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specific check
251 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of administering the tariff quotas opened for specified countries of origin fixed in the CXL schedule and the quotas provided for under the Agreement with Norway, in particular the check that imported products comply with the description of the goods concerned and with the tariff quota, use should be made of the arrangements under which import licences are issued in a prescribed form on presentation of IMA 1 certificates (inward monitoring arrangements) on the responsibility of the exporting country.
Za upravljanje tarifnih kvot, odprtih za specificirane države porekla, določene v seznamu CLX, in kvotami, predvidenimi po Sporazumu z Norveško, zlasti kontrole, da so uvoženi proizvodi skladni s poimenovanjem zadevnega blaga in s tarifno kvoto, je treba uporabiti režime, na podlagi katerih se izdajo uvozna dovoljenja v predpisani obliki ob predložitvi potrdil IMA 1 ("inward monitoring arrangements") na odgovornost izvozne države.
252 Pravna redakcija
In the context of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Belarus on trade in textile products initialled on 1 April 1993, the Parties agreed that, in conformity with Article 19 (2) of the Agreement, products listed in Annex I to the Agreement originating in Belarus but not subject to the quantitative limits referred to in Article 2 (1) of the Agreement may be made subject either to the double-checking system specified in Protocol A to the Agreement or to a prior system of surveillance.
V smislu besedila Sporazuma med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Republiko Belorusijo o trgovini s tekstilnimi izdelki, parafiranega 1. aprila 1993, sta se pogodbenici sporazumeli, da se, v skladu s členom 19 (2) Sporazuma, za izdelke, naštete v Prilogi I k Sporazumu s poreklom iz Belorusije, za katere ne veljajo količinske omejitve, navedene v členu 2(1) Sporazuma, lahko uvede bodisi sistem dvojne kontrole, določen v Protokolu A k Sporazumu, bodisi predhodni sistem nadzora.
253 Pravna redakcija
Where it appears that persecution is clearly confined to a specific part of a country's territory, it may be necessary, in order to check that the condition laid down in Article 1A of the Geneva Convention has been fulfilled, namely that the person concerned 'is unable or, owing to such fear (of persecution), is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country', to ascertain whether the person concerned cannot find effective protection in another part of his own country, to which he may reasonably be expected to move.
Če se zdi, da je preganjanje jasno omejeno na določen del državnega ozemlja, utegne biti za ugotovitev, ali je pogoj iz člena 1A Ženevske konvencije izpolnjen, namreč, da zadevna oseba "ni zmožna ali se na podlagi takega strahu (pred preganjanjem) noče izpostavljati preganjanju te države", potrebno preveriti, ali zadevna oseba ne more najti učinkovite zaščite v drugem delu svoje države, v katerega bi se lahko oseba po upravičenih pričakovanjih preselila.
254 Pravna redakcija
Where the subsystem meets the requirements of the TSI, the notified body must then, based on the tests, verifications and checking carried out as required in the TSI and in the European specifications referred to in the TSI, draw up the certificate of EC verification intended for the adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, which in turn draws up the EC declaration of verification intended for the supervisory authority in the Member State where the subsystem is located and/or operates.
Kadar podsistem izpolnjuje zahteve TSI, mora priglašeni organ na podlagi preskusov, preverjanj in pregledov, izvedenih, kot se zahteva v TSI in evropskih specifikacijah iz TSI, pripraviti certifikat o ES-verifikaciji, namenjen naročniku ali njegovemu pooblaščenemu zastopniku s sedežem v Skupnosti, ki v zameno pripravi ES-izjavo o verifikaciji, namenjeno nadzornemu organu v državi članici, kjer je podsistem nameščen in/ali deluje.
