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final balance
301 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
reports on the accounting and financial standing of the tenderer (or of each party to a joint venture), Such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets and auditor's reports for the past five years, an estimated financial projection for the next two years, and an authority from the tenderer (or authorized representative of a joint venture) to seek references from the tenderer's bankers; and
poročila o računovodskem in finančnem stanju ponudnika (ali vsake stranke mešanega podjetja), kot so izkazi uspeha, bilance stanja in revizijska poročila za zadnjih pet let, ocenjena finančna projekcija za naslednje dve leti ter pooblastilo ponudnika (ali pooblaščenega zastopnika mešanega podjetja) za pridobitev referenčnih mnenj ponudnikovih bank; in
302 Pravna redakcija
After the completion of a project, the Organization shall return to each contributor for specific projects the balance of any funds remaining pro rata to each contributor's share in the total of the contributions originally made available for financing that project, unless otherwise agreed to by the contributor.
Po zaključku projekta Organizacija vrne vsem, ki so prispevali za specifične projekte, sredstva, ki ostanejo, v sorazmerju z deležem vsakega vlagatelja v skupnih prispevkih, ki so bili prvotno dani na razpolago za financiranje projekta, razen če se z vlagateljem dogovori drugače.
303 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0242
Whereas, by Decision 94/346/EC (3), the Council approved macro-financial assistance for Moldova of up to ECU 45 million; whereas, however, further official support is required in order to support the balance of payments, consolidate the reserve position and comfort the necessary structural reforms in this country,
in glede na to, da je s Sklepom 94/346/ES fn Svet odobril makrofinančno pomoč Moldaviji v višini do 45 milijonov ekujev; in ker je kljub temu potrebna nadaljnja uradna pomoč z namenom zagotoviti uravnoteženo plačilno bilanco, okrepiti rezerve in izvajati potrebne strukturne reforme v tej državi,
304 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
In the event of successful completion of projects financed from the Funds referred to in paragraph 1 being jeopardised by a lack of resources owing to the remaining balance being used up, proposals for additional financing may be submitted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21.
Če pomanjkanje sredstev ogroža uspešno dokončanje projektov, ki se financirajo iz skladov iz odstavka 1, zaradi porabljenega preostalega zneska, lahko Komisija predloži predloge za dodatno financiranje v skladu s postopkom iz člena 21.
305 Pravna redakcija
The Committee on the statistical programmes of the European Communities, established by Decision 89/ 382/EEC, Euratom (5), and the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics, established by Decision 91/115/EEC (6), have each been consulted in accordance with Article 3 of the said Decisions,
Odbor za statistični program Evropske skupnosti, ustanovljen s Sklepom 89/382/EGS, Euratom fn, in Odbor za monetarno, finančno statistiko in plačilnobilančno statistiko, ustanovljen s Sklepom 91/115/EGS fn, sta se posvetovala v skladu s členom 3 navedenih sklepov -
306 Pravna redakcija
The absence of produced assets in the accumulation accounts and balance sheets of the rest of the world is due to the convention whereby a notional institutional unit is created, the rest of the world being deemed to have acquired a financial asset - and vice versa for assets held in other economies by resident units.
Odsotnost proizvedenih sredstev v računih akumulacije in bilancah stanja tujine je posledica dogovora, po katerem se oblikuje namišljena institucionalna enota in predpostavi, da je tujina pridobila finančno sredstvo; obratno velja za sredstva, ki jih imajo rezidenčne enote v drugih gospodarstvih.
307 Pravna redakcija
whereas it is therefore essential, while retaining the Community's existing institutional structure and balance of powers, to establish an Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (trade marks and designs) which is independent in relation to technical matters and has legal, administrative and financial autonomy;
ker je torej nujno, da se ob ohranjanju obstoječe institucionalne strukture in ravnovesja moči znotraj Skupnosti ustanovi Urad za usklajevanje na notranjem trgu (znamke in modeli), ki je neodvisen pri reševanju tehničnih problemov in je pravno, upravno in finančno samostojen;
308 Pravna redakcija
the inclusion of clauses allowing the Parties to introduce restrictions in this area in case of difficulties in the operation of exchange-rate or monetary policy of one of the Parties, balance of payments difficulties or, in conformity with international law, the imposition of financial restrictions on third countries.
vključitev klavzul, ki omogočajo pogodbenicama uvedbo omejitev na tem področju v primeru težav pri delovanju tečajne ali monetarne politike ene od pogodbenic, težav plačilne bilance ali uvedba, finančnih omejitev za tretje države v skladu z mednarodnim pravom.
