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inspection of persons
251 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0042
a person who performs a function connected with the installation, modification, maintenance, repair, overhaul, flight-checking or inspection of air navigation facilities for which a Member State ensures responsibility;
oseba, ki opravlja nalogo v zvezi z namestitvijo, spreminjanjem, vzdrževanjem, popravilom, tehničnimi pregledi, preverjanjem med letom ali nadzorom letalskih navigacijskih sredstev, za katere prevzema odgovornost država članica;
252 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports concerning the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned, particularly those of the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts and the non-destructive tests in accordance with sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I.
evidenc kakovosti, na primer poročil o pregledih, podatkov preskusov, kalibracijskih podatkov, poročil o kvalifikacijah ali potrditvi zadevnega osebja, posebej za osebje, ki izvaja nerazstavljivo spajanje delov in neporušitvene preskuse v skladu z oddelkom 3.1.2 in 3.1.3 z Priloge I.
253 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports concerning the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned, particularly those of the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts and the non-destructive tests in accordance with sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of Annex I,
evidenc kakovosti, na primer poročil o pregledih, podatkov preskusov, kalibracijskih podatkov, poročil o kvalifikacijah ali odobritvi zadevnega osebja, posebej za osebje, ki izvaja nerazstavljivo spajanje delov in neporušitvene preskuse v skladu s Prilogo I, oddelka 3.1.2 in 3.1.3,
254 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0844
In the case of packages for delegations, delegations may take delivery of the packages, which will either be inspected by the delegation Security Officer, screened by special equipment or opened by security personnel for inspection.
Pri pošiljkah, namenjenih delegacijam, lahko delegacije prevzamejo dostavo pošiljk, ki jih pregleda uradnik za nadzor delegacije, ali so pregledane s posebno opremo ali pa jih odpre varnostno osebje za inšpekcijski pregled.
255 Prevajalska redakcija
To coordinate the development and implementation of export policy, International Programs endeavors to include appropriate Inspection Operations personnel, as well as a member of the Export Coordination Staff, in all foreign reviews.
Za usklajevanje razvoja in izvajanja izvozne politike si Mednarodni programi prizadevajo, da se v vse tuje preglede vključi ustrezno osebje Postopkov pregledov ter člana osebja Usklajevanja izvoza.
256 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0397
Member States shall prescribe that the natural and legal persons concerned shall be obliged to undergo any inspection carried out in accordance with this Directive and to assist inspectors in the accomplishment of their tasks.
Države članice predpišejo obveznost, da vse fizične in pravne osebe omogočijo preglede v skladu s to direktivo in da pomagajo organom, pristojnim za nadzor, pri izvajanju njihovih nalog.
257 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0001
In order to safeguard the effectiveness of inspections, therefore, officials and other persons authorised by the Commission should be empowered to enter any premises where business records may be kept, including private homes.
Zaradi varovanja učinkovitosti pregleda morajo uradniki in druge osebe, ki jih je imenovala Komisija, imeti pooblastila za vstop v vse prostore, kjer se poslovna dokumentacija lahko hrani, vključno z zasebnimi.
258 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0021
Each inspector shall carry a personal document in the form of an identity card issued by his competent authority in accordance with the national legislation, indicating that the inspector is authorized to carry out inspections.
Vsak inšpektor nosi osebni dokument v obliki osebne izkaznice, ki ga je izdal njegov pristojni organ v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo, z navedbo, da je inšpektor pooblaščen za opravljanje inšpekcijskih pregledov.
259 Prevajalska redakcija
To coordinate the development and implementation of export policy, international programmes endeavour to include appropriate inspection operations personnel, as well as a member of the export coordination staff, in all foreign reviews.
Za usklajevanje razvoja in izvajanja izvozne politike si mednarodni programi prizadevajo, da se v vse tuje preglede vključi ustrezno osebje postopkov pregledov ter član osebja usklajevanja izvoza.
