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kontrolni organ
301 Pravna redakcija
ker je v zvezi z iztovarjanjem rib v pristaniščih treba upoštevati odstopanja od nekaterih določb v zvezi z mejnimi kontrolnimi točkami in osebjem, pristojnim za organizacijo nadzora;
Whereas, in relation to the landing of fish in ports, it is necessary to take account of the derogation from certain provisions relating to the border inspection posts and the staff responsible for the organization of the controls;
302 Pravna redakcija
"Po pripravi se overjeni izvirnik potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu priloži pošiljki in predloži ustreznemu organu države članice, ki preveri pošiljko zaradi sprostitve v prost promet."
'After this preparation, the endorsed original of the certificate of inspection shall accompany the consignment, and shall be presented to the relevant Member State's authority, which shall verify the consignment in view of its release for free circulation.'
303 Pravna redakcija
Pridelovalec mora za namene kontrole kontrolnemu organu omogočiti dostop do shranjevalnih in pridelovalnih prostorov ter do parcel, kakor tudi do evidenc in ustrezne spremne dokumentacije.
The producer must give the inspection body, for inspection purposes, access to the storage and production premises and to the parcels of land, as well as to the accounts and relevant supporting documents.
304 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0671
»V takšnih primerih pristojni organi namembne države članice na kontrolnem izvodu T5 ali države članice, kadar se kot dokazilo uporablja nacionalni dokument, vpišejo pod ` Pripombe` v rubriki z naslovom ` Nadzor uporabe in/ali destinacije` na kontrolnem izvodu T5 ali v ustrezno rubriko nacionalnega dokumenta enega od naslednjih vpisov:
"In such cases, one of the following entries shall be added by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination of the T5 control copy or the Member State where a national document is used as proof under the heading 'Remarks' in the section headed 'Control of use and/or destination' on the T5 control copy or under the corresponding heading of the national document:
305 Pravna redakcija
standardni kontrolni postopek, po katerem je treba ravnati, in vključuje podroben opis kontrolnih in previdnostnih ukrepov, ki jih organ izvaja pri pridelovalcih, ki so vključeni v kontrolo;
the standard inspection procedure to be followed, containing a detailed description of the inspection measures and precautions which the body undertakes to impose on operators subject to its inspection;
306 Pravna redakcija
V takem primeru velja glede vstopa prek schengenskega letališča isti postopek, razen tega, da se obvestijo mejni kontrolni organi na mejnem prehodu, kjer mornar vstopi na schengensko ozemlje.
In this case the same procedure applies with respect to entry via a Schengen airport except that the border control authorities of the border crossing point through which the seamen concerned enter Schengen territory, are informed.
307 Pravna redakcija
Za vsako organizacijo proizvajalcev se pred izplačilom pomoči ali preostalega zneska pomoči, ki se nanaša na končno leto njenega operativnega programa, opravi najmanj en kontrolni pregled.
At least one check must be made on each producer organisation before the payment of the aid or the balance thereof relating to the final year of its operational programme.
308 Pravna redakcija
ker morajo biti dejavnosti v zvezi z metodo ocenjevanja pridelka od tržnega leta 1999/2000 vključene v delovnem razporedu kontrolnih organov, predvidenih v členu 31 Uredbe (ES) št. 2366/98;
Whereas from the 1999/2000 marketing year the work involved in the method of assessing yields must be integrated in the work schedule of the control agencies provided for in Article 31 of Regu-lation (EC) No 2366/98;
309 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
To je oseba, opredeljena v členu 2(2)(e) Direktive 97/78/ES, ki je odgovorna za pošiljko, ko se ta predloži mejni kontrolni točki, in daje potrebne izjave pristojnim organom v imenu uvoznika:
This is the person defined in Article 2(2)(e) of Directive 97/78/EC, who is in charge of the consignment when presented to the border inspection post and makes the necessary declarations to the competent authorities on behalf of the importer:
310 Pravna redakcija
Carinski urad izstopa ali urad, ki mu je poslan kontrolni izvod T5, pristojne organe iz odstavka 5 pisno, z uporabo kopije originalnega dokumenta, obvesti o rezultatih analiz, na kateri zabeleži:
The customs office of exit or the office to which the T5 control copy is sent shall inform the competent authorities referred to in paragraph 5 in writing, using a copy of the original document, of the result of the tests, reporting:
311 Pravna redakcija
Vsako dovoljenje ali potrdilo mora vsebovati naslov te konvencije, naziv in kakršenkoli identifikacijski žig upravnega organa, ki ga je izdal ter kontrolno številko, ki jo dodeli upravni organ.
