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prejem uradnega obvestila
201 Prevajalska redakcija
Vendar se plovilo ob prejemu uradnega obvestila o plačilu predujma, ki ga mavretanskim organom pošlje Komisija, vnese v seznam plovil s pooblastilom za ribolov, ki se pošlje mavretanskim organom, odgovornim za nadzor ribištva.
However, on receipt of notification of payment of the advance sent to the Mauritanian authorities by the Commission, the vessel shall be entered on a list of vessels authorized to fish, which shall be sent to the Mauritanian authorities responsible for fisheries inspection.
202 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1839
pisno izjavo ponudnika, da bo v dveh dneh po prejemu uradnega obvestila o oddaji javnega naročila, pri pristojnem organu vložil zahtevek za uvozno dovoljenje za dodeljeno količino in da bo uvažal iz države, navedene v ponudbi.
and (b) by a written undertaking by the tenderer that, within two days of receipt of notification of the award of contract, he will lodge with the competent body concerned an application for an import licence for the quantity awarded, and that he will import from the country of origin specified in the tender.
203 Prevajalska redakcija
V 10 mesecih po prejemu uradnega obvestila pogodbenice iz člena 6(3) lahko druga pogodbenica pošlje pisni ugovor zoper priglašeni enološki postopek, obdelavo ali spremembo, češ da le-ta ne izpolnjuje zahtev iz člena 6(2)(a) in (b).
Within a period of 10 months from the notification by a Contracting Party under Article 6(3), the other Contracting Party may object in writing to the notified oenological practice, process or modification on the ground that it does not meet the requirements of Article 6(2)(a) and (b).
204 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0045
Predhodna preverjanja opravi evropski nadzornik za varstvo podatkov po prejemu uradnega obvestila uradne osebe za varstvo podatkov, ki se v primeru dvoma o potrebi po predhodnem preverjanju posvetuje z evropskim nadzornikom za varstvo podatkov.
The prior checks shall be carried out by the European Data Protection Supervisor following receipt of a notification from the Data Protection Officer who, in case of doubt as to the need for prior checking, shall consult the European Data Protection Supervisor.
205 Prevajalska redakcija
Vendar se plovila, po prejemu uradnega obvestila o plačilu predujma, ki ga je Komisija nakazala vodji urada za ribištvo, vpišejo v seznam plovil, ki imajo dovoljenje za ribolov in ki se ga pošlje organom Kiribatija, odgovornim za nadzor ribištva.
However, on receipt of notification of payment of the advance sent by the Commission to the Chief Fisheries Officer, vessels shall be entered on a list of vessels authorised to fish, which shall be sent to the Kiribati authorities responsible for fisheries inspection.
206 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
V treh mesecih po prejemu uradnega obvestila države članice v skladu z odstavkom 5, Komisija sproži postopek iz člena 54(3), da odloči, ali potrdilo, predlagano v skladu z odstavkom 5, izpolnjuje pogoje iz navedenega odstavka, in ali se ga lahko izda.
Within three months of being notified by a Member State in accordance with paragraph 5, the Commission shall initiate the procedure referred to in Article 54(3), in order to decide whether an approval proposed in accordance with paragraph 5 fulfils the conditions laid down in that paragraph and can be granted.
207 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0442
Država članica mora zadevo predložiti spravnemu organu v tridesetih delovnih dneh po prejemu uradnega obvestila iz člena 1(1)(a) tako, da pošlje obrazloženo zaprosilo za spravo sekretariatu spravnega organa, katerega naslov se državi članici uradno sporoči prek Odbora EKUJS.
A Member State must refer a matter to the Body within thirty working days of its receipt of notification as referred to in Article 1 (1) (a), by sending a reasoned request for conciliation to the Secretariat of the Conciliation Body, the address of which will be notified to the Member States through the EAGGF Committee.
208 Prevajalska redakcija
Če katera izmed strank v poizvedovalnem postopku ne imenuje svojega izvedenca v enem mesecu od prejema uradnega obvestila od sekretariata, lahko druga stranka o tem obvesti izvršilnega tajnika Gospodarske komisije za Evropo, ki v naslednjih dveh mesecih določi predsednika poizvedovalne komisije.
If one of the parties to the inquiry procedure does not appoint an expert within one month of its receipt of the notification by the Secretariat, the other party may inform the executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe, who shall designate the president of the inquiry commission within a further two-months period.
209 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
Po objavi uradnega obvestila o bližajočem se izteku veljavnosti protidampinških ukrepov, ki se uporabljajo za uvoz 3,5-palčnih disket s poreklom iz Japonske, Tajvana in Ljudske republike Kitajske [7], je Komisija julija 1998 prejela zahtevo za pregled teh ukrepov v skladu s členom 11(2) Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 384/96 ("osnovna uredba").