255 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0489
(ii) the following subparagraph is inserted after the first subparagraph:"Processors who have exported the products referred to in the preceding subparagraph in the context of regional trade to one of the third countries listed in Annex II must present the documents referred to in Article 16 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 with a view to possible checks by the competent authorities which shall, if necessary, recover the benefit granted under the specific supply arrangements and temporarily suspend the processor's registration, or revoke it.";
(ii) po prvem pododstavku se vstavi naslednji pododstavek: "Predelovalci, ki izvažajo proizvode, navedene v predhodnem pododstavku v okviru regionalne trgovine v eno od tretjih držav iz Priloge II, morajo predložiti dokumente iz člena 16 Uredbe (ES) št. 800/1999 zaradi možnih pregledov pristojnih organov, ki po potrebi izterjajo ugodnost, podeljeno v skladu s posebnimi režimi oskrbe, in začasno ustavijo predelovalčevo registracijo ali jo prekličejo.";
256 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0489
(ii) the following subparagraph is inserted after the first subparagraph:"Processors who have exported the products referred to in the preceding subparagraph in the context of regional trade to one of the third countries listed in Annex IV must present the documents referred to in Article 16 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 with a view to possible checks by the competent authorities which shall, if necessary, recover the benefit granted under the specific supply arrangements and temporarily suspend the processor's registration, or revoke it.";
(ii) po prvem pododstavku se vstavi naslednji pododstavek: "Predelovalci, ki izvažajo proizvode, navedene v predhodnem pododstavku v okviru regionalne trgovine v eno od tretjih držav iz Priloge IV, morajo predložiti dokumente iz člena 16 Uredbe (ES) št. 800/1999 zaradi možnih pregledov pristojnih organov, ki po potrebi izterjajo ugodnost, podeljeno v skladu s posebnimi režimi oskrbe, in začasno ustavijo predelovalčevo registracijo ali jo prekličejo.";
257 Pravna redakcija
The plant health checks may also be carried out at reduced frequency, if there is evidence, collated by the Commission and based on experience gained from earlier introduction of such material of the same origin into the Community as confirmed by all Member States concerned, and after consultation within the Committee referred to in Article 18, to believe that the plants, plant products or other objects in the consignment or lot comply with the requirements laid down in this Directive, provided that the detailed conditions specified in implementing provisions pursuant to paragraph 5(c) are met.
Zdravstveni pregledi rastlin se lahko opravljajo z zmanjšano pogostostjo tudi, če se po podatkih, ki jih je zbrala Komisija in temeljijo na izkušnjah iz predhodnega vnosa takega materiala z istim izvorom v Skupnost in so jih potrdile vse zadevne države članice, ter po posvetovanju z odborom iz člena 18, lahko meni, da rastline, rastlinski proizvodi ali drugi predmeti v pošiljki ali partiji ustrezajo zahtevam, predpisanim v tej direktivi, če so izpolnjeni podrobni pogoji, določeni v izvedbenih predpisih skladno z odstavkom 5(c).
258 Pravna redakcija
Where the subsystem meets the requirements of Directive 96/48/EC and the TSI, the notified body must then, based on the tests, verifications and checking carried out on all serial products as indicated in point 7, and required in the TSI and in the European specification referred to in Article 10 of Directive 96/48/EC, draw up the certificate of EC verification intended for the adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, which in turn draws up the EC declaration of verification intended for the supervisory authority in the Member state where the subsystem is located and/or operates.
Kadar podsistem izpolnjuje zahteve Direktive 96/48/ES in TSI, mora priglašeni organ na podlagi preskusov, pregledov in preverjanj, opravljenih na vseh serijskih izdelkih, kot je določeno v točki 7, in zahtevano v TSI in evropskih specifikacijah iz člena 10 Direktive 96/48/ES, pripraviti certifikat o ES-verifikaciji, ki je namenjen naročniku ali njegovemu pooblaščenemu zastopniku, s sedežem v Skupnosti, ki v zameno pripravi ES-izjavo o verifikaciji, namenjeno nadzornemu organu v državi članici, v kateri je podsistem nameščen in/ali deluje.
