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health check
301 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0359
compliance with the requirements laid down in Annex IV, part A, Section I, point 1.4 to the said Directive shall have been checked by graders who are trained, qualified and authorized for that purpose under a programme approved and controlled by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, US Department of Agriculture;
skladnost z zahtevami iz Priloge IV, del A, oddelek I, točka 1.4, k tej direktivi preverijo ocenjevalci, ki so za to izurjeni, usposobljeni in pooblaščeni, skladno s programom, ki ga odobri in nadzoruje Inšpekcijska služba za zdravstveno varstvo živali in rastlin, Oddelek za kmetijstvo ZDA;
302 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0140
For the purposes of this Decision, 'on-the-spot checks in the veterinary field` (hereinafter referred to as 'checks`) means auditing and inspection measures necessary to ensure that, without prejudice to the control of the application of existing veterinary legislation, the public and animal health and animal protection guarantees offered by third countries as regards production conditions and placement on the market may be regarded as at least equivalent to those applied in the Community.
V tej odločbi pomenijo "pregledi na kraju samem na področju veterine" (v nadaljevanju "pregledi") nadzorne in inšpekcijske ukrepe, potrebne za zagotovitev, da se brez poseganja v nadzor uporabe obstoječe veterinarske zakonodaje, jamstva v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali in javnozdravstvenim varstvom, ki ga nudijo tretje države glede proizvodnih pogojev in prodaje na trgu, lahko smatra za najmanj enakovredno tistim, ki se uporabljajo v Skupnosti.
303 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0065
Without prejudice to the specific provisions of this Directive, the competent authority shall, where it is suspected that this Directive has not been complied with or there is doubt as to the health of the animals or the quality of the semen, ova and embryos referred to in Article 1, carry out any checks it deems appropriate.
Brez poseganja v posebne določbe te direktive mora pristojni organ pri sumu, da se ne ravna v skladu s to direktivo, ali pri dvomu o zdravju živali ali o kakovosti semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov iz člena 1 opraviti vse potrebne preglede.
304 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0089
in its entirety or on one or more representative samples, including the packaging and, where appropriate, the transport vehicles, the consignment or lot or their wood packing material comply with the requirements laid down in this Directive, as specified in Article 13(1)(i) (plant health checks), and whether Article 16(2) applies.
pošiljka ali partija v celoti ali eden ali več njenih reprezentativnih vzorcev, vključno z embalažo in, če je primerno, transportnim vozilom, ali njihov leseni pakirni material ustrezajo zahtevam, predpisanim v tej direktivi, kot je določeno v členu 13(1)(i) (zdravstveni pregled rastlin), in ali se uporablja člen 16(2).
305 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0127
Point IV of the health certificate laid down in the Annex to the Decision 98/422/EC and accompanying the consignments of fishery products from or originating in Tanzania and caught in the Lake Victoria, must be completed by the following point: "- The official inspector hereby certifies that the fishery products specified above were produced under a system of monitoring checks as laid down in chapter V, point II.3.B of the Annex to the Directive 91/493/EEC, and the results of these checks are satisfactory."
Točko IV zdravstvenega spričevala iz Priloge k Odločbi 98/422/ES, priloženega pošiljkam ribiških proizvodov, ki izhajajo ali so s poreklom iz Tanzanije, ujetih v Viktorijinemu jezeru, je treba dopolniti z naslednjo točko: "- Uradni inšpektor potrjuje, da so bili zgoraj navedeni ribiški proizvodi proizvedeni v okviru sistema spremljanja pregledov iz poglavja V, točke II.3.B Priloge k Direktivi 91/493/EGS in da so rezultati teh pregledov zadovoljivi."
306 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0077
The competent authority shall check that the 'own health` checks provided for in Article 6 of Council Directive 91/493/EEC (3), drawn up and implemented by the person responsible for the establishment authorized in accordance with Decision 94/356/EC, shall apply specifically to the heat treatment defined in the Annex to this Decision.
Pristojni organ preveri, da se "lastni postopki zdravstvenega nadzora" iz člena 6 Direktive Sveta 91/493/EGS [3], ki jih opredeli in izvaja odgovorna oseba za odobreni obrat po Odločbi 94/356/ES, posebej uporabljajo za toplotno obdelavo iz Priloge k tej odločbi.