260 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0001
Where the officials and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission find that an undertaking opposes an inspection ordered pursuant to this Article, the Member State concerned shall afford them the necessary assistance, requesting where appropriate the assistance of the police or of an equivalent enforcement authority, so as to enable them to conduct their inspection.
Kadar uradniki in druge spremljevalne osebe, ki jih je Komisija pooblastila, ugotovijo, da podjetje nasprotuje pregledu, ki je bil odrejen v skladu s tem členom, jim zadevna država članica ponudi potrebno sodelovanje in, če je to potrebno, zagotovi tudi podporo policije ali drugega ustreznega izvršilnega organa, da jim omogoči izvedbo pregleda.
261 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0016
the quality records provided for in the part of the quality assurance system concerning acceptance of supplies and installation, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports on the qualifications of the personnel concerned, etc.
zapise kakovosti, zagotovljene za del sistema zagotavljanja kakovosti, ki zadeva prejem zalog in montažo, kot so poročila o pregledih in podatki o preskusih, podatki o preverjanju mer, poročila o kvalifikacijah osebja itd.
262 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2382
The conduct of all services and the licensing of inspection/grading/sampling/personnel under the regulations governing such services shall be accomplished without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or handicap
Izvajanje vseh storitev in podeljevanje dovoljenj inšpekcije/ocenjevanja/vzorčenja/osebja pod uredbami, ki predpisujejo te storitve, se izvede brez razlikovanja na podlagi, barve kože, spola, nacionalnosti, starosti ali invalidnosti.
263 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0412
Whereas the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice should primarily concern personnel, premises and equipment, documentation, production, quality control, contracting out, complaints and product recall, and self inspection;
ker se morajo načela in smernice dobre proizvodne prakse predvsem nanašati na osebje, prostore in opremo, dokumentacijo, proizvodnjo, nadzor kakovosti, pogodbeno delo, reklamacije in odpoklic proizvoda ter na notranji nadzor;
264 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0397
Persons who, in the exercise of their activity, come into contact, whether directly or indirectly, with the materials and products referred to in Article 6 (1) (b) to (f) shall be subject to the hygiene inspection referred to in Article 5 (3).
Osebje, ki pri opravljanju svojega dela pride neposredno ali posredno v stik z materiali in izdelki iz člena 6(1)(b) do (f), mora biti higiensko pregledano po postopku iz člena 5(3).
265 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
2 in liaison with the port facility, the ship should ensure that designated secure areas are established in which inspections and searching of persons, baggage (including carry-on items), personal effects, vehicles and their contents can take place;.
.2 v povezavi s pristaniščem mora ladja zagotoviti, da se določijo varna območja, kjer se lahko opravljajo inšpekcije in preiskave oseb, prtljage (vključno z ročno prtljago), osebnih predmetov, vozil in njihove vsebine;
266 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0042
The body and its staff must carry out the verification tests with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and must be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgment of the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the result of verifications.
Organ in njegovo osebje morata opravljati overitvene preskuse z najvišjo stopnjo strokovne neoporečnosti in tehnične usposobljenosti ter morata biti neodvisna od vseh pritiskov in napeljevanj, zlasti finančnih, ki bi lahko vplivali na njuno presojo ali rezultate nadzora, še posebno od ljudi ali skupin, ki jih zanimajo rezultati overjanj.
267 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0001
If so requested by the Commission or by the competition authority of the Member State in whose territory the inspection is to be conducted, officials and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission may assist the officials of the authority concerned.
Če tako zahteva Komisija ali organ, pristojen za konkurenco v državi članici, na ozemlju katere se bo izvajal pregled, lahko uradniki in druge spremljajoče osebe, ki jih je pooblastila Komisija, pomagajo uradnikom zadevnega organa.
268 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0098
The flag State administration may require the manufacturer of the equipment, his authorized representative established within the Community or the person responsible for marketing the equipment within the Community to provide the inspection/testing reports.
