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251 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0756
Za ulov kozic v vodah sektorja NAFO 3L s strani plovil, ki plujejo pod zastavo države članice ali so registrirani v državi članici, se šteje, da je dosegel kvoto, dodeljeno Skupnosti za leto 2004.
Catches of shrimp in the waters of NAFO division 3L by vessels flying the flag of a Member State or registered in a Member State are hereby deemed to have exhausted the quota allocated to the Community for 2004.
252 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0836
Na tkivih ovac in koz, poslanih na laboratorijsko preskušanje v skladu z določbami člena 12(2), se opravi histopatološki pregled v skladu z zadnjo izdajo Priročnika, razen kadar se tkivo avtolizira.
Tissues from ovine and caprine animals sent for laboratory testing pursuant to the provisions of Article 12(2) shall be subject to a histopathological examination as laid down in the latest version of the Manual, except where the material is autolysed.
253 Končna redakcija
Takšne dopolnitve so lahko politične - iz razpršilnikov političnih oponentov - ali nepolitične - predvsem razne 'frizerske', 'kozmetične ', 'ortodontske', 'tetovažne' ali 'silikonske' intervencije.
Such additions may be political - coming form the spray-paint cans of political opponents - or non-political - these include 'hairdressing', 'cosmetic', 'orthodontic', 'tattooing' or 'silicon' touch-ups.
254 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0368
ker v nekaterih okoliščinah na etiketi ni treba navesti vsebnosti formaldehida, ko se ta snov ne uporablja kot sestavina kozmetičnega izdelka, ampak je neizogibno navzoča kot ostanek obdelave surovin;
Whereas in certain circumstances it is not necessary to mention the formaldehyde content on the label when this substance is not used as an ingredient of a cosmetic product but is inevitably present as a residue from the processing of raw materials;
255 Končna redakcija
semiologija kozmetičnih oglasov Ena izmed bistvenih značilnosti oglasov je, da ustvarjalci ne poudarjajo toliko uporabne vrednosti izdelka, ki ga oglašujejo, pač pa izdelku ustvarijo simbolno vrednost.
semiotics of advertisements for cosmetics One of the main features of advertisements is that their designers do not place as much stress on the applicable value of the products advertised as they do on their symbolic value created through those advertisements.
256 Končna redakcija
Za plasti, odložene tik nad kredno-terciarno mejo, ki bi jih lahko primerjali s Stachejevim " kozinskim razvojem ", je značilna odsotnost vseh za kredo vodilnih rodov in vrst, tako rudistov kot foraminifer.
For the beds deposited just above the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary that could be compared with the Stache's " Kozina development " is typical the absence of all genera and species leading for Cretaceous, rudists as well as foraminifers.
257 Končna redakcija
Značilno zanje je namreč to, da so nasičene z oglasi. Z oglasi za kozmetiko, modo, avtomobile, ure, nakit, belo tehniko, pohištvo, posodo, (zdravo) hrano, vitaminske preparate, mačjo hrano, počitnice ipd.
As a matter of fact, these magazines are characterized by a welter of advertisements ranging from those for cosmetics, fashion, watches and jewelry, to those for automobiles, home appliances, furniture, cooking utensils, (health) food, vitamin products, pet food, vacations and so on.
258 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0668
bodo nastali maščobni derivati uporabljeni le v organskih gnojilih, sredstvih za izboljšanje tal ali drugih tehničnih proizvodih, in ne v kozmetičnih in farmacevtskih izdelkih ter medicinskih pripomočkih.
the resulting fat derivatives shall only be used in organic fertiliser or soil improvers or other technical uses, other than in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
259 Končna redakcija
Plasti z znaki kozinskega faciesa izdanjajo na severnem robu Krasa, v profilih Dolenja vas in Sopada (sl. 7), posebno lepo pa so odprte v novih usekih avtoceste pri Čubulovici ter ob cesti med Divačo in Lokvami.
Beds with characteristics of the Kozina facies outcrop in the northern margin of Kras, in profiles Dolenja vas and Sopada (Fig. 7), and they are especially well exposed in new road-cuts of the highway at Čebulovica and along the road between Divača and Lokve.
