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budget estimate
251 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Where pre-financing is paid from the same budget line, under the same basic act and to beneficiaries covered by the same award procedure, the authorising officer may draw up a single estimate of amounts receivable for a number of debtors.
Kadar se predfinanciranje plača z iste proračunske postavke in na podlagi istega temeljnega akta upravičenem, ki jih zajema isti postopek za oddajo javnega naročila, lahko odredbodajalec pripravi samo eno oceno terjatev za več dolžnikov hkrati.
252 Prevod
CELEX: 31992R3590
providing information, to contribute towards the cost of these forms; whereas it is necessary to estimate the amount of Community funds required for this; whereas this amount must be in line with the financial perspective set out in the Interinstitutional Agreement of 29 June 1988 on Budgetary Discipline and Improvement of the Budgetary Procedure; whereas, in compliance with this Agreement, the appropriations actually available must be determined in accordance with budgetary procedure;
posredovanje informacij priporočljivo prispevati k stroškom teh obrazcev; ker je treba oceniti znesek sredstev Skupnosti, potrebnih za to; ker mora biti ta znesek usklajen s finančnim načrtom, določenim z Medinstitucionalnim sporazumom z dne 29. junija 1988 o proračunski disciplini in izboljšanju proračunskega postopka fn; ker je treba skladno s tem sporazumom dejansko razpoložljiva dodeljena proračunska sredstva določiti v skladu s proračunskim postopkom;
253 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
The pre-information notice shall be the notice by which the contracting authorities make known, by way of indication, the estimated total value of contracts, by category of service or groups of products, and the essential characteristics of works contracts which they intend to award during a budgetary year, where the estimated total value is equal to or greater than the thresholds laid down in Article 157.
Predhodni razpis je obvestilo o nameri za oddajo naročila, s katerim naročnik objavi ocenjeno skupno vrednost naročila po kategorijah storitev ali kategorijah blaga in osnovne lastnosti naročil gradenj, ki jih namerava oddati v proračunskem letu, če je okvirna vrednost enaka ali višja od mejnih zneskov iz člena 157.
254 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Budget commitments and the estimates of amounts receivable referred to in Article 161(2) of the Financial Regulation made before 1 January 2003 in a currency other than the euro shall be calculated in euro by no later than 1 June 2003 at the rate referred to in Article 7, applicable on 1 January 2003.
Proračunske obveznosti in ocene zneskov terjatev iz člena 161(2) Finančne uredbe, ki izvirajo iz časa pred 1. januarjem 2003 in so v valuti, ki ni evro, se preračunajo v evre najkasneje 1. junija 2003 po menjalnem tečaju iz člena 7, ki velja 1. januarja 2003.
255 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Proposals for transfers and all information for the budgetary authority concerning transfers made under Articles 22 and 23 of the Financial Regulation shall be accompanied by appropriate and detailed supporting documents showing the implementation of appropriations and estimates of requirements up to the end of the financial year, both for the lines to which the appropriations are to be transferred and for those from which they are to be taken.
Predlogom za prerazporeditev in informacijam za proračunski organ v zvezi s prerazporejanjem po členih 22 in 23 Finančne uredbe so priložena ustrezna in podrobna dokazila, ki prikazujejo realizacijo izvrševanja proračunskih sredstev in ocene potreb do konca proračunskega leta tako za postavke, na katere naj bi bila proračunska sredstva prerazporedila, in za postavke, s katerih naj bi se prerazporedila.
Prevodi: en > sl
budget estimate