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zdravstveni pregled
201 Pravna redakcija
ker se bo po prejemu teh poročil podroben pregled nadaljeval s pomočjo strokovnega znanja in izkušenj vseh držav članic v okviru Stalnega odbora za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin;
whereas on receipt of these reports the detailed examination will be continued with the expertise from all Member States within the framwork of the Standing Committee on Plant Health;
202 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0362
ker se bo po prejemu teh poročil podroben pregled nadaljeval s pomočjo strokovnega znanja in izkušenj vseh držav članic v okviru Stalnega odbora za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin;
whereas on receipt of these reports the detailed examination will be continued with the expertise from all Member States within the framework of the Standing Committee on Plant Health;
203 Pravna redakcija
ker se bo na podlagi prejema tega poročila podroben pregled dokumentacije nadaljeval ob strokovni pomoči vseh držav članic v okviru Stalnega odbora za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin;
whereas on receipt of this report the detailed examination will be continued with the expertise from all Member States within the framework of the Standing Committee on Plant Health;
204 Pravna redakcija
prenosom izvajanja administrativnih postopkov (carinski, davčni in veterinarski nadzor ter zdravstveni inšpekcijski pregledi rastlin) na terminale ali na odpremni oz. namembni kraj;
transferring the performance of administrative formalities (customs, fiscal, veterinary and plant-health controls) to the terminals or to the point of departure or the final destination;
205 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0608
(2) Zahteve v zakonodaji Mayotta o zdravstvenih inšpekcijskih pregledih in spremljanju ribiških proizvodov se smejo šteti za enakovredne zahtevam, določenim v Direktivi 91/493/EGS.
(2) The requirements in the legislation of Mayotte on health inspection and monitoring of fishery products may be considered equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC.
206 Pravna redakcija
po preučitvi in pregledu zahtev ter oceni zdravstvenega stanja Komisija v skladu s postopkom iz člena 26 po potrebi določi vse druge določbe, potrebne za dodelitev takšne odobritve.
the Commission, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 26, after examining and checking the requests and evaluating the health situation, shall, if need be, lay down any other provisions necessary for granting such approval.
207 Pravna redakcija
V odsotnosti rutinskih preskusnih postopkov za odkrivanje virusov in določitve viroloških standardov, morajo pregledi glede zdravstvene ustreznosti temeljiti na štetju fekalnih bakterij.
In the absence of routine virus testing procedures and the establishment of virological standards, health checks must be based on faecal bacteria counts.
208 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0360
(2) Zahteve v zakonodaji Zimbabveja o zdravstvenih inšpekcijskih pregledih in spremljanju ribiških proizvodov se lahko štejejo za enakovredne zahtevam, določenim v Direktivi 91/493/EGS.
(2) The requirements in the legislation of Zimbabwe on health inspection and monitoring of fishery products may be considered equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC.
209 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
inšpekcijske storitve, vključno s splošnimi inšpekcijskimi storitvami in inšpekcijskimi pregledi posameznih izdelkov za zdravstvene, varnostne, ocenjevalne ali standardizacijske namene;
inspection services, including general inspection services and the inspection of particular products for health, safety, grading or standardization purposes;
210 Pravna redakcija
Če pregleda pred zakolom na izvornem posestvu in v klavnici ne opravi isti uradni veterinar, mora živali spremljati zdravstveno spričevalo z navedenimi podatki, ki jih določa Priloga III.
If the ante-mortem inspection at the holding of origin and at the slaughterhouse is not carried out by the same official veterinarian, a health certificate stating the particulars required under Annex HI must accompany the animals.
211 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0573
(3) Pregledi, ki jih je opravila Komisija v Bocvani maja 2001 so pokazali, da ima ta država dovolj dobro strukturirano in organizirano veterinarsko službo glede zdravstvenega stanja ratitov.
(3) An inspection carried out by the Commission in Botswana in May 2001 has shown that sufficiently well structured and organised veterinary services are in place in Botswana regarding the animal health status for ratites.
