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tehnični pregled
251 Pravna redakcija
Skupni odbor pregleda ter si prizadeva najti rešitev za vse težave, ki se pojavijo v trgovini med pogodbenicama glede spremljanja in potrjevanja tehničnih standardov.
The Joint Committee shall examine, and endeavour to find a solution to, any problems which arise in trade between the Contracting Parties as regards the monitoring and certification of technical standards.
252 Pravna redakcija
Posredovani tajni ali zaupni dokumenti se pregledajo z uporabo tehničnih ukrepov, ki zagotavljajo, da imajo do dokumentov dostop le člani, pristojni za določen primer.
Secret or confidential documents which have been forwarded shall be examined using technical measures to ensure that only the members responsible for the case have personal access to them.
253 Pravna redakcija
preveriti, ali so izpolnjene tehnične zahteve, navedene v oddelku 2, in opraviti vizualni pregled zunanjosti in notranjosti vsake jeklenke iz naključno izbranega vzorca,
check whether the technical requirements set out in section 2 have been met and carry out a visual external and internal examination of each cylinder of a random sample,
254 Pravna redakcija
Skupni odbor, poleg zadev, izrecno opredeljenih v tem sporazumu, s sklepi sprejema ukrepe za izvajanje tehnične in upravne narave za zmanjšanje pregledov in formalnosti.
In addition to the matters expressly provided for in this Agreement it shall, by means of decisions, adopt implementing measures of a technical and administrative nature with a view to reducing inspections and formalities.
255 Pravna redakcija
Ta direktiva se pregleda, če ena država članica ali več ali Komisija oceni, da so potrebne spremembe zaradi upoštevanja znanstvenih ali tehničnih razvojnih dosežkov.
This Directive shall be reviewed where one or more Member States, or the Commission, consider that amendments are necessary in order to take account of scientific or technical developments.
256 Pravna redakcija
Švica do 1. januarja 1998 lahko ohrani daljše obdobje med dvema zaporednima obveznima tehničnima pregledoma za vse kategorije vozil, ki jih navaja Priloga I te direktive.
Until 1 January 1998, Switzerland may maintain a longer interval between two successive compulsory roadworthiness tests for all categories of vehicles listed in Annex I of the Directive.
257 Pravna redakcija
Če se dodeli novo dovoljenje v istem 12-mesečnem obdobju, se za plovila, katerih tehnični podatki ostanejo nespremenjeni, ne zahteva pregled ali pristanek v pristanišču.
Should a new licence be allocated in that same 12-month period, vessels whose technical characteristics remain unchanged shall not be required to undergo inspection or to put into the port.
258 Pravna redakcija
Poleg tega se bodo pristojni oblastni organi Kanade in ES med seboj obveščali o vseh novih tehničnih smernicah, postopkih pregledov ali spremembah predpisov (ki vključujejo:
In addition, the relevant authorities in Canada and in the EC will keep each other informed of all new technical guidance, inspection procedures, or changes in regulation (these include:
259 Pravna redakcija
V zvezi z vključitvijo zadevne aktivne snovi v Prilogo I k Direktivi 91/414/EGS, so bile dokončane povezane tehnične in znanstvene ocene v obliki poročila o pregledu Komisije.
With respect to the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC of the active substance concerned, the related technical and scientific evaluations were finalised in the form of Commission review report.
260 Pravna redakcija
Učinkovito uveljavljanje dodatnih cestnih pregledov tehnične brezhibnosti je pomemben, stroškovno učinkovit ukrep za nadzor standarda vzdrževanja gospodarskih vozil na cesti.
Effective enforcement through targeted additional technical roadside inspection is an important cost-effective measure to control the standard of maintenance of commercial vehicles on the road.
261 Pravna redakcija
S tehničnim pregledom se preverja skladnost tehničnih značilnosti plovila in orodja na le-tem ter zagotavlja, da so določbe, ki se nanašajo na mavretansko posadko, izpolnjene.
The technical inspection shall check the conformity of the vessel's technical characteristics and gear and ensure that the provisions relating to its Mauritanian crew have been complied with.