Uprava države zastave lahko od proizvajalca opreme, njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika s sedežem v Skupnosti ali osebe, odgovorne za trženje opreme znotraj Skupnosti, zahteva predložitev poročil o inšpekcijskih pregledih/preskusih.
269 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0094
Principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice should be set out in relation to quality management, personnel, premises and equipment, documentation, production, quality control, contracting out, complaints and product recall, and self-inspection.
Načela in smernice dobre proizvodne prakse je treba opredeliti v zvezi z upravljanjem kakovosti, osebjem, prostori in opremo, dokumentacijo, izdelavo, kontrolo kakovosti, pogodbenim delom, pritožbami in odpoklicem zdravil ter notranjim nadzorom.
270 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0015
The body and its staff shall carry out the verification tests with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and shall be free from all pressures and inducements, paritcularly financial, which might influence thier judgement or the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the result of verifications.
Organ in njegovo osebje morata opravljati preveritvene preskuse z najvišjo stopnjo strokovne integritete in tehnične usposobljenosti ter na sme biti pod pritiskom in finančno odvisnostjo, ki bi lahko vplivali na njuno presojo ali rezultate pregleda, zlasti od ljudi ali skupin ljudi, ki jim je v interesu rezultat preverjanj.
271 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
The owner, the person empowered to dispose of the animals or their representative shall be obliged to facilitate pre-slaughter inspection operations, and in particular to assist the official veterinarian or the authorized staff in any manipulation judged necessary.
Lastnik ali oseba, ki je pooblaščena za prodajo živali ali njun predstavnik morajo omogočiti preglede živali pred zakolom, zlasti morajo pomagati uradnemu veterinarju ali pooblaščenemu osebju pri vseh ukrepih, ki se jim zdijo potrebni.
272 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0063
The employer shall ensure that where the safety of work equipment depends on the installation conditions, it shall be subject to an initial inspection (after installation and before first being put into service) and an inspection after assembly at a new site or in a new location by competent persons within the meaning of national laws and/or practices, to ensure that the work equipment has been installed correctly and is operating properly.
Delodajalec zagotovi, da pristojne osebe v smislu nacionalnih zakonodaj in/ali praks opravijo začetni pregled (pred namestitvijo in pred prvim zagonom) delovne opreme, katere varnost je odvisna od pogojev namestitve, in pregled po vsaki namestitvi v nov prostor, da bi zagotovili pravilno namestitev in pravilno delovanje delovne opreme.
273 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0385
The body and its staff must carry out the evaluation and verification operations with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and must be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgement or the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the results of verifications.
Organ in njegovo osebje morata opravljati postopke ocenjevanja in overjanja na najvišji ravni strokovne neoporečnosti in tehnične usposobljenosti ter ne smeta biti pod vplivom pritiskov in napeljevanj, zlasti finančnih, ki bi lahko vplivali na njuno odločitev ali rezultate pregleda, še posebej pa oseb sli skupin oseb, ki imajo koristi od rezultatov overjanj.
274 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0020
The person participating in a trial must consent to the scrutiny of personal information during inspection by competent authorities and properly authorised persons, provided that such personal information is treated as strictly confidential and is not made publicly available.
Oseba, ki sodeluje v kliničnem preskušanju, mora dati soglasje za podroben pregled osebnih podatkov med pregledom pristojnih organov in ustrezno pooblaščenih oseb, če se taki osebni podatki obravnavajo kot strogo zaupni in niso na voljo javnosti.
275 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
The body and the staff responsible for the checks must carry out the checks with the greatest possible professional integrity and the greatest possible technical competence and must be free of any pressure and incentive, in particular of a financial type, which could affect their judgment or the results of their inspection, in particular from persons or groups of persons affected by the results of the checks.
Organ in osebje, odgovorno za preglede, morata opravljati preglede z največjo možno profesionalno integriteto in največjo možno tehnično usposobljenostjo ter ne smeta biti pod pritiskom ali deležna spodbud, zlasti finančne vrste, ki bi lahko vplivali na njuno presojo ali rezultate njunega inšpekcijskega dela, zlasti s strani oseb ali skupin oseb, na katere vplivajo rezultati njunih pregledov.
