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kontrolni organ
201 Pravna redakcija
dolžnosti organizacij po navedeni zakonodaji in standardih glede okoljskih kontrolnih mehanizmov.
the duties of organisations under those laws and standards regarding environmental controls.
202 Pravna redakcija
Pooblaščeni organ ali inšpektor označi ustrezne kvadratke v poročilu oziroma kontrolnem seznami.
The authority or inspector must tick the relevant boxes.
203 Pravna redakcija
dovolijo, da kontrolni izvod T 5 izda organ, ki je za ta namen določen namesto agencije, ki prodaja,
allow the control copy T 5 to be issued by an authority designated for that purpose instead of by the selling agency,
204 Pravna redakcija
Kontrolnemu organu mora posredovati vse informacije, za katere meni, da so potrebne za namen kontrole.
He must provide the inspection body with any information deemed necessary for the purposes of the inspection.
205 Pravna redakcija
da prijavitelj ne glede na člen 25 pristojnemu organu na njegovo zahtevo da na voljo kontrolne vzorce;
that, without prejudice to Article 25, the notifier shall make control samples available to the competent authority on request;
206 Pravna redakcija
organ oblasti ali organ(e), ki so v tretji državi pristojni za izdajo potrdil o kontrolnem pregledu z namenom uvoza v Skupnost,
the authority or the body or bodies responsible in the third country for issuing inspection certificates with a view to importing into the Community,
207 Pravna redakcija
Izvirnik kontrolnega izvoda T 5 se po ustreznem zaznamku pristojnega kontrolnega organa v državi članici uporabe in/ali namena pošlje nazaj agenciji, ki ima varščino, navedeno v členu 5.
The original of the control copy T 5 shall, after appropriate endorsement by the competent control authority in the Member State of use and/or destination, be sent back directly to the agency holding the security referred to in Article 5.
208 Pravna redakcija
Mejni kontrolni organi lahko poleg tega kadarkoli opravijo dodatne kontrole, če menijo, da je to potrebno.
Moreover, the border control authorities may at any time carry out additional controls considered necessary.
209 Pravna redakcija
nato pa mora uvoznik potrdilo hraniti in dati na voljo kontrolnim organom oblasti vsaj za obdobje dveh let;
thereafter the importer must keep the certificate at the disposal of the inspection authorities for not less than two years;
210 Pravna redakcija
ker kontrolne preglede pri izvajalcih zdaj izvajajo zasebni kontrolni organi pod nadzorom organa javne oblasti;
whereas the inspections of operators in Australia are now made by private inspection bodies, supervised by a public authority;
211 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni nacionalni organ preveri z vsemi primernimi sredstvi, vključno s kontrolnimi pregledi na kraju samem:
The competent national authority shall verify by all appropriate means, including on-the-spot inspections:
212 Pravna redakcija
serijska številka temeljnega potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu, ki jo je organ izdaje dodelil v skladu s členom 4(4)
The serial number of the underlying certificate which was given by the issuing body of authority in accordance with Article 4(4) of
213 Pravna redakcija
Država članica lahko dovoli, da kontrolni izvod T5 namesto intervencijske agencije izda v ta namen imenovani organ.
The Member State may allow the Control Copy T5 to be issued by an authority designated for that purpose instead of by the intervention agency.
214 Pravna redakcija
da ustrezni organ države članice preveri pošiljko in overi potrdilo o kontrolnem pregledu v skladu z odstavkom 11.
on the verification of the consignment by the relevant Member State's authority and the endorsement of the certificate of inspection in accordance with paragraph 11.
215 Pravna redakcija
če se takih postopkov ne izvaja pogosto, jih je treba naprej napovedati in se s kontrolnim organom dogovoriti o roku,
if such operations are not carried out frequently, they must be announced in advance, with a deadline agreed on with the inspection body,
216 Pravna redakcija
Pri pošiljki blaga, ki jo spremlja kontrolni izvod T5, pristojni organi držav članic dovolijo, da se taka pošiljka in kontrolni izvod T5 razdelita preden je zaključen postopek, za katerega je bil obrazec izdan.
In the case of a consignment of goods accompanied by a control copy T5, the competent authorities of the Member States shall permit such consignment and the control copy T5 to be divided before completion of the procedure for which the form was issued.
217 Pravna redakcija
podatki o organu ali instituciji, ki izda dovoljenje, in kadar sta različna, tudi podatki o kontrolnem organu ali instituciji v tretji državi,
the details of the issuing body or authority, and, where different, the details of the inspection body or authority in the third country,
218 Pravna redakcija
potem pristojni organ, naveden v členu 20(2) ali (3), kakor je to primerno, izda enega ali več kontrolnih izvodov T 5.
then the competent authority referred to in Article 20 (2) or (3), as appropriate, shall issue one or more control copies T5.
219 Pravna redakcija
Kontrolni izvod T5 se sestavi v uradnem jeziku Skupnosti, ki je sprejemljiv za pristojne organe države članice odhoda.
