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301 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
- mora, za plemenske svinje, najmanjše število svinj za preiskavo v podenoti, v kateri so živali, ki se premeščajo, nastanjene, omogočati ugotavljanje povišane telesne temperature ob 5 % razširjenosti s 95 % zanesljivostjo;
- breeding sows, the minimum number of sows to be examined must allow for the detection of fever if it occurs at a prevalence of 5 % with 95 % confidence in the sub-unit where the sows to be moved are kept;
302 Pravna redakcija
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 2342/92 z dne 7. avgusta 1992 o uvozu čistopasemskih plemenskih živali, vrste goved, iz tretjih držav in odobritvi izvoznih nadomestil fn ter o razveljavitvi Uredbe (EGS) št. 1544/79 se s tem spremeni:
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2342/92 of 7 August 1992 on imports of pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species from third countries and the granting of export refunds thereon (6) and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1544/79 is hereby amended as follows:
303 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 27. julija 1994 o spremembi Odločbo 86/130/EGS o določitvi metod za merjenje in ocenjevanje proizvodnih lastnosti in metod za napovedovanje genetske vrednosti čistopasemskega plemenskega goveda (94/515/ES)
Commission Decision of 27 July 1994 amending Decision 86/130/EEC laying down performance monitoring methods and methods for assessing cattle's genetic value for pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species
304 Pravna redakcija
ker je iz praktičnih razlogov treba zagotoviti vzorec zootehniškega spričevala in pogoje, pod katerimi se lahko vpisujejo podatki v dokumentacijo, ki spremlja čistopasemske plemenske prašiče, njihovo seme, jajčne celice in zarodke;
whereas it is necessary for practical reasons to provide for a model certificate and the conditions in which the data can be entered in the document accompanying pure-bred breeding pigs, their semen, ova and embryos;
305 Pravna redakcija
ker je iz praktičnih razlogov treba določiti vzorec zootehniškega spričevala in pogoje, pod katerimi se lahko vpisujejo podatki v dokumentacijo, ki spremlja čistopasemske plemenske ovce in koze, njihovo seme, jajčne celice in zarodke;
whereas, for practical reasons, a specimen certificate and the conditions in which data may be entered in documents accompanying pure-bred breeding sheep and goats, their semen, ova and embryos should be laid down;
306 Pravna redakcija
Zato je treba pogoje, določene v veterinarskih spričevalih za trgovino s plemenskimi ovcami in kozami med državami članicami Evropske skupnosti in njihov uvoz iz tretjih držav spremeniti tako, da bodo odražali te nove zahteve Skupnosti.
Therefore, the conditions laid down in the health certificates for intra-Community trade and imports from third countries of breeding sheep and goats must be amended to reflect these new Community requirements.
307 Pravna redakcija
Do uvedbe pravil Skupnosti na tem področju, zootehniški pogoji za uvoz čistopasemskih plemenskih ovc in koz, njihovega semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov iz tretjih držav, ne smejo biti ugodnejši od tistih, ki urejajo promet znotraj Skupnosti.
Pending the implementation of Community rules on the subject, the zootechnical conditions applicable to imports of pure-bred breeding sheep and goats and the semen, ova and embryos thereof from third countries must not be more favourable than those governing intra-Community trade.
308 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1318
Pomoč, predvidena v členu 4(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 1601/92 za dobavo plemenskega materiala za domače kokoši s poreklom iz Skupnosti na Kanarske otoke, kot tudi število piščancev in valilnih jajc, za katere se koristi, se določi v Prilogi III.
The aid provided for in Article 4(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92 for the supply to the Canary Islands of breeding material of domestic fowl originating from the Community as well as the number of chicks and hatching eggs which benefit from it shall be as fixed in Annex III hereto.
