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251 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1637
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 2106, 2106 90 and 2106 90 99.
2106 90 99 Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 2106, 2106 90 in 2106 90 99.
252 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3272
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 8523, 8523 20 and 8523 20 90.
8523 20 90 Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in besedilo oznak KN 8523, 8523 20 in 8523 20 90.
253 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0029
classification of workplaces into different areas, where appropriate, by reference to an assessment of the expected annual doses and the probability and magnitude of potential exposures;
razvrstitev delovnih mest na različna območja, kjer je to primerno, glede na oceno pričakovanih letnih doz ter verjetnost in velikost potencialnih izpostavljenosti;
254 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2087
Classification is determined by general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, note 2 (u) to chapter 39 and the wording of CN codes 9503, 9503 90 and 9503 90 31.
Uvrstitev opredeljujeta splošni pravili 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 2(u) k Poglavju 39 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 9503, 9503 90 in 9503 90 31.
255 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1176
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature as well as by the wording of CN codes 6108, 6108 31 and 6108 31 90.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 8 poglavja 61 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 6108, 6108 31 in 6108 31 90.
256 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0489
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Note 3 to Chapter 64 and by the texts of CN codes 6404 and 6404 19 10
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 3 k Poglavju 64 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 6404 in 6404 19 10
257 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2087
Classification is determined by general rules 1, 3 (b) and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, note 1 (1) to chapter 96 and the wording of CN codes 9503, 9503 90 and 9503 90 31.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo splošna pravila 1, 3(b) in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 1(1) k Poglavju 96 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 9503, 9503 90 in 9503 90 31.
258 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2087
Classification is determined by general rules 1, 3 (b) and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, note 1 (t) to section XI and the wording of CN codes 9503, 9503 90 and 9503 90 37.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo splošna pravila 1, 3(b) in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 1(t) k Oddelku XI in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 9503, 9503 90 in 9503 90 37.
259 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0754
Classification under heading 9021 is precluded because the goods are not considered to be designed exclusively as a hearing aid or an accessory for a hearing aid within the meaning of the heading.
Uvrstitev v tarifno številko 9021 ni mogoča, ker blago ni namenjeno izključno kot slušni aparat ali dodatek k slušnemu aparatu v smislu tarifne številke.
260 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R0650
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, Note 1 to Chapter 6 as well as the texts of CN codes 4602 and 4602 10 91.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 1 k Poglavju 6 in besedilo oznak KN 4602 in 4602 10 91.
261 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Classification by activity provides information that allows users to assess the impact of those activities on the financial position of the enterprise and the amount of its cash and cash equivalents.
Razvrstitev po vrstah delovanja oskrbuje uporabnike z informacijami, ki jim omogočajo ocenitev vpliva teh vrst delovanja na finančni položaj podjetja ter znesek njegovih denarnih sredstev in njihovih ustreznikov.
262 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0736
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, legal note 4 to Chapter 61 and by the texts of CN codes 6105 and 6105 10 00
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 4 k Poglavju 61 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 6105 in 6105 10 00
263 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R1533
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, by Note 3 to Chapter 29 and by the wording of CN codes 2933 and 2933 79 00.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 3 k Poglavju 29 in besedilo oznak KN 2933 in 2933 79 00.
264 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0736
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, legal note 4 to Chapter 61 and by the texts of CN codes 6106 and 6106 10 00.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 4 k Poglavju 61 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 6106 in 6106 10 00.
265 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0350
Classification as swimwear is excluded because this garment, by virtue of its cut, general appearance and the presence of side pockets cannot be deemed as intended to be worn solely or mainly as swimwear
Oblačilo ne more biti uvrščeno kot kopalno oblačilo, ker ga zaradi njegovega kroja, videza in stranskih žepov ne moremo nositi predvsem ali izključno kot plavalno oblačilo
266 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0696
Classification is carried out in stages from the highest level of aggregation which is the section (one letter), down to the class (four digits) via the division (two digits) and the group (three digits).
Razvrstitev se opravi po stopnjah od najvišje skupne stopnje, ki je področje (ena črka), do razreda (štiri številke) prek oddelka (dve številki) in skupine (tri številke).
267 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Classification under the tariff subheadings listed in column 2 of the table below of the goods listed against each subheading in column 3 shall be subject to the conditions laid down in Articles 21 to 24.
Za uvrstitev blaga, navedenega v stolpcu 3 naslednje tabele, ki se nanaša* na tarifne podštevilke, navedene v stolpcu 2 navedene tabele, morajo biti izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni v členih 21 do 24.
268 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1638
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Note 5 to Chapter 84 and by the texts of CN codes 8517, 8517 82 and 8517 82 90.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 5 k poglavju 84 in besedilo oznak KN 8517, 8517 82 in 8517 82 90.
269 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1638
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Note 3 to Chapter 90 and by the texts of CN codes 9030, 9030 81 and 9030 81 90.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 3 k poglavju 90 in besedilo oznak KN 9030, 9030 81 in 9030 81 90.