260 Končna redakcija
Države članice se pri sprejemu živega goveda, ovc in koz, ki se prevažajo čez ozemlje Bolgarije, prepričajo, da živali niso prečkale dela Bolgarije, ki obsega province Burgas, Jambol, Haskovo in Kardžali.
Member States receiving live animals of the bovine, ovine and caprine species which have been transported through the territory of Bulgaria shall ensure that the animals have not passed through the part of Bulgaria comprising the provinces of Bourgos, Jambol, Hasskovo and Kardgali.
261 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0003
Direktiva Sveta 91/68/EGS [3], kakor je bila kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo Komisije 2001/10/ES [4], predpisuje pogoje za zdravje živali, ki velja za trgovino z ovcami in kozami znotraj Skupnosti.
Council Directive 91/68/EEC(3), as last amended by Commission Decision 2001/10/EC(4), lays down the animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in ovine and caprine animals.
262 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Kadar se ugotovi, da je odstotek površine kmetijskega gospodarstva, ki se uporablja za kmetijstvo, na območjih, navedenih v Prilogi I k Uredbi (ES) št. 2550/2001, manjši od 50 %, se premija za koze ne izplača.
4.Where it is determined that the percentage of the area of the holding used for agriculture located in areas listed in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 2550/2001 is below 50 %, the goat premium shall not be paid.
263 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0251
Ker prisotnost te snovi predstavlja potencialno tveganje za zdravje ljudi, je treba vse pošiljke perutninskega mesa in kozic, uvoženih s Tajske, vzorčiti in analizirati, da bi tako dokazali njihovo neoporečnost.
Since the presence of this substance presents a potential risk for human health, all consignments of poultrymeat and shrimps imported from Thailand should be sampled and analysed in order to demonstrate their wholesomeness.
264 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0368
…, da barvilo ne sme biti uporabljeno za izdelavo kozmetičnih sredstev, ki lahko pridejo v stik z očesno sluznico … (d) Vijolična, rjava, črna in bela: št. 6 bizmutov oksiklorid (in njegove spojine s sljudo)
..., daß der Farbstoff nicht zur Herstellung von kosmetischen Mitteln verwendet werden darf, die mit den Schleimhäuten des Auges in Berührung kommen können...
265 Končna redakcija
Za kozmetične izdelke, ki se dajejo v promet nepakirani ali pa se na drobno prodajajo v embalaži, ki ni originalno pakiranje izdelovalca, naj bi se izdala ustrezna navodila za vzorčenje na kraju uporabe ali prodaje.
For cosmetic products which are placed on the market in bulk or retailed in a container different from the original manufacturer's pack, appropriate instructions for sampling at the point of use or sale should be issued.
266 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0836
"(d) vendar v primeru živali, mlajših od šestih mesecev, tako ovac neznanega genotipa, kakor koz, gredo te živali lahko neposredno v zakol za prehrano ljudi v klavnico na ozemlju Cipra, pod naslednjimi pogoji:
"(d) however, in the case of animals under the age of six months, both ovine animals of unknown genotype and caprine animals may go directly for slaughter for human consumption in a slaughterhouse in the territory of Cyprus, under the following conditions:
267 Končna redakcija
Stache (1889a) je postavil kriterij za razpoznavanje kozinskih plasti na terenu - te so temnorjave do črne barve, apnenec je rahlo lapornat in lokalno siliciziran, vonj ima po bitumnu, med njim nastopajo plasti breče.
Stache (1889a) established the criterion for recognizing the Kozina beds in the field - they are of dark brown to black colour, limestone is slightly marly and locally silicified, bituminous, and contains beds of breccia.
268 Končna redakcija
Naslovnice Modne Jane so tudi skoraj brez izjeme prikriti oglasi za specifično kozmetiko, nakit, oblačila, blagovne znamke, ki se potem največkrat kot obravnavani oglaševalski deli pojavljajo tudi v notranjosti revije.
Modna Jana's front covers are almost invariably covert ads for cosmetics, jewelry, clothes, and brands, all of which are generally found in advertisements inside the magazine.