Each permit or certificate shall contain the title of the present Convention, the name and any identifying stamp of the management authority granting it and a control number assigned by the management authority.
312 Pravna redakcija
in so podrobni podatki s kritičnih kontrolnih točk evidentirani in shranjeni, da lahko lastnik, upravljavec ali njun predstavnik in, po potrebi, pristojni organi spremljajo potek delovanja obrata.
and details of the critical control points are recorded and maintained so that the owner, operator or their representative and, as necessary, the competent authority can monitor the operation of the plant.
313 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organ države članice imenuje posebej usposobljenega uradnega zastopnika, ki je pristojen za izvajanje pregledov rib na mejnih kontrolnih točkahv pristaniščih, kjer se ribe iztovarjajo.
The competent authority of a Member State shall designate an official agent, who is specifically trained, to be responsible for the carrying out of checks on fish in border inspection posts located in ports where fish is unloaded.
314 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organi oblasti opravijo skupne kontrolne meritve kakovosti voda, kjer je to primerno, na območjih, kjer vode tvorijo ali prečkajo mejo med Zvezno republiko Nemčijo in Republiko Avstrijo.
The competent authorities shall carry out control measurements of the quality of the waters, jointly where this is expedient, in areas where the waters form or cross the frontier between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria.
315 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1829
"kontrolni vzorec" pomeni GSO ali njegov genski material (pozitivni vzorec) in starševski organizem ali njegov genski material, ki je bil uporabljen za namene genskega spreminjanja (negativni vzorec);
'control sample' means the GMO or its genetic material (positive sample) and the parental organism or its genetic material that has been used for the purpose of the genetic modification (negative sample);
316 Pravna redakcija
V teh primerih morajo pristojni organi oblasti države članice, za katero je namenjen kontrolni izvod T5 ali države članice, ki kot dokazilo uporablja nacionalni dokument, pod naslovom "Pripombe" v rubriki z naslovom "Nadzor uporabe in/ali destinacije" na kontrolni izvod T5 oziroma pod ustrezen naslov v nacionalnem dokumentu, dodati eno izmed naslednjih zabeležk:
In such cases, one of the following entries shall be added by the competent authorities of the Member State of destination of the T5 control copy or the Member State where a national document is used as proof under the heading "Remarks" in the section headed "Control of use and/or destination" on the T5 control copy or under the corresponding heading of the national document:
317 Pravna redakcija
Država članica, ki odpošilja meso navedeno v členu 8(a), iz obrata ali mejne kontrolne točke, ki jo je odobrila Skupnost, s svojega ozemlja čez ozemlje Združenega kraljestva ali v obrat, odobren v skladu s členom 9, zagotovi, da meso spremlja veterinarsko spričevalo, ki ga izda uradni veterinar, ali spričevalo, ki ga izda pristojni organ mejne kontrolne točke.
A Member State which dispatches meat as referred to in Article 8(a) from an establishment or Community approved border inspection post in its territory through the territory of the United Kingdom or to an establishment approved in accordance with Article 9 shall ensure that the meat is accompanied by a veterinary certificate issued by an official veterinarian or the certificate issued by the competent authority of the border inspection post.
318 Pravna redakcija
Kadar kontrolni pregled razkrije pomembne nepravilnosti, pristojni organi izvedejo dodatne kontrolne preglede med tekočim tržnim letom in povečajo pogostnost kontrolnih pregledov v naslednjem tržnem letu.
Where checks reveal significant irregularities, the competent authorities shall carry out additional checks during the marketing year in progress and shall increase the frequency of checks in the following marketing year.
319 Pravna redakcija
Če se proizvodi izvažajo po predelavi in prečkajo ozemlje ene ali več držav članic, izda kontrolni izvod T 5 carinski urad odhoda ob predložitvi dokumenta, izdanega od organa, ki je preverjal predelavo.
Where products are to be exported after processing and are to cross the territory of one or more other Member State(s), the control copy T5 shall be issued by the customs office of departure on production of a document issued by the authority verifiying the processing.
320 Pravna redakcija
Po tej pripravi overjen izvirnik potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu spremlja pošiljko in se ga predloži ustreznemu organu države članice za uskladitev s členom 4(1) zaradi sprostitve pošiljke v prost promet.
After this preparation, the endorsed original of the certificate of inspection shall accompany the consignment, and will be presented to the relevant Member State's authority to comply with Article 4(1) in view of the release for free circulation of the consignment.
