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201 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Priglašeni organ mora tudi preveriti, da ventili in drugi dodatki z neposredno varnostno funkcijo zagotavljajo raven varnosti, ki je v skladu s tisto iz člena 3 te direktive.
The notified body must also check that valves and other accessories having a direct safety function ensure a level of safety in line with that defined pursuant to Article 3 of this Directive.
202 Končna redakcija
(3) Naročnik mora v pogajanjih zagotoviti, da pogodbena cena ni višja od primerljive cene na tržišču in skrbno preveriti kakovost predmeta, ki je predmet javnega naročila.
(3) During negotiations, contractors shall ensure that the contracted price is not higher than the comparable market price and carefully examine the quality of the article which is the object of public procurement.
203 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Predlagatelji morajo zato pri izdelavi svojih utemeljenih vlog preveriti, ali so vsi podatki in argumenti, na katere se sklicujejo, potrjeni v zadostni meri s strani neodvisnih virov.
The submitting parties should therefore verify, in the course of preparing their reasoned submission, that all information and arguments relied upon are sufficiently supported by independent sources.
204 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
XII.1 Homologacijski organ, ki je podelil EGS-homologacijo sestavnega dela, ima pravico preveriti, v kolikšni meri je zagotovljena obstojnost barv določenega tipa odsevnika v uporabi.
XII.1. The authority which granted EEC component type-approval may check the colour-fastness of a type of reflex reflector in service.
205 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
Priglašeni organ mora preveriti, ali premična tlačna oprema, dana na trg, daje vsaj enako stopnjo varnosti, kakor premična tlačna oprema, navedena v Direktivah 94/55/ES in 96/49/ES.
The notified body must check whether transportable pressure equipment which has been placed on the market affords at least the same degree of safety as the transportable pressure equipment referred to in Directive 94/55/EC and 96/49/EC.
206 Končna redakcija
Proizvajalec mora preveriti debelino vsake jeklenke ter stanje notranjih in zunanjih površin za zagotovitev, da: debelina stene na nobenem mestu ni manjša od debeline, določene v načrtu,
The thickness of each cylinder shall be checked and the condition of its internal and external surfaces inspected by the manufacturer in order to verify that: - the wall thickness is at no point less than that specified on the drawing,
207 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Pri sistemih za delno vzorčenje je treba ob začetku uporabe kakovost mešanja preveriti s profilom CO2 v tunelu pri delujočem motorju (najmanj štiri enakomerno razmaknjene merilne točke).
For fractional sampling systems, the mixing quality shall be checked after introduction into service by means of a CO2 -profile of the tunnel with the engine running (at least four equally spaced measuring points).
208 Končna redakcija
(1) Naročnik mora pred oddajo naročila preveriti, če ponudnik izpolnjuje pogoje glede poslovne in finančne sposobnosti, opredeljene v 5. in 6. točki drugega odstavka 41. člena tega zakona.
(1) Before the award of a contract, contractors shall check that tenderers fulfil the conditions concerning economic and financial standing as defined in Article 41(2), items 5. and 6.
209 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0686
Nove države članice so dolžne vsako leto preveriti določen odstotek organizacij proizvajalcev in skupin proizvajalcev glede skladnosti z merili za priznanje ter pogojev za dodelitev pomoči.
The new Member States have the obligation to check a certain percentage of the producer organisations and producer groups each year concerning compliance with the recognition criteria, and the conditions for the grant of aid.
210 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
Homologacijski organ, ki je podelil EGS-homologacijo sestavnega dela, ima pravico preveriti, v kolikšni meri je zagotovljena obstojnost optičnih lastnosti tipa odsevnika v uporabi pri staranju.
The administration which granted EEC component type-approval may check the stability of the optical properties of a type of reflex reflector in service as ageing takes place.
211 Končna redakcija
Konferenca meni, da naj Sodišče v izjemnih primerih, v katerih se odloči preveriti odločitev Sodišča prve stopnje o vprašanju, predloženem v predhodno odločanje, odloča po nujnem postopku.
