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201 Pravna redakcija
Ukrepi po opravljeni presoji
Audit follow-up
202 Pravna redakcija
Ta prostor je na voljo za vnaprej natisnjene informacije po presoji držav članic, vključno s kakršnimi koli pogoji
This space is available for pre-printed information at the discretion of the Member States, including any conditions
203 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
Tarifna kvota se šteje za kritično, takoj ko je uporabljenih 75 % začetne količine ali po presoji pristojnih organov.
A tariff quota shall be considered as critical as soon as 75 % of the initial volume has been used, or at the discretion of the competent authorities.
204 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka priloga lahko kadar koli preneha po presoji vsake pogodbenice šest mesecev po vnaprejšnjem uradnem pisnem obvestilu pogodbenice, ki želi, da odpovedati Prilogo.
Each Annex may be terminated at any time at the discretion of either party, upon six months' advance notification in writing by the party seeking to terminate the Annex.
205 Pravna redakcija
Zahtevana dokumentacija se lahko, kadar je primerno in po presoji pristojnih organov, nadomesti s podrobnim seznamom predmetov kulturne dediščine.
This requirement may be replaced, where appropriate and at the discretion of the competent authorities, by a detailed list of the cultural goods.
206 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0651
Druge vlade in medvladne organizacije, ki pokažejo svoje zanimanje za to, se lahko o izvajanih študijah in rezultatih razprav obvestijo po presoji Odbora.
Other governments and intergovernmental organisations which express an interest may be informed of the studies made and of the results of discussions as thought fit.
207 Pravna redakcija
ob upoštevanju dela protiteroristične pripravljalne skupine in po presoji Upravnega odbora Europola ter ob priznavanju potrebe po ločeni odločbi o proračunskih in kadrovskih posledicah za Europol -
Having regard to the work of the Counter-Terrorism Preparatory Group and after consideration by the Europol Management Board and being conscious of the need for a separate Decision on the budgetary and staffing implications for Europol,
208 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0349
po posvetovanju s skupino za strokovno presojo,
After consulting the Scientific Review Group,
209 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Izdelovanje, uporaba, pošiljanje in shranjevanje SVVD, kakor so določeni za različne primere, opisane v tej uredbi, se lahko opravijo z elektronskimi sredstvi, po presoji pristojnega organa.
The production, use, transmission and storage of the CVED as set down in the various situations described in this Regulation may be done by electronic means at the discretion of the competent authority.
210 Pravna redakcija
pravilno overjena črno-bela ali barvna fotografija ali, kadar je primerno in po presoji pristojnih organov, fotografije (v velikosti najmanj 8 cm x 12 cm) obravnavanega predmeta kulturne dediščine.
a duly authenticated photograph or, where appropriate and at the discretion of the competent authorities, photographs in black and white or in colour (measuring at least 8 cm by 12 cm) of the cultural goods in question.
211 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2437
(2) Člen 9d Direktive določa dovoljenje za dodatek, ki spada v vrsto, našteto v delu II Priloge C k Direktivi, kadar so po presoji dokumentacije izpolnjeni vsi pogoji, določeni v členu 3a Direktive.
(2) Article 9d of the Directive provides that an additive of a type listed in Part II of Annex C to the Directive shall be authorised, where, following an evaluation of the dossier, all the conditions laid down in Article 3a of the Directive are met.
212 Pravna redakcija
Ta določba se uporablja po prosti presoji zaprošene države.
This provision however, is available at the discretion of the requested State.
213 Pravna redakcija
3. Informacije, pridobljene z izvedbo tega člena, ki bi po presoji ustreznih organov pogodbenic morali biti na razpolago javnosti, lahko slednji širijo v zgoščeni ali drugi primerni obliki skladno s smernicami, določenimi v Prilogi B.
3. Information arising from the implementation of this Article which, in the judgment of the appropriate authorities of the Parties, should be placed in the public domain may be so disseminated by them in a consolidated or other appropriate form, subject to the Guidelines set out in Annex B.
214 Pravna redakcija
Če se dve ali več novih naprav postavi tako da se ob upoštevanju tehničnih in gospodarskih dejavnikov njihovi odpadni plini lahko, po presoji pristojnih organov, odvajajo iz skupnega dimnika, se povezava tovrstnih naprav obravnava kot ena enota.
