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zaključni račun
251 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Računovodja redno in najmanj ob pripravi zaključnega računa preverja, če podatki v evidenci dolgoročnih sredstev iz člena 209 ustrezajo dejanskemu stanju, zlasti glede:
Periodically, and at least whenever the accounts are closed, the accounting officer shall check that the data in the inventory ledger referred to in Article 209 correspond to the actual situation, in particular as regards:
252 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Dokazila za računovodski sistem in za pripravo zaključnega računa iz člena 121 Finančne uredbe je treba hraniti najmanj pet let od datuma, ko Evropski parlament potrdi razrešitev za proračunsko leto, na katero se dokumenti nanašajo.
Supporting documents for the accounting system and for the preparation of the accounts referred to in Article 121 of the Financial Regulation shall be kept for at least five years from the date on which the European Parliament grants discharge for the budgetary year to which the documents relate.
253 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
Stanje kontov v bruto bilanci se redno usklajuje, najmanj pa ob pripravi letnega zaključnega računa, s podatki iz poslovodnih sistemov, ki jih uporabljajo odredbodajalci za upravljanje sredstev in obveznosti ter za dnevno vnašanje v računovodski sistem.
The balance of accounts in the trial balance shall be reconciled periodically, and at least at the annual closure, with the data from the management systems used by authorising officers for the management of assets and liabilities and for the daily input into the accounting system.
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zaključni račun