212 Pravna redakcija
Komisija posreduje to informacijo državam članicam v okviru Stalnega odbora za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin pred 30. septembrom za vsako leto, za pregled in sprejem potrebnih ukrepov, kakor so:
The Commission shall forward this information to the Member States in the framework of the Standing Committee on Plant Health before 30 September for each year, for review and adoption of any necessary measures such as:
213 Pravna redakcija
Izvedbene ddoločbe, ki lahko določajo minimalne pogoje, se sprejmejo po postopku iz člena 18. Zdravstveni pregledi rastlin se uvrščajo med sestavne dele formalnosti iz tretjega pododstavka.
Implementing provisions, which may stipulate minimum conditions, shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18. Plant-health checks shall be regarded as being an integral part of the formalities referred to in the third subparagraph.
214 Pravna redakcija
Vsaj v eni državi članici so si izvedenci pridobili potrebno usposobljenost, ki se zahteva od oseb, pristojnih za izvajanje in spremljanje uradnih zdravstvenih inšpekcijskih pregledov rastlin.
They shall have acquired, at least in one Member State, the qualifications required for persons in charge of carrying out and monitoring official plant health inspections.
215 Pravna redakcija
Države članice vzpostavijo ureditev, s katero zagotovijo, da se za vsakega delavca, pregledanega v skladu z odstavkoma 1 in 2, sestavi osebna zdravstvena dokumentacija, ki se sproti dopolnjuje.
Member States shall establish arrangements to ensure that, for each worker who undergoes surveillance in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, individual health records are made and kept up to date.
216 Pravna redakcija
Odgovornost za kontrolne preglede v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali in veterinarske inšpekcijske preglede si delita Zvezno ministrstvo za gospodarstvo Département Fédéral de l'Economie in Zvezno ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Département Fédéral de l'Intérieur.
Responsibility for animal-health and veterinary controls shall be shared between the Département Fédéral de l'Economie and the Département Fédéral de l'Intérieur.
217 Pravna redakcija
Zato je treba na zdravstvenemu spričevalu, priloženemu ribiškim proizvodom, uvoženim iz Tanzanije, in predpisanemu z Odločbo Komisije 98/422/ES fn, dodati specifično navedbo ustreznega pregleda.
Therefore, it is necessary to add a specific mention of the appropriate check in the health certificate accompanying the fishery products imported from Tanzania and established in the Commission Decision 98/422/EC (3).
218 Pravna redakcija
Vendar pa se v teh posebnih primerih lahko opravijo zdravstveni pregledi rastlin na namembnem mestu, če se zagotovijo posebna jamstva glede prevoza rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in drugih predmetov.
However, in these particular cases, plant-health checks may be carried out at the place of destination as long as specific guarantees as regards the transport of the plants, plant products and other objects are provided.
219 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0609
(2) Zahteve v zakonodaji Saint Pierra in Miquelona o zdravstvenih inšpekcijskih pregledih in spremljanju ribiških proizvodov se smejo šteti za enakovredne zahtevam, določenim v Direktivi 91/493/EGS.
(2) The requirements in the legislation of Saint Pierre et Miquelon on health inspection and monitoring of fishery products may be considered equivalent to those laid down in Directive 91/493/EEC.
220 Pravna redakcija
se uvedejo seznami rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov, za katere se izvajajo zdravstveni pregledi rastlin po zmanjšani pogostosti skladno z odstavkom 2, prvi pododstavek, druga alinea,
establish lists of plants, plant products or other objects on which plant health checks shall be carried out at reduced frequency pursuant to paragraph 2, first subparagraph, second indent,
221 Pravna redakcija
Inšpekcijski pregledi, če gre za zdravstvene preglede rastlin, se opravljajo na mestih, na katerih se opravljajo inšpekcijski pregledi, kakor je navedeno v tretjem pododstavku, ali v bližini teh mest.
The inspections, where they are plant-health checks, shall be carried out at the places where the inspections are carried out as referred to in the third subparagraph or near to those places.
222 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0592
(1) Uredba (ES) št. 998/2003 določa zahteve v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali, ki se uporabljajo za netrgovske premike hišnih živali, in predpise, ki se uporabljajo za preglede pri teh premikih.
(1) Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 lays down the animal health requirements applicable to the non-commercial movement of pet animals and the rules applying to checks on such movement.