259 Pravna redakcija
By way of derogation from the Staff Regulations and subject to a check on compliance with the conditions specified in Article 3 of this Decision, the Appointing Authority (AA) within the meaning of Article 2 of the Staff Regulations may appoint to the General Secretariat of the Council the persons referred to in Article 1 of this Decision as probationer officials of the European Communities within the meaning of the Staff Regulations and allocate them to one of the posts included to that end in the staff complement of the General Secretariat of the Council for the 1999 financial year in the category, service, grade and step determined in accordance with the correlation table annexed hereto.
Z odstopanjem od kadrovskih predpisov in upoštevanjem preverjanja skladnosti z zahtevami iz člena 3 te odločbe, lahko organ za imenovanja iz člena 2 kadrovskih predpisov v generalni sekretariat Sveta imenuje osebe iz člena 1 te odločbe za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti v poskusni dobi glede na kadrovske predpise in jih razporedi na eno od delovnih mest, ki so v ta namen vključena v kadrovsko dopolnitev generalnega sekretariata Sveta za poslovno leto 1999, v skupino, službo, razred in stopnjo fn, ki se določi na podlagi priložene korelacijske tabele.
260 Pravna redakcija
If the result of their own checks or any information at the disposal of the suppliers referred to in paragraph 1 reveals the presence of one or more of the harmful organisms referred to in Directive 77/93/EEC or in quantities greater than those normally allowed for in order to meet the standards, or of those specified in the relevant schedules established pursuant to Article 4, the suppliers shall immediately report this to the responsible official body and shall take the measures indicated by that body or any other measure necessary to reduce the risk of such harmful organisms from spreading. The supplier shall keep records of all occurrences of harmful organisms on his premises and of all measures taken in relation to such occurrences.
Če dobavitelji, navedeni v odstavku 1, sami ali na podlagi katerih koli razpoložljivih podatkov ugotovijo navzočnost enega ali več škodljivih organizmov, navedenih v Direktivi 77/93/EGS, ali da je količina škodljivih organizmov, večja od tiste, ki je še dovoljena za izpolnjevanje standardov, ali od tiste, ki je določena v ustreznih načrtih, sestavljenih v skladu s členom 4, to nemudoma sporočijo pristojnemu organu in izvedejo ukrepe, ki jih določi ta organ, ali druge ukrepe, potrebne za zmanjšanje nevarnosti širjenja teh škodljivih organizmov. Dobavitelj vodi evidenco o vseh pojavih škodljivih organizmov na svojem zemljišču in o vseh izvedenih ukrepih v zvezi s tem.
261 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0734
Checking compliance with the specifications
Preverjanje skladnosti s specifikacijami
262 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2860
The exact requirements relating to these checks should be specified.
Treba je opredeliti točne zahteve glede teh pregledov.
263 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0056
Compliance of the VAS with the following specifications shall be checked:
Preverjati je treba skladnost alarmnega sistema vozila (VAS) z naslednjimi specifikacijami:
264 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0097
After conditioning, the sound level must be checked as specified in 5.2.1 above.
Po kondicioniranju se raven hrupa preveri, kot je določeno v točki 5.2.1.
265 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0625
To allow detailed and effective checks, checking arrangements should be specified.
Treba je določiti načine pregleda, da bi omogočili podrobne in učinkovite preglede.
266 Prevajalska redakcija
Such exports shall be subject to the double checking system specified in Protocol A.
Za ta izvoz se uporablja sistem dvojne kontrole, ki je določen v protokolu A.
267 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31981L0334
After conditioning, the sound level must be checked as specified in item 5.2.1 above.
Po kondicioniranju je treba preveriti raven hrupa, kakor je določeno v točki 5.2.1 zgoraj.
268 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1148
Specific arrangements should however be laid down for checks at the retail sale stage.
Za preglede na stopnji maloprodaje pa je treba določiti posebne režime.