321 Pravna redakcija
ker se navzkrižna kontrola, ki jo predvideva integrirani administrativni in kontrolni sistem glede upravičenosti parcel, izvajajo od 15. septembra, morajo za sprejetje pogodb in izjav o dostavi, ki so pristojnim organom predložene po tem datumu, veljati ad hoc kontrolni pregledi, ki jih ti organi izvedejo, da bi ugotovili izpolnjevanje pogojev o navedenih parcelah izvora;
whereas, since the cross-checks provided for in the integrated administration and control system as regards the eligibility of parcels are to be applied from 15 September, acceptance by the competent authorities of contracts and delivery declarations submitted after that date should be made subject to ad hoc checks carried out by those authorities in order to establish the eligibility of the parcels of origin indicated;
322 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organi namembne pogodbenice lahko v namembnem kraju pregledajo proizvode s nediskriminacijskimi kontrolnimi pregledi na podlagi vzorčenja, da se zagotovi njihova skladnost z določbami iz te priloge.
The competent authorities of the Party of destination may check the products at destination by means of non-discriminatory sampling checks to ensure they comply with the provisions covered by this Annex.
323 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba zaradi učinkovitega nadzora nad dejavnostjo predelovalnih podjetij določiti minimalni odstotek proizvodov, ki bo pregledan na sistematičnih kontrolnih pregledih, ki jih izvedejo pristojni organi;
Whereas, with a view to the effective monitoring of the activities of processing undertakings, a minimum production percentage should be fixed as being subject to systematic checks by the competent authorities;
324 Pravna redakcija
To izjavo je treba predložiti pristojnim organom na mejni kontrolni točki v kraju prvega vstopa blaga v Skupnost, ki jo opremijo z uradnim zaznamkom, in mora nato spremljati pošiljko do oleokemijskega obrata.
This declaration must be presented to, and annotated by, the competent authority at the border inspection post at the first point of entry of the goods into the Community, and thereafter accompany the consignment up to the oleochemical plant.
325 Pravna redakcija
Pri preverjanju pošiljke proizvodov iz člena 1 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092 ustrezni organi države članice overijo izvirno potrdilo o kontrolnem pregledu v okencu 17 in ga vrnejo osebi, ki je potrdilo predložila.
At the verification of a consignment of products referred to in Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91, the original certificate of inspection shall be endorsed by the relevant Member State's authorities in box 17 and returned to the person who submitted the certificate.
326 Pravna redakcija
take proizvode pridelajo ali pripravijo pridelovalci, katerih podjetja so predmet kontrole kontrolnih organov oblasti ali kontrolnega organa iz člena 9(1), in katerim je organ oblasti ali organ dodelil pravico do uporabe označbe, prikazane v Prilogi V;
have been produced or prepared by operators whose undertakings are subject to inspection by the inspection authority or an inspection body as referred to in Article 9 (1) and have been awarded the right by that authority or body to use the indication shown in Annex V;
327 Pravna redakcija
Delodajalcu naj se omogoči, da delavcev ne obvesti ali se z njimi ne posvetuje, kadar bi to resno škodilo podjetju ali obratu ali kadar mora takoj izpolniti naročilo, ki mu ga izda kontrolni ali nadzorni organ.
The employer should be allowed not to inform and consult where this would seriously damage the undertaking or the establishment or where he has to comply immediately with an order issued to him by a regulatory or supervisory body.
328 Pravna redakcija
je overitev potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu s strani ustreznih organov države članice za izpolnjevanje člena 4(2) ter, kadar ti organi štejejo za primerno, proizvodov glede na zahteve Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91;
shall mean the verification by the relevant Member States' authorities of the certificate of inspection to satisfy Article 4(2), and, where these authorities consider appropriate, of the products in relation to the requirements of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91;
329 Pravna redakcija
"Po delitvi se overjeni izvirnik vsakega izpiska potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu priloži zadevni seriji in predloži ustreznemu organu države članice, ki zadevno serijo preveri zaradi sprostitve v prost promet."
'After the splitting, the endorsed original of each extract of the certificate of inspection shall accompany the batch concerned, and shall be presented to the relevant Member State's authority, which shall verify the concerned batch in view of its release for free circulation.'
330 Pravna redakcija
Če so proizvodi po predelavi v državi članici, v kateri so bili odstranjeni iz intervencijskih zalog, odpravljeni za nadaljnjo predelavo, ki ji sledi izvoz, kontrolni izvod T 5 izda organ, ki preverja predelavo.
Where products are to be dispatched after processing in the Member State in which the removal from intervention stock took place, for further processing followed by exportation, the control copy T 5 shall be issued by the authority verifying the processing.
