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201 Pravna redakcija
"ogrožena" za posamezno selitveno vrsto pomeni, da je v nevarnosti, da izumre na celotnem območju razširjenosti ali na večjem delu tega območja;
'endangered' in relation to a particular migratory species means that the migratory species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range;
202 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2313
Učinek te selitve je bil ta, da je bilo v Skupnosti uporabljeno manj CPT in izvoženo več CPT za zadovoljitev potreb teh novih proizvodnih obratov.
The effect of this relocation was that less CPTs were used in the Community and more CPTs were exported to accommodate the needs of these new production sites.
203 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenice, ki so države na območju razširjenosti selitvene vrste, navedene v Dodatku I, prepovejo jemati iz narave živali, ki pripadajo tej vrsti.
Parties that are Range States of a migratory species listed in Appendix I shall prohibit the taking of animals belonging to such species.
204 Pravna redakcija
kadar je to zaželeno, zagotavljanje novih ugodnih življenjskih prostorov za selitveno vrsto ali ponovna naselitev vrste v ugodne življenjske prostore;
where it appears desirable, the provision of new habitats favourable to the migratory species or reintroduction of the migratory species into favourable habitats;
205 Pravna redakcija
UPOŠTEVAJOČ, da lahko širitev ribolovnih območij v atlantski regiji povzroči selitev ribolovne aktivnosti, kar lahko neugodno vpliva na stanje virov;
NOTING that the extension of fishery zones in the Atlantic region may cause a transfer of fishing effort which might adversely affect the state of these resources;
206 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2313
Ugotovljeno je bilo, da kar se je kazalo kot padanje trga, je bilo posledica selitve proizvodnje BTV v nekatere države SVED (glej uvodne izjave 63 do 65).
It was found that what appeared to show a declining market was the result of relocation of the production of CTVs to certain CEECs (see recitals 63 to 65).
207 Pravna redakcija
pripravi priporočila pogodbenicam v zvezi z izboljšanjem ohranitvenega stanja selitvenih vrst in preveri napredek, ki je bil dosežen v okviru sporazumov;
make recommendations to the Parties for improving the conservation status of migratory species and review the progress being made under Agreements;
208 Pravna redakcija
Sporočilo o priseljenski politiki Skupnosti fn poudarja, da je potrebnih več informacij o selitvenih tokovih in vzorcih selitev v Evropsko unijo in iz nje.
The Communication on a Community immigration policy (1) emphasises that more information is needed about migration flows and patterns of migration into and out of the EU.
209 Pravna redakcija
preprečiti, odstraniti, izravnati ali kar najbolj zmanjšati škodljive posledice dejavnosti ali zaprek, ki resno preprečujejo ali ovirajo selitev te vrste;
to prevent, remove, compensate for or minimize, as appropriate, the adverse effects of activities or obstacles that seriously impede or prevent the migration of the species; and
210 Pravna redakcija
Dodeljeni član vojaškega osebja ima pravico do povračila stroškov zaradi selitve osebnih premičnin v skladu s pravili in pogoji Generalnega sekretariata.
A seconded military staff member shall be entitled to reimbursement of the costs of removing his personal effects in accordance with the rules and conditions in force at the General Secretariat.
211 Pravna redakcija
odstranitev dejavnosti in zaprek, ki ovirajo ali preprečujejo selitev, v največji možni meri, ali ukrepe za nadomestitev posledic teh dejavnosti in zaprek;
elimination of, to the maximum extent possible, or compensation for activities and obstacles which hinder or impede migration;
212 Pravna redakcija
preprečiti, odstraniti, izravnati ali kar najbolj zmanjšati škodljive posledice dejavnosti ali zaprek, ki resno preprečujejo ali ovirajo selitev te vrste;
to prevent, remove, compensate for or minimize, as appropriate, the adverse effects of activities or obstacles that seriously impede or prevent the migration of the species;
213 Pravna redakcija
V Dodatku II so navedene selitvene vrste, ki imajo neugodno ohranitveno stanje in potrebujejo mednarodne sporazume v zvezi z njihovo ohranitvijo in upravljanjem, ter tiste selitvene vrste, katerih ohranitveno stanje bi imelo občutne koristi od mednarodnega sodelovanja, ki bi ga lahko dosegli z mednarodnim sporazumom.