223 Pravna redakcija
Odgovornost za kontrolne preglede v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali in veterinarske inšpekcijske preglede si delita Zvezno ministrstvo za gospodarstvo DĂ©partement FĂ©dĂ©ral de l'Economie in Zvezno ministrstvo za notranje zadeve DĂ©partement FĂ©dĂ©ral de l'IntĂ©rieur.
Responsibility for animal-health and veterinary controls shall be shared between the Département Fédéral de l'Economie and the Département Fédéral de l'Intérieur.
224 Pravna redakcija
Splošne določbe o kliničnih zdravstvenih pregledih, zbiranju in izbiri vzorcev za nadziranje območij ali ribogojnic v neodobrenih območjih, da se doseže ali ohrani odobreni status glede VHS in/ali IHN
General provisions on clinical health inspections, collection and selection of samples for surveillance of zones or farms in non-approved zones in order to achieve or maintain approved status for VHS and/or IHN
225 Pravna redakcija
Direktiva Sveta 72/462/EGS z dne 12. decembra 1972 o problemih glede zdravstvenih in veterinarskih pregledov ob uvozu goveda in prašičev ter svežega mesa iz tretjih držav (UL L 302, 31.12.1972, str. 28).
Council Directive 72/462/EEC of 12 December 1972 on health and veterinary inspection problems upon importation of bovine animals and swine and fresh meat from third countries (OJ L 302, 31.12.1972, p. 28).
226 Pravna redakcija
sem izvedel dokumentacijski, identifikacijski ter fizični pregled živali in s temi pregledi ugotovil, da živali izpolnjujejo zahteve v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali (namembne države članice) (5);
the documentary, identity and physical checks have been carried out and that the animals comply with the animal health requirements of.................................................................(Member State of destination) (5);
227 Pravna redakcija
so bile pregledane glede zdravstvenega stanja živali, ki ga je izvedel uradni ali pooblaščeni veterinar v 24 urah pred pošiljko, in v času pregleda niso kazale nobenega kliničnega znaka ali suma na bolezen;
have undergone an animal health examination carried out by an official veterinarian or an authorized veterinarian during the 24 hours preceding consignment and, at the time of the examination, have shown no clinical sign or suspicion of disease;
228 Pravna redakcija
imeti opravljen pregled zdravstvenega stanja živali, ki ga je izvedel uradni ali pooblaščeni veterinar v 24 urah pred pošiljko, in v času pregleda nista kazali nobenega kliničnega znaka ali suma na bolezen.
have been submitted to a health examination by an official or authorized veterinarian during the 24 hours preceding consignment and, at the time of the examination, have presented no clinical sign or suspicion of disease.
229 Pravna redakcija
Če znanstveni dokazi pokažejo, da je treba uvesti druge zdravstvene preglede ali spremeniti parametre iz tega poglavja za varovanje javnega zdravja, se takšni ukrepi sprejmejo v skladu s postopkom iz člena 12.
When there is scientific evidence indicating the need to introduce other health checks or to amend the parameters in this Chapter for the purpose of protecting public health, such measures must be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 12.
230 Pravna redakcija
Posebno pozornost je treba posvetiti zdravstvenim pregledom delavcev, ki delajo z ribiškimi proizvodi, namenjenimi za prehrano ljudi, kakor je določeno v Poglavju III, točka II(B) priloge k Direktivi 91/493/EGS.
Special attention must be paid to the medical checks of workers handling fishery products intended for human consumption, as laid down in Chapter III, point II(B) of the Annex to Directive 91/493/EEC.
231 Pravna redakcija
pristojni organ jih mora pregledovati v rednih intervalih, da se zagotovi skladnost s tem poglavjem in da se pregledajo računovodski dokumenti in/ali zdravstvena spričevala, ki omogočajo sledenje izvora surovin.
they must be inspected by the competent authority at regular intervals in order to ensure that this chapter is being complied with and to check accounting documents and/or health certificates which enable the origin of the raw material to be traced.
232 Pravna redakcija
Po opravljenih pregledih Komisije in glede na doseženo stanje na Cipru v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali, bi Ciper bilo treba dodati na seznam tretjih držav, iz katerih je z Odločbo 93/160/EGS dovoljen uvoz.
Cyprus should be added to the list of third countries from which imports are authorised by Decision 93/160/EEC, following Commission missions and in the light of the situation achieved with regard to animal health in this country.