Control copy T5 shall be made out in an official language of the Community which is acceptable to the competent authorities of the Member State of departure.
220 Pravna redakcija
Z odstopanjem od odstavka 1(c) se semena in vegetativni sadilni material, ki niso pridelani s postopkom ekološke pridelave, v prehodnem obdobju, ki se izteče 31. decembra 2000, in z odobritvijo pristojnega organa oblasti države članice lahko uporabljajo, če uporabniki navedenega sadilnega materiala lahko kontrolni organ ali organ oblasti države članice zadostno dokažejo, da na trgu ni bilo mogoče dobiti sadilnega materiala za ustrezno sorto zadevne vrste, ki izpolnjuje zahteve iz odstavka 2. V takem primeru je treba uporabiti sadilni material, ki ni obdelan s proizvodi, ki niso uvrščeni na seznam v oddelku B Priloge II, če je na voljo na trgu Skupnosti.
By way of derogation from paragraph 1 (c), seeds and vegetative propagating material not obtained by the organic production method may, during a transitional period expiring on 31 December 2000 and with the approval of the competent authority of the Member State, be used in so far as users of such propagating material can show to the satisfaction of the inspection body or authority of the Member State that they were unable to obtain on the marke propagating material for an appropriate variety of the species in question and satisfying the requirements of paragraph 2. In that case, propagating material which is not treated with products not listed in Annex II, Section B must be used, if available on the Community market.
221 Pravna redakcija
Države članice sporočijo Komisiji polno ime in naslov pristojnega kontrolnega organa, kakor je navedeno v členu 2(1).
Member States shall inform the Commission of the full name and address of competent control authorities as referred to in Article 2 (1).
222 Pravna redakcija
V točki 3 besedila o Avstraliji se ime kontrolnega organa "Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS)" nadomesti z:
In point 3 of the text referring to Australia, the name of the inspection body 'Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS)' is replaced by:
223 Pravna redakcija
Kontrolni izvod T5 in morebitni obrazec(e) T5 bis in/ali nakladnico(e) T5 overijo pristojni organi države članice odhoda.
Control copy T5 and, where necessary, form(s) T5 bis and/or loading list(s) T5 shall be authenticated by the competent authorities of the Member State of departure.
224 Pravna redakcija
Kontrolni pregledi so dokumentacijski in fizični in zadevajo tako organizacije pridelovalcev kot zadevna dobrodelna telesa.
Checks shall be both documentary and physical and shall concern both the producer organizations and the charitable bodies concerned.
225 Pravna redakcija
Sklep o razveljavitvi sprejmejo nacionalni upravni kontrolni organi držav pogodbenic, pristojni za izvajanje mejne kontrole.
The decision to cancel the visa is taken by the national administrative authorities responsible for border checks.
226 Pravna redakcija
Zapisi temperature morajo biti nadzornemu organu na razpolago za kontrolni pregled najmanj v času skladiščenja proizvodov.
Temperature charts must be available for inspection by the supervisory authorities at least during the period in which the products are stored.
227 Pravna redakcija
je pristojni organ oblasti ali organ v tretji državi izdal potrdilo o kontrolnem pregledu, v katerem je navedeno, da je pošiljka, navedena v potrdilu:
the competent authority or body in the third country has issued a certificate of inspection stating that the lot designated in the certificate:
228 Pravna redakcija
Madžarski organi so sporočili spremembo imena madžarskega kontrolnega organa Biokultura, ki ga je treba vključiti v Prilogo.
The Hungarian authorities have communicated the change of name of the Hungarian inspection body Biokultura, which need to be included in the Annex.
229 Pravna redakcija
organ, ki je določen za izdajo potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu po postopku, določenem v členu 11(6) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91.
the authority or body which has been accepted for issuing the certificate of inspection under the procedure laid down in Article 11(6) of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
230 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organ mora obrate za vmesno predelavo, navedene v odstavku 2, vključiti v kontrolne ukrepe, predpisane v členu 23(3).
The competent authority shall subject intermediate processing establishments as referred to in paragraph 2 to the control measures provided for in Article 23 (3).
231 Pravna redakcija
Preskuševalni laboratoriji, kontrolni organi in certifikacijski organi, ki jih imenujejo države članice, morajo izpolnjevati naslednje minimalne pogoje:
The testing laboratories, the inspection bodies and the certification bodies designated by the Member States must fulfil the following minimum conditions:
232 Pravna redakcija
Revizije so zasnovane tako, da preverjajo uspešnost kontrolnega organa, in ne da zavračajo posamezne pošiljke živil ali obrate.
Audits shall be designed to check the effectiveness of the controlling authority rather than to reject individual consignments of food or establishments.
233 Pravna redakcija
kontrolni(e) organi(e) oblasti v tretji državi in/ali zasebne organe, ki jih navedena tretja država priznava za izvajanje kontrole.
the inspection authority or authorities in the third country and/or the private bodies recognized by the said third country to carry out supervision.