309 Pravna redakcija
UREDBA KOMISIJE (ES) št. 774/98 z dne 8. aprila 1998 o spremembi Uredbe (EGS) št. 2342/92 o uvozu čistopasemskih plemenskih živali vrste goveda iz tretjih držav in dodelitvi izvoznih nadomestil zanj ter o razveljavitvi Uredbe (EGS) št. 1544/79
Commission Regulation (EC) No 774/98 of 8 April 1998 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2342/92 on imports of pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species from third countries and the granting of export refunds thereon and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1544/79
310 Pravna redakcija
ker je priporočljivo razširiti obseg skupne tržne ureditve za goveje in telečje meso tako, da bi zajemala čistopasemske plemenske živali vrste govedi, še zlasti zato, da se zagotovi enaka obravnava teh živali v trgovanju s tretjimi državami;
Whereas it is advisable to extend the scope of the common organization of the market in beef and veal to cover purebred breeding animals of the bovine species, with a particular view to ensuring equal treatment of such animals in trade with third countries;
311 Pravna redakcija
Države članice lahko zahtevajo, da čistopasemske plemenske ovce in koze, njihovo seme, jajčne celice in zarodke v prometu spremlja zootehniško spričevalo, sestavljeno v skladu z vzorcem, ki ga določi Komisija po postopku določenem v členu 8.
Member States may require pure-bred breeding sheep and goats and the semen, ova and embryos of such animals to be accompanied at the time of their marketing by a zootechnical certificate drawn up in accordance with the specimen established by the Commission under the procedure set out in Article 8.
312 Pravna redakcija
UREDBA KOMISIJE (EGS) št. 3224/92 z dne 4. novembra 1992 o popravku Uredbe (EGS) št. 2342/92 o uvozu čistopasemskih plemenskih živali vrste goveda iz tretjih držav in dodelitvi izvoznih nadomestil zanj ter o razveljavitvi Uredbe (EGS) št. 1544/79
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3224/92 of 4 November 1992 correcting Regulation (EEC) No 2343/92 on imports of pure- bred animals of the bovine species from third countries and the granting of export refunds thereon and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1544/79
313 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba razlikovati med sprejetjem čistopasemskih plemenskih prašičev in njihovega semena za osemenjevanje, če so bili opravljeni vsi uradni testi, predvideni za njihovo pasmo v državi članici, in njihovim sprejetjem zgolj za uradno testiranje;
Whereas it is necessary to make a distinction between the acceptance for artificial insemination of pure-bred breeding pigs and their semen which have undergone all the official tests laid down for their breed in a Member State and the acceptance of them solely for the purposes of official testing;
314 Pravna redakcija
ODLOČBA KOMISIJE z dne 28. decembra 2001 o določitvi metod za preverjanje porekla čistopasemskega plemenskega goveda in o spremembi odločb 88/124/EGS in 96/80/ES (notificirano pod dokumentarno številko K(2001) 4709) (Besedilo velja za EGP) (2002/8/ES)
Commission Decision of 28 December 2001 laying down the methods for the genetic identification of pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species and amending Decisions 88/124/EEC and 96/80/EC (Text with EEA relevance) (notified under document number C(2001) 4709)
315 Pravna redakcija
izkaza o poreklu, ki ga izda združenje, organizacija ali uradni organ države članice, vodeč rodovniško knjigo, ki zlasti prikazuje rezultat testa proizvodnosti in oceno (s podatki o poreklu) plemenske vrednosti živali ter njenih staršev in starih staršev.
the pedigree certificate issued by the association, organization or official body of the Member State holding the herd book showing in particular the results of performance tests and the results (with details of origin) of the assessment of the genetic value of the animal concerned and its parents and grandparents.
316 Pravna redakcija
Moške živali čistopasemskih plemenskih ovac in koz so sprejete za umetno osemenjevanje in uporabo svojega semena, če so opravile preizkuse svojih proizvodnih lastnosti in je bila napovedana njihova genetska vrednost v skladu z Odločbo Komisije 90/256/EGS fn.
