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301 Prevajalska redakcija
A special case exists where sales by the joint venture to its parent are caused by a legal monopoly downstream of the joint venture (Case IV/M.468 - Siemens/Italtel of 17 February 1995 (paragraph 12), or where the sales to a parent company consist of by-products, which are of minor importance to the joint venture (Case IV/M.550 - Union Carbide/Enichem of 13 March 1995 (paragraph 14).
Obstaja posebena Zadeva, v kateri je prodaja skupnega podjetja matični družbi posledica pravno dopustnega monopola v proizvodni verigi skupnega podjetja (Zadeva IV/M.468 - Siemens/Italtel, z dne 17. februarja 1995 (odstavek 12), ali ko prodajo matični družbi predstavljajo stranski proizvodi, ki za skupno podjetje nimajo bistvenega pomena (Zadeva IV/M.550 - Union Carbide/Enichem, z dne 13. marca 1995 (odstavek 14).
302 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Use an appropriate volume of the filtered supernatant to fill a fill-and-draw activated sludge vessel and aerate the liquid for about 23 1/2 h. Thirty minutes after stopping aeration, discard about one third of the whole volume of supernatant and add an equal volume of a solution (pH 7) containing 0,1 % each of glucose, peptone and monopotassium ortho phosphate, to the settled material and recommence aeration.
Z ustreznim volumnom filtriranega supernatanta napolnimo posode za obdelavo aktivnega blata po sistemu polni-prazni in tekočino prezračujemo približno 23 1/2 h. Trideset minut po ustavitvi prezračevanja zavržemo približno eno tretjino celotnega volumna supernatanta ter preostanku dodamo enak volumen raztopine (pH 7), ki vsebuje po 0,1 % glukoze, peptona in monokalijevega ortofosfata, in nadaljujemo s prezračevanjem.
303 Prevajalska redakcija
The Member States and the Palestinian Authority shall progressively adjust, without prejudice to their commitments to the GATT where appropriate, any State monopolies of a commercial character, so as to ensure that, by 31 December 2001, no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed exists between nationals of the Member States and the Palestinian people of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Države članice in Palestinska uprava postopoma odpravijo, brez poseganja v njihove obveznosti iz GATT, kadar je to primerno, vse gospodarske monopole, da bi do 31. decembra 2001 zagotovile, da med državljani držav članic ter palestinskim ljudstvom Zahodnega brega in Gaze glede pogojev za proizvodnjo in trženje blaga ne bo obstajala nikakršna diskriminacija.
304 Prevajalska redakcija
The obligation to provide non-discriminatory access to the public postal network does not mean that Member States ar required to ensure access for items of correspondence from its territory, which were conveyed by commercial companies to another State, in breach of a postal monopoly, to be introduced in the public postal network via a postal operator of that other State, for the sole purpose of taking advantage of lower postal tariffs.
Obveznost zagotavljanja nediskriminacijskega dostopa do javnega poštnega omrežja ne pomeni, da morajo države članice zagotoviti dostop do javnega poštnega omrežja za pošiljke korespondence s svojega ozemlja, ki jih prenašajo gospodarske družbe v druge države v nasprotju s poštnim monopolom, preko poštnega operaterja navedene druge države, izključno za namen izkoriščanja nižjih poštnih tarif.
305 Prevajalska redakcija
'A dominant undertaking has no interest in applying such prices except that of eliminating competitors so as to enable it subsequently to raise its prices by taking advantage of its monopolistic position, since each sale generates a loss, namely the total amount of the fixed costs (that is to say, those which remain constant regardless of the quantities produced) and, at least, part of the variable costs relating to the unit produced.`
in je pojasnilo argumente za to pravilo, ki so naslednji: "Prevladujoči operater nima interesa uporabljati takšnih cen, razen interesa, da izloči konkurente, da bi pozneje lahko dvignil svoje cene, ko bo izkoristil svoj monopolni položaj, kajti vsaka prodaja proizvede izgubo, namreč fiksnih stroškov v celoti (torej tistih, ki so stalni, ne glede na proizvedene količine) in del variabilnih stroškov, vezanih na proizvedeno enoto."
306 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
However, one Chinese exporting producer argued during the course of a hearing that imports from the PRC are not a cause of injury, because the Community industry enjoyed a near-monopoly situation before sodium cyclamate was exported from the PRC and Indonesia, the prices from the PRC increased during the period considered, the sales of the Community industry have not decreased during the same period and the Community industry maintained its dominant market share.
Vendar je eden od kitajskih proizvajalcev - izvoznikov med zaslišanjem dokazoval, da uvoz iz Ljudske republike Kitajske ni vzrok škode, ker je imela industrija Skupnosti skoraj monopolni položaj preden je bil natrijev ciklamat izvožen iz Ljudske republike Kitajske in Indonezije, v obravnavanem obdobju so se cene iz Ljudske republike Kitajske povišale, prodaja industrije Skupnosti se v istem obdobju ni zmanjšala in industrija Skupnosti je ohranila svoj prevladujoči tržni delež.