276 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0001
Officials of as well as those authorised or appointed by the competition authority of the Member State in whose territory the inspection is to be conducted shall, at the request of that authority or of the Commission, actively assist the officials and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission.
Uradniki, pa tudi tisti, ki jih pooblasti ali imenuje organ, pristojen za konkurenco v državi članici, na ozemlju katere se bo izvedel pregled, na zahtevo tega organa ali Komisije aktivno pomagajo uradnikom in drugim spremljevalnim osebam, ki jih je Komisija pooblastila.
277 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0001
The officials and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission to conduct an inspection shall exercise their powers upon production of a written authorisation specifying the subject matter and purpose of the inspection and the penalties provided for in Article 23 in case the production of the required books or other records related to the business is incomplete or where the answers to questions asked under paragraph 2 of the present Article are incorrect or misleading.
Uradniki in druge spremljevalne osebe, ki jih je Komisija pooblastila za izvajanje pregleda, uresničujejo svoja pooblastila s predložitvijo pisnega pooblastila, ki navaja predmet in namen pregleda in sankcije, ki so predvidene v členu 23, če izročene poslovne knjige ali druga poslovna dokumentacija o poslovanju ni popolna ali če odgovori na vprašanja v skladu z odstavkom 2 tega člena niso točni ali so zavajajoči.
278 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0063
special inspections by competent persons within the meaning of national laws and/or practices each time that exceptional circumstances which are liable to jeopardize the safety of the work equipment have occurred, such as modification work, accidents, natural phenomena or prolonged periods of inactivity,
posebni pregledi, ki jih opravijo pristojne osebe v smislu nacionalnih zakonodaj in/ali praks, vsakokrat, ko nastopijo izjemne okoliščine, ki bi lahko ogrozile varnost delovne opreme, kot so sprememba dela, nezgode, naravni pojavi ali daljša obdobja nedejavnosti,
279 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2771
The contractor or, at the request of the Member State or with its authorisation, the person responsible for the storage depot shall make available to the competent agency responsible for inspection any documentation permitting verification of the following particulars of products placed in private storage:
Pogodbenik ali na zahtevo države članice ali z njenim dovoljenjem oseba, ki je odgovorna za skladišče, da pristojnemu organu, ki je odgovoren za inšpekcijski nadzor, na razpolago vso dokumentacijo, na podlagi katere je mogoče preveriti naslednje podatke o proizvodih, danih v zasebno skladiščenje:
280 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0245
On-the-spot inspections conducted for the purposes of controls as provided for in paragraph 1 shall be decided by the competent authorities, in particular on the basis of a risk analysis, with a view to checking at least 75 % of authorised primary processors and 10 % of persons treated as processors per marketing year.
O pregledih na kraju samem, ki so izvajani zaradi kontrol iz odstavka 1, morajo pristojni organi odločati predvsem na osnovi analize tveganja s ciljem, da se vsako tržno leto pregleda najmanj 75 % pooblaščenih primarnih predelovalcev in 10 % oseb, ki štejejo za predelovalce.
281 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0214
The contractor or, at the request of the Member State or with its authorisation, the person responsible for the storage depot, shall make available to the competent authority responsible for inspection any documentation permitting verification of the following particulars of products placed in private storage:
Pogodbenik ali na zahtevo države članice ali z njenim pooblastilom oseba, odgovorna za skladišče, da na razpolago pristojnemu organu, ki je odgovoren za inšpekcijski nadzor, vso dokumentacijo, ki omogoča preveritev naslednjih podatkov o proizvodih, danih v zasebno skladišče:
282 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0562
Preliminary inspection and acceptance of the products offered for intervention shall be carried out by an official of the intervention agency or a person authorised by the latter who is a qualified classifier, is not involved in classification at the slaughterhouse and is totally independent of the successful tenderer.