309 Pravna redakcija
With regard to transactions on the capital and financial account of balance of payments, from the entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall ensure the free movement of capital relating to credits related to commercial transactions or to the provision of services in which a resident of one of the Parties is participating, and to financial loans and credits, with a maturity longer than a year.
Glede transakcij na kapitalskem in finančnem računu plačilne bilance pogodbenici z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma zagotovita prost pretok kapitala, ki se nanaša na kredite v zvezi s trgovinskim poslovanjem ali opravljanjem storitev, v katerih sodeluje rezident ene od pogodbenic, ter finančnimi posojili in krediti z zapadlostjo več kot eno leto.
310 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R1745
Regulation ECB/2000/8 of 31 August 2000 amending Regulation (EC) No 2818/98 on the application of minimum reserves (ECB/1998/15) and amending Regulation (EC) No 2819/98 of the European Central Bank concerning the consolidated balance sheet of the mone t ary financial institution sector (ECB/1998/16), OJ L 229, 9.9.2000, p. 34.
Uredba ECB/2000/8 z dne 31. avgusta 2000 o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2818/98 o uporabi obveznih rezerv (ECB/1998/15) in o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2819/98 Evropske centralne banke o konsolidirani bilanci stanja sektorja monetarnih finančnih institucij (ECB/1998/16), (UL L 229, 9. 9. 2000, str. 34).
311 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Decision 78/49/EEC made provision, in cases where one or more Member States which are creditors under the medium-term financial assistance system experience difficulties or are seriously threatened with difficulties as regards their balance of payments, for the mobilization of the claims held by that State or those States;
ker Odločba 78/49/EGS predvideva, v primerih, ko ima ena ali več držav članic upnic v okviru sistema srednjeročne pomoči, plačilnobilančne težave ali obstaja resna nevarnost, da bi v tovrstne težave zašle, sprostitev terjatev, ki jih ima ta država ali države;
312 Pravna redakcija
In exceptional and duly justified cases, Member States may accept applications for financial assistance or the balance thereof after the date set in paragraph 1, and not apply the provisions of paragraph 5, if this does not prejudice either the carrying out of the checks or the payment deadline by Member States set in paragraph 4.
V izjemnih in ustrezno utemeljenih primerih lahko države članice sprejmejo zahtevke za finančno pomoč ali njen delež po datumu, navedenem v odstavku 1, in ne uporabijo določb iz odstavka 5, če to ne vpliva na izvajanje preverjanj ali na plačilne roke, ki jih v skladu s odstavkom 4 določijo države članice.
313 Pravna redakcija
WELCOMING the Baltic Sea Declaration by the Baltic and other interested States, the European Economic Community and cooperating international financial institutions assembled at Ronneby in 1990, and the Joint Comprehensive Programme aimed at a joint action plan in order to restore the Baltic Sea area to a sound ecological balance;
OB ODOBRAVANJU Deklaracije o Baltiškem morju Baltiških in drugih zainteresiranih držav, Evropske gospodarske skupnosti in sodelujočih mednarodnih finančnih ustanov, ki so se sestale v Ronnebyju leta 1990, ter Skupnega celovitega programa, namenjenega skupnemu akcijskemu načrtu za ponovno vzpostavitev zdravega ekološkega ravnovesja na območju Baltiškega morja,
314 Pravna redakcija
After the expiry of three years from the signature of this Agreement, Russia will consider the softening of restrictions mentioned in subparagraphs (c) and (d) of paragraph 1, taking into consideration all the relevant monetary, fiscal, financial and balance of payments considerations and the state of the banking system of Russia.
Po izteku treh let od podpisa tega sporazuma bo Rusija preučila možnost zmanjšanja omejitev, navedenih v pododstavkih (c) in (d) odstavka 1, ob upoštevanju vseh ustreznih monetarnih, davčnih in finančnih ocen, ocen plačilne bilance ter stanja bančnega sistema Rusije.
