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201 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Skupine strokovnjakov so pod pristojnostjo ugotovitvenega sveta.
Expert review groups are under the panel's authority.
202 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Njegova veljavnost se praviloma podaljša za 12 mesecev, vendar ne za več kot 24 mesecev, če imetnik izpolnjuje zahteve, ki veljajo v času odločanja, ter glede na nove ugotovitve Uprave v skladu s tem členom.
Its validity shall generally be extended for 12 months, and not for longer than 24 months, if the holder meets the requirements that apply at the time of deciding and in relation to new findings of the Administration in compliance with this Act.
203 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Če je bilo delo ugotovitvenega sveta prekinjeno za več kot 12 mesecev, poteče pooblastilo za ustanovitev ugotovitvenega sveta.
If the work of the panel has been suspended for more than 12 months, the authority for establishment of the panel shall lapse.
204 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Ta ugotovitveni svet organizira preučevanje in predloži svoje ugotovitve DSB tako, da pravice, ki bi jih imele stranke v sporu, če bi tožbe obravnavali ločeni ugotovitveni sveti, niso na noben način prizadete.
The single panel shall organize its examination and present its findings to the DSB in such a manner that the rights which the parties to the dispute would have enjoyed had separate panels examined the complaints are in no way impaired.
205 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
O ugotovitvah se obvesti ustrezni organ države druge pogodbenice.
The relevant body of the state of the second Party shall be informed on the outcome.
206 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-99
Pri pripravi teh načrtov je treba upoštevati sklepne ugotovitve analiz in ovrednotenj predvsem za pododstavke (1) do (5) drugega odstavka Priloge V. Vključene pogodbenice si prizadevajo za združljivost teh načrtov.
In preparing these plans, account shall be taken of the conclusions of analysis and evaluation, in particular the matters set out in Annex V, paragraph 2, subparagraphs (1) to (5). Parties concerned shall endeavour to make such plans compatible.
207 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Po končani inšpekciji se inšpekcijska skupina sestane s predstavniki države pogodbenice, v kateri je bila opravljena inšpekcija, da pregledajo predhodne ugotovitve inšpekcijske skupine in razjasnijo vse dvoumnosti.
Upon conclusion of the inspection, the inspection team shall meet with the representative of the inspected State Party to review the preliminary findings of the inspection team and to clarify any ambiguities.
208 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(3) Če odgovorni nadzornik ugotovi, da izvajalec krši dogovorjene roke izgradnje, mora o tem obvestiti investitorja ter ugotovitve in predloge, kako nastalo stanje izboljšati, brez odlašanja vpisati v gradbeni dnevnik.
If the responsible supervisor finds that the contractor is breaching the agreed deadlines for construction, he must immediately notify the investor of such, and record the findings and proposals of how to rectify the situation in the construction diary without delay.
209 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
v sporih o ugotovitvi ali izpodbijanju očetovstva ali materinstva;
in disputes relating to the finding or challenge of paternity or maternity;
210 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
Neodvisni subjekt je odgovoren za ustanovitev ugotovitvenega sveta.
The independent entity shall be responsible for establishing a panel.
211 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 24
Odbor neodvisnih strokovnjakov sestavi poročilo, v katerem opiše, kako je obravnaval pritožbo, in predstavi svoje ugotovitve, ali pogodbenica je ali ni zagotovila zadovoljive uporabe določb listine, navedene v pritožbi.
The Committee of Independent Experts shall draw up a report in which it shall describe the steps taken by it to examine the complaint and present its conclusions as to whether or not the Contracting Party concerned has ensured the satisfactory application of the provision of the Charter referred to in the complaint.
212 Objavljeno
Takrat komisija specialistov podpiše "Poročilo o ugotovitvi smrti".
After that members of commission asigne the "Death certificate".
213 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Sekretariat strankam v sporu predlaga imenovanja v ugotovitveni svet.
The Secretariat shall propose nominations for the panel to the parties to the dispute.
214 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
seznanjati ravnatelje in učno osebje z ugotovitvami svojih pregledov.
address to the Headteachers and the teaching staff the results of their inspections.
215 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Članice morajo biti takoj obveščene o sestavi ugotovitvenega sveta.
Members shall be informed promptly of the composition of the panel.
