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251 Pravna redakcija
Kadar ima ena ali več držav članic Skupnosti ali Egipt plačilnobilančne težave ali obstaja nevarnost, da bi v tovrsne težave zašla, lahko pogodbenica sprejme ustrezne zaščitne ukrepe.
Where one or more Member States of the Community or Egypt is in serious difficulties or is seriously threatened with difficulties as regards its balance of payments, the Contracting Party concerned may take the necessary safeguard measures.
252 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0580
o spremembi Odločbe 2000/49/ES, ki razveljavlja Odločbo 1999/356/ES in postavlja posebne pogoje za uvoz arašidov in nekaterih proizvodov iz arašidov s poreklom iz Egipta ali od tam poslanih
amending Decision 2000/49/EC repealing Decision 1999/356/EC and imposing special conditions on the import of peanuts and certain products derived from peanuts originating in or consigned from Egypt
253 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0004
(a) krompir, namenjen za vnos v Skupnost mora biti pridelan na poljih, ki se nahajajo v potrjenih "neokuženih območjih" v Egiptu, ki jih je določila Komisija v skladu s členom 2 te odločbe;
(a) the potatoes destined for introduction into the Community shall have been produced in fields located in an approved "pest-free area" in Egypt as established by the Commission in accordance with Article 2 of this Decision;
254 Pravna redakcija
Točka 1 se uporablja, če Egipt za izvoz omenjenih izdelkov zaračuna posebno dajatev, enako znesku, za katerega se zniža spremenljivi del prelevmana in ki je razvidna iz uvozne cene Skupnosti.
Item 1 shall apply provided that Egypt levies on exports of the products referred to a special charge equal to the amount by which the variable component of the levy is reduced and reflected in the Community import price.
255 Pravna redakcija
Skupnost oceni prošnje za financiranje v sodelovanju z državo Egipt in z upravičenci v skladu s cilji, ki so določeni v členu 9 (1), in jih obvesti, kako se je odločila o prejetih prošnjah.
The Community shall appraise the requests for financing in collaboration with the Egyptian State and the beneficiaries, in accordance with the objectives set out in Article 9 (1), and shall inform them of the decisions taken on such requests.
256 Pravna redakcija
ker morajo biti učinki nujnih ukrepov v uvozni sezoni 1997/98 stalno ocenjevani in bodo možni nadaljnji ukrepi glede vnosa krompirja egiptovskega izvora pretehtani glede na rezultate teh ocenitev,
Whereas the effects of the emergency measures will be assessed continually, in the import season 1997/98, and possible subsequent measures applicable to the introduction of potatoes originating in Egypt, will be considered in the light of the results of that assessment;
257 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0580
Države članice predložijo Komisiji vsake tri mesece poročilo o analitičnih rezultatih uradnih nadzorov pošiljk arašidov in nekaterih proizvodov iz arašidov s poreklom ali poslanih iz Egipta.
Member States shall submit to the Commission every three months a report of all analytical results of official controls on consignments of peanuts and certain products derived from peanuts originating in or consigned from Egypt.
258 Pravna redakcija
ker je Komisija z Odločbo 96/301/ES fn začasno pooblastila države članice za uvedbo dodatnih ukrepov proti širjenju krompirjeve rjave gnilobe Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith glede Egipta,
Whereas the Commission, by Decision 96/301/EC (3), authorised Member States temporarily to take additional measures against the dissemination of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith as regards Egypt;
259 Pravna redakcija
o začasni uporabi trgovinskih določb Evro-mediteranskega sporazuma o pridružitvi med Evropskimi skupnostmi in njihovimi državami članicami na eni strani in Arabsko republiko Egipt na drugi strani
concerning the provisional application of the trade and trade-related provisions of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the other part
260 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0036
(2) Odločbe Komisije 2004/40/ES fn, 2004/39/ES fn, 2004/37/ES fn in 2004/38/ES fn določajo posebne pogoje za uvoz ribiških proizvodov s poreklom iz Gvajane, Kenije, Srbije in Črne Gore ter Egipta.
(2) Commission Decisions 2004/40/EC fn, 2004/39/EC fn, 2004/37/EC fn and 2004/38/EC fn set specific import conditions for fishery products originating in Guyana, Kenya, Serbia and Montenegro and Egypt, respectively.
