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inspection post
351 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0056
Where the consignment is presented for veterinary inspection, the official health certificate shall be provided in the English language as well as in one of the official languages of the Member State in which the border inspection post where the consignment is presented is situated.
352 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
This box to be used by the transit border inspection post of exit from the EU when consignments are sent in transit across the EU and are checked outwards as laid down in Decision 2000/208/EC.
To polje uporabi mejna kontrolna točka izstopa iz EU pri tranzitu, kadar se pošiljke pošljejo v tranzitu skozi EU in se pregledajo ob izstopu, kakor je določeno v Odločbi 2000/208/ES.
353 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0372
(d) they are certified as acceptable for transit or storage (as appropriate) on the common veterinary entry document by the official veterinarian of the border inspection post of introduction."
(d) uradni veterinar na mejni kontrolni točki uvoza jih potrdi kot sprejemljive za tranzit ali skladiščenje (kakor je ustrezno) na skupnem veterinarskem vstopnem dokumentu."
354 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
The person responsible for the load shall complete part 1 of the requisite number of copies of the CVED and transmit them to the official veterinarian responsible for the border inspection post.
Oseba, ki je odgovorna za tovor, izpolni del 1 potrebnega števila izvodov CVED in jih preda pristojnemu uradnemu veterinarju na mejni kontrolni točki.
355 Pravna redakcija
the products are conveyed only by land and sea from their country of origin direct to a border inspection post in the Community and are not transhipped at any port or place outside the Community;
se proizvodi prevažajo le po kopnem in po morju iz države izvora neposredno na mejno kontrolno točko v Skupnosti, in se ne pretovarjajo v nobeni luki ali kraju zunaj Skupnosti;
356 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
This is the person who is in charge of the consignment when presented at the border inspection post and who makes the necessary declarations to the competent authorities on behalf of the importer:
To je oseba, ki je odgovorna za pošiljko, ko jo predloži na mejni kontrolni točki, in v imenu uvoznika pripravi potrebne deklaracije za pristojne oblasti.
357 Pravna redakcija
358 Pravna redakcija
359 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22002D0157
List of agreed border inspection posts:
Seznam dogovorjenih mejnih kontrolnih točk:
360 Pravna redakcija
In addition, when checking that the requirements of paragraph 2 have been complied with, the official veterinarian of the border inspection post shall verify compliance with animal welfare requirements.
Poleg tega, ob preverjanju skladnosti z zahtevami odstavka 2, uradni veterinar mejni kontrolni točki preveri skladnost z zahtevami v zvezi z dobrim počutjem živali.
361 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
Where consignments fail to arrive or there is a quantitative or qualitative mismatch, the competent authority responsible for the border inspection post of destination shall complete part 3 of the CVED.
Kadar pošiljka ne prispe, ali pa količinsko ali kakovostno ni povsem ustrezna, pristojni organ, odgovoren za mejno kontrolno točko namembnega kraja, izpolni del 3 CVED.
362 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the existing rules for transhipment of consignments at a border inspection post are laid down in Article 4 of Commission Decision 93/14/EEC (2) and must be repealed and replaced by this Decision;
ker so obstoječa pravila za pretovarjanje pošiljk na mejni kontrolni točki predpisana v členu 4 Odločbe Komisije 93/14/EGS fn h je treba razveljaviti in nadomestiti s to odločbo;
363 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the official veterinarian at the border inspection post, after having completed the veterinary checks, must issue a certificate attesting that these checks have been carried out to his satisfaction;
ker mora uradni veterinar na mejni kontrolni točki po opravljenih veterinarskih pregledih izdati spričevalo, ki potrjuje, da glede opravljenih veterinarskih pregledov nima pripomb;
364 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0211
(g) the equidae shall arrive at a border inspection post at the point of entry into the Community within 10 days of being certified in the exporting third country for transport or movement to the Community.
(g) da kopitarji prispejo na mejno kontrolno točko vstopa v Skupnost znotraj desetih dni po tem, ko so bila izdana veterinarska spričevala za prevoz ali premik v Skupnost.
365 Pravna redakcija
In cases where the maximum period defined in Article 2 has elapsed the consignment must be submitted to the checks laid down in Article 4 of Directive 97/78/EC, at the border inspection post of introduction.