270 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2191
Classification and identification in the establishments covered by Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 1186/90 shall be checked on the spot without prior warning by a body independent of the slaughterhouse.';
Razvrščanje in označevanje v obratih, ki jih zajema člen 1 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1186/90, preverja na kraju samem in brez vnaprejšnjega opozorila od klavnice neodvisen organ.";
271 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1638
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpreation of the combined nomenclature, Note 3 to Chapter 90 and by the wording of CN codes 9030, 9030 81 and 9030 81 90.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 3 k poglavju 90 in besedilo oznak KN 9030, 9030 81 in 9030 81 90.
272 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R0028
Classification is determined on the basis of the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 governing the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and on the basis of the wording of CN codes 1108 and 1108 12 00
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbi splošnih pravil 1 in 6, za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, in besedilo oznak KN 1108 in 1108 13 00
273 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R0028
Classification is determined on the basis of the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 governing the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and on the basis of the wording of CN codes 1108 and 1108 14 00
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbi splošnih pravil 1 in 6, za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, in besedilo oznak KN 1108 in 1108 14 0
274 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R0314
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Notes 3 (a) and 6 (a) to Chapter 39 and the texts of CN codes 3902 and 3902 90 00
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opombi 3(a) in 6(a) k Poglavju 39 in besedilo oznake KN 3902 in 3902 90 00
275 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1638
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Note 2 b to Chapter 90 and by the texts of CN codes 9018, 9018 90 and 9018 90 60.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 2b k poglavju 90 in besedilo oznak KN 9018, 9018 90 in 9018 90 60.
276 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0844
Classification (a) Where confidentiality is concerned, care and experience are needed in the selection of information and material to be protected and the assessment of the degree of protection it requires.
Določanje stopenj tajnosti (a) Na področju tajnosti so pri izboru podatkov in gradiva, ki jih/ga je treba zavarovati in pri oceni zahtevane stopnje varovanja potrebni skrben pristop in izkušnje.
277 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R1422
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, note la to Chapter 30 and by the wording of CN codes 2106, 2106 90 and 2106 90 91.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 1a k Poglavju 30 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 2106, 2106 90 in 2106 90 91.
278 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R1533
Classification under headings 0402 and 0404 is excluded because, on the basis of its analytical characteristics (in particular its phospholipides content) the product has the characteristics of buttermilk powder.
Izdelek ne more biti uvrščen v tarifni številki 0402 in 0404, ker ima na osnovi analitskih lastnosti (zlasti vsebnost fosfolipidov) značilnosti pinjenca v prahu.
279 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1638
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Note 5 (B) (b) to Chapter 85 and by the texts of CN codes 8517, 8517 90 and 8517 90 92.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 5(B)(b) k poglavju 85 in besedilo oznak KN 8517, 8517 90 in 8517 90 92.
280 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R1260
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, note 6 to Chapter 29 and the texts of CN codes 2930 and 2930 90 90
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opombo 6 k Poglavju 29 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 2930 in 2930 90 90
281 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0754
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, by Note 5 (B) to Chapter 84 and by the wording of CN codes 8471, 8471 92 and 8471 92 80.
8471 92 80 Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 5(B) k Poglavju 84 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 8471, 8471 92 in 8471 92 80.
282 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0350
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, by Note 8 to Chapter 61, as well as by the texts of CN codes 6110, 6110 20 and 6110 20 99.
6110 20 99 Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 8 k Poglavju 61 in besedilo oznak KN 6110, 6110 20 in 6110 20 99.
283 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R1936
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, by additional note 2 of Chapter 61 and by the texts of CN codes 6109 and 6109 10 00. // // //
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, dodatna opomba 2 Poglavja 61 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 6109 in 6109 10 00.
284 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2399
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, by additional note 1 to chapter 21 and by the texts of CN codes 2106, 2106 90 and 2106 90 99.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, dodatna opomba 1 k Poglavju 21 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 2106, 210690 in 21069099.
285 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1993
Classification and identification of the carcases in the establishments covered by Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 1186/90 shall be checked on the spot without prior warning of a body independent of the slaughterhouse.
Razvrščanje in označevanje trupov v obratih iz člena 1 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1186/90 se preverjata na kraju samem brez vnaprejšnjega opozorila od klavnice neodvisnega organa.
286 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0645
Classification as a tracksuit is excluded because, owing to the general appearance and the nature of the fabric, these garments are not clearly meant to be worn exclusively of mainly in the pursuit of sporting activities
Oblačilo ne more biti uvrščeno kot trenirka, saj zaradi svojega videza in značilnosti blaga ni jasno namenjeno za uporabo pri izvajanju izključno ali predvsem športnih dejavnosti
287 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3056
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, by the subheading note 1 to Chapter 4 and the wording of CN codes 0404, 0404 10 and 0404 10 48.
Modificirana sirotka z naslednjimi analitskimi lastnostmi: 0404 10 48 Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba k podštevilki 1 k Poglavju 4 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 0404, 0404 10 in 0404 10 48.
