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201 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R2658
uvrščanja blaga v nomenklature iz člena 8,
the classification of goods in the nomenclatures referred to in Article 8,
202 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0254
uvrščanja blaga v nomenklature iz člena 8,
the classification of goods in the nomenclatures referred to in Article 8;
203 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R3425
2402 20 00 Uvrščanje opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1, 2a) in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in besedilo oznak KN 2402 in 2402 20 00.
2402 20 00 Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1, 2 a) and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 2402 and 2402 20 00.
204 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1786
Splošna pravila za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in podrobna pravila za njeno uporabo se uporabljajo za tarifno uvrščanje proizvodov iz člena 1.
The general rules for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature and the detailed rules for its application shall apply to the tariff classification of products listed in Article 1.
205 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0865
Za tarifno uvrščanje proizvodov, zajetih v tej uredbi, veljajo splošna pravila za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in podrobna pravila za njeno izvajanje.
The general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and the detailed rules for its application shall apply to the tariff classification of products covered by this Regulation.
206 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1260
Za tarifno uvrščanje proizvodov, ki jih obravnava ta uredba, veljajo splošna pravila za tolmačenje in posebna pravila za uporabo kombinirane nomenklature;
The general rules for interpreting the combined nomenclature and the special rules for its application shall apply to the tariff classification of products covered by this Regulation;
207 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3290
Za tarifno uvrščanje proizvodov, ki jih ureja ta uredba, se uporabljajo splošna pravila za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in posebna pravila za njeno uporabo.
The general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and the special rules for its application shall apply to the classification of products covered by this Regulation.
208 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3290
Za tarifno uvrščanje proizvodov, ki jih ureja ta uredba, se uporabljajo splošna pravila za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in posebna pravila za njeno uporabo;
The general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and the special rules for its application shall apply to the tariff classification of products covered by this Regulation;
209 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3290
Za tarifno uvrščanje proizvodov, ki jih ureja ta uredba, se uporabljajo splošna pravila za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in posebna pravila za njeno uporabo;
The general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and the detailed rules for its application shall apply to the tariff classification of products covered by this Regulation;
210 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3290
Za tarifno uvrščanje proizvodov, ki jih ureja ta uredba, se uporabljajo splošna pravila za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in posebna pravila za njeno uporabo;
The general rule for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and the special rules for its application shall apply to the classification of products covered by this Regulation;
211 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977D0412
SKLEP SVETA z dne 14. junija 1977 o sprejemu Priporočila Sveta za carinsko sodelovanje z dne 18. junija 1976 o spremembi nomenklature za uvrščanje blaga v carinske tarife
COUNCIL DECISION of 14 June 1977 concerning the acceptance of the Customs Cooperation Council recommendation of 18 June 1976 to amend the Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs
212 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979R0234
Splošna pravila za uporabo nomenklature skupne carinske tarife in posebna pravila za njeno uporabo se uporabljajo za tarifno uvrščanje proizvodov, ki so zajeti v tej uredbi;
"The general rules for the interpretation of the nomenclature of the Common Customs Tariff and the special rules for its application shall apply to the tariff classification of products covered by this Regulation;
213 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0602
Komisija lahko sporazumno s pristojnimi organi držav članic uvoznic ali držav in Rusije v primerih iz člena 8 določi uvrščanje, ki se dokončno uporablja za sporne izdelke.
The Commission, in agreement with the competent authorities of the importing Member State or States and of Russia, may, in the cases referred to in Article 8, determine the classification definitively applicable to the products involved in the divergence.
214 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R3417
ker je, zaradi zagotovitve enotnega izvajanja kombinirane nomenklature, ki je priložena navedeni uredbi, treba sprejeti ukrepe za uvrščanje blaga, navedenega v Prilogi te uredbe;
215 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977D0412
Priporočilo Sveta za carinsko sodelovanje z dne 18. junija 1976 o spremembi nomenklature za uvrščanje blaga v carinske tarife se s tem sprejme in začne veljati dne 1. januarja 1978.
The Customs Cooperation Council recommendation of 18 June 1976 to amend the Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs is hereby accepted for application as from 1 January 1978.