331 Pravna redakcija
Pred sprostitvijo pošiljk v prosti pretok znotraj Skupnosti morajo pristojni organi vzorčiti uvozne pošiljke predelanih živalskih beljakovin na mejni kontrolni točki, za zagotovitev skladnosti z zahtevami iz odstavka 10 poglavja I. Pristojni organi morajo:
Before consignments are released for free circulation within the Community, the competent authority must sample imports of processed animal protein at the border inspection post to ensure compliance with the requirements of Chapter I, paragraph 10. The competent authority must:
332 Pravna redakcija
Prevozno podjetje za kontrolne namene iz člena 429 da v namembni državi, v skladu z določbami iz medsebojnega dogovora, carinskim organom na razpolago vse predajne liste TR, ki se nanašajo na prevoze iz odstavka 6.
For the purposes of the control referred to in Article 429, the transport undertaking shall in the country of destination make all TR transfer notes for the transport operations referred to in paragraph 6 available to the customs authorities in accordance with any provisions defined by mutual agreement with those authorities.
333 Pravna redakcija
Argentinski organi oblasti so Komisiji predložili vsa potrebna jamstva in podatke ter ji tako zagotovili, da novi kontrolni in certifikacijski organ izpolnjuje merila, določena v členu 11(2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91.
The Argentine authorities have provided the Commission with all the necessary guarantees and information to satisfy it that the new inspection and certification body meets the criteria laid down in Article 11(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
334 Pravna redakcija
Železniške družbe za kontrolne namene iz člena 415 dajo v namembni državi v skladu z določbami iz medsebojnega dogovora carinskim organom na razpolago vse tovorne liste CIM, ki se nanašajo na prevoze iz odstavka 4.
For the purposes of the control referred to in Article 415, the railway companies shall, in the country of destination, make all the consignment notes CIM for the transport operations referred to in paragraph 4 available to the customs authorities, in accordance with any provisions defined by mutual agreement with those authorities.
335 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organi lahko pooblaščenemu pošiljatelju dovolijo, da ne podpisuje kontrolnih izvodov T5, opremljenih s posebnim žigom iz Priloge 62, ki so izpolnjeni po postopku elektronske ali avtomatske obdelave podatkov.
The competent authorities may authorize the authorized consignor not to sign control copy T5 forms bearing the special stamp referred to in Annex 62 which are made out by an electronic or automatic data-processing system.
336 Pravna redakcija
vsako leto do 31. januarja pristojnemu organu oblasti države članice pošlje seznam pridelovalcev, ki so bili 31. decembra predhodnega leta predmet kontrolnega pregleda in ji predloži kratko in jedrnato letno poročilo.
send to the competent authority of the Member State by 31 January each year a list of operators subject to their inspection on 31 December of the previous year and present to the said authority a concise annual report.
337 Pravna redakcija
Avstralski organi oblasti so Komisiji predložili vsa potrebna jamstva in podatke ter tako zagotovili, da novi kontrolni in certifikacijski organ izpolnjuje merila, predpisana v členu 11(2) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2092/91.
The Australian authorities have provided the Commission with all the necessary guarantees and information to satisfy it that the new inspection and certification body meets the criteria laid down in Article 11(2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
338 Pravna redakcija
Do 1. junija vsako leto, države članice sporočijo finančne in kvalitativne podatke o organizacijah proizvajalcev, operativnih skladih in operativnih programih ter kontrolnih pregledih in kaznih, določenih v Prilogi III.
By 1 June of each year, Member States shall report financial and qualitative data on producer organisations, operational funds and operational programmes and checks and penalties as set out in Annex III.
339 Pravna redakcija
V takih primerih carinski urad izstopa ali urad, ki mu je poslan kontrolni izvod T5, na kontrolnem izvodu T5 ali, kjer se uporablja, na nacionalnem dokumentu, ki se vrne pristojnim organom, zabeleži eno od naslednjih navedb:
In such cases, the customs office of exit or the office to which the T5 control copy is sent shall indicate one of the following on the T5 control copy or, where applicable, on the national document to be returned to the competent authorities:
340 Pravna redakcija
je na etiketi prikazano ime in/ali firma proizvajalca, pripravljavca ali prodajalca skupaj z imenom ali šifro kontrolnega organa oblasti ali organa kot tudi vsaka oznaka, ki se zahteva v skladu z ustreznimi predpisi o označevanju živil v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti."
show on the labelling the name and/or business name of the producer, preparer or vendor together with the name or code number of the inspection authority or body, and any indication required in accordance with the provisions of the regulations on the labelling of foodstuffs, in accordance with Community legislation.'