233 Pravna redakcija
- ki so redno veterinarsko pregledane zaradi zagotovitve izpolnjevanja pogojev o zdravstvenem stanju živali, ki so določeni v Prilogi A, Poglavje I k Direktivi 92/46/EGS), z izjemo tistih v členu 1(a)(i) in (b)(i).
subject to regular veterinary inspections to ensure that they satisfy the animal health conditions laid down in Annex A, Chapter I of Council Directive 92/46/EEC, with the exception of those in paragraph 1 (a) (i) and (b) (i).
234 Pravna redakcija
ker Direktiva 72/462/EGS fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo 81/476/EGS fn, določa zahteve glede zdravstvenih in veterinarskih pregledov za uvoz goveda in prašičev ter svežega mesa iz tretjih držav;
Whereas Directive 72/462/EEC (4), as last amended by Directive 81/476/EEC (5), lays down health and veterinary inspection requirements for the importation of bovine animals and swine and fresh meat from third countries:
235 Pravna redakcija
- ki so redno veterinarsko pregledovana zaradi zagotovitve izpolnjevanja pogojev o zdravstvenem stanju živali, ki so določeni v Prilogi A, Poglavje I k Direktivi 92/46/EGS), z izjemo tistih v členu 1(a)(i) in (b)(i).
subject to regular veterinary inspections to ensure that they satisfy the animal health conditions laid down in Annex A, Chapter I of Council Directive 92/46/EEC.
236 Pravna redakcija
Taki zdravstveni pregledi rastlin se morajo omejiti na vnose proizvodov, ki izvirajo iz držav nečlanic, in na primere, kadar obstajajo resni dokazi, da se ne upošteva kateri od predpisov o zdravstvenem varstvu rastlin.
Such plant health checks must be limited to introductions of products originating in non-member countries and to cases where there is strong evidence that one of the plant-health provisions has not been observed.
237 Pravna redakcija
Oktobra 2000 so službe Komisije v Brazilijo poslale svojo delegacijo, da bi ocenila zdravstveno stanje živali za štiri nove regije, in kot kaže, rezultati tega pregleda dopuščajo nadaljnjo regionalizacijo Brazilije.
In October 2000 a mission was carried out to Brazil by the Commission services in order to assess the animal health situation for four new regions and it appears that the results of this inspection allow the further regionalisation of Brazil.
238 Pravna redakcija
DIREKTIVA SVETA z dne 21.decembra 1988 v zvezi s preglednostjo ukrepov, ki urejajo določanje cen zdravil za človeško uporabo in njihovo vključitev v področje nacionalnih sistemov zdravstvenega zavarovanja (89/105/EGS)
Council Directive 89/105/EEC of 21 December 1988 relating to the transparency of measures regulating the prices of medicinal products for human use and their inclusion in the scope of national health insurance systems
239 Pravna redakcija
Njihov glavni zaključek je, da stranski živalski proizvodi, pridobljeni od živali, ki so po zdravstvenem inšpekcijskem pregledu ugotovljene kot neustrezne za prehrano ljudi, ne smejo vstopiti v prehransko verigo živali.
Their main conclusion is that animal by-products derived from animals not fit for human consumption following health inspection should not enter the feed chain.
240 Pravna redakcija
Inšpekcijski pregled, ki ga je Komisija opravila v Bocvani maja 2001, je pokazal, da so za ugotavljanje zdravstvenega stanja ratitov v tej državi na razpolago zadovoljivo strukturirani in organizirane veterinarske službe.
An inspection carried out by the Commission in Botswana in May 2001 has shown that sufficiently well-structured and organised veterinary services are in place in Botswana regarding the animal health status for ratites.
241 Pravna redakcija
Spričevalo, ki spremlja govedo in prašiče pri uvozu, mora po pregledu v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali (pregled ob uvozu živali) vključevati izjavo, ki jasno navaja, ali je bil živalim vstop odobren ali zavrnjen.
The certificate accompanying bovine animals and swine on importation must, following the animal health inspection (import inspection), include a statement clearly indicating whether the animals have been admitted or refused entry.