262 Pravna redakcija
pregleda tehnično dokumentacijo, preveri, ali je bil tip izdelan skladno s tehnično dokumentacijo, in opredeli elemente, ki so izdelani skladno z ustreznimi določbami standardov iz člena 5, kakor tudi sestavne dele, ki so izdelani brez uporabe ustreznih določb teh standardov;
examine the technical documentation, verify that the type has been manufactured in conformity with the technical documentation and identify the elements which have been designed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the standards referred to in Article 5, as well as the components which have been designed without applying the relevant provisions of those standards;
263 Pravna redakcija
Na sestanku 8. julija 1997 je usmerjevalni odbor dal PWP pooblastilo za ponovno analiziranje prednostnih scenarijev s tehničnega stališča ter pripravo pregleda potreb in stroškov.
At the meeting on 8 July 1997, the Steering Committee granted the PWP a mandate to analyse the preferred scenarios again from a technical point of view and to prepare an overview of the requirements and costs.
264 Pravna redakcija
Glede vključitve zadevne aktivne snovi v Prilogo I k Direktivi 91/414/EGS je bilo s tem povezano tehnično in znanstveno ocenjevanje dokončano v obliki poročila Komisije o pregledu.
With respect to the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC of the active substance concerned, the related technical and scientific evaluations were finalised in the form of the Commission review report.
265 Pravna redakcija
Metodologijo Komisija pregleda po postopku iz člena 8, da bi po potrebi upoštevala tehnični napredek, zlasti novosti, sprejete pod okriljem Okvirne konvencije ZN o spremembi podnebja:
The methodology shall be revised by the Commission in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 8 to take account as necessary of technical progress, in particular developments decided within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:
266 Pravna redakcija
Nekatere države članice so imele nekaj tehničnih težav, ko so poskušale uporabljati Uredbo (ES) št. 1788/2001.Uredbo je zaradi preglednosti in izogibanja zadregam treba razjasniti.
Certain Member States have experienced some technical difficulties when attempting to apply Regulation (EC) No 1788/2001. The Regulation should therefore, for the sake of transparency and in order to avoid confusion, be clarified.
267 Pravna redakcija
Ob vključevanju v Prilogo I k Direktivi 91/414/EGS je bilo 22. aprila 1998 zaključeno tehnično in znanstveno ovrednotenje azoksistrobina v obliki preglednega poročila o azoksistrobinu.
At the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC the technical and scientific evaluation of azoxystrobin was finalised on 22 April 1998 in the format of the Commission review report for azoxystrobin.
268 Pravna redakcija
ker je bila Direktiva Sveta 77/143/EGS z dne 29. decembra 1976 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic o tehničnih pregledih motornih in priklopnih vozil fn večkrat znatno spremenjena;
Whereas Council Directive 77/143/EEC of 29 December 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers (4) has been substantially amended on a number of occasions;
269 Pravna redakcija
Ob vključevanju v Prilogo I k Direktivi 91/414/EGS je bilo 12. maja 1999 dokončano tehnično in znanstveno ovrednotenje spiroksamina v obliki poročila o pregledu Komisije o spiroksaminu.
At the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC the technical and scientific evaluation of spiroxamine has been finalised on 12 May 1999 in the format of the Commission review report for spiroxamine.
270 Pravna redakcija
tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi z odobrenim tipom, vključno s certifikatom o pregledu tipa, kot je bil izdan po zaključku postopka iz modula SB in, če niso vključene v tej dokumentaciji,
the technical documentation regarding the approved type, including the type-examination certificate, as issued after completion of the procedure defined in module SB, and, if not included in this documentation,
271 Pravna redakcija
Proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik mora ob tehnični dokumentaciji imeti izvod potrdila o tipskem pregledu ES in dodatke k njim za obdobje vsaj pet let od izdelave zadnje naprave.
The manufacturer or his authorized representative shall keep with the technical documentation a copy of the EC type-examination certificates and the supplements to them for a period of at least five years from the manufacture of the last appliance.
272 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0113
(5) V zvezi z vključitvijo zadevnih aktivnih snovi v Prilogo I k Direktivi 91/414/EGS so bile dokončno narejene povezane tehnične in znanstvene ocene v obliki poročila Komisije o pregledu.