216 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Stranke pred tem zasedanjem ugotovitvenemu svetu dajo pisne zavrnitve.
The parties shall submit, prior to that meeting, written rebuttals to the panel.
217 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da na zaprosilo druge pogodbenice lahko v določenem obdobju spremlja bančne transakcije, ki se izvajajo prek enega ali več računov, navedenih v zaprosilu, in da sporoči ugotovitve pogodbenici prosilki.
1 Each Party shall ensure that, at the request of another Party, it is able to monitor, during a specified period, the banking operations that are being carried out through one or more accounts specified in the request and communicate the results thereof to the requesting Party.
218 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
12.5 Razen pod pogoji, predvidenimi v sedmem odstavku, oblasti med postopkom na zadovoljiv način preverjajo točnost podatkov, ki so jih dale zainteresirane članice in druge zainteresirane strani, ki so osnova za njihove ugotovitve.
12.5 Except in circumstances provided for in paragraph 7, the authorities shall during the course of an investigation satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the information supplied by interested Members or interested parties upon which their findings are based.
219 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
4.6 Ugotovitveni svet dostavi svoje končno poročilo strankam v sporu.
4.6 The panel shall submit its final report to the parties to the dispute.
220 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
Če odbor prejme zanesljive informacije, ki nakazujejo, da država pogodbenica grobo ali sistematično krši pravice, navedene v konvenciji, jo odbor povabi, da sodeluje pri proučitvi informacij in v ta namen predloži svoje ugotovitve.
If the Committee receives reliable information indicating grave or systematic violations by a State Party of rights set forth in the Convention, the Committee shall invite that State Party to cooperate in the examination of the information and to this end to submit observations with regard to the information concerned.
221 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Ugotovitveni sveti se ravnajo po delovnih postopkih v Dodatku 3, če ugotovitveni svet po posvetovanju s strankami v sporu ne odloči drugače.
Panels shall follow the Working Procedures in Appendix 3 unless the panel decides otherwise after consulting the parties to the dispute.
222 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
v ta namen koordinator obvesti te pristojne organe o svojih ugotovitvah.
to that end, the coordinator shall inform those competent authorities of its findings.
223 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
Z ugotovitvijo ničnosti se odpravijo posledice ničnega upravnega akta.
With this proclamation, the effects of the voided administrative act shall be removed.
224 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-86
Podobno velja, da če bi bili končni stroški priprave zasedanja v Ljubljani nižji od stroškov, ki bi nastali, če bi bilo zasedanje na sedežu WMO v Ženevi, bi WMO povrnila razliko Vladi v enem mesecu od ugotovitve končnega obračuna.
Similarly, should the final costs of holding the session in Ljubljana be less than the costs which would have been incurred had the session been held in the WMO Headquarters in Geneva, then WMO would reimburse the difference to the Government within one month of establishing the final accounts.
225 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Poročilo o naših ugotovitvah je dostavljeno istega dne kot to potrdilo.
A report on our findings is delivered at the same date as the date of this certificate.
226 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-80
Pogodbenici se lahko v primeru težav pri izvajanju posameznega projekta oziroma v primeru ugotovitve dodatnih razvojnih projektov za krepitev gospodarske in družbene infrastrukture dogovorita za spremembo nabora projektov prek Skupnega odbora.
Should any problems be encountered during the realisation of individual projects or additional development projects be identified for the consolidation of the economic and social infrastructure, the Parties may agree to amend the selection of projects. This shall be done through the Joint Committee for Development Cooperation.
227 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
8.5 Ugotovitve Odbora na podlagi četrtega odstavka ali če Odboru ne uspe priti do teh ugotovitev kot tudi kršitve pogojev v posameznih primerih, ki so predvideni v sporočenem programu, se na zahtevo članice predložijo obvezujoči arbitraži.
8.5 Upon the request of a Member, the determination by the Committee referred to in paragraph 4, or a failure by the Committee to make such a determination, as well as the violation, in individual cases, of the conditions set out in a notified programme, shall be submitted to binding arbitration.
228 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
Če oblasti utemeljujejo svoje ugotovitve, vključno s tistimi, ki se nanašajo na normalno vrednost, na informacijah iz sekundarnega vira, vključno z informacijami, ki so vsebovane v vlogi za uvedbo preiskave, tedaj morajo biti posebej previdne.