341 Pravna redakcija
Države članice uvedejo kontrolni sistem, ki ga vodi eden ali več določenih kontrolnih organov oblasti in/ali odobreni zasebni organi, katerim so podrejeni pridelovalci, ki pridelujejo ali pripravljajo proizvode iz člena 1.
Member States shall set up an inspection system operated by one or more designated inspection authorities and/or by approved private bodies to which the operators producing or preparing products as referred to in Article 1 shall be subject.
342 Pravna redakcija
Organ prosilec, ki želi poslati uslužbenca, imenovanega v skladu s prvim pododstavkom odstavka 4, v drugo pogodbenico, da bi se tam udeležil kontrolnih postopkov v smislu druge alinee istega pododstavka, pravočasno obvesti zaprošeni organ pred začetkom teh postopkov.
A requesting authority wishing to send an official designated in accordance with the first subparagraph of paragraph 4 to another Party to take part in control procedures as referred to in the second indent of that subparagraph shall inform the requested authority in good time before such procedures are commenced.
343 Pravna redakcija
Če je carinski urad izstopa ali urad, ki mu je poslan kontrolni izvod T5, vzel vzorec, se na kontrolnem izvodu T5 ali, kjer se uporablja, na nacionalnem dokumentu, ki se vrne pristojnim organom, zabeleži ena od naslednjih navedb:
If the customs office of exit or the office to which the T5 control copy is sent has taken a sample, one of the following shall be noted on the T5 control copy or, where applicable, on the national document to be returned to the competent authorities:
344 Pravna redakcija
V izjemnih in primerno utemeljenih primerih, pristojni organ lahko sprejme zahtevke po datumu, ki je določen v členu 1, če so bili kontrolni pregledi iz člena 23 opravljeni in če je bil upoštevan rok za plačilo iz člena 19.
In exceptional and duly justified cases, the competent authority may accept applications after the date provided for in paragraph 1, if the checks provided for in Article 23 have been carried out and the time limit for payment provided for in Article 19 is complied with.
345 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Uradni veterinar ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, obvesti carinske organe mejne kontrolne točke o veterinarskem dovoljenju za pošiljko, kakor je predvideno v odstavku 1, tako da predloži izvirnik SVVD ali z elektronskimi sredstvi.
The official veterinarian or the person responsible for the load shall notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary clearance of the consignment as provided for in paragraph 1 by submitting the original of the CVED, or by electronic means.
346 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov osebe, odgovorne za pridelavo ali pripravo proizvoda ali, če je naveden drugi prodajalec, izjava, ki prejemni enoti in kontrolnemu organu omogoča nedvoumno identifikacijo osebe, ki je odgovorna za pripravo proizvoda;
the name and address of the person responsible for the production or preparation of the product, or, where another seller is mentioned, a statement which enables the receiving unit and the inspection body to identify unequivocally the person responsible for the preparation of the product;
347 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1234
Z odstopanjem od tega pogoja, lahko pristojni organ dovoli proizvodnjo krvnih proizvodov za krmljenje rib v obratih, ki predelujejo kri prežvekovalcev, ki imajo priznani kontrolni sistem za preprečevanje navzkrižne kontaminacije.
By way of derogation from that condition, the competent authority may permit the production of blood products for use in fish feed in establishments processing ruminant blood, which have a recognised control system in place preventing cross-contamination.
348 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov osebe, odgovorne za pridelavo ali pripravo proizvoda ali, če je naveden drugi prodajalec, izjava, ki prejemni enoti in kontrolnemu organu omogoča nedvoumno identifikacijo osebe, ki je odgovorna za pridelavo proizvoda;
the name and address of the person responsible for the production or preparation of the product, or, where another seller is mentioned, a statement which enables the receiving unit and the inspection body to identify unequivocally the person responsible for the production of the product;
349 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2377
To dokazilo, po možnosti v obliki kontrolnega izvoda T5, mora nazorno pokazati - na način, ki je sprejemljiv za pristojne organe države članice uvoza - da je bila celotna uvožena količina predelana v proizvode iz člena 6(2)(c).
That proof, possibly in the form of the T5 control copy, must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the competent authorities of the Member State of importation that all the quantities imported have been processed into the product referred in Article 6(2)(c).
350 Pravna redakcija
Uradniki svetujejo in pomagajo osebju teh enot schengenskih držav pri varnostnih in kontrolnih ukrepih na zunanjih schengenskih mejah na njihovo prošnjo ter v dogovoru s pristojnimi organi gostiteljice in v skladu z njihovimi zahtevami.
They shall advise and support the regular members of the executive agencies of the Schengen States in the surveillance and checking measures at the external Schengen borders at their request and in agreement with the host authority and in accordance with their instructions.
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kontrolni organ