The Conference considers that, in exceptional cases in which the Court of Justice decides to review a decision of the Court of First Instance on a question referred for a preliminary ruling, it should act under an emergency procedure.
212 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
V oceni varnosti ladje je treba preveriti vsako označeno točko dostopa, vključno z odprtimi krovi, in oceniti, kakšna je možnost, da jo uporabijo posamezniki, ki bi lahko skušali kršiti varnost.
The SSA should examine each identified point of access, including open weather decks, and evaluate its potential for use by individuals who might seek to breach security.
213 Končna redakcija
Na temelju teh ugotovitev so se v letu 1997 pričele obsežne varnostne analize z namenom dokazati zmožnost varnega obratovanja ter preveriti mehansko celovitost in dobo trajanja sistemov in komponent.
Comprehensive safety analyses were started in 1997 to demonstrate plant safety performance and to confirm the mechanical integrity and lifetime of the systems and components.
214 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
Preveritveni obiski so potekali v prostorih naslednjih družb:
Verification visits were carried out at the premises of the following companies:
215 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2245
Pooblaščeni agenti plačilne agencije, certifikacijski organ in Evropska unija imajo pravico preveriti katere koli dokaze, ki jih ima zgoraj navedeni organ, in izvajati preverjanja v zvezi z vlagatelji."
The authorised agents of the paying agency, the certifying body and the European Union shall have the right to examine any evidence held by the abovementioned body and to carry out checks on applicants for aid."
216 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Ker je bilo treba podrobneje preveriti nekatere vidike subvencij, škode, vzročne zveze in interesa Skupnosti, za bombažno posteljno perilo po poreklu iz Indije niso bili uvedeni protisubvencijski ukrepi.
Given the need to examine further certain aspects of subsidy, injury, causality and Community interest, no provisional anti-subsidy measures were imposed on cotton-type bedlinen originating in India.
217 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Komisija si je prizadevala preveriti zelo neverjetne zneske, prikazane v odgovorih na protidampinški vprašalnik, ki jih je predložilo šest družb, izbranih v vzorec, v skladu s členom 16 osnovne uredbe.
The Commission has sought to verify the highly implausible figures reported in the replies to the anti-dumping questionnaire submitted by the six companies selected in the sample, in line with Article 16 of the basic Regulation.
218 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Denarni tok in donos naložbenega kapitala je bilo mogoče preveriti le na ravni sodelujočih družb, ki so proizvedle zadevni proizvod (in ne v odnosu na zadevni proizvod), prikazana pa sta v koledarskih letih.
Cash flow and ROCE could only be examined at the level of the cooperating companies which produced the product concerned (rather than in relation to the product concerned) and are shown in calendar years.
219 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Z odstopanjem od odstavka 1 države članice dovolijo kateremu koli upravljavcu trga, da upravlja MTF, pri čemer je treba predhodno preveriti njegovo skladnost z določbami tega poglavja, razen členov 11 in 15.
By way of derogation from paragraph 1, Member States shall allow any market operator to operate an MTF, subject to the prior verification of their compliance with the provisions of this Chapter, excluding Articles 11 and 15.
220 Končna redakcija
Preostanek se plača šele po preveritvi dokumentov iz odstavka 2.
The balance shall be paid subject to verification of the documents referred to in paragraph 2.
221 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Pri tem mora uprava preveriti, ali so ladje zmožne izvajati ure počitka in druge ukrepe proti utrujenosti, ki jih predpisuje nacionalna zakonodaja, v okviru vseh dolžnosti na ladji, ki jih ima tam različno osebje.
In doing so, the Administration should verify that ships are able to implement the hours of rest and other measures to address fatigue which have been promulgated by national law, in the context of all shipboard duties assigned to the various shipboard personnel.
222 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Stranke, ki priglašajo, bi med pripravo svoje priglasitve morale preveriti, ali so imena in številke za stik, zlasti telefaks številke in elektronski naslovi, ki jih dajo Komisiji, natančna, ustrezna in ažurirana.