Male pure-bred breeding sheep and goats shall be accepted for the purposes of artificial insemination and use of their semen if they have undergone tests for monitoring their performance and assessing their genetic value pursuant to Commission Decision 90/256/EEC (1).
317 Pravna redakcija
ker je Direktiva 89/361/EGS namenjena postopni sprostitvi prometa s čistopasemskimi plemenskimi ovcami in kozami znotraj Skupnosti; ker je zato potrebna dodatna uskladitev glede sprejetja takšnih živali ter njihovega semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov za pleme;
Whereas Directive 89/361/EEC is intended gradually to liberalize intra-Community trade in pure-bred breeding sheep and goats; whereas, in this connection, additional harmonization with regard to the acceptance for breeding purposes of such animals and their semen, ova and embryos is necessary;
318 Pravna redakcija
Moške živali čistopasemskih plemenskih ovac in koz so sprejete zaradi uradnega preizkusa in uporabe svojega semena znotraj količinskih omejitev, potrebnih za preizkus njihovih proizvodnih lastnosti in napoved njihove genetske vrednosti v skladu z Odločbo 90/256/EGS.
Male pure-bred breeding sheep and goats shall be accepted for the purposes of official testing and use of their semen, within the quantitative limits required for monitoring their performance and assessing their genetic value pursuant to Decision 90/256/EEC.
319 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
Države članice lahko za obrate z manj kot 350 kokoši nesnic ali tiste, ki gojijo plemenske kokoši nesnice, v povezavi s točko 1(a) in (b) dovolijo odstopanja glede obveznosti iz drugega stavka točke 1(d) in točk 2, 3(a)(i) in (b)(i) člena 4(1) Direktive 1999/74/ES.
Member States may authorise derogations for establishments with less than 350 laying hens or rearing breeding laying hens in relation to point 1(a) and (b) regarding obligations referred to in the second sentence of point 1(d) and points 2, 3(a)(i) and (b)(i) of Article 4(1) of Directive 1999/74/EC.
320 Pravna redakcija
ker člen 6 Direktive 89/361/EGS predvideva, da mora Komisija v skladu s postopki, določenimi v členu 8, določiti zootehniško spričevalo, ki ga države članice lahko zahtevajo v prometu čistopasemskih plemenskih ovc in koz, njihovega semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov;
Whereas Article 6 of Directive 89/361/EEC provides that the Commission is to determine, in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 8, the zootechnical certificate that may be required by the Member States for the marketing of pure-bred breeding sheep and goats, their semen, ova and embryos;
321 Pravna redakcija
Preden se čistokrvne plemenske živali, ki se ponovno uvažajo v Skupnost, sprosti v prosti promet, morajo biti bodisi vrnjena vsa dodeljena izvozna nadomestila bodisi mora pristojni organ ukreniti vse potrebno, da se zadrži izplačilo nadomestil, ki še niso bila izplačana.
Before release for free circulation of pure-bred breeding animals re-imported into the Community, any export refund granted must be repaid or the necessary measures taken by the competent authorities for such sums to be withheld if they have not already been paid.
322 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Po skotitvi je zajemanje možno in tudi primerno v vsaki proizvodni fazi, t. j. za vsako starostno skupino posameznih vrst živine (del proizvodnega procesa pred skotitvijo pa se ne more prikazati, ker ga ni mogoče izolirati od storitev, porabljenih za rejo plemenske živine).
From the time of birth, it is possible and also appropriate to record an entry for each phase of production, i.e. for each age group of individual animals (the part of the production process preceding the birth, however, cannot be recorded because it cannot be isolated from the services consumed in rearing the parent animal).
323 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0644
(1) Odločba Komisije 95/160/ES z dne 21. aprila 1995 o dodatnih jamstvih v zvezi s salmonelo za pošiljke vzrejne perutnine in enodnevnih piščancev, za vnos v jate plemenske perutnine ali jate perutnine za proizvodnjo, fn na Finsko in Švedsko je bila bistveno spremenjena fn.