234 Pravna redakcija
kontrolno preskušanje vzorcev, odvzetih v proizvodnem obratu, na trgu ali na gradbišču, kar opravi proizvajalec ali odobreni organ;
audit-testing of samples taken at the factory, on the open market or on a construction site by the manufacturer or an approved body;
235 Pravna redakcija
Pred 1. januarjem 1996 države članice izdajo šifro vsakemu kontrolnemu organu ali organu oblasti, ki je odobren ali imenovan v skladu z določbami tega člena.
Before 1 January 1996, Member States shall issue a code number to each inspection body or authority approved or designated in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
236 Pravna redakcija
imajo v okviru omejitev, ki jih zakonodaja zaprošenega organa nalaga svojim uslužbencem pri izvajanju omenjenih kontrolnih postopkov:
enjoy, subject to the restrictions which the legislation applicable to the requested authority imposes on its own officials in exercising the control procedures in question:
237 Pravna redakcija
Ustrezni organi države članice in organi v državi članici, ki so odgovorni za izvajanje Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91, kakor tudi kontrolni organi druga drugi pomagajo pri uporabi te uredbe.
The relevant Member State's authorities and the authorities in the Member States responsible for the implementation of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91, as well as the inspection authorities and inspection bodies, shall assist each other in applying this Regulation.
238 Pravna redakcija
ukrepanje proti oljčni muhi in morebitnim drugim škodljivim organizmom, vključno s kontrolnimi, opozorilnimi in ocenjevalnimi ukrepi;
action against the olive fly and possibly other harmful organisms, including control, warning and evaluation arrangements;
239 Pravna redakcija
Pridelovalec mora zaradi kontrolnega pregleda kontrolnemu organu nuditi dostop do enote in do evidenc ter ustreznih spremnih dokumentov.
The operator must give the inspection body, for inspection purposes, access to the unit and to the written accounts and relevant supporting documents.
240 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Pri skupini, tretirani z velikim odmerkom, in kontrolni skupini je treba opraviti histološko preiskavo na shranjenih organih in tkivih.
In the high-dose group and in the control group, histological examination should be performed on preserved organs and tissues.
241 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Pri skupini, tretirani z velikim odmerkom, in kontrolni skupini je treba opraviti histološko preiskavo na shranjenih organih in tkivih.
In the high dose group and in the control group, histological examination should be performed on the preserved organs and tissues.
242 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je potrebno, ustrezni organi države članice lahko zahtevajo prevod potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu v enega svojih uradnih jezikov.
Where necessary, the relevant Member State's authorities may request a translation of the certificate of inspection in one of its official languages.
243 Pravna redakcija
Za merila v zvezi z usposobljenostjo, nepristranskostjo in integriteto certifikacijskih organov, kontrolnih organov in preskuševalnih laboratorijev glej Prilogo IV.
For the criteria concerning the competence, impartiality and integrity of certification bodies, inspection bodies and testing laboratories, see Annex IV.
244 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov uvoznika proizvoda ali izjava, ki omogoča prejemni enoti in kontrolnemu organu nedvoumno identifikacijo uvoznika proizvoda;
the name and address of the importer of the product, or a statement which enables the receiving unit and the inspection body to identify unequivocally the importer of the product;
245 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba določiti druge organe, pa tudi carinske organe, pristojne za izdajo kontrolnega izvoda T 5 in za preverjanje uporabe in/ali namena intervencijskega blaga;
Whereas other authorities as well as customs authorities competent to issue the control copy T 5 and to verify the use and/or destination of intervention goods have to be designated;
246 Pravna redakcija
Vseeno je treba dopustiti organom v Keniji več časa, da vzpostavijo primerne kontrolne ukrepe za zagotovitev varnosti ribiških proizvodov.
Nevertheless it is necessary to allow more time to the authorities in Kenya to put in place the suitable measures of control to guarantee the safety of the fishery products.
247 Pravna redakcija
»Države članice pa lahko šest mesecev po 1. januarju 1993 obdržijo obstoječe kontrolne organe za vsak poseben ukrep ali njegov del.«
'Member States may, however, for six months from 1 January 1993, retain their existing control bodies for each specific measure or part thereof.
248 Pravna redakcija
serijska številka temeljnega potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu, ki jo je organ izdaje dodelil v skladu s členom 4(4) Uredbe (ES) št. 1788/2001.
the serial number of the underlying certificate which was given by the issuing body or authority in accordance with Article 4(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1788/2001.
249 Pravna redakcija
"(d) se pri proizvodih, pripravljenih po 1. januarju 1997, označevanje sklicuje na ime in/ali šifro kontrolnega organa oblasti ali organa, ki je pristojna za pridelovalca.
'(d) in the case of products prepared after 1 January 1997, the labelling refers to the name and/or the code number of the inspection authority or body to which the operator is subject.
250 Pravna redakcija
Avstralski organi oblasti so Komisijo zaprosili za vključitev novega kontrolnega in certifikacijskega organa v skladu z Uredbo (EGS) št. 94/92.
The Australian authorities have asked the Commission to include a new inspection and certification body in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 94/92.
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kontrolni organ