307 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
Whereas Article 4 of Directive 71/118/EEC (8) requires Member States to ensure that checks are conducted to detect residues of substances having a pharmacological action, their derivatives and other substances which may be transmitted to poultrymeat and which may make the consumption of fresh poultrymeat dangerous or harmful to human health;
ker so po členu 4 Direktive 71/118/EGS [8] države članice dolžne zagotoviti preglede za odkrivanje ostankov snovi s farmakološkim delovanjem, njihovih derivatov ali drugih snovi, ki lahko preidejo v meso perutnine in zaradi katerih bi bilo lahko uživanje svežega perutninskega mesa človeku nevarno ali škodljivo;
308 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0042
The opinions of the Scientific Committee for Plants, in particular advice and recommendations concerning the protection of consumers of food products treated with pesticides, have been taken into account. The methodology described by the World Health Organisation, referred to above, as applied by rapporteur member states, checked and evaluated by the Commission in the framework of the Standing Committee on Plant Health, is in agreement with the guidance given by the Scientific Committee of Plants(15).
Upoštevani so bili nasveti in priporočila Znanstvenega odbora za rastline, zlasti kar zadeva zaščito potrošnikov živil, tretiranih s pesticidi.<0 Zgoraj navedena metodologija, ki jo je opisala Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija, kot jo uporablja država članica poročevalka, in ki jo je preverila in vrednotila Komisija v okviru Stalnega odbora za zdravje rastlin, je v skladu s smernicami Znanstvenega odbora za rastline
309 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0089
the plants, plant products or other objects in the consignment or lot came from a third country for which in or under comprehensive international phytosanitary agreements based on the principle of reciprocal treatment between the Community and a third country, provision for a reduced frequency of identity and plant health checks is mentioned,
rastline, rastlinski proizvodi ali drugi predmeti v pošiljki ali partiji prihajajo iz tretje države, za katero je v ali po krovnih mednarodnih fitosanitarnih sporazumih na podlagi načela recipročne obravnave med Skupnostjo in tretjo državo omenjena določba o zmanjšani pogostosti preverjanja istovetnosti in zdravstvenih pregledov rastlin,
310 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0437
Member States shall ensure that checks are effected to detect any residues of substances having a pharmacological or hormonal action, and of antibiotics, pesticides, detergents and other substances which are harmful or which might alter the organoleptic characteristics of egg products or make their consumption dangerous or harmful to human health.
Države članice zagotovijo, da se opravijo pregledi, s katerimi se odkrije ostanke snovi s farmakološkim ali hormonskim delovanjem, antibiotikov, pesticidov, detergentov in drugih snovi, ki so škodljive ali ki lahko spremenijo organoleptične lastnosti jajčnih proizvodov ali povzročijo, da je njihovo zaužitje nevarno ali škodljivo za zdravje ljudi.
311 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0089
In accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 18(2), certain cases or circumstances may be specified in which 'identity checks' and 'plant health checks' may be carried out at the place of destination, such as a place of production, approved by the official body and customs authorities responsible for the area where that place of destination is located, instead of the aforesaid other places, provided that specific guarantees and documents as regards the transport of plants, plant products and other objects are complied with.
V skladu s postopkom iz člena 18(2) se lahko opredelijo nekateri primeri ali okoliščine, v katerih lahko "preverjanje istovetnosti" ali "zdravstvene preglede rastlin" opravijo na namembnem kraju, kot je kraj proizvodnje, ki ga odobrijo uradni organ in carinski organi, odgovorni za območje, na katerem je namembni kraj, namesto na prej omenjenih drugih krajih, pod pogojem da so izpolnjena posebna jamstva in upoštevani dokumenti v zvezi s prevozom rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov.
312 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0429
be so supervised that a record, file or computer record is kept of all porcine animals at the centre, giving details of the breed, date of birth and identification of each of the animals, and also a record, file or computer record of all checks for diseases and all vaccinations carried out, giving also information from the disease/health file of each animal;
biti nadzorovana tako, da se vodijo evidence, kartoteke ali računalniške datoteke s podatki o vseh prašičih v središču, s podrobnimi podatki o pasmi, datumu rojstva in identifikaciji vsake živali, ter tudi evidence, kartoteke ali računalniške datoteke s podatki o vseh boleznih/zdravstveni kartoteki vsake živali;
313 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0089
'Identity checks' and 'plant health checks' must be made, without prejudice to (c) and (d) below, by the official body of point of entry in connection with the customs formalities required for placing under a customs procedure as referred to in Article 13(1) or Article 13(4), and either at the same place as these formalities, on the premises of the official body of point of entry or at any other place close by and designated or approved by the customs authorities and by the responsible official body, other than the place of destination as specified under (d).