Following the publication of the notice of impending expiry of the anti-dumping measures applicable to imports of 3,5" microdisks originating in Japan, Taiwan and the People's Republic of China(7), the Commission received in July 1998, a request to review these measures pursuant to Article 11(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 384/96 (the "basic Regulation").
210 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31973D0402
ker mora ob sklicevanju na to odločbo Komisija državi članici, s katero se je posvetovala glede določb, ki jih je predlagala za sprejetje na področju prometa, v določenih rokih od prejetja uradnega obvestila, ali, če je treba, po posvetovanju z vsemi državami članicami, sporočiti mnenje ali priporočilo, in ker so bili ti roki prekratki,
Whereas, in application of this Decision, the Commission must address an opinion or recommendation to the Member State which consulted it in respect of provisions which it proposed to adopt concerning transport, within certain periods from receipt of the notification, where necessary after having consulted all the Member States; whereas these periods have proved too short,
211 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1383
da mora imetnik pravice pisno obvestiti carinske organe v roku desetih delovnih dni oziroma v primeru pokvarljivega blaga treh delovnih dni od prejema uradnega obvestila, predvidenega v členu 9, da blago, ki je predmet postopka, krši pravico intelektualne lastnine iz člena 2(1), in predložiti navedenim organom pisno soglasje deklaranta, imetnika ali lastnika blaga o tem, da se da blago uničiti.
that the right-holder inform the customs authorities in writing within 10 working days, or three working days in the case of perishable goods, of receipt of the notification provided for in Article 9, that the goods concerned by the procedure infringe an intellectual property right referred to in Article 2(1) and provide those authorities with the written agreement of the declarant, the holder or the owner of the goods to abandon the goods for destruction.
212 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0096
Če je mesto cepljenja ali sajenja v drugi državi članici kakor v državi članici, ki uporablja to odstopanje, navedeni pristojni uradni organi obvestijo države članice, ki uporablja to odstopanje, pristojne organe države članice, v kateri se rastline cepijo ali sadijo, v trenutku prejema zgoraj navedenega vnaprejšnjega uradnega obvestila z navedbo imena, naslova in lokacije gospodarstev, v katerih se rastline cepijo ali posadijo.
In those cases where the place of grafting or planting is situated in a Member State other than the Member State making use of this derogation, the said responsible official bodies of the Member State making use of this derogation, at the moment of receipt of the aforementioned advance notification from the importer, shall inform the said responsible official bodies of the Member State in which the buds will be grafted or planted giving the names, addresses and the locations of the premises where the plants will be grafted or planted.
213 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1383
Če je bil postopek, v katerem naj bi se ugotovilo, ali je bila po nacionalnem pravu kršena pravica intelektualne lastnine, sprožen drugače kakor na pobudo imetnika pravice iz modela, patenta, dodatnega varstvenega certifikata ali žlahtniteljske pravice, se varščina sprosti, če oseba, ki je sprožila navedeni postopek, ne izvrši svoje pravice, da v 20 delovnih dneh po prejemu uradnega obvestila o prekinitvi sprostitve ali zadržanju sproži sodni postopek.
Where the procedure to determine whether an intellectual property right has been infringed under national law has been initiated other than on the initiative of the holder of a design right, patent, supplementary protection certificate or plant variety right, the security shall be released if the person initiating the said procedure does not exercise his right to institute legal proceedings within 20 working days of the date on which he receives notification of the suspension of release or detention.
214 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1383
Če v desetih delovnih dneh po prejemu uradnega obvestila o prekinitvi sproščanja ali zadržanju carinski urad iz člena 9(1) ni bil uradno obveščen o tem, da je bil v skladu s členom 10 sprožen postopek, v katerem naj bi bilo ugotovljeno, ali je pravica intelektualne lastnine po nacionalnem pravu kršena, oziroma če ni prejel soglasja imetnika pravice, predvidenega v členu 11(1), se po izpolnitvi vseh carinskih formalnosti blago sprosti oziroma se njegovo zadržanje konča.
If, within 10 working days of receipt of the notification of suspension of release or of detention, the customs office referred to in Article 9(1) has not been notified that proceedings have been initiated to determine whether an intellectual property right has been infringed under national law in accordance with Article 10 or has not received the right-holder's agreement provided for in Article 11(1) where applicable, release of the goods shall be granted, or their detention shall be ended, as appropriate, subject to completion of all customs formalities.
215 Prevod
CELEX: 32003R0003
Vsaka država članica lahko sklep Komisije predloži Svetu v 10 delovnih dneh od prejema uradnega obvestila o Sklepu.
Any Member State may refer the Commission's Decision to the Council within 10 working days of receiving notification of the Decision.
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prejem uradnega obvestila