216 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0253
izboljšati usklajevanje in sodelovanje med laboratoriji, ki izvajajo analize za carinske namene, s čimer se zlasti zagotovi enotno in jasno uvrščanje v carinsko tarifo v celotni Evropski uniji;
to improve the coordination of and cooperation between laboratories carrying out analysis for customs purposes in order to ensure, in particular, a uniform and unambiguous tariff classification throughout the European Union;
217 Prevajalska redakcija
Naslednje snovi v kavčuku ali v mešanicah kavčukov ne vplivajo na njihovo uvrščanje v tarifno številko 40.01 ali 40.02, če ta kavčuk ali mešanica kavčukov ohrani bistven značaj surovega materiala:
The presence of the following substances in any rubber or mixture of rubbers shall not affect its classification in heading No 40.01 or 40.02, as the case may be, provided that such rubber or mixture of rubbers retains its essential character as a raw material:
218 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971R1592
ker je treba z vidika novosti tehničnega napredka pri izdelovanju navedenih izdelkov poiskati druge kriterije za uvrščanje, ki bi v večji meri ustrezali gospodarskim dejstvom in posebni funkciji zadevnih izdelkov;
whereas in the light of new technical developments in the manufacture of those products, other classification criteria should be sought that correspond more closely to economic facts and to the specific function of the articles in question;
219 Prevajalska redakcija
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da je zaradi razvoja tehnologije in sprememb v strukturi mednarodne trgovine treba obsežneje spremeniti Konvencijo o nomenklaturi za uvrščanje blaga v carinskih tarifah, sklenjeno v Bruslju 15. decembra 1950,
CONSIDERING that changes in technology and the patterns of international trade require extensive modifications to the Convention on Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs, done at Brussels on 15 December 1950,
220 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0989
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 989/89 z dne 17. aprila 1989 o merilih za uvrščanje vetrovk s kapuco tipa anorak (vključno s smučarskimi bundami), vetrnih jopičev, vetrovk in podobnih izdelkov iz oznak KN 6101, 6102, 6201 in 6202
COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 989/89 of 17 April 1989 relating to classification criteria applicable to anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles of CN codes 6101, 6102, 6201 and 6202
221 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0822
ker je tarifna oznaka kombinirane nomenklature, ki se uporablja za uvrščanje jabolk v Prilogi k Uredbi (EGS) št. 2019/93, oznaka, ki je veljala leta 1992, in ker navedena tarifna oznaka ne ustreza oznaki, ki velja od leta 1993;
Whereas the combined nomenclature code used to designate apples in the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 2019/93 is the code which was in force in 1992 and whereas that code does not correspond to the code in force since 1993;
222 Prevajalska redakcija
vendar pa se, kar zadeva blago iz Poglavij 1 do 24 nomenklature za uvrščanje blaga v carinsko tarifo (Mednarodna konvencija o harmoniziranem poimenovanju in šifrskih oznakah blaga, z 14. junija 1983), to obdobje omeji na šest mesecev,
however, as regards goods falling within Chapters 1 to 24 of the Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs (International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System of 14 June 1983), that period shall be limited to six months,
223 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R1906
Podrobni predpisi za izvajanje te uredbe, zlasti meril za uvrščanje, v smislu člena 3(1) te uredbe, kot tudi ukrepi, namenjeni zagotavljanju enotne uporabe te uredbe, naj bi bili sprejeti po postopku iz člena 17 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2777/75.
Detailed rules for the implementation of this Regulation, in particular the criteria for classification within the meaning of Article 3 (1) thereof, as well as measures aimed at ensuring uniform application of this Regulation, shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 17 of Regulation (EEC) No 2777/75.
224 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R0244
ker so, zaradi zagotovitve enotne uporabe nomenklature v Prilogi k Uredbi Komisije (EGS) št. 149/86 [3], potrebne določbe za uvrščanje pripravkov iz surovega, mletega, vendar ne fino homogeniziranega govejega mesa, ki ima naslednje analitske vrednosti:
Whereas provisions are needed in order to ensure the uniform application of the nomenclature contained in the Annex to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 149/86 (3), with a view to the classification of a preparation of uncooked, minced but not finely homogenized bovine meat, characterized by the following analytical data:
225 Prevajalska redakcija
v svojih programih za ocenjevanje snovi upošteva lastnosti, navedene v prvem odstavku odločbe izvršnega organa št. 1998/2 o informacijah, ki jih je treba predložiti, ter o postopkih za uvrščanje snovi v priloge I, II ali III, vključno z vsemi spremembami.
take into consideration in its programmes for evaluating substances, the characteristics specified in paragraph 1 of Executive Body Decision 1998/2 on information to be submitted and procedures for adding substances to Annex I, II or III, including any amendments thereto.
