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time interval
301 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0812
In the circumstances referred to in Article 6.2 (b) of Directive 97/78/EC the reasonable time intervals for Member States to comply with the recommendations made pursuant to inspection reports, before the Commission withdraws the border inspection post from the list in full or in part, in the latter case with regard to the product categories and/or inspection centres concerned by the recommendations, will be as follows, taken from the date of receipt of the final report in the language of the Member State:
V okoliščinah, navedenih v členu 6.2 (b) Direktive 97/78/ES, so razumni časovni razmaki za države članice, da izpolnijo priporočila, pripravljena na podlagi poročil o pregledih, preden Komisija v popolnosti ali delno črta mejno kontrolno točko s seznama, v zadnjem primeru v zvezi z zadevnimi kategorijami proizvodov in/ali kontrolnimi centri glede na priporočila, kjer se upošteva rok od datuma prejema končnega poročila v jeziku države članice, naslednji:
302 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0822
With the aim of respecting the deadline for replying to the Codex Circular Letters, the Commission shall send, at regular intervals not exceeding two months, to the Member States a table listing, separately, all outstanding, announced and anticipated Circular Letters, identifying those Circular Letters for which it intends to prepare a draft common reply on behalf of the Community and the time frame in which this will be done and giving as far as possible its opinion on the competence status for each of them.
Da bi se lahko držala rokov za odgovor na okrožnice Codex Alimentarius, pošlje Komisija v rednih časovnih razmakih, ki niso daljši od dveh mesecev, državam članicam tabelo, v kateri so ločeno navedene vse pričakovane, napovedane in predvidene okrožnice, v kateri so opredeljene tiste okrožnice, za katere namerava pripraviti osnutek skupnega odgovora v imenu Skupnosti, in časovno obdobje, v katerem bo to storjeno, ter, kolikor je to mogoče, svoje mnenje o pristojnosti za vsako od njih.
303 Prevod
Meetings of the Parties to this Agreement shall be held at regular intervals or at any time when, owing to special circumstances, it shall be decided to do so pursuant to the rules of procedure.
Zasedanja pogodbenic tega sporazuma se skliče v rednih časovnih presledkih ali kadarkoli se tako sklene zaradi posebnih okoliščin v skladu s poslovnikom.
304 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If under the decree for execution the debtor is ordered to make periodic payments which fall due in time intervals, the agency for money transfers shall execute such payments without the creditor having to file any other application for execution.
Če naloži sodišče s sklepom o izvršbi dolžniku plačevanje občasnih dajatev, ki zapadejo v določenih časovnih presledkih, plačuje organizacija za plačilni promet te dajatve brez ponovne zahteve po njihovi zapadlosti.
305 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If under a decree for execution a debtor is ordered to make periodic payments which fall due in time intervals during a period of one year after the lodging of the decree for execution (payments such as life annuity for the loss of enjoyment of life, the loss or impairment of capacity to work, or the death of the person providing maintenance, maintenance itself, etc.), the debtor's debtor shall execute such payments upon their respective maturity, without the creditor having to file another application for execution.
Če naloži sodišče s sklepom o izvršbi dolžniku plačevanje občasnih dajatev, ki zapadejo v določenih časovnih presledkih v enem letu od dneva vložitve predloga (denarna renta zaradi zmanjšanja življenjske aktivnosti, zaradi zmanjšanja oziroma izgube delovne zmožnosti, ali zaradi smrti tistega, ki je preživnino dajal, preživnina idr.) plačuje dolžnikov dolžnik te dajatve brez ponovne zahteve po njihovi zapadlosti.
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time interval