(1) Commission Decision 95/160/EC of 21 April 1995 establishing additional guarantees regarding salmonella for consignments to Finland and Sweden of breeding poultry and day-old chicks for introduction into flocks of breeding poultry or flocks of productive poultry fn, has been substantially amended fn.
324 Pravna redakcija
DIREKTIVA SVETA 94/28/ES z dne 23. junija 1994 o določitvi načel v zvezi z zootehniškimi in genealoškimi pogoji, ki veljajo za uvoz živali, njihovega semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov iz tretjih držav, in o dopolnitvi Direktive 77/504/EGS o čistopasemskem plemenskem govedu
Council Directive 94/28/EC of 23 June 1994 laying down the principles relating to the zootechnical and genealogical conditions applicable to imports from third countries of animals, their semen, ova and embryos, and amending Directive 77/504/EEC on pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species
325 Pravna redakcija
ker se po teh sporazumih lahko opustijo nekatere določbe ali obveznosti v zvezi s tretjimi državami, vendar pa je pri sprostitvi čistopasemskih plemenskih živali v prosti promet v Skupnosti treba zahtevati izkaz o poreklu in zootehniško spričevalo ter zdravstveno spričevalo;
whereas, under those agreements, certain provisions relating to, or obligations on, the third countries concerned should be waived but the pedigree and breeding certificates and the health certificates relating to pure-bred breeding animals must be required to be presented on release for free circulation in the Community;
326 Pravna redakcija
Z odstopanjem od člena 8 in 9 prodaja ali druga oblika predaje plemenske živine ali drugega materiala za razplod živali za gospodarske namene kmetu s strani imetnika patenta ali z njegovim soglasjem vključuje tudi dovoljenje, da kmet uporablja zavarovano živino v kmetijske namene.
By way of derogation from Articles 8 and 9, the sale or any other form of commercialisation of breeding stock or other animal reproductive material to a farmer by the holder of the patent or with his consent implies authorisation for the farmer to use the protected livestock for an agricultural purpose.
327 Pravna redakcija
Za ta cilj si je mogoče prizadevati tudi posredno, s financiranjem programov genetskih izboljšav, ki vključujejo dobavo plemenskih živali čistih pasem, z nabavo komercialnih pasem, ki so bolj primerne za lokalne razmere, in z dodatki k premiji za krave dojilje in h klavni premiji.
This objective may also be pursued indirectly by financing genetic improvement programmes involving the purchase of pure-bred breeding animals, by purchasing commercial breeds more suited to local conditions and by supplementing the suckler cow premium and the slaughter premium.
328 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0050
(4) Z odstopanjem od določb iz odstavkov 2 in 3 lahko pristojni organi namembnih držav članic odobrijo splošna ali omejena odstopanja v zvezi s pretokom plemenskih ovc in koz ter ovc in koz za pitanje, ki so namenjene izključno za začasno pašo v bližini notranjih meja Skupnosti.
(4) By way of derogation from the provisions in paragraphs 2 and 3, the competent authorities of Member States of destination may grant general or limited derogations in respect of movement of ovine and caprine animals for breeding and fattening, intended solely for temporary pasturing near internal borders of the Community.
329 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0186
(3) Vzorčna spričevala za uvoz semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov govedi, prašičev, ovc in koz iz tretjih držav so določena v Odločbi komisije 96/510/ES z dne 18. julija 1996 o zootehniških spričevalih za uvoz plemenskih živali, njihovega semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov fn.
(3) Model certificates for imports from third countries of semen, ova and embryos of the bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine species are laid down in Commission Decision 96/510/EC of 18 July 1996 laying down the pedigree and zootechnical certificates for the importation of breeding animals, their semen, ova and embryos fn.