226 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0646
ker je Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 950/68 z dne 28. junija 1968 o skupni carinski tarifi3, nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 3529/874, določila nomenklaturo skupne carinske tarife na podlagi Konvencije z dne 15. decembra 1950 o nomenklaturi za uvrščanje blaga v carinske tarife;
Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 950/68 of 28 June 1968 on the Common Customs Tariff (3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 3529/87 (4), established the nomenclature of the Common Customs Tariff on the basis of the Convention of 15 December 1950 on nomenclature for the classification of goods in customs tariffs;
227 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0288
ker je treba uredbe ali dele uredb, ki so prej rabile za uvrščanje takšnih izdelkov na podlagi kriterijev, ki niso zajemali kriterija prehajanja skozi kovinsko žičnato sito, to je Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 314/90 [3], (EGS) št. 3044/90 [4] in (ES) št. 3055/94 [5], razveljaviti;
Whereas the regulations or parts of regulations that previously served to classify such products on the basis of criteria other than passage through a metal wire sieve, namely Commission Regulations (EEC) No 314/90 (3), (EEC) No 3044/90 (4) and (EC) No 3055/94 (5), should be repealed;
228 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2491
ker spremembe nomenklature harmoniziranega sistema vključujejo vnos nove opombe 5(D) v Poglavje 84, ki potencialno vpliva na uvrščanje določenih izdelkov, ki bi lahko služili kot pomnilniki za naprave za avtomatsko obdelavo podatkov, medtem ko izvajajo sočasno eno ali več funkcij;
whereas the changes made to the Harmonized System nomenclature include the introduction, in Chapter 84, of a new Note 5 (D) potentially affecting the classification of certain products that could serve as storage units for automatic data processing machines while performing one or more other functions at the same time;
229 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1966
Za zagotovitev enotne uporabe kombinirane nomenklature, priložene k Uredbi (EGS) št. 2658/87, je potrebno navesti razloge za uvrščanje blaga, navedenega v Prilogi k Uredbi (ES) št. 834/95, in sicer zato, da bi pojasnili, zakaj je uvrščeni proizvod običajna različica kolenske preveze.
In order to ensure uniform application of the Combined Nomenclature annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87, it is necessary to specify the reasons for the classification of the good mentioned in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 834/95, in order to clarify why the classified product is an ordinary version of a knee-bandage.
230 Prevajalska redakcija
231 Prevajalska redakcija
Če pride pri uvozu v Skupnost do različnih mnenj med Kitajsko in pristojnimi organi Skupnosti glede uvrščanja izdelkov, ki jih ureja ta sporazum, veljajo za uvrščanje začasno navedbe Skupnosti, dokler se ne uvedejo posvetovanja v skladu s členom 14 sporazuma s ciljem doseči dogovor o dokončni uvrstitvi zadevnih izdelkov.
In case of divergent opinions between China and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by the Agreement, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the Community, pending consultations in accordance with Article 14 of the Agreement with a view to reaching agreement on definitive classification of the product concerned.
232 Prevajalska redakcija
V primeru nasprotujočih mnenj o uvrščanju izdelkov, ki jih zajema pričujoči protokol, med Bolgarijo in pristojnimi organi Skupnosti na točki vstopa v Skupnost, se uvrščanje začasno, do posvetovanj v skladu s členom 14, katerih namen je doseči sporazum o zadevnem uvrščanju, opravi na podlagi navedb pogodbenice, ki uvaža,.
In case of divergent opinions between Bulgaria and the competent Community authorities at the point of entry into the Community on the classification of products covered by the present Protocol, classification shall provisionally be based on indications provided by the importing party, pending consultations in accordance with Article 14 with a view to reaching agreement on the classification concerned.