(5) With respect to the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC of the active substances concerned, the related technical and scientific evaluations were finalised in the form of Commission review reports.
273 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba predpise in postopke, določene s posamičnimi direktivami, hitro prilagoditi tehničnemu napredku in za lažje izvajanje potrebnih ukrepov vzpostaviti postopek tesnega sodelovanja med državami članicami in Komisijo v odboru za prilagajanje tehničnih pregledov tehničnemu napredku;
Whereas it is necessary to adapt rapidly to technical progress the standards and methods laid down in the separate Directives and, in order to facilitate implementation of the measures required for this purpose, to establish a procedure for close cooperation between the Member States and the Commission within a committee on the adaptation to technical progress of roadworthiness tests;
274 Pravna redakcija
so inšpekcijske preglede rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov v pošiljki ali partiji že opravili v pošiljateljevi tretji državi po tehničnih dogovorih iz člena 13b(6) ali
activities of inspection on plants, plant products or other objects in the consignment or lot were already carried out in the consignor third country under technical arrangements referred to in Article 13b(6), or
275 Pravna redakcija
Direktiva Sveta 77/143/EGS z dne 29. decembra 1976 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic o tehničnih pregledih motornih in njihovih priklopnih vozil ter direktive o spremembi te direktive:
Council Directive 77/143/EEC of 29 December 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member states relating to roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers and the Directives amending that Directive:
276 Pravna redakcija
Po mejnem inšpekcijskem pregledu, predvidenem v Direktivi 97/78/ES, in v skladu s pravili, določenimi v členu 9(4) navedene direktive, se morajo snovi prepeljati neposredno v tehnični obrat.
Following the border check provided for in Directive 97/78/EC, and in accordance with the rules laid down in Article 9(4) of that Directive, the material must be transported direct to the technical plant.
277 Pravna redakcija
Pri pregledovanju modela nadzorni organ preveri, da je bil model izdelan v skladu s proizvajalčevo tehnično dokumentacijo in ga je mogoče popolnoma varno uporabljati za njegov predviden namen.
When examining the model, the inspection body shall verify that it has been produced in accordance with the manufacturer's technical file and can be used in complete safety for its intended purpose.
278 Pravna redakcija
Cestni pregledi tehnične brezhibnosti bi se morali opravljati ne glede na državljanstvo voznika ali na državo, v kateri je bilo gospodarsko vozilo registrirano oziroma se je začelo uporabljati.
Roadside roadworthiness inspections should be carried out without discrimination on grounds of the nationality of the driver or of the country of registration or entry into service of the commercial vehicle.
279 Pravna redakcija
Danes so na voljo enostavni, enotni sistemi za diagnostiko, ki jih lahko organizacije za tehnične preglede uporabljajo za preskušanje pretežne večine vozil, opremljenih z omejevalniki hitrosti.
Today simple, common diagnostic systems are available that can be used by testing organisations to test the vast majority of the speed limiters equipped.
280 Pravna redakcija
Barvila in tiskarske barve, ki se uporabljajo v proizvodnji za tissue papir, ne smejo vsebovati azo-snovi, ki se lahko cepijo na druge amine, uvrščene na seznam v tehničnem dodatku, preglednica 3
Dyes and inks used in the production of tissue paper shall not contain azo-substances that may cleave to any of the amines listed in the technical appendix, table 3
281 Pravna redakcija
Ob vključevanju v Prilogo I k Direktivi 91/414/EGS je bilo 16. oktobra 1998 dokončano tehnično in znanstveno vrednotenje krezoksim-metila v obliki poročila o pregledu Komisije o krezoksim metilu.
At the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC, the technical and scientific evaluation of kresoxim methyl was finalised on 16 October 1998 in the format of the Commission review report for kresoxim methyl.
282 Pravna redakcija
Če bo treba poročilo o pregledu osvežiti zaradi tehničnega in znanstvenega razvoja, se bodo morali v skladu z Direktivo spremeniti tudi pogoji za vključitev lambda-cihalotrina v Prilogo I Direktive.
If the review report has to be updated to take account of technical and scientific developments, the conditions for the inclusion of lambda-cyhalothrin in Annex I to the Directive will also need to be amended in accordance with the Directive.