Brez poseganja v (c) in (d) spodaj, mora "preverjanje istovetnosti" in "zdravstvene preglede rastlin"opraviti uradni organ vstopnega mejnega prehoda v povezavi s carinskimi formalnostmi, zahtevanimi za uvedbo carinskega postopka, kot je navedeno v členu 13(1) ali členu 13(4), in sicer na istem mestu kot te formalnosti, v prostorih uradnega organa vstopnega mejnega prehoda ali na katerem koli bližnjem kraju, ki ga določijo ali odobrijo carinski organi in odgovorni uradni organ in ki ni namembni kraj, kot je določeno pod (d).
314 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
If, in the territory of a third country, a disease referred to in Council Directive 82/894/EEC of 21 December 1982 on the notification of animal diseases within the Community (22), a zoonosis or other disease or any other phenomenon or circumstance liable to present a serious threat to animal or public health manifests itself or spreads, or if any other serious animal health or public health reason so warrants, in particular in the light of the findings of its veterinary experts or in the checks carried out in a border inspection post, the Commission shall, acting on its own initiative or at the request of a Member State, adopt one of the following measures without delay, depending on the gravity of the situation:
Če se na ozemlju tretje države, katera od bolezni iz Direktive Sveta 82/894/EGS z dne 21. decembra 1982 o prijavljanju živalskih boleznih v Skupnosti [22], zoonoza ali druga bolezen, ali kateri koli drug pojav ali okoliščina, za katero je verjetno, da lahko resno ogrozi zdravje ljudi in živali, pokaže ali razširi, ali če to zahteva kateri koli drug zdravstveni razlog, zlasti v luči ugotovitev njenih veterinarskih strokovnjakov ali pri pregledih, izvedenih na mejni kontrolni točki, mora Komisija na svojo pobudo ali na zahtevo države članice nemudoma sprejeti enega od naslednjih ukrepov, odvisno od resnosti situacije:
315 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0662
Whereas, however, with regard to certain epizootic diseases, different health situations still prevail in the Member States and whereas, pending a Community approach on the methods to combat these diseases, the question of checking intra-Community trade in livestock should for the time being be left to one side and a documentary check should be permitted during transport;
ker pa v zvezi z nekaterimi epizootskimi boleznimi v državah članicah še vedno prevladuje različno zdravstveno stanje in ker je treba, dokler Skupnost ne pristopi k boju proti tem boleznim, vprašanje nadzora trgovine znotraj Skupnosti z živimi živalmi za zdaj odložiti in dovoliti preverjanje dokumentov med prevozom;
316 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0492
The effectiveness of the faecal indicator bacteria and their numerical limits as well as the other parameters laid down in this Chapter must be kept under constant review and, where scientific evidence proves the need to do so, be revised following the procedure laid down in Article 12 of this Directive. When there is scientific evidence indicating the need to introduce other health checks or to amend the parameters in this Chapter for the purpose of protecting public health, such measures must be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in
Učinkovitost indikatorskih fekalnih bakterij in omejitve njihovega števila ter drugi parametri, določeni v tem poglavju, se nenehno preverjajo in, če znanstveni dokazi potrdijo potrebo, se spremenijo v skladu s postopkom iz člena 12 te direktive.