The notifying parties should verify, in the course of preparing their notification, that contact names and numbers, and in particular fax numbers and e-mail addresses, provided to the Commission are accurate, relevant and up-to-date.
223 Končna redakcija
preveritev, ali se pri jeklenkah s konkavnim dnom dno ni izbočilo.
verification, in the case of cylinders with a concave base, that the base of the cylinder has not been reversed.
224 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Preveritveni obiski so bili izvedeni v prostorih naslednjih družb:
Verification visits were carried out at the premises of the following companies:
225 Končna redakcija
Poleg tega se mora javno financiranje storitev splošnega gospodarskega interesa, ki lahko vplivajo na trgovino, preveriti glede na posebne določbe Pogodbe o državni pomoči zaradi ugotovitve, ali je to vseeno dopustno.
Moreover, public funding for services of general economic interest that may be liable to affect trade must be examined in the light of the specific provisions on State aid in the Treaty to see whether it is nevertheless permissible.
226 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Če se kreditna institucija odloči opravljati investicijske storitve ali investicijske dejavnosti, bi moral pristojni organ pred izdajo dovoljenja preveriti, ali je ta institucija v skladu z zadevnimi določbami te direktive.
When a credit institution decides to provide investment services or perform investment activities the competent authorities, before granting an authorisation, should verify that it complies with the relevant provisions of this Directive.
227 Končna redakcija
Določbe te odločbe je treba ponovno preveriti, ko nova znanstvena spoznanja nakažejo potrebo po uvedbi drugačnih zdravstvenih preverjanj, ali potrebo po spremembi parametrov, ki so bili uvedeni za zaščito javnega zdravja.
The provisions of this Decision should be re-evaluated when scientific evidence indicates the need to introduce other health checks, or to amend the parameters established for the purpose of protecting public health.
228 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Zato podatkov o stroških in dobičkih zadevnega izdelka ni bilo mogoče sprejeti takšnih, kakor so bili prikazani, ker jih ni bilo mogoče preveriti in ker so razpoložljivi podatki jasno pokazali, da so ta obvestila napačna.
Information regarding costs and profits of the product concerned could therefore not be accepted as reported, in so far as it could not be verified and the information available clearly indicated that these data were false.
229 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Opravljeni so bili preveritveni obiski v prostorih naslednjih podjetij:
Verification visits were carried out at the premises of the following companies:
230 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
2. ni organizirala poslovanja oziroma ne vodi tekoče poslovnih knjig, poslovne dokumentacije ter drugih administrativnih in poslovnih evidenc tako, da je mogoče kadarkoli preveriti ali posluje v skladu s pravili o obvladovanju tveganj;
2. has not organised its operations or does not keep current the business books, business documents and other administrative and business evidence in a manner which makes it possible to verify at any time whether it operates in accordance with the regulations on the management of risks;
231 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0836
Ukrepe, odobrene Cipru zaradi prilagoditve izvajanja Uredbe (ES) št. 999/2001 v prehodnem obdobju, bi bilo treba čim prej preveriti, in bi morali biti v vsakem primeru in v skladu z Aktom o pristopu omejeni na obdobje največ treh let.
The measures granted to Cyprus for adapting the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 for a transitional period should be reviewed as soon as possible and should in any case and in accordance with the Act of Accession be limited to a maximum period of three years.
232 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
Banka mora organizirati poslovanje in tekoče voditi poslovne knjige, poslovno dokumentacijo in druge administrativne oziroma poslovne evidence tako, da je mogoče kadarkoli preveriti ali posluje v skladu s pravili o obvladovanju tveganj.
A bank must organise its operations and keep current business books, business documents and other administrative or business evidence in such a way that it is at any time possible to verify whether it operates in accordance with the regulations on risk management.