242 Pravna redakcija
Če kontrolni pregled iz odstavka 1 razkrije hudo kršitev zdravstvenih predpisov, Komisija takoj zahteva od tretje države, da uvede ustrezne ukrepe ali začasno ustavi pošiljke proizvodov ter takoj obvesti države članice.
If a check referred to in paragraph 1 reveals a serious infringement of the health rules, the Commission shall immediately ask the third country to take appropriate measures or shall suspend consignments of products and immediately inform the Member States.
243 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0015
(2) Po opravljenih pregledih Komisije in glede na doseženo stanje v Sloveniji v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali, bi Slovenijo bilo treba dodati na seznam tretjih držav, iz katerih je z Odločbo 2002/613/ES dovoljen uvoz.
(2) Slovenia should be added to the list of third countries from which imports are authorised by Decision 2002/613/EC, following Commission missions and in the light of the situation achieved with regard to animal health in this country.
244 Pravna redakcija
Da bi preprečili infekcije s škodljivimi organizmi, vnesenimi iz tretjih držav, mora biti finančni prispevek Skupnosti namenjen krepitvi infrastrukture za zdravstvene inšpekcijske preglede rastlin na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti.
In order to prevent infections by harmful organisms introduced from third countries, there should be a Community financial contribution aimed at reinforcing the plant health inspection infrastructure at the Community's external frontiers.
245 Pravna redakcija
Vsak uradni organ vstopnega mesta in vsak uradni organ namembnega kraja, ki izvaja preverjanje istovetnosti ali zdravstvene preglede rastlin, mora izpolnjevati nekatere minimalne pogoje v zvezi z infrastrukturo, osebjem in opremo.
Each official body of point of entry, and each official body of destination carrying out identity or plant health checks, must satisfy certain minimum conditions in respect of infrastructure, staffing and equipment.
246 Pravna redakcija
DIREKTIVA SVETA z dne 15. junija 1988 o določitvi zdravstvenih predpisov, ki se nanašajo na meso, namenjeno notranjemu trgu, in višini pristojbin, ki se v skladu z Direktivo 85/73/EGS zaračunava za preglede tega mesa 88/409/EGS
Council Directive 88/409/EEC of 15 June 1988 laying down the health rules applying to meat intended for the domestic market and the levels of the fees to be charged, pursuant to Directive 85/73/EEC, in respect of the inspection of such meat
247 Pravna redakcija
so ali bile pregledane glede zdravstvenega stanja živali, ki ga je izvedel uradni veterinar ali pooblaščeni veterinar v 72 urah pred pošiljko, in v času pregleda niso kazale nobenega kliničnega znaka ali suma na kužno bolezen;
have either undergone an animal health examination carried out by an official veterinarian or an authorized veterinarian during the 72 hours preceding consignment and, at the time of the examination, have shown no clinical sign or suspicion of contagious disease,
248 Pravna redakcija
Po vsaj dvoletni odsotnosti vseh kliničnih ali drugih znakov VHS in/ali IHN je treba vse ribogojnice v območju ali vsako ribogojnico v neodobrenem območju, ki naj bi dobile dovoljenje, dve leti zdravstveno pregledati dvakrat letno.
Following at least two years of absence of any clinical or other sign of VHS and/or IHN, all farms in the zone or any farm in a non-approved zone which are to be approved must be health-inspected twice per year for two years.
249 Pravna redakcija
ker bi morali iztovarjanje dovoliti predvsem v pristaniščih, kjer so na voljo objekti za zdravstveni in veterinarski pregled, od poveljnikov zadevnih ribiških plovil pa bi morali zahtevati predložitev posebne izjave o iztovarjanju;
Whereas, in particular, landing should be permitted only at ports where health and veterinary checking facilities are available, and masters of the fishing vessels concerned should be required to produce a specific landing statement;
250 Pravna redakcija
Direktiva Sveta 89/105/EGS z dne 21.decembra 1988 v zvezi s preglednostjo ukrepov, ki urejajo določanje cen zdravil za ljudi in njihovo vključitev v področje nacionalnih sistemov zdravstvenega zavarovanja (UL L 40, 11.2.1989, str. 8).
Council Directive 89/105/EEC of 21 December 1988 relating to the transparency of measures regulating the pricing of medicinal products for human use and their inclusion in the scope of national health insurance systems (OJ L 40, 11.2.1989, p. 8).
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