Appendix II shall list migratory species which have an unfavourable conservation status and which require international agreements for their conservation and management, as well as those which have a conservation status which would significantly benefit from the international cooperation that could be achieved by an international agreement.
214 Pravna redakcija
hitre postopke, s katerimi je mogoče znatno in hitro in povečati učinkovitost ohranitvenih ukrepov, kadar je resno prizadeto ohranitveno stanje selitvene vrste;
emergency procedures whereby conservation action would be considerably and rapidly strengthened when the conservation status of the migratory species is seriously affected; and
215 Pravna redakcija
"ohranitveno stanje selitvene vrste" pomeni vsoto vplivov, ki delujejo na selitveno vrsto in lahko dolgoročno učinkujejo na njeno razširjenost in številčnost;
'conservation status of a migratory species' means the sum of the influences acting on the migratory species that may affect its long-term distribution and abundance;
216 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenice obveščajo sekretariat o selitvenih vrstah, navedenih v dodatkih I in II, v zvezi s katerimi menijo, da so države na območju njihove razširjenosti;
The Parties shall keep the Secretariat informed as to which of the migratory species listed in Appendices I and II they consider they are Range States;
217 Pravna redakcija
hitre postopke, s katerimi je mogoče znatno in hitro in povečati učinkovitost ohranitvenih ukrepov, kadar je resno prizadeto ohranitveno stanje selitvene vrste;
emergency procedures whereby conservation action would be considerably and rapidly strengthened when the conservation status of the migratory species is seriously affected;
218 Pravna redakcija
priprava priporočil za Konferenco pogodbenic v zvezi s posebnimi ohranitvenimi in upravljalnimi ukrepi, ki jih je treba vključiti v sporazume o selitvenih vrstah;
making recommendations to the Conference of the Parties as to specific conservation and management measures to be included in Agreements on migratory species;
219 Pravna redakcija
Detaširani nacionalni strokovnjak ima pravico do povračila stroškov selitve osebnih premičnin v skladu s pravili in pogoji, veljavnimi v Generalnem sekretariatu.
A national expert on detachment shall be entitled to reimbursement of the costs of removing his personal effects in accordance with the rules and conditions in force at the General Secretariat.
220 Pravna redakcija
Selitvena vrsta je lahko navedena v Dodatku I, če zanesljivi dokazi, vključno z najboljšimi znanstvenimi dokazi, ki so na razpolago, kažejo, da je vrsta ogrožena.
A migratory species may be listed in Appendix I provided that reliable evidence, including the best scientific evidence available, indicates that the species is endangered.
221 Pravna redakcija
Sekretariat na podlagi podatkov, ki jih prejme od pogodbenic, sproti dopolnjuje seznam držav na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst, navedenih v dodatkih I in II.
A list of the Range States of migratory species listed in Appendices I and II shall be kept up to date by the Secretariat using information it has received from the Parties.
222 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
(ii) v drugem pododstavku se za besedilo "mož in žena uradnika" doda "ali druga uslužbenca", besedilo "selitev ob prenehanju zaposlitve" pa nadomesti z "nastanitev";
(ii) in the second subparagraph, the words "or other servants" are inserted after "husband and wife who are officials" and the word "settlement" is replaced by "installation";
223 Pravna redakcija
Konferenci pogodbenic priporočiti rešitve vprašanj, povezanih z znanstvenimi vidiki izvajanja te konvencije, zlasti v zvezi z življenjskimi prostori selitvenih vrst.
recommending to the Conference of the Parties solutions to problems relating to the scientific aspects of the implementation of this Convention, in particular with regard to the habitats of migratory species.