233 Prevajalska redakcija
Pri uvrščanju ferozlitin v podštevilke tar. št. 72.02 se je treba ravnati po naslednjih pravilih:
For the classification of ferro-alloys in the subheadings of heading No 72.02, the following rule should be observed:
234 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3988
ker se morajo številni ukrepi v sektorju govejega in telečjega mesa prilagoditi na tehnični ravni in biti skladni z nekaterimi bistvenimi točkami, da se upošteva uporaba nove kombinirane nomenklature, temelječe na harmoniziranem sistemu označevanja in šifriranja blaga, ki bo nadomestila Konvencijo z dne 15. decembra 1950 o nomenklaturi za uvrščanje blaga v carinskih tarifah;
Whereas numerous measures in the beef and veal sector must be adapted at the technical level as well as in regard to certain substantive points in order to take account of the utilization of the new combined nomenclature based on the harmonized system of designation and codification of goods due to replace the Convention of 15 December 1950 on the nomenclature for the classification of goods in the customs tariffs,
235 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1890
ker lahko navedeni mehanizem vključuje samo tarifno uvrščanje zadevnih proizvodov bodisi na podlagi fob cene proizvodov, ki se ji prištejejo še stroški zavarovanja in prevoza do meja carinskega območja Skupnosti, bodisi na podlagi carinske vrednosti iz člena 30 (c) Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti6, kakor je bila spremenjena z Uredbo Komisije (EGS) št. 2454/937;
whereas the said mechanism may involve only the tariff classification of the products concerned on the basis of either the fob price of those products plus the cost of insurance and transport to the frontiers of the Community customs territory or the customs value referred to in Article 30 (c) of Council Regulation (EC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code (6), as amended by Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 (7);
236 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1306
ker lahko omenjeni mehanizem vključuje samo tarifno uvrščanje zadevnih proizvodov bodisi na podlagi FOB cene proizvodov, ki se ji prištejejo še stroški zavarovanja in prevoza do meja carinskega ozemlja Skupnosti, bodisi na podlagi carinske vrednosti iz člena 30(2)(c) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti5, kakor je bila spremenjena z Aktom o pristopu Avstrije, Finske in Švedske;
whereas the said mechanism may involve only the tariff classification of the products concerned on the basis either of the fob price of the products, plus the costs of insurance and freight up to the borders of the Community customs territory, or of the customs value referred to in Article 30 (2) (c) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code (5), as amended by the Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden;
237 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31981R3149
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 3149/81 z dne 30. oktobra 1981 o uvrščanju blaga v tarifno podštevilko 38.19 T skupne carinske tarife
COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 3149/81 of 30 October 1981 on the classification of goods within subheading 38.19 T of the Common Customs Tariff
238 Prevajalska redakcija
"Zaradi priporočila Sveta za carinsko sodelovanje z dne 18. junija 1976, ki se začne izvajati 1. januarja 1978, o spremembi nomenklature za uvrščanje blaga v carinske tarife, in zaradi nekaterih samostojnih sprememb skupne carinske tarife in švicarske carinske tarife je treba spremeniti nomenklaturo nekaterih tarifnih specifikacij v Sporazumu med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo, podpisanem 22. julija 1972.
" As a result of the implementation with effect from 1 January 1978 of the recommendation of the Customs Cooperation Council of 18 June 1976 concerning the amendment of the nomenclature for the classification of goods in Customs Tariffs , and of certain autonomous changes to the Common Customs Tariff and the Swiss Customs Tariff , adjustments should be made to the nomenclature of certain tariff specifications in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation signed on 22 July 1972.
239 Prevajalska redakcija
Pogodbenici se sporazumeta, da napačno deklariranje sestave vlaken, količin, poimenovanja ali uvrščanja blaga prav tako otežuje cilje tega sporazuma.
False declaration concerning fibre content, quantities, description or classification of merchandise also frustrates the objective of this Agreement.
240 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1871
Pri uvrščanju v Poglavje 2 Kombinirane nomenklature je bistvenega pomena postopek, uporabljen za zagotavljanje dolgoročne hrambe določenega proizvoda.