317 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
Whereas Directive 89/437/EEC (11) requires Member States to ensure that checks are conducted to detect residues of substances having a pharmacological or hormonal action, antibiotics, pesticides, detergents and other substances harmful or likely to alter the organoleptic characteristics of egg products or make the consumption of such products dangerous or harmful to human health;
ker Direktiva 89/437/EGS [11] zahteva, da države članice zagotovijo preglede za odkrivanje ostankov snovi s farmakološkim in hormonskim delovanjem, antibiotikov, pesticidov, detergentov in drugih škodljivih snovi, ki lahko spremenijo organoleptične lastnosti jajčnih izdelkov in zaradi katerih bi bilo uživanje teh izdelkov človeku nevarno ali škodljivo;
318 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0148
I, the undersigned official veterinarian, certify that the fresh meat described above includes meat imported into Switzerland from the following third country(ies)... and/or the following Member States of the European Communities... between the following dates... 19.. and... 19.. of the fresh meat in Switzerland the responsible veterinary authorities of Switzerland carried out the appropriate checks having the same effect as the checks required by the European Communities in similar circumstances to ensure that the fresh meat satisfied the requirements of Directive 72/462/EEC including public health conditions laid down in Article 4 and specific animal health conditions laid down pursuant to Article 16, or of Directive 64/433/EEC and of Article 3 and 4 of Directive 72/461/EEC.
Podpisani uradni veterinar potrjujem, da zgoraj opisano sveže meso, vključuje meso, uvoženo v Švico iz naslednjih tretjih držav... in/ali naslednjih držav članic Evropskih skupnosti... v času od... 19.. do... 19 Po uvozu tega svežega mesa v Švico so pristojni veterinarski organi Švice opravili ustrezne preglede z istim učinkom kot pregledi, ki jih zahteva Evropska skupnost v podobnih okoliščinah. S tem je potrjeno, da je sveže meso izpolnjevalo zahteve Direktive 72/462/EGS, vključno z javnozdravstvenimi pogoji iz člena 4 ter posebnimi pogoji zdravstvenega varstva živali iz člena 16, pa tudi zahteve Direktive 64/433/EGS ter členov 3 in 4 Direktive 72/461/EGS.
319 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0090
come from (an) establishment(s) having an individual facility for water treatment by chlorination, providing the supply of drinking water within the meaning of Directive EEC, and the owner of which is requested to carry out a daily check of the residual chlorine level, and to have carried out, in an official laboratory of the Ministry of Health, monthly checks in respect of the microbiological parameters;
prihajajo iz obrata(-ov) z individualnim(-i) obratom(-i) za kloriranje vode, ki zagotavlja(-jo) oskrbo s pitno vodo v smislu Direktive EGS, in lastnik obrata(-ov) mora izvajati dnevne preglede ravni ostanka klora in je moral izvajati, v uradnem laboratoriju Ministrstva za zdravje, mesečne preglede v skladu z mikrobiološkimi parametri;
320 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0024
Whereas, to supplement the information available to workers so as to ensure an improved level of protection, it is necessary for workers and their representatives to be informed about the risks which chemical agents can pose for their safety and health and about the measures necessary to reduce or eliminate those risks, and for them to be in a position to check that the necessary protective measures are taken;
ker je za boljšo obveščenost delavcev, ki zagotavlja višjo raven varovanja, delavce in njihove predstavnike treba obveščati o tveganju, ki ga za varnost in zdravje lahko predstavljajo kemične snovi, in o ukrepih, ki so potrebni za zmanjšanje ali odpravo tega tveganja, ter jim omogočiti, da preverijo, ali so bili potrebni varnostni ukrepi izvedeni;
321 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0022
Member States shall ensure that the plant health checks referred to in Article 12(6), fourth subparagraph of Directive 77/93/EEC, of plants, plant products or other objects listed in Annex V, part B of the said Directive and coming from third countries, and carried out at inspection posts other than those at the place of destination, satisfy at least the minimum conditions laid down in the Annex to this Directive.
Države članice zagotovijo, da zdravstveni pregledi rastlin iz četrtega pododstavka člena 12(6) Direktive 77/93/EGS in sicer tistih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov iz dela B Priloge V omenjene direktive, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav in za katere se zdravstveni pregled izvaja na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki niso v kraju destinacije, zadosti najmanj minimalnim pogojem, ki so določeni v Prilogi k tej direktivi.
322 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0065
Where the competent authority finds, in the course of checks carried out in accordance with Chapter V of Annex I, that there is repeated non-compliance during self-monitoring with the criteria laid down in Annexes II and IV, it shall intensify the measures for monitoring the production of the establishment in question, and may seize the labels and other items bearing the health mark referred to in Chapter VI of Annex I.