261 Pravna redakcija
ker sta bila 18. januarja 1977 podpisana Sporazum o sodelovanju med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Arabsko republiko Egipt (v nadaljnjem besedilu: "Sporazum o sodelovanju") in Začasni sporazum fn;
Whereas a Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt, hereinafter referred to as 'the Cooperation Agreement', and an Interim Agreement (2) were signed on 18 January 1977;
262 Pravna redakcija
uvoz krompirja s poreklom iz Egipta v Skupnost je bil prepovedan, razen če je krompir izviral iz neokuženih območij, določenih v skladu z Mednarodnim standardom FAO za fitosanitarne ukrepe, 4. del:
the import into the Community of potatoes originating in Egypt was banned except where the potatoes originated in pest-free areas established in accordance with the FAO international standard for phytosanitary measures part 4:
263 Pravna redakcija
UREDBA KOMISIJE (ES) št. 196/97 z dne 31. januarja 1997 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2184/96 o uvozu riža, ki je po poreklu iz Egipta in prihaja iz njega, v Skupnost
Commission Regulation (EC) No 196/97 of 31 January 1997 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 2184/96 concerning imports into the Community of rice originating in and coming from Egypt
264 Pravna redakcija
Ta sporazum na eni strani velja na ozemljih, na katerih velja Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske gospodarske skupnosti, pod pogoji, določenimi v tej pogodbi, in na drugi na ozemlju Arabske republike Egipt.
This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories to which the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community applies under the conditions laid down in that Treaty and, on the other, to the territories of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
265 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31990R3069
o ponovni spremembi členov 6 in 17 Protokola o opredelitvi "izdelki s poreklom" in načinih upravnega sodelovanja k Sporazumu o sodelovanju med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Arabsko republiko Egipt
again amending Articles 6 and 17 of the Protocol concerning the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation to the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt
266 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0004
Na ozemlje Skupnosti se prepove vnos gomoljev Solanum tuberosum L. s poreklom iz Egipta, razen tistih, ki so že prepovedani v skladu z določbami iz Priloge III, Del A, točka 10 k Direktivi 2000/29/ES.
The entry into the territory of the Community of tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. which originate in Egypt, other than those already prohibited under the provisions laid down in Annex III, part A, point 10 to Directive 2000/29/EC, shall be prohibited.
267 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0053
(5) Za uporabo tarifnih koncesij, določenih z začasnim sporazumom, je treba zamenjati Prilogo k Uredbi (ES) št. 747/2001 o tarifnih kvotah in referenčnih količinah za proizvode po poreklu iz Egipta.
(5) To implement the tariff concessions provided for in the provisional Agreement, it is necessary to replace the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 747/2001 relating to tariff quotas and reference quantities for products originating in Egypt.
268 Pravna redakcija
Skupnost in Egipt sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe, da omogočita predložitev potrdil o gibanju blaga EUR.1 in obrazcev EUR.2 v skladu s členoma 11 in 12 tega protokola od datuma začetka njegove veljavnosti.
The Community and Egypt shall take any measures necessary to enable movement certificates EUR.l as well as forms EUR.2 to be submitted, in accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of this Protocol, from the day on which it enters into force.
269 Pravna redakcija
Carine pri uvozu proizvodov, navedenih v prilogi A, ki izvirajo iz Arabske republike Egipt ter v zvezi s katerimi so v omenjeni prilogi navedene tarifne kvote Skupnosti, se postopno opustijo v mejah teh kvot.
Customs duties on imports of products originating in Egypt and listed in Annex A in respect of which Community tariff quotas are indicated in the said Annex shall be phased out within the limits of such quotas.
270 Pravna redakcija
Od leta 1995 Skupnost in Arabska republika Egipt pregledujeta rezultate sodelovanja med pogodbenicama, z namenom oceniti stanje in prihodnji razvoj medsebojnih odnosov glede na cilje, opredeljene v Sporazumu.
From 1995 onwards, the Community and Egypt shall examine the results of the cooperation between the Contracting Parties in order to appraise the situation and the future development of their relations in the light of the objectives defined in the Agreement.
271 Pravna redakcija
Komisija je z odločbami 96/301/ES fn, 98/105/ES fn in 98/503/ES fn zahtevala od držav članic, da za Egipt začasno sprejmejo dodatne ukrepe proti širjenju bakterije Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith:
The Commission, by Decisions 96/301/EC (3), 98/ 105/EC (4) and 98/503/EC (5), required Member States to take additional measures temporarily against the dissemination of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith as regards Egypt:
272 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0536
V Prilogi II se beseda "Egipt" po abecednem vrstnem redu vstavi v naslov vzorca zdravstvenega spričevala E in se tako doda na seznam tretjih držav, iz katerih se dovoli uvoz registriranih konjev v Skupnost.