330 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba Direktivo Sveta 75/504/EGS z dne 25. julija 1977 o čistopasemskem plemenskem govedu fn, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Aktom o pristopu Grčije fn, spremeniti, da bi se upoštevalo odstopanje v zvezi s Portugalsko, predvideno v členu 343 Akta o pristopu iz leta 1985;
Whereas Council Directive 75/504/EEC of 25 July 1977 on pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species (9), as last amended by the Act of Accession of Greece (10), should be amended in order to take into account the derogation provided for in respect of Portugal in Article 343 of the 1985 Act of Accession;
331 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba določiti zdravstvene dokumente, ki morajo spremljati izvoz čistopasemskih plemenskih samic, starih do 60 mesecev, s katerimi se zagotovi, da so dejansko namenjene za pleme, in rezultat ocene plemenske vrednosti, ki mora biti naveden na izkazu o poreklu ali mu biti priložen;
Whereas the health documents required to accompany exports of pure-bred female breeding animals up to 60 months old in order to make sure that they are really intended for breeding and the genetic value assessment results that must appear on or accompany the pedigree certificate should be specified;
332 Pravna redakcija
da izhajajo, če je država članica namembnosti Finska ali Švedska, dan stari piščanci za vključevanje v jate plemenske perutnine ali jate perutnine za vzrejo, iz jat, na katerih so bili opravljeni preizkusi, z negativnimi izvidi, skladno s predpisi iz Odločbe Komisije 95/160/ES (8);
that, if the Member State of destination is Finland or Sweden, the day-old chicks for introduction into flocks of breeding poultry or flocks of productive poultry come from flocks which have been tested with negative results according to the rules laid down in Commission Decision 95/160/EC (8);
333 Pravna redakcija
Direktiva Sveta 94/28/ES z dne 23. junija 1994 o določitvi načel v zvezi z zootehničnimi in rodovniškimi predpisi, ki veljajo za uvoz živali, njihovega semena, jajčec in zarodkov iz tretjih držav, in o spremembah Direktive 77/504/EGS o čistopasemskem plemenskem govedu (UL L 178, 12. 7. 1994, str. 66)
Council Directive 94/28/EC of 23 June 1994 laying down the principles relating to the zootechnical and genealogical conditions applicable to imports from third countries of animals, their semen, ova and embryos, and amending Directive 77/504/EEC on pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species (OJ L 178, 12.7.1994, p. 66)
334 Pravna redakcija
katera koli druga čreda ovc, ki jo pristojni organ države članice prizna kot zelo pomembno za trgovanje s plemenskimi ovcami in za njihovo proizvodnjo in ki jo pristojni organ države članice želi vključiti v raziskavo, iste pasme, ki se redi na enem gospodarstvu in/ali za katero je odgovoren en rejec.
any other flock of sheep which is recognised by the competent authority of the Member State to be of high importance in the marketing or production of breeding sheep and which the competent authority of the Member State wishes to include in the survey, of the same breed, kept on a single holding and/or under the responsibility of a single keeper.
335 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0211
(7) Odločba Komisije 93/197/EGS z dne 5. februarja 1993 o pogojih zdravstvenega varstva živali in izdajanju veterinarskih spričeval pri uvozu registriranih kopitarjev ter plemenskih in proizvodnih kopitarjev fn v Prilogi I vsebuje seznam tretjih držav, iz katerih države članice dovolijo uvoz takšnih živali.
(7) Commission Decision 93/197/EEC of 5 February 1993 on animal health conditions and veterinary certification for imports of registered equidae and equidae for breeding and production fn, contains a list of third countries in Annex I from which Member States authorise imports of such animals.
336 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0859
Postopek za vzorčenje in testiranje cepljene populacije prašičev pred umikom omejitev, ki se uporabljajo na območju cepljenja v skladu s členom 19 Direktive 2001/89/ES, naj bo odvisen od starosti cepljenih prašičev, kategorije prašičev (pitanci/klavni, plemenski) in želene ravni varnosti glede odsotnosti virusa v populaciji.