315 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R1745
An institution` s reserve base shall comprise the following liabilities (as defined within the ECB` s reporting framework for money and banking statistics in Regulation ECB/2001/13 of 22 November 2001 concerning the consolidated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions sector fn ) resulting from the acceptance of funds:
Osnova za obvezne rezerve institucije obsega naslednje obveznosti (kakor so opredeljene v okviru poročanja o denarni in bančni statistiki ECB v Uredbi (ES) št. 2423/2001 Evropske centralne banke z dne 22. novembra 2001 o konsolidirani bilanci stanja sektorja monetarnih finančnih institucij (ECB/2001/13)) fn, ki nastanejo s prejetjem naslednjih sredstev:
316 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1796
Moreover, both approaches were tested and it was found that the differences were only marginal and that any positive differences were balanced out by negative differences, i.e. none of the two approaches resulted in consistently higher or lower exchange rates and the impact of this issue on the final dumping margin was not material.
Poleg tega sta bila preizkušena oba pristopa in ugotovljeno je bilo, da so razlike le neznatne in da so bile vse pozitivne razlike izravnane z negativnimi razlikami, kar pomeni, da ni noben od teh dveh pristopov povzročil dosledno višje ali nižje menjalne tečaje in da je bil vpliv te zadeve na končno dampinško maržo neznaten.
317 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
In addition, the overall amount of financial assistance under the 9th EDF, plus any balances transferred to the 9th EDF from previous Funds pursuant to the Internal Agreement shall cover the period 2000 to 2007. Before the expiry of the 9th EDF, the Member States shall assess the degree of realisation of commitments and disbursements.
Poleg tega skupni znesek finančne pomoči v okviru 9. ERS in katera koli neporabljena sredstva, prenesena na 9. ERS iz prejšnjih skladov na podlagi Notranjega sporazuma, pokrivajo obdobje 2000 do 2007. Pred potekom veljavnosti 9. ERS države članice ocenijo obseg realizacije obveznosti in izdatkov.
318 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Statistical Programme Committee of the European Community (SPC), established by Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom (2), and the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics (CMFB), established by Decision 91/ 115/EEC(3),
ker so ukrepi, predvideni v tej odločbi, skladni z mnenjem Odbora za statistični program Evropske skupnosti, ustanovljenega s Sklepom Sveta 89/382/EGS, Euratom fn, in Odbora za monetarno, finančno in plačilnobilančno statistiko, ustanovljenega s Sklepom 91/115/EGS fn,
319 Pravna redakcija
The balances remaining from previous EDFs shall be used to finance projects, programmes and other forms of action that contribute to attaining the objectives of the ACP-EC Agreement and the Overseas Association Decision, in accordance with the provisions of that Agreement or that Decision, and with the conditions laid down in this Title.
Neporabljena sredstva iz prejšnjih ERS se uporabijo za financiranje projektov, programov in drugih oblik ukrepov, ki prispevajo k doseganju ciljev Sporazuma AKP-ES in Sklepa o čezmorski pridružitvi, v skladu z določbami navedenega sporazuma ali navedenega sklepa in s pogoji iz tega naslova.
320 Pravna redakcija
The column of this account, account 7, thus contains gross capital formation (cell 1, 7), the diagonal item (7, 7) discussed above, the changes in liabilities due to saving and capital transfers (603), see cell (12, 7), and a balancing item, net lending of the total economy (38), that is put on the next account, for financial transactions.
Stolpec tega računa, računa 7, tako vsebuje bruto investicije (celica 1,7), zgoraj predstavljeno diagonalno postavko (celica 7,7), spremembe obveznosti zaradi varčevanja in kapitalskih transferjev (603) v celici (12,7) ter izravnalno postavko, neto posojanje celotnega gospodarstva (38), ki jo prenesena v naslednji račun, tj. finančni račun.
321 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0223
the size of the share of their NCB's Member State (i) in the aggregate gross domestic product at market prices (hereinafter GDP mp) of the Member States which have adopted the euro; and (ii) in the total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions (hereinafter TABS-MFIs) of the Member States which have adopted the euro.
velikost deleža države članice njihove NCB (i) v skupnem bruto domačem proizvodu po tržnih cenah (v nadaljnjem besedilu BDP tc) držav članic, ki so uvedle evro; in (ii) v skupni agregatni bilanci stanja monetarnih finančnih institucij (v nadaljnjem besedilu SABS-MFI) držav članic, ki so uvedle evro.
322 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The Commission shall, by means of general implementing provisions, lay down the method for calculating the contributions to be paid by the officials concerned in such a way as to ensure that such acquisition guarantees actuarial balance and the method is applied without financial subsidies from the pension scheme of the European institutions.