At Annex II the word 'Egypt` is inserted in alphabetical order into the title of the model Health Certificate E and is thereby added to the list of third countries from which imports of registered horses into the Community are permitted.
273 Pravna redakcija
»- izvrši se prevoz v pakirnice, ki so uradno potrjene od egiptovskih organov, da se ukvarjajo samo s krompirjem, ki ustreza izvozu v Skupnost v izvozni sezoni 1998/99. Ob prihodu v tako potrjeno pakirnico:
'- transported to packing stations officially approved by the Egyptian authorities to handle only potatoes eligible for export to the Community during the 1998/99 export season and on arrival at such an approved packing station:
274 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 11. avgusta 1998 o spremembi Odločbe 96/301/ES in o začasni pooblastitvi držav članic za sprejetje izrednih ukrepov proti širjenju Pseudomonasa solanacearuma (Smith) Smith glede Egipta
Commission Decision of 11 August 1998 amending Decision 96/301/EC and authorising Member States temporarily to take emergency measures against the dissemination of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith as regards Egypt (notified under document number C(1998) 2480)
275 Pravna redakcija
- organizacijo poslovnih stikov in sestankov med odgovornimi v industrijski politiki in podjetji Egipta in Skupnosti, da se spodbudi izgradnja novih odnosov na področju industrije v skladu s cilji tega sporazuma,
- to foster the organization of contacts and meetings between Egyptian and Community industrial policy-makers, promoters and firms in order to promote the establishment of new relations in the industrial field in conformity with the objectives of the Agreement,
276 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 28. januarja 1998 o spremembi Odločbe 96/301/ES in o začasni pooblastitvi držav članic za sprejetje izrednih ukrepov proti širjenju Pseudomonasa solanacearuma (Smith) Smith glede Egipta
Commission Decision of 28 January 1998 amending Decision 96/301/EC and authorising Member States temporarily to take emergency measures against the dissemination of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith as regards Egypt
277 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se Sporazum razlaga tako, da izraz "pogodbenici", ki se pojavlja v njem, pomeni na eni strani Skupnost in države članice, ali države članice ali Skupnost samo, in na drugi pa Egipt.
The Contracting Parties agree to interpret the Agreement to. the effect that the term 'Contracting Parties' appearing therein means on the one hand the Community and the Member States, or either the Member States or the Community alone, and on the other hand Egypt.
278 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0568
Te tehnične informacije bi morale biti dovolj podrobne za dokaz, da so specifični dejavniki tveganja v delti in na območju puščave dovolj upoštevani pri določanju potrjenih »neokuženih območij« v Egiptu.
Such technical information shall be sufficiently detailed to give evidence that the specific risk factors both in the delta and in the desert region are sufficiently addressed while establishing the approved PFAs in Egypt.
279 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0536
ker je Egipt več kot 6 mesecev prost spolne kuge kopitarjev, smrkavosti in vesikularnega stomatitisa ter se venezuelski konjski encefalomielitis ni nikoli pojavil in se cepljenje proti tej bolezni ni nikoli izvajalo;
Whereas Egypt has been free of dourine, glanders and vesicular stomatitis for more than 6 months and Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis has never occurred and vaccination against this disease is not practised;
280 Pravna redakcija
Te tehnične informacije bi morale biti dovolj podrobne za dokaz, da so specifični dejavniki tveganja v delti in na območju puščave dovolj upoštevani pri določanju potrjenih »neokuženih območij« v Egiptu.
Such technical information should be sufficiently detailed to give evidence that the specific risk factors both in the delta and in the desert region are sufficiently addressed while establishing the approved pest-free areas in Egypt.
281 Pravna redakcija
te tehnične informacije bi morale biti dovolj podrobne za dokaz, da so specifični dejavniki tveganja v delti in na območju puščave dovolj upoštevani pri določanju potrjenih »neokuženih območij« v Egiptu.
whereas that technical information shall be sufficiently detailed to give evidence that the specific risk factors both in the delta and in the desert region are sufficiently addressed while establishing the approved PFAs in Egypt;
282 Pravna redakcija
Ukrepi, ki jih predvideva člen 1 Protokola 7 k Aktu o pogojih pristopa in prilagoditvah Pogodb, na katerega se nanaša člen 10, za uvoz motornih vozil in za avtomobilsko industrijo na Irskem, se uporabljajo za Egipt.
The measures provided for in Article 1 of Protocol 7 to the Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties referred to in Article 10 concerning imports of motor vehicles and the motor vehicle assembly industry in Ireland shall apply to Egypt.