233 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
bi bilo treba preveriti, ali je padec cen na trgu Skupnosti posledica padca uvoznih cen, da bi lahko ocenili, ali na trgu Skupnosti obstajajo razmere, povezane z gibanjem cen na svetovnih trgih s tuni, ki opravičujejo izplačevanje kompenzacije;
in order to assess whether a situation exists on the Community market linked to the trend of prices on the world market in tuna that warrants payment of compensatory allowances, a check should be made that the drip in Community market prices stems from a drop in import prices;
234 Končna redakcija
4.4 če so v TSI zahtevani preskusi tipa, preveriti, ali je (so) bil(-i) vzorec(-i) proizveden(-i) skladno s tehnično dokumentacijo, ter izvesti ali zagotoviti izvedbo preskusov tipa v skladu z določbami TSI in evropskimi specifikacijami iz TSI,
if type tests are requested in the TSI, verify that the specimen(s) has (have) been manufactured in conformity with the technical documentation, and carry out or have carried out the type tests in accordance with the provisions of the TSI and the European specification referred to in the TSI,
235 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Ob upoštevanju dogodkov, opisanih v uvodni izjavi 35, je bila Komisija prisiljena sklepati, da podatkov, ki so jih predložili drugi proizvajalci izvozniki, vključeni v vzorec, ni mogoče preveriti, ker je bilo treba preveritvene obiske prekiniti.
In light of the events described in recital 35, the Commission was forced to conclude that the information provided by the remaining sampled exporting producers could not be verified, as the verification visits had to be interrupted.
236 Končna redakcija
ker je treba zato preveriti, ali družbe ter njihovi trajekti in plovila izpolnjujejo varnostne standarde, sprejete v okviru IMO, in po potrebi na regionalni ravni s sistemom rednih obveznih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki jih opravi država gostiteljica;
whereas it therefore should be verified that companies and their ferries and craft comply with the safety standards agreed within the IMO and, where appropriate, at regional level, through a system of regular mandatory inspections by host States;
237 Končna redakcija
najkasneje v sedmih dneh po določitvi okuženega območja mora ta gospodarstva obiskati uradni veterinar in klinično pregledati prašiče ter preveriti register in identifikacijske številke prašičev, navedenih v členih 4 in 5 Direktive 92/102/EGS.
after the establishment of the protection zone these holdings shall be visited by an official veterinarian within not more than seven days in order to conduct a clinical examination of the pigs and to check the register and the pig identification marks referred to in Articles 4 and 5 of Directive 92/102/EEC;
238 Končna redakcija
ker je z upoštevanjem predvidenih izjem priporočljivo preveriti, ali se taki dodatki lahko uporabljajo za zdravljenje ali preprečevanje bolezni in ali še vedno obstajajo resni razlogi za omejitev njihove uporabe le v medicinske ali veterinarske namene,
whereas, subject to the exceptions provided for, it is advisable to examine whether such additives may now be used for the treatment or prevention of disease or whether there are still serious reasons for restricting their use to medical or veterinary purposes; (1)OJ No C 135, 14.12.1968, p. 20.
239 Končna redakcija
V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih se je iskanje in analiziranje podatkov o učinkovitih ali neučinkovitih postopkih, metodah in tehnikah bistveno izboljšalo in danes je za veliko večino mogoče hitro preveriti, ali so v skladu z zadnjimi znanstvenimi spoznanji ali ne.
During the past several decades research into and analysis of the efficiency of various methods have been radically improved, so today most methods may be quickly assessed against scientific evidence.
240 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0067
Vsaka pošiljka živali ali proizvodov iz ribogojstva mora biti jasno identificirana oz. označena, tako da je mogoče pošiljki slediti do gojilnice izvora in po potrebi preveriti, kako se stanje živali oz. proizvodov ujema z informacijami v zdravstvenem certifikatu.
Each consignment of aquaculture animals and products must be clearly identified in order to be able to trace back to the farm of origin, and to verify where appropriate the correlation of the animals or products with the information contained in the accompanying movement document.
241 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Zato je bilo Komisiji nemogoče izbrati nov vzorec in opraviti preveritvene obiske.
It was therefore impossible for the Commission to select a new sample and to carry out verification visits.