224 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
Poleg zgornje točke, ki se nanaša na selitev proizvodnje so bili podatki, ki jih je dal sodelujoči proizvajalec-izvoznik, nejasni glede izkoriščenosti zmogljivosti.
In addition to the above point regarding production movements, figures obtained from the cooperating exporting producer were unclear in respect of capacity utilisation.
225 Pravna redakcija
OB SPOZNANJU, da države so in morajo biti zaščitnice selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali, ki živijo znotraj meja njihove državne jurisdikcije ali potujejo prek njih.
RECOGNIZING that the States are and must be the protectors of the migratory species of wild animals that live within or pass through their national jurisdictional boundaries;
226 Pravna redakcija
Če se mora uradnik, ki ne prebiva v opremljenem stanovanju, ki ga preskrbi institucija, zaradi razlogov, na katere ne more vplivati, v kraju zaposlitve preseliti, dobi na podlagi obrazloženega sklepa organa za imenovanja in ob predložitvi dokazil povrnjene stroške za selitev pohištva in osebnih stvari v skladu s pravili, ki se nanašajo na selitev.
An official not in furnished accommodation provided by the institution who, for reasons beyond his control, is obliged to change his residence at the place of employment shall, by special reasoned decision of the appointing authority, be reimbursed the expenses incurred in respect of removal of furniture and personal effects, on production of supporting documents and in accordance with the rules on removals.
227 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32004D0240
Če dodeljenemu domačemu izvedencu ne Generalni sekretariat Sveta ne delodajalec ni izplačal stroškov selitve, se mu izplača dodatno mesečno nadomestilo po naslednji tabeli:
If the SNE has not received removal expenses from either the GSC or from the employer, an additional monthly allowance shall be paid as shown in the table below:
228 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2313
s selitvijo proizvajalcev BTV v države SVED v veliki meri lahko razložimo zmanjšanje porabe CPT v Skupnosti, njen učinek ni bil splošno zmanjšanje povpraševanja po tem izdelku.
Whereas the relocation of CTV manufacturers to the CEECs may explain to a large extent the decrease in CPTs consumption in the Community, its effect has not been a general decrease in the demand for the product.
229 Pravna redakcija
priprava priporočil za Konferenco pogodbenic v zvezi s selitvenimi vrstami, ki jih je treba vključiti v Dodatek I ali II, vključno s podatki o območju razširjenosti teh selitvenih vrst;
making recommendations to the Conference of the Parties as to the migratory species to be included in Appendices I or II, together with an indication of the range of such migratory species;
230 Pravna redakcija
dodatke za prevoz na delo in z njega, razen dodatkov ali povračil stroškov zaposlenim za potovanja, ločeno življenje, selitev in razvedrilo v času, ko so na delu (glej odstavek 4.07. a);
allowances for transport to and from work, excluding allowances or reimbursement of employees for travelling, separation, removal and entertainment expenses incurred in the course of their duties (see paragraph 4. 07. a);
231 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Ne glede na člen 24(3) nadomestilo za nastanitev, predvideno v odstavku 1, in nadomestilo za selitev ob prenehanju zaposlitve, predvideno v odstavku 2 navedenega člena, ne smeta biti nižja od:
Notwithstanding Article 24(3), the installation allowance provided for in paragraph 1 and the resettlement allowance provided for in paragraph 2 of that Article shall not be less than:
232 Pravna redakcija
skrbeti za povezave med pogodbenicami, stalnimi organi, ustanovljenimi v okviru sporazumov, in drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo s selitvenimi vrstami, ter spodbujati te povezave;
to maintain liaison with and promote liaison between the Parties, the standing bodies set up under Agreements and other international organizations concerned with migratory species;
233 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
Za kakršno koli selitev, razen zaradi nujnega veterinarskega zdravljenja in pod pogojem, da se osebki vrnejo naravnost v dovoljeni kraj, je potrebno predhodno dovoljenje pristojnega upravnega organa.