The classification in Chapter 2 of the Combined Nomenclature depends essentially on the process employed to ensure the long-term preservation of a given product.
241 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0424
ker se trenirke nosijo samo ali predvsem pri izvajanju športnih dejavnosti in ker po drugi strani to merilo pri uvrščanju kompletov ni temeljnega pomena;
Whereas tracksuits are worn exclusively or mainly in the pursuit of sports activities, such a criterion, on the contrary, is not essential to the classification of ensembles;
242 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R0028
ker je treba zaradi zagotavljanja enotne uporabe kombinirane nomenklature, priložene navedeni uredbi, nujno sprejeti ukrepe v zvezi z uvrščanjem blaga iz Priloge k tej uredbi;
Whereas in order to ensure uniform application of the combined nomenclature annexed to that Regulation, it is necessary to adopt measures concerning the classification of the goods referred to in the Annex to the present Regulation;
243 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31975R2729
ker uvozni prelevman za take mešanice izhaja iz njihovega uvrščanja v carinsko tarifo, ki se običajno določi v skladu s splošnimi predpisi za razlago skupne carinske tarife;
Whereas the import levy on such mixtures results from their tariff classification, which is normally determined in accordance with the general rules for the interpretation of the Common Customs Tariff;
244 Prevajalska redakcija
Ameriška stran je izrazila pripravljenost, da preuči načine za spremembo svoje politike glede pregleda in zagotovil v zvezi z uvrščanjem obratov na seznam, da se okrepi vloga FSIS.
The United States side has expressed its willingness to explore ways to change its policy in relation to inspection and assurances concerning plant listing to enhance the role of the FSIS
245 Prevajalska redakcija
Komisija Skupnosti se zavezuje, da bo zagotovila podatke, ki so potrebni za pospeševanje uvrščanja držav članic na seznam držav, ki so proste živalskih bolezni, če je to primerno.
The Community Commission will undertake to provide the necessary data to expedite the listing of Member States as free from animal diseases as appropriate.
246 Prevajalska redakcija
Pristojni organi Skupnosti uradno obvestijo pristojne organe Kitajske o vseh odločitvah glede uvrščanja izdelkov, ki so urejeni s tem sporazumom, najkasneje mesec dni po njihovem sprejetju.
The competent authorities of the Community undertake to inform the competent authorities of China of any decisions relating to the classification of products subject to the Agreement, within one month of their adoption at the latest.
247 Prevajalska redakcija
Če v skladu s tem členom Skupnost uvede nadzorni sistem, Bolgarija, kakor je primerno, uporablja ustrezne določbe o dvojni kontroli, uvrščanju in potrjevanju porekla, opredeljene v Dodatku A.
Where a surveillance system is established under this Article by the Community, the relevant provisions on double-checking, classification and certification of origin laid down in Appendix A shall be applied by Bulgaria, as appropriate.
248 Prevajalska redakcija
Odločba Komisije 96/295/ES z dne 18. aprila 1996 o prepoznavanju in uvrščanju enot v računalniškem omrežju Animo na seznam ter o razveljavitvi Odločbe 92/175/EGS (UL L 113, 7.5.1996, str. 1).
Commission Decision 96/295/EC of 18 April 1996 identifying and listing the units in the Animo computer network and repealing Decision 92/175/EEC (OJ L 113, 7.5.1996, p. 1).
249 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3030
Za izdelke, ki so bili odpremljeni pred datumom začetka uporabe odločitve, velja prejšnja praksa uvrščanja, pod pogojem, da se je postopek uvoza omenjenega blaga začel 60 dni pred tem datumom.
Products shipped before the date of application of the decision shall remain subject to earlier classification practice, provided that the goods in question are entered to importation within 60 days of that date.
250 Prevajalska redakcija
Pristojni organi Skupnosti obvestijo pristojne organe Bolgarije o vseh odločitvah v zvezi z uvrščanjem izdelkov, za katere velja pričujoči protokol, najpozneje v enem mesecu od njihovega sprejetja.
The competent authorities of the Community shall inform the competent authorities of Bulgaria of any decisions relating to the classification of products subject to the present Protocol, within one month of their adoption at the latest.
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