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251 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
Kadar neodvisni zdravnik v mnenju ne potrdi ugotovitev navedenega pregleda, se odsotnost z dela za vse namene šteje kot opravičena.
Where the independent doctor's opinion does not confirm the conclusion of that examination, the absence shall be treated for all purposes as having been justified.
252 Končna redakcija
Inštitut lahko pred izdajo odločbe opravi ponoven pregled poslovanja v obsegu, potrebnem za ugotovitev, ali so kršitve odpravljene.
Prior to issuing the decision, the Institute may conduct another review of operations to the extent necessary to establish whether the violations have been eliminated.
253 Končna redakcija
Pri pričujočem delu je naše izhodišče ugotovitev, da so medijske reprezentacije pomembne za oblikovanje in legitimacijo identitet.
The point of departure for this study was the belief that media representations are significant for the shaping and legitimization of identities.
254 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0422
Odločba urada o zahtevi za razveljavitev pravic ali zahtevi za ugotovitev ničnosti se vpiše v register, ko postane dokončna.";
A record of the Office's decision on the application for revocation of rights or for a declaration of invalidity shall be entered in the Register once it has become final.";
255 Končna redakcija
Naša ključna ugotovitev je, da je država oziroma njene pooblaščene agencije pustila proces lastninjenja medijev povsem brez nadzora.
Our main conclusion is that the state, or rather its authorized agencies, allowed media privatization to take place without any supervision.
256 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0823
Ker v okviru te preiskave ni bila vložena nobena zahteva za revizijo ugotovitev o škodi, se je revizija omejila na vprašanje dampinga.
As no request for a review of the findings on injury was made in the request for the investigation, the review was limited to dumping.
257 Končna redakcija
Ustrezen pristop do računovodskega sistema bi moral omogočati ugotovitev in razdelitev vseh stroškov med dejavnosti, ki jih podpirajo.
An appropriate accounting system approach should permit the identification and allocation of all costs between the activities which they support.
258 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
Banka Slovenije lahko pred izdajo odločbe opravi ponoven pregled poslovanja v obsegu, potrebnem za ugotovitev ali so kršitve odpravljene.
The Bank of Slovenia may, before issuing the decision, carry out another examination of the operations in the extent necessary to find out whether the violations have been eliminated.
259 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
obstaja nerešena zahteva za razveljavitev ali zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti znamke Skupnosti, na kateri temelji mednarodna registracija;
an application for revocation or an application for declaration of invalidity is pending against the Community trade mark on which the international registration was based;
260 Končna redakcija
Njena edina aktiva, ugotovitev, da je njena mati tisto, čemur epsomski branjevci pravijo kočijka, je bila očitno brez menjalne vrednosti.
Her one asset, the fact that her mother was what the Epsom greengrocer called a carriage lady, had no exchange value, apparently.
261 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Prevzem obveznosti v breme proračuna je celoten, kadar vsaj eden od elementov, potrebnih za ugotovitev posamezne obveznosti, še ni poznan.
The budgetary commitment is global when at least one of the elements necessary to identify the individual commitment is still not known.
262 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0659
Če Komisija ugotovi, kjer je primerno po spremembi zadevne države članice, da prijavljeni ukrep ni pomoč, to ugotovitev navede v odločbi.
Where the Commission finds that, where appropriate following modification by the Member State concerned, the notified measure does not constitute aid, it shall record that finding by way of a decision.
263 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Država članica lahko izda posebno ribolovno dovoljenje po prejemu ugotovitev Komisije ali 10 delovnih dni od datuma obvestila o ugotovitvah.
The Member State may issue the special fishing permit upon receipt of the findings of the Commission or within 10 working days from the date of notification of the findings.
264 Končna redakcija
(2) Naročnik mora oddati naročilo ob upoštevanju pogojev za ugotovitev sposobnosti, ki se nanašajo na finančne, kadrovske in tehnične sposobnosti za izvedbo naročila. Naročnik lahko določi tudi druge dodatne elemente za ugotovitev sposobnosti, ki ne smejo biti diskriminatorni.
(2) Contractors shall award contracts on the basis of criteria for establishing the capability referring to financial, personnel-related and technical capabilities to perform the procurement. Contractors may define additional criteria provided they do not constitute any discrimination of tenderers.
265 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Stopnje protidampinške dajatve za posamezne gospodarske družbe, določene v tej uredbi, so bile določene na podlagi ugotovitev te preiskave.
The individual company anti-dumping duty rates specified in this Regulation were established on the basis of the findings of the present investigation.