307 Prevajalska redakcija
These will generally be horizontal restrictions such as price cartels and market-sharing quotas, or other practices which jeopardize the proper functioning of the single market, such as the partitioning of national markets and clear-cut abuse of a dominant position by undertakings holding a virtual monopoly (see Decisions 91/297/EEC, 91/298/EEC, 91/299/EEC, 91/300/EEC and 91/301/EEC (1) - Soda Ash, 94/815/EC (2) - Cement, 94/601/EC (3) - Cartonboard, 92/163/EC (4) - Tetra Pak, and 94/215/ECSC (5) - Steel beams).
Te bodo navadno horizontalne omejitve, kot so cenovni karteli in kvote o delitvah trga ali druga ravnanja, ki ogrožajo pravilno delovanje enotnega trga, kot je porazdelitev domačih trgov in povsem jasna zloraba prevladujočega položaja podjetij, ki imajo dejanski monopol (glej odločbe 91/297/EGS, 91/298/EGS, 91/299/EGS, 91/300/EGS in 91/301/EGS [1] - Soda Ash, 94/815/ES [2] - cement, 94/601/ES [3] - kartonske plošče, 92/163/EC [4] - Tetra Pak in 94/215/ESPJ [5] - jekleni tramovi).
308 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3385
Subsequently, a preliminary draft decision has to be submitted to and discussed with the Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions composed of officials of the competent authorities of the Member States in the matter of restrictive practices and monopolies (Article 10 of Regulation No 17) and attended, where the case falls within the EEA Agreement, by representatives of the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the EFTA States which will already have received a copy of the application or notification.
Nato je treba predložiti predhodni osnutek odločbe v obravnavo Svetovalnemu odboru za omejevalna ravnanja in prevladujoče položaje, ki ga sestavljajo uradniki organov držav članic, pristojnih za omejevalne poslovne običaje in monopole (člen 10 Uredbe št. 17), prisostvujejo pa mu, če primer spada v Sporazum o EGP, predstavniki Nadzornega organa Efte in držav Efte, ki so že prejeli kopijo vloge ali priglasitve.
309 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0046
The existence of exclusive rights has the effect of restricting the free movement of such equipment either as regards the importation and marketing of telecommunications equipment (including satellite equipment), because certain products are not marketed, or as regards the connection, bringing into service or maintenance because, taking into account the characteristics of the market and in particular the diversity and technical nature of the products, a monopoly has no incentive to provide these services in relation to products which it has not marketed or imported, nor to align its prices on costs, since there is no threat of competition from new entrants.
Obstoj izključnih pravic povzroča omejevanje prostega pretoka take opreme bodisi pri uvozu in trženju telekomunikacijske opreme (vključno s satelitsko opremo), ker se nekateri proizvodi ne tržijo, bodisi pri priključitvi, spuščanju v obratovanje ali vzdrževanju, ker ob upoštevanju značilnosti trga, zlasti pa raznolikosti in tehnične narave proizvodov, monopol nima spodbude, niti da bi te storitve zagotavljal za proizvode, ki jih ni tržil ali uvažal, niti da bi svoje cene prilagodil stroškom, saj ne grozi konkurenca novih udeležencev na trgu.
310 Prevajalska redakcija
It shall also ensure the maintenance of the principles laid down in this part with regard to the exclusion of claims or exercise of sovereignty over any part of the area, the rights of States and their general conduct in relation to the area, and their participation in activities in the area in conformity with this Convention, the prevention of monopolisation of activities in the area, the use of the area exclusively for peaceful purposes, economic aspects of activities in the area, marine scientific research, transfer of technology, protection of the marine environment, protection of human life, rights of coastal States, the legal status of the waters superjacent to the area and that of the air space above those waters and accommodation between activities in the area and other activities in the marine environment.
Konferenca zagotavlja tudi ohranjanje načel iz tega dela, ki se nanašajo na prepoved postavljanja zahtev ali na izvajanje suverenosti nad deli Cone, na pravice držav in njihovo splošno ravnanje glede Cone ter njihovo sodelovanje pri dejavnostih v Coni v skladu s to konvencijo, na preprečevanje monopoliziranja dejavnosti v Coni, uporabo Cone izključno v miroljubne namene, na gospodarske vidike dejavnosti v Coni, znanstveno raziskovanje morja, prenos tehnologije, varovanje morskega okolja, varstvo človeškega življenja, na pravice obalnih držav, pravni položaj voda nad Cono in zračnega prostora nad temi vodami ter na usklajevanje dejavnosti v Coni in druge dejavnosti v morskem okolju.