If the authorities have to base their findings, including those with respect to normal value, on information from a secondary source, including the information supplied in the application for the initiation of the investigation, they should do so with special circumspection.
229 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 13-2005
(2) Ocena iz prejšnjega odstavka mora temeljiti na naslednjih ugotovitvah:
(2) The assessment under the preceding paragraph must be based on the following findings:
230 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Pritožbeni organ razpravlja o pritožbah glede zadev ugotovitvenega sveta.
The Appellate Body shall hear appeals from panel cases.
231 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(4) Odgovorni nadzornik mora svoje ugotovitve iz prejšnjih odstavkov tega člena vsakodnevno vpisovati v gradbeni dnevnik. S podpisom gradbenega dnevnika odgovorni nadzornik potrjuje, da so podatki oziroma vpisi, vneseni v gradbeni dnevnik, resnični.
The responsible supervisor must record the findings specified in the previous paragraphs of this article each day in the construction diary. By signing the construction diary the responsible supervisor shall confirm that the information and entries recorded in the construction diary are true.
232 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
V skladu s Statutom Sodišča evropskih skupnosti je vsaka država članica, ne glede na to, ali je podala izjavo v skladu s členom 2, upravičena, da Sodišču evropskih skupnosti predloži zaznamke ali pisne ugotovitve za primere na podlagi člena 1.
In accordance with the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, any Member State, whether or not it has made a declaration pursuant to Article 2, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in cases which arise under Article 1.
233 Objavljeno
Nadzorni svet na podlagi rezultatov postopkov ocenjevanja oblikuje akcijski načrt za izboljšanje svojega delovanja, pravočasno sprejme ustrezne nadaljnje ukrepe in ugotovitve ocenjevanja upošteva pri delovanju in oblikovanju predlogov za skupščino.
The Supervisory Board, on the basis of the results of the evaluation procedures, formulates an action plan for the improvement of its operation, it adopts adequate further measures in due time, and takes into consideration the findings of the evaluation in the operation and formulation of the proposals for the General Meeting.
234 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Če pošiljka ne ustreza podatkom v tovornem listu ali če niso upoštevane določbe o prevozu pogojno dovoljenega blaga, je treba ugotovitve preverjanja vpisati v tovorni list, ki spremlja blago, in tudi v dvojnik tovornega lista, če ga prevoznik še ima.
2 If the consignment does not correspond with the entries in the consignment note or if the provisions relating to the carriage of goods accepted subject to conditions have not been complied with, the result of the examination must be entered in the copy of the consignment note which accompanies the goods, and also in the duplicate of the consignment note, if it is still held by the carrier.
235 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Pristojnost v sporih o ugotovitvi ali izpodbijanju očetovstva ali materinstva
Jurisdiction over Paternity and Maternity Suits
236 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Če meni, da ugotovitve zdravniškega pregleda, ki ga organizira OPSP, niso medicinsko utemeljene, lahko začasni uslužbenec sam, ali v njegovem imenu zdravnik, pri Agenciji v dveh dneh vloži zahtevo, da se zadeva predloži neodvisnemu zdravniku, ki da mnenje.
If the member of temporary staff considers the conclusions of the medical examination arranged by the AACC be unjustified on medical grounds, he or a doctor acting on his behalf may within two days submit to the Agency a request that the matter be referred to an independent doctor for an opinion.
237 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
a) mora zaradi ugotovitve dejstev preizkusiti pritožbo v kontradiktornem postopku skupaj s predstavniki strank; če je potrebno, uvede tudi preiskavo, za katere učinkovit potek morajo prizadete države po izmenjavi mnenj s Komisijo nuditi vse potrebne olajšave,
a. it shall, with a view to ascertaining the facts, undertake together with the representatives of the parties an examination of the petition and, if need be, an investigation, for the effective conduct of which the States concerned shall furnish all necessary facilities, after an exchange of views with the Commission;
238 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Revizor seznani upravni odbor in generalnega sekretarja z ugotovitvami revizije.
9 The Auditor shall inform the Administrative Committee and the Secretary General of the findings of the audit.
239 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) Agencija uporablja varovanje v skladu s pogoji tega sporazuma na način, da lahko pri preverjanju, da se jedrski material pri miroljubni uporabi ne zlorablja za jedrsko orožje ali druge jedrske eksplozivne naprave, potrdi ugotovitve sistema varovanja Skupnosti.