The procedure for sampling and testing the vaccinated pig population before lifting the restrictions to be applied in the vaccinated area in accordance with Article 19 of Directive 2001/89/EC, should depend on the age of the vaccinated pigs, the category of pigs (fattening/slaughter, breeding) and the desired level of safety as regards the absence of virus circulation in the population.
337 Pravna redakcija
ker je zato treba preprečiti, da bi nacionalne določbe, ki se nanašajo na sprejetje hibridnih plemenskih prašičev ter njihovega semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov za pleme, prepovedovale ali omejevale trgovanje znotraj Skupnosti ali ovirale trgovanje v primeru naravnega pripusta in osemenjevanja, pa tudi odvzema jajčnih celic ali zarodkov;
Whereas, in this respect, it is necessary to prevent national provisions relating to the acceptance for breeding purposes of hybrid breeding pigs and their semen, ova and embryos from constituting a prohibition or restriction of intra-Community trade or an obstacle thereto whether in the case of natural service, artificial insemination or the taking of ova or embryos;
338 Pravna redakcija
ker je zato treba preprečiti, da bi nacionalna določila, ki se nanašajo na sprejetje čistopasemskih plemenskih prašičev ter njihovega semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov za pleme, prepovedovala ali omejevala trgovanje znotraj Skupnosti ali ovirala trgovanjev primeru naravnega pripusta in osemenjevanju, pa tudi odvzema jajčnih celic ali zarodkov;
Whereas, in this respect, it is necessary to prevent national provisions relating to the acceptance for breeding purposes of pure-bred breeding pigs and their semen, ova and embryos from constituting a prohibition or restriction of intra-Community trade or an obstacle thereto whether in the case of natural service, artifical insemination or the taking of ova or embryos;
339 Pravna redakcija
Med nedavnimi pogajanji med našima delegacijama o pripravi določb o uvozu ovčetine, jagnjetine in kozjega mesa ter živih ovc in koz, razen čistokrvnih plemenskih živali, iz Socialistične republike Romunije v Evropsko gospodarsko skupnost, v povezavi s skupno ureditvijo trga za ovčje in kozje meso, ki jo uvaja Skupnost, sta se delegaciji dogovorili:
During the negotiations recently undertaken between our respective delegations for the purpose of drawing up provisions concerning import into the European Economic Community of mutton, lamb and goatmeat, and live sheep and goats other than purebred breeding animals from the Socialist Republic of Romania, in connection with implementation by the Community of the common organization of the market in sheepmeat and goatmeat, our delegations agreed as follows:
340 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0186
ob upoštevanju Direktive Sveta 94/28/ES z dne 23. junija 1994 o določitvi načel v zvezi z zootehniškimi in genealoškimi pogoji, ki veljajo za uvoz živali, njihovega semena, jajčnih celic in zarodkov iz tretjih držav, in dopolnitvi Direktive 77/504/EGS o čistopasemskem plemenskem govedu fn, in zlasti tretje alinee člena 5, druge alinee člena 6 in druge alinee člena 7 Direktive,
Having regard to Council Directive 94/28/EC of 23 June 1994 laying down the principles relating to the zootechnical and genealogical conditions applicable to imports from third countries of animals, their semen, ova and embryos, and amending Directive 77/504/EEC on pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species fn, and in particular the third indent of Article 5, the second indent of Article 6 and the second indent of Article 7 thereof,
341 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0098
Dokler se ne preuči natančneje razvoj živinorejskega sektorja v najbolj oddaljenih regijah in pogoji preskrbe s plemenskimi živalmi, je treba začasno določati število upravičenih živali in jajc in, kjer je to ustrezno, pomoč za te dobave, upoštevajoč kriterije iz členov 6 in 7 Uredbe (ES) št. 1452/2001, člena 4 Uredbe (ES) št. 1453/2001 in člena 4 Uredbe (ES) št. 1454/2001.