Any movement, except for urgent veterinary treatment and provided the specimens are returned directly to their authorised location, then requires prior authorisation from the competent management authority.
234 Pravna redakcija
sta razširjenost in številčnost selitvene vrste blizu zgodovinskemu obsegu in ravni, če obstajajo možni ustrezni ekosistemi in če je to skladno s premišljenim upravljanjem prosto živečih živali;
the distribution and abundance of the migratory species approach historic coverage and levels to the extent that potentially suitable ecosystems exist and to the extent consistent with wise wildlife management;
235 Pravna redakcija
"območje razširjenosti" pomeni vse kopenske in vodne površine, kjer so naseljene selitvene vrste, se tam začasno nahajajo ali pa jih prečkajo ali preletijo kadarkoli na svoji običajni selitveni poti;
'range' means all the areas of land or water that a migratory species inhabits, stays in temporarily, crosses or overflies at any time on its normal migration route;
236 Pravna redakcija
Razen če ni označeno drugače, sklicevanje na sistematsko skupino, ki je višja od vrste, pomeni, da lahko imajo vse selitvene vrste v okviru te sistematske skupine znatne koristi od sklepanja sporazumov.
Unless otherwise indicated, where reference is made to a taxon higher than species, it is understood that all the migratory species within that taxon could significantly benefit from the conclusion of Agreements.
237 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Uslužbenci, katerih stalno prebivališče je več kakor 100 km oddaljeno od kraja zaposlitve, so upravičeni do povračila dejanskih selitvenih stroškov gospodinjskih predmetov v naslednjih okoliščinah:
Staff members whose place of residence is more than 100 km from their duty station shall be entitled to the reimbursement of expenses actually incurred for the removal of their household effects on the following occasions:
238 Pravna redakcija
Ta konvencija se uporablja za staleže lososa, ki se selijo v območja izven ribolovne pristojnosti obalnih držav Atlantskega oceana, severno od 36° severne zemljepisne širine, na vsej njihovi selitveni poti.
This Convention applies to the salmon stocks which migrate beyond areas of fisheries jurisdiction of coastal States of the Atlantic Ocean north of 36° N latitude throughout their migratory range.
239 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
- identifikacijsko kodo namembnega gospodarstva ali naslednjega imetnika živali, ali, če gredo živali v klavnico, identifikacijsko kodo ali ime in lokacijo klavnice, ali namembni kraj pri sezonski selitvi živali,
- the identification code of the holding of destination or of the next keeper of the animals or, when animals are moved to a slaughterhouse, the identification code or the name and location of the slaughterhouse, or, in the event of transhumance, the place of destination,
240 Pravna redakcija
Konferenca pogodbenic lahko pogodbenicam, ki so države na območju razširjenosti selitvene vrste, navedene v Dodatku I, priporoči, da sprejmejo nadaljnje ukrepe, za katere meni, da ustrezno koristijo navedeni vrsti.
The Conference of the Parties may recommend to the Parties that are Range States of a migratory species listed in Appendix I that they take further measures considered appropriate to benefit the species.
241 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
dodatki ali povračila stroškov zaposlenim za potovanja, ločeno življenje, selitev in razvedrilo v času, ko so na delu ter izdatki za zagotavljanje udobja na delovnem mestu (npr. športne in rekreacijske možnosti).
allowances towards/reimbursements of expenditure on travel, separation or removal incurred by employees in the course of their duties, entertainment expenses incurred by employees on behalf of the enterprise and expenditure on providing amenities at the place of work (e.g. sports and recreational facilities).
242 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenice, ki so države na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst, navedenih v Dodatku II, si prizadevajo sklepati sporazume, kadar bi ti koristili vrstam, in morajo dati prednost vrstam z neugodnim ohranitvenim stanjem.