Komisija v splošnih izvedbenih določbah določi način izračunavanja prispevkov, ki jih morajo plačati zadevni uradniki, tako, da s takimi povečanjem zagotovi aktuarsko ravnotežje in uporaba metode ne zahteva subvencij iz pokojninskega sistema evropskih institucij.
323 Pravna redakcija
The classification criteria are that these funds are institutional units, as they have a complete set of accounts and autonomy of decision, and that they pay benefits to the insured without reference to the individual exposure of risk, which means that these employment based pension schemes are built on a collective financial balance principle.
Merila za razvrstitev so v tem, da so ti skladi institucionalne enote, ker imajo celoten niz računov in so neodvisni v sprejemanju odločitev, in pri izplačilih posameznim zavarovancem ne upoštevajo velikosti njihove individualne izpostavljenosti tveganjem, kar pomeni, da te pokojninske sheme, ki so vezane na zaposlenost, temeljijo na načelu kolektivnega financiranja.
324 Pravna redakcija
like the SNA, the concepts in the ESA are also harmonized with those in the major international guidelines on some other economic statistics, in particular the IMF Balance of Payments Manual (BPM), the IMF Government Finance Statistics (GFS), the OECD Revenue Statistics and the ILO resolutions on the concepts of employment, hours worked and labour costs.
podobno kakor pri SNR so koncepti ESR usklajeni tudi s koncepti najpomembnejših mednarodnih navodil za druge ekonomske statistike, zlasti s Priročnikom za plačilno bilanco (PPB) in Statistiko državnih financ (SDF) Mednarodnega denarnega sklada, Statistiko dohodkov OECD ter priporočili MOD o konceptih zaposlenosti, opravljenih urah in stroških dela.
325 Pravna redakcija
increasing the ceiling limiting the overall share of foreign capital in the Russian banking system which is in operation on the date of the signature of this Agreement, mentioned in subparagraph (a) of paragraph 1, taking into consideration all the relevant monetary, fiscal, financial and balance of payments considerations and the state of the banking system of Russia;
povečanje plafonov za skupen delež tujega kapitala v ruskem bančnem sistemu, veljavnih na dan podpisa tega sporazuma in navedenih v pododstavku (a) odstavka 1, ob upoštevanju vseh ustreznih monetarnih, davčnih in finančnih ocen, ocen plačilne bilance ter stanja bančnega sistema Rusije;
326 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a homogeneous reporting population is necessary for the production of the consolidated balance sheet of the Monetary Financial Institutions sector of the participating Member States, the principal aim of which is to provide the ECB with a comprehensive statistical picture of monetary developments in the participating Member States, seen as one economic territory;
ker je potrebna homogena poročevalska populacija za pripravo konsolidirane bilance stanja sektorja monetarnih finančnih institucij sodelujočih držav članic, katere glavni cilj je zagotoviti ECB izčrpno statistično podobo monetarnega razvoja v sodelujočih državah članicah, ki se pojmujejo kot eno gospodarsko ozemlje;
327 Pravna redakcija
In the context of financial cooperation, the Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia shall exchange information on and undertake joint analyses of their medium-term economic policies, balance-of-payments trends and the policies which determine them, and capital market trends in European centres, with the aim of promoting the activities of economic operators.
V okviru finančnega sodelovanja si Skupnost in Nekdanja jugoslovanska republika Makedonija izmenjujeta informacije in izvajata skupne analize, ki obravnavajo njuno srednjeročno gospodarsko politiko, tendence plačilnih bilanc in politiko, ki odloča od njih, in tendence kapitalskih trgov v evropskih centrih, da bi pospešili dejavnosti gospodarskih subjektov.
328 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
The relevant legal acts for the reporting of money and banking statistics are Council Regulation (EC) No 2533/98 of 23 November 1998 concerning the collection of statistical information by the ECB and Regulation (EC) No 2819/98 of the European Central Bank of 1 December 1998 concerning the consolidated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions sector (ECB/1998/16).
Ustrezna pravna akta za poročanje denarne in bančne statistike sta Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 2533/98 z dne 23. novembra 1998 o zbiranju statističnih podatkov s strani ECB in Uredba (ES) št. 2819/98 Evropske centralne banke z dne 1. decembra 1998 o konsolidirani bilanci stanja sektorja monetarnih finančnih institucij (ECB/1998/16).