269 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L1335
ob upoštevanju Direktive Sveta 76/768/EGS z dne 27. julija 1976 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi s kozmetičnimi izdelki, kakor je bila spremenjena z Direktivo 79/661/EGS, in zlasti člena 8(1) direktive,
Having regard to Council Directive 76/768/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products (1), as amended by Directive 79/661/EEC (2), and in particular Article 8 (1) thereof,
270 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
Projekt je pokazal, da se pri identifikaciji ovc in koz lahko doseže bistven napredek z uporabo elektronskih identifikacijskih oznak za te živali, pod pogojem, da so izpolnjeni nekateri pogoji glede spremljevalnih ukrepov.
That project demonstrated that a substantial improvement in ovine and caprine animal identification systems could be achieved by using electronic identifiers for those animals, provided that certain conditions concerning the accompanying measures were fulfilled.
271 Končna redakcija
H kozinskim plastem je Stache prišteval le srednji del liburnijske stopnje, za katere so značilni predvsem haracejski apnenci, kasneje pa se je predvsem v rudarskih krogih to ime udomačilo za celotno Liburnijsko formacijo.
Stache attributed to the Kozina beds only the middle part of the Liburnian Formation for which principally the characean limestones are typical; later this name became usual, especially in the mining circles, for the entire Liburnian Formation.
272 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Pri kmetih, ki imajo oboje, ovce in koze, upravičene do iste ravni premije, za živali velja, da spadajo v isto skupino, kadar se pri pregledu na kraju samem ugotovi razlika pri sestavi tropa glede števila živali na vrsto.
7.In respect of farmers maintaining both ewes and goats entitled to the same level of premium, where an on-the-spot check reveals a difference in the composition of the flock in terms of numbers of animals per species, the animals shall be regarded as being of the same group.
273 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0368
Druge snovi, ki so uporabljene pri proizvodnji v sestavi kozmetičnih izdelkov, imajo tudi lahko antimikrobiološke lastnosti in tako pomagajo pri ohranjanju izdelkov, kakor na primer mnoga eterična olja in nekateri alkoholi.
Other substances used in the formulation of cosmetic products may also have anti-microbial properties and thus help in the preservation of the products, as, for instance, many essential oils and some alcohols.
274 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Kadar se pri zahtevkih za pomoč v skladu s shemami pomoči za ovce/koze ugotovi razlika v skladu s členom 57(3), se smiselno uporablja člen 59(2), (3) in (4) že za prvo žival, v zvezi s katero so ugotovljene nepravilnosti.
1.Where, in respect of applications for aid under the ovine/caprine aid scheme, a difference is found in accordance with Article 57(3), Article 59(2), (3) and (4) shall apply mutatis mutandis as from the first animal in respect of which irregularities are found.
275 Končna redakcija
moške govedi, krave dojilje in telice, ovce in/ali koze, za katere so bili poslani zahtevk i za pravice do premije, pa tudi krave molznice, potrebne za proizvodnjo celotne referenčne količine mleka, ki se dodeli proizvajalcu.
the male bovine animals, suckler cows and heifers, sheep and/or goats for which premium applications have been submitted, as well as the dairy cows needed to produce the total reference quantity of milk allocated to the producer.
276 Končna redakcija
Čeprav ni bilo nikjer dokazano, da bi rudistni apnenci in vremske plasti nastajale istočasno, avtorja menita, da je meja med kredo in terciarjem znotraj vremskih plasti ali še bolj verjetno med vremskimi in kozinskimi plastmi.
Although it was nowhere proved that the rudist limestones and the Vreme beds were deposited at the same time, these authors presumed the boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary is within the Vreme beds, or even more likely, between the Vreme and the Kozina beds.