242 Končna redakcija
(1) Pooblaščeni aktuar mora preveriti, ali se izračunavajo premije in oblikujejo zavarovalnotehnične rezervacije v skladu s predpisi in ali so izračunane oziroma oblikovane tako, da zagotavljajo trajno izpolnjevanje vseh obveznosti zavarovalnice iz zavarovalnih pogodb.
(1) A certified actuary shall be obliged to examine whether premiums are calculated and technical provisions set aside in accordance with the regulations, and whether they are calculated or set aside so as to ensure the long-term meeting of all the insurance undertaking's obligations arising from the insurance contracts.
243 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Zadevna vlada pogodbenica ali imenovani organ lahko preverita učinkovitost načrta.
The Contracting Government or the Designated Authority concerned may test the effectiveness of the plan.
244 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Po preskusu iz 8.14.6 je treba za vse naprave, ki delujejo na plin in so priključene na dimnik, preveriti, ali po petminutnem delovanju pri nazivnem pritisku ob zaprtih oknih in vratih ter ob delovanju prezračevalnih naprav uhajajo skozi dušilo kakršni koli odpadni plini.
After the test referred to in 8.14.6, it must be verified, in respect of each gas-consuming appliance connected to a flue, whether, after five minutes' operation at the nominal pressure, with windows and doors closed and the ventilation devices in operation, any combustion gases are escaping through the damper.
245 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0033
Celota enote lahko vključuje tudi avtomatske naprave, obtočne ventile, omejilnike pretoka itd. pod pogojem, da je vsak preskusni krog med vodomeri, ki jih overjamo, in kontrolnimi posodami jasno definiran in da je možno kadar koli preveriti njegovo notranjo absorpcijo tlaka.
The complete unit may include automatic devices, by-pass valves, flow-restrictors, etc., provided that each test circuit between the meters to be verified and the control tanks is clearly defined and that it is possible to verify at any time its internal pressure absorption.
246 Končna redakcija
Ti se med samimi meritvami uporabljajo za preveritev ali popravke dobljenih podatkov.
These indications are used during the running measurement session, to verify or to correct the received measurement data.
247 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Med preveritvenim obiskom so bile preverjene vrste in količine uvoženih materialov.
During the verification visit, the nature and quantities of imported materials were verified.
248 Končna redakcija
(8) Uporabnik, ki želi iznesti blago iz prejšnjega odstavka iz ekonomske cone na preostalo carinsko območje, mora na zahtevo carinskega organa predložiti evidence, iz katerih so razvidni normativi porabe, carinski organ pa je upravičen preveriti točnost podatkov iz evidence.
(8) The operator who wishes to remove the goods under paragraph (7) from the economic zone into the remaining customs territory shall, upon the Customs Authority request, submit evidence showing the norms of consumption, while the Customs Authority is entitled to check the accuracy of data from the evidence.
249 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0686
Nove države članice bi morale preveriti pred koncem leta 2005, če organizacije proizvajalcev in skupine proizvajalcev zares izpolnjujejo merila za priznanje, predvidena v Uredbi Sveta (ES) št. 2200/96 z dne 28. oktobra 1996 glede skupne ureditve trga za sadje in zelenjavo [3].
The new Member States should verify before the end of 2005 whether the producer organisations and producer groups really meet the recognition criteria provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 2200/96 of 28 October 1996 on the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables(3).
250 Končna redakcija
"- kjerkoli je to izvedljivo, preveriti, ali je nastavljena hitrost naprave za omejevanje hitrosti v skladu z mejami iz členov 2 in 3 Direktive 92/6/EGS ter ali naprava za omejevanje hitrosti preprečuje, da bi v teh členih navedena vozila prekoračila prednastavljene vrednosti."
"- check wherever practical that the set speed of the speed limitation device conforms to the limits according to Articles 2 and 3 of Directive 92/6/EEC and that the speed limitation device prevents vehicles mentioned in those same Articles from exceeding those pre-set values."
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