Če preteče najdaljše obdobje, opredeljeno v členu 2, je treba pošiljko podrediti pregledom iz člena 4 Direktive 97/78/ES na vhodni mejni kontrolni točki.
366 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
For animals entering the Community which are exempt from the obligation to undergo identity and/or physical checks pursuant to Article 4(3) or Article 8(A)(I)(b)(ii) of Directive 91/496/EEC, where the documentary check is satisfactory, the official veterinarian at the border inspection post of entry into the Community shall notify the official veterinarian at the border inspection post of the place of destination.
O živalih, ki vstopajo v Skupnost in za katere ne velja obveznost identifikacijskih in/ali fizičnih pregledov na podlagi člena 4(3) ali člena 8(A)(I)(b)(ii) Direktive 91/496/EGS, kjer zadošča dokumentacijski pregled, uradni veterinar mejne kontrolne točke na vstopu v Skupnost uradno obvesti veterinarja na mejni kontrolni točki namembnega kraja.
367 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0804
The competent authority at the border inspection post in the Member State of arrival shall complete the document referred to in the Annex to Decision 92/527/EEC with one of the following statements as appropriate:
Pristojni organ na mejni kontrolni točki v državi članici prihoda izpolni dokument iz Priloge k Odločbi 92/527/EGS z eno od naslednjih izjav, če je to primerno:
368 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0599
give the name of the country with its ISO code and the exit point as defined in Article 1 of Decision 93/444/EEC and the name and number of the border inspection post of entry of the animals into the European Union.
navedite ime države z oznako ISO in izstopno točko, kot je določena v členu 1 Odločbe 93/444/EGS, in ime ter število mejnih kontrolnih točk vstopa živali v Evropsko unijo.
369 Pravna redakcija
370 Pravna redakcija
A Member State which dispatches meat as referred to in Article 8(a) from an establishment or Community approved border inspection post in its territory through the territory of the United Kingdom or to an establishment approved in accordance with Article 9 shall ensure that the meat is accompanied by a veterinary certificate issued by an official veterinarian or the certificate issued by the competent authority of the border inspection post.
Država članica, ki odpošilja meso navedeno v členu 8(a), iz obrata ali mejne kontrolne točke, ki jo je odobrila Skupnost, s svojega ozemlja čez ozemlje Združenega kraljestva ali v obrat, odobren v skladu s členom 9, zagotovi, da meso spremlja veterinarsko spričevalo, ki ga izda uradni veterinar, ali spričevalo, ki ga izda pristojni organ mejne kontrolne točke.
371 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
After completion of the veterinary checks provided for in Article 4 of Directive 97/78/EC, part 2 of the CVED shall be completed under the responsibility of the official veterinarian responsible for the border inspection post.
Po zaključku veterinarskih pregledov, predvidenih v členu 4 Direktive 97/78/ES, je uradni veterinar, pristojen za mejno kontrolno točko, odgovoren za izpolnitev dela 2 SVVD.
372 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0831
(1) The list of border inspection posts for veterinary checks on live animals and animal products from third countries, approved by Commission Decision 2001/881/EC fn which includes the Animo unit number for every border inspection post, should be updated to take account in particular of developments in certain Member States and of Community inspections.
(1) Seznam mejnih kontrolnih točk za veterinarske preglede živih živali in živalskih proizvodov iz tretjih držav, odobren z Odločbo Komisije 2001/881/ES fn, ki vključuje številko enote Animo za vsako mejno kontrolno točko, je treba posodobiti tako, da se zlasti upošteva razvoj v nekaterih državah članicah in spremembe pri nadzoru Skupnosti.
373 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Each certificate or document for animal health or public health which accompanies a consignment of products originating in a third country and presented to the border inspection post must be inspected in order to confirm as appropriate:
Vsako veterinarsko ali javnozdravstveno spričevalo ali dokument, ki spremlja pošiljko proizvodov s poreklom iz tretje države, predloženo mejni kontrolni točki, je treba pregledati, da se potrdi, kakor je primerno:
374 Pravna redakcija
[In particular, for frontier inspection posts:
[Zlasti za mejne kontrolne točke:
375 Pravna redakcija
This declaration must be presented to, and annotated by, the competent authority at the border inspection post at the first point of entry of the goods into the Community, and thereafter accompany the consignment up to the oleochemical plant.