269 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R3925
Whereas such specific provisions must be applied without prejudice to safety and security checks,
ker se morajo ti posebni predpisi uporabljati, brez poseganja v varnostne nadzore;
270 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0734
Compliance with the interoperability specifications shall be checked, in particular, through audits.
Skladnost s specifikacijami interoperabilnosti se preveri zlasti prek revizij.
271 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0625
The conditions for checking the destination of alcohol used in the fuel sector should also be specified.
Prav tako je treba določiti pogoje za pregled namembnega kraja alkohola, uporabljenega v sektorju goriv.
272 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
Without prejudice to the checks carried out in connection with implementation of the surveillance plans referred to in Article 5 or to the checks provided for in specific Directives, Member States may have official random checks conducted:
Ne da bi to vplivalo na preglede, ki sodijo v načrte nadzora iz člena 5, ali na preglede, ki jih predvidevajo posebne direktive, lahko države članice opravijo naključne uradne preglede:
273 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0146
All the checks mentioned above shall be carried out under the reference conditions specified at point 7.5.
Vsi zgoraj omenjeni pregledi se izvajajo pod referenčnimi pogoji, ki so podani v točki 7.5.
274 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Specific checks may also be undertaken on the occasion of the renewal of family members' residence permit.
Posebne kontrole se lahko izvedejo tudi ob podaljšanju dovoljenja za prebivanje za družinskega člana.
275 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0050
This paragraph shall not prejudice Member States' right to carry out specific measures for detailed checks.
Ta odstavek ne posega v pravico držav članic, da izvedejo posebne ukrepe za podrobnejše kontrole.
276 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2848
whereas the places to which tobacco must be delivered and the checks to be carried out should be specified;
ker naj se natančno določijo mesta, kamor je treba dostaviti tobak in kjer se izvedejo pregledi;
277 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2707
The checks specified in paragraph 2 shall be supplemented by physical inspection to check in particular on:
Preverjanja, ki jih opredeljuje odstavek 2, je treba dopolniti s fizičnimi inšpekcijskimi pregledi, s katerimi se preverja predvsem:
278 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
draw up, on the basis of actual findings, requirements for appropriate checks, which may include specifically looking for risks to public or animal health and, depending on the result of those checks, increase the frequency of the physical checks.
sestaviti na podlagi dejanskih ugotovitev zahteve za ustrezne preglede, ki lahko vključujejo še posebej iskanje nevarnosti za zdravje ljudi in živali, in glede na rezultate teh pregledov, pogosteje izvajati fizične preglede.
279 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0351
The following checks must be made in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for the use considered:
Skladno s proizvajalčevimi specifikacijami je treba za zadevno uporabo preveriti:
280 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0716
Whereas, provision should be made for Commission experts to check compliance with the conditions as specified;
ker je treba določiti, da strokovnjaki Komisije preverjajo skladnost z navedenimi pogoji;
281 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0089
If no such agreement is made, the entire 'identity check' or 'plant health check' shall be made by the official body of the point of entry at either of the places specified in (b).
Če ni sklenjen tak dogovor, "preverjanje istovetnosti" ali "zdravstveni pregled rastlin" v celoti opravi uradni organ vstopnega mejnega prehoda na katerem koli kraju, določenem pod (b).
282 Prevajalska redakcija
Unless otherwise specified, in this Convention the term "baggage" means both checked baggage and unchecked baggage.
Če ni drugače določeno, pojem "prtljaga" v tej konvenciji pomeni oddano in neoddano prtljago.
283 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0056
Compliance with the specifications defined under item shall also be checked under the following conditions:
Skladnost z določili, navedenimi v točki, je treba preverjati tudi pri naslednjih pogojih:
284 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0977
The application of this tariff quota requires effective checks on the specific destination of the imported animals.
Uporaba te tarifne kvote zahteva učinkovite preglede o specifičnem namembnem kraju uvoženih živali.