283 Pravna redakcija
Egipt se zavezuje, da bo med veljavnostjo posojil, odobrenih skladno s tem protokolom, dolžnikom, ki so prejemniki teh posojil, zagotavljal tujo valuto, potrebno za plačilo obresti in provizije ter vračilo glavnice.
Throughout the duration of the loans accorded pursuant to this Protocol, Egypt shall undertake to make available to debtors enjoying such loans the foreign currency necessary for the payment of interest and commission and the repayment of principal.
284 Pravna redakcija
Cilj tega sporazuma med Skupnostjo in Egiptom je pospeševati vsesplošno sodelovanje med pogodbenicama, kar naj bi prispevalo h gospodarskemu in družbenemu razvoju Egipta in pomagalo okrepiti odnose med pogodbenicama.
The object of this Agreement between the Community and Egypt is to promote overall cooperation between the Contracting Parties with a view to contributing to the economic and social development of Egypt and helping to strengthen relations between the Parties.
285 Pravna redakcija
Pri projektih in ukrepih, ki jih financira Skupnost, je udeležba v razpisnih postopkih in drugih postopkih za dodeljevanje pogodb pod enakovrednimi pogoji odprta za vse fizične ali pravne osebe držav članic in Egipta.
As regards projects and measures financed by the Community, participation in tendering procedures and other procedures for the award of contracts shall be open, on equal terms, to all natural or legal persons of the Member States and of Egypt.
286 Pravna redakcija
Za namen izvajanja člena 1 se za izdelke s poreklom, ki se prevažajo tako, da ne vstopijo na drugo ozemlje, razen na ozemlje pogodbenic, šteje, da se prevažajo neposredno iz Egipta v Skupnost ali iz Skupnosti v Egipt.
For the purpose of implementing Article 1, originating products the transport of which is effected without their entering into territory other than that of the Contracting Parties are considered as transported directly from Egypt to the Community or from the Community to Egypt.
287 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2276
Letne kvote za proizvode s poreklom iz Egipta, navedene v Prilogi I, se odprejo za obdobje od 1. januarja 2004 do 31. decembra 2004 in od 1. januarja do 31. decembra v prihodnjih letih pod pogoji, navedenimi v tej prilogi.
The annual quotas for products originating in Egypt set out in Annex I are hereby opened from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2004 and from 1 January to 31 December of the following years under the conditions set out in that Annex.
288 Pravna redakcija
Za vsako prošnjo za finančno pomoč na podlagi tega protokola upravičenec, na katerega se nanaša člen 8 (a), ali v dogovoru z Egiptom upravičenec, na katerega se nanaša člen 8 (b), predloži Skupnosti dokumentacijo.
For each request for financial aid under this Protocol, a dossier shall be submitted to the Community by the beneficiary referred to in Article 8 (a) or, with Egypt's agreement, by those referred to in Article 8 (b).
289 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2276
Dajatve, ki veljajo v okviru tarifnih kvot od 1. januarja 2004 za uvoz blaga s poreklom iz Egipta iz tabele 3 v Prilogi II Protokola 3 k Sporazumu med Skupnostjo in Egiptom, so navedene v Prilogah I, II in III k tej uredbi.
The duties applicable within the tariff quotas from 1 January 2004 on imports of goods originating in Egypt covered by Annex II, table 3, of Protocol 3 to the Agreement between the Community and Egypt are set out in Annexes I, II and III to this Regulation.
290 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0004
(5) V času sezone uvoza 2002/03, so bile zabeležene številne najdbe bakterije Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith in se je Egipt sam odločil prepovedati ves izvoz egiptovskega krompirja v Skupnost dne 24. marca 2003.
(5) During the 2002/03 import season, a number of interceptions of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith were recorded and Egypt itself decided to ban all exports of Egyptian potatoes to the Community as of 24 March 2003.