277 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0878
poleg zahtev identifikacije, določenih v poglavju I Priloge II k Uredbi (ES) št. 1774/2002, imajo vsi zavitki nalepko z navedbo "PREPOVEDANO V ŽIVILIH, KRMI, GNOJILIH, KOZMETIKI, ZDRAVILIH IN MEDICINSKIH PRIPOMOČKIH".
in addition to the identification requirements provided for in Chapter I of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002, all packages shall bear a label indicating "PROHIBITED IN FOOD, FEED, FERTILISERS, COSMETICS, MEDICINAL PRODUCTS AND MEDICAL DEVICES";
278 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0249
Države članice, z uporabo ustreznih načrtov vzorčenja in metod ugotavljanja, pri vsaki pošiljki kozic, uvoženih iz Mjanmarja, opravijo kemijske preiskave, da tako zagotovijo, da so omenjeni proizvodi za zdravje ljudi nenevarni.
Member States shall, using appropriate sampling plans and detection methods, subject each consignment of shrimps imported from Myanmar to a chemical test in order to ensure that the products concerned do not present a danger to human health.
279 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0836
Prehodni ukrepi, odobreni Cipru, bi morali omogočiti, da se po veterinarskem pregledu, nekatere ovce in koze iz okuženih gospodarstev zakoljejo za prehrano ljudi, ki se v drugih državah članicah ne smejo zaklati za prehrano ljudi.
The transitional measures granted to Cyprus should allow that subject to veterinary examination, certain ovine and caprine animals from infected holdings to be slaughtered for human consumption, which may not be slaughtered for human consumption in the other Member States.
280 Končna redakcija
Direktiva Sveta 91/68/EGS z dne 28. januarja 1991 o pogojih zdravstvenega varstva živali, ki urejajo trgovino z ovcami in kozami med državami članicami Evropske skupnosti (UL L 46, 19. 2. 1991, str. 19), kakor je bila spremenjena z:
Council Directive 91/68/EEC of 28 January 1991 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in ovine and caprine animals (OJ L 46, 19.2.1991, p. 19), as amended by:
281 Končna redakcija
Vse tri lokacije - Vreme, Kozina in Slivje - kjer so značilni profili Liburnijske formacije, so nekoliko zunaj predstavljene geološke karte, vendar so na kartiranem delu Krasa te plasti podobno razvite kot na referenčnih lokalnostih.
All three localities - Vreme, Kozina and Slivje - where characteristic profiles of the Liburnian Formation are situated outside the presented geological map. However, on the mapped territory of Kras these beds are developed similarly as in the reference localities.
282 Končna redakcija
Menil je, da je prehod svetlih krednih apnencev z rudisti v liburnijske plasti popolnoma zvezen med Lipico in Vremskim Britofom kakor tudi v okolici Kozine, kjer so v najvišjem delu svetlih apnencev tu in tam še apnene breče z rudisti.
He believed in the existence of an entirely continuous transition of light Cretaceous limestones with rudists into Liburnian beds between Lipica and Vremski Britof, as well as in the surroundings of Kozina where in the uppermost part of the light limestones in places occur limestone breccias with rudists.
283 Končna redakcija
UREDBA KOMISIJE (ES) št. 344/1999 z dne 16. februarja 1999 o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 1439/95 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3013/89 glede uvoza in izvoza proizvodov v sektorju ovčjega in kozjega mesa
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 344/1999 of 16 February 1999 amending Regulation (EC) No 1439/95 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3013/89 as regards the import and export of products in the sheepmeat and goatmeat sector
284 Končna redakcija
"trup" je celo telo zaklane živali po izkrvavitvi, odstranitvi notranjih organov, odstranitvi okončin v karpalnem in tarzalnem sklepu, odstranitvi glave, repa in mlečne žleze ter po odiranju kože pri govedu, ovcah, kozah in kopitarjih;
'carcase' means the whole body of a slaughtered animal after bleeding, evisceration, removal of the limbs at the carpus and tarsus, removal of the head, tail and mammary gland and in addition, in the case of bovine animals, sheep, goats and solipeds, after skinning;
285 Končna redakcija
Dodatna kvota za zamrznjene olupljene kozice (oznaka KN 1605 20 10) se uvede potem, ko bo rešeno vprašanje o dopuščanju tranzita rib in ribiških proizvodov, ki se na Norveškem iztovarjajo s plovil Skupnosti, skozi Norveško v Skupnost.