(b) The Agency shall apply its safeguards, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, in such a manner as to enable it to verify, in ascertaining that there has been no diversion of nuclear material from peaceful uses to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, findings of the Community's system of safeguards.
240 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
Sprememba okoliščin, ki utegne ustvariti razmere, v katerih bi dumping lahko povzročal škodo, mora biti jasno predvidena in imeti nujne posledice.(10) Pri nastajanju ugotovitve v zvezi z obstojem grožnje materialne škode oblasti med drugim upoštevajo dejavnike:
The change in circumstances which would create a situation in which the dumping would cause injury must be clearly foreseen and imminent.[38] In making a determination regarding the existence of a threat of material injury, the authorities should consider, inter alia, such factors as:
241 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
(g) odločitve tričlanskega ugotovitvenega sveta se sprejemajo z večino glasov.
(g) decisions by a three-member panel shall be taken by majority vote.
242 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Razprave v ugotovitvenem svetu in dokumentacija, ki mu je predložena, so zaupne.
The deliberations of the panel and the documents submitted to it shall be kept confidential.
243 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Ko se preiskava zaključi, OPSP obvesti zadevno osebo in ji predloži sklepne ugotovitve poročila o preiskavi ter, na zahtevo in ob upoštevanju varovanja legitimnih interesov tretjih strank, vse dokumente, ki so neposredno povezani z domnevnimi obtožbami proti njej.
The AACC shall inform the person concerned when the investigation ends, and shall communicate to him the conclusions of the investigation report and, on request and subject to the protection of the legitimate interests of third parties, all documents directly related to the allegations made against him.
244 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
(a) subjekti predodpremne kontrole lahko zavrnejo pogodbeno ceno, ki je dogovorjena med izvoznikom in uvoznikom samo, če lahko dokažejo, da njihove ugotovitve o neustrezni ceni temeljijo na postopku preverjanja na podlagi meril, določenih v pododstavkih od (b) do (e);
(a) preshipment inspection entities shall only reject a contract price agreed between an exporter and an importer if they can demonstrate that their findings of an unsatisfactory price are based on a verification process which is in conformity with the criteria set out in subparagraphs (b) through (e);
245 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Kadarkoli je mogoče, je treba ta spor predložiti prvotnemu ugotovitvenemu svetu.
Such a dispute shall be referred to the original panel wherever possible.
246 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
V roku, ki ga določi ugotovitveni svet, stranke predložijo svoje pisne pripombe.
Within a period of time set by the panel, the parties shall submit their comments in writing.
247 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-86
Opraviti je treba revizijo končnega obračuna, kot je predvideno v Finančnih predpisih WMO, pri končni uskladitvi obračuna pa se upoštevajo vse morebitne pripombe iz revizije, ki jo opravi zunanji revizor WMO, njegove ugotovitve pa WMO in Vlada sprejmeta kot dokončne.
The final accounts shall be subject to audit as provided in the WMO Financial Regulations, and the final adjustment of accounts shall be subject to any observations which may arise from the audit carried out by the WMO's external auditor, whose determination shall be accepted as final by both WMO and the Government.
248 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Pritožba zaradi zmotne ali nepopolne ugotovitve dejanskega stanja ali zaradi kršitve materialnopravnih določb tega zakona ali predpisa, ki določa prekršek, podana v korist obdolženca, obsega tudi pritožbo zaradi odločitve o sankcijah in o odvzemu premoženjske koristi.
An appeal due to a mistake in the finding of facts or incomplete finding of facts, or due to a violation of the substantive provisions of this Act or regulation governing the misdemeanour, lodged to the benefit of the accused person, shall also comprise an appeal against the decision on sanctions and deprivation of pecuniary advantage.
249 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Pri svojem obravnavanju ugotovitveni svet upošteva ustrezne določbe tega dogovora.
l. In its proceedings the panel shall follow the relevant provisions of this Understanding.
250 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
Delovna skupina predloži Svetu za trgovino z blagom poročilo o svojih ugotovitvah.
The working party shall submit a report to the Council for Trade in Goods on its findings in this regard.
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