266 Končna redakcija
Če Komisija meni, da je ugotovitev utemeljena, lahko pri spornih ponudbah določi takšno raven cen, ki je v skladu z načelom enakega dostopa.
The Commission may, if it accepts the findings, set the prices of the offers in issue at a level compatible with the principle of equal access,
267 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0092
tehničnega napredka, sprememb v mednarodnih pravilnikov ali specifikacijah in novih ugotovitev pri preprečevanju in varovanju pred eksplozijami
technical progress, changes in international regulations or specifications, and new findings on the prevention of and protection against explosions,
268 Končna redakcija
10 Vse navedbe so vzete iz tekstov M. S., številke v oklepajih pa označujejo številko dokumenta, v katerem je posamezna 'ugotovitev' ali izjava.
15 All quotations are taken from M. S.'s texts. The numbers in parenthesis show the number of the document containing a specific 'conclusion' or a statement.
269 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
Pogoji, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati gospodarski subjekti za ugotovitev usposobljenosti po tem sistemu, in načini preverjanja vsakega od teh pogojev.
Conditions to be fulfilled by the economic operators in view of their qualification pursuant to the system and the methods according to which each of those conditions will be verified.
270 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
4.3 opraviti ali naročiti opravljanje ustreznih pregledov in potrebnih preskusov za ugotovitev, ali so bile uporabljene ustrezne določbe direktive;
perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests to establish whether the relevant provisions of the Directive have been applied;
271 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0760
Vse stranke so bile obveščene, da bi lahko nesodelovanje privedlo do uporabe člena 18 osnovne uredbe in do ugotovitev na podlagi razpoložljivih dejstev.
All parties were informed that non-cooperation might lead to the application of Article 18 of the basic Regulation and to findings being made on the basis of the facts available.
272 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: Z1-06-2827
po potrebi dopolnjuje zasedanje pogodbenic z vidika sklepnih ugotovitev takih pregledov skladno s pododstavkom d devetega odstavka VI. člena tega sporazuma.
Amended as necessary by the Meeting of the Parties, in accordance with article VI, paragraph 9(d) of the Agreement, in light of the conclusions of such reviews.
273 Končna redakcija
(2) Ne glede na prvi odstavek tega člena lahko Inštitut razpiše ustno obravnavo, če presodi, da je to potrebno za razjasnitev ali ugotovitev odločilnih dejstev.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Article, the Institute may set down an oral hearing if in its judgement this is necessary to clarify or establish decisive facts.
274 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
Komisija preverja upoštevanje odstavkov 1 in 3(b) z izvajanjem kontrol in na podlagi ugotovitev teh kontrol lahko zahteva od države članice, da prekliče priznanje.
The Commission shall check that paragraph 1 and 3(b) are complied with by carrying out checks and may, as a result of those checks, request a Member State to withdraw recognition.
275 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0822
Ker v okviru te preiskave ni bila vložena nobena zahteva za revizijo ugotovitev o škodi, se je revizija omejila na vprašanje subvencij, dodeljenih podjetju Indo Pet.
As no request for a review of the findings on injury was made in the request for the investigation, the review was limited to subsidies granted to Indo Pet.
276 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
4.2 opraviti ali naročiti izvedbo ustreznih pregledov in potrebnih preskusov za ugotovitev, ali rešitve, ki jih je sprejel proizvajalec, izpolnjujejo zahteve direktive;
perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests to establish whether the solutions adopted by the manufacturer meet the requirements of the Directive;
277 Končna redakcija
Če Svet ali Komisija z opustitvijo ukrepanja krši to pogodbo, lahko države članice in druge institucije Skupnosti vložijo pri Sodišču tožbo za ugotovitev kršitve.
Should the Council or the Commission, in infringement of this Treaty, fail to act, the Member States and the other institutions of the Community may bring an action before the Court of Justice to have the infringement established.
278 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0017
Na podlagi ugotovitev študije, ki jo je opravila IATA, je delovanje letališča precej moteno, če trajajo kontrole v povprečju več kot 40 sekund na letalskega potnika.
According to studies undertaken by IATA, if the average duration of checks on passengers exceeds 40 seconds, the airport's functioning is considerably disrupted.
279 Končna redakcija
Naslednje področje posploševanja in prilagajanja medijskega pogleda zdravorazumskemu prepričanju je trditev (ugotovitev), da so Romi (po svoji naravi) nedelavni in leni.
Another area of generalization and adaptation of the media perspective to the common sense conviction is the assertion (conclusion)that the Roma are (by nature) idle and lazy.