329 Pravna redakcija
To that end, the system in force during the 1999/2000 marketing year should remain applicable until 30 June 2001. However, the amounts of aid should be fixed by the Commission on the basis of the budget balances as soon as the areas concerned have been reliably assessed, and the amount withheld for the financing of measures promoting the use of flax fibre should be set at zero.
V ta namen naj bi sistem, ki je bil v veljavi v tržnem letu 1999/2000, ostal v uporabi do 30. junija 2001. Vendar pa naj bi višine pomoči določila Komisija na podlagi proračunskih sredstev takoj, ko bi bile zadevne kmetijske površine zanesljivo ocenjene, vsota, zadržana za financiranje ukrepov, s katerimi se spodbuja uporabo lanenih vlaken, pa naj bi se določila na 0.
330 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Article 11(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 2261/84, in cases where associations have discharged all their responsibilities under Community rules and have not used the entire sum raised by the financing arrangement provided for in point (a), they must divide the balance among their member producer organisations on the basis of the number of members of such organisations.
Brez poseganja v člen 11(3) Uredbe (EGS) 2261/84, morajo združenja v primerih, ko so izpolnila vse svoje obveznosti po pravilih Skupnosti in niso uporabila celotne vsote, zbrane na podlagi finančne ureditve, predvidene v točki (a), ostanek razdeliti med svoje članice organizacije proizvajalcev na podlagi števila članov teh organizacij.
331 Pravna redakcija
Moreover, the Commission will take the necessary steps to ensure balanced participation across the various subjects, to take account of the demand for programmes and of student flow and to deal with certain specific problems, in particular the financing of certain grants which, because of the structure of the exceptional programmes concerned, cannot be administered by national agencies.
Komisija bo tudi sprejela potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev uravnoteženega sodelovanja v raznih predmetih, upoštevala povpraševanje po programih in pretoku študentov in se ukvarjala z določenimi posebnimi težavami, predvsem financiranjem določenih štipendij, katerih, zaradi strukture izjemnih zadevnih programov, ne morejo obravnavati nacionalne agencije.
332 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31973D0391
- "balance payable on credit" shall mean the balance outstanding after charging against the local portion all payments made on account in connection with the contract; - "local portion" shall mean that portion of the contract price representing the expenditure the exporter expects to incur on the spot in the way of payments to employees and others and payments for goods and materials; - "contract" shall mean any type of contract for the supply of goods and materials; for the carrying out of work; mixed (i.e., supply and works) contracts; - "payments on account" shall mean all the sums payable between the placing of the order and final completion of the works or deliveries.
- "saldo v kreditu " pomeni saldo, ki ostane po odštetju od lokalnega deleža stroškov vseh plačil na račun v zvezi s pogodbo; - "lokalni delež stroškov " pomeni delež v pogodbeni ceni, ki predstavlja strošek, ki ga izvoznik pričakuje na kraju v smislu plačil zaposlenim in drugih, ter plačil za blago in materiale; - "pogodba" pomeni kakršno koli vrsto pogodbe za dobavo blaga in materiala; za izvedbo del; mešane pogodbe (t.j. dobava in dela); - "plačila na račun" pomenijo vse zneske, ki naj se plačajo med naročilom in končno izvedbo del ali dobav.
333 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0051
'(1a) In addition to those amounts recorded pursuant to paragraph (1)(c)(bb), Member States may permit or require account to be taken of all foreseeable liabilities and potential losses arising in the course of the financial year concerned or of a previous one, even if such liabilities or losses become apparent only between the date of the balance sheet and the date on which it is drawn up.';
"(1a) Poleg zneskov, navedenih v skladu z odstavkom (1)(c)(bb), lahko države članice dovolijo ali zahtevajo upoštevanje vseh predvidljivih obveznosti in morebitnih izgub, ki izhajajo iz zadevnega ali preteklega poslovnega leta, tudi če postanejo očitne šele med datumom bilance stanja in datumom, ko se ta sestavlja.";
334 Pravna redakcija
Within the limits of the appropriations available under the 1984 budget, and on the terms set out in Articles 3, 4 and 5, the Community shall grant financial support for transport infrastructure projects which, within the framework of the harmonious development of a balanced infrastructure network, guarantee socio-economic benefit to the Community and comply with one of the following criteria:
V mejah odobrenih proračunskih sredstev za leto 1984 in pod pogoji iz členov 3, 4 in 5 Skupnost dodeli finančno podporo za prometnoinfrastrukturne projekte, ki ji v okviru skladnega razvoja uravnoteženega omrežja infrastrukture zagotavljajo socialno-ekonomske koristi in izpolnjujejo eno od naslednjih meril:
335 Pravna redakcija
All tangible and intangible fixed assets which, being intended to serve the activities of the Communities on a lasting basis within the meaning of Article 65 of the Financial Regulation and Article 130 of Regulation (Euratom, ECSC, EC) No 3418/93, are to be entered in the inventory and shall form part of the property belonging to the Communities and shall be entered in the Communities' balance sheet.