To izjavo je treba predložiti pristojnim organom na mejni kontrolni točki v kraju prvega vstopa blaga v Skupnost, ki jo opremijo z uradnim zaznamkom, in mora nato spremljati pošiljko do oleokemijskega obrata.
376 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
This is the person defined in Article 2(2)(e) of Directive 97/78/EC, who is in charge of the consignment when presented to the border inspection post and makes the necessary declarations to the competent authorities on behalf of the importer:
To je oseba, opredeljena v členu 2(2)(e) Direktive 97/78/ES, ki je odgovorna za pošiljko, ko se ta predloži mejni kontrolni točki, in daje potrebne izjave pristojnim organom v imenu uvoznika:
377 Pravna redakcija
The post-mortem health inspection must include:
Pregled po zakolu mora obsegati:
378 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
In the meantime the consignment shall remain under the control of the authorities and under the responsibility of the official veterinarian or designated official agent in the border inspection post that has carried out the veterinary controls.
Medtem pošiljka ostane pod nadzorom organov in pod odgovornostjo uradnega veterinarja ali imenovanega uradnega zastopnika na mejni kontrolni točki, ki je opravil veterinarske preglede.
379 Pravna redakcija
(date) and, according to the declaration of the transporter, will be transported by ship and the duration of the transport will be such that they will have undergone a minimum of 14 days salting before they reach the EC border inspection post (1);
(datum) in, v skladu z izjavo prevoznika, se bodo prevažale z ladjo in prevoz bo trajal tako dolgo, da bodo nasoljene najmanj 14 dni, preden bodo prispele na mejno kontrolno točko ES(1);
380 Pravna redakcija
The list of border inspection posts for veterinary checks on live animals and animal products from third countries, approved by Commission Decision 2001/881/ EC (5), as amended by Decision 2002/455/EC (6), which includes the ANIMO unit number for every border inspection post, must be updated to take account in particular of developments in certain Member States and of Community inspections.
Seznam mejnih kontrolnih točk za veterinarske preglede živih živali in živalskih proizvodov iz tretjih držav, odobren z Odločbo Komisije 2001/881/ES fn, kakor je bila spremenjena z Odločbo 2002/455/ES fn, ki vključuje številko enote Animo za vsako mejno kontrolno točko, je treba posodobiti tako, da se upoštevata zlasti razvoj v nekaterih državah članicah in pregledi v Skupnosti.
381 Pravna redakcija
CHAPTER II Post-mortem health inspection of rabbits
POGLAVJE II Pregled kuncev po zakolu
382 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0091
the inspection posts for importation of fresh meat.
kontrolnih točk za uvoz svežega mesa.
383 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
However, for animals in transit or being transhipped, whose final destination is outside the Community, the original veterinary document accompanying the animals on arrival shall travel onwards with them and copies only shall be kept at the border inspection post.
Pri živalih v tranzitu ali za pretovarjanje, katerih končni namembni kraj je izven Skupnosti, izvirni veterinarski dokument, ki spremlja živali ob prispetju, potuje dalje z živalmi, mejna kontrolna točka pa shrani samo izvode.
384 Pravna redakcija
In the section for border inspection posts in ITALY:
V oddelku za mejne kontrolne točke v ITALIJI:
385 Pravna redakcija
In the section for border inspection posts in SPAIN:
V oddelku za mejne kontrolne točke v ŠPANIJI:
386 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
(5) However, it is necessary to lay down specific rules regarding the practical management of the certificate in situations where consignments receive veterinary clearance at the border inspection post but remain under customs supervision for fiscal reasons for some time.
(5) Vendar je treba določiti posebna pravila za praktično ravnanje s spričevali, kadar pošiljke dobijo veterinarsko dovoljenje na mejni kontrolni točki, vendar ostanejo nekaj časa pod nadzorom carine zaradi fiskalnih razlogov.
387 Pravna redakcija
In the section for border inspection posts in FRANCE:
V oddelku za mejne kontrolne točke v FRANCIJI:
388 Pravna redakcija
experience of production-line post mortem inspection.
izkušnje s proizvodnimi pregledi po zakolu.