Predhodni pregled in sprejem proizvodov, ponujenih za intervencijo, izvede uradna oseba intervencijske agencije ali njihova pooblaščena oseba, ki je usposobljena za razvrščanje, ni vključena v razvrščanje v klavnici in je povsem neodvisna od uspešnih ponudnikov.
283 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0794
For each consignment, the official veterinarian of the border inspection post shall provide to the person concerned an authenticated copy of the original veterinary certificate(s) or other original veterinary document(s) accompanying the consignment, together with the certificate as laid down in Decision 92/527/EEC.
Uradni veterinar mejne kontrolne točke za vsako pošiljko zadevni osebi predloži overjeno kopijo izvirnika(ov) veterinarskega(ih) spričevala(-) ali drug(e) izvirnik(e) veterinarskega(ih) dokumenta(ov), ki spremlja(jo) pošiljko, skupaj s spričevalom iz Odločbe 92/527/EGS.
284 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Where, as a result of inspection activities carried out in accordance with the CCAMLR inspection system, there is evidence of breach of the measures adopted under the Convention, the flag Member State shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken against the natural or legal persons responsible for the breach of the measures adopted under the Convention in accordance with Article 25 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy(11).
Če se kot rezultat inšpekcijskih aktivnosti, izvedenih v skladu z inšpekcijskim sistemom CCAMLR izkaže, da so bili kršeni ukrepi, sprejeti v skladu s Konvencijo, država članica zastave zagotovi sprejetje ustreznih ukrepov proti fizičnim ali pravnim osebam, odgovornim za kršitev ukrepov, v skladu s členom 25 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2371/2002 z dne 20. decembra 2002 o ohranjevanju in trajnostnem izkoriščanju ribolovnih virov v okviru skupne ribiške politike [11].
285 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
All expenditure incurred pursuant to this Article, including the costs of inspection and checks required thereby, shall be chargeable to the person responsible for the load or his representative, without indemnification by the Member State, in accordance with the principles deriving from Article 1 of Directive 85/73/EEC.
Vse stroške, nastale v skladu s tem členom, vključno s stroški inšpekcij in pregledov, ki so v njem zahtevani, nosi oseba, odgovorna za tovor, ali njen zastopnik, v skladu z načeli, ki izhajajo iz člena 1 Direktive 85/73/EGS, brez povrnitve stroškov s strani države članice.
286 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R0027
whereas to this end each Member State concerned must confer on the agency's inspectors powers to enter all premises and land used by persons subject to inspection for their professional activities, and to demand such information and make such verifications as are necessary for accomplishment of the agency's tasks;
ker mora zato vsaka država članica pooblastiti inšpektorje službe, da lahko vstopijo v vse prostore in na zemljišče oseb, katerih poklicna dejavnost se pregleduje, in da lahko zahtevajo podatke in opravijo preverjanja, potrebna za izpolnitev nalog službe;
287 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
If proof is given to the competent authority of the border inspection post of entry, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 20, that the products declared as being intended for an approved establishment never arrived at their destination, the authority shall take appropriate measures vis-a-vis the person responsible for the load.
Če je pristojnemu organu na mejni kontrolni točki vstopa predložen dokaz brez poseganja v člen 20 da proizvodi, za katere je bilo označeno, da so namenjeni v odobren obrat, nikoli niso prispeli v namembni kraj, mora pristojni organ sprejeti ustrezne ukrepe v zvezi z osebo, odgovorno za tovor.
288 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1148
The third country inspection bodies must be official bodies or officially recognised by the authority mentioned in paragraph 2 providing satisfactory guarantees and disposing of the necessary personnel, equipment and facilities to carry out checks according to the methods mentioned in Article 9(1) or equivalent methods.
Inšpekcijski organi tretje države morajo biti uradni organi, ali jih mora uradno priznati organ iz odstavka 2, ki nudijo zadostna jamstva in razpolagajo s potrebnim osebjem, opremo in objekti za izvajanje pregledov v skladu z metodami iz člena 9(1) ali enakovrednimi metodami.