Vsa opredmetena osnovna sredstva in neopredmetena dolgoročna sredstva, namenjena za trajno opravljanje dejavnosti Skupnosti v smislu člena 65 Finančne uredbe in člena 130 Uredbe (Euratom, ESPJ, ES) št. 3418/93, se vpišejo v evidenco stalnih sredstev, so del premoženja Skupnosti in se tudi vključijo v bilanco stanja Skupnosti.
336 Pravna redakcija
whereas this may imply in particular that, in the case of the Financial Account of the balance of payments, data on cross-border positions or transactions of the participating Member States seen as one economic territory may in the early years of the single currency area be compiled using all positions or transactions between residents of a participating Member State and residents of other countries;
ker lahko to zlasti pomeni, da se v primeru finančnega računa plačilnih bilanc podatki o čezmejnih stanjih ali transakcijah sodelujočih držav članic, ki se pojmujejo kot eno gospodarsko ozemlje, lahko v prvih letih obstoja področja enotne valute pripravijo z uporabo vseh stanj ali transakcij med rezidenti sodelujoče države članice in rezidenti drugih držav;
337 Pravna redakcija
`credit institutions and other institutions` shall mean all MFIs other than central banks and money market funds as identified in accordance with the classification principles set out in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 2423/2001 of the European Central Bank of 22 November 2001 concerning the consolidated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions sector (ECB/2001/13) ( 2 );
3. izraz "kreditne institucije in druge institucije" pomeni MFI razen centralnih bank in skladov denarnega trga, kakor so določene z načeli razvrščanja, ki so določena v odstavku 1 Dela 1 Priloge 1 k Uredbi (ES) št. 2423/2001 Evropske centralne banke z dne 22. novembra 2001, ki se nanaša na konsolidirano bilanco stanja sektorja monetarnih finančnih institucij (ECB/2001/13) fn
338 Pravna redakcija
the balance sheet, which represents the assets and liabilities and financial situation and the economic outturn of the EDF at 31 December of the previous year; it shall be presented in accordance with the structure laid down by the Directives of the European Parliament and Council on the annual accounts of certain types of companies, but with account being taken of the specific nature of the EDF's activities;
bilanco stanja, ki predstavlja sredstva in obveznosti ter finančno stanje in poslovni izid ERS na dan 31. decembra preteklega leta; pripravi se v skladu s strukturo, določeno v direktivah Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o letnih zaključnih računih posameznih vrst gospodarskih družb, vendar ob upoštevanju posebne narave dejavnosti ERS;
339 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0223
as from the date on which the number of governors exceeds 15, until it reaches 22, the governors shall be allocated to two groups, according to a ranking of the size of the share of their national central bank's Member State in the aggregate gross domestic product at market prices and in the total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions of the Member States which have adopted the euro.
od dneva, ko število guvernerjev preseže 15 in dokler ne doseže števila 22, so guvernerji razdeljeni v dve skupini glede na razvrstitev velikosti deleža države članice njihove nacionalne centralne banke v skupnem bruto domačem proizvodu po tržnih cenah in v skupni agregatni bilanci stanja monetarnih finančnih institucij držav članic, ki so uvedle evro.
340 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32000R2516
(5) The Statistical Programme Committee (SPC), set up by Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom(5), the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics (CMFB), set up by Council Decision 91/115/EEC(6), and the Gross National Product Committee (GNP Committee) can state their opinion on the country-specific accounting treatment of taxes and social contributions whenever they consider it relevant.
(5) Odbor za statistični program (OSP), ustanovljen s Sklepom Sveta 89/382/EGS, Euratom fn, Odbor za monetarno, finančno in plačilnobilančno statistiko (OMFB), ustanovljen s Sklepom Sveta 91/115/EGS fn, ter Odbor za bruto nacionalni proizvod (Odbor BNP) lahko, kadar koli se jim zdi primerno, izrazijo svoje mnenje o računovodskem obravnavanju davkov in socialnih prispevkov, specifičnem za državo.