The additionalquota for frozen peeled shrimps (CN code 1605 20 10) shall be opened upon settlement of the issue of allowing for transit of fish and fisheries products, landed in Norway by Community vessels, through Norway to the Community.
286 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: st11800-ad04
Dodatna kvota za zamrznjene olupljene kozice (oznaka KN 1605 20 10) se uvede potem, ko bo rešeno vprašanje o dopuščanju tranzita rib in ribiških proizvodov, ki se na Norveškem iztovarjajo s plovil Skupnosti, skozi Norveško v Skupnost.
The additional quota for frozen peeled shrimps (CN code 1605 20 10) shall be opened upon settlement of the issue of allowing for transit of fish and fisheries products, landed in Norway by Community vessels, through Norway to the Community.
287 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L1335
Čeprav obstaja teoretična možnost, da lahko prisotnost drugih topnih močnih kislin, na primer litijevega hidroksida ali kvartarnega amonijevega hidroksida, domnevno zviša vrednost pH, pa je v tej vrsti kozmetičnih izdelkov malo verjetna.
Whilst the theoretical possibility exists that other soluble strong bases, e.g. lithium hydroxide, quaternary ammonium hydroxide, could be present giving rise to the high pH, the presence of these in this type of a cosmetic product is highly unlikely.
288 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0118
Ovce in koze, za katere je vložen zahtevek za pomoè skladno s èlenom 4 Uredbe (ES) št. 2529/2001, se v obdobju obvezne reje lahko nadomestijo v mejah, predvidenih s tem èlenom, ne da bi zato prišlo do izgube pravice do zahtevane pomoèi.
Ewes and goats in respect of which aid is claimed in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 may be replaced during the retention period within the limits provided for in that Article without the loss of the right to the payment of the aid applied for.
289 Končna redakcija
" Vendar so haraceje, pa tudi druga sladkovodna favna, obilno zastopane še v petrografsko enakih plasteh spodnjega kot zgornjega dela liburnika. Tako Stachejeva kozinska podstopnja, kot facialna oznaka le za določen del liburnika, izgubi pomen.
" Characeans, and also other fresh water fauna are abundantly represented also in the petrographically identical beds of the lower, as well as of the upper Liburnian. In this way Stache's Kozina substage, as the facial denomination only for a determined part of Liburnian, loses its meaning.
290 Končna redakcija
Odločba Komisije 94/434/ES z dne 30. maja 1994 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Direktive Sveta 93/25/EGS glede statističnih raziskovanj populacije in proizvodnje ovc in koz (UL L 179, 13. 7. 1994, str. 33), kakor je bila spremenjena z:
Commission Decision 94/434/EC of 30 May 1994 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 93/25/EEC as regards the statistical surveys on sheep and goat population and production (OJ L 179, 13.7.1994, p. 33), as amended by:
291 Končna redakcija
Jodometrično določanje količine vodikovega peroksida v kozmetičnih izdelkih je mogoče le pri odsotnosti drugih oksidantov, ki tvorijo jod iz jodidov, zato je pred določanjem količine treba odkriti in identificirati vse druge navzoče oksidante.
The iodometric determination of hydrogen peroxide in cosmetics is only possible in the absence of other oxidizing agents that form iodine from iodides. Consequently, before the iodometric determination of hydrogen peroxide it is necessary to detect and identify any other oxidizing agents present
292 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0251
Države članice, z uporabo ustreznih načrtov vzorčenja in metod ugotavljanja, pri vsaki pošiljki perutninskega mesa in kozic, uvoženih s Tajske, opravijo kemijske preiskave, da tako zagotovijo, da so omenjeni proizvodi za zdravje ljudi nenevarni.
Member States shall, using appropriate sampling plans and detection methods, subject each consignment of poultrymeat and each consignment of shrimps imported from Thailand to a chemical test in order to ensure that the products concerned do not present a danger to human health.
293 Končna redakcija
Kljub temu pa ne moremo mimo dejstva, da prinašajo kozmetične tehnike nege in dekoracije (discipliniranja) telesa ženskam svojevrsten užitek, ugodje, dobro počutje, celo občutek moči in avtonomije in poudarjeni občutek ženskosti in identitete.
