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301 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0808
Pristojni organ mora pred odobritvijo sežigalnico z majhno zmogljivostjo pregledati in vsaj enkrat letno spremljati izpolnjevanje določil te uredbe.
The competent authority must inspect the low-capacity incineration plant before approval, and at least once a year to monitor compliance with this Regulation."
302 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1804
(2) V skladu s členom 4(4)(iv) Uredbe (ES) št. 2037/2000 mora Komisija vsako leto pregledati nujne uporabe halonov iz Priloge VII k navedeni uredbi.
(2) Under Article 4(4)(iv) of Regulation (EC) No 2037/2000, the Commission is mandated to review each year the critical uses of halon listed in Annex VII to that Regulation.
303 Pravna redakcija
Spodnja in zgornja indikativna cena se pregledata:
The lower and upper indicative prices shall be reviewed:
304 Pravna redakcija
Kadar dobi carinski urad izvoza letno manj kakor 20 izvoznih deklaracij na sektor, mora letno fizično pregledati vsaj eno izvozno deklaracijo na sektor.
Where a customs office of export accepts fewer than 20 export declarations per sector per year, at least one export declaration per sector per year must be subjected to a physical check.
305 Pravna redakcija
identificirati posamezne dele naprav ali posebne opreme, uporabljene pri študiji in pregledati zapise o kalibraciji, vzdrževanju in servisiranju opreme,
identify individual items of apparatus or special equipment used in the study and examine the calibration, maintenance and service records for the equipment,
306 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba Odločbo 97/368/ES pregledati pred 28. februarjem 1998 in je treba na podlagi ugotovitev ukrepe iz te odločbe podaljšati do 30. junija 1998;
Whereas Decision 97/368/EC should be reviewed before 28 February 1998 and on the ground of the current findings it should be necessary to extend the measures provided in this Decision until 30 June 1998;
307 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0004
(6) Te začasno dovoljene snovi je treba v ustreznem obdobju ponovno oceniti na podlagi novih znanstvenih podatkov in po potrebi ponovno pregledati Prilogo.
(6) These provisionally acceptable substances should be reassessed on the basis of new scientific data and the Annex reviewed as appropriate within an adequate period of time.
308 Pravna redakcija
Vse proizvodne enote (ribnike, bazene, mrežaste kletke itd.) je treba pregledati v zvezi s prisotnostjo mrtvih ali slabotnih rib ali rib z nenormalnim vedenjem.
All production units (ponds, tanks, net-cages, etc.) must be inspected for the presence of dead, weak or abnormally behaving fish.
309 Pravna redakcija
na splošno pregledati stanje morskega območja, učinkovitost sprejetih ukrepov, prednostne naloge in potrebo po kakršnih koli dodatnih ali drugačnih ukrepih;
generally to review the condition of the maritime area, the effectiveness of the measures being adopted, the priorities and the need for any additional or different measures;
310 Pravna redakcija
Da bi pospešili trgovanje s prašičjim mesom in uskladili stopnje varščin za uvozna dovoljenja znotraj sektorjev mesa, je treba pregledati stopnjo varščine.
In order to facilitate trade of pigmeat and to harmonise the levels of securities for import licences within the meat sectors it is necessary to review the level of security.
311 Pravna redakcija
Mleto meso iz člena 3 in mesne pripravke iz člena 5 je treba vsak dan mikrobiološko pregledati, drugo mleto meso in izdelke iz mesa pa najmanj enkrat tedensko.
Microbiological tests must be carried out on minced meat as referred to in Article 3 and minced-meat preparations as referred to in Article 5 on a daily basis and at least weekly on other minced meat and meat preparations.
312 Pravna redakcija
Vzorec za analizo se vzame le, kadar carinski urad izstopa ne more vizualno in s podatki na embalaži in dokumentaciji pregledati, ali se blago ujema z dokumentom.
A sample for analysis shall be taken only in cases where the customs office of exit cannot check visually and by means of the information on the packaging and the documentation, whether the goods tally with the document.
313 Pravna redakcija
Jajca z mrtvimi ali umirajočimi zarodki je treba sproti, vsa ostala jajca pa štiri dni po inokulaciji, ohladiti na 4 ĹźC in pregledati alantoisno-amnionske teko
Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs four days after inoculation, should be chilled to 4 ° C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.
314 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
Treba je omeniti, da je bila Hynixova trditev splošna, brez navedbe podatkov, ki jih je želel pregledati, da bi lahko ocenil razmere v industriji Skupnosti. (169)
It is noted that Hynix's claim was of a general nature, without specifying which data it would like to review in order to allow it to assess the situation of the Community industry.(169)
315 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2181
(5) V skladu s členom 65 Kadrovskih predpisov mora Svet vsako leto pregledati in po potrebi prilagoditi prejemke iz dela uradnikov in drugih uslužbencev Skupnosti.
