Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
Prevodi: en > sl
determine the issue
351 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
The period of time determined under the second and third points of the first paragraph of the present Article shall commence on the day the decree for the delivery-up of the immovable property to the purchaser is issued.
Čas, določen v 2. in 3. točki prvega odstavka tega člena, se šteje do dneva, ko je bil izdan sklep o izročitvi nepremičnine kupcu.
352 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
A creditor may apply to the court in the course of execution proceedings to issue a decree ordering the employer to pay all the amounts determined by the decree for execution which he has failed to deduct or pay.
Upnik lahko predlaga, naj sodišče v izvršilnem postopku s sklepom naloži delodajalcu, naj mu poravna vse zneske, ki jih ni odtegnil in izplačal po sklepu o izvršbi.
353 Prevod
A compulsory insurance certificate attesting that insurance or other financial security is in force in accordance with the provisions of this Convention shall be issued to each ship after the appropriate authority of a State Party has determined that the requirements of paragraph 1 have been complied with.
Potrdilo o obveznem zavarovanju, ki priča o veljavnem zavarovanju ali drugem finančnem jamstvu skladno z določbami te konvencije, se izda vsaki ladji, potem ko ustrezni organ države pogodbenice ugotovi, da so izpolnjene zahteve odstavka 1.
354 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If the obligation of a debtor's debtor to repay a claim is dependent on the obligation of the debtor to deliver up a specific thing in his possession, this latter obligation being determined by a finally binding judgement, the court shall, upon an application by the creditor on whom the claim has been transferred into collection, issue a decree ordering the debtor to deliver up the thing in question to the court, which shall thereupon hand it over to the debtor's debtor.
Če je obveznost dolžnikovega dolžnika, da poravna terjatev, odvisna od obveznosti dolžnika, da mu izroči določeno stvar, ki je v dolžnikovi posesti, in je ta obveznost ugotovljena s pravnomočno sodbo, izda sodišče na predlog upnika, na katerega je bila terjatev prenesena v izterjavo, sklep, da mora dolžnik izročiti to stvar sodišču, ki jo bo izročilo dolžnikovemu dolžniku.
Prevodi: en > sl
determine the issue