Where two or more separate new plants are installed in such a way that, taking technical and economic factors into account, their waste gases could, in the judgement of the competent authorities, be discharged through a common stack, the combination formed by such plants is to be regarded as a single unit.
215 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
Zadevna država članica mora Komisiji sporočiti kakršen koli drug javni interes, ki ga Komisija prizna po presoji njegove združljivosti s splošnimi načeli in drugimi določbami prava Skupnosti, preden se lahko sprejmejo zgoraj navedeni ukrepi.
Any other public interest must be communicated to the Commission by the Member State concerned and shall be recognised by the Commission after an assessment of its compatibility with the general principles and other provisions of Community law before the measures referred to above may be taken.
216 Pravna redakcija
da po členu VIII tega sporazuma nadzira in presoja projekte Centra;
to monitor and audit Centre projects in accordance with Article VIII of this Agreement;
217 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1623
Oprostitev se lahko odobri po presoji razmer na trgu za zadevni izdelek, proizvodne zmogljivosti in izkoriščenosti zmogljivosti, nakupa in prodaje in ob upoštevanju morebitnih pomanjkljivo utemeljenih oziroma ekonomsko neupravičenih praks in dokazov o dampingu.
An exemption may be granted after the assessment of the market situation of the product concerned, production capacity and capacity utilisation, procurement and sales and taking into account the likelihood of practices for which there is insufficient due cause or economic justification and the evidence of dumping.
218 Pravna redakcija
Najemnine so vse tiste najemnine, ki jih najemniki dejansko plačujejo, to je najemnine, katere najemnik plača lastniku, ne glede na kakršno koli socialno pomoč, ki jo najemnik prejema od organov oblasti (vključno s plačili, ki gredo po presoji najemnika neposredno k lastniku).
Rentals are all rentals actually paid by tenants, i.e. the rentals the tenant pays to the landlord regardless of any social benefits the tenant receives from public authorities (including payments which at the tenant 's discretion go directly to the landlord).
219 Pravna redakcija
Potrdila LT se izdajo v skladu z določbami člena 12, po presoji carinskih organov države izvoznice in na podlagi njihove lastne ocene o potrebnosti takšnega postopka samo, če se pričakuje, da bo status porekla blaga, ki se izvaža, v času veljavnosti potrdila LT ostal nespremenjen.
LT certificates shall be issued, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12, at the discretion of the customs authorities of the exporting State and according to their own judgment of the need for this procedure, only where the originating status of the goods to be exported is expected to remain unchanged for the period of validity of the LT certificate.
220 Pravna redakcija
Kadar se po presoji farmakološko aktivne snovi, ki se uporablja v zdravilih za uporabo v veterinarski medicini, pokaže, da za zaščito javnega zdravja ni treba določiti najvišje dovoljene količine zaostankov, se takšna snov vključi v seznam v Prilogi II, ki se sprejme po postopku iz člena 8. Če člen 9 ne določa drugače, se vse spremembe Priloge II sprejmejo po istem postopku.
Where, following an evaluation of a pharmacologically active substance used in veterinary medicinal products, it appears that it is not necessary for the protection of public health to establish a maximum residue limit, that substance shall be included in a list in Annex II, which shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 8. Except as provided for in Article 9, any amendments to Annex II shall be adopted in accordance with the same procedure.
221 Pravna redakcija
Glede na vrsto preskusnega sistema bo ocenjevalec po svoji presoji preveril, da:
Using his judgment, the inspector will check, according to the test systems, that:
222 Pravna redakcija
Kadar zadeva ne napreduje do sodbe, o stroških odloči Sodišče po svoji presoji.
Where a case does not proceed to judgment the costs shall be in the discretion of the Court.
223 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
lahko nadzornik po lastni presoji razveljavi ali spremeni vsebino takega sporočila.
the supervisor shall be at liberty to reverse or vary the content of such communication.
224 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
nadzornik lahko po lastni presoji razveljavi ali spremeni vsebino takega sporočila.
the supervisor shall be at liberty to reverse or vary the contents of such communication.