283 Pravna redakcija
Metodologijo pregleduje Komisija po postopku iz člena 8, da bi po potrebi upoštevala tehnični napredek, zlasti novosti, sprejete pod okriljem Okvirne konvencije Združenih narodov o spremembi podnebja.
The methodology shall be revised by the Commission in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 8 to take account, as necessary, of technical progress, in particular developments decided within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
284 Pravna redakcija
ker se lahko do napredka tehnologije naprav za omejevanje hitrosti, ki bi olajšala njihovo spremljanje, pri tehničnem pregledu na nekaterih delih teh naprav že opravi niz pregledov, kadar je to mogoče;
Whereas pending developments in the technology of speed-limitation devices which would make it easier to monitor them, certain parts of such devices may nevertheless already undergo a series of checks at the roadworthiness test where this is possible;
285 Pravna redakcija
ker prilagajanje nekaterih kontrolnih pregledov in analiz, predvidenih v Direktivi, tehničnemu razvoju pomeni izvedbeni ukrep, katerega sprejem se zaradi poenostavitve in pospešitve postopka poveri Komisiji;
Whereas the adaptation to technical progress of certain checking and analysis measures provided for in the Directive is an implementing measure the adoption of which should be entrusted to the Commission in order to simplify and expedite the procedure;
286 Pravna redakcija
Ob vključitvi v Prilogo I Direktive 91/414/EGS je bila opravljena tehnična in znanstvena ocenitev fluroksipira, ki je bila zaključena 30. novembra 1999 v obliki poročila o pregledu Komisije za fluroksipir.
At the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC the technical and scientific evaluation of fluroxypyr was finalised on 30 November 1999 in the format of the Commission review report for fiuroxypyr.
287 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0154
Direktiva Komisije 90/18/EGS z dne 18. 12. 1989, ki prilagaja tehničnemu napredku Dodatek k Direktivi Sveta 88/320/EGS o pregledih in preverjanju dobre laboratorijske prakse (DLP) (UL L 11, 13.1.1990, str. 37)
Commission Directive 90/18/EEC of 18.12.1989 adapting to technical progress the Appendix of Council Directive 88/320/EEC on the inspection and verification of good laboratory practice (GLP) (OJ L 11, 13.1.1990, p. 37)
288 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0060
(8) V zvezi z vključitvijo ali izključitvijo zadevne aktivne snovi iz Priloge I k Direktivi 91/414/EGS, so bile dokončno izdelane povezane tehnične in znanstvene ocene v obliki poročil Komisije o pregledu.
(8) With respect to the inclusion in or exclusion from Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC of the active substances concerned, the related technical and scientific evaluations were finalised in the form of Commission review reports.
289 Pravna redakcija
Če ponudbe zahtevajo preverjanje obsežne dokumentacije, na primer dolgih tehničnih specifikacij, ogled lokacije ali pregled razpisne dokumentacije na kraju samem, se to upošteva pri določanju ustreznih rokov.
Where tenders require the examination of voluminous documentation such as lengthy technical specifications, a visit to the site or an on-the-spot inspection of the documents supporting the contract documents, this shall be taken into account when the appropriate time limits are fixed.
290 Pravna redakcija
Takoj po uspešno opravljenem tehničnem pregledu se kapitanu izda potrdilo, ki ima enako obdobje veljavnosti kakor dovoljenje in se v primeru podaljšanja dovoljenja za plovila v tekočem letu avtomatično podaljša.
Once the technical inspection has been completed satisfactorily, the captain of the vessel shall be issued with a certificate having the same period of validity as the licence and which shall be automatically extended in the case of vessels renewing their licence within the year.
291 Pravna redakcija
Ob vključitvi azoksistorbina v Prilogo I Direktive 91/414/EGS je bila opravljena njegova tehnična in znanstvena ocenitev, ki je bila zaključena 22. aprila 1998 v obliki poročila o pregledu Komisije za azoksistorbin.
At the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC the technical and scientific evaluation of azoxystrobin has been finalised on 22 April 1998 in the format of the Commission review report for azoxystrobin.