288 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0030
Classification shall be reviewed earlier in the event of significant changes in activities relevant to ambient concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide or, where relevant, oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter or lead.
Razvrstitev se pregleda prej, če se bistveno spremenijo dejavnosti, ki so pomembne za koncentracije žveplovega dioksida, dušikovega dioksida ali, kadar je to pomembno, dušikovih oksidov, trdnih delcev ali svinca v zunanjem zraku.
289 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R0650
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, Notes 3 and 4 (a) and Subheading Note 1 (b) to Chapter 64 as well as the texts of codes 6404 and 6404 11 00.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, opombi 3 in 4(a) in opomba podštevilke 1(b) k Poglavju 64 ter besedilo oznake 6404 in 6404 11 00.
290 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R2368
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the texts of CN codes 6110, 6110 20 and 6110 20 99 as well as by the Explanatory Notes for CN code 6110
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 6110, 6110 20 in 6110 20 99 ter Pojasnjevalne opombe za tarifno oznako KN 6110
291 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0754
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1, 3 (c) and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, Note 5 to Chapter 84 to the combined nomenclature as well as the texts of CN codes 8521 and 8521 90 00.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1, 3(c) in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 5 k Poglavju 84 kombinirane nomenklature in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 8521 in 8521 90 00.
292 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0911
Classification using common obligatory standards for fresh fruit and vegetables provides a reference framework that encourages fair trading and market transparency and also eliminates products of unsatisfactory quality from the market.
Klasifikacija proizvodov po skupnih obveznih standardih za sveže sadje in zelenjavo predstavlja referenčni okvir, ki spodbuja pošteno trgovanje in transparentnost trga ter s trga izloča proizvode nezadovoljive kakovosti.
293 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0831
classification as very toxic, toxic or harmful shall be effected by determining the acute toxicity of the commercial substance or preparation in animals, expressed in LD50 or LC50 values with the following parameters being taken as reference values:
razvrščanje kot zelo strupeno, strupeno ali zdravju škodljivo se izvede z določanjem akutne toksičnosti komercialne snovi ali pripravka pri živalih, izraženo z vrednostma LD50 ali LC50, z naslednjimi referenčnimi vrednostmi:
294 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R1533
Classification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 2309, 2309 90 and 2309 90 99 (see also the Explanatory Notes to the HS, heading 23.09, part II.C).
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in besedilo oznak KN 2309, 230990 in 23099099 (glej tudi pojasnjevalne opombe HS, tarifna številka 23.09, del II. C).
295 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R0440
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature of Note 1 (e) and of subheading Note 1 to Chapter 64, of Note 1 (g) to Chapter 95 and the texts of the CN codes 6402 and 6402 19 00
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, opombo 1(e) k Poglavju 64, opomba 1 k tarifni podštevilki k Poglavju 64, opomba 1 (g) k Poglavju 95 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 6402 in 6402 19 10
296 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0754
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 8517 and 8517 40 00 (see also the Explanatory Notes to the Harmonized System, heading 85.17, part III).
8517 40 00 Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 8517 in 8517 40 00 (glej tudi pojasnila k harmoniziranemu sistemu, številka 85.17, del III).
297 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3295
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, by note 7 (c) and subheading note 2 (B) (c) to Section XI, note 1 to Chapter 63 and by the texts of CN codes 6303, 6303 99 and 6303 99 90.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 7(c) in opomba k tarifni podštevilki 2(B)(c) Oddelka XI, opomba 1 Poglavja 63 in besedilo oznak KN 6303, 6303 99 in 6303 99 90.
298 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2399
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, note 1 a) to Chapter 28 and by the texts of CN codes 2821 and 2821 10 00 (see also the Explanatory Notes to the HS, heading 28.21, part A).
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 1(a) k Poglavju 28 in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 2821 in 28211000 (glej tudi pojasnjevalne opombe k HS, tarifna številka 28.21, del A).
299 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R1611
Classification is determined by the provisions of the general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and the texts of CN codes 6002, 6002 91 00, 6002 92, 6002 92 10, 6002 93, 6002 93 31, 6002 93 99 and 6002 99 00 depending on the composition.
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 razlaganje kombinirane nomenklature in besedilo tarifnih oznak KN 6002, 6002 91 00, 6002 92, 6002 92 10, 6002 93, 6002 93 31, 6002 93 99 in 6002 99 00 glede na sestavo.
300 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0597
Classification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, by Note 5 to Chapter 39 and by the wording of CN codes 3913, 3913 90 and 3913 90 80 (see also the Explanatory Notes to the HS heading 39.13, part 4).
Uvrstitev opredeljujejo določbe splošnih pravil 1 in 6 za razlago kombinirane nomenklature, opomba 5 k Poglavju 39 in besedilo oznak KN 3913, 3913 90 in 2319 90 80 (glej tudi pojasnjevalne opombe k HS tarifna številka 39.13, del 4).
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