225 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2437
(3) Člen 9e Direktive določa, da se lahko dodatek iste vrste začasno dovoli za obdobje do štirih let, kadar so po presoji zgoraj navedene dokumentacije, izpolnjeni pogoji iz členov 3a(b) do (e) Direktive in če lahko glede na razpoložljive rezultate domnevamo, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni v členu 3a(a).
(3) Article 9e of the Directive provides that an additive of the same type may be provisionally authorised for a period of up to four years where, following an evaluation of the dossier referred to above, the conditions of Article 3a(b) to (e) of the Directive are satisfied and if it is reasonable to assume, in view of the available results, that the conditions laid down in Article 3a(a) are also met.
226 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
II.1.3. Če so opažene nedavno poginule ribe ali slabotne ribe ali ribe z neobičajnim vedenjem, klinični znaki in ugotovitve patoanatomske preiskave pa niso v skladu z ISA, vzorčenje ni obvezno, čeprav se taki vzorci, kot so lahko potrebni za diferencialno diagnozo, vzamejo po presoji inšpektorja ali veterinarja.
II.1.3. If recent mortalities or weak or abnormally behaving fish are observed, but the clinical signs and post-mortem findings are not consistent with ISA, sampling is not obligatory, although such samples as may be required to carry out a differential diagnosis may be taken at the inspector's or veterinarian's discretion.
227 Pravna redakcija
Zaprošeni carinski organ se po svoji presoji odloči, ali bo takšni prošnji ugodil.
Compliance with such a request shall be at the discretion of the customs authority to which the request is made.
228 Pravna redakcija
ker je po istem členu na podlagi skrbne presoje dopustna oddaljitev od načela te prepovedi;
Whereas the same Article provides that prudential considerations may justify departure from the principle of this prohibition;
229 Pravna redakcija
Najmanj razvite države pogodbenice lahko posredujejo svoja prva sporočila po svoji presoji.
Parties that are least developed countries may make their initial communication at their discretion.
230 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba odločitev o zahtevkih za izvozna dovoljenja objaviti šele po poteku obdobja presoje;
Whereas, in addition, the decision regarding applications for export licences should be communicated only after a period of consideration;
231 Pravna redakcija
Vsak od teh organov ima po korektivnih ukrepih pravico zahtevati ponovno presojo svoje ustreznosti.
Any such body may apply for reconsideration once the necessary corrective action has been taken.
232 Pravna redakcija
Ne glede na odstavek 1 lahko pristojni organi po lastni presoji predpišejo višjo minimalno stopnjo.
Not withstanding paragraph 1, the competent authorities may prescribe higher minimum ratios as they consider appropriate.
233 Pravna redakcija
Države članice po svoji presoji poskrbijo, da se poroča v skladu z eno izmed naslednjih dveh metod:
Member States shall provide that reporting is to be carried out, at their discretion, in accordance with one of the following two methods:
234 Pravna redakcija
Lastninska pravica na predmetu kulturne dediščine se po vračilu presoja po pravu države članice, ki zahteva vračilo.
Ownership of the cultural object after return shall be governed by that law of the requesting Member State.
235 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju interesov obeh pogodbenic lahko Skupnost po svoji presoji ali v odgovor na predlog po členu 15 Sporazuma:
Having regard to the interests of both Parties, the Community may at its discretion, or in response to a request under Article 15 of the Agreement:
236 Pravna redakcija
Vsak od neuvrščenih CAB ima po korektivnih ukrepih pravico zahtevati ponovno presojo svojega statusa.
Excluded CABs may apply for reconsideration of their status once the necessary corrective measures have been taken and confirmed.
237 Pravna redakcija
Glavni zavezanec lahko po lastni presoji prečrta polja potrdila o zavarovanju, ki jih ne bo uporabljal.
The principal shall be entitled at his discretion to cross through the unused boxes.
238 Pravna redakcija
Upravičenec lahko po tem programu uporablja subvencijo za kritje upravičenih stroškov po lastni presoji v letu subvencije.
A beneficiary under this Programme shall be free to use the grant to cover its eligible expenses as it deems appropriate, over the grant year.
239 Pravna redakcija
DRUGO: 62003J0286
Presoja odvisnosti od nege je natančno urejena v besedilu, ki določa razvrstitev odvisnosti po stopnjah.
Assessment of reliance on care is regulated in detail in a measure laying down a classification according to degrees of reliance.