Parties that are Range States of migratory species listed in Appendix II shall endeavour to conclude Agreements where these would benefit the species and should give priority to those species in an unfavourable conservation status.
243 Pravna redakcija
zagotovijo tudi podatke o plovilih, ki plujejo pod njihovo zastavo in se ukvarjajo z jemanjem zadevne selitvene vrste iz narave izven meja državne jurisdikcije, ter načrte v zvezi z navedenim jemanjem, kadar je to mogoče.
including provision of information on their flag vessels engaged outside national jurisdictional limits in taking the migratory species concerned and where possible future plans in respect of such taking.
244 Pravna redakcija
Vsak sporazum mora zajeti celotno območje razširjenosti zadevne selitvene vrste in mora biti na voljo vsem državam na območju razširjenosti te vrste, da pristopijo k njemu, ne glede na to, ali so pogodbenice te konvencije.
Each Agreement should cover the whole of the range of the migratory species concerned and should be open to accession by all Range States of that species, whether or not they are Parties to this Convention.
245 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Uslužbenci, katerih stalno prebivališče je več kakor 100 km ali 60 milj oddaljeno od kraja zaposlitve, so upravičeni do povračila dejanskih selitvenih stroškov njihovih gospodinjskih predmetov v naslednjih okoliščinah:
Staff members whose place of residence is more than 100 km or 60 miles from their duty station shall be entitled to the reimbursement of expenses actually incurred for the removal of their household effects on the following occasions:
246 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
- razen območja zahodne obale v polkrogu s polmerom 20 kilometrov okoli ribogojnice na otoku Björkö, pa tudi ustij ter povodij rek Göta in Säve do prvih selitvenih pregrad (pri kraju Trollhättan in pri dotoku v jezero Aspen).
- excluding the area of the West Coast within a semicircle of 20 kilometres radius around the fish farm situated on the Island of Björkö, as well as the estuaries and the water catchment areas of the rivers Göta and Säve up to each of their first migration barrier (situated at Trollhättan and the inlet to the lake Aspen respectively)
247 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
Poleg tega se na podlagi zgoraj navedene selitve proizvodnje zadevnega izdelka ne sme izključiti možnosti, da bi nekateri proizvajalci izvozniki svojo proizvodnjo, če bi jo pred tem preselili na lokacije zunaj Koreje, preselili nazaj v Korejo.
Moreover, given the abovementioned ease of relocation of production for the product concerned, it cannot be excluded that certain exporting producers would relocate their production back to Korea, should they have shifted production to locations outside Korea.
248 Pravna redakcija
Sporočilo o pravici do azila fn navaja, da vzpostavitev in izvajanje skupnega evropskega azilnega sistema zahteva poglobljeno analizo selitvenih tokov, njihovega izvora, prav tako pa tudi analizo zna��ilnosti prošenj za zaščito in odgovorov nanje.
The Communication on asylum (2) states that establishing and implementing the common European asylum system requires an in-depth analysis on the scale of migratory flows, their origins, as well as analysis of the characteristics of applications for protection and the response to them.
249 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenice se zavezujejo, da bodo posvečale posebno pozornost zavarovanju območij, pomembnih za selivske vrste, navedene v dodatkih II in III, in ki so na selitvenih poteh namenjena za prezimovanje, počivanje, prehranjevanje, razmnoževanje ali goljenje.
The Contracting Parties undertake to give special attention to the protection of areas that are of importance for the migratory species specified in Appendices II and III and which are appropriately situated in relation to migration routes, as wintering, staging, feeding, breeding or moulting areas.
250 Pravna redakcija
V PREPRIČANJU, da je za ohranjanje in učinkovito upravljanje selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali potrebno usklajeno delovanje vseh držav, kjer navedene vrste v mejah njihove državne jurisdikcije preživijo določen del svojega življenjskega ciklusa.
CONVINCED that conservation and effective management of migratory species of wild animals require the concerted action of all States within the national jurisdictional boundaries of which such species spend any part of their life cycle;
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