341 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32004D0005
(2) In its Resolutions of 5 February and 21 November 2002, the European Parliament endorsed the four-level approach advocated in the Final Report of the Committee of Wise Men on the regulation of European securities markets and called for certain aspects of that approach to be extended to the banking and insurance sectors subject to a clear Council commitment to reform to guarantee a proper institutional balance.
(2) Evropski parlament je v svojih resolucijah z dne 5. februarja in 21. novembra 2002 potrdil štirinivojski regulativni okvir, ki ga priporoča Odbor modrecev za urejanje evropskih trgov vrednostnih papirjev v svojem končnem poročilu, in pozval, da se nekateri vidiki tega pristopa razširijo na bančni in zavarovalniški sektor, pod pogojem, da se Svet jasno zaveže k reformi za zagotovitev ustreznega institucionalnega ravnovesja.
342 Pravna redakcija
To that end, any balances remaining from previous EDFs on the date of the entry into force of the Financial Protocol set out in Annex I to the ACP-EC Agreement, in the case of the ACP States, or on the date of the entry into force of the Internal Agreement, in the case of the OCTs, together with any amounts to be decommitted at a later date from ongoing projects under those EDFs, shall be transferred to the 9th EDF.
V navedeni namen se neporabljeni sredstva iz prejšnjih ERS na datum začetka veljavnosti Finančnega protokola iz Priloge I k Sporazumu AKP-ES za države AKP ali na datum začetka veljavnosti Notranjega sporazuma za ČDO skupaj z zneski, ki se prerazporedijo pozneje iz projektov v teku na podlagi navedenih ERS, prenesejo v 9. ERS.
343 Pravna redakcija
Unless otherwise stated in the following paragraphs, the instrument breakdown for MFI interest rates and the definitions of the types of instruments shall follow the asset and liabilities categories as set out in Part 3 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 2423/2001 of the European Central Bank of 22 November 2001 concerning the consolidated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions sector (ECB/2001/13) ( 1 ).
42. Razen če ni drugače navedeno v naslednjih odstavkih, razčlenitev instrumentov za obrestne mere MFI in opredelitve vrst instrumentov sledijo kategorijam sredstev in obveznosti, kakor so določene v Delu 3 Priloge I k Uredbi (ES) št. 2423/2001 Evropske centralne banke z dne 22. novembra 2001 o konsolidirani bilanci stanja sektorja monetarnih finančnih institucij (ECB/2001/13) fn
344 Pravna redakcija
The guidelines for establishing this programme have been submitted in accordance with Article 3(1) of Regulation (EC) No 322/97 to the Statistical Programme Committee, the European Advisory Committee on Statistical Information in the Economic and Social Spheres set up by Council Decision 91/116/EEC (2) and the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payment Statistics set up by Council Decision 91/115/ EEC (3),
Smernice za vzpostavitev tega programa so bile predložene v skladu s členom 3(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 322/97 Odboru za statistični program, Evropskemu svetovalnemu odboru za statistične podatke na ekonomskem in socialnem področju, ki je bil ustanovljen s Sklepom Sveta 91/116/EGS fn, in Odboru za monetarno, plačilnobilančno in finančno statistiko, ki je bil ustanovljen s Sklepom Sveta 91/115/EGS fn -
345 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32004D0008
(3) In its Resolutions of 5 February 2002 and 21 November 2002, the European Parliament endorsed the four-level regulatory framework advocated in the Final Report of the Committee of Wise Men on the regulation of European securities markets and called for certain aspects of that approach to be extended to the banking and insurance sectors, subject to a clear Council commitment to guarantee a proper institutional balance.
(3) Evropski parlament je v svojih resolucijah z dne 5. februarja 2002 in dne 21. novembra 2002 potrdil štirinivojski regulativni okvir, ki ga priporoča Odbor modrecev za urejanje evropskih trgov vrednostnih papirjev v svojem končnem poročilu, in pozval, da se nekateri vidiki tega pristopa razširijo na bančništvo in zavarovalništvo, pod pogojem, da se Svet jasno zaveže, zagotoviti ustrezno institucionalno ravnovesje.
346 Pravna redakcija
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The statistical information collected in accordance with ECB Regulation No ECB/1998/16 is used to establish the consolidated balance sheet of the MFI sector, the principal aim of which is to provide the ECB with a comprehensive statistical picture of monetary developments covering the aggregated financial assets and liabilities of MFIs located in the participating Member States, which are viewed as one economic territory.