Če pristojni organ pri pregledu, ki ga opravi v skladu s poglavjem V Priloge I, ugotovi ponovno neupoštevanje kriterijev iz Prilog II in IV pri izvajanju samospremljanja, poostri ukrepe za nadzor proizvodnje zadevnega obrata in lahko zaseže etikete in druge predmete z oznako zdravstvene ustreznosti iz poglavja VI Priloge I.
323 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0496
the check referred to in Article 4 shows to the satisfaction of the veterinarian, if applicable after the animals have passed through a quarantine centre, that the animals fulfil the requirements of this Directive or, in the case of animals referred to in Annex A to Directive 90/425/EEC, afford health guarantees recognized in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 23 as being at least equivalent to those requirements;
pregled iz člena 4, uradnemu veterinarju dokaže, če se to še upošteva po tem, ko so živali prečkale karantenski center, da živali izpolnjujejo zahteve te direktive, ali da imajo živali iz Priloge A k Direktivi 90/425/EGS zdravstvena jamstva, priznana v skladu s postopkom, določenim v členu 23, ki so najmanj enakovredna tem zahtevam;
324 Prevajalska redakcija
Product information (Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) and Package Leaflet) Healthcare professional information regarding Volibris Pre-prescription checklist for physicians Information about the post marketing surveillance study Information booklets for patients Information booklets for male partners of female patients with childbearing potential Patient reminder cards Pregnancy reporting forms Adverse drug reaction reporting forms
podatke o študiji spremljanja zdravila po pridobitvi dovoljenja za promet informacijske brošure za bolnike informacijske brošure za moške partnerje bolnic v rodni dobi opozorilne kartončke za bolnika obrazce za poročanje o nosečnosti obrazce za poročanje o neželenih učinkih zdravila
325 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
by withdrawal of a border inspection post, where it is found not to be complying with the conditions laid down in Annex II, either during a check carried out by the competent authority or if, following the inspections provided for in Article 23, the Member State does not take account of the conclusions of this inspection within a reasonable time especially in cases where the inspections have resulted in a serious public or animal health risk.
z ukinitvijo mejne kontrolne točke, če se ugotovi, da ni v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v Prilogi II, bodisi med pregledom, ki ga izvede pristojni organ, ali če po pregledu, predvidenem v členu 23, država članica ne upošteva sklepov takšnega pregleda v razumnem času, zlasti v primerih, ko so pregledi pokazali resno tveganje za zdravje ljudi in živali.
326 Prevajalska redakcija
• Product information (Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) and Package Leaflet) • Healthcare professional information regarding Volibris • Pre-prescription checklist for physicians • Information about the post marketing surveillance study • Information booklets for patients • Information booklets for male partners of female patients with child-bearing potential • Patient reminder cards �� Pregnancy reporting forms • Adverse drug reaction reporting forms
• podatke o zdravilu (Povzetek glavnih značilnosti zdravila (SmPC) in Navodilo za uporabo) • - podatke o zdravilu Volibris za zdravstvene delavce • - kontrolni seznam za zdravnika • - podatke o študiji postmarketinškega nadzora • - informacijske brošure za bolnike • - informacijske brošure za moške partnerje bolnic v rodni dobi • - opozorilne kartončke za bolnika • - obrazce za poročanje o nosečnosti • -- obrazce za poročanje o neželenih učinkih zdravila
327 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0339
Whereas, in particular, if the customs authorities find, when carrying out checks in connection with releases for free circulation, that goods display certain characteristics which would give rise to a serious doubt as to the existence of a serious and immediate risk to health and safety, these authorities must be in a position to suspend the release of those goods and to inform the national authorities responsible for monitoring the market so that the latter may take suitable action;
ker morajo imeti carinski organi v primeru, če pri pregledu za sprostitev v prosti promet ugotovijo, da imajo proizvodi značilnosti, na podlagi katerih lahko sklepajo, da gre za resno in neposredno nevarnost za zdravje in varnost, preprečiti sprostitev tega blaga in obvestiti državne organe, pristojne za nadzor trga, tako da lahko ti sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe;
328 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 29, derogations may be granted from the provisions of Article 6(1)(b) and, as regards the staff responsible for carrying out the checks and for issuing certificates, from those of Article 4(1) and Article 5(1) for border inspection posts where fish are presented in accordance with Council Directive 91/493/EEC of 22 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of fishery products (21).