285 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0097
The check must take the form of a measurement of pressure loss under the conditions specified in or
To preverjanje se opravi z meritvijo protitlaka izpušnih plinov skladno s točko ali
286 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987L0094
287 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
in addition, for wrapped or packaged products, a check on the specific labelling provided for in veterinary legislation,
poleg tega, za zavite ali pakirane proizvode, preverjanje posebnega označevanja, predvidenega v veterinarski zakonodaji;
288 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31981L0334
The check must take the form of a measurement of pressure loss under the conditions specified in item or
Preskus mora biti izveden v obliki meritve izgube tlaka pod pogoji iz točke ali
289 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0497
meets the specific guarantees concerning checking and certification of compliance with storage and transport requirements;
izpolnjuje posebna jamstva v zvezi s preverjanjem in potrjevanjem izpolnjevanja zahtev za skladiščenje in prevoz;
290 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
Apart from the specific cases stipulated in Articles 9 to 15, the official veterinarian shall carry out the following checks:
Razen v posebnih primerih, določenih v členih od 9 do 15, mora uradni veterinar opraviti naslednje preglede:
291 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0438
'The check must be made after reference to the data bases specified in the second indent of Article 1 of Decision 92/438/EEC.'
"Pregled se opravi po pregledu zbirk podatkov, določenih v drugi alinei člena 1 Odločbe 92/438/EGS."
292 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1148
The Member States shall lay down specific arrangements for checking conformity at the point of retail sale to the end consumer.
Države članice določijo posebne predpise za spremljanje skladnosti pri maloprodaji končnemu potrošniku.
293 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0103
Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that, as regards compliance with this Directive, vessels are subject to regular checks by authorities specifically empowered to carry out such checks.
Države članice sprejmejo potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovijo redne preglede ladij, ki jih opravljajo za to pooblaščeni organi in s katerimi ugotavljajo skladnost s to direktivo.
294 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0245
The items that must be checked and the minimum number of on-the-spot checks to be carried out per marketing year must be specified.
Treba je opredeliti, kaj je potrebno pregledati, in določiti minimalno število pregledov na kraju samem v enem tržnem letu.
295 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
issue and check compliance with specific certification specifications ensuring adequate safety with regard to the intended use, and
izda posebne certifikacijske specifikacije, ki zagotavljajo ustrezno varnost glede na nameravano uporabo, in preveri njihovo izpolnjevanje, ter
296 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0149
For a later check on sufficient alkalinization of the extract, several drops of phenolphtalein as specified in section 4.6 are added.
Za kasnejše preverjanje zadostnega naalkaljenja ekstrakta se doda nekaj kapljic fenolftaleina, ki je opredeljen v točki 4.6.
297 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2988
Measures providing for checks shall be appropriate to the specific nature of each sector and in proportion to the objectives pursued.
Ukrepi, ki zagotavljajo preglede, morajo biti prilagojeni posebnostim vsakega sektorja in sorazmerni zastavljenim ciljem.
298 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2771
The fat content specified in paragraph 1 shall be checked by a laboratory approved by the competent agency before the cream is frozen.
Vsebnost maščobe, ki je določena v odstavku 1, se preverja pred zamrznitvijo smetane, in sicer v laboratoriju, ki ga odobri pristojna agencija.
299 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1148
The approval also specifies the inspection bodies in charge of the proper checks, hereinafter called "third country inspection bodies".
Ta organ je odgovoren za stike s Skupnostjo. Odobritev določa tudi inšpekcijske organe, odgovorne za ustrezno preverjanje, v nadaljnjem besedilu: "inšpekcijski organi tretje države".
300 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0245
keep supporting documents as specified by the Member State for the purposes of controls and undergo any checks required under this Regulation.
hranil pripadajoče dokumente, ki jih opredeli država članica zaradi kontrol, in dopustil vse preglede, ki jih predpisuje ta uredba.
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specific check