(5) Pursuant to Article 65 of the Staff Regulations, the Council is each year to review, and if appropriate adjust, the remuneration of the officials and other servants of the Communities.
316 Pravna redakcija
Priglašeni organ mora pregledati predlagane spremembe in se odločiti, ali spremenjeni sistem kakovosti ustreza ustreznim določbam in ali je potrebna vnovična ocena.
The notified body must examine the proposed modifications and decide whether the modified quality system complies with the relevant provisions or whether reappraisal is necessary.
317 Pravna redakcija
ker mora Komisija v primeru drugih izdelkov pregledati uvozne pogoje, uvozne trende in različne vidike gospodarske in trgovinske razmere ter sprejeti morebitne ukrepe;
Whereas, in the case of other products, the Commission must examine import terms and conditions, import trends, the various aspects of the economic and commercial situation, and the measures, if any, to be taken;
318 Pravna redakcija
Priglašeni organ mora pregledati predlagane spremembe in se odločiti, ali spremenjeni sistem kakovosti zadošča ustreznim določbam in ali je potrebna vnovična ocena.
The notified body must examine the proposed changes and decide whether the amended quality system satisfies the relevant provisions or whether a reassessment is necessary.
319 Pravna redakcija
Na tem srečanju je revizor dolžen pregledati načrt kontrol in potrditi, da so na voljo zadostni viri, dokumentacija in vsa druga potrebna sredstva za izvedbo kontrole.
At this meeting the auditor will be responsible for reviewing the verification plan and confirming that adequate resources, documentation, and any other necessary facilities are available for conducting the verification.
320 Pravna redakcija
izvedejo fotointerpretacijosatelitskih ali letalskih posnetkov vseh enot rabe ali poljin, ki jih je treba pregledati, da se identificira pokrovnost tal in izmeri površina;
perform photo interpretation of satellite images or aerial photographs of all agricultural parcels to be checked with a view to recognizing the ground cover and measuring the area;
321 Pravna redakcija
Oba membranska filtra preglejte v skladu s točko 2. Če filtrov ni mogoče pregledati, ponovite celoten postopek prebave s podaljšanim časom prebave v skladu s točko 1.
The two membrane filters are examined according to point 2. If the filters cannot be examined repeat the entire digestion process with extended digestion time according to point 1.
322 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
(26) Različne dodatke je treba racionalizirati, nekatere temeljito pregledati in druge ukiniti, s čimer se administrativna pravila poenostavijo in naredijo preglednejša.
(26) The various allowances should be rationalised, through an overhaul of some allowances and the discontinuation of others, in order to make the administrative rules simpler and more transparent.
323 Pravna redakcija
Za te spremembe, navedene v nadaljnjem besedilu, je treba vsako zahtevo pregledati v okviru postopka znanstvenega ovrednotenja (kakor v primeru izdaje dovoljenja za promet).
For these changes, listed below, any application has to be considered within a complete scientific evaluation procedure (as for the granting of a marketing authorisation).
324 Pravna redakcija
V nekaterih primerih lahko ocenjevalci za učinkovito presojo študije potrebujejo pomoč drugih strokovnjakov, na primer, kadar je treba pregledati dele tkiva pod mikroskopom.
In some cases, inspectors may need assistance from other experts in order to conduct an effective study audit, for example, where there is a need to examine tissue sections under the microscope.
325 Pravna redakcija
Meso je treba pred mletjem ali sekljanjem pregledati v skladu s členom 7 Vse onesnažene, razbarvane in sumljive dele se odstrani in zavrže preden se meso zmelje ali seseklja.
Meat must be examined before mincing or cutting up, in accordance with Article 7.All soiled and suspect parts shall be removed and condemned before the meat is minced.
326 Pravna redakcija
Priglašeni organ mora pregledati napravo in opraviti ustrezne preskuse, ob upoštevanju projektne dokumentacije, da zagotovi njeno skladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami te direktive.
The notified body must examine the appliance and carry out the appropriate tests, taking account of the design documentation in order to ensure its conformity with the essential requirements of this Directive.