V skladu s postopkom, določenim v členu 29, se lahko odobrijo odstopanja od določb člena 6(1)(b), in glede osebja, odgovornega za opravljanje pregledov in izdajanje spričeval, od določb člena 4(1) in člena 5(1) za mejne kontrolne točke, na katere prispejo ribe v skladu z Direktivo Sveta 91/493/EGS z dne 22. julija 1991 o zdravstvenih predpisih za proizvodnjo in dajanje na trg ribiških proizvodov [21].
329 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0045
For the purposes of this Directive the definitions in Article 2 of Directive 89/662/EEC and Directive 90/425/EEC of 26 June 1990 concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in intra-Community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (7), and the definition of fresh meat in Article 2 (b) of Council Directive 64/433/EEC of 26 June 1964 on health problems affecting intra-Community trade in fresh meat (8), shall apply as necessary.
Za namene te direktive se po potrebi uporabljajo opredelitve iz člena 2 Direktive 89/662/EGS in Direktive 90/425/EGS z dne 26. junija 1990 o veterinarskih in zootehničnih pregledih, ki se zaradi vzpostavitve notranjega trga izvajajo v trgovini znotraj Skupnosti z nekaterimi živimi živalmi in proizvodi [7], in opredelitve svežega mesa v členu 2(b) Direktive Sveta 64/433/EGS z dne 26. junija 1964 o zdravstvenih problemih, ki vplivajo na trgovino med državami članicami Evropske skupnosti s svežim mesom [8].
330 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0050
For ovine and caprine animals for fattening and breeding dispatched to another Member State from an approved assembly centre located in the Member State of origin, the health certificate referred to in paragraph 1, conforming to either model II or III set out in Annex E as appropriate, may only be issued on the basis of the checks provided for in paragraph 3 and of an official document containing the necessary information completed by the official veterinarian responsible for the holding of origin.
Za ovce in koze za pitanje in plemenske ovce in koze, ki se pošljejo v drugo državo članico z odobrenega zbirališča v državi članici izvora, se zdravstveno spričevalo iz odstavka 1 in ki ustreza pripadajočemu vzorcu II ali III v Prilogi E, lahko izda na podlagi pregledov, predvidenih v odstavku 3, in na podlagi uradnega dokumenta, ki vsebuje vse potrebne podatke uradnega veterinarja, odgovornega za gospodarstvo izvora.
331 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0065
Whereas, to maintain the health situation in the Community, when the animals and products of animal origin referred to in this Directive are placed on the market, they should be made subject to the minimum requirements laid down for trade and compliance therewith monitored in accordance with the principles and rules laid down in Council Directive 90/675/EEC of 10 December 1990 laying down the principles governing the organization of veterinary checks on products entering the Community from third countries (8);
ker je za ohranjanje zdravstvene situacije v Skupnosti pri dajanju živali in proizvodov živalskega izvora iz te direktive na trg, treba zanje zagotoviti uporabo minimalnih zahtev, določenih za trgovino ter skladnost z njimi nadzorovati v skladu z načeli in predpisi, določenimi v Direktivi Sveta 90/675/EGS z dne 10. decembra 1990 o določitvi načel, ki urejajo organizacijo veterinarskih pregledov na proizvodih, ki vstopajo v Skupnost iz tretjih držav [8];
332 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2648
Whereas, in order to permit better management of imports of calves outside the quotas, it should be laid down that for all calves weighing not more than 300 kilograms included in the import licence the country of provenance must be indicated in box 7 and in box 8 the country of origin, which must correspond to the exporting country on the 'animal health certificate` specified in the Annex to the abovementioned decisions, and it should also be checked that, at the time of entry into free circulation, the country of origin indicated on the import licence conforms with the exporting country specified on the original or the copy of the animal health certificate and, where any discrepancy is found between these two countries, entry into free circulation should be refused;
ker naj se zaradi možnosti boljšega upravljanja uvoza telet zunaj kvot določi, da je treba za vsa teleta do 300 kilogramov, vključena v uvozno dovoljenje, v okencu 7 navesti državo izvora, v okencu 8 pa državo porekla, ki se mora ujemati z državo izvoznico na "Zdravstvenem spričevalu za živali" iz priloge k zgoraj navedenim odločbam, ter tudi preveriti, da se ob vstopu v prosti promet država porekla ujema z državo izvoznico, navedeno v izvirniku ali dvojniku zdravstvenega spričevala za živali, in da se, kadar se ugotovi kakršna koli razlika med tema državama, zavrne vstop v prosti promet;
333 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0050
For ovine and caprine animals for slaughter dispatched to another Member State from an approved assembly centre or from an approved dealer's premises located in the Member State of origin, the health certificate referred to in paragraph 1, conforming to model I set out in Annex E, may only be issued on the basis of the checks provided for in paragraph 3 and of an official document containing the necessary information completed by the official veterinarian responsible for the holding of origin or the assembly centre referred to in Article 4c(3)(a)(i).