240 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju interesov obeh pogodbenic lahko Skupnost po svoji presoji ali v odgovor na zahtevek po členu 14 tega sporazuma:
Having regard to the interests of both Parties, the Community may at its discretion, or in response to a request under Article 14 of this Agreement:
241 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0808
(a) po njegovi presoji te snovi ne predstavljajo tveganja za širjenje katere koli resne prenosljive bolezni;
(a) does not consider that those material present a risk of spreading any serious transmissible disease;
242 Pravna redakcija
Zadevni uradni organi obvestijo Komisijo o načinu, po katerem izvajajo prosto presojo iz tretje alinee zgoraj.
The official bodies concerned shall inform the Commission on the manner in which they exercise the discretion referred to in the third indent above.
243 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0084
'naloge v zvezi z radijskimi zvezami' vključujejo, odvisno od primera, ladijsko stražarjenje in tehnično vzdrževanje ter popravila, ki se izvajajo v skladu s Pravilnikom o radijskih zvezah, Mednarodno konvencijo o varstvu človeškega življenja na morju iz leta 1974 (Konvencijo Solas) in po presoji vsake države članice z ustreznimi priporočili Mednarodne pomorske organizacije (IMO), v najnovejših različicah;
` radio duties` shall include, as appropriate, watch-keeping and technical maintenance and repairs conducted in accordance with the Radio Regulations, the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1974), (Solas Convention) and, at the discretion of each Member State, the relevant recommendations of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), in their up-to-date versions;
244 Pravna redakcija
ker se po Direktivi 90/220/EGS presojajo samo tveganja, povezana s sproščanjem gensko spremenjenih vrst tobaka;
Whereas under Directive 90/220/EEC only the risks related to the release of the genetically, modified tobacco plant itself are evaluated;
245 Pravna redakcija
ker je poleg tega treba predvideti, da se dovoljenja izdajajo po obdobju za presojo in po potrebi ob uporabi enotnega odstotka odobritve;
whereas, in addition, provision should be made for licences to be issued after a period of consideration, applying, where necessary, a single percentage of acceptance;
246 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju interesov obeh pogodbenic lahko Skupnost po svoji presoji ali v odgovor na zahtevo Romunije po členu 14 Sporazuma preuči:
Having regard to the interests of both Contracting Parties, the Community may at its discretion, or in response to a request from Romania pursuant to Article 14 of the Agreement, examine:
247 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju interesov obeh pogodbenic lahko Skupnost po svoji presoji ali v odgovor na zahtevo Bolgarije po členu 14 Sporazuma preuči:
Having regard to the interests of both Contracting Parties, the Community may at its discretion, or in response to a request from Bulgaria pursuant to Article 14 of the Agreement, examine:
248 Pravna redakcija
Te informacije ne posegajo v ukrepe, ki jih je treba sprejeti po presoji prve navedene organizacije za varstvo rastlin v zvezi z zadržano pošiljko in jih je treba dati čim prej, da lahko organizacija za varstvo rastlin preuči primer zlasti zato, da bi sprejela ukrepe za preprečevanje nadaljnjih podobnih pojavov in, kjer je ustrezno in kolikor je mogoče, sprejela ustrezne ukrepe glede zadržanih pošiljk zaradi tveganja v zadevnem primeru.
This information is without prejudice to the measures which the first-mentioned plant protection organisation may deem necessary to take in respect of the intercepted consignment, and shall be given as soon as possible so that the plant protection organisation concerned may study the case with a view, in particular, to taking the steps necessary to prevent further, similar occurrences and, where appropriate and in so far as possible, taking measures in respect of the intercepted consignment which are adequate to the risk level of the case in question.
249 Pravna redakcija
CAB, ki mu je odobreno omejeno priznanje ali zavrnjeno priznanje, lahko po korektivnih ukrepih zahteva ponovno presojo.
A CAB which has been granted limited recognition or has been denied recognition, may apply for re-evaluation after corrective action has been taken.
250 Pravna redakcija
Odbor lahko po lastni presoji povabi te organe, naj v takšnih primerih prisostvujejo, z namenom podajanja ustnih pripomb.
The Committee shall have a discretion to invite those authorities to be present for the purpose of making oral observations in such cases.
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