280 Končna redakcija
razlogi za ugotovitev, da je mogoče cilj Skupnosti laže doseči na ravni Skupnosti, morajo biti utemeljeni s kvalitativnimi ali, kadar je le mogoče, kvantitativnimi kazalci.
the reasons for concluding that a Community objective can be better achieved by the Community must be substantiated by qualitative or, wherever possible, quantitative indicators.
281 Končna redakcija
V prispevku prikazujem predvolilno dogajanje z vidika medijske navzočnosti Rimskokatoliške cerkve na Slovenskem (skrajšano: Cerkev) - v tej napovedi pa je že prva ugotovitev.
In this essay I look into the presence of the Roman Catholic Church (hereinafter referred to as the Church) in the media during the pre-election period. This opening statement also contains my first conclusion.
282 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0077
Zaradi teh ugotovitev je treba poskrbeti za oznako, ki bo potrošnike jasno opozarjala na prisotnost glicirizinske kisline ali amonijeve soli te kisline v slaščicah in napitkih.
These findings make it necessary to provide labelling which gives the consumers clear information on the presence of glycyrrhizinic acid or its ammonium salt in confectionery and beverages.
283 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Vendar izjemoma, če zaradi zdravja ljudi in živali država članica ni mogla sprejeti ugotovitev inšpekcijskega pregleda iz člena 80(1), o tem takoj obvesti Komisijo in Agencijo.
However, by way of exception, if a Member State has not been able, for serious reasons of human or animal health, to accept the conclusions of an inspection as referred to in Article 80(1), that Member State shall forthwith inform the Commission and the Agency.
284 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0422
če je bila zoper osnovno registracijo vložena zahteva za razveljavitev pravic ali zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti in izjava o delitvi povzroči delitev med vrstami blaga ali storitev, ki so predmet zahteve za razveljavitev pravic ali zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti, dokler odločba oddelka za izbris ni dokončna ali pa se postopek dokončno zaključi drugače;
if, where an application for revocation of rights or for a declaration of invalidity has been entered against the original registration, such a divisional declaration has the effect of introducing a division amongst the goods or services against which the application for revocation of rights or for a declaration of invalidity is directed, until the decision of the Cancellation Division has become final or the proceedings are finally terminated otherwise;
285 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0822
Sedanja preiskava je pokazala, da od konca obdobja prvotne preiskave ni bilo sprememb, zaradi katerih ugotovitev, da so navedene sheme še vedno izravnalne, ne bi bila več veljavna.
The current investigation revealed that, since the end of the original period of investigation, no change occurred that would alter the conclusions that the above schemes are still countervailable.
286 Končna redakcija
(2) Naročnik v omejenem postopku za oddajo naročila objavi javni razpis le v prvi fazi za oddajo ponudb za ugotovitev usposobljenosti, v drugi fazi pa povabi kandidate k oddaji ponudb.
(2) In the restricted procedure for the award of contract, contractors shall publish a public invitation to tender only in the first phase of the submission of bids in order to establish the qualification, while in the second phase they invite candidates to submit bids.
287 Končna redakcija
Če Evropski parlament, Svet ali Komisija z opustitvijo ukrepanja krši to pogodbo, lahko države članice in druge institucije Skupnosti vložijo pri Sodišču tožbo za ugotovitev kršitve.
Should the European Parliament, the Council or the Commission, in infringement of this Treaty, fail to act, the Member States and the other institutions of the Community may bring an action before the Court of Justice to have the infringement established.
288 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Države članice sodelujejo s Komisijo in jo obveščajo o ukrepih, ki so jih sprejele na podlagi teh ugotovitev, tako da jih Komisija lahko upošteva pri pripravi svojega lastnega poročila.
The Member States shall cooperate with the Commission by informing it of the measures they have taken to act on these observations so that the Commission may take them into account when drawing up its own report.
289 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31984R2261
če se podrobnosti iz prve alinee odstavka 1 ne ujemajo, potem ko je organizacija pridobila vso dodatno dokumentacijo in podatke, ki se lahko uporabijo za ugotovitev dejansko proizvedene količine,
where the particulars referred to in the first indent of paragraph 1 appear not to tally after the organization has obtained all supporting documents and any information that may be used to establish the quantity actually produced,
290 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
Dokončna ugotovitev vrednosti in števila se opravi najpozneje do 31. decembra prvega leta izvajanja sheme enotnega plačila po opravljenem preverjanju v skladu z Uredbo Komisije (ES) št. 795/2004.
The definitive value and number shall be established, by 31 December of the first year of application of the single payment scheme at the latest, after the checks made pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No 795/2004 are carried out.