Za ovce in koze za zakol, ki se pošljejo v drugo državo članico z odobrenega zbirališča ali iz odobrenega gospodarstva trgovca v državi članici izvora, se zdravstveno spričevalo iz odstavka 1 in ki ustreza pripadajočemu vzorcu I v Prilogi E, lahko izda samo na podlagi pregledov, predvidenih v odstavku 3, in na podlagi uradnega dokumenta, ki vsebuje vse potrebne podatke uradnega veterinarja, odgovornega za gospodarstvo izvora ali zbirališče iz člena 4c(3)(a)(i).
334 Prevajalska redakcija
• drug distribution will only be possible after checking that the patient has effectively received a meningococcal vaccination with a written confirmation • prior to distribution, all health care professionals are provided with information on the following key safety concerns: o Headache o Infusion reaction o Neisseria and general infection o Risk of serious haemolysis following eculizumab discontinuation and proposed management o Pregnancy and need of adequate contraception in women of childbearing potential o Immunogenicity o Renal and hepatic impairment.
bo predpisovanje zdravila možno le po preverjanju, da je bolnik dejansko prejel • meningokokno cepljenje s pisnim potrdilom, so pred predpisovanjem zdravila vsi zdravstveni delavci obveščeni o naslednjih ključnih • varnostnih vidikih: glavobol o reakcija na infuzijo o Neisseria in splošna okužba o tveganje za resno hemolizo po prekinitvi jemanja ekulizumaba in predlagana terapija o nosečnost in potreba po ustrezni kontracepciji pri ženskah v rodni dobi o imunogenost o okvara ledvic in jeter. o
335 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0774
Whereas all pure-bred breeding animals entering the Community are checked for veterinary and zootechnical reasons at the first point of entry, according to Council Directive 91/496/EEC (5), as last amended by Directive 96/43/EC (6), and when these animals are put into free circulation in a customs office other than the first point of entry, it is necessary that an authenticated copy of the health certificate, since the original will be kept at the first point of entry, and a certificate drawn up in conformity with Commission Decision 92/527/EEC (7), shall accompany the animal;
ker se vse čistopasemske plemenske živali, ki vstopajo v Skupnost, pregledajo iz veterinarskih in zootehniških razlogov na prvi točki vstopa v skladu z Direktivo Sveta 91/496/EGS5, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo 96/43/ES6, kadar pa se te živali dajo v prosti promet iz carinskega urada, ki ni prva točka vstopa, morata žival spremljati overjena kopija zdravstvenega spričevala, ker se izvirnik zadrži na prvi točki vstopa, in potrdilo, sestavljeno v skladu z Odločbo Komisije 92/527/EGS7;
336 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0541
It is necessary to lay down the conditions under which registered horses may be transported without compromising the health status of those animals during the journey by sea from the port of Cape Town situated in the free zone to a harbour in the European Union approved as border inspection post in accordance with Council Directive 91/496/EEC of 15 July 1991 laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on animals entering the Community from third countries and amending Directives 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC and 90/675/EEC(9), as last amended by Directive 96/43/EC(10).
Treba je določiti pogoje, pod katerimi se registrirani konji lahko prevažajo, ne da bi se ogrozilo zdravstveno stanje navedenih živali med potovanjem po morju od pristanišča v Cape Townu v prostem območju do pristanišča v Evropski uniji, odobrenega kot mejna kontrolna točka v skladu z Direktivo Sveta 91/496/EGS z dne 15. julija 1991 o določitvi načel o organizaciji veterinarskih pregledov živali, ki vstopajo v Skupnost iz tretjih držav, in o spremembi direktiv 89/662/EGS, 90/425/EGS ter 90/675/EGS [9], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo 96/43/ES [10].