291 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČENI, da pospešijo gospodarsko in trgovinsko sodelovanje med Skupnostjo in Egiptom ob upoštevanju njunih stopenj razvitosti, in da pripravijo trdno podlago tega sodelovanja v skladu z njunimi mednarodnimi obveznostmi,
RESOLVED to promote, having regard to their respective levels of development, economic and trade cooperation between the Community and Egypt and to provide a sound basis therefor in conformity with their international obligations,
292 Pravna redakcija
ker mora biti v takšnem položaju uvoz krompirja egiptovskega izvora v Skupnost prepovedan, dokler Skupnost ne ugotovi, da so bile takšna »neokužena območja« v Egiptu odobrena po navedenem mednarodnem standardu FAO,
Whereas in such a situation the import into the Community of potatoes originating in Egypt should be prohibited until the Commission establishes that such 'pest-free areas' have been approved in Egypt in accordance with the said FAO International Standard;
293 Pravna redakcija
ker je bila zaradi stalnega ugotavljanja Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith na uvoženem krompirju egiptovskega izvora med uvozno sezono 1996/1997 Odločba 96/301/ES spremenjena in okrepljena z Odločbo 98/105ES fn in uvedena prepoved za uvoz krompirja egiptovskega porekla v Skupnost, če ne bodo upoštevani nujni ukrepi proti širjenju krompirjeve rjave gnilobe Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith, kot so določeni v Prilogi navedene odločbe,
whereas furthermore as a result of considerable numbers of interceptions of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith on imports of potatoes originating in Egypt during the import season 1996/97, Decision 96/301/EC was amended and further strengthened by Decision 98/105/ EC (4) and the import into the Community of potatoes originating in Egypt was banned unless the emergency measures against the dissemination of Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith as laid down in the Annex to the said Decision were complied with;
294 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0580
Pristojni organi v vsaki državi članici opravijo za analizo glede aflatoksina B1 in celotnega aflatoksina naključno vzorčenje pošiljk arašidov in nekaterih proizvodov iz arašidov s poreklom iz Egipta ali od tam poslanih.
The competent authorities in each Member State shall undertake at random sampling of the consignments of peanuts and certain products derived from peanuts originating in or consigned from Egypt for analysis of aflatoxin B1 and total aflatoxin.
295 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0536
ker v Egiptu več kot 30 let ni bilo konjske kuge in se je cepljenje prosti tej bolezni, ki se je izvajalo na delu konjske populacije v južnih governoratih Assuan, Quena in Sohaq do leta 1994, pred več kot enim letom opustilo;
Whereas African horse sickness has not occurred in Egypt for more than 30 years and vaccination against this disease, which has been carried out in a part of the equine population in the southern governorates Assuan, Quena and Sohaq until 1994, has been discounted since more than 1 year;
296 Pravna redakcija
Zato bi moralo biti možno za uvozno sezono 2000/2001 dovoliti vstop na ozemlje Skupnosti za Solanum tuberosum L., ki izvira iz egiptovskih neokuženih območij, odobrenih v Egiptu v skladu z navedenim Mednarodnim standardom FAO.
Therefore it should be possible to permit for the import season 2000/2001 the entry into the territory of the Community of Solanum tuberosum L. which originate in Egypt from pest-free areas which have been approved in Egypt in accordance with the said FAO International Standard.
297 Pravna redakcija
Da bi določili ali ima blago poreklo iz Skupnosti ali iz Egipta, ni treba ugotavljati, ali imajo energija in gorivo, naprave in oprema, stroji in orodje, ki se uporabljajo za pridobitev tega blaga, poreklo tretjih držav ali ne.
In order to determine whether goods originate in the Community or in Egypt it shall not be necessary to establish whether the power and fuel, plant and equipment, and machines and tools used to obtain such goods originate in third countries or not.
298 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0134
ker je po prejemu zahtev organov Nove Zelandije, Madagaskarja in Egipta primerno, da se Nova Zelandija in Madagaskar dodata na seznam za ribjo moko in druge moke, Madagaskar na seznam za polže in Egipt na seznam za žabje krake;
Whereas, following the receipt of requests from the New Zealand, Madagascar and Egyptian authorities, it is appropriate to add New Zealand and Madagascar to the list for fish meal and other meals, Madagascar to the list for snails and Egypt to the list for frog legs;
299 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0536
ker se je po veterinarskem inšpekcijskem obisku Komisije v Egiptu izkazalo, da je zdravstveno stanje živali v zvezi z boleznimi pri kopitarjih pod zadovoljivim nadzorom dobro strukturiranih in organiziranih veterinarskih služb;
Whereas following a Commission veterinary inspection mission to Egypt the animal health situation as regards diseases in equidae appears to be under satisfactory control by well structured and organized veterinary services;
300 Pravna redakcija
Skupnost in Egipt vzpostavita sodelovanje z namenom prispevati k razvoju Egipta z ukrepi, ki dopolnjujejo prizadevanja Egipta, in okrepiti že obstoječe gospodarske vezi v čim širšem obsegu in v obojestransko korist pogodbenic.
The Community and Egypt shall institute cooperation with the aim of contributing to Egypt's development by means of efforts complementary to those made by Egypt itself, and of strengthening existing economic links on as broad a basis as possible for the mutual benefit of the Parties.
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