292 Pravna redakcija
Direktiva Komisije z dne 18. decembra 1989, ki prilagaja tehničnemu napredku Dodatek k Direktivi Sveta 88/320/EGS o pregledih in preverjanju dobre laboratorijske prakse (DLP) (90/18/EGS) (UL L 11, 13. 1. 1990, str. 37)
Commission Directive of 18 December 1989 adapting to technical progress the Appendix of Council Directive 88/320/EEC on the inspection and verification of good laboratory practice (GLP) (90/18/EEC) (OJ L 11,13.1.1990, p. 37)
293 Pravna redakcija
V vsaki državi članici se na motornih vozilih, registriranih v tej državi, ter njihovih priklopnikih in polpriklopnikih opravljajo redni tehnični pregledi v skladu s to direktivo ter zlasti njenima prilogama I in II.
In each Member State, motor vehicles registered in that State and their trailers and semi-trailers shall undergo periodic roadworthiness tests in accordance with this Directive and in particular its Annexes I and II.
294 Pravna redakcija
Direktiva Sveta št. 77/143/EGS z dne 29. decembra 1976 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi s tehničnimi pregledi motornih vozil in njihovih priklopnikov (UL L 47, 18.2.1977, str. 47), kakor jo spreminjata:
Council Directive No 77/143/EEC of 29 December 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers (OJ No L 47, 18.2.1977, p. 47), as amended by:
295 Pravna redakcija
Ob vključitvi kresoksim-metila v Prilogo I Direktive 91/414/EGS je bila opravljena njegova tehnična in znanstvena ocenitev, ki je bila zaključena 16. oktobra1998 v obliki poročila o pregledu Komisije za kresoksim-metil.
At the inclusion in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC the technical and scientific evaluation of kresoxim methyl has been finalised on 16 October 1998 in the format of the Commission review report for kresoxim methyl.
296 Pravna redakcija
Pri pregledu spisov v zvezi z znamko Skupnosti in registriranih blagovnih znamk Skupnosti se pregleda bodisi izvirni dokument bodisi njegovi prepisi ali tehnični načini shranjevanja, če se spisi shranjujejo na ta način.
Inspection of the files of Community trade mark applications and of registered Community trade marks shall either be of the original document, or of copies thereof, or of technical means of storage if the files are stored in this way.
297 Pravna redakcija
Komisija po potrebi najpozneje do 31. decembra 2003 pregleda indeksacijo dodeljenih sredstev za obdobje 2004 do 2006 zaradi tehničnih prilagoditev na podlagi najnovejših razpoložljivih informacij o gospodarskih gibanjih.
Indexation of the allocations for 2004 to 2006 shall be reviewed, if necessary, by 31 December 2003 at the latest for technical adjustment by the Commission on the basis of the latest economic information available.
298 Pravna redakcija
Organi, našteti v Oddelku III, lahko v skladu s členom 10(4) Direktive 88/378/EGS na zahtevo pridobijo kopijo certifikata in na utemeljeno zahtevo spis tehnične dokumentacije ter poročila o izvedenih pregledih in testih.
In accordance with Article 10(4) of Directive 88/378/EEC, the authorities listed in section III may obtain on request a copy of the certificate and, on reasoned request, a copy of the technical file and the reports on the examinations and tests carried out.
299 Pravna redakcija
Če postopek pregleda tipa ne zahteva preskusov tipa (glej točko 4.4) in je tip dovolj temeljito opredeljen s tehnično dokumentacijo, kot opisuje točka 3, se priglašeni organ lahko strinja, da predložitev tipa ni potrebna.
If no type tests are requested within the type-examination procedure (see point 4. 4), and the type is sufficiently defined by the technical documentation, as described in point 3, the notified body may agree, that no specimens are placed at their disposal.
300 Pravna redakcija
DIREKTIVA KOMISIJE 1999/12/ES z dne 8. marca 1999 o drugi prilagoditvi tehničnemu napredku Priloge k Direktivi Sveta 88/320/EGS o inšpekcijskih pregledih in preverjanju dobre laboratorijske prakse (DLP) (Besedilo velja za EGP)
Commission Directive 1999/12/EC of 8 March 1999 adapting to technical progress for the second time the Annex to Council Directive 88/320/EEC on the inspection and verification of good laboratory practice (GLP) (Text with EEA relevance)
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