimbursed;
207 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R0680
Če uslužbencu priskrbi prehrano in namestitev ali povrne stroške ena od institucij Skupnosti, njen organ oziroma nacionalna ali mednarodna uprava ali organizacija, dobi uslužbenec namesto dnevnice dodatek v višini 17 % zneska iz stolpcev I in II."
Where a staff member on mission has all his meals and accommodation provided or reimbursed by one of the institutions of the Communities, by a Community body or by a national or international administration or organization, he shall receive, in place of the daily subsistence allowance for missions provided for above, an allowance of 17 % of the amounts provided for in Columns I and II.'
208 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0140
Potni stroški in dnevnice, ki jih imajo strokovnjak države članice ali strokovnjaki, ki jih imenuje Komisija, se jim povrnejo skladno z določbami glede potnih stroškov in dnevnic oseb, ki ne pripadajo Komisiji, so pa povabljene, da sodelujejo kot strokovnjaki.
The travel and subsistence expenses incurred by the Member State expert or experts appointed by the Commission shall be reimbursed in accordance with its rules governing travel and subsistence expenses incurred by persons not belonging to the Commission who are called on to act as experts.
209 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0156
Potni stroški in dnevnice osebja laboratorija za službena potovanja, vključena v odobreni delovni program, se povrnejo do največ 5000 EUR. Dnevnice in stroški hotela ne smejo preseči dnevnic in zgornjih mej za stroške hotela, ki se uporabljajo za osebje Skupnosti.
Travel and subsistence costs incurred by the staff of the laboratories for missions integrated in the approved work programme are to be reimbursed up to a maximum of EUR 5000. Subsistence and hotel costs shall not exceed the daily allowances and the ceilings for hotel costs applicable to Community staff.
210 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31981D0121
ker je treba določiti postopke za odobritev dnevnic in povrnitev potnih stroškov članov Ekonomsko-socialnega odbora ter namestnikov in strokovnjakov v smislu Poslovnika Ekonomsko-socialnega odbora z dne 13. junija 1974, kakor je bil nazadnje spremenjen 22. julija 1980,
Whereas procedures should be laid down for granting daily allowances and reimbursing the travelling expenses of members of the Economic and Social Committee, and of alternates and experts within the meaning of the Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Committee of 13 June 1974, as amended on 22 July 1980,
211 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0139
Potne stroške in dnevnice, nastale s strani strokovnjaka ali strokovnjakov države članice, imenovanih s strani Komisije, se povrnejo skladno z njenimi pravili glede potnih stroškov in dnevnic oseb, ki niso uslužbenci Komisije in ki so poklicani, da opravijo strokovno nalogo.
The travel and subsistence costs incurred by the Member State expert or experts appointed by the Commission shall be reimbursed in accordance with its rules governing travel and subsistence costs incurred by persons who are not officials of the Commission and who are called on to perform the tasks of an expert.
212 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0431
Izdatki za organizacijo tečajev in programov usposabljanja naj bi zlasti pokrivali najem prostora, nakup ali najem učnega gradiva, plačilo mentorjev, ki niso uradniki administracije države ali Skupnosti, ter potne stroške in dnevnice sodelujočih državnih uradnikov in mentorjev.
Expenditure on organising courses and seminars should in particular cover the hire of a room, purchase or hire of teaching materials and equipment, payment of the fees of trainers who are not officials of a national or Community administration, and travel and subsistence costs of the participating national officials and the trainers.
213 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0985
julija 2002 je Evropski ekonomsko-socialni odbor predložil memorandum o uporabi Sklepa Sveta 2001/368/ES, Euratom, z dne 7. maja 2001 o prilagoditvi dnevnic, ki se izplačujejo članom Ekonomsko-socialnega odbora in njihovim namestnikom 1, v katerem poziva k ohranitvi sedanjega sistema.
On 8 July 2002 the European Economic and Social Committee submitted a memorandum concerning the application of Council Decision 2001/368/EC, Euratom of 7 May 2001 on the adjustment of the allowances paid to members and alternates of the Economic and Social Committee(1), in which it called for the retention of the present system.
214 Prevajalska redakcija
Iz teh sredstev se krijejo potni stroški, plačila dnevnic in drugi zadevni stroški ali izredni stroški pri izvajanju službenih potovanj, vključno sestanki v drugem kraju, osebja Agencije, kot to urejajo Kadrovski predpisi ter nacionalnih ali mednarodnih strokovnjakov ali uradnikov, dodeljeni Agenciji.