Despite this we cannot ignore the fact that cosmetic techniques of body care and decoration (disciplining of the body) represent a special pleasure for women, offer comfort and good feelings, even create the impression of power and autonomy and an enhanced feeling of femininity and identity.
294 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
"zahtevki za dodelitev pomoči za živali" pomeni zahtevke za plačilo pomoči v skladu s shemami premij za ovce in koze ter shemami plačil za govedino in teletino, predvidenimi v Poglavju 11 oziroma 12 Naslova IV Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003;
«Livestock aid application» shall mean the applications for the payment of aid under the sheep and goat premiums scheme and the beef and veal payments scheme provided for in Chapters 11 and 12 of Title IV, respectively, of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003;
295 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0876
Če so namenjene državi članici, ki uporablja na vsem svojem ozemlju ali na njenem delu določbe iz točke (b) ali (c), upoštevajo plemenske ovce in koze dodatna jamstva, splošna ali posebna, ki so opredeljena v skladu s postopkom iz člena24(2)."
If they are destined for a Member State which benefits, for all or part of its territory, from the provisions laid down in point (b) or (c), ovine and caprine animals for breeding shall comply with the additional guarantees, general or specific, which have been defined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 24(2)."
296 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
"8a. Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 21/2004 z dne 17. decembra 2003 o uvedbi sistema za identifikacijo in registracijo ovc in koz ter o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003 in direktiv 92/102/EGS in 64/432/EGS (UL L 5, 9.1.2004, str. 8). Členi 3, 4 in 5"
‘8a. Council Regulation (EC) No 21/ 2004 of 17 December 2003 establishing a system for the identification and registration of ovine and caprine animals and amending Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 and Directives 92/ 102/EEC and 64/432/EEC (OJ L 5, 9.1.2004, p. 8). Articles 3, 4 and 5’
297 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0635
V skladu s členom 18a Uredbe (ES) št. 2550/2001 je operativni dogodek za menjalni tečaj, ki se uporablja za zneske premij in plačil v sektorju ovčjega in kozjega mesa, določen na začetek koledarskega leta, za katerega je odobrena premija in plačilo.
In accordance with Article 18a of Regulation (EC) No 2550/2001, the operative event for the exchange rate to be applied to the premiums and payments in the sheepmeat and goatmeat sector is established at the start of the calendar year in respect of which the premium or payment is granted.
298 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0598
V nekaterih primerih je bruceloza pri govedu povezana z brucelozo pri ovcah in kozah ter je treba izvesti ukrepe za izkoreninjenje v okviru programov za izkoreninjenje bruceloze, ki jo povzroča Brucella melitensis, vključno s cepljenjem z ustreznim cepivom.
In certain cases brucellosis in bovine animals is linked to sheep and goat brucellosis and eradication measures must be carried out within the framework of programmes for the eradication of brucellosis caused by Brucella melitensis, including vaccination with the appropriate vaccine.
299 Končna redakcija
Direktiva Komisije 95/17/ES z dne 19. junija 1995 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Direktive Sveta 76/768/EGS v zvezi z nevključevanjem ene ali več sestavin na seznam, uporabljen za označevanje kozmetičnih izdelkov (UL L 140, 23. 6. 1995, str. 26).
Commission Directive 95/17/EC of 19 June 1995 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Directive 76/768/EEC as regards the non-inclusion of one or more ingredients on the list used for the labelling of cosmetic products (OJ L 140, 23.6.1995, p. 26).
300 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0368
ker se je pri izvajanju Direktive Sveta 76/768/EGS z dne 27. julija 1976 o približevanju zakonodaj držav članic v zvezi s kozmetičnimi izdelki, kakor je spremenjena z Direktivo 79/661/EGS, pokazalo, da so potrebne nekatere spremembe Prilog II, III, IV in V;
Whereas the implementation of Council Directive 76/768/EEC of 27 July 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products (4), as amended by Directive 79/661/EEC (5), showed that certain amendments should be made to Annexes II, III, IV and V;
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