289 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0005
The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community or the person responsible for placing the apparatus on the market must keep the file for a period ending at least 10 years after the last apparatus has been manufactured at the disposal of the relevant national authorities of any Member States for inspection.ANNEX V
Proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti ali oseba, ki je odgovorna za dajanje aparata na trg, mora hraniti mapo za dobo, ki se konča najmanj 10 let po izdelavi zadnjega izdelka, tako da je pristojnim državnim oblastem katere koli države članice na voljo za pregled. PRILOGA V
290 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
The SSP should establish the security measures to be applied to ensure that unaccompanied baggage (i.e, any baggage, including personal effects, which is not with the passenger or member of ship's personnel at the point of inspection or search) is identified and subjected to appropriate screening, including searching, before it is accepted on board the ship.
Varnostni načrt ladje mora opredeliti zaščitne ukrepe, ki se uporabljajo za zagotavljanje, da se nespremna prtljaga (t. j, kakršna koli prtljaga, vključno z osebnimi predmeti, ki na točki inšpekcije ali pregleda ni pri potniku ali članu ladijskega osebja) prepozna in da se ustrezno pregleda ali preišče, preden se sprejme na krov ladje.
291 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
The body and its personnel must carry out the assessments and verifications with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and must be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgment or the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the results of verifications.
Organ in njegovo osebje morata opravljati ugotavljanje in overjanje z najvišjo stopnjo poklicne neodvisnosti in tehnične usposobljenosti in ne smeta biti pod nikakršnim pritiskom ali vplivom spodbud, posebno finančnih, ki bi lahko vplivale na njuno sodbo ali rezultate pregledov, zlasti pa ne smeta biti pod vplivom oseb ali skupin, zainteresiranih za rezultate preverjanja.
292 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0812
Without prejudice to Annex II to Directive 97/78/EC, all border inspection posts as referred to in Article 6 of that Directive must, in order to be approved and listed in the Official Journal and to maintain approval, provide the facilities, personnel, equipment, and operate the procedures in the posts, as specified in this Decision and in the Annex hereto.
Brez vpliva na Prilogo II k Direktivi 97/78/ES, morajo vse mejne kontrolne točke, kakor so navedene v členu 6 navedene direktive, za odobritev in navedbo v seznamu, objavljenem v Uradnem listu ter za ohranitev odobritve, zagotoviti objekte in naprave, osebje in opremo ter izvajati postopke na mejni kontrolni točki, kakor je opredeljeno v tej odločbi ter njeni prilogi.
293 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0370
'Such refresher courses or meetings may, according to availability, be open, at the request of the competent authorities and after the Commission has agreed, to personal from third countries which have concluded cooperation agreements with the Union in the field of veterinary inspections and to veterinary science graduates to extend their training in the area of Community rules.';
"Takšnih osvežitvenih tečajev ali sestankov se lahko glede na prosta mesta na zahtevo pristojnih organov in s privolitvijo Komisije udeleži osebje iz tretjih držav, ki so z Unijo sklenile sporazume o sodelovanju na področju veterinarskih pregledov, ter doktorji veterinarske medicine, ki želijo svoje usposabljanje razširiti na področje predpisov Skupnosti.";
294 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2092
This description and the measures concerned must be contained in an inspection report, countersigned by the responsible person of the unit. In addition, the report must include an undertaking by the operator to perform the operations in such a way as to comply with Article 5 and to accept, in the event of infringements, the implementation of measures as referred to in Article 9 (9).
Ta opis in zadevne ukrepe je treba vključiti v kontrolno poročilo, ki ga sopodpiše oseba, odgovorna za enoto. V poročilo je treba vključiti tudi obveznost pridelovalca, da bo delovne postopke izvajal skladno s členom 5 in v primeru kršitev uresničeval ukrepe, kakor so navedeni v členu 9(9).