Statistični podatki, zbrani v skladu z Uredbo ECB št. ECB/1998/16, se uporabljajo za izdelavo konsolidirane bilance stanja sektorja monetarnih finančnih institucij (MFI), s poglavitnim ciljem zagotoviti ECB celovito statistično sliko monetarnih dogodkov, ki se nanašajo na skupno finančno premoženje in obveznosti MFI, ki so locirane v sodelujočih državah članicah, ki se obravnavajo kot eno gospodarsko področje.
347 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with Article 49.2 of the Statute, the Bank of Greece shall contribute to the reserves of the ECB, to those provisions equivalent to reserves, and to the amount still to be appropriated to the reserves and provisions corresponding to the balance of the profit and loss account as at 31 December of the financial year ending 31 December 2000. The sum to be contributed by the Bank of Greece shall be determined by multiplying the amount of the reserves, as defined above and as stated in the approved balance sheet of the ECB as at 31 December 2000, by the ratio between the number of shares subscribed by the Bank of Greece and the number of shares already paid up by the other central banks of Member States without a derogation.
V skladu s členom 49.2 statuta Banka Grčije prispeva k rezervam ECB, k rezervacijam, ki so enakovredne rezervam, in k znesku, ki ga je treba še vključiti v rezerve in rezervacije glede na saldo bilance uspeha dne 31. decembra poslovnega leta, ki se konča 31. decembra 2000. Znesek prispevka Banke Grčije se določi tako, da se pomnoži višina rezerv, kakršne so opredeljene zgoraj in navedene v potrjeni bilanci stanja ECB dne 31. decembra 2000, z razmerjem med številom delnic, ki jih je vpisala Banka Grčije, in številom delnic, ki so jih že vplačale druge centralne banke držav članic brez odstopanja.
348 Pravna redakcija
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CELEX: 32004D0007
(2) In its Resolutions of 5 February 2002 and 21 November 2002, the European Parliament endorsed the four-level regulatory framework advocated in the Final Report of the Committee of Wise Men on the regulation of European securities markets and called for certain aspects of that approach to be extended to the banking and insurance sectors, subject to a clear Council commitment to reform to guarantee a proper institutional balance.
(2) Evropski parlament je v svojih resolucijah z dne 5. februarja 2002 in dne 21. novembra 2002 potrdil štirinivojski regulativni okvir, ki ga priporoča Odbor modrecev za urejanje evropskih trgov vrednostnih papirjev v svojem končnem poročilu, in pozval, da se nekateri vidiki tega pristopa razširijo na bančništvo in zavarovalništvo, pod pogojem, da se Svet jasno zaveže k reformi za zagotovitev ustreznega institucionalnega ravnovesja.
349 Pravna redakcija
Should the authorities of a Party decide, as a result of an unforseeable change in the state of these fish stocks, to take new conservation measures which, in the opinion of the other Party, have a considerable effect on the fishing activities of that Party's vessels, consultations must be held between the Parties in order to redress the balance referred to in Article 4, account being taken of financial compensation already paid by the Community.
V primeru, če se oblasti ene stranke zaradi nepredvidene spremembe v stanju teh staležev rib odločijo, da bodo sprejele nove ukrepe za ohranjanje, ki imajo po mnenju druge stranke znaten vpliv na ribolovne aktivnosti plovil omenjene stranke, mora priti do posvetovanj strank, da bi ponovno vzpostavili ravnotežje iz člena 4, ob upoštevanju finančne kompenzacije, ki jo je Skupnost že plačala.
350 Pravna redakcija
With regard to transactions on the capital and financial account of balance of payments, from the entry into force of the Agreement, the Parties shall ensure the free movement of capital relating to direct investments made in companies formed in accordance with the laws of the host country and investments made in accordance with the provisions of Chapter II of Title V, and the liquidation or repatriation of these investments and of any profit stemming therefrom.
Glede transakcij na kapitalskem in finančnem računu plačilne bilance pogodbenici z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma zagotovita prost pretok kapitala v zvezi z neposrednimi naložbami v družbe, ustanovljene v skladu z zakonodajo države gostiteljice, in naložbami v skladu z določbami poglavja II naslova IV, kakor tudi likvidacijo ali repatriacijo teh naložb in kakršnega koli dobička, ki iz njih izvira.
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final balance