327 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0916
V luči navedenih dejstev je Svet Evropske Unije preučil svoj sklep z 10. januarja 2003 in se odločil ponovno pregledati ustrezne ukrepe iz člena 96(2)(c) Sporazuma, in sicer:
In the light of these elements, the Council of the European Union reviewed its decision of 10 January 2003 and decided to review the appropriate measures referred to in Article 96(2)(c) of the Agreement as follows:
328 Pravna redakcija
Vlada Čila ima namen pregledati svojo zakonodajo v skladu s Prilogo V (Sporazum o trgovini z vini), glede ureditve splošne rabe izrazov, ki so zaščiteni v skladu s to prilogo.
The Government of Chile has the intention to review its legislation in conformity with Annex V (Agreement on trade in wines), regarding the regulation of the common use of the terms protected under that Annex.
329 Pravna redakcija
Vzorec za analizo se vzame samo, kadar carinski urad izstopa ne more vizualno in z informacijo na pakiranju in v dokumentaciji pregledati, ali se blago sklada s spremnim dokumentom.
A sample for testing shall be taken only in cases where the customs office of exit cannot check, visually and using the information on the packaging and in the documentation, whether the goods tally with the accompanying document.
330 Pravna redakcija
Poleg tega je treba vzorce zbrati, pripraviti in pregledati, kot je opisano v delih I.I do I.IV, rezultati laboratorijskih preiskav pa so morali biti glede VHS in/ali IHN negativni.
Further, the samples must be selected, prepared and examined as described in Parts I.I to I.IV and the laboratory examinations must have produced negative results for VHS and/or IHN.
331 Pravna redakcija
Organizacija mora pregledati in po potrebi popraviti postopke, ki zadevajo njeno pripravljenost in odziv na izredne razmere, še posebej, kadar pride do nesreče ali izrednih razmer.
The organisation shall review and revise, where necessary, its emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular, after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations.
332 Pravna redakcija
Krvni vzorci morajo biti odvzeti vsaj 60 naključno izbranim pticam, pregledati pa jih je treba s testom inhibicije hemaglutinacije (HI test) v skladu s postopkom, navedenim v točki 2.
Blood samples must be obtained from at least 60 birds randomly chosen and examined by the Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test in accordance with the procedure listed in point 2.
333 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba Odločbo 97/368/ES ponovno pregledati pred 30. septembrom 1997 in ker je treba na podlagi tekočih ugotovitev ukrepe iz navedene odločbe podaljšati do 28. februarja 1998;
Whereas Decision 97/368/EC should be reviewed before 30 September 1997 and on the ground of the current findings it should be necessary to extend the measures provided in this Decision until 28 February 1998;
334 Pravna redakcija
Velikost, število in razporeditev delov zemljišča, ki ga je potrebno pregledati z namenom, da se preveri skladnost z določbami te priloge, se določi v skladu s primernimi metodami.'
The size, the number and the distribution of the portions of the field to be inspected in order to examine the satisfaction of the provisions of this Annex shall be determined in accordance with appropriate methods.
335 Pravna redakcija
Vzorce je treba izbrati, pripraviti in pregledati, kakor je opisano v delih I.I do I.IV, rezultati laboratorijskih preiskav pa morajo biti glede povzročiteljev VHS in/ali IHN negativni.
The samples must be selected, prepared and examined as described in Parts I.I. to I.IV and the laboratory examinations must be negative as regards to the agents of VHS and/or IHN.
336 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je zaradi spremembe posledično treba ponovno pregledati povzetek glavnih značilnosti zdravila, označevanje in navodilo za uporabo/vloženi listič, se to šteje za del spremembe.
Where a variation requires consequential revision of the summary of product characteristics, labelling and package leaflet/insert, this is considered as part of the variation.
337 Pravna redakcija
Poleg tega je treba vzorce zbirati, pripraviti in pregledati, kakor je opisano v delih I.I do I.IV, rezultati laboratorijskih preiskav pa so morali biti glede VHS in/ali IHN negativni; ali
Further, the samples must be selected, prepared and examined as described in Parts I.I to I.IV and the laboratory examinations must have produced negative results for VHS and/or IHN; or
338 Pravna redakcija
Dovoljenje se priloži kot podpora pisni izvozni deklaraciji ali pa mora biti na voljo v drugih primerih skupaj s predmeti kulturne dediščine, tako da ga je mogoče na zahtevo pregledati.
The licence shall be presented in support of a written export declaration or be available in other cases for production with the cultural goods for examination upon request.