291 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L1269
Poročilo o preskusu mora vsebovati rezultate in vse izračune, ki so potrebni za ugotovitev koristne moči, kot je navedena v Prilogi II, skupaj z lastnostmi motorja iz Dodatka 1 ali 2 k tej prilogi.
The test report must contain the results and all the calculations required to obtain the net power, as listed in Annex II, together with the characteristics of the engine listed in Appendix 1 or Appendix 2 to this Annex.
292 Končna redakcija
Na temelju teh ugotovitev so se v letu 1997 pričele obsežne varnostne analize z namenom dokazati zmožnost varnega obratovanja ter preveriti mehansko celovitost in dobo trajanja sistemov in komponent.
Comprehensive safety analyses were started in 1997 to demonstrate plant safety performance and to confirm the mechanical integrity and lifetime of the systems and components.
293 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0034
Ob upoštevanju nedavnih ugotovitev tehnične delovne skupine je zaradi prilagoditve Direktive 96/74/ES tehničnemu napredku vlakno polilaktid treba dodati na seznam vlaken iz prilog I in II navedene direktive.
In view of recent findings by a technical working group, it is necessary, for the purposes of adapting Directive 96/74/EC to technical progress, to add the fibre polylactide to the list of fibres set out in Annexes I and II to that Directive.
294 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
Glejte oddelek "Preverjanje veljavnosti" za informacije ali ugotovitev kršitve pri posameznem preverjanju veljavnosti pomeni zavrnitev celotne zahteve ali vnos zahteve v bazo podatkov z dodatnim opozorilom.
Please refer to the section on "Validation checks" above for specific information on whether failure of the validation check would result in a rejection of the entire request, or an implementation of the request supplemented with a warning.
295 Končna redakcija
Druga sklepna ugotovitev je, - v celoti gledano - da kažejo naprecejonjo nedomiselnost tako oblikovalcev kot naročnikov: iz zelo širokega spektra možnih oblikovalskih rešitev in prijemov je bil izbor izredno omejen.
The second conclusion is that the posters - considered generally - suggest a considerable uninventiveness on the part of both designers and commissioners: the selection of representation options was very restricted given the wide range of possible solutions and approaches.
296 Končna redakcija
Komisija na zahtevo Evropskega parlamenta ali Sveta poroča o ukrepih, ki jih je sprejela na podlagi omenjenih ugotovitev in pojasnil, zlasti pa o navodilih, ki jih je dala službam, odgovornim za izvrševanje proračuna.
At the request of the European Parliament or the Council, the Commission shall report on the measures taken in the light of these observations and comments and in particular on the instructions given to the departments which are responsible for the implementation of the budgets.
297 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 11997D
Komisija na zahtevo Evropskega parlamenta ali Sveta poroča o ukrepih, ki jih je sprejela na podlagi omenjenih ugotovitev in pojasnil, zlasti pa o navodilih, ki jih je dala službam, odgovornim za izvrševanje proračuna.
At the request of the European Parliament or the Council, the Commission shall report on the measures taken in the light of these observations and comments and in particular on the instructions given to the departments which are responsible for the implementation of the budget.
298 Končna redakcija
Za našo analizo diskurzov o homoseksualnosti je posebnega pomena Foucaultova ugotovitev, da diskurz kot praksa oblikuje ali konstituira subjekt, na katerega se določeni diskurzi nanašajo, ter ga hkrati tudi pozicionira.
Particularly important for our analysis of discourses on homosexuality is Foucault's conclusion that a discourse seen as a practice shapes or constitutes a subject to which a specific discourse refers and at the same time positions it.
299 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
Institucije na zahtevo Evropskega parlamenta ali Sveta poročajo o ukrepih, ki so jih sprejele na podlagi navedenih ugotovitev in pojasnil, zlasti pa o navodilih, ki so jih dale službam, odgovornim za izvrševanje proračuna.
At the request of the European Parliament or the Council, the institutions shall report on the measures taken in the light of these observations and comments, and, in particular, on the instructions they have given to those of their departments which are responsible for the implementation of the budget.
300 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
V zvezi s tem je treba opomniti, da se skladno s členom 6(1) osnovne uredbe za namene reprezentativnih ugotovitev izbere obdobje preiskave, ki pri dampingu običajno traja najmanj šest mesecev neposredno pred začetkom postopka.
In this respect, it should be recalled that, as per Article 6(1) of the basic Regulation, for the purpose of a representative finding, an investigation period shall be selected which, in the case of dumping shall, normally, cover a period of not less than six months immediately prior to the initiation of the proceeding.
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