295 Prevajalska redakcija
This appropriation is intended to cover various expenses concerned with the security of persons and buildings, especially contracts for the guarding of buildings, the purchase, the hire and the maintenance of security and fire-fighting equipment, the replacement of equipment for fire pickets and statutory inspection costs, including recurrent expenditure on, for instance, badges, access cards etc.
Iz teh sredstev se krijejo različni stroški, ki se nanašajo na varnost oseb in stavb, zlasti pogodb za varovanje objektov, nakup, najem ali vzdrževanje varnostne in protipožarne opreme, nadomestilo opreme za gašenje in stroške z zakonom določenega pregleda, vključno s ponavljajočimi se stroški za priponke, kartice za vstop itd.
296 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0051
For the additives referred to in Article 2 (aaa) a standard sample having the characteristics and properties described in the monograph referred to in Article 9n together with a reference sample of the active substance shall be made available, upon request, to the national inspection authorities of the Member States by the person responsible for putting them into circulation.
Za dodatke iz člena 2(aaa) mora biti standardni vzorec z značilnostmi in lastnostmi, opisanimi v monografiji iz člena 9n, skupaj z referenčnim vzorcem aktivne snovi, na voljo na zahtevo nacionalnih nadzornih organov države članice. Vzorec zagotovi oseba, odgovorna za dajanje dodatka v promet.
297 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
The user inspectorate and its personnel must carry out the assessments and verifications with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and must be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgment or the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the results of verifications.
Inšpektorat uporabnikov in njegovo osebje morata opravljati presojanje in overjanje z najvišjo stopnjo poklicne neoporečnosti in tehnične usposobljenosti in ne smeta biti pod nikakršnim pritiskom ali vplivom spodbud, posebno finančnih, ki bi lahko vplivale na njuno sodbo ali rezultate dela, zlasti pa ne smeta biti pod vplivom oseb ali skupin, zainteresiranih za rezultate preverjanja.
298 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0497
The results of the ante-mortem and post-mortem health inspections shall be recorded by the official veterinarian and, where diseases transmissible to man as referred to in Article 6 are diagnosed, communicated to the competent veterinary authorities responsible for supervision of the herd from which the animals originated, as well as to the person responsible for the herd in question.
Rezultate pregledov pred zakolom in po zakolu zabeleži uradni veterinar in jih, če diagnosticira bolezni, ki se prenašajo na človeka, kot so določene v členu 6, sporoči pristojnim veterinarskim organom, odgovornim za nadzor črede, iz katere je prišla žival, kot tudi osebi, odgovorni za zadevno čredo.
299 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0495
(c)The results of the ante-mortem and post-mortem health inspections shall be recorded by the official veterinarian and, if the presence of the diseases referred to in point 3 or the presence of residues are found, these shall be communicated to the authorities of the official service responsible for supervision of the stock from which the animals originated, as well as to the person responsible for the stock in question.
Uradni veterinar zapiše rezultate pregleda pred zakolom in pregleda po zakolu in v primeru odkritja bolezni iz točke 3 ali prisotnosti ostankov obvesti organe uradne službe, pristojne za nadzor črede, iz katere izvirajo živali, pa tudi osebo, ki odgovarja za to čredo.
300 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
If the consignment complies with the import conditions, the official veterinarian shall provide the person concerned with an authenticated copy of the original certificates or documents and shall, in accordance with Article 5(1), issue a certificate declaring that the consignment complies with those conditions on the basis of the veterinary checks carried out at the border inspection post.
Če je pošiljka v skladu z uvoznimi pogoji, mora uradni veterinar zadevni osebi predložiti potrjeno kopijo originalnih spričeval ali dokumentov in v skladu s členom 5(1) izdati spričevalo, iz katerega je razvidno, da je pošiljka v skladu z navedenimi pogoji na podlagi veterinarskih pregledov, opravljenih na mejni kontrolni točki.
Prevodi: en > sl
inspection of persons