389 Pravna redakcija
In the section for border inspection posts in GREECE:
V oddelku za mejne kontrolne točke v GRČIJI:
390 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
The official veterinarian or the person responsible for the load shall notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary clearance of the consignment as provided for in paragraph 1 by submitting the original of the CVED, or by electronic means.
Uradni veterinar ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, obvesti carinske organe mejne kontrolne točke o veterinarskem dovoljenju za pošiljko, kakor je predvideno v odstavku 1, tako da predloži izvirnik SVVD ali z elektronskimi sredstvi.
391 Pravna redakcija
Several Member States have experienced practical problems in the implementation of the above import requirements, in particular with the procedure at the border inspection post due to the lack of knowledge about approved quarantine facilities or centres in other Member States.
Več držav članic je imelo praktične težave pri uresničevanju zgoraj navedenih uvoznih zahtev, še posebno s postopkom na mejnih kontrolnih točkah zaradi nepoznavanja odobrenih karantenskih zmogljivosti ali središč v drugih državah članicah.
392 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
The official veterinarian, the importer or the person responsible for the load shall then notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary decision taken on the consignment, by presenting the original of the CVED, or by sending it electronically.
Uradni veterinar, uvoznik ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, uradno obvesti carinske organe, pristojne za mejno kontrolno točko, o veterinarski odločbi, sprejeti v zvezi s pošiljko, s predložitvijo izvirnika CVED, ali s pošiljanjem tega z elektronsko pošto.
393 Pravna redakcija
Before consignments are released for free circulation within the Community, the competent authority must sample imports of processed animal protein at the border inspection post to ensure compliance with the requirements of Chapter I, paragraph 10. The competent authority must:
Pred sprostitvijo pošiljk v prosti pretok znotraj Skupnosti morajo pristojni organi vzorčiti uvozne pošiljke predelanih živalskih beljakovin na mejni kontrolni točki, za zagotovitev skladnosti z zahtevami iz odstavka 10 poglavja I. Pristojni organi morajo:
394 Pravna redakcija
experience of production-line post mortem inspection.'
opravljanje pregledov po zakolu na konvejerju."
395 Pravna redakcija
In the section for border inspection posts in DENMARK:
V oddelku za mejne kontrolne točke na DANSKEM:
396 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0831
in the section for border inspection posts in DENMARK:
v oddelku za mejne kontrolne točke na DANSKEM:
397 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Where consignments of products have received veterinary clearance at the border inspection post as provided for in Article 3(1), but remain under customs supervision and are released for free circulation at a later stage, the procedure set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall apply.
Kadar pošiljke proizvodov dobijo veterinarsko dovoljenje na mejni kontrolni točki, kakor je predvideno v členu 3(1), vendar ostanejo pod carinskim nadzorom in se sprostijo v prosti promet pozneje, se uporablja postopek iz odstavkov 2, 3 in 4.
398 Pravna redakcija
The list of ANIMO units in Commission Decision 2002/ 459/EC 0, which includes the ANIMO unit number for each border inspection post in the Community, must accordingly be updated to take account of any relevant changes and to maintain an identical list to that in Decision 2002/881/EC.
Seznam enot Animo v Odločbi Komisije 2002/459/ES fn, ki vključuje številko enote Animo za vsako mejno kontrolno točko v Skupnosti, je treba ustrezno posodobiti tako, da se upoštevajo vse s tem povezane spremembe in se vzdržuje seznam, ki je enak tistemu v Odločbi 2002/881/ES.
399 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0831
1.in the section for border inspection posts in FRANCE:
1. v oddelku za mejne kontrolne točke v FRANCIJI:
400 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0831
(5) The list of Animo units in Commission Decision 2002/459/EC fn which includes the Animo unit number for each border inspection post in the Community, should accordingly be updated to take account of any relevant changes and to maintain an identical list to that in Decision 2001/881/EC.
(5) Seznam enot Animo iz Odločbe Komisije 2002/459/ES fn, ki vključuje številko enote Animo za vsako mejno kontrolno točko v Skupnosti, je treba ustrezno dopolniti, tako da se upoštevajo vse ustrezne spremembe in se ohrani seznam, identičen tistemu iz Odločbe 2001/881/EC.
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inspection post