Pending a more detailed examination of the development of the livestock sectors in the outermost regions, and of the conditions for supplying breeding animals, the number of eligible animals and eggs should be renewed on a temporary basis and, where applicable, the aid for these supplies, taking into account the criteria referred to in Articles 6 and 7 of Regulation (EC) No 1452/2001, Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1453/2001 and Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1454/2001.
342 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0050
(4) Za ovce in koze za pitanje in plemenske ovce in koze, ki se pošljejo v drugo državo članico z odobrenega zbirališča v državi članici izvora, se zdravstveno spričevalo iz odstavka 1 in ki ustreza pripadajočemu vzorcu II ali III v Prilogi E, lahko izda na podlagi pregledov, predvidenih v odstavku 3, in na podlagi uradnega dokumenta, ki vsebuje vse potrebne podatke uradnega veterinarja, odgovornega za gospodarstvo izvora.
(4) For ovine and caprine animals for fattening and breeding dispatched to another Member State from an approved assembly centre located in the Member State of origin, the health certificate referred to in paragraph 1, conforming to either model II or III set out in Annex E as appropriate, may only be issued on the basis of the checks provided for in paragraph 3 and of an official document containing the necessary information completed by the official veterinarian responsible for the holding of origin.
343 Pravna redakcija
Ta cilj je mogoče doseči tudi posredno s financiranjem programov genetskih izboljšav, ki vključujejo nakup plemenskih vzrejnih živali, z nakupom komercialnih pasem, bolj primernih za lokalne razmere in z dodatki k premijam za krave dojilje in h klavni premiji ter, kjer je to primerno z omogočanjem uvoza samcev goveda za pitanje iz tretjih držav v skladu z določenimi pogoji, in z odstopanjem od uvoznih pogojev za živali in živila živalskega izvora.
This objective may also be pursued indirectly by financing genetic improvement programmes involving the purchase of pure-bred breeding animals, by purchasing commercial breeds more suited to local conditions, by supplementing the suckler cow premium and the slaughter premium and, where appropriate, by making it possible to import from third countries male bovine animals intended for fattening under certain conditions, as well as by derogating from the import conditions for animals and foodstuffs of animal origin.
344 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1318
(1) Pri uporabi členov 2, 3 in 4 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1601/92 je treba določiti za sektorja jajc in perutninskega mesa in za tržno leto 2001/02 na eni strani količine mesa in jajc v predvideni dobavni bilanci, za katere se uveljavlja oprostitev carine na uvoz iz tretjih držav ali pomoč za dobave s poreklom iz drugega dela Skupnosti, in na drugi strani količine plemenskega materiala s poreklom iz Skupnosti, za katere se koristi pomoč, namenjena razvoju proizvodnih kapacitet na Kanarskem otočju.
(1) In application of Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92 it is necessary to determine for the eggs and poultrymeat sectors and for the 2001/02 marketing year, on the one hand, the quantities of meat and eggs of the forecast supply balance which benefit from an exemption from the duty on imports from third countries or from an aid for deliveries originating in the rest of the Community, and on the other hand, the quantities of breeding material originating in the Community which benefit from an aid with a view to developing the potential for production in the archipelago of the Canaries.
345 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977R2237
346 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1444
plemenske samice
breeding females
347 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0630
"plemenska svinja": svinja med odstavitvijo svojih pujskov in perinatalno dobo;
'dry pregnant sow`: a sow between weaning her piglets and the perinatal period;
348 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0024
bivolje samice, plemenske;
female breeding buffaloes;
349 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986D0130
Genetska vrednost testiranih bikov mora biti navedena kot plemenska vrednost ali kot primerjava z vrstniki za vsako lastnost.
The genetic merit of tested bulls must be stated as a breeding value or contemporary comparison for each trait.
350 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990D0255
Čistopasemska plemenska ovca ali koza mora za vpis v glavni del rodovniške knjige za svojo pasmo izpolnjevati naslednje pogoje:
To qualify for entry in the main section of the book of its breed a pure-bred breeding sheep or goat must:
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