339 Pravna redakcija
ker predstavlja nenamerni uvoz drugih vrst školjk v pošiljkah Crassostrea gigas precejšnje tveganje bolezni; ker je treba, da bi se temu izognili, pošiljke pregledati pred pošiljanjem;
Whereas the inadvertent importation of other mollusc species in consignments of Crassostrea gigas is a considerable disease risk; whereas consignments must be checked before dispatch to avoid this;
340 Pravna redakcija
Priglašeni organ mora glede na druge faze ES-verifikacije pregledati, ali odobritev in nadzor sistema(-ov) kakovosti pravilno in v zadostni meri zajemata vse faze podsistema iz točke 3.2.
The notified body must, concerning the other stages of the EC verification, examine if all stages of the subsystem as mentioned in point 3.2 are sufficiently and properly covered by the approval and surveillance of quality system(s).
341 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0509
(2) Odločba 2001/338/ES določa, da jo je treba znova pregledati na podlagi jamstev perujskih pristojnih oblasti in na podlagi rezultatov inšpekcijskega pregleda Skupnosti na kraju samem.
(2) Decision 2001/338/EC provides that it is to be reviewed on the basis of guarantees provided by the Peruvian competent authorities and on the basis of the results of a Community inspection on the spot.
342 Pravna redakcija
"7. Proizvode, za katere je sprejeta plačilna deklaracija, je treba ob sprejetju deklaracije fizično pregledati in sicer z reprezentativno izbiro najmanj 5 % sprejetih plačilnih deklaracij.
"7. Products for which a payment declaration is accepted shall be subject to a physical check when the declaration is accepted, relating to a representative selection of at least 5 % of accepted payment declarations.
343 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0010
(d) pregledati zaključna poročila, da potrdi, da so metode, postopki in opažanja točno in popolno opisani ter da poročani rezultati točno in popolno odražajo neobdelane podatke študij;
(d) inspect the final reports to confirm that the methods, procedures, and observations are accurately and completely described, and that the reported results accurately and completely reflect the raw data of the studies;
344 Pravna redakcija
Najvišje vodstvo organizacije mora v časovnih presledkih, ki jih določi samo, pregledati sistem okoljskega ravnanja, da tako zagotovi njegovo nenehno ustreznost, zadostnost in učinkovitost.
The organisation's top management shall, at intervals that it determines, review the environmental management system, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
345 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
Za tem ima pravico pregledati in izmeriti vso ribiško orodje, ki se nahaja na ali v bližini delovne palube in je pripravljeno za uporabo, ter ulov na in/ali pod palubo in ustrezno dokumentacijo.
He/she is then entitled to inspect and measure all fishing gear on or near the working deck and readily available for use and the catch on and/or below decks and any relevant documents.
346 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0117
Jajca z mrtvimi ali umirajočimi zarodki je treba sproti, vsa ostala jajca pa štiri dni po inokulaciji, ohladiti na 4 ºC in pregledati alantoisno-amnionske teko čine na hemaglutinacijsko aktivnost.
Eggs with dead or dying embryos as they arise, and all remaining eggs four days after inoculation, should be chilled to 4 ° C and the allantoic-amniotic fluids tested for haemagglutination activity.
347 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0131
V ta namen je pripravljena pred 31. decembrom 2001 ponovno pregledati ta sklep, če bi prišlo do spodbudnega razvoja dogodkov, vendar si pridržuje pravico do nadaljnjih ukrepov, če ne bo izboljšanja.
To this end, it is ready to review this Decision before 31 December 2001 if there are encouraging developments but reserves the right to take further measures if there is no improvement.
348 Pravna redakcija
Nato je upravičen pregledati in izmeriti vse ribolovno orodje na delovni palubi ali v njeni bližini, ki je takoj na voljo za uporabo in ulov na palubah in/ali pod njimi, ter vse s tem povezane dokumente.
He is then entitled to inspect and measure all fishing gear on or near the working deck and readily available for use and the catch on and/or below decks and any relevant documents.
349 Pravna redakcija
Priglašeni organ mora glede na druge faze ES-verifikacije pregledati, ali odobritev in nadzor sistema(-ov) kakovosti vlagatelja(-ev) pravilno in v zadostni meri zajemata vse faze podsistema iz točke 3.2.
The notified body must, concerning the other stages of the EC verification examine, if all stages of the subsystem as mentioned under point 3. 2 are sufficiently and properly covered by the approval and surveillance of quality system(s).
350 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0253
"mejni prehod" pomeni kraj na meji med Madžarsko in Romunijo, kjer je treba žive živali pred vstopom v Skupnost pokazati in pregledati v skladu z Direktivo 91/496/EGS, kakor je spremenjena s to odločbo.
"crossing point" means a location situated at the border between Hungary and Romania, where live animals shall be presented to enter the Community and shall be checked in accordance with Directive 91/496/EEC as adapted by this Decision.
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