337 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2233
In accordance with Article 3 of Council Directive 72/462/EEC of 12 December 1972 on health and veterinary inspection problems upon importation of bovine animals and swine and fresh meat from third countries(7), and with Council Directive 91/496/EEC of 15 July 1991 laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on animals entering the Community from third countries and amending Directives 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC and 90/675/EEC(8), imports may be authorised only for products meeting the requirements of the veterinary rules and certification currently in force in the Community.
Skladno s členom 3 Direktive Sveta 72/462/EGS z dne 12. decembra 1972 o problemih glede zdravstvenih in veterinarskih pregledov ob uvozu goveda in prašičev ter svežega mesa iz tretjih držav [7] in skladno z Direktivo Sveta 91/496/EGS z dne 15. julija 1991 o načelih za organizacijo veterinarskih pregledov živali pri vstopu v Skupnost iz tretjih držav in o spremembi direktiv 89/662/EGS, 90/425/EGS ter 90/675/EGS [8], se lahko dovoli le uvoz proizvodov, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve glede veljavnih veterinarskih pravil in certificiranja v Skupnosti.
338 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998D0139
Whereas, in the framework of the on-the-spot checks provided for in Article 12 of Directive 64/433/EEC and in Article 10 of Council Directive 71/118/EEC of 15 February 1971 on health problems affecting the production and placing on the market of fresh poultrymeat (3), as last amended by Directive 96/23/EC (4), the Commission may, without warning, verify the application of the provisions of Council Directive 85/73/EEC of 29 January 1985 on the financing of veterinary inspections and controls covered by Directives 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC, 90/675/EEC and 91/496/EEC (5), as last amended by Directive 96/43/EC (6);
ker se v okviru pregledov na kraju samem, predvidenih v členu 12 Direktive 64/433/EGS in členu 10 Direktive Sveta 71/118/EGS z dne 15. februarja 1971 o zdravstvenih problemih, ki vplivajo na proizvodnjo in dajanje na trg svežega mesa perutnine [3], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo 96/23/ES [4], lahko Komisija, brez opozorila, potrdi uporabo določb Direktive Sveta 85/73/EGS z dne 29.1.januarja 1985 o financiranju veterinarskih pregledov in nadzora, ki ga opredeljujejo direktive 89/662/EGS, 90/425/EGS, 90/675/EGS in 91/496/EGS [5], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo 96/43/ES [6];
339 Prevod
develop cooperation on animal and plant health, agrifood health (in particular ionization) including veterinary legislation and inspection, vegetal and phytosanitary legislation with the aim of bringing about gradual harmonization with Community standards through assistance for training and the organization of checks,
razvijanje sodelovanja na področju zdravstvenega varstva živali in rastlin, zdravstvenega varstva kmetijskih živil (zlasti ionizacije), vključno z veterinarsko zakonodajo in inšpekcijo ter zakonodajo na področju rastlin in fitosanitarnem področju, z namenom, da se omogoči postopna uskladitev s standardi Skupnosti, in sicer s podporo usposabljanju in izvajanjem pregledov,
340 Prevod
CELEX: 32002D0079
The Competent Authorities in each Member State shall ensure that imported peanuts originating in or consigned from China are subject to documentary checks to ensure that the requirement for the health certificate and sampling results referred to in paragraph 1 are complied with.
Pristojni organi v vsaki državi članici zagotovijo, da se za uvožene arašide s poreklom ali poslanih iz Kitajske preverjajo dokumenti, da se zagotovi, da je izpolnjena zahteva po zdravstvenem spričevalu in rezultatih vzorčenja iz odstavka 1.
341 Prevod
CELEX: 32002D0080
The competent authorities in each Member State shall ensure that imported dried figs, hazelnuts and pistachios, as mentioned in paragraph 1, originating in or consigned from Turkey are subject to documentary checks to ensure that the requirement for the health certificate and sampling results referred to in paragraph 1 are complied with.
Pristojni organi v vsaki državi članici zagotovijo, da se za uvožene posušene fige, lešnike in pistacije, kot je navedeno v odstavku 1, s poreklom ali poslanih iz Turčije preverjajo dokumenti, da se zagotovi, da je izpolnjena zahteva po zdravstvenem spričevalu in rezultatih vzorčenja iz odstavka 1.
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health check