311 Prevod
Protocol 8 on State monopolies
Protokol 8 o državnih monopolih
312 Prevod
State monopolies of a commercial character,
državne monopole tržne narave,
313 Prevod
by the Governments of Liechtenstein and Switzerland on alcohol monopolies
314 Prevod
by the Governments of Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden on alcohol monopolies
315 Prevod
Declaration by the Governments of Liechtenstein and Switzerland on alcohol monopolies;
Izjavo vlad Lihtenštajna in Švice o alkoholnih monopolih;
316 Prevod
Declaration by the Governments of Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden on alcohol monopolies;
Izjavo vlad Finske, Islandije, Norveške in Švedske o alkoholnih monopolih;
317 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
to bodies with a de jure or de facto monopoly, duly substantiated in the Commission's award decision;
organom, ki imajo de jure ali de facto monopol, ki je primerno utemeljen v sklepu o dodelitvi dotacije Komisije;
318 Prevod
the Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Monopolies in the Transport Industry (Council Regulation (EEC) No 1017/68);
Svetovalni odbor za omejevalna ravnanja in monopole na področju prometa (Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 1017/68);
319 Prevod
limitations on the number of services suppliers whether in the form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers or the requirements of an economic needs test;
omejitve glede števila izvajalcev storitev v obliki številčnih kvot, monopolov, izključnih izvajalcev storitev ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb;
320 Prevod
limitations on the number of financial services suppliers whether in the form of numerical quotas, monopolies, exclusive service suppliers or the requirements of an economic needs test;
omejitve glede števila izvajalcev finančnih storitev v obliki številčnih kvot, monopolov, izključnih izvajalcev storitev ali zahteve po preverjanju gospodarskih potreb;
321 Prevod
In all Member States (1) services considered as public utilities at a national or local level may be subject to public monopolies or to exclusive rights granted to private operators (2).
Storitve, ki se v vseh državah članicah (1) obravnavajo kot javne službe na nacionalni ali lokalni ravni, so lahko predmet javnih monopolov ali koncesij, ki se dodeljujejo zasebnim izvajalcem, kot je to določeno v specifičnih obvezah po sektorjih (2).
322 Prevod
In the case of State monopolies of a commercial character, the Parties declare their readiness, as from the third year from the date of entry into force of the Agreement on Partnership and
V primeru državnih monopolov tržne narave pogodbenici izjavljata, da sta pripravljeni od tretjega leta po uveljavitvi Sporazuma o partnerstvu in
323 Prevod
In all EC Member States (1) services considered as public utilities at a national or local level may be subject to public monopolies or to exclusive rights granted to private operators (2).
Storitve, ki se v vseh državah članicah ES (1) obravnavajo kot javne službe na nacionalni ali lokalni ravni, so lahko predmet javnih monopolov ali koncesij, ki se dodeljujejo zasebnim izvajalcem, kot je to določeno v specifičnih obvezah po sektorjih (2).
324 Prevod
Without prejudice to the obligations arising under the Agreement, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden recall that their alcohol monopolies are based on important health and social policy considerations.
Brez vpliva na obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz Sporazuma, Finska, Islandija, Norveška in Švedska opozarjajo, da njihovi alkoholni monopoli temeljijo na pomembnih vidikih zdravstvene in socialne politike.
325 Prevod
Without prejudice to the obligations arising under the Agreement, Switzerland and Liechtenstein declare that their alcohol monopolies are based on important agricultural, health and social policy considerations.
Brez vpliva na obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz Sporazuma, Švica in Lihtenštajn izjavljata, da njuna alkoholna monopola temeljita na pomembnih vidikih kmetijske, zdravstvene in socialne politike.
326 Prevod
in the case of State monopolies of a commercial character, the Parties declare their readiness, as from the fourth year from the date of entry into force of their Agreement, to ensure that there is no discrimination between nationals of the Parties regarding the conditions under which goods are procured or marketed;
za državne monopole trgovinskega značaja pogodbenici izražata svojo pripravljenost, da od četrtega leta po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma zagotovita odpravo vsakršne diskriminacije glede pogojev naročanja in trženja blaga med državljani pogodbenic;
327 Prevod
The Member States and Bulgaria shall progressively adjust any State monopolies of a commercial character so as to ensure that, by the end of the fifth year following the entry into force of this Agreement, no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed exists between nationals of the Member States and of Bulgaria.
Države članice in Bolgarija postopoma prilagodijo vse državne monopole komercialnega značaja, da bi do konca petega leta po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma zagotovile, da med državljani držav članic in Bolgarije ni nobene diskriminacije glede pogojev, pod katerimi se blago nabavlja in trži.
328 Prevod
None, except that under Decreto Supremo N°5037 of 4 November 1960 of the Ministerio del Interior (Ministry of Internal Affairs) and Decreto con Fuerza de Ley N°10 of 30 January 1982 of the Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (Ministry of Transports and Telecommunications) or its successors, the State of Chile may exercise, through the Empresa de Correos de Chile, a monopoly on the admission, transport and delivery of postal items (objetos de correspondencia).
Ni omejitev, razen da lahko po Decreto Supremo N°5037 z dne 4. novembra 1960, ki ga je izdal Ministerio del Interior (Ministrszvo za notranje zadeve) in Decreto con Fuerza de Ley N°10 z dne 30. januarja 1982, ki ga je izdal Ministerio de Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (Ministrstvo za promet in telekomunikacije) ali njegovi nasledniki, Država Čile z Empresa de Correos de Chile, izvaja monopol pri sprejemanju, prevozu in dostavi poštnih pošiljk (objetos de correspondencia).
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