This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on travel expenses, the payment of daily mission allowances and ancillary or exceptional expenses incurred in carrying out missions, including off-site meetings, by Agency staff covered by the Staff Regulations and by national or international experts or officials seconded to the Agency.
215 Prevajalska redakcija
Skupnost povrne stroške potovanja in dnevnice predstavnikom Izraela, ki se udeležujejo sej odborov in teles iz tega člena ali sestankov, povezanih z izvajanjem šestega okvirnega programa (ES), ki jih organizira Skupnost, in sicer na enaki osnovi in v skladu s postopki, ki veljajo za predstavnike držav članic Evropske unije.
Travel costs and subsistence costs incurred by representatives of Israel participating in meetings of the committees and bodies referred to in this Article, or in meetings related to the implementation of the sixth framework programme (EC) organised by the Community shall be reimbursed by the Community on the same basis as and in accordance with the procedures currently in force for representatives of the Member States of the European Union.
216 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R0680
"(c) Vendar ima uslužbenec, ki je zaposlen za določen čas, krajši od enega leta, ali za katerega direktor meni, da bo zaposlen za ekvivalentno časovno obdobje, če je zaposlen za nedoločen čas, s predložitvijo dokazil, da ne more več prebivati v prejšnjem kraju, pravico do dnevnice za ves čas trajanja zaposlitve, vendar najdlje eno leto."
'(c)However, a staff member engaged for a fixed period of less than one year, or deemed by the Director to be engaged for an equivalent period if his contract is for an indefinite period, shall, on furnishing evidence that he is no longer able to live in his previous place of residence, receive the daily subsistence allowance for the entire duration of his contract, up to a maximum of one year.'
217 Prevod
Sklad pa jim seveda lahko plača razumne dnevnice in potne stroške za udeležbo na sejah.
The Fund may, however, pay them reasonable per diem and travel expenses incurred in attending meetings.
218 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
določenih stroškov službenih potovanj, pri čemer se upošteva višina dnevnic, ki jo vsako leto odobri Komisija.
of certain mission expenses on the basis of a per diem scale approved annually by the Commission.
219 Prevod
Guvernerji in namestniki so člani kot taki brez nadomestila iz Sklada, razen če se svet guvernerjev s kvalificirano večino odloči, da jim plača razumne dnevnice in potne stroške za udeležbo na sejah.
Governors and alternates shall serve as such without compensation from the Fund, unless the governing council decides by a qualified majority to pay them reasonable per diem and travel expenses incurred in attending meetings.
220 Prevod
Evropske skupnosti in Ruska federacija krijejo svoje stroške, ki so nastali zaradi njihove udeležbe na sejah Sveta za sodelovanje, in sicer za osebje, potne stroške in dnevnice ter poštne in telekomunikacijske stroške.
The European Communities and the Russian Federation shall each bear their expenses incurred by reason of their participation in the meetings of the Cooperation Council, both with regard to staff, travel and subsistence expenditure and to postal and telecommunications expenditure.
221 Prevod
Skupnost in Ruska federacija krijeta svoje stroške, ki so nastali zaradi njune udeležbe na sejah Odbora za sodelovanje, in stroške svojih pododborov in delovnih skupin, in sicer za osebje, potne stroške in dnevnice ter poštne in telekomunikacijske stroške.
The Community and the Russian Federation shall each bear their expenses incurred by reason of their participation in the meetings of the Cooperation Committee and of its subcommittees and working groups, both with regard to staff, travel and subsistence expenditure and to postal and telecommunications expenditure.
222 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
obračun potnih stroškov, ki ga podpiše uradnik, ki je bil na službenem potovanju, in upravni nadrejeni delavec, na katerega so bila prenesena ustrezna pooblastila, in iz katerega je zlasti razviden kraj službenega potovanja, datumi in ure odhoda in prihoda v kraj službenega potovanja, stroški prevoza, stroški dnevnic in drugi stroški, pravilno odobreni pri predložitvi dokazil;
the statement of mission expenses, signed by the official on mission and by the administrative superior to whom the appropriate powers have been delegated, and showing, in particular, the place of mission, the dates and times of departure and arrival at the place of mission, travel expenses, subsistence expenses, and other expenses duly authorised on production of supporting documents;
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